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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #775 on: May 06, 2009, 12:00:40 PM »
Carrie Ann Inaba blogs 'DWTS,' week 9

WHAT A SHOCKER! Lil’ Kim went home. The whole room collectively dropped their jaw when Tom Bergeron made the announcement. I am shocked by the outcome of the audience’s vote. However, I think we may be in for some surprises from here on out. Since we have such great competitors left in the game, and they are all sitting quite close to each other on the leader board, the audience vote is really going to come into play. We never know how the audience votes on our show and that keeps it interesting and never allows anyone to have a clear idea of how anyone is doing. I thought Lil' Kim would be one of the last performers standing. I don’t think I was alone in that thought. But the show must go on.

Awww…..but I’m still bummed she went home. In all honesty, I will be bummed every week from here on out.

The final four all have different strong points so it’s going to be up to the dances they get, the order they perform in, and how they present every detail of the dances along with how they keep the voters voting for them. Shawn, Melissa and Gilles are all scoring really well -- Ty is not scoring quite as high as the rest of them, so he must be getting a huge audience vote. I can see why. He is certainly likable, making an honest attempt at improving each week -- and actually IS doing just that. But his finesse is not quite up to the standards of the other semi-finalists. I enjoy watching him perform and seeing the fruits of his labor on the dance floor. But no one would have predicted he would last longer than Lil' Kim. But -- for those Lil' Kim fans, she did a great job and really raised her public profile. This show gives celebrities a second shot at fame, it gives them a wonderful new start or a kick start at least to go in new directions with their careers. Lil' Kim came across so lovely on our show. I certainly felt that I got to see a whole different side of Lil' Kim while she was on our show. I hope she gets many opportunities from this show. I know she will.

Everyone else did spectacular things on Monday’s show. We had Tyrese in the audience. He was booing Bruno all night. It was funny. He is the one who started the “BOO BOO." The double BOO began with Tyrese. He’d be a good contestant on our show. He seems to have a good sense of humor about him, and is quite playful. He was up and down all night. I think out of all the celebrities we’ve had at the show, he had the most fun. He was yelling and booing and standing up and yelling things at us, and laughing and smiling. It was nice to see someone having such a great time. Tonight we had Omarosa in the house as well. She was quiet in the second row -- just watching how it all works.

Melissa’s Samba was so much better than we expected it to be. She really found her grounded energy. She also didn’t show any signs of her injury in that dance. It seemed that it might be bothering her Tuesday, though -- she wasn’t as good in the encore as she was on Monday…so maybe that rib is bothering her more that we know. It seemed like it might have hurt her in her Viennese Waltz. I wanted to say that last night but we ran out of time for me to say all that I wanted to say. I thought that she wasn’t giving us the best shapes in her posture but I thought it might be because of her injury because without the support of the core, those dramatic ballroom postures are very difficult to hold. It is easier on the ribs to be straight up and down. I can understand but I have to judge what I see on the spot. Thankfully, the audience doesn’t have to mark down for those things.

Gilles was quite incredible in his Foxtrot. It was a beautiful performance -- I was surprised that Len did not give him a 10. But to each his own. Len, Bruno, and I all see different things. That is what makes us such a well-balanced panel. People often ask why we are on the panel if we don’t come from a formal ballroom background. Well, the answer is quite simple. This isn’t a formal ballroom dance competition. This is a competition for the laymen, the non-professionals, so the show needs different opinions to keep the panel balanced. WE can’t just judge these contestants on formal ballroom dance criteria. It would be boring. These people are not trying to become professional ballroom dancers. They are competing on a show called Dancing With The Stars. And now, our show has opened up the competition to include more styles of dances from various genres. Our different backgrounds allow for us to give different corrections to the performers and different commentary so that different viewpoints are represented. This helps the audience formulate their opinions. They agree, or disagree or yell at the tv. ;) It’s great. We want people to care about the people on the show. They are working so hard…

Which brings me back to Gilles. He did so well on the first number but his second performance, the Rumba, was a bit strange. Yes, it was sexy but it was over the top in my opinion. I think he wanted to do such a great job that he just pushed it over and lost his mojo for a moment. I’m sure he’ll get it back. Some things don’t need to be forced. Gilles sex appeal is one of those things. No force needed. It comes naturally for him.

Shawn was on fire. It’s too bad she and Mark did that break in the hold the way they did. But sometimes, the contestants like to push the boundaries. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Her performances were top notch this week. She could have had some 10s in that first performance….but she did really well in that Paso. I’m so happy to see her dare to push the emotional side. At 17, it is not easy to tap into those things, but she did and she really pushed out a great performance. Actually, she did two great performances!

Ty was quite good in his Argentine Tango. There was a lot of content. Ty does not rest on his laurels. I admire that about him. He doesn’t settle for doing “weak dancer” choreography. Chelsie gives him difficult choreography and demands -- in a nice way -- that he deliver and he does. He seems to like the challenge and really takes it seriously. He has come so far…The Rumba was a bit stiff but it was better than I expected. He just has a difficult time sometimes with the finesse between the moves, and the subtleties of the facial expressions. I thought Chelsie's choreography at in the tango was great. When he had his hands in his pocket at the top of his first number, and when he performed his solo during his Rumba were both moments none of us will forget. The room went crazy. It was so adorable and heartwarming to see Ty Murray roll his hips for his wife….No -- it didn’t score too many points with the judges, but I see it won the hearts of the viewers.

I want to point out that Tuesday night, we had a great performance. The two guest dancers that performed the Quickstep (Agnieszka Kazmierczak and Urs Geisenhainer) were a sight! They were so breathtakingly beautiful to watch, I had to bring it up. The performance by James Cullum was really special. I had never heard of him before last night. I’m not a huge Jazz fan but I will be buying his album later this week. He’s quite talented.

Well, my mom is in town so I’m going to wrap it up. We are doing the Revlon Run Walk this Saturday -- it was a year ago that she found the lump in her breast that led to a diagnosis of breast cancer for which she has undergone her treatments. We are taking part in the cause again -- we did it last year before her diagnosis -- and are looking forward to a nice Mother’s Day Weekend. I’m grateful to have my mother in my life. She is a wonderful lady and an inspiration to me. Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate not moms every where but to celebrate your own personal mother. That's why the apostrophe comes right after the r. It’s about your mother, and it’s a day you should spend reflecting on that special relationship that is a mother and child. Your moms may not be here anymore or may be estranged, but it is because of them that we are even here. So this weekend -- I hope you will have a chance to express your love of your mother.

And thank you to all the people who bid on the auction. It closed at $12,500 and I’m looking forward to meeting the person who won the final bid! They will be at the finale of our show. Congratulations to you and see you soon! The money you donated will be going to The Andrea Rizzo Foundation to help with Drea’s Dream. We thank you for your kind generous support of this great cause. And I thank my mom for inspiring me to start to get involved in doing things that have deep value and meaning in the larger scope of things. To give back is like getting a special gift yourself...

Thank you for tuning in! Keep voting!!!!!!!

And I'll see you next week!

Same time, same place.

Carrie Ann

P.S. How cute was Len with his fake tattoo and gold chain in Dance Center?!

Go Len! :)

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #776 on: May 06, 2009, 12:23:49 PM »
Dance Assignments for 5/11 (all are now confirmed)


Viennese Waltz       


Cha Cha Cha         




Argentine Tango   
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 06:33:20 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #777 on: May 07, 2009, 10:42:55 AM »
Ty's blog:

‘We’re feeling good about where we’re at’

Hey troops, I just got back to the apartment.

Today we spent the whole day working on the choreography for the Samba. I don't know the name of the song we're using – it's a '60s song – but I'll try to remember to get that tomorrow and let you know.

Chelsie's been working really hard and we're both worn out so it's hard to get caught up on rest, but we're hanging in there and everything's all right. We know how Wednesday's go and we're real used to how the process goes so we're feeling good about where we're at.

We have the whole Samba choreographed and even got to where we're going through it pretty decent. We'll work on that some more tomorrow and then start the Viennese Waltz on Friday, at least that's the way it's looking right now.

I'm going to try and get a good night of sleep because I have to get up first thing in the morning and start doing phone interviews at 6 a.m. and, of course, we have another full day tomorrow.

I appreciate all the comments everyone has been leaving.

It's great to see how many people are coming to and leaving comments. Again, it's really nice to have all this support, especially when the days get long.

But I just want to be sure and remind everybody not to get suckered into all the trash talk on the Internet. Let's not worry about it and, instead, we'll just let it roll off of our backs.

Chelsie and I are sticking to the same routine we've had since week one so we all should just keep doing what we've been doing because that's what got us to this point.

We'll keep doing the best we can and not worry about what others are saying. If they're going to be negative we're not going to change their mind anyway so keep doing what we believe is right, the way we believe is right and I really do appreciate the fact that you guys handle things first class.

That's it for now and, again, I appreciate all the support. I'll give you another update tomorrow and let you know how it's coming...and don't forget to check out the cover of "TV Guide" this week.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #778 on: May 08, 2009, 12:40:13 PM »
Ty's blog:

‘Chelsie and I got the Samba going pretty good today’

I just got back to the apartment after my day started at six this morning. I had about two hours of radio interviews – it's called a satellite tour – and then I did about another hour of print press over the phone.

As soon as I got done with that I went over to ABC and did my weekly hour-long interview and then I went straight to practice.

Chelsie and I got the Samba going pretty good today.

The name of the song we're dancing to is called "Concrete and Clay." Chelsie really loves it as a Samba song and we got the routine going with music and even got our wides shot. She felt so good about how it was going that we switched over and started working on our Viennese Waltz for the last hour.

She was so thrilled about how it was going that she left the studio in a really good mood, and so did I.

Don't get me wrong, the Samba needs some more work. But we're getting to the point where we can run it with the music and that's when she does her last tweaks to polish it up.

A friend of Jewel and I had a great chef from the L.A. area come to our apartment this evening and cook us a great homemade dinner and even served us up! He really spoiled us.

That was a nice gift to be able to just come straight home from practice and relax – just me and Jewel – right here in the apartment because we've ate a restaurant for every meal for the past two months.

Now the two of us are just relaxing. We're going to have a nice quiet evening and try to get another good night's rest because my day starts at 7 a.m. and goes until about 7 p.m.

By the way, if any of the Army is in Los Angeles, I invite you to come to the Saddle Ranch on Sunset Blvd. between 5 and 7 p.m. Friday night because we're going to be filming part of the package segment for the Monday's show.

It's kind of a cowboy army fan appreciation so if you're around L.A. and want to stop in feel free, and I will check back in with you guys tomorrow.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #779 on: May 08, 2009, 12:51:16 PM »
Shawn Johnson: I Don't Know If I Can Win DWTS

Even though we're down to the last four pairs on Dancing With The Stars, contestant and Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson tells OK! she still has no idea if she and partner Mark Ballas can win.

But — speaking right before she launched InterContinental Hotel Group's "Biggest Free Nights" offer — she told OK! that she's sure about one thing: she'll miss ice cream when the show ends and she has to start her gymastics training again!

Is there anything that you always travel with?
My journal. I write, like, once a week. I did it for the Olympics, I do it for big events and for Dancing With the Stars.

Do you still get really competitive even though it’s only a TV show?
I'm very competitive, but DWTS is just for fun. We’re all like family and supporters of each other and we’re just there to have a good time.

What do you think your chances are?
I have no idea. I hope I can make it to the final but I don’t know.

Is it harder or easier than you thought it would be?
It’s extremely hard. It’s physically demanding and exhausting but it’s the time of my life. I love it.

Do you have to do something alongside that to keep in shape for your gymnastics?
I’m just kind of taking the time off completely — enjoying every opportunity I get. This is my first break ever.

What is that like?
It’s definitely different! It was hard to get used to at first, but it’s great. I’ve been in the sport so long I really needed a break to step away and take a breather and get things in check to see what I want to do and then I’ll go back afterwards.

Is there something particularly you’ve taken up doing?
Dancing With The Stars has pretty much taken up 24/7 of my time.

Have you changed your diet at all?
Now that I’m not doing elite training I can splurge and have ice cream if I want. But I still eat healthy just like always.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #780 on: May 08, 2009, 04:17:59 PM »
ABC Press Release...

Raphael Saadiq Performs

Macy's Stars of Dance 'Design-a-Dance' is Revealed

Professional Dancer Competition Continues with Two Finalists

Tenth Couple Eliminated is Revealed
"Episode 810A" - After tallying the judges' scores and viewers' votes, the tenth couple to be eliminated from the competition is revealed and the three finalists determined on "Dancing with the Stars the Results Show," TUESDAY, MAY 12 (9:00-10:02 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Singer-songwriter and producer Raphael Saadiq performs his hit, "100 Yard Dash" from his third solo album, three time Grammy® Award nominated "The Way I See It," released in 2008 and featuring collaborations from Stevie Wonder and Joss Stone.

In a special Macy's Stars of Dance performance, the Macy's Design-a-Dance winning elements, including song, type of dance, male & female lead dancers and costume design selected by the public, will be revealed. Since the beginning of the season, viewers have been logging onto to submit their own costume designs, as well as vote for their favorite song, type of dance and dancers to create the public's ideal vision and performance. The five final costume designs were selected and voted on by the public, leaving one lucky winner with the most votes to have his or her costume created by the show designer and worn by the winning professional dancers in the performance.

The first "Dancing with the Stars" professional dancer competition continues with two dancers remaining. After one more of the six professional dancers is eliminated based on last week's viewer votes, the two remaining dancers are paired with a "Dancing with the Stars" professional dancer. By the end of this season, one lucky dancer, determined by viewers' votes, will be selected as a member of next season's "Dancing with the Stars" cast to be paired with a celebrity. Full details and bios are available at

By evening's end one couple will be eliminated. Who among the following four teams will leave the ballroom floor?

Shawn Johnson (Olympic gymnastics medalist) and partner Mark Ballas
Gilles Marini (model and actor) and partner Cheryl Burke
Ty Murray ("King of Cowboys") and partner, newcomer Chelsie Hightower
Melissa Rycroft (from "The Bachelor") and partner Tony Dovolani

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #781 on: May 08, 2009, 04:55:26 PM »
Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas Reveal Their New Dances!

click on link below to view video

There are only four couples left on "Dancing with the Stars," and top contenders Shawn Johnson and Mark Ballas are on the ET set to blog about their new dances for Monday night's show!

"It's going good," says Olympic champ Shawn. "We have the choreography down."

"Shawn is one of the most improved," says pro dance partner Mark. "I think you've improved amazingly."

With Lil' Kim surprisingly eliminated this week, Gilles Marini, Ty Murray and Melissa Rycroft are the remaining competitors in this too-close-to-call season.

Watch ET Monday for more with Shawn and Mark on the ET set, then watch them compete live on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars"!

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #782 on: May 08, 2009, 10:31:12 PM »
Lil' Kim & Derek on Live with Regis & Kelly

credit to DWTSSeason8

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #783 on: May 08, 2009, 11:11:02 PM »
Melissa posted this silly picture on her twitter

Behind the scenes of a photshoot

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #784 on: May 09, 2009, 11:02:22 AM »
‘I actually got to meet quite a few people from the cowboy army’

Chelsie and I spent most of the day filming a lot of stuff for the show, which means we didn't get a lot of practicing done, but we did manage to get the Viennese Waltz choreographed this afternoon.

If this would have been four weeks ago we'd be in a jam right now, but I think we're in an OK place. Like I wrote yesterday, we have the Samba coming along and we're in a pretty decent place with it.

Now that we have the Viennese Waltz choreographed we'll be able to run it the next couple of days.

It's getting hard because with less people on the show you film a lot more stuff for your package and that really cuts into your practice time. I still have to film more stuff tomorrow too, but I think Chelsie and I will be in OK shape.

We have a pretty good block of practice time on Sunday.

Earlier this evening we were filming at the Saddle Ranch on Sunset Boulevard and I actually got to meet quite a few people from the cowboy army.

I met one lady who, I think, calls herself Yellow Cattail when she comments on the blog. She was there along with a few others, who didn't tell me their screen names, so it was good to meet them and we got to take some pictures.

It was nice to have the support of the army out there tonight.

Speaking of which, the PBR has a new t-shirt available for the soldiers to wear. You can find it here: Cowboy Army

I just had dinner at my favorite restaurant, El Compadre, and Jewel's been busy all day too. Earlier today she taped an appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and she's at a charity event right now.

We're going to meet up and try to get a good night's rest because we have another long, busy day tomorrow. I'll check back in with you then soldiers.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #785 on: May 10, 2009, 08:04:00 AM »
‘Today was the first we really started working on the Viennese Waltz’

Hey there troops.

I got home about 9:30 tonight. We had another really long day. I left the apartment at 7 this morning and we danced all day, but we had two different interviews we had to do. One was about an hour's drive away and the other was about 30 minutes away.

That took up some time, but Chelsie and I got a lot of practice in today.

Today was the first we really started working on the Viennese Waltz and it's coming pretty good. We started it this morning and actually shot our wides by this afternoon. Now, granted, it wasn't the smoothest wides we ever shot, but we got 'em shot.

Our practice time on the CBS stage was from 8 until 9.

It was hard to get a good practice in at the end of a long 12-hour day and, I think, we were both just kind of cooked. I know I for sure was. You're trying to remember so much and you've been doing it all day so it's like your brain just turns to mush.

But what he have had happen a lot in the past is that when we have a day like today – after we get a good night's sleep – we come back in the morning and it's a lot better, so I'm sure that's what'll happen tomorrow.

Chelsie and I have another long day of practice planned for tomorrow and we have to do camera blocking, wardrobe and all that stuff too, so I'm headed to bed and going to try and get a good night's sleep because I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Hope everyone's doing well. I did read where some people said they were running out of sizes of the new t-shirt, so I'll look into that and, until then, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #786 on: May 11, 2009, 11:46:17 AM »
Ty's daily blog post:

‘We know the army will be there behind us’

Today Chelsie and I got up and went to practice from 9 until 10:45 and then we went to do camera blocking over at CBS. That went decent, but not great. It wasn't our best camera blocking so when we got done with that we went back to the studio to work on both of the dances.

We got 'em to where they're pretty good.

We're going with some tougher choreography this week because Chelsie felt like being in the semi-finals we needed to step it up, so that's what we're trying to do.

I think everyone on the show is really starting to get rundown and tired, but Chelsie and I feel like we're ready for tomorrow.

Right now I'm heading over to the Roxy on Sunset Boulevard, where Jewel is performing a free concert for her fans here tonight. It's a fan appreciation concert and starts off the launch of her new independent "Lullaby" album that she released last Tuesday.

It ought to be fun because these are types of concerts she performs solo with an acoustic guitar, and it really brings out the essence of what she's good at.

Anyway, tomorrow is the big day!

We're ready, we'll build to it and we know the army will be there behind us the whole way.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #787 on: May 11, 2009, 07:41:22 PM »
ty will for alll the up dates i love the lil and regis thing how cute r they???
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #788 on: May 12, 2009, 08:01:30 AM »
Dancing Score Results


Melissa/Tony   Quickstep              9        10       9          28

Gilles/Cheryl       Waltz                 10       10      10         30   

Shawn/Mark   Argentine Tango      10       10       10        30

Ty/Chelsie     Viennese Waltz         8         9        8         25


Melissa/Tony       Cha Cha             9         9        9         27

Gilles/Cheryl         Salsa                10       10       10       30

Shawn/Mark          Jive                  9         8        9        26

Ty/Chelsie           Samba                8         7        8       23


Melissa/Tony     55

Gilles/Cheryl      60

Shawn/Mark      56
Ty/Chelsie        48   

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #789 on: May 12, 2009, 08:36:56 AM »
Dancing with the Stars Episode Recap: Monday, May 11, 2009

The final four duke it out with two dances in the semifinals for a coveted spot in next week's finals. Did everyone bring their A-game? Find out below.

We're almost there, guys. Semifinals. Or as I like to call it, practice for Gilles, Shawn and Melissa. Sorry, Ty, I love you and all, but this gravy train needs to end. Just come back for DanceCenter, or you know, as co-host. Speaking of, Sam, what sacred Greek urn did you break to create that very unsupportive dress?

To fill up the unnecessary two hours, each couple will reflect on their best ballroom and Latin dances. Le sigh. They believe the foxtrot during Week 3 was Melissa's breakthrough because of her framework, and of course, we'd be remiss if we didn't mention the samba. OK, let's get a move on, especially if you're not going to mention your wardrobe malfunction.

Gilles and Cheryl love their foxtrtot from last week. Cheryl notices his lack of rises and falls on the playback. You mean like a bride's nightie? They also like their Week 5 Paso Doble, aka Shirtless Gilles. Oh Cheryl, you lie! We did see Gilles shirtless again before the finale. Now they think it's all about performing. And being shirtless, of course.

Shawn thinks the quickstep last week was a turning point because her bubbliness shone through. She and Mark are adamant they the rule-breaking was worth it. But no more rule-breaking from now on. Aw, c'mon, don't be scurred. Make it a double! They pick their Paso Doble from last week as their Latin breakthrough because Shawn defied expectations with her aggressiveness.

Ty considers their Week 2 quickstep to be the game-changer because it showed how rock-solid his posture was. (Note to all future Dancing hopefuls: The foxtrot and/or the quickstep will turn the tables your way.) Week 4's Lindy Hop is their Latin dance of choice since Ty "blasted in" with a ton of confidence. His hop was fun, but I would've chosen his salsa from two weeks ago to be the choice breakthrough. I consider that more surprising than what they did with their lift-heavy hop.

Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani: Quickstep
Melissa's worried about her feet and heel-leads, or lack thereof. Her feet definitely look better to my untrained eye, but I feel like she's watching it and it's throwing off her hold. The choreography is whimsical and the dance itself is very pretty, but I'm not that impressed. There's something missing. I feel like I'm watching a Week 4 dance or something from her. Plus, I can't get Shawn's jaunty quickstep out of my head — especially since they just played it (devious ploy?) — and this doesn't compare to that. Len loves the musicality and the improvement in the feet. Bruno didn't find it as exhilarating as it could've been. Carrie Ann agrees and wants it connected to her soul. But it is connected to her sole, right?
Score: 28

Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke: Waltz
No more floor-rolling. Save it for your wifey, Gilles. In honor of the booted bionic booty, Gilles is going to shake his, but not before he can master the classy and sophisticated moves for the waltz. Enter Jonathan Roberts. He says something about stretching and pictures. It's a metaphor. He begins the dance in a chair, which automatically has me worried. I hate props. Anyhow, this waltz is totally dreamy and not just because of Gilles and Cheryl's cloud nine-like attire. It's light, floaty and just kind of perfect. I feel like I'm watching a Disney movie, and not just because this is ABC. Bruno screams something and all I hear is "irresistibly romantic." Carrie Ann calls it breathtaking. Len gives it a sitting-down standing ovation. And Gilles is reduced to tears. Oh, the French! So emotional.
Score: 30

Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas: Argentine Tango
 It's the night of the chairs, apparently. But hopefully it's knocked down and out for good now. Shawn's got her angry, Renee Zellweger face on again. Maybe she's pissed Mark used all of her eyeliner? I'm glad Shawn's gotten the Paso and the Argentine Tango the past two weeks as they've called for her to match the dances' emotional ranges that are beyond her years. This has got flair and is technically proficient, but I'm still not sure all the aggression and passion is there. Take more acting classes, girl. Carrie Ann thinks she delivered and says precision is her middle name. Len is impressed by her maturity and calls it her best performance. Bruno calls her Catherine Zeta-Shawn and starts belting "Cell Block Tango." They gift them their first perfect 30. I betcha you would've done the same. Wink.
Score: 30

Ty Murray & Chelsie Hightower: Viennese Waltz
Ty wants to give Chelsie some payback for that rumba, so he brings her mechanical bullriding. And then it's back to samba-ing. It's supposed to be a party, but it's more like a pain in the ass, Ty says. But he's using the Viennese Waltz first to justify his stay over a "more skilled dancer." You can clearly see him giving it his all in this. His movements are a tad crisper and his arms are more extended. Unfortunately, he stumbles on a few turns, most notably at the end when he nearly drops Chelsie and skids to catch up to the steps. My heart is already breaking. Len admires his effort and finds the dance fabulous despite the missteps. Bruno says something about chasing flies and engages in a war of foreign words with Len. Carrie Ann's deducting for the wobbles, and now everyone's fighting.
Score: 25

Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani: Cha-cha
More filler: It's the Dancing: True Hollywood Story. Melissa doesn't want you to mess with Texas, especially not with her Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders' trainer. Yeesh. Then she dresses up as a disco ball for this cha-cha. With her eyes obscured by that hat, she kind of looks like Fran Drescher. Do we want The Nanny to win Dancing with the Stars? Technically, the pair looks fine, but like their quickstep, something's MIA. As my favorite boss, Michael Scott, would say: "You took a life here today... the life of a party." Seriously, where's the spark and spunk from the samba? The cha-cha's just as fun and flirty. Bruno likes his cha-cha full-thrust and full-on (just the cha-cha?), but didn't find that she sustained it throughout the whole dance. Carrie Ann notices the different in sizes in her steps. Bruno hoped to like it more and thinks it was lackluster in some places.
Score: 27

Gilles Marini & Cheryl Burke: Salsa
Viva la France! In Cannes! Don't let the film festival fool you, there's a tough part of town, and that's where Gilles is from. How adorable was his baby pic? Not as great as those shirtless model pics. He's living the American dream now and just wants to win the biggest trophy the States have to offer. Well, it certainly is the shiniest. Gilles is keeping his word and shaking his bionic booty here. Is that thing battery-operated? Because I don't even think Kim shook it like that. Bootyliciousness aside, the dance is pretty awesome. The choreography's funky and it has enough zestiness to invigorate Melissa's two dances and then some. I smell another 30 coming his way. Carrie Ann does some crazy bamboo-shrieking, twirling shiznit. Is she wearing a maternity dress? Len wishes he had an 11 paddle. Bruno says Lil' Kim is hanging in Gilles' pants. Not like that.
Score: 30 (perfect 60, y'all!)

Shawn Johnson & Mark Ballas: Jive
Time to head out to Iowa! (I've been there and got some weird bug bite that lasted for six months... so, go at your own risk. No offense, Iowans. I did have a nice time there.) Shawn's been a daredevil basically since birth. Her baby pic may rival Giles' in cuteness. Her jive dress too, even. I'm a sucker for polka dots and pink on black, and what does her dress have? All three! The dance is, well... bouncy's the first word that comes to mind. It feels like she's bouncing around more often than dancing, and she seems slightly off-pace from Mark. Her Argentine tango was definitely better. Len loves the fast pace, but thinks there was too much slapstick. Bruno loves it when she goes wild, but sold it completely. Carrie Ann thinks she lost some steam toward the end and went through mud. Can you jump on a table whilst going through mud?
Score: 26

Ty Murray & Chelsie Hightower: Samba
Baby Ty in baby chaps on a horse trumps baby Gilles and baby Shawn. Can he get some sort of honorary Mirrorball trophy for that? And Ty's showing off his killer arms again... his own bionic booty. I'll give him points just for that. Poor Ty. Well, at least this is better than his rumba. He seems more comfortable with the steps, if hesitant, and is actually shaking something. Bruno says he lost his footing, but appreciates the effort. Carrie Ann votes him MVP of Season 8. Len echoes the sentiment and compliments Chelsie on her work.
Score: 23

What did you think? Were you bored to death by the first useless 30 minutes? Did Gilles deserve both of his 30s? Did Shawn deserve her first 30? Did Melissa dress as the Mirrorball trophy to foreshadow a win? Can Ty stage another upset? Who was the cutest tyke? Who do you think will get the boot Tuesday?

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #790 on: May 12, 2009, 08:40:12 AM »
Ty's blog:

‘Chelsie’s done an amazing job’

Well troops, we had a few positive things happen tonight. Len Goodman really stood up for Chelsie and me on our Viennese Waltz.

It's hard for me because I don't know what parts they like and what parts they don't. I know when I forget the choreography, but when I remember all the steps I don't why it doesn't look good. I mean, I know I don't look great – I can tell that much – but when I'm out there doing it I just don't know how to do it any better.

We knew going into tonight that I was the fourth best dancer out there, so we just wanted to do the best that we could and we felt like we did pretty close to that.

We had a couple of hiccups on the Viennese Waltz, but other than a couple of those I thought the rest of the routine went good and I was really glad that Len did too. In our Samba, well, I know I remembered the steps and I remembered quite a few of the other things Chelsie told me to do. I'm really glad I have Chelsie as a partner.

She works her butt off every week and it was nice to see all three of the judges point out what a great job she's been doing. She's only 19-years-old, it's it her first season on the show and she's definitely had her work cut out for her having to teach me how to dance.

I think Chelsie's done an amazing job.

She's done quite a few of the group dances and, I think, she stands out as a real pro.

I was told there is only like a 5.48 percent difference in the points from the highest scores of the night, which was Gilles, and me, who, as I mentioned earlier, was the fourth best dancer out there tonight.

And I think the cowboy army is a hell of a lot stouter than that so we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Win, lose or draw, Chelsie and I feel like we've done our best and we had a good time, and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #791 on: May 12, 2009, 08:44:08 AM »
Backstage with 'Dancing''s Semi-Finalists

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With only four couples remaining on ABC's hit show "Dancing with the Stars" the pressure continues to mount and the couples continue to step up their game. ET went backstage Monday night to get all the dish from the semi-finalists!

Gilles Marini tells ET's "Dancing" correspondent Maksim Chmerkovskiy that he is grateful for his partner Cheryl Burke modifying their routine to help him get through the competition with an injured shoulder.

"Since last week I've been saying to everyone, 'I need to treat the semi-finals as a final -- to get into the final,'" Gilles explains. "My shoulder needs surgery it's completely separated now. Thank God for Cheryl."

Melissa Rycroft reveals that she is sticking with her strategy to have fun on the dance floor, and her partner Tony Dovolani promises that if the fans keep them in the game they will "rock the house" next week.

Find out which couples will move on to the finals on the "Dancing with the Stars" results show, Tuesday night at 9 p.m. on ABC.

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #792 on: May 12, 2009, 09:47:03 AM »
'Dancing With the Stars' Recap: Latin King

Gilles Marini topped the judges' leaderboard after season 8's semifinal performance round of Dancing With the Stars. Was he really that perfect or was it just his butt? This unsolved mystery and more, provided you read on! Here's how the final four sparkle-mongers ranked after one round each of ballroom and Latin…

Gilles Marini and Cheryl: 60 out of possible 60 The male contestants always have such profound ''Aha! Moments'' when a pro who wears pants swoops in to help them out during rehearsal that I'm surprised it doesn't happen sooner, and more often. Gilles needed to trade in sexiness for sophistication so...obviously, bring in Jonathan! The gentle hero who put up with Marie Osmond for months outlined the waltz in layman's terms, much to Gilles' (and my, and probably your) delight: ''Cheryl's the picture. You're gonna invite her to come into the frame.'' The song choice for Gilles' ballroom round, Norah Jones' ''Come Away With Me,'' at first seemed a bit sleepy and lacking in beat, but Cheryl somehow choreographed a routine that made it work. A lot of their movements alternated between great flourishes and moments of stillness, so that the dance ended up mirroring the song. It was different, but good, like Arby's. DANCMSTR claimed to be in the act of giving Gilles ''a sitting-down standing ovation,'' which is something I'll be telling everyone who enters my office from now on. Even before the judges spoke, Gilles had turned on the waterworks and couldn't stop, even by the time they reached Samantha and her rather stunning Crayola Metallic FX Crayons dress.

I dug the subtitled hometown visit to Cannes for Gilles, especially the sections about his father working around the clock at his independent bakery (this was the ''authentic'' counterpart to that one time they made Gilles stereotypically hold up a baguette and look sexy, a.k.a. normal) and his best friend Eric's testimonial about how he used to do the Moonwalk back when Michael Jackson was trendy. Gilles and Shawn both showed dangerous levels of delusion about DWTS' first-place prize: Shawn said it was ''big'' and Gilles called it ''the biggest trophy on national TV in America.'' I would generously label that knob of hardened glitter as a solid ''medium,'' maybe even ''S/M'' or ''petit'' if things got slightly cryptic and/or French.

Gilles' second dance pretty much epitomized what makes a successful Dancing With the Stars performance. Purple sequined shirt, check. Indigo pants, check. Zoom-in on four beats of Gilles' ass (inhabited by Lil' Kim, according to Bruno) that will appear in every promo and in-show montage for the rest of the season? Check. Perhaps you found Gilles' salsa a bit too queso-y and over-the-top, but you have to at least hand it to Cheryl for orchestrating that booty shake. I'm sure to a very discerning eye, this salsa wasn't technically perfect (and may not have deserved DANCMSTR's hypothetical ''11 paddle''), but I do believe it was perfect in the setting of the semifinals of a reality show about celebrities attempting to ballroom-dance. When Gilles spun around on his knees really fast before reaching out with one meaty limb for Cheryl towards the beginning, Gilles looked like one of ''our pros.'' He's just able to ''sell it'' like no one else this season, and for the first time in weeks, he sold us precisely the correct amount. Of baguettes.

Shawn Johnson and Mark: 56/60 If you put Bruno's post-tango comment to Shawn together with Carrie Ann's ''precision is your middle name,'' you will note that as of week 10 of season 8, the tiny dancer's full name is Catherine Zeta-Shawn Precision Johnson. ''She's got it coming big time, honey!'' After Shawn's Argentine Tango with Mark, I was left confused as to why she'd been so nervous about the lifts — there weren't too many (they came at the end), and she seemed to pull them off perfectly. Sure, we saw a lot of crotch, but Shawn's Olympics fans are kind of used to that. I got a kick out of how many of the audience members followed the prop chair Mark shoved off to the side until even after we'd heard the ''crash!'' sound effect that accompanied it. (What do we think the chair shattered? Brooke Burke's metaphorical season 7 'Miss DWTS' tiara? The front line of Maks' well-shellacked 'do? Samantha?)

We hit up Des Moines, Iowa for the story of Shawn's life. Between little Shawn's self-imposed removal of the swings on her jungle gym and Ty riding a bull on his own at 3 years old, I came to the startling realization that I was an extremely underachieving and much lazier than previously assumed child. After the spotlight on what a daredevil go-getter she was, Shawn's jive was a bit of a letdown, even though I did appreciate the mirrorball motif (and nod to DWTS' home planet) of Shawn and Mark's costumes. Nothing new though; wardrobe does this all the time. Tom's comment that selling a dance 110 percent ''is hard to do in polka dots'' was my favorite Tom quip of the night because it was so silly and could have applied to virtually anything. DANCMSTR complained that he would like to have seen a bit more traditional jive ''instead of slapstick.'' Mark was not amused after receiving an 8. Perhaps he had just been seriously studying Shawn's terrible black-and-white shoes. Nah, that one didn't work. Mark probably picked those out.

Melissa Rycroft and Tony: 55/60 Hello, show! We have already mentally likened Melissa to Brooke Burke — good dancer, hot body, perfectly pleasant demeanor, kind of zzzzzzzzzz. You don't need to display Brooke every time Melissa dances. But it's pretty funny that you did, especially after Bruno complained that Melissa's quickstep ''wasn't as exhilarating and crispy and zing-y as it could have been.'' ''Gershwin's ''I Got Rhythm'' was an apt song choice for Melissa's ballroom round, because she does indeed — it's her feet that were the problem last week. Melissa sort of escaped the Wrath of DANCMSTR by wearing light-colored shoes instead of black, which would have looked better but drawn more attention to her ''hot mess'' feet. I didn't get too interested in this dance (even though I adored Melissa's Flapper costume and hair) until the very end — everything seemed to come alive just in time for a swooping floor spin and final gleaming-teeth flourish.

Best part of Melissa's hometown segment: her incredulous comment about her sudden reality show-hopping fame: ''I don't think the world's greatest writers could have scripted this!'' Um, way to not give credit to the world's greatest network execs…

I detected more of a ''briefly copped attitude,'' or what the judges call ''personality,'' from Melissa in her cha cha cha than in any other dance to date — and I think it was all thanks to her magical pinned-on hat. Kudos to Mark for letting Melissa and Tony borrow two of his most prized possessions. The pair's Latin-round dance was slower in pace than any other cha cha cha in recent memory, thanks to a rather sluggish rendition of ''Save the Last Dance.'' Carrie Ann said it seemed like Melissa couldn't decide how big the steps should be, and I wonder if maybe she was just confused by the live version of the recording that they'd used to rehearse. The pacing was hard to overlook, but Melissa and Tony still got three 9s. DANCMSTR's comment that Melissa's dance was substandard, lackluster, and generally disappointing — ''but you can never dance bad, whatever you do; you're just a really good dancer'' — struck me as a bit over-compensatory. He could have just said ''Not my cheese roll and a cup of tea'' and been done with it.

Ty Murray and Chelsie: 48/60 As usual, Ty's sound bites were more entertaining than his dances. His description of the samba — it's ''supposed to be like a party but it's more like a pain in the ass with a whole lotta steps in it'' — is as honest and perfect as Dancing With the Stars quips will ever come. And I loved his deadpan question to Chelsie: ''What do you think got us through — the fans, or my spot-on rumba?'' Even better was when he directly admitted that his fans had kept him in the race over Lil' Kim, or in his words, ''a better-skilled dancer.'' As for his performances, Ty's Viennese Waltz set to ''Tuesday's Gone'' (take out the ''uesda,'' then add ''Tuesday'' to the end, and what do you have? A foreshadowing sentence, and a headache) would have served him well had he not made so many footwork and timing mistakes. His facial expressions were especially funny during this one — in between toothy grins, Ty sort of bugs his eyes and purses his lips in earnest as he's gearing up for the next toothy grin. It's how I imagine wee Ty's face as he ran down the stairs to find a lone saddle, the only present he ever wanted, under the Christmas tree. (Adorable!) The judges proceeded to bicker like never before during Ty's Viennese Waltz critique. I thought I was watching MSNBC until my eyes rested on Chelsie's seafoam Disney gown and screeching silver belt long enough to jolt me back to ''reality.''

Ty's Latin dance, the samba, was a lot better in my opinion even though he scored two points lower than in the ballroom round. I believe this was Ty's most bedazzled costume to date, and I appreciated how each Jewel on his shirt matched one of the 20 billion colors involved in Chelsie's dress. The pair executed what my untrained eye thought were some pretty decent samba rolls, and even made a point to halt the dance altogether so Ty could stand still and regroup before dutifully shaking his butt for about two seconds. In what could not possibly have been a pre-scripted comment, DANCMSTR regretted that whenever Ty dances Latin, he's ''like Murray in a hurry.'' Carrie Ann called Ty season 8's most valuable player; then the judges awarded him the lowest score of the night. If Ty does somehow make it through to the finals, he'll want to wear a grown-up version of Baby Ty's custom-made ''little black chaps.'' Knowing DWTS, they'll be assless. It won't be Ty's fault. The costume department simply won't realize there's an alternate option.,,20278336,00.html

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #793 on: May 12, 2009, 11:39:02 AM »
Monday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

Man Tears of Joy: After Gilles Marini received his first perfect score of the night for his waltz, he shed a few tears on his way backstage, causing Dancing co-host Samantha Harris to pause and take note. “As a man in Europe, it’s never about you, it’s always about the woman,” Marini told PEOPLE. “You please your woman. [Cheryl Burke] becomes a bit of my woman. That’s the way it is. That’s the way I feel.” As for earning two perfect scores on semi-finals night, the Frenchman said, “For me, it’s exhilarating. I’m on a different planet.”

A Family Affair: For 10 grueling weeks, the semi-finalists have been sweating, eating and sleeping Dancing. That’s why they’re all grateful that they’ve got their support system come showtime. Shawn Johnson’s said, “My parents haven’t missed one competition my whole life. They’re my feel of home and comfort.” Also a fixture in the ballroom is Gilles Marini’s wife, Carole, who is often the first to stand up for an ovation. “I love my wife here,” said the Frenchman. And I love [Cheryl Burke's boyfriend Maxwell Zagorski) there. Without them, it would not be the same, that's for sure."

Melissa Rycroft's parents and boyfriend Tye Strickland go so far as to fly from Dallas to Los Angeles each week to show their support. "They're working back home, but they have been here religiously," said Rycroft. "They're here Monday nights, Tuesday nights, and we always go out for dinner after the show." And Ty Murray's wife, singer Jewel, has become his biggest supporter in and out of the ballroom. "It's more than looks or thinking somebody's sexy," Murray told PEOPLE of his marriage. "Me and Jewel are really partners."

Bionic Booty II: On performance nights, the judges are ready to have a good time, but it seemed they had semi-final fever Monday night. The crowd cheered on Carrie Ann Inaba when she jumped out of her seat and start dancing after Gilles Marini perfect performance of the salsa. Earlier in the evening, following a commercial break, Len Goodman shook his derriere before sitting down--to the roar of approval from the fans seated behind him.

Missing Jewel: For the first time since Ty Murray has been performing on Dancing with the Stars, wife Jewel will not be seated in her usual spot for elimination night. Jewel, who just released her CD Lullaby last week, will be en route to New York, where she will perform Wednesday on Live! With Regis and Kelly. "The show people will be Twittering, or texting, me tomorrow [with the results],” she said. But without Murray’s lucky charm, will he survive the cut?

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Check this article I found on E! Online
« Reply #794 on: May 12, 2009, 05:18:04 PM »

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #795 on: May 13, 2009, 08:42:16 AM »
Dancing with the Stars Episode Recap: Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Just a week shy of the Season 8 finale, one last couple is eliminated from Dancing with the Stars, while the pro competition pairs remaining contestants with current pros. Which celebrity fell short, and which pro heated up the floor? Find out below.

Here we go, y'all! Who's going to make it? Is it finally Ty's time to go? I'm not even going to predict his departure because I won't believe it until it happens. However, I do think it's his time, and I'm missing him already. Shawn gets her first encore for her Argentine tango... which is unexpected. Was Gilles too obvious a choice? Could they not decide between his two perfect numbers (no pun intended)? Or is he trying not to re-injure his shoulder? Hmm... Shawn does another taut routine, but boos that the judges didn't like their jive on the recap. Gilles, meanwhile, has achieved his dream from Day 1, which is to get six 10s. So you don't want that Mirrorball?

Because you know we won't get any results for, oh, probably 50 minutes, we fill up some time with an analysis piece from three former champs, Brooke Burke, Helio Castroneves and Drew Lachey (Drew, come back as co-host!). Brooke wants Melissa to be dirty. Was anyone else bracing for her to follow up with "dancing"? Drew thinks Gilles needs a bigger female fan base (you mean like 98 Degrees?) and thinks Ty can hold onto the ball since he can hold onto the bull. And Shawn? Well she needs to relax, they say. Brooke closes by reminding us it's not all about the dancing, but who the people relate to the most. No truer words were ever spoken.

Pick a Pro
Pros pick pros! Ha. The remaining two are paired with Kym and Maksim to choreograph two dances — Latin and ballroom.

Mayo Alanen & Kym Johnson: Tango
Kym is wearing a longer version of that sheer, one-piece bodysuit that Karina wore earlier this season. It's hard to say which one of them was more covered-up — Kym or Karina, that is. Anyhow, the tango's nice, very traditional, but frankly, I'm kind of bored by it. It reminds me of a Melissa dance: It's technically great, but I'm not going to remember anything special about it in five minutes. Len likes it. Bruno loves Mayo's long legs. Carrie Ann is impressed with the choreography, but wants some personality in his next dance. Does she know they already prepared it?

Anna Demidova & Maksim Chmerkovskiy: Quickstep
Maks thinks she's more difficult to teach than a celebrity. I think we all know that. Anna puts him in the corner. Nobody puts Maksy-poo in the corner. Except Karina. (Did I really just make two Dirty Dancing references in one recap? How cliche. I apologize.) Um, wow. I think I missed the first 10 seconds because I blinked. This thing is fast, as it should be, so it looks awesome. It's dynamic and animated, and they make great use of the whole floor. Plus, Maks looks like he's having more fun here than he ever did with Denise. Bruno calls it magnificient. Carrie Ann thinks she outshined Maks. Len loves her maturity and thinks she brought the best out of Maks.

Mayo Alanen & Kym Johnson: Cha-cha
There's a little more personality here, but I think it pales in comparison to Anna's quickstep. It's a perfectly fine number, but again, there's nothing eye-popping about it. Except for maybe Kym's skimpy fringe outfit. Maybe Mayo's feeling the pressure. Carrie Ann is concerned about his versatility because he didn't wear Mark's gym shorts. Yes, you do have to be well-versed in cheese-tastic outfits to be on Dancing. Get with it, Mayo! Len likes the pace and gives him a job well done. Bruno wants him to be careful about the risks as they went with a disco theme with the cha-cha. Hey, Mayo? There's the bus. Get under it.

Anna Demidova & Maksim Chmerkovskiy: Samba
It's kind of heartbreaking to see the differences between Anna and Mayo. This chick is, like, the Gilles of the pro competition. The samba is grossly electrifying and the choreography, once again, makes good use of the floor. Also, I don't think I've ever seen Maks shake his ass like that. Len declares her the pro. Bruno says she did a fantastic job with all of her partners. Carrie Ann wants to see more of her.

So we don't have a Hough-less semifinal after all (sort of). Derek, Julianne are back, along with Lacey and Mark, for the Design a Dance, uh, dance. This time, with trumpets! This is... a hot mess. Were the tables at the end necessary? No more props, people! Oh hey, we're at the 50-minute mark, which means results. Finally. Did ya forget? It's a results show.

First two safe couples:
Gilles & Cheryl
Shawn & Mark

That leaves Ty and Chelsie, and Melissa and Tony, who are not necessarily the bottom two. So who's going to be "illiminated," as Sam says? Alas, it is the cowboy.

OK, I'm not going to be sad about this, but happy and hopeful — happy he made it so far and improved so much, and hopeful that he will — one day, someday — join the hosting panel and be totally awesome and witty alongside Tom. How do we make this happen?

Speaking of, Tom interrupts their goodbyes to say that Dancing is not about the steps, but the total package, which is what Ty is. Man crush! Loves it! (I refuse to say "bromance.") He then asks him to do the "weird shaking thing" for Jewel.

What did you think? Are you relieved Ty didn't make the "finaale," as Sam would say? Or are you still mourning his departure? Should Carrie Ann encourage male pros to wear dorky gym shorts? Fetish? Did Raphael Saadiq rock it out? Are you looking forward to everyone's freestyles? Who's your pick to win?

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #796 on: May 13, 2009, 09:17:58 AM »
Jewel posted on Ty's blog yesterday:

‘What an amazing week this has been’

Hi everyone, it's Jewel!

Well, as we head into the final two weeks what an amazing week this has been and what a show last night!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to see Ty and sweet Chelsie tonight on the results show because I had to go to NYC to be on "Regis and Kelly" tomorrow and then with Kathy Lee Gifford the next morning on the "Today show," but I'm racing to the hotel right now to catch it live on the east coast!

Fingers crossed! But, no matter what happens, we sure are lucky to have the support of the amazing cowboy army.

Anyway, I was asked to write up a little something for a men's magazine so they could get a feel for the type of training Ty did to get in shape for his sport, and what it took for him to finally win the 7th all-around title, breaking the world record.

I thought maybe instead of some pics and an overview of the last week that I would share the men's magazine piece I wrote, in case you find it interesting... hope you enjoy the piece about his training program.

There is no formalized training in the sport Ty chose to go into so it was up to him to develop a style that worked for him. Ty was always strong and dedicated physically. He studied gymnastics to get good since of feeling in the air and how to flip so that when he rode he always landed on his feet--well, most of time.

He walked miles of fence line to teach himself balance. He breezed race colts on the track to build strength and muscular endurance.

Starting at age 19, Ty won six world all-around titles in a row and was now only one more away from breaking the world record set by Larry Mahan – a goal he had set for himself when he was in 3rd grade.

But after that 6th title he began a downward spiral for next three years of what would have been career-ending injuries for other riders, and this forced him to realize he had to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to make a comeback.

His first injury was the reconstruction of his left shoulder, which he rehabbed religiously and then went back to competing only to realize his right shoulder had atrophied and wasn't in good enough shape after having torn both ligaments in that shoulder.

This forced him to get surgery and take another year off.

So this time he rehabbed both shoulders to get them in great shape, but when he began competing that next year his knees were weaker from the time off and eventually he damaged all ligaments in both knees.

In fact, two ligaments in his right leg snapped completely while he was actually riding. As a result his lower leg came loose and detached from his upper leg and was just being held loose inside his skin.

He still had to figure out how to get off the bull safely!

He now had to take a third year off and several sponsors dropped him. And everyone whispered that Ty would never make it back at all, much less break the world record.

This is when Ty decided to radically rethink how to train for his sport and enjoy a full range of motion so that he could even walk well again, much less break the record and get that 7th buckle.

Not to mention he had the added pressures of a ranch he just bought and that he was suddenly unemployed and had to deal with the stress of how to keep making his payments.

But in typical Ty fashion he didn't waste time worrying and instead focused on the single most important thing--training.

He found a man named Jesse Marquez Lomali, who is a 4-time national Nippon Kenpo champion.

Ty explained what he needed to compete: explosive strength and flexible tight muscles that weren't bulky.

The cowboy and the martial arts fanatic made an unlikely team, but they designed a plan for Ty.

All workouts took place in an abandoned meat locker and the Texas summers made it so wet and hot in there that just sitting was nearly unbearable, much less doing the hard core intensive torture sessions they had planned for Ty.

They did not use any weights because they didn't want to increase his size. They wanted to increase his strength and his explosive fast response time.

Exercises included 2,000 sit ups a day where Ty would lay flat on the ground, lift his legs and then Jesse would throw Ty's feet to the ground as hard as he could. Ty would have to stop his legs just before they touched the concrete and then Jesse would quickly and simultaneously punch him in the stomach to force an even tighter contraction.

Another exercise was where Ty would extend both arms fully open and full close his hands as fast and as tight as he could for thousands of reps. He also made to do tiny pushups that were done on fisted hands where he would lift just enough to engage the muscles and then rapidly and repeatedly pump out these pushups to failure and beyond.

They did this to his neck, shoulders, back, legs and every single muscle, all with series of intense and changing challenges.

They were building Ty's muscles to be woven tighter and stronger and to create a rock hard body armor that was so tight and so responsive that it would serve as a living body armor that would protect all his joints and ligaments, quickly responding and protecting him instantly if he found himself being stepped on by an animal.

He also improved his flexibility to the point that he could stand at a wall and have Jesse raise his free leg all the way up behind his head to touch his toe to the wall in a standing split. This would come in handy to remain fluid and flexible in a tight situation, which would help avoid injury that way also.

After a year of this full-out training, Ty looked and felt like a warrior, and he felt confident to go back at it and compete.

He took the circuit by storm – competing in all three rough stock events: saddle bronc, bare back and bulls. Those are the three most punishing events there are and that year he was injury free, but also the world record holder for all-around championships! There is still no formalized training program in the sport of bull riding, though that is something Ty would really like to implement.

Now younger guys like Brian Canter are coming to him looking for an edge on their competitors and asking Ty if he can show them what to do to get in shape and protect them self from injury.

Something most people don't realize is how freakishly strong Ty is.

He has twice the bone density of other people (just ask Chelsie, she is getting bruised and cut just from running into his knees or elbows!) due to a life of stress testing his bones to respond by beefing the bones up.

And his training style has made his whole body so dense and tight that I have seen huge men – pro wrestlers and pro football players and body builders – challenge my smaller husband to an arm wrestling match.

And Ty beats them easily every time.

The type of training he did gives such power from the core and such coordinated support by every single muscle that he's like arm wrestling a block of steel, not just an arm. And you'd never know it by looking at him in jeans and button down denim shirts.

But, as you can see, the results of his workout routine are impressive and he thinks a similar approach would be great not just to protect rodeo athletes from injury, but any extreme sport athlete from injury.

Ty always says, "The stronger you are the more prepared you feel and the more confident you are the more you win. And your game can only get better."

He thinks proper training is the key to winning because he says, "Winning is when preparation and opportunity meet."

Ty always wanted to be prepared.

And, by the way, he still stays in touch with Jesse, who is now a cop in Redmond CA.

Love to you all, xxjewel

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #797 on: May 13, 2009, 09:29:01 AM »
Ty Murray Opens up About 'Dancing' Departure

click on link below to view video

ET was backstage with rodeo cowboy Ty Murray and his partner Chelsie Hightower after the couple was booted from the ballroom on Tuesday night's "Dancing with the Stars." Ty reveals that he surprised himself by making it to the semi-finals, and he is very proud of his performance.

"I started surprising myself when I made it to the second round," he says. "We worked hard and we tried to represent our fans the best we could. We really felt like they were cheering us on the whole way through it. That's the thing that's nice about a show that America keeps you on or votes you off. When they vote you off you know it's time for you to go."

Ty also thanked his partner for her hard work and her patience.

"Chelsie thanks for working so hard with the wooden cowboy for the last 10 weeks," he says. "I'm so glad I don't have to learn anymore dances."

Watch the video to hear the remaining contestants Gilles Marini, Melissa Rycroft, and Shawn Johnson reveal their excitement and their strategies for next week's "Dancing with the Stars" finale!

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #798 on: May 13, 2009, 10:54:06 AM »
Ty and Chelsie on Jimmy Kimmel Live

credit to jimmykimmellive

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Re: Dancing With The Stars Season 8
« Reply #799 on: May 13, 2009, 12:02:13 PM »
Tuesday’s Dancing: What You Didn’t See

Déjà Vu?: When it got down to the final two contestants, Melissa Rycroft stood nervously waiting for her name to be called. Seated just a few feet away from the Dancing stage was Bachelor host Chris Harrison. The most dramatic rose ceremony ever? “Totally!” Rycroft said, laughing at the coincidence of being in a situation similar to when she was on The Bachelor last season. “This time it had a happy ending,” Rycroft’s partner Tony Dovolani said. Rycroft certainly thought her number might be up when she suffered a painful rib injury several weeks ago, forcing her to sit out one night of the competition. “Tony and I sit back and remember where we were a few weeks ago and to see where we are now, it’s something that couldn’t have been scripted,” Rycroft said. “Shawn and Gilles — to be compared to them and in the same league as them is really cool.”

All Bets Are On: After learning they would advance to next week’s finale, Shawn Johnson and partner Mark Ballas simultaneously hugged each other and jumped up and down. Gilles Marini put the squeeze on partner Cheryl Burke. Marini and Johnson embraced and then ran over to their families, who were sitting next to each other in the audience. “I went over to my mom and dad during the commercial and they were so happy,” Johnson told PEOPLE. How does this compare, if at all, to her Olympic experience? “Pretty close – I’m ecstatic!” she beamed. “Last week was like the Olympic trials and tonight was like qualifying.” Little did Johnson know she was the subject of a wager between her partner Mark Ballas and Bachelor host Chris Harrison. “Mark and I had a bet that Melissa Rycroft would go further than Shawn Johnson,” Harrison explained. “So when Shawn was saved Mark walked over to me and was giving me the money sign and I said, ‘Not yet! Not yet!’”

Three Musketeers: When Marini, Johnson and Rycroft take the floor next Monday night, it will arguably be the most evenly-matched finale in Dancing’s history. Just don’t look for any backstage drama. “Ooh, the fight against Melissa and Gilles and Tony – no,” Marini said, shaking his head. “Shawn, Melissa and I won (already). We’re there and now it’s going to be so much fun.” The one person absent from Tuesday night’s post-show backstage celebrations was Marini’s partner, two-time DWTS champ Cheryl Burke. “Cheryl is not here because she already went to work,” Marini said. Is the pro feeling the pressure to win a third championship? “She’s not ‘Oh my God, I’m going to win three times,’” Marini assured. “She is there to make me look amazing. She is working as we speak. No one else does that. That will give us the edge next week.” As Marini spoke, Tony Dovolani came up and gave him a big hug, followed by a bear hug from Mark Ballas. Maksim Chmerkovskiy then snuck up behind Marini and goosed him on his behind. “Maks just pinched my butt and I kind of like it!” Marini joked.

Freestyle Trash Talking: Dancing fans know that the finale night freestyle routine can make or break a couple’s chances of winning. The contestants know this, too. Despite Rycroft’s still-tender rib injury, Dovolani promised: “We’re going to get everybody dancing on their feet. Lifts, kicks – we’re going to throw everything in.” “He’s going to try to break [my ribs again]. I can almost guarantee it,” Rycroft quipped, noting that she’ll do whatever it takes. “It’s kind of the mentality of what do you have to lose at this point? It’s not every day everyone gets a chance to be in the finals of Dancing with the Stars.” As for his own freestyle plans, Marini, who revealed he’s in talks to guest star on Brothers and Sisters next fall, declined to get specific. “We’re going to have a lot of fun. I promise you it is going to be one of the most memorable dances of all season. I’m going to do my best. America will choose.”