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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2009, 01:31:34 PM »
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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2009, 06:25:03 PM »
I have always loved survivor!  The one problem is that I haven't had the time to watch the recent seasons!  I will try to watch this season a little more.  I wonder WHAT the big twist will be.

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2009, 08:14:59 AM »
Survivor: Micronesia's Erik Reichenbach blogs about Tocantins...

How do you like the new season of Survivor?

Tocantins is looking pretty good, even though they've only had one episode out so far.

Tyson is pretty damn funny, I'm glad they've brought back a character that reminds me of Greg from the very first season. Sandy, although a bit frantic, provided some good entertainment from the get go and for that I'm glad the twist worked out okay. Sometimes they make up the dumbest twists (Palau, where two members were voted off immediately)

At first I didn't like Sierra, but after going to and checking out the secret scenes I realized she reminds me a lot of Alexis from Micronesia. She also mentioned me! In a conversation with Coach he asks her how far she'd be willing to go in terms of manipulating and lying,..

"Did you watch that season,.. Micronesia? With that guy, Erik? Where he gave up Immunity and what those girls did to him. I would draw a line there"

You are on my good list, I hope you go far! Of course immediately after Coach mentions its just a game and he's gonna play it hard if he needs to and etc. etc. so Coach looks to be a bit arrogant in my book. I have a feeling he will end up like Joel from Micronesia; booted after a tribal swap because he is intimidating and strong.

Who is your pick to win the game?
I SUCK at making predictions so I am randomly selecting,.. Brendan.

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2009, 08:23:07 AM »
Survivor: Palau's Coby Archa blogs about Tocantins: Episode 1....


That is the first thing that pops into my mind, how ugly and how miserable it looks there! When they were taking their 4 hour walk all I kept thinking was it looked like west Texas. I kept waiting for a tumble weed to blow by and hit someone in the leg. You could see in the challenge the effects of the heat...just awful. And did you notice how dirty everyone was already? Spencer looked like he had been dipped in poo. The wind most blow dirt around a lot they all looked like Bob's special effects from last season.

Quick pulse on everyone...

Sandy- dirty, crazy, country Sandy I LOVE YOU!! From the moment she had to compose herself at the flag when she arrived at camp alone because the game was 'hers', she had me. Now I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if you don't know what paces are, much less a palm tree, the game might not be 'yours' Sandy but I love you anyway :) Good cover at tribal too BTW when people wanted to know why you had been away from camp so much.

Tyson- Yum! I find myself wanted to see the unblurred version of this episode (what is up with all the gay guys from Utah?) And he does look like a good looking Rafe/Todd hybrid. He also slightly reminds me of my ex making me wonder why I didn't keep him lol

Spencer- cute calm Spencer you are way to level headed for your age what did your parents do right?

Coach- I wanted to stuff a sock in your mouth when you were going on about Vikings and Indians, to think you compare to either of those categories just shows you how important you think you are. I want this bitch taking down a notch but have a sick feeling it won't happen anytime soon.

Carolina- You were annoying in what they showed but I loved your heartfelt sorry to are a good cookie. And p.s. for all the breeders out there you have one hell of a rack! her boobies were distractingly delish-us!

Seirra- Didn't like you pres-how and still don't like you (smart to set up camp though).

JT- You are Big Tom junior so of course I like you and man did you see how much further he was than everyone else in that challenge? DUYUM boy!

I don't know the other players names yet so will be completely politically incorrect...

Big Black Girl in River- loved you giving Caroline the heads up on her attitude! I love these sassy black women they have been casting as compared to the ones that don't exist, kinda of like the other black girl tonight we never even saw did we?

Who Is The Millionaire- I missed him not sure which one that is

The Other Guy with the slight Hillbilly Accent- got some face time not sure why (is he the millionaire?)

Beautiful Blond Girl- I think you are the other model who I 'pre-show hated' but even I was entranced by your beauty at tribal council, you are beautiful!!!

Jew Boy- didn't do much this episode so hope that means you stay around I have higher hopes for you :)

besides that can't remember the other 3 players....oooopsy!

So overall vibe is good. Location looks like hell (thank you god for picking me for Palau). Liked the episode, got all wired watching the ad for next week :) Rainy catty fights....yum. I can only hope Tyson head bumps the black girl with his wirey but perfect hard arms :)

Only bad thing (you know I always have to have a bad thing lol) is that the cast is a bit odd, they don't seem to mix well but as it unfolds that could be a good thing :) Just usually the cast has a 'vibe' but this one doesn't seem to have one.

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2009, 09:10:57 AM »
Coby's weekly blog about Tocantins

Episode 2"

O Survivor I know you can't always be unpredictable but the second Candace opened her mouth tonight I thought....oops she gone.

Okay, so I don't know if it was the wine I had tonight while watching this at Jenn's house but I found this episode kind of a let down. I barely saw my wacky Sandy. I don't know if I just got too pumped from the ad last week but just felt like a let down.


I can't believe that Taj told them she is married to a NFL player, I mean I get it... that is cool and all, but puts a huge target on your head.


Felt tonight was the night of set ups. Felt they were just wasting time telling us the back story of future players in the game. If that is the case, here is what we learned....


Stephen and JT best buds from different worlds, nobody sees it coming (feel they get far in the game together).


Tyson is still funny and makes people laugh (feel he gets far in the game because of this).


Coach is annoying and his attitude is his downfall (foreshadowing).


Spencer gives boring confessionals but gets a oddly large amount of face time (feel he must go soon because of this or far far in the game).


Erin, Debra (old blond) and Sydney all barely get face time (can't imagine any of them winning because of this).


Same goes with Joe and Jerry (can't imagine either of them win either).


Sandy said for the second episode in a row that the 'game is hers' makes me wonder.


Could be just because Spencer if fresh on my brain from my backlash to him but at this point from just the edit...I would predict him the winner only because I don't understand why he is getting so much face time. His confessionals aren't that good but they show him a lot. At this point from the edit it would seem the winner to be Him, Tyson or Sandy.


All would be crazy winners at this point just interesting and fun to guess:)

More fun to guess than to watch this is to next week with Taj's cruel laugh as she makes a alliance, please somebody do something entertaining.


p.s. mad props to Brendan and Sierra for turning their search into a fire pit, and for him lying to his tribe. Would guess Brendan to win at this point but he seems to obvious

p.p.s. still hate coach and when he tried to lick Candace on the face, seems a odd thing to do for a female soccer coach

p.p.p.s. still something oddly hot about Tyson even though he will be see through once he starves on here a little longer, I kind of want to sit on his nose

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #55 on: March 05, 2009, 11:04:42 AM »
Jeff Probst is a guest on Bonnie Hunt today! Check your local listings ..

Jeff Probst ('Survivor'): As the host of this long running reality show there aren't too many who haven't heard his catch phrase of 'the tribe has spoken.' But did you know he was also an ordained minister? Bonnie will find out more talents he may be hiding.

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #56 on: March 06, 2009, 02:31:04 PM »
EW Scan week March 13 ..

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #57 on: March 07, 2009, 02:43:18 PM »
Maybe someone from the four-way alliance will be voted out.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2009, 03:02:11 PM by Snooky101 »

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #58 on: March 16, 2009, 02:04:29 AM »
Survivor Palau: Coby Archa blogs about episode 5....he's dissing on Spencer!

Survivor Tocantins Episdoe 5...

So, I am trying not to laugh to hard with glee that my arch young cute straight acting young gay foe who wanted to be nothing like the rest of us 'flaming' gays on the show didn't make the jury like WE all did :)






You and the gay guy you wanted to be like, the 'fabu' JP closet case both didn't make the jury!


Okay, so childish side behind me now. I did feel sorry for this kid listening to him talk about how the 'southern' guy would be prejudice against him for being gay when actually YOU the gay guy are being prejudice against the Southerner assuming his views on your life when you haven't taken the time to even let him in on it. I mean in the year MILK wins so many awards and it is 2009 the fact that a 18 year old kid still thinks being closeted is a better option is sad. I may have looked like a flaming faggot on TV but I still get fan mail from young adults how find courage in coming out from me. I really hope and pray you get the same letter Spencer and not that you have encouraged other young adults to have whole conversations about themselves that aren't true like the one you had with Sydney about girls that you might like.

Anyone who knows Spencer please have him get a hold of me I know I have been upset with you but just because of society NOT you, I don't even know you. I need to help a brother up in life. I would love to befriend you and maybe you can learn a thing or two from a old open queen :)

And as far as just being a viewer seeing you in the game getting out so early that did make me sad because I know you are such a fan of the show, that would suck to be out so early so I did feel for you in that sense.

For everyone else the second I saw Taj go off on everyone bullying them I turned to my mom and said, that bitch is going last because the one thing I learned from Tom is that bullying...wins! And sure enough they kept her. Was tonight the Taj show or what? I swear she talked more than half of the episode alone. That seemed odd, a lot of Taj.

Tonight I finally felt some Bobby Jon love for JT or as in this episode JTeeth :) The boy can take a licking and keep on ticking. And he just about broke my heart when he said his mother has only told him 3 times in his life that she loved him. How sad :(

Tyson YOU rocked the challenge more than Spencer sucked at it. You are just great at any of these physical challenges. Your cycling has trained you for the endurance this game demands.

Sydney not as pretty tonight lol don't know why I kept thinking that.

Sierra I am kind of starting to like you in spite of myself.

Brandon shamamdon.

Joe, Coach, older blond lady and the rest of them...don't really care about any of you one way or the other, when will your stories be told?

p.s. by the way Spencer if it makes you feel any better while I am up on my soapbox the reason my blog is late is because I am broke and my cable got turned off lol so even openly gay proud people have problems too :)

we can all just hope to be better

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #59 on: March 19, 2009, 10:05:55 PM »
Jeff takes you behind the scenes of the making of Survivor's main title sequence. Catch Survivor Thursdays on CBS!

Survivor: Tocantins - Creating the Main Title Sequence - Part 1

Survivor: Tocantins - Creating The Main Title Sequence - Part 2
Jeff returns to Los Angeles to take a closer look at how Survivor's music and editing help make it a hit. Don't miss Survivor: Tocantins, Thursdays on CBS!

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2009, 01:22:59 PM »
WOW! I will never watch the intro again without remembering all the creative work that goes into it.
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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #61 on: April 06, 2009, 06:52:50 PM »
Can't find anywhere else to put this so...

‘Survivor Tocantins’ exile alliance
Survivors Tocantins” castaways are now down to 11 with Jerry Sims, Sandy Burgin, and Spencer Duhm voted out in the last three episodes. “Survivor Tocantins” is aired locally on Q Channel 11.

Left in contention to be this season’s sole survivor are Timbira’s Coach, Tyson, Brendan, Debbie, Erinn, and Sierra and Jalapao’s JT, Stephen, Joe, Taj, and Sydney.

49-year-old US Army Sergeant and Nuclear Equipment Operator Jerry Sims was the third cast-off of the season. Stomach pains ended the chance of the South Carolina native at winning the million after having enough of Timbira’s beans diet.

Jerry’s sickness became more obvious to his Timbira tribemates shortly after losing the Immunity Challenge to Jalapao. Coach and Tyson tried to keep Jerry in the game and send Erinn home instead. But the rest of the tribe couldn’t let Jerry’s condition pass, and so he was out by six votes. Asked in an interview whether he regretted deciding to stay under the radar, as what he did in the beginning, Jerry answered, “No regrets. I had a blast.”

Sandy Burgin, the 53-year-old bus driver from Kentucky, was not as lucky in Episode 4 as she was in Episode 1, after she survived the votes she received from the pilot episode’s surprise twist. Thinking that she had the word of her Jalapao tribemates that she wouldn’t be the next one sent home, Sandy came to Tribal Council confident that she had a bigger chance of staying than Sydney. But Taj, JT, and Spencer didn’t want to put their ties with Joe and Stephen at risk by sending Sydney off. And they got more irritated by Sandy’s habits than Sydney’s flirting, and so five votes were cast against Mama K. Despite being blindsided, Sandy cherishes her experience on “Survivor Tocantins.”

“I’ll do Survivor again in a heartbeat, as brutal as it is.” Spencer Duhm, the 19-year-old telecommunications student from Florida, believes that he gave his best during Episode 5’s Immunity Challenge even if his fellow Jalapao member JT thought otherwise. In an interview, he confidently said, “Yes, I believe I gave my 100%. I just didn’t get the hang of it (the game).” Spencer’s performance during the catch-a-ball challenge for immunity did not measure up to JT’s expectations. JT, who lost half of his tooth for almost single-handedly winning the game for Jalapao, felt that Spencer gave poor defense. His frustration toward Spencer got to the other tribe members, and so Spencer became the fifth castaway whose torch’s flame was put out. Jalapao seemed not to have any difficulty in grabbing all the rewards of the last three Reward Challenges.

They got a comfort package of pillows, blankets, and hammock, a supply of beans and a water can grabbed from the other tribe, and a trip to a special café on the island for a treat of coffee, pastries, plus use of a decent toilet. They had all the advantages they needed to win the last two Immunity Challenges, yet they failed to do so.

On Episode 4, Jalapao’s winning streak was cut off after losing the puzzle challenge to Timbira. They made a strong comeback on Episode 5’s Reward Challenge which required crossing a balance beam while still dizzy from being released off a rotating platform. But Timbira again proved that they’re all for immunity when they had a come-from-behind win in the catch-a-ball challenge.

The Exile Alliance

The four-way alliance between Jalapao’s Taj and Stephen and Timbira’s Brendan and Sierra may be one of the biggest surprises of the season.  During the last three episodes, the alliance had been slowly forming, with Taj revealing the plan to Stephen and Sierra, and Brendan confirming it to both. Taj and Brendan’s strategy to pick someone from the alliance to go with them to Exile Island every time it came up had been their means to make the pact final.

Now, they are armed with two Immunity Idols which Taj and Brendan found hidden in their respective camp’s tree mails. But Timbira’s Tyson, Coach, and Debra seem to now have a vague idea of the secret ties between Brendan and the other castaways. The alliance may have to bid goodbye to one of the idols soon to save Brendan in the coming Tribal Councils.

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #62 on: April 21, 2009, 01:45:15 PM »

            The following are CBS's May season finales and cliffhangers.

Sunday, May 17                       

(8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT)  SURVIVOR: TOCANTINS--The special two-hour finale begins with four remaining castaways vying for the $1 million prize and title of "Ultimate Survivor."  The finale is followed by a one-hour live reunion show hosted by Jeff Probst.

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #63 on: May 02, 2009, 11:52:37 PM »
CBS posted this video in preparation for the finale:

Courtesy of CBS

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #64 on: May 03, 2009, 11:03:15 AM »
Sadly I hardly remembered most of the cast. Thanks for posting the video Will ... I needed a reminder. 

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #65 on: May 04, 2009, 05:39:58 PM »
I remember them well enough except for Caroline!

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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #66 on: May 05, 2009, 06:45:52 AM »
Poor Sydney. She was never mentioned once in that video. :lol:
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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #67 on: May 05, 2009, 09:21:34 PM »
 I saw this tonight and thought Survivor fans might be interested. Maranhao is the state just north of Tocantins. Looks like it has been raining for a long time, not just during filming.

Tuesday 5/05/09

Heavy rains kill 19 in Brazil, leave 186K homeless

SAO PAULO -Floods and mudslides from months of heavy rains in northern Brazil have driven more than 186,000 from their homes, killed at least 19 people and cut off shipments from a huge Amazon iron mine, officials said Tuesday.
Television footage showed the rooftops of houses poking out of inundated towns and people using boats to move around in their cities. Mudslides swamped homes and forced residents to move in with relatives and pack into emergency shelters.
Globo TV's G1 Web site reported Tuesday night that three more people died in a mudslide in Bahia state, south of the main zone of devastation, but authorities did not immediately confirm the deaths.

At least seven states, most in the Amazon region, have been affected by the rains, which have battered the region for several months, regional civil defense departments said. Worst-hit is the state of Maranhao along the Atlantic coast and south of the mouth of the Amazon River. Civil defense official Abner Ferreira said six major highways have been swamped, cutting off thousands of people and leaving lines of stranded cargo trucks.

The rains also prompted the temporary closure of a railway that takes iron ore from the sprawling Carajas mine in the neighboring jungle state of Para, according to a statement from miner Companhia Vale do Rio Doce SA.Iron ore, the main ingredient in steel, is shipped overseas from Sao Luis, the state capital of Maranhao. The railway also transports 1,300 people per day, and G1 reported that service should be restored within two days. Vale is the world's second largest mining company and the planet's biggest iron ore producer.

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva flew over the hardest-hit areas, delivered food baskets to shelters, met with local officials and promised aid to repair infrastructure. He also voiced concerns that global climate change could be responsible for the unusually heavy rains and destruction. "We need to look more seriously into the climate situation these days," said Silva. "Something is changing and we still have time to fix it."

Brazil's Health Ministry said it would send an emergency shipment of 265,000 doses of medicine to Maranhao to prevent possible outbreaks of intestinal diseases caused by contaminated floodwaters. Ferreira said meteorologists forecast at least another two more weeks of heavy rains in northern Brazil. Floods and mudslides late last year in the southern state of Santa Catarina killed more than 100 people, displaced some 80,000 and set off a round of brutal looting in a devastated port city by people desperate for drinking water and food.
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Re: S18: Survivor Tocantins News now with the CAST
« Reply #68 on: May 05, 2009, 10:03:59 PM »
Poor Sydney. She was never mentioned once in that video. :lol:
Poor poor Sydney!  Joe also didn't have a chance to shine in the show.
Those mudslides can't be good!