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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2009, 11:45:14 PM »
Amazing Race's Christie and Jodi Talk Taxis, Thongs and Tight Finishes

Southwest Airlines flight attendants Christie Volkmer and Jodi Wincheski made their last trip around the Amazing Race globe Sunday, becoming the fifth team to be axed this season. Saved from elimination last week, the duo fell behind early in India and their extra Speed Bump task certainly didn't help matters. Find out exactly how close they were to making it to Thailand, how they kept their cool and what it was really like running in Russia in a thong. What happened after you left he airport? You were second to leave and then you stopped for gas.
Jodi: We had a taxi driver that took us, once again, 30 minutes in the wrong direction. We went toward Pushkar and our driver insisted even though we said Dhula Village, but he thought for sure we were going to Pushkar. That was the big thing. The gas [we had to stop for] was just the icing on the cake! Had you considered getting a new cab or were there none around?
Jodi: You just can't because they take you to such remote areas that there are no cabs. You can't switch because there's nothing out there. I mean, there's a camel. [Laughs] You guys seemed to have bad luck traveling. You rocked at the tasks and then all these other factors did you in. How did you keep calm?

Christie: Thank you! We were proud of ourselves about the tasks.
Jodi: You just have to know that you don't have a choice. Getting all upset and angry doesn't do anything for your team. It just gets you more upset and angry. And it doesn't do any good to yell at your cab driver or anyone else because he's not doing it on purpose. He's just trying to help.
Christie: We get it on the plane a lot [as flight attendants]. We get a lot of attitude. We're like, "Listen, we're trying to help you. Don't scream at me." How long did the Speed Bump take you?
Jodi: Maybe a good 30 minutes because traffic was really bad. By the time we finished the Roadblock, we were probably a couple minutes behind. The Speed Bump just took up another 30, so we were like, "Dang it!" Luckily, it took Mike and Mark quite some time with their barrel Detour, but when it was all said and done, we hit the mat two minutes after Mike and Mark. That was pretty hard. What happened at the end? They showed you leaving your Detour before Mike and Mark left theirs.
Jodi: We had the fantastic cab driver! But also, they were about a mile and a half closer. I was pretty upset. I was trying to come up with everything in my power to make up time on the tasks. [At the Roadblock] I grabbed two buckets for the water, carried them [back to the trough] and they said I could only dump one.
It was frustrating because if you could stuff hay down your bra and carry it, I don't know why you couldn't carry two buckets.
Christie, we have to talk about you running in your underwear last week.
Jodi: The clue said "strip down to your skivvies" and that's what Christie did. Several other teams changed into their swimsuit bottoms. It didn't say you could change! So I'm very proud of her for doing that.
Christie: I got a lot of friend requests on Facebook the next day. I was so cold that I forgot I was running in my thong. By the end of it, it's a G-string because it's moved! [Laughs] It was uncomfortable and I was freezing and there wasn't much I could do, especially with the cameramen on me.
Well, they were behind you too.
Christie: Oh, I know! Coming up the stairs into the auditorium, one of the guys said, "I think I saw your grandchildren." [Laughs] I was like, "I know, I don't care anymore!" Did you get a lot of cat calls?
Christie: It was crazy. People yelling, screaming and whistling. Camera phones were out. That was OK. The worst part was passing these women that were 55 and 60 and looking at me like, "You little slut," you know? [Laughs] That was the hard part — like I actually chose to go do that! Did you have any alliances with any teams?
Christie: No, we tried to work a few times with Tammy and Victor just when we saw them. But we didn't form an alliance because there's a lot of commitment attached to it.
Jodi: Part of the whole race was for us to be able to accomplish it on our own. And we don't know these people. Just because somebody says something to be true, we don't know that's the case. Did you find that a lot of people lied to you or lied to other teams?
Christie: I don't know if anyone lied to our face, but there was a general consensus that Jaime and Cara were telling people that we were saying not to work with them — which never happened. But we've cleared that up since the Race. Who were you cheering for after you got eliminated?
Jodi: Kisha and Jennifer or Mike and Mel.
Christie: Obviously, we want a girl team to win, and Jennifer and Kisha were such good sports that were always telling us during tasks, "Good job, ladies." We didn't really get that camaraderie with Jaime and Cara that we got with them.
Jodi: They're strong, but they're classy. Also, I just really love Mike and Mel because they were positive all the time. Mel was one of the people I trusted most in the Race because I knew that he wasn't going to lie to me.
Christie: I've had so many people call me and tell me they're pulling for those two. My mom's 68, which is Mel's age, so I was really impressed with him. And to see Mike so worried about his dad — I just really appreciated that relationship.

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2009, 07:02:40 AM »
Oh Christie and Jodi!!  :kuss:

That was an amazing heroic comeback attempt! To do the whole leg, suffer with a bad taxi driver, throw in a Speedbump, and STILL finish only minutes behind just shows what amazing racers you two ladies are!!  :hearts:

We loved your spirit and are so sorry to see y'all go!!
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2009, 07:03:57 AM »
Exit Interview:

‘The Amazing Race 14′: Christie and Jodi are heading home

The day after their elimination from the sixth lap of “The Amazing Race 14,” flight attendants Christie Volkmer (left), 37, and Jodi Wincheski, 40, chatted about their experience on the CBS series and how painting a trunk of an elephant in India helped them recover from some rough days in the competition.

Q: I really thought you were going to avoid elimination last night.

Christie: It was hard to watch. Even though we knew what was going to happen, it was really painful to watch. My entire family was here. I wouldn’t tell them when and anything would happen.
Jodi: We [lost] by two minutes.

Q: Jodi, last evening you kept talking about your daughter and how running “The Amazing Race” would show her that she can do anything in life. How old is she?

Jodi: My daughter is 11. She was sitting next to me on the couch, and she started crying, and I started crying. We were a big mess of tears. But it is good to watch it with her, and it’s a really good experience with her.

Q: I would have loved to be able to do that Speed Bump where you got to paint the elephant.

Christie: I love animals. I have a parrot, rabbit and dogs — so to be able to get that close up to an elephant and touch it. It was so nice to be that close up and look him right in the eyes.

Jodi: He was moving his trunk around.

Christie: Animals are very therapeutic, and we had such a tough time the last couple of days so to be able to pet the animal was therapeutic for me.

Q: Did you two have a favorite location?

Jodi: I think every place was really pretty. I think every place you go has something cool to take away from it. I was really glad that we went to Russia and India because those are places I probably wouldn’t go on a vacation. So it was amazing to see them and to get thrown into the culture. When you do the race, you don’t have a choice but to really interact with local people, which is really different when you go on vacation.

Christie: India was probably my favorite simply because it was so opposite from our life here as far as the culture and the living arrangements and lifestyles.

Q: Christie, I have to ask you what that was like for you to do that running in your thong underwear and bra in the subzero temperatures in Siberia.

Christie: It was actually fun. At first, it was very intimidating. But once you step out there and you are freezing, you forget that you are embarrassed because you are so cold. The day after, I had [a lot of] requests on Facebook to be friends — all men.

– Susan King, L.A. Times staff writer
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2009, 09:05:53 AM »
The fact that their cab driver took them 30 minutes in the wrong direction and stopped for gas and they still were just two minutes behind Mark & Michael shows me how much they rocked the tasks. They were tremendous. Plus Christie looks great in a thong.  ;D ;D
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2009, 03:23:59 PM »
Exit Interview:

The Amazing Race 14'
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jodi and Christie fell on some hard luck early on in The Amazing Race 14 and never really recovered.  They fought their way through a number of close finishes and were saved by a non-elimination leg, but, ultimately, it was a speed bump that sealed their fate, as they were eliminated from The Amazing Race on Sunday, finishing their leg in India mere minutes behind the penultimate duo of Mark and Michael.  Christie and Jodi, both flight attendants, met years ago and have been best friends ever since.  Christie is recently married, and perhaps the more optimistic member of the team, while Jodi is a recently divorced single mother.  We had the honor of speaking with the two ladies earlier this morning about their time on The Amazing Race and what it's meant to them.

Below you will find the full mp3 audio of the interview. (Go to article to listen. Interesting tidbit about them getting  business seats reclassified to economy on this past leg)

Jodi and Christie had a great time on the race, by all accounts, but they did stress just how rigorous the race is.  You don't get much sleep, the traveling can be absolutely brutal (on Sunday's show for instance, the teams flew from Siberia to India, connecting twice along the way, and this immensely long flight was portrayed in about six seconds of television), and the emotional wear and tear catches up with you.  Jodi especially stressed this emotional toll, as she dearly missed her family while away on the race.  In terms of editing, Jodi and Christie wished CBS had shown more of their strategic work from early in the season, especailly one instance of shrewd airline negotiations, which they discuss in the above interview.

The biggest thing the ladies took away from the race (and what I imagine most teams take away) is the sense of perspective you receive after spanning the globe.  The small annoyances in life dwindle away, and you come to realize that the big things are what's important.  Not only that, but the race helps people become thankful for the lives they get to lead.  As for the future, Jodi and Christie are back at work as flight attendants, and enjoying their lives with their families.
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2009, 05:14:44 PM »
I'm so sad they were eliminated. I didn't know if they could make up the time considering they had to do the speedbump but they did great until the taxi took the wrong route. What a difference a few minutes make. They still nearly finished before Mike and Mark, that is a huge accomplishment!
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Offline DerekCL

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2009, 10:03:07 PM »
Amazing ladies, indeed. I knew the speedbump was going to be hard to overcome, but they smoked the detour and the roadbloack. In fact, I think that if hadn't been for those taxis they would've easily finished in 4th or 5th place. That shows that they were and are (they'll continue working together) a very strong team. I hadn't rooted for an all-female team since Season 10 when I was rooting for Dustin & Kandice.

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2009, 02:08:30 AM »
Rob gave me a sneek peek of Christie & Jodi's rffradio interview! Tomorrow night he will play it during the show  .. it was an awesome interview  :jumpy:

ETA: The girls will also be on Bonnie Hunt tomorrow!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 02:12:01 AM by puddin »

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2009, 05:18:29 PM »
I just want them to give me the emergency exit routine. :lol:
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #59 on: March 25, 2009, 09:47:18 PM »
RealityWanted Exit Interview:

Exclusive Interview with Christie Volkmer and Jodi Wincheski of The Amazing Race

Posted on 03/24/2009 by Gina in Amazing Race 14, Cast Interviews

When a team comes in last in a non-elimination round on The Amazing Race, they may think that they ended up lucking out.  However, finishing at the very bottom of the pack always comes with a penalty.  This week, Christie and Jodi were forced to complete a speed bump, an extra task that no other team has to do, because they were the last team to check in during the previous leg.  Even though they were able to finish their challenge quickly, a lost cab driver ended up costing them the race.  Today, the pair spoke to RealityWanted in an exclusive interview about their time on the show, their friends, enemies, and the perks of being friends with Mike White!


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What made the two of you want to try out for The Amazing Race and whose idea was it?
A. Jodi: I’ve wanted to try out since day one.   Nine years ago, I tried out with my ex and went to the finals in L.A.  They told us that there wasn’t enough drama in our relationship.  Nine years later, I applied with my best friend from high school.  The show said that they’d love to have flight attendants.  Christie and I had been working together for a while and one thing led to another and here we are.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What sort of preparation did you do before going on the show?
A. Christie: We did a lot of upper body workouts.  In the past, women have been at a disadvantage in physical challenges.  I studied German and French and Jodi studied Italian and Portuguese.  We did a lot of work.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What’s the hardest part about being on the race?
A. Jodi: It’s the lack of sleep, coupled with the stress.  Your body takes a hit.
A. Christie: Even when you had the chance to sleep, you couldn’t, especially when you’re at the bottom of the pack.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Some teams have chosen to align themselves with one another this season.  Did you work with anyone?
A. Christie: We shared information with Victor and Tammy but we never really formed an alliance.
A. Jodi: The whole point of going on The Amazing Race was to do this ourselves.  Relying on another team wasn’t part of our strategy.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Was there anything that you saw, watching the show back, that surprised you or that you didn’t know about?
A. Christie: I think the funniest thing was Jamie and Cara.  We didn’t know that they were going around saying that we were telling the other teams not to work with them.  That is not true.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Had you guys not had to deal with the speed bump, do you think you’d still be in the race at this point?
A. Jodi: Oh yeah, we were only two minutes behind Mark and Mike.  The speed bump was a 30 minute task and the cab drive was 30 minutes because we were going the wrong way.
A. Christie: The biggest downfall was that the driver went to the wrong city.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: Is there a team left in the race that you’re personally rooting for to win?
A. Christie: Jen and Keesha.  We wanted a female team to win.  They’d good sports, they’re competitive, and they’re good people.  We loved Mel and Mike, too.  They’re very deserving, very good people.


Q. Gina, RealityWanted: What has life been like since the show started airing and what are your upcoming plans?
A. Jodi: We have fantastic opportunities since the show.  I’ve been recognized at work, at the airport, and out at rodeos, which is a big thing around here.  The best part is that children look at you with awe.  The entire cast just spent a fantastic weekend in L.A.  Mike White threw an L.A. race and all the current teams, as well as past teams, the creator, and the casting director all participated.  We met so many people: Jack Black, Laura Dern, and Shawn Hayes!
A. Christie: My husband wants to go back and really experience the places Jodi and I got to visit.  They’re not places you would normally think of for a vacation.

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2009, 09:47:52 PM »
Did anyone see them on Bonnie Hunt today? ???
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2009, 09:53:38 PM »
Did anyone see them on Bonnie Hunt today? ???
I have it on DVD, haven't had a chance to watch it yet!

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #62 on: March 25, 2009, 10:01:57 PM »
I forgot to tape it! Hopefully it will get YouTubed...
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2009, 10:07:20 PM »
Here's a pic, can't find video yet...
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2009, 10:12:42 PM »
My goodness. Both are looking spectacular!  :hearts: :hearts: :luvya: :luvya: :luvya: :luvya: :luvya: :luvya: :luvya: :luvya:
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2009, 10:35:36 PM »
Last time I made a video for Bonnie Hunt it took 2 hours to upload 8 minutes .. but I shall try  :tup:

Offline DerekCL

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2009, 10:44:53 PM »
I found it! The lovely Christie & Jodi on The Bonnie Hunt Show. Thanks to traveler224

« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 11:02:59 PM by DerekCL »

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2009, 10:55:51 PM »
Jodi looks really hot!
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2009, 11:40:35 PM »
Thank you Derek!! They both look just beautiful, and a great job!!
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #69 on: March 26, 2009, 12:54:27 AM »
Go figure, mine is STILL >>> Uploaded (processing, please wait)

eta: Finally!

« Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 02:47:51 AM by puddin »

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #70 on: March 26, 2009, 07:48:00 AM »
Bonni Hunt giving them complimentary soft drinks was a classy touch. Touche to the many airlines that no longer offer them.

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #71 on: March 26, 2009, 08:21:25 AM »
Southwest still does. At least the last time I rode with them they did.
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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #72 on: March 26, 2009, 11:36:19 AM »
More Interviews:

Exclusive: 'The Amazing Race's Christie Volkmer, Jodi Wincheski talk

By John Bracchitta, 03/25/2009

"Flight Attendants" Christie Volkmer and Jodi Wincheski had more than enough experience dealing with problems at airports, but they apparently still have a lot to learn about dealing with bad cab drivers.

After falling from first place to last during the previous leg of the race in part because of a wrong directions and a poor cab driver in Russia, but being spared by the season's first non-elimination leg, Christie, a 37-year-old flight attendant from Choctaw, OK, and Jodi, a 40-year-old flight attendant from Houston, TX, once again fell victim to a poor cab driver in India that resulted in their becoming the fifth team to be eliminated from The Amazing Race 14 during Sunday night's broadcast on CBS.

On Tuesday, Christie and Jodi spoke to Reality TV World about how their experiences as flight attendants came in handy during their time in the Race, what accessory they brought with them they both said helped them much more than was shown on the show, and how they mysteriously fell from sixth place to last place just prior to their elimination in India without any explanation from the show's broadcast.
Reality TV World:  To get started, the show really didn't do that good a job of showing it on Sunday, but what happened at the end there? You two left in sixth place and didn't seem to run into many problems but you ended up in last place.

Christie: We ran into big problems.

Jodi: They make it kind of look like it was a stop at the gas station, but really that was not it. When we first left [the airport] we got a really bad taxi driver, and he assumed, he had taken everyone else that had gone to India to this place (unintelligible) where they were having a religious ceremony, that that's where we wanted to go. We told them a million times [to go to] Dhula village and literally 30 minutes after we left the airport we circled back around the airport...

Reality TV World:  No. I'm sorry. I didn't mean right there at the beginning [of the leg]. I meant after you completed the Detour task. I guess it could've just been the editing [and] you guys were at a different [location than them] I guess, but it looked like you guys were ahead of [Mark and Michael Munoz] at that point.

Christie: Right, are you talking about before we did the Speedbump? You know we had to do the Speedbump with elephant.

Reality TV World:  Yeah, maybe my recollection is wrong, I thought you had still finished it...

Christie: Oh, yeah. You're right. We had left ahead. But [Mark and Michael] were about a mile-and-a-half closer to the Pit Stop than we were.

Reality TV World:  Okay so it just came down to...

Jodi: Yeah, and traffic in India is bad. So just being that mile-and-a-half closer and not having to deal with the traffic issues as much put them there before us. But it was a two-minute difference.

Reality TV World:  Yeah, it looked like you two were scrambling up the staircase as they were arriving at the Pit Stop.

Christie: Yeah, it was close, it was close.

Jodi: The biggest difference was our cab driver. And then doing the Speedbump was probably a 30 minute task, because of traffic again. So that gave us kind of an [hour long] problem right there from the beginning. So we ate up a lot of time doing tasks.

Reality TV World:  So the "Shakers" [Detour] task. How long did that take you?

Christie: I'd say that didn't take that long, maybe 20-30 minutes to collect the money.

Jodi: 20 minutes, probably. We were very gracious, we were amazed at how much they were offering.

Reality TV World:  Yeah, a lot of the teams seemed to comment on how nice the locals were to them. Based on that, it sounds like you had the same experience?

Jodi: They were phenomenal. I mean, they had nothing. You saw how they were living, just in poverty based on their standards. But they were having a good time, which was nice, and it just goes to show that you don't need to have a lot of money to have a good time. They were dancing and having a great time and offering up what little they could.

Christie: Yeah, they gave us money and they were very respectful. And I've always been a little hesitant of India because it seems, in past shows, that contestants fall apart in India. It seems typically that it's extremely crowded, people are crying, they feel like everybody's grabbing at them, of course the poverty. Our experience was very positive in India.
Reality TV World:  Yeah it kinda seemed like you guys were headed that way with those first initial cab rides out of the airport, there seemed to be a lot of emotion coming from everybody.

Jodi: Yeah, it was a little difficult to communicate, that's for sure.  You definitely see tough thing [to see] on the side of the road. Having traveled before we've unfortunately seen that in different countries and it's horrible, it's really difficult to see, you know cardboard box houses and children... the children get you. It's unfortunate that people are living like that.

Reality TV World:  Before the leg had started there on Sunday night, you both made a point of mentioning how you felt you needed to run that leg perfectly in order to make up ground. Did you think that [cabbie coming out of the airport was your downfall]?

Christie: Absolutely, it was the bad cab. It was just horrible, it was such a sinking feeling when we drove right by the airport we had just left 30 minutes earlier. And he still didn't know where he was going, he had to stop a million times for directions. And really, the gas station, we needed gas at that point! I mean, we had been driving forever, so he was still asking for directions at the gas station.

Jodi: And even with the 30 minute Speedbump and the 30 minute -- minimum -- cab delay, we still came within two minutes at the end. So it was most definitely the cab.

Reality TV World:  Just going back a week to the previous episode there, how did you guys end up at the wrong church during the "Russian Bride" Detour task? Was that another cab problem?

Jodi: No. The local that told us... we showed him the name of the church and he said "Oh absolutely, I know where that is, I'm going in that direction." So we said "Great we'll follow you" and he drove us right to that church, which was another thirty minutes out of the way. That was a pretty church, but it was not the right church.

You kinda have to trust the locals, you think they would know, but in that case he was dead wrong (Pauses) Especially when they say "Yes! I know where that is" and that they will take you there. I mean, you're not gonna go "No. We don't believe you, we're not sure."

Reality TV World:  What made you guys decide to do "Russian Bride" instead of the snowplow task?

Christie: Apparently they don't stop and ask for directions as gas stations in Russia. The snowplow [location] was written in English, the name of the place, and people don't understand English in Russia and we asked several people how to find that and they didn't know what we were talking about so we switched to the "Bride" because the address was written in Russian and we thought we might have a better chance getting someone to tell us where something was if they could understand the location.
Reality TV World:  You had actually started that leg in first place, from what I recall, and you obviously ended up in last with the non-elimination there. Do you think that is what caused you  to have that big drop?

Both: Yeah.

Jodi: I mean a 30 minute delay outside the city is a big deal when you go to the wrong church. IT was just (sighs)

Reality TV World:  From [the departure time shown] on Sunday night it looked like you actually ended up getting to the Pit Stop [for that leg] a couple of hours after the next closest team.

Jodi: Well, the guy that took us to the wrong church, he left after that, so not only are we 30 minutes outside of the city at the wrong church, but now we gotta find our way back into town and find the right church. So that was 30 minutes out, but then there's an hour trying to get back and figure out you bearings.

Christie: We had a heck of a time getting around in Russia. the guy took us to the wrong church and took us forever out of the way, and that sucked, but at the same time we could not find our way around Russia. We could not find anyone who speaks English, and we would get these maps that are like "cirle-line-circle-line-circle" and we're like "What in the world does that mean?"

There were no blocks, and everyone we ran into seemed to be drunk. And their concept of distance is much different than our concept of distance. They'd be like "It's 15 minutes down the road," and literally we had to throw the breaks on because no, it wasn't 15 minutes -- well maybe walking -- but it was literally a minute-and-a-half down the road. When we finally found the church the last person told us to drive down 15 minutes on a street, and we were there in a minute-and-a-half.

Jodi: The only reason we knew it is because I said "What does it look like?" and he said it was blue and gold. We saw a blue church and said "That has got to be it, finally."

Reality TV World:  Christie, can you talk a little bit about your reaction to that underwear run Roadblock challenge?

Christie: (Laughs) Well, it was actually kind of fun. I mean, people were yelling and having a good time and honking. you were really too cold to be embarrassed, it was just frigid. And I mean, when I first found out that I had to strip down into my thong I thought they were gonna give me a little outfit to put on that everyone had to wear. I didn't know that it would be what you were wearing.

So it was a little intimidating at first, but it was actually okay. Especially when I watched it and was thankful that  they put that blurry stuff over my butt.

The thing about that too is that the clue says "Strip down to your skivvies" and we found out after the fact that they let some people change into their swimsuit bottoms. I asked and was like "I have a thong, are you kidding me?" and they said "It says your skivvies" and wouldn't let me change, but they let... Well [Jennifer Hoffman] didn't have anything on, so they had to let her put something on. But they let [Tammy Jih] and [Cara Rosenthal] change into swimsuit bottoms and boy shorts.
Reality TV World:  Jodi, what was your reaction? Did you think you had dodged a bullet?

Jodi: I was actually really upset at that point, because I thought that it was basically an attempt to humiliate people and I didn't think that... I don't know. It was one of those things that they do for television.

But I was upset about that task, I had thought that it would bother Christie more than it did because she had told me earlier on that she did not want to be in a situation like that. So I just felt for her and was upset about the whole situation. But it turned out to be okay.

Reality TV World:  But that was one of those things where, at the time you made the decision of who was gonna do it you didn't know exactly what the task was, correct?

Jodi: Oh no, we had no idea. All we knew was...

Christie: (Interrupting) We had kinda decided that if it was something silly like that, that I as gonna do it because I was upset last season when they did the wrestling like "Oh, why couldn't they have had that for our season," because I like the silly, goofy stuff. So we kinda decided that [I would handle those challenges]

Jodi: And [the clue] said "Who has no shame?" and I'm like "Okay you go." (Laughs) Because I don't like goofy, silly stuff at as much, and Christie loves it so it was a no brainer. And I also had the finger issue, so they made me go to medical and I didn't want to take any more delays than we already had.

Reality TV World:  Yeah we didn't see much of the finger on this week's episode, so I assume it didn't end up becoming a significant factor?

Jodi: Nah. It wasn't a really big deal. I mean, everyone's got their finger slammed in a door before. I got a cute little scar so I have a memory forever. (Laughs).

Reality TV World:  Christie, based on your post-show comments, it almost seemed like you relished being in the underdog role after finishing last in that non-elimination leg. Was that the case?

Christie: Well, when you're in front there's a sense of complacency that sort of sets in. I mean we were always trying to stay at the top of our game and trying to be competitive. But when you're on the bottom you have to fight, and there is something inside of you that comes out that makes you fight even harder, that maybe you might not have come out if you were in the Top 3. So we did seem to perform very, very well when we were at the bottom and in survival mode.

Reality TV World:  Except for that last leg.

(Christie laughs)

Jodi: The other thing about survival mode is that you're kind of on your own when you're at the bottom. It's all up to you, so it's just you overcoming the obstacle ahead, and doing that is a great thing. Whereas on the top there are a couple of other teams, you can all work together and it's kind of easy and it's like "What do you think?" and "How do you approach this?" When you're on the bottom it's just you.

Reality TV World:  You two had that leg in where Russia you ended up losing your lead essentially because you all got bunched at the train station [but] then you actually ended up benefited [from another bunching] on this week's episode where your last place finish ended up being wiped out when you all ended up flying on the same flight into India. Do you think that's kind of like karmic payback and it all evened out in the end?

Jodi: You know, the logistics choice honestly on the train, because if all the teams don't make that train it could be another 24 hour difference, so I think that was a logistics choice to get you further into Russia, that's what they had to do for the show.

But the very, very first episode we come in first and it's not a Pit Stop, it's just an overnight. Then the very next morning, and we were ahead, we all leave within 15 minutes of each other. So it's definitely gone both ways when it's like "Well why couldn't this be a Pit Stop" and then we're all bunched together, or you're behind and you all get bunched back together.

It's just kinda the way it is, pretty much, on the show. they bunch people. The only time that we really woulda loved to have been bunched back together was after the first leg [and] going into the second one. It was a one day event, so there wasn't any time to make up there. It was really hard, we really had to fight just to get into the last place again.

Reality TV World:  Did your flight attendant backgrounds end up being as much as an advantage as you had hoped they would be before the race?  It didn't seem like there ended up being a lot of examples of that in the episodes.

Christie: Right, we were wishing they would show a little more of it, because we made a lot of good decisions when it came to flights, they didn't really air those. But that as well as the communication skills we have, being able to walk up and approach anyone and feel comfortable talking to them was definitely an asset.

Reality TV World:  Could you go into a little bit more detail? Do you mean as far as getting on flights or [do you mean smaller things like] where you end up sitting on the plane [and] being able to get off quicker?

Christie: Just for an example, on this flight, and there were a couple different places where this really, really helped us in Moscow, and only three teams made their connection. The reason we made the connection is because we really researched the flights and we found a flight that gave up enough time to get through. There were several teams that gave themselves an hour-and-a-half, and you can't get through customs in an hour-and-a-half in Moscow. So that was a big deal there, that was huge for us.

In this last leg, which you don't see is that when we get to the airport, we were the last ones to leave, and there were no seats available in economy. And we got the counter [to] actually call corporate and they reclassified some [of the seats] from business to economy so that we could purchase them.

Reality TV World:  So that experience, was that what you felt was unique with what you brought [to the Race] or did you bring anything else? I know in the past we've seen people deciding to bring whistles and actual physical items to help them out.

Christie: Our roller bags were definitely an asset. Again, they didn't show a lot of the airport scenes and so they didn't show us literally flying by people with our roller bags while they were struggling, the girls especially with their backpacks. Some of the girls were like "Wow I wish I would've thought of that."

Reality TV World:  So you do think the roller bags were an asset? Because there's been a lot of discussion about [how practical] those [were] 

Jodi: I know. It's so funny because people talk and they have no idea what they're talking about because they didn't have to carry them or hold them. But they are fully convertible, they can convert into a backpack.

There were a couple of times we would carry them, but I don't have a very good back, so carrying around a backpack for a month would've been difficult for me. It [would've] thrown my back out. So for me it was invaluable. And also, like Christie said, we could just fly by people, and we could pick them up on stairs if we needed to. We can change them into backpacks.

Reality TV World:  A lot of people really seemed surprised that [Margie and Luke Adams] ended up using the U-Turn on [Amanda Blackledge] and [Kris Kilcka].  Can you talk about your own reactions, and whether it changed your opinions of them at all?   

Christie: We were surprised.

Jodi: Yeah, we thought that it was it was a team fighting for their life at the bottom that would use [the U-Turn].

Christie: Jodi and I, we decided before we left that we wanted to play a fair and honest game and to just have our integrity intact and, in the event that we did win, we could be proud of how we achieved it. We had talked about the U-Turn and we were not gonna use it unless it was do-or-die and we were at the bottom and struggling we weren't gonna U-Turn a team just to get them out of the race. We wanted to win it fair and square. We were a bit shocked.

Jodi: It is part of the game, and it was a strategic choice and I don't fault them for doing that. It was just surprising at that time, everybody was getting along really well, you didn't necessarily want to put a target on your back. They didn't need to use it at that point and you only get to use one through the entire race, so we felt like it would be somebody at the bottom. Using it to save yourself is sort of acceptable, you're doing it to stay in the game. It was just a little bit surprising when they used it when they did.

Reality TV World:  So do you think it did make them a target?

Jodi: It made everybody go "Wow, they're in to win." When it comes down to it you're not going to trust that they're not going to do whatever they need to do to win for sure, which is true... I don't know.

Christie: (Unintelligible) [Cara Rosenthal] and [Jaime Edmondson] from Day 1 latched onto them. When they came in third in that first leg, they were basically going to their side. I don't think Luke and Margie could shake Jaime and Cara if they wanted to. (Laughs) So it depends on the team, probably [Victor Jih] and Tammy didn't trust them at that point, I know we were a little leery at that point. But just depending on the team and the dynamics and depending on the camaraderie that you have. (unintelligible)

Jodi: And after doing that wood stacking, that was long and hard and tedious, and so to make somebody do that and then make them turn around and do the [other challenge] you knew you were going to be personally responsible for kicking somebody out of The Race.

Reality TV World:  You both talked about your own specific reasons for deciding to come onto the show [after you were eliminated] -- but whose idea was it? Was this the first time you have applied for [the show] or had you done it before?

Jodi: I had wanted to do it from the very first show that I'd ever seen. I actually applied with my ex-husband I think about nine years ago. We went to the finals, [but] they didn't think we had enough drama between the two of us. So it was the matter of finding the right partner again and reading what they were looking for the show as well.

Christie: And as far as I'm concerned, I wanted to apply with my husband. He and I were really excited about it, but he's not a U.S. citizen so he wasn't able to apply. So it was, like Jodi said, just kinda waiting on the right person to come along.
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Offline DerekCL

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #73 on: March 26, 2009, 02:21:46 PM »
Correct me if I'm wrong but no one has mentioned that they were the first all-female team to have won a leg since TAR All-Stars

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Re: ♥♥♥ TAR14: Christie Volkmer & Jodi Wincheski - Co workers
« Reply #74 on: March 26, 2009, 05:11:33 PM »
From CTV:

Minutes from elimination, flight attendants come up short
Tyrone Warner,

After coming in last place on the previous leg of The Amazing Race, Christie Volkmer and Jodi Wincheski were given another chance. However, the penalty they faced was too steep, and they became the next team eliminated from the race around the world.

Leaving Siberia behind and heading to India, the flight attendants were given an extra road block task as their penalty. But after completing the additional challenge, painting an elephant, the team arrived just minutes after the second-last team, and were eliminated.

Jodie tells about how luck factored into their race, and why she thinks an all-female team still hasn't won The Amazing Race.

So how does it feel to be eliminated after going so far in the race?
     It's tough to come in last, but I'm glad we got as far as we did. We got to see so many different places and cultures.

How much do you think luck factored into the race?
     In our case, we had a lot of bad luck. Our cab driver, taking us 30 minutes outside of the city, was something we couldn't control, and that's frustrating. When it comes to the race, there's skill involved, but luck is a huge element too.

Do you think bad luck affects every team equally?
     No, I don't. Some people get good luck, some get bad luck, and some get both.

Are you disappointed that an all-girl team still hasn't won the Amazing Race? Any theories why?
      We'd love to see an all-girl team win, and it's possible. But the race does favour male teams in certain challenges. There's a lot of upper body strength required, especially in challenges which require lifting 200 pounds. But that doesn't mean you can't overcome that, and you can't make up time on other tasks.

Maybe the Amazing Race needs to recruit a female body-building team!
     That's right. You've got to be strong, fast, smart, well-travelled and worldly. There are so many aspects of the race, but men tending to win over women, it's usually in the strength portion they push ahead.

Did your background as Flight Attendants help you at all on the race?
     It did. We fly for Southwest, which is domestic, so we haven't had a lot of international travel experience. However, there were certain things that were huge for us that didn't get shown because its airport related and the show seemed to steer away from those to the countries themselves. On this last episode, we got to the airport and there were no economy seats available. We talked to the person at the counter, who called their corporate office, and eventually they reclassified our seats as economy. If that didn't happen, we wouldn't have gotten out that day! Knowing that process helped.

How has the race changed your lives now? What's different?
      We're still flight attendants; we've been flying 14 years. I still work 3 days a week and I like to travel. It had a huge impact on my life; it makes you appreciate home, family, health, and the things that matter. You're also shown so many cultures, and realize how great we have it in the United States.

So how did you and Christie first meet?
     We flew together 6 or 7 years ago. It's pretty random who you fly with at work. I had applied for the show with my friend Laura, and I got a callback saying that they loved us both, but the show would love to have a flight attendant team. I happened to be flying with Christie that day, and we talked about it in the jump seats. She told me that she and her husband always wanted to do it, but he's a German citizen and not able to do it. We figured it was fate.
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