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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2009, 01:45:12 AM »
the next five...





« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 01:50:07 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2009, 02:19:04 AM »
the last five...






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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2010, 02:59:01 AM »
Tonight's premiere episode was probably the best I've ever seen....but really, that mental nut, Michelle is still in? Seriously, ABC told Jake to keep her just for the editing and drama and she better go next week or I'm gonna cry fowl......

It's down to fifteen....

Tenley got the first impression rose! (She wasn't my choice to get it) ABC probably had a hand to that one!

The other fourteen that got roses are....

Elizabeth (NE)
and yes, that nut, Michelle!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2010, 10:35:31 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love' premiere

First, let me start this season by saying Happy New Year to you all. I hope this new year has greeted all of you well and it is my hope that it is a wonderful, successful year for us all. A little irony to start this new season off: I’m home for the holidays and writing this first blog sitting in Dallas, Texas, which also happens to be the hometown of our new bachelor Jake. In fact, he came over and we spent some time together watching football on New Year’s Day. He’s a good Texas boy who I think you’ll grow to like more and more as the season goes on. Because time is short I’m simultaneously prepping for my TV Guide Network red carpet hosting duties by watching Inglourious Basterds while I write this. I doubt this is how Quentin Tarantino would want me to be experiencing his film but you gotta multitask you know.

I just released a list of ten of my favorite Bachelor/Bachelorette moments of all time in Entertainment Weekly. I have to admit that while those were some of my faves, those are purely “TV” moments and they’re not exactly what I remember most about my time on this show. Teaching Aaron Burge to drive a Maserati on the PCH (while network execs looked on in horror), sitting around the fire with Ryan and Trista’s family and friends trading stories the night before their wedding, gaining a love and appreciation of wine with Andrew Firestone, tossing the pigskin and talking football with Jesse Palmer (still haven’t gotten my Roger Staubach throwback jersey, Jesse), living in Paris and Rome with my family, stalking Bono on his yacht (I’ll explain this story later this season) — those are some of moments that have really stuck with me over the years, and the kinds of moments I will truly remember and cherish.

Couple things you may have noticed that are very different about this season. First of all, we’re in HD. This would have been awesome news about eight years ago. I’m only slightly excited now as I’m kind of on the back side of my HD quality days, if you know what I mean. Damn you, technology. The other big difference, and I know you all love this, no lengthy teases and recaps heading into commercial breaks. I love this too and think it gives us that much more time to show you the women and, of course, Jake. I’m sure you noticed we’re back at the same house we’ve now used for the last few years. Your first inside scoop about Jake is that he loves to fly but doesn’t love motorcycles all that much, but I think we’ll all agree he looks damn cool on one. I have to say this is a pretty impressive group of women and I’m anxious to read what you all have to say. As is always the case, the limo arrivals gave us many cringe-worthy “bless her heart” moments. Ali with the peacock feather, still have no idea what that was about. I do have to give Ali credit as she was deathly ill with the flu and did everything she could just to get well enough to say hello to Jake that first night. Jessie, “do you have registration for those guns.” Ron Burgundy called and wants his line back. Vienna just went straight for the abs, sure most women have no problem with that tactic. Ashleigh, no, not Ashley with the Jake-Ashley spinner (what?), the Ashleigh who pulled off a magnificent fake trip into Jake’s arms. I’m sure many of you spent the night debating with friends if the trip into his arms was fake and the answer is yes. She admitted later to Jake that she fell into his arms on purpose. Chevy Chase couldn’t pull off a pratfall that good on his best day. Might have dated myself with that reference. The other Ashley is the one who put on the flight attendant uniform to impress Jake. Not sure if it worked on Jake but it definitely didn’t impress Kathryn, who is a real flight attendant and was a bit annoyed with the stereotype.

One of the more interesting moments of the night I loved was the football game. Elizabeth and Jake were out front tossing the ball and talking. Then all of a sudden there were 25 women in cocktail dresses and heels playing a full-on football game. Not sure if you could tell but it was blondes vs. brunettes. For the record, the brunettes won the game. The good news is the blondes didn’t realize it. Sorry, blondes, too easy! Jessie was by far the player of the game, dominating with 5 TD’s. I’ve heard from many women, and some men, that Jake has an amazing body but I will call him out on this — the guy kinda throws like a girl. See, he isn’t perfect.

It was great to have Jillian and Ed back in the house. She is such a spark and it’s good to see that despite what was “reported,” they are great and looking forward to a wedding. If any of you had a game going at home, yes, there was a reference to the mile high club already. But it was Channy who took the pilot analogies to a whole other level by telling Jake he could “land his plane on her landing strip.” Wow, that’s aggressive in any language!

I think one of the best parts about episode 1 is the super tease at the end of the show. No doubt you saw or heard about the controversy next week surrounding one of the bachelorettes. I’m sure you will read and hear more about this situation this week and I promise I will talk in much more detail about it in next week’s blog. For now I will leave you with this. It was very unfortunate that two adults decided to selfishly make the decisions they made. They forced me and the show into a very tough spot. It had to be dealt with and next week you’ll see exactly what I mean. This is a very good season and I hope this incident won’t draw much attention for long. Jake and this group of women have a lot to offer and if you’ve ever been a fan of this show you will love what you’re about to experience. As always, I love reading your comments below. Good, bad, or ugly, bring it on. You can also find me on Facebook or on Twitter @chrisbharrison. Until next week, crank up “On the Wings of Love” in your head and let’s do this!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #29 on: January 05, 2010, 12:34:55 PM »
Bachelor Blog: Jake Admits ‘I Was So Nervous’

Hello all,

I want to start off by saying what a great looking group of women! I wasn’t nervous until the first limo pulled up and beautiful Rozyln, the first bachelorette of the night very elegantly stepped out and approached me. My tie became a snake around my neck. I was so nervous! The most memorable moment meeting the women was with the stunning Ashley H. It’s not everyday that I get be a hero. She swears that her fall into my arms was on purpose. Lol. I don’t buy it!

Several hours passed at the cocktail party before my nerves started to settle down a bit. I was so fidgety! The Bachelor Bowl football game was an awesome breath of fresh air. Thank you Elizabeth! Blondes vs. Brunettes. This impromptu game really told me a lot about the character of the women. Most of them, in their sequined gowns, kicked off their heels and played a very competitive game. Poor Jesse jumped into a huge rosebush trying to catch a stray pass. Okay, so I did read Chris Harrison’s blog that says I throw like a girl … Lol! Chris, lets see how well you can throw a football in a fitted suit jacket without ripping it.

It was so awesome to see Jillian and Ed, who are truly a perfect match. A super honorable thing that you didn’t get to see was Jillian giving me back the silver wings I gave her out of the limo on The Bachelorette.

All I can say is I wish there was more time. The evening just flew by. There were some extremely wonderful and memorable women that went home the first night but after the evening was over, I was very confident that I had made great choices. –Jake

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2010, 11:20:46 AM »
ABC Press Release:


Rock Superstar Group Chicago's Private Performance Sends Sparks Flying
Between Jake and One Lucky Lady, and the Claws Come Out at an
Exciting InStyle Magazine Photo Shoot

"Episode 1402" - The 15 remaining bachelorettes move into their luxurious villa in Malibu, and the fairy tale begins. One lucky woman will get a fabulous one-on-one date: Jake will personally pilot the bachelorette to a romantic desert getaway in Palm Springs, where they will be serenaded by rock superstar group Chicago. One group date will give six women a chance to strut their stuff in a sexy photo shoot for InStyle Magazine, and the five women on the other group date are treated to a VIP visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain. However, some of the women will not have a date at all before the next rose ceremony, encouraging them to aggressively steal any time they can with the handsome pilot. But nothing can prepare Jake for the bombshell that will be dropped. For the first time in "Bachelor" history, having rose isn't enough, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, JANUARY 11 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

The first group date of the season is a runway thriller, with Jake taking six women to a glamorous photo shoot for InStyle magazine. The bachelorettes are excited to discover that they will be featured in the February issue (on sale January 15), but the competition for Jake's attention, as well as time in front of the camera, is intense. Gia and Rozlyn are models and Christina is intimidated by their immense confidence posing for the camera with Jake. At an after shoot wrap party at the Santa Monica Hotel Shangri-La pool, Ashleigh isn't taking any chances that she'll be forgotten and busts in on Jake and Gia dressed only in a bikini.

Jake hijacks one lucky woman, draped in diamonds, on the back of his motorcycle to the airport. He reveals that he personally will pilot a private plane to take her to Palm Springs, and they fly off into the sunset for a romantic dream date. Jake has an even bigger surprise in store for the bachelorette, escorting her to a polo field in Palm Springs for a private concert by the classic rock superstar band Chicago. Things get hot as the couple enjoys a slow, sexy dance to "You're the Inspiration."

The next day, five women are whisked off the Six Flags Magic Mountain, where Jake makes sure they're treated like VIPs and the amusement park is closed down just for them. As the women jockey for face time with the handsome Bachelor, Elizabeth pulls Jake away for some private time and a surprising revelation: she says she won't kiss him unless he puts a ring on her finger. But the games get more serious as Vienna shares the story of her heartbreaking marriage at 17. Not to be outdone, Ashley steals Jake away, hoping to get a kiss. As the day winds down, Jake needs to give a rose to the woman he wants to share the rest of the evening with at a private fireworks display.

At the emotional and dramatic cocktail party, the three women who didn't get dates vie for Jake's attention. One even breaks down in tears as she explains how much she cares for him. But never before has such a bolt from the blue been leveled at a Bachelor. One of the 15 bachelorettes has crossed a line that should never have been crossed - with devastating results. Chris Harrison pulls Jake aside to share the shocking news, and for the first time in "Bachelor" history, having a rose isn't enough! Twelve women will remain in the race for Jake's heart.

The 15 women are:

Ali, 25, an advertising account manager from Williamstown, MA
Ashleigh, 25, an account manager from North Potomac, MD
Ashley, 29, a teacher from Pittsburgh, PA
Christina, 25, a restaurant manager from San Diego, CA
Corrie, 23, a wardrobe consultant from Kissimmee, FL
Elizabeth, 29, a nanny from Imperial, NE
Ella, 30, a hair stylist from Lafollette, TN
Gia, 26, a swimsuit model from New York, NY
Jessie, 25, a cosmetic sales manager from Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Kathryn, 25, a corporate flight attendant from Lexington, KY
Michelle, 26, an office manager from Anaheim, CA
Rozlyn, 28, a model/makeup artist from Richmond, VA
Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Valishia, 32, a homemaker from Carlsbad, CA
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2010, 12:43:44 AM »
I know who the F4, F3, F2 and the winner is so if anybody wants to know who they are, PM me and I'll tell ya.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2010, 01:30:05 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': season 14, episode 2

It’s been a wild week in Bachelor-ville and we have a lot to discuss, but first let me thank you for making our premiere episode such a huge success.  I would love to talk to you about other stuff this week like Ali’s cool ”Chicago” date or the games Elizabeth’s starting to play but the whole time all you’re doing is staring at the ten-ton pink elephant standing in the middle of the room so let’s just deal with it shall we?  I hope you all had a chance to see for yourself just what happened involving… Rozlyn. The great thing about this blog is now I can take you even deeper into what exactly happened, give you more details, and tell you how it all went down.

You heard me say in the episode that Rozlyn and one of our staffers entered into an inappropriate relationship.  I realize this is somewhat vague and open to interpretation, so let me be more specific.  It was an inappropriate relationship that got physical. This was not just about one person’s ”feelings” for another. We would never go to such extremes because of a schoolyard crush.  After extensive research and doing our homework we came to the conclusion without a shadow of a doubt that an inappropriate relationship had occurred. Now the million dollar question: How do we know this?  First of all, several girls in the house independently witnessed  the inappropriate behavior firsthand, and they came forward and told producers what was taking place.  Second, the staffer came forward and confessed everything himself.  He told executive producers everything about his inappropriate physical relationship with Rozlyn.  As I clearly stated on the show last night, we took what happened very seriously and this staffer was let go immediately. With what you saw last night and with what I just told you there should now be no doubt or questions whatsoever as to what really happened during Rozlyn’s short time on the show.  I can also tell you here that since Rozlyn left the show she and the staffer have continued their relationship and have seen each other several times.  Let me be very clear that as unfortunate as all this was there are no ill feelings toward anybody involved and we wish both of them well.  In the little time I got to know her, Rozlyn was a very nice young lady and in no way would I ever want to add any undue stress or embarrassment to her life.  So that’s what happened, now let me tell you exactly how it happened.

I arrived to the second rose ceremony just like any other day, but things quickly changed.  Executive producers pulled me aside and told me pretty much word for word what I just wrote above.  At this point the cocktail party had already started and Jake, the ladies, and the majority of the crew knew nothing about what was going on and were continuing as usual.  Once the executive producers gave me the details there was no question as to what had to happen.  In the past there have been things, like Wes last season, where we want real life scenarios to play out for the bachelor or bachelorette.  But on this occasion, a line was crossed that just couldn’t be tolerated and it had to be dealt with immediately.  Executive producers told me that I would be the one that would pull Rozlyn aside and explain to her that we knew everything about her relationship with our staffer and that she would have to leave the show immediately.  They also informed me that I would also then have to tell Jake and the women.

I can’t begin to tell you how uncomfortable this made me feel.  I honestly felt sick to my stomach. I don’t know if you noticed in the episode but when I first started talking to her outside I had to pause because I got a little choked up.  I was emotional and I can easily say this was one of the toughest things I’ve had to deal with in the eight years I’ve been hosting this show.  I thought Rozlyn handled it very well and was dignified about the whole thing.  Talking to Rozlyn was tough but telling Jake just flat out sucked.  I knew that he really liked this girl and she was, in fact, one of his frontrunners at the time.  At first Jake was pissed and I can’t blame him.  No doubt some of that anger was directed at us and deservedly so.

I’m sure you could tell but I was pretty much flying by the seat of my pants.  There is no formula for this and we really had no idea exactly how Jake would respond.  He quickly composed himself and decided that he wanted to be with me when I told the other women.  I have to give Jake a ton of credit.  I don’t know if I could have been as composed having just heard that kind of news.  By the time Jake and I joined the women they had seen Rozlyn leave and obviously knew something major had just taken place.  You could cut the tension in that room with a knife when we entered.  The women were already emotional and I hadn’t even told them what happened yet.  As I was telling them what exactly happened all I remember is the look in their eyes and how deadly quiet it was in that room.  You also have to remember that not all of the crew knew and many of them were finding out as I gave these speeches so they were also stunned.  The mood and feeling in the house that night was unlike anything I’ve experienced on this show, and I hope it will be the last time.  You also need to understand that this was one of our co-workers and for many a very good friend who had been involved in this and was suddenly not there anymore.  So it was a very emotional night for our crew as well.  This is the first time where everybody in the house, us included, had to come to grips with something like this at the same time.

To sum all of this up just let me say again that I wish nothing but the best for these two, I really do.  This was an unfortunate incident that played out before all of our eyes.  As I said on the show we were not only disappointed but we were a little embarrassed as well.  However, since The Bachelor is a reality show it means being truthful about what happened and showing everything that occurred even if it makes us uncomfortable. We take great pride in this show and I will tell you that we have one of the most amazing crews in the business.  We have become a tight knit family over the last eight years and it is my sincere hope that we never have to deal with an incident like this ever again.  Thank you for all your support and this incident aside we have a phenomenal season ahead of us.  I know you will have comments about this and I’m sure more questions.  I hope I was able to dispel many wild unfounded rumors and in doing so answer many of your questions in the process.  I will be reading your comments and as usual you can always find me on Facebook and Twitter (@chrisbharrison).

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2010, 10:09:33 AM »
Jake’s Bachelor Blog: Being Cheated On ‘Sucks’

Hey Everyone!

Wow … well, despite all of the drama that happened with Rozlyn, I was, and still am, so impressed by this group of women. They are all so beautiful and I seriously feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

Before we get to Rozlyn, let’s talk about the dates! The InStyle photo shoot date was a blast. I was so excited to tell the women what we were doing that day because I had a feeling they were going to be thrilled to do a real photo shoot. I mean, what woman doesn’t want to put on designer clothes and be professionally photographed? Well, I guess Christina doesn’t. She was so nervous and I have no idea why! She doesn’t know how beautiful she is. I can’t wait to see the photos in the February issue of InStyle. I was so nervous on that date because I’ve never been the kind of guy to date more than one girl at once and here I was on a date with six women! That’s why the attention Rozlyn gave me was nice. It felt good to be pursued, but now I don’t understand why she would do that given what happened before the rose ceremony.

One of my favorite dates that I’ve ever been on was getting to fly with Ali to Palm Springs. There is nothing cooler than being in a plane with a woman you really like and Ali is definitely a doll face. I was especially excited since I knew flying was a fear of hers and I believed I could help her conquer those fears. I was actually surprised at how comfortable she was flying with me in a small airplane and was so proud of her for doing the takeoff all on her own! Flying was nothing compared to the 300-yard dash we had to do to see Chicago across that polo field! We were both so winded by the time we got there.

I was really impressed with Elizabeth when I met her. She is so pretty and cool and I absolutely respected the fact that she didn’t want me to kiss her. BUT, when we were sitting there watching the fireworks, I really wanted it be a romantic and sincere moment. Unfortunately, I felt like she used the time to start playing games. I have never been one for game playing with a girl and I definitely can’t deal with it. That was very disappointing. To kiss or not to kiss is the question, Elizabeth. You’ll have to watch Ellen on January 18th … she has a lot to say about Elizabeth!

So here’s one thing to remember when you watch this season: Unless one of the other women tells me about it or unless I see it, I don’t know it happens. I say that because I’ve been getting a lot of heat about giving Michelle a rose. When I decided to do this show, I made a promise to myself that on the first night, I would keep women that laid out their feelings for me and were really open. Michelle is nothing but honest and sincere and man, she’s really pretty too! But yeah, I was a bit surprised to see how emotional she was with all the other women.

I’ll wrap this up with what I’m sure everyone is talking about — Rozlyn. Yes, the rumors of her cheating on me with a staff member are 100 percent true, with no embellishment. I was having such a great night and then Chris Harrison approached me and the guy looked flustered! I’ve never seen this guy flustered about anything. I think he was embarrassed about what had happened. When he told me the news, my heart dropped and I felt numb.

This is the first time I have been cheated on (to my knowledge) and man, it sucks. I had started to develop feelings for Rozlyn and that’s why I had given her a rose. But what also hurt was the fact that I was friends with the staff member who engaged in the affair. That was hard to swallow. I was so hurt by both of their decisions, but I reminded myself that I still had 14 amazing women there for me, so I composed myself and moved on. After Rozlyn left the show, a few of the girls admitted that they saw her and the staff member inappropriately physical with each other … to put it politically correct. Honestly, I harbor no ill will towards either of them and wish them both the best in life and career. Hopefully they are still together and in love!

Well, thanks again for watching. I am so excited to finally get to share the last few months of my life with you! – Jake

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2010, 10:16:12 AM »
Article posted prior to the airing of last night's episode:

Bachelor Contestant Calls Sex Scandal a ‘Blatant Lie’

“It seems they want the ratings!”

Those are the angry words of The Bachelor contestant Rozlyn Papa, who left the show following accusations she had an “inappropriate relationship” with a producer.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Papa flatly denies that she cheated on the season’s star, Jake Pavelka. Asked whether she had sex with a member of The Bachelor’s production team, Papa says, “Absolutely not, no.”

The show’s host Chris Harrison, who called the scandal “incredibly unfortunate” and said “horrible decisions were made,” talked about addressing the situation on camera.

“It was embarrassing for us,” Harrison said. “In fairness to Jake and for the other women, [we said], ‘Let’s nip this in the bud and take care of it.’ And that’s what we did.”

But according to Papa, the allegations have taken a toll. “This seeps into my personal life,” she says. “I have a 7-year-old little boy at home that I want to look up to me, and to have this blatant lie out there perpetuated by the show itself — it’s hurtful. It’s scary to think what my son will think of me.”

Papa does admit to being a “good friend” of the producer with whom she’s rumored to have had the affair — and that her relationship with him provided her no advantage on the show.

“I would absolutely call him a friend,” she says. “I’m really happy to have him as a friend.

Papa says she is dreading the airing of tonight’s episode of The Bachelor (8 p.m. EST) on ABC. “I’m afraid … I’ll be portrayed as a cheater,” she says. “It really comes down to my son. Why would you go on national television and throw a mom under the bus like that?”

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2010, 10:25:50 AM »
Seriously.....this has got to be kidding me!

Bachelor and Bachelorette All-Star Show Coming to ABC

Old rivalries and dramas from past seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette will get new life this year as ABC is creating a spin-off show in which former contestants will live and compete together in a Big Brother-style house.

The show, titled Bachelor Pad, will bring back 20 memorable contestants from the previous 13 Bachelor and five Bachelorette seasons, according to The Hollywood Reporter’s Live Feed blog. It’s expected to premiere in late summer.

“All these people have been friends, been enemies, they date each other and bring all this great backstory to the show,” says executive producer Martin Hilton. “It seemed like there was an opportunity to combine that world with a new competitive reality show.”

The contestants haven’t been revealed, but Hilton said top players and former winners are on board. The show will feature various challenges, some inspired by incidents from past seasons. Contestants will be booted from the house at the end of each episode. And Bachelor and Bachelorette host Chris Harrison has signed on to emcee.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2010, 11:45:18 AM »
ABC press release:


"Episode 1403" - Tensions mount among the 12 remaining bachelorettes and jealousy reigns when it's revealed that there will be two special one-on-one dates - each with a rose at stake -- and a group date. Once again, some women will not go on a date at all. One ecstatic woman hops on Jake's motorcycle and then on a helicopter for one of the most adventurous dates yet: a bungee jump off the infamous Bridge to Nowhere. Eight bachelorettes visit Jon Lovitz' popular Hollywood comedy club. But laughter turns to anxiety when they learn they each will perform a standup routine - not just for Jake, but a packed house. On the last individual date, Jake whisks another lucky woman away to Sea World in San Diego, where a huge surprise awaits. Finally, a rift forms in the house with all the women pitted against one bachelorette who claims to be there only to win Jake's heart, leading to an explosive rose ceremony, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, JANUARY 18 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

One woman's elation at being alone with Jake turns to apprehension when the couple's chopper lands on a towering bridge nestled in the San Gabriel Mountains. She becomes a nervous wreck when it becomes apparent that they will bungee jump off the Bridge to Nowhere. Ironically, Jake is also afraid of heights. Will they both overcome their fears and take a leap of faith together, or will Jake send her home without a rose?

Curtain up! Eight bachelorettes visit the famous Jon Lovitz Comedy Club. After sharing a few jokes with the women, Lovitz explains that they will be the ones performing stand up in his club that night. The fun and panic begins, especially for Ashleigh, who starts to break down with bad case of stage fright. One more surprise: they will be working in front of a full audience, not just Jake. One by one, the bachelorettes nervously perform their routines. Corrie lampoons a fellow bachelorette, while Elizabeth pushes the bounds of good taste and Michelle starts to get flop sweat when her jokes fall flat. Later Jake takes the women to a VIP after party and tries to get alone time with some of them. But the night takes a shocking turn when one bachelorette pushes him too far and he unexpectedly sends her home on the spot and ends the party.

The next morning, Jake picks up a lucky bachelorette with a helicopter right in the mansion's driveway. As the rest of the women enviously look on, they fly off to San Diego's Sea World. The entire park is closed down for them; however he stuns her with another bigger surprise. But is their connection strong enough for Jake to give her a rose?

A tension-filled cocktail party reveals a division in the house, with one woman dramatically set against the rest of the bachelorettes. Is she really there just for Jake, as she claims? At the end of the contentious night, nine women continue on the fairytale journey.

The 12 women are:

Ali, 25, an advertising account manager from Williamstown, MA
Ashleigh, 25, an account manager from North Potomac, MD
Corrie, 23, a wardrobe consultant from Kissimmee, FL
Elizabeth, 29, a nanny from Imperial, NE
Ella, 30, a hair stylist from Lafollette, TN
Gia, 26, a swimsuit model from New York, NY
Jessie, 25, a cosmetic sales manager from Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Kathryn, 25, a corporate flight attendant from Lexington, KY
Michelle, 26, an office manager from Anaheim, CA
Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Valishia, 32, a homemaker from Carlsbad, CA
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2010, 09:55:42 AM »
The Bachelor Blog: Jake Takes the Plunge

I want to start by remembering the people that were lost this past week in Haiti — and their families. My deepest thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved in such a terrible natural disaster.

There were some seriously strong opinions commented here this past week and a specifically strong reaction to my comment on cheating. I understand why you feel that way, considering I’m dating multiple women, but let me explain my point of view. When you sign up for this show, you know the premise. One guy dates multiple women, just like on The Bachelorette when one woman dates multiple men. When I was on The Bachelorette, watching Jillian date other guys was really hard, but that was what I signed up for. I never would’ve expressed interest in someone else while I was vying for Jillian’s affection. And I definitely wouldn’t have sought out a relationship with somebody else. I made a promise to her that I was there for her and to find love, and that’s what I expect from the women that are on the show this season. Call it what you will, but I did like Rozlyn and it hurt to know that she had kissed me the night before, accepted a rose and told me how she was looking forward to getting to know me better, all the while engaging in another relationship. Enough said. I moved on then and I’m moving on now.

As you all now know, I’m terribly afraid of heights. I seriously get freaked out when I’m on bridges, tall buildings, etc. Seems kind of silly for a pilot, I know. I felt bad for Vienna because I was so quiet on the first part of our date. She probably thought I was bored or didn’t like her but I was just very nervous. She had no clue what we were doing until the helicopter pilot slipped and told her two minutes before we landed. She started to freak out! When I stepped out on to the edge of the bridge, I had never felt fear like that in my life! I was petrified! My whole body went numb. Luckily Vienna has a real nurturing side to her and that helped me to take the plunge. I think it also brought us a lot closer. We conquered our fears together.

The Jon Lovitz Comedy Club date was a blast! My sides were hurting from some of the girls’ routines, whether they were funny or not. Corrie’s routine about Vienna really set the tone for the rest of the night. Every time I would sit down and talk to a girl at the afterparty, she would spend her time with me putting down the other women. Apparently there was more truth to those comedy routines than I thought. I really thought I would come into this season and have a pretty smooth run. Boy was I wrong. Drama!

Let’s talk about Michelle. She is one of the most sincere people I’ve ever met but the pressure from this environment clearly became too much for her. It felt like she was begging me to release her from this journey. She was miserable and honestly it made me feel bad for her … and yet she was really surprised when I asked her to leave.

And then we have Elizabeth; that girl was confusing the hell out of me. Ladies, please remember: Rules to Successful Dating, 101 — Don’t play games! Especially when time is very limited. I got upset, she got upset. Not a good start to a relationship.

Okay, here are some answers to a couple of questions I got last week:

1. I’m driving a 2007 Triumph Bonneville. Its like the new T100 but doesn’t have the two-tone paint. It’s an AWESOME bike!

2. I work out with two trainers in Dallas. (Cat and Dom Colona). My workouts consist of medium to heavy weight with iso/bio-metric exercises. Lots and lots of core and abdominal training and remember, working out is 80 percent diet.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2010, 10:13:14 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': Season 14, episode 3

Alright everybody, take a deep breath. Now again. Okay, lets move on shall we. Hope you got the chance to watch Carrie Ann Inaba and me Sunday on TV Guide Network covering the red carpet for the Golden Globes. A big thanks to all the stars who stopped by to chat with us. Now lets talk Bachelor!

The girls were not at all happy that Vienna got the first one-on-one date this week. But it was when she came home with a rose that the trouble really began. I’ll get to that in just a bit. The first stop they made was Jake’s house. If it looked a little familiar that’s because that was Jason’s house as well. I know it’s not his and I know it only happens on TV but when a helicopter picks you up for a date, that’s just awesome. It was clear on the show that Jake and Vienna didn’t want to bungee jump but that didn’t really do justice to just how freakin’ terrified they really were. They were hyperventilating and it took about 20 minutes for them to decide to jump. We really thought they weren’t going to do it but in the end they gutted up and took the plunge. The instructors asked if they would do it again to which they both quickly said no! That had to be the most panic-stricken, torturous date we’ve ever had. I’d like to think they’re both better people because of overcoming their fears and all that psychological mumbo jumbo but I’m guessing all they got was the crap scared out of them. Jake and Vienna really hit it off but when Vienna came back with a rose it really set the girls off. She so alienated herself that all the other girls literally moved out of her room. She joked about how much she liked having her own room but it really did bother her. She really didn’t understand why everybody turned against her.

Next came the group date to the comedy club — or as Jake likes to call it, the day from hell. Tenley turned herself into a human pretzel (she was always doing this around the house as well). It was really strange to see Ashleigh so nervous and terrified. I chalk it up to her intense fear of Jon Lovitz developed as a child watching Saturday Night Live (I may have made that last part up). The comedy was pretty bad but not nearly as bad as the emotional mess that was the after party. It seemed like Jake was dealing with one crying woman after another. By the time he got to Michelle he had clearly had enough. I was proud to see Jake call her bluff. Sending her home was a big turning point in this show. Up to that point the girls thought Jake might be too nice to send anybody home from a date. This really kicked things up a notch and the women were extremely impressed. The girls clearly made a pact to tell Jake their feelings about Vienna but he really wished they would spend that time talking about themselves rather than somebody else.

Gia was one of the ladies who didn’t get a date this week. You didn’t get a chance to see this but she was much more concerned about Ella getting time with Jake and she really didn’t make a big deal out of how disappointed she was. I thought that was very cool and showed a very caring side of her we hadn’t seen up to that point. It took a lot of work and planning but getting Ethan to surprise Ella on the date to Sea World was worth it. It’s really great to see a single mom like Ella that is so selfless, so caring, get a gift like that. Jake obviously loves kids and wants a family himself. He told me that was one of the most memorable dates of the season. For you Bachelor historians out there, I hope you enjoyed the irony of Ella mentioning Ryan and Trista on that date as they too had a date at Sea World during their season. I talked to Trista this week and she told me she still sleeps with the stuffed Shamu she got on that date. They went back to Sea World last year and now their little boy Max has a stuffed Shamu as well. I’m guessing one of the biggest surprises this week was seeing Elizabeth not get a rose and be sent home. Jake found that Elizabeth wasn’t just a tease but she was a confusing tease (deadly combo). She was such a confusing tease, she even confused herself. Jake didn’t have the time or patience for this and made a tough but good call following his heart.

Emotions are clearly running high in the house and you can say the same for Jake. The more the women see Jake step up and take control and show just how sincere he really is, the more the feelings and tension build. I hope you saw the tease for next week’s show as we hit the road for a drama-filled road trip and what turned out to be a wild rose ceremony. Before I leave you this week I do want to say I’m pretty upset about something and I think you know what that is. How could we go an entire episode and not hear ”On The Wings Of Love”? Just wanted to make sure I got that in your head again. Thank you for all the comments you’ve left this season. I’ve read just about all of them. Yes, all of them, good, bad, and some just downright mean but I love and respect them all just the same. You can always find me on Facebook and Twitter (@chrisbharrison)

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2010, 12:54:17 PM »
ABC press release:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
ABC Television Network


"Episode 1404" - The Bachelor surprises the nine remaining women with a road trip up the picturesque California coast. Along the way, Jake will have roses at the ready on a one-on-one date, a group date and a dramatic two-on-one date, where only one woman can receive a rose. One lucky woman will snag an intimate date with Jake at a beautiful winery, but it will be up to the Bachelor to see if opposites really do attract. Six women will accompany Jake on a wild day of dune buggying, but with just one rose, the competition turns fierce. A romantic date with two anxious bachelorettes has Jake wondering if he can make a difficult choice. But, in the end, he makes some heartbreaking and shocking decisions that lead to unexpected exits, setting off a firestorm of emotions among the women, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, JANUARY 25 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

The women fill up two rock star-type RVs and head up the panoramic coast highway to a vineyard in Santa Ynez where Jake arrives and delivers a date card. A very nervous bachelorette discovers her name on the card, but this city gal is dressed more for a night on the town, not an outdoor date in the country. Will Jake and woman discover that opposites attract? Or will she go home without a rose?

The following morning, the group hits the road, travelling to beautiful Pismo Beach, where they set up camp on the beach. Six lucky women join Jake for a crazy day of dune buggying and sand surfing. The Bachelor comes to the rescue when Vienna and Jessie get their dune buggy trapped in the sand. Corrie, one of the more timid women, surprises the rest when she tackles Jake in the sand and grabs some extra time with the Bachelor. That night the group spends an evening at the Madonna Inn, famous for its outrageous dŽcor. A rose is a stake and the competition heats up, but Vienna's strategy to have the last memorable moment of the night with Jake doesn't sit well with the other women.

Our travelers drive up the dramatic northern California coast to stunning Big Sur and set up camp among the towering redwoods. That night Jake takes two apprehensive bachelorettes on a two-on-one date where only one can receive a rose. The threesome share a quiet dinner in Jake's cabin in the woods. He takes each woman aside, hoping that his heart will lead him to make the right decision.

The rose ceremony looms and Jake realizes he needs to make some heartbreaking choices. He is determined to stand by his promise not to lead any of the women on if he knew they couldn't become his wife in the end, and now he must face some hard truths. His shocking choices lead to unexpected departures, throwing the women into a tailspin of emotions. In the end, only five women will remain in the hunt for Jake's heart.

The nine women are:

Ali, 25, an advertising account manager from Williamstown, MA
Ashleigh, 25, an account manager from North Potomac, MD
Corrie, 23, a wardrobe consultant from Kissimmee, FL
Ella, 30, a hair stylist from Lafollette, TN
Gia, 26, a swimsuit model from New York, NY
Jessie, 25, a cosmetic sales manager from Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Kathryn, 25, a corporate flight attendant from Lexington, KY
Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #40 on: January 26, 2010, 02:16:08 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': season 14, episode 4

It has been another great week for The Bachelor and I want to thank all of you for already making this season such a huge success. This has been one of the most emotional seasons we have ever had. I understand this has also been an emotional season for you as well. Some of that emotion has turned into anger and some of that anger has been aimed towards me in the comments. I’m perfectly okay with this and appreciate the honesty. I do want to mention one particular comment that really impressed my wife and I. V wrote a comment early last Tuesday afternoon and it was awesome. I highly recommend you all go back and read it, as it was as nasty as it was eloquent. I must admit I had to look up a lot of the words she used but V, you rocked the rant.

This week I really enjoyed surprising the girls with the RV’s and the road trip. While they were extremely excited at first I don’t think they really understood this was a true road trip and they would be roughing it. Most of the girls wore high heels when they got on the RV’s. Once they realized how it was going to be most of them went and changed except for Ashleigh who kept the heels on! When they were getting on the RV’s Ali and Vienna went in separate directions. They wanted nothing to do with one another.

The girls cooked a lot of campfire food but the snack of choice was smores. These girls put away some smores but Corrie took the cake. That girl ate 8-10 smores a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Gia got the one-on-one date this week. Jake told me this was “a hot date.” I’m not sure what’s harder to believe, Jake didn’t kiss a girl till the 11th grade or the fact that they played spin the bottle. Jake told me he’d never played spin the bottle before. I was going to tell him about seven minutes in heaven but I don’t think he’s ready for that yet. At the end of this date, if you listen close you’ll hear the piano version of “On the Wings of Love.” This is one of my favorite versions of this song.

The group date started at Pismo beach. We all learned a good lesson at the beginning of this date. If you drive a huge RV onto soft sand it will get stuck. The date was held up for quite some time while we called tow trucks to come haul the RV’s out of the sand. Lesson learned! If you ever get the chance, spend a night at the Madonna Inn. If you couldn’t tell, each room is named and has a theme. If you’re up for a fun night at a freaky hotel this is your spot. Two things with the girls really stood out on this date. Jake and Ashleigh had no chemistry together. He wanted there to be something but there just wasn’t. The other thing was Vienna’s attitude finally got to Jake. Her telling everybody she wanted to go last kind of set Jake off and he let her have it a bit during their one-on-one time. The two-on-one date was tough for everybody this week. The girls really liked Ella and Kathryn. Both these girls are very sweet and they didn’t want to compete with one another. Ella was a bit more aggressive and Kathryn really didn’t use her time wisely but in the end it didn’t matter. When Ella’s bags were taken away the women were stunned but when Kathryn’s bags were also taken the ladies were absolutely floored and a couple of them started to cry.

The rose ceremony was especially cool this week. It was held at a beautiful mansion in Saratoga called Villa Montalvo. It’s now a historic landmark located in a state park. The Villa is named for the popular 16th-century writer Garcia Ordonez de Montalvo, who coined the name “California.” As you can see, I have a lot of time on my hands when I’m on the road. Okay, the history lesson is over. Time to talk about this rose ceremony. Jake decided himself to come and talk to me. Clearly, we weren’t exactly expecting it and the producers had to find me. I was out in the courtyard waiting to go in and announce the final rose. Depending on where we hold the ceremony sometimes I can’t hear or see what’s going on and I have to wait to be told to go inside. Needless to say I was a little surprised to see Jake come walking out looking for me. When he started talking to me he was bumbling over his words a bit and I had no idea what he was talking about or what he wanted. We finally did get it figured out and as you saw I took a rose away. I really respect the fact that Jake took it upon himself to send four girls home this week when he didn’t have to. This guy isn’t messing around. If he doesn’t feel it for somebody he would rather send them home instead of drag it out and take more time away from the women he really does have a connection with. Vienna getting that final rose really set the other women off, especially Ali. They really don’t like each other and things only seem to be getting worse between them.

A couple of things before I let you go this week. I’m really excited to be on Ellen Wednesday. She’s so good at what she does; I always enjoy my time with her. Yes, I’ll admit I have a bit of a crush. I also want to tell you how excited I am to be a part of our new show Bachelor Pad coming to ABC this summer. I won’t bore you with details yet but we’ve wanted to do an “all-star” show for some time now and this is the perfect way to do it without messing with our other shows. The cast is not set but you will be seeing many of your favorites from seasons past! It will be a fun summer show and I can’t wait to get to work on it. Speaking of work, I hope you’ll join Carrie Ann Inaba and me on the Grammy Red Carpet pre-show this Sunday on TV Guide Network. Have a great week and as always I’ll be reading those comments. V, see if you can outdo yourself this week. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter @chrisbharrison.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2010, 11:06:28 AM »
The Bachelor Blog: Jake Hits the Road

Hey there! So, tell me the truth: Last week did I look as tired and as emotionally exhausted as I felt?! Man that drama was pretty intense. I thought leaving the mansion was going to help ease any tension amongst the women but I think it had the opposite effect. It was sort of sad to leave the house because I have some of the fondest memories of my life there.

Let’s talk about the RVs for a second. I was so jealous! The women got these awesome RVs to travel up the coast in with running water, soft couches, a bed, and I rode a motorcycle with a stiff seat. The bike ride was great but it was a bit scary riding up Highway 1. The wind was howling around those passes and sharp curves and a couple of times I felt like the wind might lay the bike over. But with mountains on one side and ocean on the other, the breathtaking view made the ride worthwhile.

The dates felt a bit different being out of the comfort of Los Angeles. I was excited to go on a date with Gia because up to this point there was an attraction between us but I wasn’t sure if we were really going to “take off.” I knew she could handle herself in an urban environment but what about a very simple date in a vineyard? I bet she had never cooked a weenie on an open flame before that night. I was so pleasantly surprised that Gia and I had SO much physical and emotional chemistry — it was crazy! I actually had started to miss Gia before the date was even over.

The group date was awesome! Unfortunately we started about three hours late because both RVs got stuck in the sand on Pismo Beach and had to be towed to the campsite. Which reminds me! Don’t drive a motorcycle on a soft-sanded beach! It’s harder than it looks. Speaking of being harder than it looks, sand surfing is exhausting. Vienna even sprained her ankle when she did a face plant. That sunset was gorgeous though — one of the prettiest I’ve ever seen.

One of the toughest nights I experienced during this journey was the two-on-one date with Katherine and Ella. There was a definite attraction there with Ella but it broke my heart watching her say goodbye to her son Ethan at SeaWorld. It’s a lot of responsibility knowing that I’m keeping a woman away from her son while I try to figure out if we’re right for one another. It became apparent on the two-on-one that even though my attraction to Ella was strong, it wasn’t enough to keep her away from her No. 1 man.

Then I looked at Katherine. She is such a beautiful woman but I knew that what we were missing was an emotional connection and if I’m not feeling it now, why drag it out any longer. I hope I made the right choice. I know both of these women are going to find their dream guy.

I already felt pretty exhausted by the time the rose ceremony came around. Corrie was really on the line at this point because she was having such a hard time opening up. Luckily she surprised me during our one-on-one time. The Corrie that I knew was there all along finally revealed herself and I got very excited about her! It’s so neat to watch someone start to fall. Having that breakthrough with Corrie only motivated my painful decision to have Chris take away one of the roses. But knowing what I had planned for San Francisco, my decision had to be solely based on wanting to maximize my time with the five women that I did connect with emotionally.

Hopefully I’ll leave my heart in San Francisco.

Well everyone, until then … thanks for watching!

Fly Safe!
Jake Pavelka

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #42 on: January 27, 2010, 11:32:33 AM »
ABC press release:


"Episode 1405" - The pressure is really on, as Jake struggles to decide which four women he will escort home to meet their families. But first, the five remaining bachelorettes end their adventurous road trip in the romantic city of San Francisco. This week there will three individual dates and one two -on-one date, but no roses are at stake. The rivalry between the women intensifies and tensions are running high as their feelings for Jake grow, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

On the first individual date, one of the bachelorettes joins Jake for a private trolley ride through Chinatown. The couple explore the neighborhood, sampling exotic foods and visiting a fortune cookie factory, writing their own fortunes - to be opened later. Afterward, Jake turns up the heat, taking the woman to the top of the historic Coit Tower for a private dinner with breathtaking views of the city. However, things take a serious turn when the two have a heart-to-heart talk about love, marriage and what they're looking for in a relationship. Will they see eye to eye on their possible future together?

Fireworks continue among the women as the competition for one of the hometown dates heats up. On the two-on-one date, one bachelorette has no problem dominating the dinner conversation. With the beautiful Castello di Amaroso winery in Napa Valley as a backdrop, the romance between Jake and one of the women intensifies. But the other bachelorette isn't about to see another woman get between her and her man. When the trio head off to their respective bedrooms in the castle, Jake gets a late night surprise visit.

The next day, Jake takes another woman for a special date in San Francisco's Golden State Park. Their date continues with a private dinner at the Science Academy. Surrounded by aquariums full of exotic sea life, the bachelorette decides to risk it all, surprising Jake with a very personal revelation.

Finally, Jake spends the day of the rose ceremony enjoying the city with one bachelorette. While the other women worry about the unfair advantage she might enjoy, the couple stroll through charming neighborhoods and stop for brunch before capping off their wonderful day with a sunset toast under the Golden Gate Bridge. However, his day isn't quite picture perfect because Jake has some troubling issues he must confront the bachelorette about.

No woman is safe at the rose ceremony. Jake is faced with an impossible decision to send one woman home. In the end, he must narrow the field to four bachelorettes - the four who will invite him into their families' homes - while one devastated woman leaves her heart in San Francisco.

The five women are:

Ali, 25, an advertising account manager from Williamstown, MA
Corrie, 23, a wardrobe consultant from Kissimmee, FL
Gia, 26, a swimsuit model from New York, NY
Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2010, 02:24:16 PM »
ABC press release:


"The Bachelor" Couple Will Celebrate Their Union with a Spectacular Event
Jason Mesnick and Molly Malaney, the first "Bachelor" couple to ever walk down the aisle, will share a dramatic new chapter of their love story with millions of viewers when ABC televises their much anticipated wedding on "The Bachelor: Jason and Molly's Wedding," MONDAY, MARCH 8 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

The couple, who announced their engagement in October, will let viewers in on all the exciting festivities - from Molly's dress fitting for her dazzling custom-made gown to Jason and Molly planning the big day with their wedding planner and event designer. Then it's on to their bachelor and bachelorette parties, and the next stage of their romantic journey with a beautiful wedding ceremony in the perfect location.

Past "Bachelor" and "Bachelorette" couples, stars and participants (to be announced at a later date) will be on the guest list to help the couple celebrate, along with their families and friends.

Jason and Molly have had a rocky road on their way to happily ever after, which makes this momentous event that much sweeter for them. Jason's journey goes back more than a year, when he was one of the final two bachelors on DeAnna Pappas' edition of "The Bachelorette." Although ultimately rejected by DeAnna, he was the overwhelming fan favorite and the first ever single dad on "The Bachelor" to try his luck at finding love again. He proposed to Melissa Rycroft in the finale, only to find that he had a change of heart. In a heartbreaking and shocking "After the Final Rose" special, he broke up with Melissa - and hoped it was not too late to beg Molly to give him a second chance to win her love. Good thing he took the gamble - despite the intense scrutiny from fans and media, his risk was rewarded. The couple took slow and steady steps to build their relationship, including Molly's building a bond with Jason's son, Ty, as they saw their connection develop into a real, lasting union.

Hosted by Chris Harrison, "The Bachelor: Jason and Molly's Wedding" is a production of Next Entertainment in association with Warner Horizon Television. Mike Fleiss and Martin Hilton are the executive producers.

"The Bachelor: Jason and Molly's Wedding" will be available on the day after airing on the network for users to watch online.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2010, 02:08:17 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': season 14, episode 5

We were very excited to announce that we will be televising Jason and Molly’s wedding March 8 on ABC. This will be fun for us because on top of friends and family, many of our old favorites will be back and involved in the wedding. I know that some of you have mixed emotions about this as I’ve already heard many comments on Twitter and Facebook, but this is a joyous occasion and I’m very proud to be a part of it. We have a lot to talk about this week but before we move forward I want to get back to something I did a lot more last season, and that’s respond to some of your comments. First of all, my apologies for the wrong letter last week. The comment that ripped me apart and questioned my wife’s morals (she loved that) was from “Z” not “V”. It’s still up on page six of the episode 3 blog. The reason I didn’t just cut and paste it in is that it was just too long. I read it again this week and still got a good laugh.

Not sure how or why some of you got so fired up discussing the Canadian education system this week, but I’m going to let that one go. Maybe I’ll call Jillian and have her settle that fight. SBWM (and many others) asked about how we had to adjust our plan because Jake let four girls go last week. One thing our producers are incredibly good at is realizing all good reality shows have to be flexible and able to change on a moment’s notice. Some people give us way too much credit for having all this stuff planned out. It just doesn’t work like that. The best moments in any reality show, including ours, are the unpredictable moments that turn everything on its head. KKP mentioned the lack of deliberation room scenes this season. Just to let you know, whether we show it or not we always shoot deliberation. Sometimes, like this season, we would rather show you so much more of the other action instead of using that time to show you deliberation. This week, though, it made sense to leave it in so you saw it. But don’t worry, I’m always there for Jake or whoever the Bachelor or Bachelorette is.

Now let’s get to this week’s episode. The ride up to San Francisco was a stressful one as all the women were a little fried after a drama-filled rose ceremony the night before. On one hand, the ladies were glad Jake stepped up and let that many women go, but at the same time they can’t help worrying about who or what’s next. Obviously, things had gotten pretty tense between Ali and Vienna but it had actually finally calmed down. They were being polite to each other when, out of the blue, Corrie made that unfortunate (but funny!) joke about the two-on-one date involving the two of them. That was like pouring gasoline on a fire. If you couldn’t tell, everything changed emotionally this week. All of a sudden the women and Jake realized they were falling in love all at the same time. Not sure it has ever happened like that before on this show. I’m guessing it had a lot to do with what Jake did last week. Nevertheless, it really changed the complexity of the dates, and emotions were running very high.

I was really captivated by just how real and easy Jake and Tenley’s conversation was on their date atop Coit Tower. It’s so easy between them. I like how Jake is so open about telling the women he’s falling for them. It adds a different dimension to this season we’ve not had in the past. Gia and Vienna, who are pretty good friends, ended up on the two-on-one date at the castle in Napa. They are such good friends that one night Gia and Vienna drank a little grape juice and Gia taught Vienna wrestling moves. She actually suplexed (wrestling term) Vienna onto a pile of pillows, but we thought she was going to bust her head open. I don’t think you could really tell how freaked out Vienna was when she was wandering around the castle looking for Jake and Gia. She got lost looking for them. She’s terrified of the dark and was close to tears when she finally found them.

His next date was with Corrie. Jake is a very spiritual guy and he really respected Corrie opening up and telling him about her values. While I don’t think that is the reason he ended up letting her go I have to believe it held her back far enough behind the others that it did cost her in the end. I think Corrie summed it up best when she said if it had just been the two of them things would have been different. That’s probably true. Corrie was a bit out of her element in this arena and it didn’t allow their relationship to advance as fast as the others emotionally. Ali clearly had home field advantage this week and took full advantage of that. She really did plan the entire date and those really were some of her favorite spots to eat and hang out. I loved that date because some of our viewers say the planes and mansions aren’t real. Well, this date with Ali was as real as you can get. The rose ceremony was held in a huge ballroom off the lobby in the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins Hotel. When Jake walked Corrie out they walked directly through the lobby and out onto the driveway. We didn’t shut this down to shoot. It was just late enough at night that we got lucky nobody was around. Anybody in the hotel could have easily stumbled upon Jake and Corrie walking out.

You saw in the previews for next week that the drama is far from over this season. You heard me announce that for the first time ever, there won’t be a rose ceremony. This is an incredibly pivotal episode for many reasons. We’ll have plenty to talk about next week! In the meantime you can always find me on Facebook or Twitter (@chrisbharrison). I leave you with my favorite comment from last week’s blog. Lisa came up with a new bumper sticker: WWCHD. What would Chris Harrison Do? “Wouldn’t it be great if every time we needed advice Chris Harrison would magically appear?” Yes it would, Lisa, yes it would!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #45 on: February 02, 2010, 02:16:22 AM »
For those who wonder why there isn't a rose ceremony next week, I know the reason and if you wanna know, PM me and I'll tell ya!

BTW, finale is 3/1.

Jason and Molly's wedding airs on 3/8. (big whoops!)

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2010, 10:10:29 AM »
Jake’s Bachelor Blog: From San Francisco with Love!

Hello all,

This week in SFO was awesome! I have it narrowed to my five best girls and I went into this week really excited because my heart had gone out to each woman. Also, with two fewer women, the dates were much more intimate.

Let’s start with Tenley. What a doll face! We had some of the best conversation and I realized just how smart she really is, which is something I’m definitely attracted to. It was funny though … In Chinatown you saw us standing up eating in a little restaurant. Little did you know, Tenley wouldn’t try any of the ethnic food! I had to eat both of our plates. Lol! Afterwards when we were in the alley listening to the man play the erhu, I knew all Tenley could think about was wanting to dance. Our dinner on the top of Coit Tower was so romantic and my heart was pounding because I was so attracted to her. I always say, “Great minds think alike,” so what a cool coincidence that both of our fortune cookies said, “KISS ME!” It still makes me smile. By the way, Tenley and I both burned our hands making those fortune cookies!

Castello di Amorosa provided an incredible backdrop to a fun, romantic, yet stressful and awkward date with Gia and Vienna. At this point, I was really over group dates. Two women may not seem like much of a group but it’s hard to divide my attention and try to make each woman feel comfortable and important, which is why it was a little disappointing to see and feel Gia back away from me a bit. I’m sure these group dates are even harder on the women. At least we had the cool castle to explore! It had all of these underground tunnels and passageways and when Vienna decided she was going to go looking for me and Gia, she got lost. That’s when we found out that the lights are on a timer! At midnight the power is cut off, which coincidentally left Vienna by herself in a pitch-black maze of tunnels. She was lost for almost an hour! LOL! I guess Vienna did ask Gia if she would come with her to see me in my room after the date, but Gia declined. Being that it was also Gia’s date, I just didn’t feel that it was right to spend extra time with Vienna. At least we shared some huge laughs before I sent her away.

One woman that really had an impact on me was Corrie. She truly is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met and I have a wild amount of respect and love for her. When we were in the boat I had an awesome opportunity to kiss her but I purposefully passed it up. I’m not looking for girls to just kiss. I want the moment to feel right to me emotionally, and when it did finally happen in front of the huge aquarium, it was a sweet moment. It for sure wasn’t in the botanical garden while Corrie was trying to touch everything! LOL, Corrie! I don’t think that little poisonous red dart tree frog wants you to hold him!

There are usually three dates between each rose ceremony but being in San Francisco, I really wanted to have a one on one date with Ali. I wanted to let her take control and plan the date and she did one heck of a job! We had an absolute blast and I think Ali thoroughly enjoyed getting to show off her neighborhood. I want a woman that trusts my decision-making skills so I remember how good it felt to have that conversation with Ali in front of the Golden Gate Bridge, putting all the drama behind us. Actually, it was so good that we were going to jump in the ocean headfirst but I remembered as we were running that we had very expensive microphone-packs on!

Even though I had a great week in a beautiful city, I was beyond stressed out at the cocktail party and rose ceremony. I fell even harder for all five women this week and was well on my way to being completely in love with a few. I had to just let my heart lead.

This next week is really a shocker for me and it will be very difficult for me to watch. If you can believe it, this is going to be one of the most dramatic episodes this season.

Fly Safe everyone!!!

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2010, 11:26:07 AM »
ABC press release:


For the First Time Ever in "Bachelor" History, There Is No Rose Ceremony

"Episode 1406" - The stakes are high for Jake as he leaves his Los Angeles home for an exciting, emotionally charged journey across the country to visit the final four women's hometowns. Why is Gia afraid of falling in love? How will Ali's mother judge Jake in comparison to her past boyfriends? Is Tenley really ready for a new relationship after her tough divorce? And what part will Vienna's father play in the drama between Jake and his daughter? Just when Jake feels confident of his next decision, one bachelorette turns everything upside down in a single, gut-wrenching moment, leaving Jake reeling, on "The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Jake is looking forward to meeting the four bachelorettes' families and learning more about the women he's falling in love with. His first stop is New York to visit Gia and her family. The couple take in the Big Apple's sites on a romantic boat ride down the Hudson River. During their excursion, Jake learns about Gia's insecurities and why she's been so reticent about falling in love. At a Manhattan restaurant, Jake meets Gia's protective family. She can only hope that they'll approve of Jake, and that will give her the confidence to finally let her guard down.

Next Jake journeys to Williamstown, Massachusetts to see Ali. This is a bittersweet trip home for Ali. The last time she visited her hometown was for her grandmother's funeral. At dinner with her family, Ali is most concerned about her mother's opinion. In the past, her mom has been able to tell which of Ali's boyfriends were right for her by seeing how they act together. Will she like what she sees?

A cross country trip lands Jake in Newberg, Oregon, to meet Tenley and her family. Having been burned by her ex-husband in the past, Tenley grills Jake about what he would be like as a husband. After a touching visit to Tenley's old dance studio, the couple head off to meet her family. Jake is the first guy Tenley has brought home since her divorce, and they need to ask him some very tough questions. But Jake also has some things on his mind. He wants them to assure him that Tenley is over her divorce and ready for a new relationship.

For the last hometown date, Jake heads down south to Geneva, Florida, to visit Vienna for an unusual boat trip through swamp waters filled with crocodiles. Vienna confesses that she's a "daddy's girl" and that her dad has never really liked any guy she's brought home. And this time is no different. Vienna's father immediately puts Jake on the hot seat. Can Jake impress her dad and prove he's good enough for daddy's "princess?"

As Jake returns to Los Angeles for the rose ceremony, he's certain of his next decision. But nothing has prepared him for what happens next. One bachelorette makes a surprise visit to his room, disclosing a totally unexpected shocking revelation, which leaves Jake reeling. In a season filled with surprises, there is another huge one: for the first time in "Bachelor" history, there will be no rose ceremony.

The four women are:

Ali, 25, an advertising account manager from Williamstown, MA
Gia, 26, a swimsuit model from New York, NY
Tenley, 25, a college admissions representative from Newberg, OR
Vienna, 23, a marketing representative from Sanford, FL

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2010, 05:58:18 PM »
For those who wonder why there isn't a rose ceremony next week, I know the reason and if you wanna know, PM me and I'll tell ya!

Why don't you just spoiler bar it?? ??? That way if someone wants to know, they can, if they want to avoid it, they can do that as well.
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Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.

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Re: The Bachelor...14th edition
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2010, 01:58:04 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelor': season 14, episode 6

Obviously we have a lot to talk about this week with Ali leaving. I will get to that below but in cases like this I often end up glossing over or completely skipping the rest of the episode and I don’t want that to happen this time. The hometown dates have always been one of my favorite parts of this show. Just like in life, on this show you can be fake or manipulate your way through many situations, but not when family is involved. When you bring your family into a relationship, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t hide who you really are. For better or for worse that’s who we are. That’s where we all came from. For some this is a source of pride and for others a source of embarrassment but bottom line, good or bad it’s family and that’s something you can’t fake or change.

I have been asked several times what I think about Jake’s final four. My initial response to that is, who the hell am I to judge who someone has or hasn’t fallen in love with? With that said, I understand that part of my job is often judging situations like this. I know Jake pretty well and I’ve gotten to know these women as well. I understand what Jake sees in each of them and I completely understand where he’s coming from when he says he’s falling in love with all four of them. They each represent something different he’s looking for, but in many ways they are all very much the same (not that Vienna and Ali would admit that). As I watched Jake with these families I was struck by how sincere and articulate he was. He is incredibly good at expressing his feelings to people and that is not an easy thing to do in any situation much less in this one. We saw this first with Gia’s family in New York. I have noticed Gia really open up over the last few weeks. She seems extremely vulnerable right now and there’s only one reason for that, she’s in love. Jake and I both admitted that we were guilty of judging this book (Gia) by its cover when we first saw her. We talked openly that first night that we weren’t sure she was a woman of substance but we couldn’t have been more wrong. Gia is a very interesting, complex woman and it’s easy to see why she and Jake have become so close.

Tenley has definitely moved up in Jake’s mind in the last couple weeks. Tenley is a great example of what I was talking about above with family. Jake had an idea about what Tenley had been through with her divorce but seeing and hearing her family talk about how much she was hurt, I think he got a whole new perspective for just what she suffered through and just how strong of a woman Tenley is. Tenley gives little hints of how betrayed she felt by using words like partner or team when referring to a husband. The talk with Tenley’s dad on the porch was especially touching. Maybe it’s because I have a daughter and can imagine some scared kid asking my permission to marry my daughter but I found it to be a very sincere touching moment. By the way, to any kids out there who might ever think that they want to ask for my daughter’s hand in marriage the answer is NO.

It’s too bad I can’t just talk about how amazing Ali’s hometown date was. That trip to her grandmother’s house was amazing. That was as an emotional moment as we’ve ever had on this show. There is no doubt in my mind that these two were falling in love with each other. Which makes what happened that much tougher and unfortunate. What would you do in the same situation? Would you choose a great career you know you have, or a chance at love you might have? That’s what Ali faced. I won’t go into great detail about Ali’s work situation. That’s not really for me to talk about. What I will tell you is what happened from my perspective. By the time I arrived at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills for the rose ceremony, Ali had already talked to Jake but hadn’t come to a final decision. When I sat down in deliberation with him I could tell he was confused and hurting. There are times on this show when you forget about the cameras and you truly feel like you’re just talking to and trying to help a friend and this was one of those moments. When Ali arrived that night I knew she hadn’t made up her mind, and I assumed she was going to want to talk with Jake again. When she asked, there was no question we were going to make that happen. This was a decision that couldn’t be left up to a rose ceremony. They needed to talk this out and come to a final decision, although in the end I’m not sure she really ever did. Jake and Ali sat in that room and talked for quite some time. I was sitting just outside and honestly, I lost track of time but it had to be at least two hours if not more.

I will say this for Jake, he really laid it out there for her. No, he didn’t profess his love and promise that she was the one but he did flat out say more than once “I don’t want you to go.” On more than one occasion during the conversation I was positive Ali was going to stay. At one point I almost walked in because they had pretty much come to that conclusion. But in the end she chose her career over Jake and chose to leave. She said it herself best, “I don’t know if I made the right decision.” Again I ask what would you have done? Choose a great career in a terrible economy or a shot at love you might have? That moment between the two of them at the limo was all anyone needed to see if there was any question as to how they felt about each other. As you saw, this led to another Bachelor first: no rose ceremony. It looked and felt awkward, didn’t it? The other women had been sitting around all night waiting and wondering what in the world was going on. Remember, they had no idea what Jake and Ali were doing. Nobody really knew how to act or what to do in that moment but I like it when it’s raw and awkward like that. Life isn’t always a pretty, polished Hollywood scene is it?

If you didn’t pass out watching Ali drive away, you heard we’re off to the beautiful island of St. Lucia. You also got to see more of the finale than we’ve shown you all season. A good tease of just how serious things will get with the final three and just how good the finale is going to be! I know there will be questions and comments about this week’s episode, so feel free to leave them below and I’ll try to answer as many as I can for you next week.