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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #75 on: June 23, 2009, 10:10:45 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette': episode 6

"She knows I've got a foot fetish, she knows I was born with a big #$%^&." This is the best quote in Bachelor/Bachelorette history you've never heard. But it happened this week and I'll explain below so keep reading. This quote is just one of a thousand things I have to talk to you about this week, so if you don't mind I'm going to jump right into this episode. We left Whistler, Vancouver and boarded the Rocky Mountaineer train to head across the Rockies to Banff. Jillian and the guys didn't actually sleep on the train. We stopped every night at a different location. I thought it was a cool idea to shoot an entire episode on and around a train trip. It’s something we've never done before and I thought it was pretty cool. The photogs that had to hold the cameras steady on a rocking train may have a different opinion but they did great as always and I thought it was very creative. Robby got the first one-on -one date. I'll make this short and sweet: they just didn't have it. Robby is young in age and experience. He and Jillian are in two completely different places in their lives right now so she decided to let him go. I do have to share one thing with you that cracked me up. Robby told us that "love doesn't have a job." I watched this episode, as I always do, with my wife, and she quickly jumped in and said "love most certainly does have a j-o-b." Thought that was funny.

What you didn't see on TV was at the end of the date the train went through the station it was supposed to stop at to let Robby off. The train had to back up and then pull into the station again. This was brutal for Jillian because she knew she was breaking up with Robby but had to wait another thirty minutes for the train to hit its mark so she could actually do it, and apparently it’s not like parking a Prius. By the way, I know it looked like we just dumped Robby in the middle of nowhere but that actually was a train station we stopped at.

So we were down to seven guys when Jillian went on the crazy group date, which was at beautiful Emerald Lake. This was a tough date for our crew, as well as Jillian. Two of our crew members got stuck in waist deep snow trying to shoot the snow shoeing. During Jillian's one-on-one time with Jake he said Jillian reminds him of his mom.... A bit of advice to Jake and all men: Don't tell a woman you may ever want to have intimate relations with someday that she reminds you of your mom...just don't. This date was really the final straw for Tanner but bless his little foot-fetish heart for going down in flames. Watching Tanner on this date was like watching two trains colliding, but in slow motion. You saw it coming a mile away but could do nothing about it. It started with Tanner once again going crazy over Jillian's feet. Then he decided to show everybody what he sleeps in. Now, I'm not positive but I really think this was a chance for him to show Jillian and the world how well endowed he is, and apparently from all accounts he is. Once again Jillian has to tell a dude to put "it" away. Then Tanner delivers one of my favorite, if not my only favorite, lines in Bachelor/Bachelorette history. The only problem is this is not HBO, it’s ABC. So you didn't get to hear it. But this is what Tanner had to say after stripping down to his skimpy underwear: "She knows I've got a foot fetish, she knows I was born with a big #$%^&." As if Tanner hadn't provided enough memorable moments, he then comes clean to the guys that he was the one who told Jillian about the girlfriend situation. Oddly enough the only person this seemed to bother was Wes...Hmmm very interesting.

Wes then proceeds to tell us he's already made it six episodes, he's got his publicity, and now he can haul ass. There are many things wrong with this, but what I find most disturbing for some reason is that he actually knew what episode we were on in production. I'm not saying it takes a brain surgeon; all you have to do is count the rose ceremonies. But, when we're in the middle of it all I don't even know what episode we're on. Nobody really thinks like that, except somebody who's really into being on TV. Hmmm, very interesting. I know you guys are going to blow this blog up with comments about why we didn't tell Jillian about the things Wes said, and maybe rightfully so. We have never told the Bachelor/Bachelorette what happens when they're not around. There were five other guys in that room that could have made the choice to tell Jillian what happened, and they didn't. That was their choice, and I think they regret it now. I talked to Jillian while I was writing this and she told me that every time Wes was around her he was a perfect gentleman and always said and did the right things. As you can see from this week's preview, this situation is coming to a head. One other funny Wes story from the group date: Wes had a few too many at the cabin and decided he was leaving and was taking a cab back to Austin Texas. That would have been one hellacious tab. The next date was the one-on-one with Reid. He really is that neurotic but Jillian obviously finds it cute and endearing. I find it interesting to see the difference in conversations when Jillian clearly clicks with somebody like Reid as opposed to somebody like Jake or Tanner, where you can tell it just isn't there.

One thing I want to clear up on this date is that Jillian lied about sculpting the ice furniture in the ice lounge. That was me, and I did it with a number two pencil and a paper clip. Don't act like you’re not impressed.

The final train stop was in Banff springs, where I was waiting. I'm going to take a wild guess here but I'm pretty sure I'm the only human being who's ever stood beside the tracks at that station in the freezing cold in a suit and tie. I really didn't blend in very well. Before I get to the rose ceremony, I want to say thank you to my new friends at the Fairmont Banff Springs hotel. Part of what I love about this job is being on the road, meeting new people and seeing new places. Banff is stunning and I loved my time there. One thing I should tell you about the Banff Springs Hotel is that I'm like 68.5% sure it’s haunted. We heard many ghost stories and some people claim to have heard strange noises. On our final night many of the crew gathered at 3 A.M. to go on a ghost hunt. They didn't find any ghosts but I'm pretty sure they pissed off a lot of people trying to sleep at 3 A.M., including the host that heard the crew outside his door laughing and screaming like a bunch of scared kids. At one point Jillian got so freaked out by all the ghost stories that she asked one of our (female) producers to sleep in her room with her. She sucked it up and slept alone. After deliberation -- and after Jillian and I played chop sticks together on the grand piano in the rose ceremony ballroom (bet you didn't know I had such mad skills) -- she let Tanner and Jake go. Tanner and Jillian's relationship revolved around her feet and the fact that he felt some of the other guys had girlfriends. It was never about them and that doesn't work for Jill. I'm guessing some or maybe many of you were shocked that she sent Jake home. Jake is just a little too intense for Jillian. She never really relaxed around him and wasn't herself. I think you can see the difference when she's with somebody like Reid or Kiptyn.
If you watched the end of the episode, you saw a great preview of what's to come this season. I will tell you this, next week things really get shaken up. It’s the best episode we've had by far and will leave us with plenty to talk about. I hope you enjoyed this blog. I rate it a 9-9 1/2...if you painted it mango-mango it would be a 10.... Tanner, I miss you already.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #76 on: June 23, 2009, 10:13:46 AM »
Bachelorette Blog: Jillian On Wes, Jake and Her Wardrobe

This blog is starting to feel more like a confessional as the weeks go on!

I do look forward to writing it though, since it really gives me a chance to connect with all of you. I do care what you think and love having the opportunity to share what I was feeling at the time and how I’m feeling now.

Okay let’s talk about what all of you are thinking right now. Me keeping Wes and letting Jake go. Sigh. Please understand, that I DO NOT see a lot of the behavior that goes on when I’m not there. All of the interactions and conversations that I had with him were indicative of a good relationship. I am so confused by the Wes we all are seeing now, and by what the other guys were saying about him. People will say that I was attracted to his bad boy persona, but believe it or not it was the opposite. Around me, Wes was vulnerable, sweet, sincere and caring — and that is definitely not the Wes that I am seeing now.

Now about Jake: As much as I agree with you all that Jake is hot, nice, into me, and is perfect, our time together was just too intense. I know that the woman who ends up with Jake will be taken care of and cherished. But I am looking for someone with whom I have a more natural connection and who is my best friend. I am looking for a sense of “ease” in the relationship. And with Jake — well, it always felt like a sales pitch. Our conversations were always so intense and structured that I didn’t think it was fair to continue if I knew ultimately it wasn’t going to be him standing by my side in the end.

Again, this is where I go back to reminding myself that this is NOT a competition. Just because Jake is an impressive man for a lot of people doesn’t mean he had to be in MY top three. I truly believe that if there is no connection, let them go early so they can find their own Mrs. Invisible. I just didn’t want to waste any more of Jake’s time.

My date at Emerald Lake lodge was breathtaking. I’m telling you all — you HAVE to get up here and check out the beauty this country has to offer. I’ll make a great host I promise! I know you all think I was probably crazy to let Tanner rub my feet that night, but by this point I had so many long nights in heels, I couldn’t pass up a foot rub! Tanner was (and still is) such a sweetheart. It was hard for me to hear him wonder why I let him go. It definitely wasn’t the foot fetish. I think during our conversation that night, I realized we hadn’t kissed and I had to ask myself if this was ever going to happen. The answer to my own question was indication of what I needed to do.

A few funny little facts — I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I wore a lot of plaid shirts, hoodies and leggings the last few episodes. Here’s why: we didn’t exactly plan for the cold Canadian weather, as we should have. I only brought ONE teeny little bag for that entire episode, and it ended up not being near enough clothes for the trip. I had to get really creative with rotating items to try to make it look like several different outfits. I know a few people have commented on me wearing leggings last episode instead of snow pants and this episode I barely wore gloves. Luckily, I really am like a little Eskimo, so I barely got cold. Another funny thing was that by the time we got to the Rocky Mountaineer I was EXHAUSTED. I was getting very little sleep (maybe 3-5 hours a night). I was so self conscious that I looked awful, but I actually think I looked somewhat refreshed this episode. Hmmm, maybe I’m on to something! Ha!

I hope you all are enjoying this season. I know there have been a lot of ups and downs and I have to admit there are a few more to come. Next week’s episode is sweet and a little sour. Hang in there and trust me — the final result of this entire roller-coaster makes it all worth it!

Peace & Love,


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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #77 on: June 23, 2009, 11:05:22 AM »
Tory, you can find him at

He's the one that totally spoiled the last season, Melissa being dumped and taking up with Molly..etc

By the way, FYI, Melissa has landed a job with GOOD MORNING AMERICA!
i for got about the who ty will yea he new a lot that steve guy. and yea mellissa...
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #78 on: June 23, 2009, 11:45:36 AM »
is it me or does some one need to take the drinks out of jillians hand for 2 sec's she is not my fav batchlorett for sure and i noticed in chris's bolg he has gone from calling her jilly to jillian, i am thinking abc is regretting it's desion to have her as the batchorloett. molly would have brought way more to the show jmo.. i did love the beauty of last nights epi, the mountians and the lakes , the train all sooo beautiful, my grand baby watched with me she is 2 and i was like look at the train she loved it, and fell asleep..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #79 on: June 23, 2009, 12:10:06 PM »
I don't care what Jillian says, I still think she was stupid for getting rid of Jake.   :duno:  She has her reasons and there is nothing to be done now, but geesh!  Tory, I liked the train part too.  Sure was pretty and I wouldn't mind a trip there either.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #80 on: June 23, 2009, 01:26:16 PM »
ABC press release:


"Episode 507" - The stakes are high as Jillian leaves her Los Angeles villa for an exciting, emotionally-charged journey across the country to visit the final five men's hometowns. Her bonds grow stronger with some of the bachelors, but she is severely tested by some of the families and questions her connections to Jesse, Kiptyn, Michael, Reid and Wes. And nothing can prepare her for what happens when an infatuated Jake returns to warn Jillian that Wes is the bachelor with the girlfriend. In one of the most dramatic confrontations in "Bachelorette" history, the two men face off right in front of her. Finally, one heartbroken bachelor returns to try and win Jillian back, but is it too late? There are no easy choices left for the Bachelorette, and now she needs to make the most difficult decision yet, as the remaining four men look forward to a romantic trip with Jillian to Spain, on "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, JUNE 29 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

The first stop is Philadelphia and Reid meets Jillian at the historic City Hall. Today is the bachelor's 30th birthday, and it's no surprise when his mother lets Jillian know how eager she is to become a grandmother. It doesn't take Jillian long to see how comfortable Reid's life is as one of a family of realtors and how close he is to them. His family's approval is key to Reid if he's to continue his relationship with Jillian. But will she win them over?

Jillian travels cross country to Valencia, California to meet Michael's family. She's still harboring a fear about how young he is and whether he's ready for a long lasting commitment, so she wastes no time asking his family if they think he is ready to take the plunge. Michael's twin brother, Steve, assures her that Michael is mature beyond his years and quite ready to settle down. Will that pronouncement be enough to seal the deal for a rose?

The seemingly "perfect" Kiptyn, the handsome bachelor who took Jillian's breath away at their first hello, greets the Bachelorette at his hometown of San Diego. Can she live up to the expectations of his family, who are just as flawless as Kiptyn?

A trip up the California coast to Carmel brings Jillian to Jesse's family winery. The couple take a tractor ride to a romantic hilltop overlooking the vineyards, but Jesse is nervous about introducing her to his family. Jillian is worried about how slowly he's taking things. After introducing her to his parents and siblings, Jesse has a heart-to-heart talk with his brother about his feelings. Will he dare to "go for it" or risk losing the woman of his dreams?

Finally, Jillian visits Wes in his Austin hometown, where he surprises her with a private performance with his band. Jillian listens with stars in her eyes as he performs the song he wrote especially for her. But her world is about to explode! Fueled by his love for Jillian, Jake returns to surprise her with an urgent warning that Wes is the one with the girlfriend. A confused and emotional Bachelorette finally confronts Wes, who vehemently denies the rumors. However, in one of the most gripping confrontations this season, Wes and Jake go toe to toe while a stunned Jillian looks on.

Jillian finishes her whirlwind hometown visits and returns to Los Angeles to reflect on the next rose ceremony. To make matters even more stressful, an inconsolable bachelor returns to plead for a second chance at love, but there might not be room in Jillian's heart now. With much difficulty, she narrows the field to the four men who will accompany her to Spain to continue their most romantic adventure.

The five remaining men are:
Jesse, 27, wine maker from Carmel Valley, CA.
Kiptyn, 31, business developer from Encinitas, CA.
Michael, 25, break dance instructor from Astoria, NY.
Reid, 30, realtor from Philadelphia, PA.
Wes, 32, musician from Austin, TX

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2009, 08:46:54 AM »
Tanner's interview...something to read until tonight's episode.

Ousted 'Bachelorette' suitor Tanner Pope hints at Ed Swiderski return

By Christopher Rocchio, 06/26/2009

Ousted The Bachelorette bachelor Tanner Pope appears to have confirmed what viewers have increasingly suspected: that despite being shown quitting to return to his job during last week's broadcast, Ed Swiderski later returned to the show to continue wooing Jillian Harris.

"I don't see how he got himself in that situation. He knew he was going to have to be gone for up to two months [for filming] so that was what kind of surprised me. But supposedly he comes back. So obviously there's something going on," Pope told Reality TV World during a Thursday conference call that followed his elimination on Monday night's The Bachelorette broadcast.

"We don't really know that for sure," the show's ABC publicist then interjected, leaving Pope to not-so-coyly cover his tracks.
"Right. Okay. Well... I don't know that," he responded.

"That was a complete shock to me because I figured Ed was one of the front runners in the competition," Pope told Reality TV World about Swiderski's decision to leave, which occurred after his boss contacted him during the show's production and allegedly told him he would have to leave the show and return to work or be fired.

"Him and Jillian kind of had something real special. You could kind of tell when Ed was around her eyes kind of sparkled so I was definitely shocked when he left," said Pope.  "We were in the middle of Canada and he just pretty much said, 'You know what? I've got to leave. I've got a great job at Microsoft.' I understand completely. I mean, anybody has a great job like that."

However despite his dramatic exit, Swiderski was atypically not available for media interviews after last week's The Bachelorette broadcast aired.

"He's busy with work. He has a lot going on. He's just not available," a network spokeswoman told his hometown Chicago Sun-Times newspaper last week.

A season preview shown at the conclusion of this week's The Bachelorette broadcast then showed a previously departed bachelor returning to the show and surprising Harris on the day of her final Rose Ceremony.

"When I woke up this morning I was very sure I was going to be an engaged woman by the end of the day, I knew who it was going to be with and I was so excited.  And then the guy that was so difficult to let go comes through the door and wants to sweep me off my feet!" Harris said in the preview.

In addition, the preview also showed The Bachelorette host Chris Harrison announcing "someone else" would be joining Harris and her five remaining bachelors at their next Rose Ceremony.

"This throws a big curveball into everything, I can only bring four guys with me," Harris said.

Pope said he was unsure how Swiderski's boss was able to reach him during filming since he'd had, as is the show's standard practice, no contact with "the outside world" during his own time on The Bachelorette.

"Maybe he had some special permission through ABC. I don't know," Pope told Reality TV World.  "Everybody's contract is different so maybe he snuck a little clause in there that he needed access to a computer. I wish I would've known that because I probably would've borrowed it to watch the NCAA tournament Final Four; never got to see any of that."

"I had zero contact," he added.  "[No] cell phones - I mean, 99% of us -- unless Ed did. I think 100% of us had no contact with the outside world -- [no] emails, cell phones, TVs - nothing."

Pope told reporters that he shed "no tears" after Harris failed to give him a rose during the competition's sixth Rose Ceremony.

"I pretty much knew it was coming.  I just didn't know it was coming that night," explained Pope. 

"I was so close to getting a hometown date, and that was my goal.  I think if she would have met my family, I think she would have absolutely loved it because my family's awesome... But at the same time, me and her, we didn't have any chemistry.  You can see that.  We kind of went the friendship route.  You can't change how things work.  I just think it worked out into other guys' advantages.  Some guys have chemistry with her and develop more feelings.  I, on the other hand, didn't.  So it wasn't that disheartening when I got let go."

One of those suitors that seems to have chemistry with Harris is Wes, a 32-year-old musician from Austin, TX whom Pope suspects -- based on Wes' own comments -- may have a girlfriend back home.

"I think when me and Wes first moved into the bunkhouse, there was a lot of conversation going on.  It was a lot of hearsay and a lot of times it was joking around, so I never knew whether to take him seriously because I didn't know his personality at that time," explained Pope. 

"Whenever he joked around about, 'Hey I've got a girl back home,' I didn't know whether to take that serious or not.  I knew I didn't have a girl back home and I was there for the right reasons, and I stated that from Day 1. But Wes has obviously got some things going... I don't know if the whole girlfriend thing, it may have gotten blown out of proportion.  So I never wanted to tell Jillian 100% sure, 'Hey I know Wes has a girlfriend' if I wasn't 100% sure."

While Pope declined to tell Harris that he was certain Wes had a girlfriend, he did tell her that he suspected some of the suitors was already in a relationship before appearing on the show.

"I just meant I didn't know at that point, so at that point it was really unclear to me.  Mine and her conversation up until that point had been strictly small talk.  So I felt like for me to stick around much longer -- I'm not going to start a rumor -- but there's definitely some stuff going around that's not right," he told Reality TV World.  "So I felt I needed to let her know.  No, I never expected that anybody else had a girlfriend.  But it was always in the back of my mind that Wes may."

Not surprisingly, that conversation between Pope and Harris was eventually made known to the other bachelors during the season's fourth Rose Ceremony -- however they were unaware it was Pope who had spilled the beans.

Still, Pope decided to let the others know prior to the sixth Rose Ceremony that was featured on this week's episode -- and he explained his reasoning for coming clean with them and letting them know that he was the one who told Harris.

"I think that's just the right thing to do.  I think I needed to let them know," he told reporters.  "I didn't want that blame to fall... because a lot of guys were suspecting Juan or Dave or somebody else.  I didn't want that.  I felt it was my personal responsibility, so I took it."

While Harris was still in the dark about Wes when Pope was ousted, that will -- as Monday night's preview teased -- end when Jake, one of the other bachelors who was ousted on this week's broadcast, also returns to the show and specifically names Wes as the culprit.

"You'll see Jake, next episode, he has a little part with the whole girlfriend thing.  So I'm anxious to see how that goes down," Pope told reporters.  "I think we'll get some more questions answered, and so will everybody else."

Despite claiming he wasn't actually present when Wes said it, Pope stated he was "really shocked" to hear  Wes telling some of the other bachelors that he had already appeared in six episodes, performed the song he wrote for Harris, and thus got "a little publicity on TV" during Monday night's episode.

"I don't know what Wes was thinking when he said that. You only got half of it due to the editing, because I wasn't around when he said that," said Pope.

"I mean he is in a band and he is a national figure now. He's selling CDs and records so for him to say that -- I mean, he had to have said that, you know? So I don't know what - I don't know. That was a weird situation. I didn't expect him to say that but he did it."

Pope reiterated that since he wasn't present for the conversation between Wes and some of the other suitors, he's not sure if the comments were taken out of context.

"You really don't see the whole Wes. I mean, me and Wes were actually good friends on the show and it's one of the things where how they edit it and -- I know I can't really talk about editing too much -- but he's the bad boy this season and that's how they're rolling with it," Pope told reporters.

"I don't know if that was editing involved or if he really said that. So, you know, me and Wes are fine. There's no tension between us at all. It may look like that, but, you know, I'm friends with a lot of the guys. Some of them, obviously, not as much as others but that's how it is."

Pope said viewers did saw "the real Tanner" during his The Bachelorette stint and explained his strong attraction to feet is accurate -- although he dislikes it when people call it a fetish.

"It's not really a fetish.  A fetish sounds dirty and risky. It's more of a like.  Jillian always felt comfortable with it or else I wouldn't have done it in the first place," he explained, adding Jillian had "hot feet."

In addition, Pope defended his interest in feet as a "quality that I like" even though some find it creepy.

"The people that think that it's creepy either have ugly feet themselves and so they automatically hate it, or they think it's creepy because they hear the word 'fetish,'" he said.  "That's the thing, it's taken out of context.  You guys don't see the part of me and Jillian having a normal conversation.  All you see through the editing is me and her talking about feet and I'm rubbing her feet."

Pope also surprised Harris and the other suitors when he stripped down his underwear to illustrate what he sleeps in at night.

"You get probably half the part on that due to the editing.  We were all talking about what we wear -- you heard that," he said.  "It was one of those things where I felt like, 'I've been kind of the comedian of this whole thing, I'm just going to bust out and show her my mandies.'  That's what I call them... She said it was a little awkward, but you know what the rest of the sentence went like."

Pope also dispelled rumors that he stuffed his shorts.

"Negative," he told reporters.  "I was just blessed.  All the guys knew it because we had outdoor showers.  They all called me King Dong and other names.  I did tricks with my wiener at one point... I rolled with it and had fun with it."

Pope said he decided to try The Bachelorette since his marriage clock is ticking and he was tired of more traditional methods of meeting a girl.

"I've always said by the time I was 30 I was going to be married," he explained.  "I'm pretty much over trying to find a girl at the bar. And you know what? Going on a reality show might be the next best option. You know, I can't do it at a bar. And so I just went with it."

Despite initially think that Harris would end up with Kiptyn, Pope said he's now unsure since he saw them share "some weird kisses."

"I thought Kiptyn might win at first, but I don't know.  It's hard for me to tell," he said.  "For the most part, I think 95% of the guys are there for the right reasons and the other 5% slipped through.  But I don't know who's going to end up winning."

As for his own dating life, Pope said he's got a "couple of things in the works" but declined to elaborate.

"I can't really go into too much detail as of yet," he said.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #82 on: June 29, 2009, 04:39:03 PM »
Hopefully some really good news for Melissa -  :hearts:

Melissa Rycroft of 'Dancing With the Stars' and 'Bachelor' may be engaged for real this time

12:00 AM CDT on Monday, June 29, 2009

This time, the proposal sounds like the real thing for Dallas beauty Melissa Rycroft. She is the former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader famously proposed to on the season finale of ABC's The Bachelor before being brought back for a tawdry special episode called "After the Roses." The cad took it all back, claiming he was still in love with another contestant.

But Friday night, Melissa and boyfriend Tye Strickland were glowing when they showed up at Brio Tuscan Grille in Southlake with two older couples who looked suspiciously like parental units. There was a large vase of fresh flowers at the table. The whispers around the restaurant were that Melissa and Tye got engaged on Friday and she was presented with a ring in a box featuring its own internal lighting (to make that rock shine).

Last spring, Tye was an omnipresent figure in the Dancing With the Stars studio after Melissa was brought in as a replacement for Access Hollywood's Nancy O'Dell.

Friday night at Brio, Melissa lived up to her billing as one of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People. Wearing shorts and high heels, she displayed her famous legs.

Last week, Melissa debuted as a special correspondent for Good Morning America interviewing radio host and comedian Steve Harvey.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #83 on: June 29, 2009, 11:12:28 PM »
I am getting really disgusted with Jillian.....she is coming across as a pea brain to me blind or dumb is she? She obviously can't see through that slime ball, Wes. I'm sad that she chose to believe Wes over Jake. Even Wes's family were fake as well. That obviously were staged and scripted for the drama.

I totally loved his energy and personality, even though I knew he was not the one for her, I am going to miss him.

Anyhow, I'll post the recap and Chris's blog as soon they become available after it finish airing on the west coast tonight.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #84 on: June 30, 2009, 01:30:46 AM »
I am getting really disgusted with Jillian.....she is coming across as a pea brain to me blind or dumb is she? She obviously can't see through that slime ball, Wes. I'm sad that she chose to believe Wes over Jake. Even Wes's family were fake as well. That obviously were staged and scripted for the drama.

I totally loved his energy and personality, even though I knew he was not the one for her, I am going to miss him.

Anyhow, I'll post the recap and Chris's blog as soon they become available after it finish airing on the west coast tonight.

Have to agree with all you have said!  I am beginning to think that Wes must be a producer plant and that she has been told to keep him up to a certain time since they knew everyone would hate him so much.  Maybe it's all part of the evil plot to keep the "drama" factor high for this season?  Michale was cute but no where near ready for a relationship with her.  Reid is quickly becoming a new fav but Kiptyn is still right there.  His mom was kind of nutso though.  Woudln't want her for a mother in law!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #85 on: June 30, 2009, 07:57:16 AM »
I completely agree with both of you!!  (:;)  (:;) What is Jillian thinking??  :duno:  Glad to see Ed back...but, wonder what his home town date would have been like?   When you have everyone telling you that 1 person is not here for the "right" reasons & the "perfect guy" coming back to tell you face to face....why don't you believe ANY of them?  I really wanted to Jillian to find happiness but, she just doesn't seem to want it if she keeps bringing back the "evil one". 

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #86 on: June 30, 2009, 08:06:26 AM »

Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette': episode 7
Jun 30, 2009, 01:10 AM | by Chris Harrison

You know a wise man once told me "love...don't come eeasssyy." Seriously, truer words have never been spoken. Every now and then I have those really odd "I'm the host of The Bachelor/Bachelorette" weeks. This week has been one of them. It started off trading texts and tweets with Trista (we're way too cool to just talk on the phone, that's so '08). Got a nice call from Jason Mesnick and caught up with him and Molly. They're doing great, by the way. Then I get a call from my old friend Byron. He and Mary are alive and well, still engaged, and doing great as well. I had my weekly talk with Jillian about life, love, and this week's episode. Then my wife and I were out to dinner and ran into Juan. He told me he's ready to dish at the Men Tell All special. Then we stopped by a party only to run into DeAnna and Holly. Oh...and to top it all off, the family and I were having dinner with the Firestones this week. Like I said, just one of those weeks, but it's also one of the things I truly love about hosting this show. I've formed some wonderful friendships that will endure long after the cameras are turned off. Hey, Guiney, give me a call, man! Before I jump into hometown visits and this week's episode, I want to clear up the schedule from here on out because more than a few of you seem to be confused. As you know we are now down to our final four. They are taking off for a week in Spain, but this is not the typical "exotic date" location. That will come the week after. The finale for this season will be Monday, July 27, followed by an After the Final Rose special on Tuesday night July 28. Hope that helps your party planning.

Now, let's get down to business because we have much to discuss. I would just skip to the dessert and Wes' hometown date but then I'd get grief for skipping over the other guys, so we'll give them their due...kind of. One thing you didn't see on Jill's date with Reid was at the condo when she dropped a full bottle of champagne and it smashed on the floor. She said she was a bit nervous. Before Jillian met Reid's grandmother he warned Jillian that she could be a little cranky and that she isn't that easy to talk to. They hit it off immediately and you couldn't separate the two of them. Reid's hometown was great. Jillian loved every minute of it and I think it's clear to see why he got a rose this week. Their relationship gets better and better each date.

Moving on to Valencia, Calif., and Michael. I'm guessing as you're reading this blog there is no shortage of women who are madly in love with Michael...or his twin brother. By the way, Jillian was impressed with herself that she didn't fall for the ol' identical twin swap one bit. Jilli told me Michael had everything she was looking for in a man but they just didn't have that romantic connection. She also said if there's one guy on the show she would like to help find love it's Michael. I think we could all tell there was just something missing between them. That's too bad because he's a great guy and handled himself with extreme class. One last note on Michael's hometown: When Jill was leaving she was holding a plate. That was a plate of cookies not leftovers.

Kiptyn's parents started their visit by teasing Jillian about her hot tub scenes. For the record, Jill is not ashamed whatsoever about her hot tub time and thought it was really funny that Kiptyn's parents gave her a hard time about it. One thing I continually notice about Jillian when she's around Kip is that she's always wondering if she's good enough for him instead of vice versa -- an interesting dynamic between them that we'll have to keep an eye on. Jesse's hometown date in Carmel was good and for the most part uneventful. The only hitch was that somewhere along the way Jillian had all her personal jewelry stolen. So if you're wondering what to get her for her birthday or Christmas, I suggest jewelry. The best part of Jesse's hometown was his brother. When he asked Jill if she and Jesse had been naked together her reaction was priceless. Jesse ends up going home and I doubt many of you were shocked by this. Their relationship was always a little strange. It's hard to put your finger on it but watching them together I just never saw "it."

Okay, I paid my dues. I talked about the other guys; now let's eat dessert together...let's talk Wes! So Wes decides the first people he wants to introduce Jillian to are his band members. We learn about the new CD and that his ultimate goal in life is for this CD to do well. Wes also shares with us that no drug, no woman can make him feel like he does when he's on stage. Ladies, the line forms to the right. I can't wait to read your comments this week about Wes. As if things weren't awkward enough with the band once again proclaiming "love...don't come eeeasy" everybody's favorite airline pilot, Jake, decides to drop in on Jillian and give her a little news. Not only does Jake tell Jillian about Wes' girlfriend but he tells Jill her name is Laurel...that's it. He's finally going down, set, match, right? Wrong. Wes turns on the Texas charm and two-steps right out of this mess. I'm saying right here and now that I'm not responsible for anything that was thrown at your TV. Was it just me or did anybody else think Wes sounded just like Bill Clinton telling us "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Wes never even flinches when Jake strolls in and even gives him a little shot when he opens the door and says "well, of character." When Jillian decides she's seen and heard enough, she says goodbye to Jake and he proceeds to start crying on the railing or what we like to call in the biz, gives us his best Jason. On a scale of 0-Jason, I give this railing cry about a 5.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on Jake's decision to show up and tell Jillian the truth. I have mixed emotions about it. Jillian decides ultimately that Wes is telling the truth and this is confirmed in her mind when she meets his family. According to Wes' sister, this happens to Wes quite a lot. Apparently there are many who are just jealous of all that Wes possesses. Jillian finally recovers from her hometown dates and is preparing for the rose ceremony when there's a knock at the door. Ed is back. Jillian was obviously happy about his return but she was also very hesitant to give him a rose. She had feelings for Ed but they hadn't had that much time together. She wasn't sure if their relationship was as strong as it was with some of the other guys. As you saw, much to the chagrin of Michael, Ed strolled into the rose ceremony and back into Jillian's heart.

As you saw in the previews for next week the drama with Wes is far from over. Jillian is now down to her final four guys and things really kick up a notch from here on out. I leave you with this thought to ponder til I talk to you again next week: "Some say love it don't"...I can't do it to you again. I will tell you this though, no drug, no woman makes me feel as good as this blog does.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #87 on: June 30, 2009, 08:14:41 AM »

Bachelorette Blog: I Couldn’t NOT Take Ed Back
June 30, 2009

Hey Guys!

I have to admit I really look forward to writing these little blogs. As soon as I watch the episode myself, I’m on the computer so I can get you all up to date. I also have to admit that it is hard reading all the comments, and how disappointed you all are with me for keeping Wes  … especially now that I have let that Handsome Jesse and Sweetheart Michael go for your least favorite guy (Wes). I totally understand where you’re coming from though and I know how frustrating it is when you wish I could have seen what you’re seeing now (I feel your pain!)

But if there is any consolation to you at all, it is that my promise still stands … I AM a smart girl, and I AM extremely happy with the final result. And the most important decision (which is the only one that really matters) was the right one! So pour yourself a glass of wine, sit back, and enjoy! (And please still feel free to make fun of me and laugh at me! It’s supposed to be fun!)

Hometown dates were probably one of my favorite parts of this entire process. I really was waiting for a family that made me think Monster-in-Law, but not ONCE did this happen! Each family got better every time. It was actually very interesting how much the final five guys’ families were alike. They all had such healthy relationships and all had so much fun with each other.

Reid and I talked a lot about our families prior to going to Philly, and I talked about my granny a lot (do you guys remember her putting boxer shorts on Jason’s head from last season?) Well – Reid had told me that his granny doesn’t talk a lot and I think he was worried that his granny (or Mom-Mom as he calls her) wouldn’t be as cool as mine. Well, “Mom-Mom Rosenthal” and I went into this little room with a few glasses of wine and we had a blast! We talked and talked and talked until they had to literally pull us out of there! Reid was like, “Whoa! I have not seen her so talkative!”

Another thing to note about Reid’s family is how FUNNY his brothers are! Within minutes we were joking around with each other. At one point Reid’s brother Chad was bugging his dad about his ears being a little big. Well, I turned to him and said, “Chad, your ears aren’t exactly a normal size either!” As soon as I said it, my face turned white… everyone was silent for a few seconds… and then the room filled with a roaring laughter. That’s when I knew Reid’s family would be a fun family to be a part of.

It looks like Kip’s family was a bit ‘intense’ but they were so warm! Kip’s mom is just very direct, and to be honest, I really appreciated it! I thought I aced that hometown date until the end. Oh boy… so Kip’s dad brings out this banjo (or was it a guitar… I can’t remember) and starts strumming this tune. He then tells me that I have to improvise a blues song called the “Bachelorette Blues.” Oh my Lord, you guys… I WAS THE WORST! They were laughing so hard at me. As you know my voice is a little raspy so I don’t have the smoothest singing voice and to improvise lyrics with your new “potential” in-laws with five cameras in your face… forget it. I was a good sport but was secretly mortified!

I am fully aware at this point you guys are wondering what the heck I am thinking by hanging on to Wes (trust me, my family and friends are one episode away from getting my head examined). I don’t know what more to tell you. There are some qualities about Wes that I could relate to and we really DID have real conversations about family, friends and life… conversations that I did not have with the other guys. I knew there were MAJOR red flags with him, and I needed to figure out if this was just a friendship or if he was someone that I would actually risk saying “you’re the one’” to.

Let’s end this blog with something positive. Ed comes back!?! Watching this show I can definitely say it looks like this was all set up. I know that’s what you all are thinking… but it really wasn’t. The dude really did fight to come back, and I was SHOCKED. There were so many things flying through my mind like, “Is he The One? What if he isn’t? How will the other guys feel about this? Is this fair? Does it matter? And boy, does Ed look cute in his argyle sweater.” Although I knew I had strong feelings for Ed, I knew accepting him back would be controversial but I didn’t want to always wonder ‘”what if” and had to figure why I couldn’t get this guy off my mind while we were away.

All in all, I thought this was a great episode. I made some good decisions, and maybe some bad ones… but it was real. It was hard to hear the feelings that Jesse had for me because he never really told me those feelings… I let him go because I didn’t know how he felt about me and our relationship was moving way too slow. He is an incredible individual and I don’t doubt he will find what he is looking for. I cried when I saw Michael’s departure interview. He is such a sweetheart – I hope this opens up many doors for Michael. He deserves every ounce of happiness in life.

Thank you again for reading – I do appreciate all of your support… I’m itching for you guys to find out what happens in the end!

Love Always,

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #88 on: June 30, 2009, 11:04:18 AM »
I am getting really disgusted with Jillian.....she is coming across as a pea brain to me blind or dumb is she? She obviously can't see through that slime ball, Wes. I'm sad that she chose to believe Wes over Jake. Even Wes's family were fake as well. That obviously were staged and scripted for the drama.

I totally loved his energy and personality, even though I knew he was not the one for her, I am going to miss him.

Anyhow, I'll post the recap and Chris's blog as soon they become available after it finish airing on the west coast tonight.

Have to agree with all you have said!  I am beginning to think that Wes must be a producer plant and that she has been told to keep him up to a certain time since they knew everyone would hate him so much.  Maybe it's all part of the evil plot to keep the "drama" factor high for this season?  Michale was cute but no where near ready for a relationship with her.  Reid is quickly becoming a new fav but Kiptyn is still right there.  His mom was kind of nutso though.  Woudln't want her for a mother in law!

jmo but chris went from calling jilllain  jilly to now calling her jillian i think he is over it to. i don't think wes is a plant i thought so at frist but now i am thinging that they got jake to go there to try to get him of the show cause they don't want there batchlorett looking like a fool, they tryed to warn her, just sayn, if the rumors r not true and i have found severl flaws in a certian steve he said wes was not going past the home town date and that the guy who came bk last night was going to suddenly apeerr in spain . not the case, the guy came bk last night and wes is still there. i thnk if wes is ther for the wrong reasons and i am not saying he is not i don;t no, then the reason cbs is giving him any ari time is so jillain doesn't look like an idiot, they r try to show us y she keep giving him a rose. again they don't wnat there batchlorett looking like the drunken baffooon that i think she is. i mean how can she not take a hint when cbs set's it up so jake can come bk to tell her that, realy wtf!!! she is 30 yrs old she should have more sence than that , oh yea she is allways DRUNK...
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #89 on: June 30, 2009, 11:18:18 AM »
thanks msbuni for posting chris and jillian's blogs....I got too plowed last night to do any more stuff on the computer, lol

Here's the recap:

The Bachelorette Episode Recap: Monday, June 29, 2009

This week's episode features the return of not one but two bachelors, a shocking allegation, and my collapse into caveman talk when my fiancée and fellow recapper, exhausted by all the drama, falls asleep.

Hi, and welcome back to The Bachelorette recap. With me as always is my lovely fiancée, as we review an episode that features visits to the remaining five guys' hometowns. For the sake of simplicity, we'll break them down as follows:

Reid is from Philadelphia, which Jillian describes as "so beautiful"! Reid's mom, Rhonda, says she'd like to see him settle down now that he's "approaching 30," and tells Jillian she's "adorable." Then Reid's family throws him an impromptu 30th birthday and says how shocked they are by how affectionate he is with Jillian.

Me: I like him. I hope he's not the one we saw in the previews of future episodes. Who turns out to have performance issues... in the boudoir.

Fiancée: He is. You can hear him apologizing. It's too bad because he's totally cute.

Michael is from Valencia, Calif., and has an identical twin, Steve. Michael and Steve arrange to trade outfits to pull the ol' switcheroo on Jillian, but she doesn't fall for it, because, "I know my Michael immediately." Michael's mom, meanwhile, is adorable. She reminds us a bit of Cheryl from Curb Your Enthusiasm.

He's from San Diego, which gives him a slight advantage. San Diego is really pretty, and close to Mexico, a country that produces the best food in the world. Kiptyn's family shows Jillian their beautiful Jacuzzi, which they've wrapped in police tape, because, as Kiptyn's dad explains, they "saw the last few episodes of The Bachelor." They also explain that they love food and wine, and give her a challenge: She has to choose between two red wines, and two different lasagnas, and the best combination.

Fiancée: What a bunch of snobs.

Jillian passes the test. The family informs her that if she didn't, it could have been a very short evening. They also manage to mention that they both speak French.

Jillian: Kiptyn's family is very polished and well-traveled and refined.

Fiancée: And they're a bunch of d—ks!

Me: Wow, [embarrassing affectionate nickname]. Such language. Are you tired?

(Note: This last comment is foreshadowing.)

Kiptyn's family goes away, and Jillian and Kiptyn make their way to — secret weapon time — the hot tub. Jillian's a sucker for a hot tub.

Jesse takes Jillian to his family's vineyards, revealing that he, like Kiptyn, has a geographic advantage: He lives in a gorgeous part of California that is surrounded by wine.

Fiancée: The only thing Jillian loves more than a hot tub? Wine.

My fiancée and I become insta-fans of Jesse's brother, a big dude with a beard and long blond hair who, for the purposes of this recap, will be known as Thor. At one point he pulls Jesse aside.

Thor: You love this chick? ... She want babies?

Jesse explains that he would be happy to be married with kids in five years or so, and that's he's talked to Jillian about combining his sommelier skills with her interior design skills (that's her job in real life) to open a wine bar.

Thor: She's a cutie. Cuteness, dude.

Later, Thor talks to Jillian.

Thor: Have you guys been naked together?

Jillian: No, it doesn't get like that — for a little while.

Fiancée and me: Whooooooooooo!

Next, the whole family jams together: Thor plays some great electric guitar, and Jesse proves himself a solid drummer. Jillian plays tambourine. Is Thor available to be the next Bachelor?

Next, Jillian arrives in Austin, Texas, another city I love like crazy. Country singer Wes says she'll soon meet his family, but first she has to meet his other family, his band.

Wes: There's no drug, no woman, nothing can get you to feel the way you feel when you're onstage.

Hear that, Jillian? More foreshadowing. Wes performs some of his songs, and then, suddenly, ejected contestant Jake appears, in his pilot's uniform, to tell Jillian to look out for Wes.

Jake: My goal is to protect her... Wes is a deceiver. That guy will say whatever he's got to say to get his agenda done. I've got to tell Jillian that Wes has a girlfriend.

Jake shows up at Jillian's door, and says he's not "here to get you back." He explains that he cares about Wes, but has to tell her something. We hear the sound of a thumping heartbeat. (Nice one, Bachelorette producers.)

Jillian: Just give it to me: Wes is here for his career, Wes doesn't love me, Wes is gay...

Jake: Wes has a girlfriend. Her name is Laurel. ... We've talked about Laurel more than three times.

Jillian asks if he's sure. He is. Jillian is in tears. She decides to confront Wes, who's a tad evasive. He says he and his ex-girlfriend are broken up but remain good friends, and that he would never go back to her. Jillian asks if Wes wants to talk to Jake about the situation. And so two Texans face off.

Wes: Well, Jake. A man of character.

Jake gets into specifics about times Wes allegedly told him about Laurel. Wes gets into semantics about the nature of his relationship with the mysterious Laurel in a manner beneath a straight-talking Texan.

Wes: She's always going to be one of my girlfriends.

Jillian asks for some time alone, and then says she still wants to meet Wes' family. They include his mom, stepmom, and three sisters. Wes explains that he and Jillian just experienced "a little speed bump." He tells his family that some guy who's been kicked off the show — Jake — came back and said Wes had a girlfriend. His stepmom, Renee, assures Jillian that Wes has a good heart.

Me: I don't know what to believe anymore. I seriously don't know if he has a girlfriend.

Fiancée: I'm exhausted. I'm going to sleep.

Me: Seriously?

Fiancée: I'm tired, [embarrassing affectionate nickname for me.] G'night.

Me: But I can't decipher the show without you, [corresponding embarrassing affectionate nickname]. I'll turn into a caveman.

Fiancée: G'night.

Jillian comes away from dinner with the family convinced that Wes doesn't have a girlfriend, and Wes describes Jake as a "backstabbing piece of s—t." Jillian, alone again, says she can't handle any more surprises. And then Ed, who quit the show because of work obligations, shows up at her door. I try to wake fiancée.

Me: Baby? Wake up. Ed's back. Baby? I need you. Ed's back. I can't do this alone.

Fiancée: ...

Me: Seriously? Cavemen?

She doesn't awake, I run back to watch the show.

Ed: I realized that I made a huge mistake. I got back and I could not stop thinking about you... I want another shot.

Whoa. Does this show have any rules anymore? Strictly from a logistical standpoint, can Jillian go back and retroactively remove someone else in Ed's place? I can't navigate such complexities without the guidance of my fiancée. And so, because I cannot function without her counsel, the rest of the recap will be in caveman talk.

Ed want stay. He sweater nice.

Jillian invite Ed rose ceremony.

Ed touch hair Jillian.

Jillian say she scare, confuse.

Jillian need keep only four guys in episode. With Ed have six. (Logistical question to me satisfaction answer.)

Me (shouting to fiancée): Wake you. Caveman talk like without.


Jillian tell great Chris Harrison Ed return "bananas." Chris give her space.

Chris introduce Ed at rose ceremony, say four of six guys get rose. Guys stun. Jillian arrive. Dress pretty. She compliment guys and give rose. Suspense. Rose go Reid, Kiptyn. Jillian keep give rose.

Jillian: Ed.

Ed accept rose. And final rose go to... Wes. Give me break.

Michael — or twin — irate. So Jesse. Caveman sad. Jesse disparage Ed, Wes. Michael though class act. Say he "fall for the girl," and "straight up love" girl. Episode end.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #90 on: June 30, 2009, 11:45:51 AM »
The thing I don't get is why Wes thinks this exposure will sell him albums.  He's clearly shown himself as a crappy person.  I know there are plenty of artists out there that aren't the best people in the world, but they are usually famous and then show the bad side.  I'm not sure showing your bad side first is going to do the trick!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #91 on: June 30, 2009, 05:12:35 PM »
The thing I don't get is why Wes thinks this exposure will sell him albums.  He's clearly shown himself as a crappy person.  I know there are plenty of artists out there that aren't the best people in the world, but they are usually famous and then show the bad side.  I'm not sure showing your bad side first is going to do the trick!
i liked wes b 4 i fond out about the gf. so jmo i think wes should have tryed to get the boot sooner then maby some one would have actuly liked him and want to buy his cd, personaly i think he has commited cd suside
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #92 on: July 01, 2009, 12:20:31 AM »
ABC Press Release:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
ABC Television Network

"Episode 508" - As Jillian gets closer to her final decision, she sweeps the remaining four men - Ed, Kiptyn, Reid and Wes - on a grand romantic journey to Spain. As excited as she is to be with these four particular men as they explore the amazing sites and cuisine of Madrid, Sevilla and Barcelona, Jillian knows that she faces a very difficult decision to send one these bachelors home. At the end of each evening, the Bachelorette will present the man with an invitation to spend the night in a "fantasy suite," with the hope that he will accept. But will he? And will Jillian choose to stay the night, on "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, JULY 6 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

The first fabulous day in Madrid is planned for Kiptyn, the guy who gave Jillian butterflies from the start. After the two meet in the central park in Madrid, the talk turns serious about the possibility of marriage. Then Jillian surprises him with a series of activities designed to take him out of his comfort zone: Flamenco dancing lessons, a wild moped ride through the streets of the city and a fancy dinner complete with Spanish delicacies. Over dinner they discuss their possible future together and the compromises they both would have to make. An intimate visit to a fantasy suite ends the night, but Jillian needs to decide if she will take the relationship to the next level and stay the night.
The charming southern city of Sevilla hosts Jillian and Reid. They stroll through the streets looking to shop for the ingredients for a perfect picnic. This lovable bachelor's quick wit makes the day breezy and fun for the couple. But things heat up during a romantic riverside dinner where Jillian peppers him with questions about how ready he is for a life with her. Once again, Jillian faces a very personal decision about whether she will stay the night in the fantasy suite with him.

The next day in Sevilla, as Jillian and Ed snuggle in a horse drawn carriage for a ride around the romantic streets of the city, she discovers that her feelings are growing stronger for him. When Jillian brings up her concerns about them being together, he wins her over with his sincerity and tenderness. Another fantasy suite card arrives and, like the other bachelors, Jillian must decide whether she is ready to move on her feelings and spend the night.

It's on to Barcelona for the last date. Jillian meets up with Wes, who she finds irresistible, and they bicycle through the city. However, a chill falls on the romantic day when Jillian becomes worried about his inability to show real affection for her. She challenges him at dinner to try and get some real answers to her lingering questions and tearfully confronts him with her worst fears.

In a dramatic rose ceremony, Jillian faces her toughest decision yet. In the end, she reluctantly listens to her heart and says good-by to the man she has been falling for early on. Then she invites the final three men to join her in Hawaii for their final romantic adventures as she attempts to make her fairytale ending come true.

The four remaining men are:

Ed, 29, technology consultant from Chicago, IL.
Kiptyn, 31, business developer from Encinitas, CA.
Reid, 30, realtor from Philadelphia, PA.
Wes, 32, musician from Austin, TX.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #93 on: July 01, 2009, 01:43:11 AM »
is it me or does some one need to take the drinks out of jillians hand for 2 sec's she is not my fav batchlorett for sure and i noticed in chris's bolg he has gone from calling her jilly to jillian, i am thinking abc is regretting it's desion to have her as the batchorloett. molly would have brought way more to the show jmo.. i did love the beauty of last nights epi, the mountians and the lakes , the train all sooo beautiful, my grand baby watched with me she is 2 and i was like look at the train she loved it, and fell asleep..

Someone needs to take the drinks out of her hand LOL. I always see her with a drink and I told my friend that last night.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #94 on: July 02, 2009, 08:40:57 AM »
Jake's interview....

Jake Pavelka: 'Bachelorette's Wes Hayden "in cahoots" with girlfriend

By Christopher Rocchio, 07/01/2009

Jake Pavelka is still adamantly claiming that Wes Hayden and Laurel Kagay were in a romantic relationship during filming for The Bachelorette's fifth season and are also currently dating -- adding the two were "in cahoots" in getting the country music singer to appear as one of Jillian Harris' suitors.

"[Hayden and Kagay] had an agreement, and this came from Wes.  They had an agreement that they were going to put their relationship kind of on the back-burner so that he could go on there and sell CDs," Pavelka told reporters during a Wednesday conference call.

"I think Wes' motivation is to move CDs.  The guy's smart.  He's real quick on his feet.  He shouldn't of even been on there.  It's hard for me to be real sympathetic about this situation, because I know 100% -- 100% -- that he and Laurel are together, and they were together during the show.  I think it's all an act, and I think Laurel's in cahoots with him."
Monday night's The Bachelorette broadcast featured Harris being confronted by Pavelka, who returned to the show after previously being eliminated to inform her that Hayden had repeatedly told him that he did have a girlfriend going into filming.

During the visit, Pavelka identified Hayden's alleged girlfriend as "Laurel" and said he had conversations about her with Wes "more than three times."

"The conversations that Wes and I had were not, 'Hey Jake, I've got a girlfriend," Pavelka said during the conference call. 

"It was, 'Jake, I've got a girlfriend.  I don't know what to do.'  I said, 'Wes, are you in love with her?  Because if you're not in love with her, you may fall in love with Jillian.'  He said, 'No.  Jillian is not the girl for me.'  That's why it was so serious to me, because Wes had somebody back home that he cared about.  He wasn't even available to be on the show."

Pavelka said that he and Hayden "would confide in each other" frequently during filming.

"People just felt comfortable talking to me, and Wes was talking to me towards the end about going ahead and bowing out, getting out of the show," Pavelka said. 

"He had already gotten what he was looking for -- to sell CDs.  Each Rose Ceremony I would think, 'Okay, he's going to go.  He's going to go.  He's just going to go ahead and go.' Then [Harris] started sending guys home that truly were starting to feel like they might fall in love with her,  that's when I took it on my part to expose it, and I felt it was really important to help her along because she can't see it."

Pavelka said he was haunted by the fact that he didn't take the opportunity to tell Harris about Hayden and Kagay's relationship while he was still a suitor.

"I was laying in bed every morning going, 'I screwed up.  I screwed up.  I should have told her before I left.  I should have told her at that Rose Ceremony.  I should have stopped the whole thing... and said, 'You need to know something,'" said Pavelka.  "I was just kicking myself, but I thought Wes was going to bow out at that Rose Ceremony like he had told me."

However Hayden never declined a rose from Harris, leading Pavelka to let producers know what was on his mind.

"[The producers] would call me every once and a while just to make sure I was doing okay because I took it pretty hard.  It hurt because I went on there to really fall in love.  I was really giving it a good shot," recalled Pavelka. 

"One of the producers called me and I just broke down.  They said, 'What is it?'  I said, 'I still need to tell [Harris] some things.  Would there be any way that I could talk to her again?' They said, 'Well we don't do that.  What do you need to tell her?'  So I kind of ran through it with them, and with their help, they made it happen."

Pavelka said he "knew it would hurt" Harris if he told her about Hayden and Kagay's relationship, but he still decided to go through with it.

"I thought that I owed it to her," he told reporters.  "We just developed a level of respect.  I know that Jillian would have done that for me had the roles been reversed.  So I tried to treat everybody on there as I want to be treated, and what Wes did to her is wrong."

Pavelka traveled to Austin to talk with Harris and let her know about Hayden and Kagay during her hometown date with Hayden.

"I didn't want to kick Wes off.  That wasn't my goal," said Pavelka.  "But she needs to know this so that she can make the best decision about the guys she has remaining.  My goal was not to get him off.  My goal was to inform her and be there for her."

Since Harris was in the midst of waiting for Hayden to pick her up for the second part of her visit to his hometown, she confronted him about the accusations when he arrived.  As Pavelka predicted, Hayden denied the allegations -- even after Harris brought Pavelka and Hayden face-to-face.

"The most important thing to me is I went on there honorably and told the truth, and he lied to me and lied to Jillian," Pavelka told reporters. 

"He lied to me telling me he never said that -- which he did, on multiple occasions, that he had a girlfriend and her name was Laurel -- and then he lied to Jillian just stringing her along."

Harris subsequently decided to keep Hayden and send two other suitors packing at the conclusion of Monday night's episode.  Kagay has since supported Hayden, claiming the two are only friends.

"I kind of feel bad," said Pavelka about Harris' decision to keep Hayden.  "But again, I didn't go on to kick Wes off.  I went in there to inform her of the truth."

In addition, Pavelka said it was never his intention to try and win Harris' heart by calling out Hayden.

"I didn't go down there to get back on the show.  She made her decision about me and that was that," explained Pavelka.  "I had absolutely no motivation -- nothing to gain, nothing to lose by going down there, other than the fact that I would want her to do it for me."

When asked if he now regrets the decision to tell Harris about Hayden, Pavelka replied "absolutely not."

"I care about the girl.  She's just awesome.  I think the world of her.  Wes just had her snowed," said Pavelka, adding that Hayden's portrayal on the show is accurate.

"The way people are coming across on this show is how they are.  The producers aren't editing to make people look bad.  It's how they really are; it's how I would describe them in real life. It's truly reality.  Those things were said.  Wes said those things -- they didn't edit them in there."

Pavelka said he anticipates there will be some problems between Hayden and Kagay should Hayden make it far enough in The Bachelorette's fifth season to receive a "Fantasy Suite Date" with Harris.

"What I was wondering was -- when all this comes into play -- what are you going to do when it gets to the Final 2 and you guys go behind locked doors?  What are you going to do then?  Is that okay with Laurel?  Because evidently she's cleared you to kiss [Harris].  But I bet you it's not okay to do anything else," said Pavelka.

In addition, Pavelka said he decided to tell Harris about Hayden even though he wasn't the only one who knew about his relationship with Kagay.

"I don't believe in guy code.  What does that mean?  Is it lying to somebody?  I don't know what that means," said Pavelka.

Ironically, Kagay also previously dated The Bachelor eleventh-season star Brad Womack, who infamously rejected both DeAnna Pappas and Jenni Croft during the Fall 2007 installment of the series.

Even stranger, Pavelka said Hayden, Womack and Kagay are all connected.

"Brad introduced them.  Wes told me this!" Pavelka told reporters.

Despite Hayden's alleged dishonesty with him, Pavelka said he hopes that they can eventually put the past where it belongs.

"Wes and I were pretty close on the show, and I don't think he's a bad guy.  I don't hate him," said Pavelka.  "I don't respect him lying to my face like that, but I'm hopeful at some point that we can be friends."

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #95 on: July 02, 2009, 08:42:18 AM »
Laurel's interview....

Alleged 'The Bachelorette' girlfriend: "I'm absolutely not with Wes"

By Christopher Rocchio, 07/01/2009

The Bachelorette suitor Wes Hayden's alleged girlfriend is standing by her man  -- but only in a purely platonic way.

Laurel Kagay is backing up the country music singer's claim that the two dated for three years but ended their romantic relationship about a year before he went on the ABC reality dating show, People reported Wednesday.

"I'm absolutely not with Wes, nor would I be with Wes if he were going on a show to be with another girl," she told People. "That's absolutely crazy."
Monday night's The Bachelorette broadcast featured star Jillian Harris being confronted by previously eliminated suitor Jake, who returned to the show to inform her that Wes had repeatedly told him that he did have a girlfriend going into filming. Jake identified Wes' alleged girlfriend as "Laurel" and said he had conversations about her with Wes "more than three times."

Laurel, who said she watched the episode, thinks Jake had his own reasons for attempting to out Wes.

"I think he was definitely upset about not being on the show anymore," she told People.  "And I think Wes did say something about his ex-girlfriend. Maybe he said he still cares about me or whatever. Maybe he talked a little too much about me, and Jake just blew that into something else."

Since Jillian was in the midst of waiting for Wes to pick her up for the second part of his hometown date, she confronted him about the accusations when he arrived.  As Jake predicted, Wes denied the allegations -- even after Jillian brought Jake and Wes face-to-face. Jillian subsequently decided to keep Wes and send two other suitors packing.

Laurel said she was surprised to hear her name in The Bachelorette broadcast but added since she and Wes are still friends, she understands how there might have been some confusion.

"We are really good friends and we do go out to lunch together, so I could see how people could think we're together," she told People, adding she's excited to see what will happen between Wes and Jillian.

"They have not shown Wes' real personality at all. He's so funny. When I was in a relationship with him, we were always laughing and having fun. And I never worried about him cheating on me."

In addition, Laurel said she thinks Wes and Jillian could have a successful relationship.

"She seems to have fun and has a good personality," she told People.  "He's really fun and funny. Too bad all this craziness had to go down."

Ironically, Wes isn't the first person affiliated with the ABC reality dating franchise who has dated Laurel.

The 29-year-old boutique owner from Austin, TX also previously dated The Bachelor eleventh-season star Brad Womack, who infamously rejected both DeAnna Pappas and Jenni Croft during the Fall 2007 installment of the series.

Laurel said she dated Brad for four years, and while it was reported the two reconnected following his The Bachelor stint, she told People she hears he is currently single.

"Brad and Wes are like night and day," she told People.  "They're so different. So it's crazy."

Laurel also previously dated The Bachelorette third-season suitor Collin Evans, who was rejected by Jen Schefft.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #96 on: July 02, 2009, 04:20:43 PM »
is it me or does some one need to take the drinks out of jillians hand for 2 sec's she is not my fav batchlorett for sure and i noticed in chris's bolg he has gone from calling her jilly to jillian, i am thinking abc is regretting it's desion to have her as the batchorloett. molly would have brought way more to the show jmo.. i did love the beauty of last nights epi, the mountians and the lakes , the train all sooo beautiful, my grand baby watched with me she is 2 and i was like look at the train she loved it, and fell asleep..

Someone needs to take the drinks out of her hand LOL. I always see her with a drink and I told my friend that last night.

thank you , i mean i now they get tired and all but i have never seen a batchlorett slurring her words like this one  :blaster :hosed i am thinkin she might have seen wes coming and all the hints chris layed down if she were not intoxecated.. jmo
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #97 on: July 02, 2009, 04:51:51 PM »
so i am realy confused this laurel girl dated brad w for 4 yrs and wes for 3 and still had time to dat some one from jenn's season??? realy what does she stand out side of casting handing out her card or is her way of dumping a guy to get them to go on the batchlor. ???
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #98 on: July 03, 2009, 12:00:05 AM »
The Bachelorette’s Jake: Wes & Laurel Are Still Together

Dallas pilot Jake Pavelka, 31, didn’t make a love connection with The Bachelorette’s Jillian Harris, but cared enough to crash Wes’s hometown date to confess what he knew about “Girlfriendgate.” He spoke with reporters about why he believes Wes had — and still has! — a girlfriend, who he thinks is right for Jillian and the possibility of starring on the next Bachelor. – Carrie Bell

Why did you come back?
A producer called me to see if I was doing okay because I took leaving hard and I broke down. [I said,] “I need to tell her some things. Any way I could talk to her again?” I ran through it and they made it happen. I was lying in bed every morning going, “I screwed up. I should have told her before I left.” I wanted to come back because I had information she needed to make the best decisions about the remaining guys and to be there for her. Now I sleep easy at night.

PEOPLE spoke to Laurel and she denied being together during taping. Do you stand by what you claimed, that Wes said he had a girlfriend?
I don’t believe it. I know it. Without a shadow of a doubt, he and Laurel were together. They’re still together. It’s an act and Laurel was in cahoots with him. They had an agreement to put their relationship on the back-burner so he could go on and sell CDs. His biggest fear was making it far enough to go on overnight dates because that wasn’t okay with Laurel. Evidently she cleared [him] to kiss. I’m a God-fearing man and if I am mistaken or he didn’t tell me that, God can strike me down with lightning right now.

Are you there?
Yeah. Still here! We had multiple conversations. He confided with me. He told me he loved [Laurel]. He said, “I’m going to break her heart. I’m going to bow out when the time is right.” This stuff came out of his mouth.

Do you think it’s possible that he is developing feelings for her as the weeks go on?
No. I think Wes’s motivation is to move CDs. Wes had her snowed. The girl loves country music and the man makes it so I can see how intriguing that would be.

Did you get along with Wes?
I don’t think he’s a bad guy. I don’t hate him. I’m hopeful at some point we can be friends. He’s probably having a hard time right now, but it’s hard to be sympathetic because he lied to my face and Jillian’s.

Have you regretted your decision to go Austin?
Absolutely not. I care about the girl. She’s looking to fall in love. With Wes, it was going to be an uphill battle. He won’t put a ring on her finger. I know that Jillian would have done that for me had the roles been reversed. I would have done [it for] Wes.

Dave thought snitches violated “Man Code.” Are you a violator?
I don’t believe in guy code. That’s just a fancy way of saying, “Lie for me, bro!” That ‘bros before hos’ crap … BS! I made a point to let people know that if I found out, I would tell her.

Thoughts on Ed’s return?
Thank God something good happened after I devastated her and she had such a bad week. I could tell she was glowing inside because Ed came back. They clicked. Ed’s a super nice guy, an open book.

Do you think you were you the one for her?
I don’t think I was her type. I do believe I could have made her happy.

Who is the right guy for her?
Kiptyn is a solid guy. He doesn’t tell her things just to stay. [They’d] make a pretty cute couple.

There’s a petition out there to make you the next Bachelor. Would you consider it?
After seeing how the show works and how much love the producers have in their work, I would consider. It’s a terrific way to find somebody.

If you do, what are you looking for in a woman?
I’ve dated a type of girl my whole life that has kept me single. The girl that won’t call back or plays lot of games. They’re fun and keep you on your toes, but not the type you end up marrying. I would go after girls that I don’t consider my type.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #99 on: July 03, 2009, 11:09:46 AM »
Remaining TV Schedule:

Monday, July 6th

Final 4 (Ed, Kiptyn, Reid & Wes) and Jillian goes to Spain

One is eliminated

Monday, July 13th

Final 3 & Jillian goes to Hawaii

One is eliminated

Monday, July 20th

Men Tells All Special

Monday, July 27th

Final 2 meets Jillian's family

Final Rose Ceremony

Tuesday, July 28th

After The Final Rose Special