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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #50 on: June 09, 2009, 09:49:30 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette': Episode 4

I'd like to start off by apologizing, I know the comments section of this blog was a mess last week (hence the quadruple posts). I'm told by the EW geek squad that it's been taken care of. If not, next week I will be mailing each of you a personal hard copy of this blog...although, then it would just be a letter and not a blog.

It seems we have a consensus on Wes and his magical guitar. To have a man play guitar and sing to you is cool. The way Wes is doing it...not so much. DaynaJ may have had the best idea this week: "Dave beats up Juan with Wes' guitar." Damn, why couldn't our producers have come up with that gem? Many of you have asked how Jillian pins the roses on the guys so easily. First, our fantastic art department puts these killer vampire clips on the back of the roses. It makes it pretty easy for Jilli to just slide them on the guys. We do practice several times before the first rose ceremony that first night, just to make sure she's got it down.

Let me dive into this week's episode by saying, in my mind, this season really starts now. As you could probably tell, the goofy fun and games are over and things have now taken a very serious turn. From here on out this is a fantastic roller coaster ride that I really can't compare with any other season we've had. The guys were extremely relieved to be told they would be leaving the bunk house and never returning. This is the first season ever where three weeks in we've left our main house and never returned again. We do have one more rose ceremony in Los Angeles later on but it's not at this house. Personally, I loved the travel and felt like it really fit for this season. Jillian loved being back home in Vancouver. It gave her a little more confidence and an extra spring in her step being on her home turf. Jilli had a thing for Kiptyn since the moment he stepped out of the limo. She told me how gorgeous she thought he was on night one. Their one-on-one date in Vancouver couldn't have gone better in her eyes.

I'm going to answer next week's question now. No, that wasn't Jillian's actual loft. She does live just down the street and they are very similar, but for privacy purposes we had to use a different loft. Jillian wanted you to know that she really did make her homemade pasta sauce and salad dressing. She did it all in 45 minutes and she claims it was really good. You could tell she loved this date and was as giddy as a school girl. Did you notice the little happy dance she did right after she closed the door? Classic Jillian. Then came the "Olympic" group date with 50 guys. I know you're waiting for me to say something smart about the sport of curling but the truth is ( I know I shouldn't be admitting this) every four years I find myself entranced by this damn sport during the Olympics. Yeah, I said it. I like frozen shuffle board. It's hypnotic.

Let me just say that I sympathize with Jake. I too know what it's like to have to defend yourself for being too perfect. For those of us on this planet who have never done wrong and are always right and are just down right 100% perfect all the time, life can be hard. Seriously, Jillian told me she does like Jake. He's a great guy but when somebody always says just the right thing at the right time you have to wonder if that's sincere. That's her battle right now with Jake: Is this guy for real?

Okay, I put this off as long as I could in this blog. Let's discuss Dave. I don't think I even need to ask for your comments on this guy this week. I'm pretty sure I'll get an earful. I agree with Jillian. This guy was way out of bounds in the way he treated her on this date. He was incredibly disrespectful and beyond inappropriate. This is just another reason why this show is so "amazing." I'm guessing all of you ladies out there have dated "this" guy before and had to deal with it. I hope you all were able to keep your dinner down while you were watching this. Jillian handled herself well and took the high road. And in the end she did the best thing she could him the door. I can't wait to talk to this guy at the "Men Tell All" reunion special!

The two-on-one date with Mark and Mike may have surprised you a bit but let me explain why Jillian sent Mike home and gave the rose to Mark. Mike was very eloquent and said all the right things but ultimately at the end of the night Jillian didn't know him any better (kind of like Jake). He spent the night selling himself instead of making a connection. Mark on the other hand spent his time telling Jillian revealing stories about his past and really connected with her on a much deeper level. She knows people will think she's crazy for letting a guy like Mike go but she felt a much deeper connection with Mark, so he got the rose.

The cocktail party started out great in theory. We had one of the top floors of the Fairmont hotel in downtown Vancouver all to ourselves and Jillian had brought in her cousin Tori to meet and help judge the guys. Because of how things turned out that night you never got to see Tori. Jillian was already stressed over letting Mike go and showed up this night really looking for the guys to cheer her up and relieve the stress. Then all hell broke loose, or in her words, everything turned into a "Gong Show." One by one, guys started telling Jillian that certain men weren't here for the right reasons, and that some might even have girlfriends back home. Then came Tanner P.'s discussion...the straw that broke Jillian's back. After his words Jillian called off the cocktail party and by the time I found her in the deliberation room her head was spinning and she was pretty upset. This is where I have to admit it's different for me to host The Bachelorette than The Bachelor. I went into that rose ceremony a little pissed off and wanted to get to the bottom of this for Jillian. I felt so bad for Tanner P. during this confrontation. Even though some won't feel sorry for him since he stirred all this up, I really thought he was going to pass out. He was sweating and didn't take a breath the entire time. Jillian got a little annoyed with the guys because instead of worrying about who might have a girlfriend, all the guys cared about was who said what. This confrontation went on for a while and there were a lot of awkward silences. Emotions were running pretty high. In the end, Jillian really didn't get any answers and sent Dave and Juan home. As you can probably guess this isn't over and Jillian is now very skeptical of several guys heading into next week's episode which takes place just a couple hours away from Vancouver in Whistler.

One of the biggest surprises we encountered this season takes place next week and it leads to one of the most emotional episodes we've ever had. Wow, how 'bout that for a tease! Now, if you'll excuse me, curling is on the ocho!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #51 on: June 10, 2009, 09:22:37 AM »
ABC press release:

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
ABC Television Network


One of Jillian's Favorites Deals Her a Walloping Emotional Setback

"Episode 505" - Jillian, still stunned by the revelation that some of the men may have girlfriends, is determined not to let it destroy her strong feelings for the remaining ten bachelors. She brings them to one of her favorite Canadian vacation spots, the resort town of Whistler, to find out if the rumors are true. On an exciting one-on-one zip-trekking date that leads to a truly romantic evening, Jillian has some very serious questions to pose to this bachelor. Rose or no rose? The Bachelorette takes eight men on an exhilarating snowmobiling adventure - again, still questioning if any of these guys has someone waiting for him at home. But she seems to be the only one who isn't aware that one man is not there for the right reasons. The spectacular beauty on the top of a glacier is the backdrop for the final individual date. A playful day in the snow leads to a steamy night in the hot tub. But in a shocking surprise, one man discloses something to Jillian that totally devastates her, on "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, JUNE 15 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

Whistler, British Columbia, a popular mountain resort involved in hosting the upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics, is the setting for a heart-stopping zip-trekking adventure for Jillian and one of the bachelors. She having a fabulous time, but over a dinner in the wine cellar of a romantic restaurant, she peppers him with some sobering questions about whether he is really ready for love and marriage, and if he has a girlfriend. His answers will determine whether there is a rose in his future.

Eight bachelors join Jillian for a breathtaking day of snowmobiling to a remote mountain lodge. As gorgeous scenery flashes by, the Bachelorette continues to worry about the possibility that one of the men has secretly kept a girlfriend at home. During the group date, Jillian questions each man to decide who sincerely wants a relationship with her and who does not. There is one thing for certain: One bachelor has his own agenda and is not there for Jillian, but when will she catch on?

The last bachelor here accompanies Jillian on a panoramic ski plane ride to the top of a glacier, where the couple is mesmerized by the spectacular beauty. The two spend the day playing in the snow and, as night falls, they steam up the hot tub.  Another rose is on the line.

However, the day of the rose ceremony delivers an emotional blow, as one of Jillian's favorite men drops a bombshell that staggers her. But at the end of the night, eight men remain to toast Jillian and their upcoming adventures in Canada.

The 10 remaining men are:

Ed, 29, technology consultant from Chicago, IL.
Jake, 31, commercial pilot from Dallas, TX.
Jesse, 27, wine maker from Carmel Valley, CA.
Kiptyn, 31, business developer from Encinitas, CA.
Mark, 26, pizza entrepreneur from Denver, CO.
Michael, 25, break dance instructor from Astoria, NY.
Reid, 30, realtor from Philadelphia, PA.
Robby, 25, bartender from Spring, TX.
Tanner P., 30, financial analyst from Dallas, TX.
Wes, 32, musician from Austin, TX.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #52 on: June 14, 2009, 11:00:58 AM »
oooohhh can't wait i am thinking wes?? but who no's but wes would b my frist choice the wrong reason guy? any way i am glade it is sunday and i only have one more day to waite..this next show sounds awsome.
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2009, 08:48:08 AM »
Since this wasn't posted yet....

In week 4, Jillian takes the guys to her hometown of Vancouver, where she cooks something up with Kiptyn, holds a curling match and takes the winners out on a yacht. There’s also a two-on-one date with Mike and Mark and the unsettling discovery that some guys on the show have girlfriends.

WOW! What an awesome week that was … well aside from the drama that went down at the cocktail party — I had an incredible time in my hometown. It reminded me how proud I am to call Vancouver home. When the guys were here, it was mid April — and usually by that time there are flowers blooming everywhere — but not this year! Vancouver had a late spring, so I was secretly a bit worried about the guys wondering where the greenery was. But to my surprise, the guys never asked once about it — instead they were oo-ing and aww-ing about how beautiful Vancouver was.

As you know — the first date went to Kiptyn (are people really calling him Kiptyn-ite?! That’s hilarious!) I know it wasn’t all glitz and glam, but neither is this girl! I knew I had a huge crush on Kip and really wanted to see what he thought of MY LIFE here in Vancouver. I actually go down to the Granville Island Market almost every Sunday. It’s always full of people and live music and good food — it really makes one feel totally alive! As suspected, Kip was great at kayaking, and fit in to the Vancouver scene perfectly. Back at my pad, the two of us cooked up a wonderful dinner FROM SCRATCH! Okay seriously, I was VERY nervous about this — so much could go wrong when trying to create two pasta sauces, fresh salad dressing and maple baked salmon for a guy you’re falling for on your first date. I was so flustered in the Kitchen as you can imagine, but the dinner turned out perfect thanks to Kip’s help.

Ahhh the curling date. This was such a nostalgic date for me. I remember curling bonspiels when I was just a kid — so much fun! To my delight … the guys loved it too! What they didn’t love was the fact that only half of them could come on the yacht that night. To make it up to them, I sent the losers each a massage from the spa at the Fairmont. Having only half the guys there, allowed me to really connect with the five on the boat. I saw David’s true colors (finally!), had a long overdue great conversation with Jesse … and of course there was my conversation with Jake that I think came off totally wrong! Oh boy.

The dreaded two-on-one date. In hindsight … did I make the right call? Well, although it may not seem like it — it really was the right thing. Lets face it — Mike IS a sweetheart, and he said and did ALL the right things that day. But I’m not sure you saw really how much Mark opened up about who he is. Our conversation was not as romantic as my conversation with Mike, but it was very real and I believe that is how real connections are formed … This is what is hard about being the Bachelorette, there is always more than one right answer, and so many ways to look at the scenario.

When Tanner told me about the girlfriend thing, at first … I was sort of numb. Part of me didn’t even want to react — but then I got really upset and decided to put my foot down with the guys. It was really so hard to know what to do especially when no one came clean. Also, it’s so hard to take advice from someone when you truly don’t know their intentions or what context they received that information. It was no surprise to see the guys talking about Wes and his intentions, I suspected a bit of this at the time — but I addressed my concerns with Wes several times and he was very adamant of his feelings for me. Again, it’s another one of those things where I want to pick who is right for ME, who I have the most natural conversations with, who is the most real with me — and not just who would win Mr. Congenitally. I hope that make sense to everyone, but please trust me on this one — I am looking for a good guy, who treats me like gold, makes me laugh and adores me … and I will never settle for anything less! (And neither should you, ladies!)

Well, sorry if this was a long one — I truly appreciate you all reading and watching every Monday.

With lots of love, happiness and hugs,
Jilly Bean

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2009, 08:56:47 AM »
Found this interview with David...... enjoy!

The Bachelorette’s Dave Good On Being Bad
June 12, 2009
After Dayton, Ohio, trucking contractor David Good, 27, earned the first impression rose from Jillian Harris on the first night of The Bachelorette with a stuttering, shy-ish introduction, his remaining impressions seemed populated mostly by proclamations of “man code” violations, alcohol-fueled aggression, profanity and forwardness. Now that he’s out of the running, Dave tries to redeem himself by coming clean to PEOPLE about his strategic jitters and explaining the drama. – Carrie Bell

What has it been like watching yourself on TV?
It was upsetting because there is a lot more to me than what you saw on TV and as far as I’m concerned, it was a loss for the show and for me as a person. There was a reason I got the first impression rose and the Globetrotters picked me. I am a very comical. I had her cracking up. I was cutting up with every single guy and befriending the guys and the producers. I am upbeat and outgoing. I don’t even think Juan would say that he disrespects David Good. But what can I do about it except say that this isn’t who I am and do an interview to save face?

Let’s start with the first impression rose. Were you really tongue-tied the first night?
No, I was not! I am never at a loss for words, never have been [but] there are 25 guys and you gotta try to stand out. I am a confident, borderline cocky person, I admit that, but I thought getting out of the car and acting like that would turn her off and have people not like David Good. I thought the best idea for me was to act nervous and starstruck. I don’t really know how to do that so I just flat out said it … She called me out on it later and we laughed. She was like, “You were so lying about that!” It was a little bit of strategy.

On your last group date, you got a little aggressive with Jillian. Had you reached your tipping point or had too much to drink?
There was more behind the scenes as far as aggressive goes. I was the last guy on the whole show to even go in for a kiss. Pretty much everybody had kissed her. Our conversation just before that, we had been talking about kissing. So when I went in and she turned her cheek, it was funny and we laughed about. It wasn’t nearly as aggressive as it looked.

What about your aggressiveness toward Juan?
That was blown up as well. I wouldn’t hang out with Juan if we were to see each other out. I was not the only guy who didn’t like Juan, but I was the guy they showed the most because I was the most outspoken. That all happened really late in the night after I had some alcohol. We had been in the house together for almost a month and it came to a head. I said, “I want to kill Juan,” but that doesn’t mean I want to kill Juan.

Do you think alcohol was at the root of this problem?
Absolutely. When you lock 20 guys in a house, take away the TVs and everything else and stock a full liquor bar, personalities are gonna come out. And rose ceremonies are very long … and there are drinks provided the whole time. It had something to do with the way that everybody acted, but I’m not making an excuse for the way I acted. I had to call my grandparents and apologize to them after they watched.

So who is the real David Good?
I grew up in the country and am as blue-collar as they come. I grew up around truck drivers and steel factories. I’m an old school kind of guy. I like Merle Haggard. Bobby Knight is one of my favorite coaches. I don’t put lotion on my hands. I don’t wear pink shirts. My family knows who I am but for them and their friends to see me being that way on TV was embarrassing so I thought I should call all of them. They weren’t upset, but I owed them that.

Has being on the show affected your dating life?
It has not hindered my dating. It is funny. When I go out, I hear groups of girls say my name and wonder if it’s me. It will be very tentative. They are nervous to say anything to me and I think it is because of the way I was portrayed. Then they come up and I talk to them for a little bit and they’re like, “Wow. You’re nothing like you were on the show. You were such a jerk. I told all my friends I hated you.” It just goes to show — don’t believe everything you see on TV.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2009, 01:21:26 PM »
Another one - not sure why these weren't posted yet.    :waves:

The Bachelorette's Jillian Harris Opens Up About Dating, Fashion, And Love
Suzanne Ellis, via:

Suzanne: How is it different being The Bachelorette, as opposed to being a contestant on The Bachelor?

Jillian: I think being on The Bachelor is so much different (from The Bachelorette). It's all the scrutiny of the decisions you're making, and knowing that the whole world is entitled to their opinions. That's hard. It's also the responsibility of making sure you're getting to know the guys in their true form. As everybody knows, it's hard to do that when I only get limited time, and I don't see everything that everybody else is seeing. I'd say that's the hardest thing.

Suzanne: A lot is made of the fact that the guys see one side of the other guys, and you see another - they're on their best behaviour with you. Did you find it difficult to establish who they really are?

Jillian: Totally, and not only are the guys seeing one side and I'm seeing another, but the guys also have an opinion on who they think I should be with, which might not necessarily be the case. They might not like somebody, and I still might want to be with them. I'm not looking for a husband for me and the entire world, I'm looking for a husband just for me. That was hard - if somebody said, '(So-and-so) might not be right for you,' I need to make that decision and explore that for myself. You always wonder if people think you're crazy, which, maybe I am a little crazy, but I'm making the right decision for me.

Suzanne: What guy surprised you the most, from the first initial reaction on a physical level, to the deeper, getting-to-know-you phase?

Jillian: Good question. Believe it or not, I don't know how to say this, but on the first night I was pretty certain who my top five or six guys were going to be. Michael, I would say, is one of the guys that impressed me the most. I was worried that he was too young and that he was just a break dancer, but it turns out Michael has passion, has a zest for life, he's ready to get married. So he's somebody that really surprised me.

Suzanne: Why no Canadian guys?

Jillian: I don't know. I was disappointed because I'm a proud Canadian and I'm nervous about possibly leaving Canada, but one of the things I thought was, 'Let's say there are three guys from Canada - one's from Vancouver, one's from Winnipeg, one's from Toronto. What are the chances that one of those three guys is going to actually be the one I fall in love with, and would I want to move all the way out East, or maybe I'd fall in love with a guy from Seattle?' So for me location is all sort of hearsay, but I definitely would've been open to more Canadian guys, that's for sure.

Suzanne: Do you wear any of your own clothes in the show or is your wardrobe provided for you?

Jillian: They actually supplied my wardrobe. I'm very picky about my clothes, so I still hit Aritzia, Forever 21, and the stylist really worked with me to make sure I kept true to my style. It was great to have good quality items and stuff that fit me properly. Even he went back to Aritzia because their stuff fits me so well, so he went back to Aritzia, bought a bunch of stuff, I brought a lot of my own. I found Theory is a brand I find is made really well, and alice + olivia, they have the cutest dresses, and I love Nicole Miller dresses.

Suzanne: A few of the viewers asked about the Vancouver 2010 hoodie specifically.

Jillian: That's from Aritzia! I sound like I'm one of their. I could totally rep for them. They have this whole line of Olympic gear, and I'm addicted to it. It's high quality jackets and pants, and sweatshirts. Of course I'm a huge supporter of the 2010 Olympics.

Suzanne: You brought the guys to your hometown of Vancouver in Episode Four - what's the most romantic spot in the city for a date?

Jillian: I love Grouse Mountain, I go up there all the time, I think it's beautiful. I love going to Granville Island and shopping - I love grocery shopping, I love cooking, you go to Granville Island there's fresh basil, fresh fruit, and there's a French guy playing the guitar. Just being somewhere where you feel alive is very romantic.

Suzanne: Is there anything you would change about the experience? Do you have any regrets?

Jillian: It's funny, I have no regrets about doing the show. But when I got back the first thing people would say to me is, 'So you have no regrets.' And I'm like, 'Oh yeah, I have tons of regrets!' Come on, you don't go through this whole experience and wish that you would've done nothing different. I never claimed to be perfect so there are things that maybe I would do differently, but I do know that in the end, I made an incredible choice and I'm in this place right now that I've never been before.

Suzanne: I know you can't give anything away, but a lot of people want to know if you find love and happiness.

Jillian: I can't say too much, but I'll tell you something, I was playing croquet on the beach the day before yesterday with my best friend and her boyfriend, and on the way home they called me, and they said, 'Jill, we just want to tell you something.' And I said, 'What?' (They said,) 'You know you've always been really funny, you've always had a lot of energy, but there's something different about you right now. You're on fire. You came back funnier, you came back happier.' They've just never seen me this happy before, so that could be a good indication of where I'm at right now but I can't say exactly what that means.

Suzanne: What's your advice for all the single ladies out there?

Jillian: It depends on why they're single. I was single because I was like, 'You know what, I don't need to find love. I'm okay on my own. I'm going to focus on my career. My heart's not broken.' But for me, it's like, 'It's okay ladies! Of course you want to be with somebody.' My biggest thing is, you go to school for 12 years, then you go to college for four years, all so that you can what, just make a paycheque? And when it comes to finding a soul mate and partner you're supposed to sit back and let it happen? I say get out there, own it, and if you ask a guy if he's ready to get married or he's ready to commit and he runs, he's not ready. He's just not that into you, and that's fine, move on. Keep that confidence, and don't let anybody else tell you that you're not pretty enough, that you're not smart enough, just own that confidence and say, 'I'm okay with saying that I want to be in love.'

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2009, 06:34:58 PM »
ty ty ty :hearts: :hearts: for all the up dates i can' t wait for tonight from chris blog it sound to good to miss for sure. thank u again for posting the things u find i never no where to look or how to post them..
ps it is weirf i have not picked a fav this yr yet, huum i was loveing jake but it was a weird conv with him last week, and i did like wes but i do think he is the snake who has a gf and no carreer..
do u have a fav yet??
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2009, 09:05:11 PM »
Can anybody share spoilers from tonight's show for us westcoasters?  It's killing me to find out what the big shocker is tonight!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #58 on: June 16, 2009, 12:59:37 AM »
Chris Harrison blogs 'The Bachelorette': Episode 5

About this time every season things start getting pretty serious, and you know what that means. Yep, next to fall it's my favorite time of year -- time for rumors and accusations. Oh, isn't it lovely? If you've read my blog in the past, you know my take on all this. In this day and age, when nobody is responsible or culpable for what they say or write on the Internet, it's impossible and pointless to respond or try to explain them all away. Most of the time they are so ridiculous I wouldn't even know where to begin. For example, this week I heard that we paid two of the guys $50,000 and guaranteed they would make it to the final four or three. I know we shouldn't but let's just think this one through a little bit. To start, we found two untrained actors from middle America and asked them to put on a performance better than Bradley Cooper in "The Hangover" (funniest movie I've seen in years) so we could fool all the viewers. Okay, let's assume we happen to find two of the greatest untrained actors in the United States. These two Emmy-worthy actors would also have to have so much game that they could guarantee us that they could woo Jillian into keeping them 'til the final stages. Or wait a minute, the plot thickens:  Jillian is in on it too. Yes, Jillian gave up two of her final four spots so these amazing thespians could make us laugh and give us such great drama. Can I stop now or do you get the idea? There are always those few out there who will always attempt to ruin the hard work of many for whatever reason. I don't get it but if that's what makes your boat float, good on ya. I just don't want to waste the rest of your time in this blog explaining how the moon landing was actually real and wasn't in fact staged on a Hollywood back lot.

The morning after the last rose ceremony we all piled in to two vans in Vancouver for the drive up to Whistler. There was a crew van (that's the one I was on, thank God) and a cast van. We made it about 3/4 of the way up to Whistler when the vans quickly pulled into a parking lot. We asked our driver why we were stopping and then we quickly saw why. Guys started running off the other bus holding their breath and noses getting away from the bachelors who had gotten "car sick" on the ride up. Being the concerned citizens we are, we told our driver to keep going and we would meet them at the resort later. This would be a good time to tell you that Whistler is now one of my favorite places and I can't thank my friends at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler enough for the hospitality. I'm pretty sure Michael was one of the guys who got sick on the bus, which is pretty funny because he got the first one-on-one date that day (I'm hoping that he had mouthwash). Michael is clearly a great guy and he and Jillian really get along, but I notice that she's not very affectionate with him. When she's with some of the other guys she just can't seem to keep her hands off them. With Michael, at this point, that chemistry just isn't there. Michael got the rose but he's going to need to step it up a bit to stick around. The restaurant Jillian and Michael went to was the Bearfoot Bistro. I also went there and highly recommend it if you're ever in Whistler. Make sure they take you down to the cellar where we shot the date and you have to order the liquid nitrogen ice cream!

The group date was very interesting because Jillian obviously still wanted to get some answers about guys possibly having girlfriends back home. Things started off a little rough. The guys took off on their snowmobiles and all of a sudden we couldn't find Reid and Mark. Turns out Reid, who had never driven a snowmobile before, drove himself and Mark off a small cliff...oops! They were a little shaken but okay, although Reid complained of a hurt groin for a few days after. Not sure if that was an attempt to have Jilli take a look or if he was really injured. Interested to hear your thoughts on Wes this week. Are you falling for it? Jillian obviously is and the more guys warn her about him the more she seems to like him. Isn't that the way it always is? Why are we all like that? Let me throw this log on the Wes fire for you (this was not used on TV). Jillian asked the guys "what was the worst thing they'd done." Wes told Jilli and a few guys that he had slept with his teacher. He laughs it off and said it was hot! Discuss amongst yourselves. It was also on the group date that Jillian first heard there was a chance Ed might be leaving due to his job. I'll be honest, once Ed told Jillian he was leaving that's about all I remember because it was such a blow to her. Anyone who thinks there's any acting going on should have looked into Jillian's eyes that day Ed left. I also saw and talked to Ed that day. He felt horrible and was in an impossible situation. Either way, he was going to let somebody down. I know we'd all like to think we would choose a shot at love over our jobs, be the romantic, but for a young man like Ed who has such a promising career I do understand why he chose to leave.

The rose ceremony felt a little weird because of all this. Jillian looked amazing and was all dressed up but there was no cocktail party and she knew exactly what she wanted to do that night. Somebody mentioned in the comments that Jillian reminds them of Trista. I agree and have said this myself in a few interviews. They are both incredibly strong women and when their mind is made up that's it. Once Jilli walked out of deliberation she decided to put Ed behind her and move on. At the rose ceremony, which we shot in the back of the restaurant inside the Fairmont, Jillian sent Mark home. Something I couldn't tell you last week is that Jillian told me after her two-on-one date with Mark and Mike that she immediately regretted not sending both of them home in Vancouver. It wasn't a big deal but when she looked back upon it she knew Mark wasn't going to be the one and wished she had a do-over on that one.

One last funny note to wrap up our stay in Whistler. At least it's funny now that nobody got hurt. Somebody left a candle burning in Jillian's suite when she went to sleep. The candle caught some flowers on fire. Jillian woke in the middle of the night and saw flames. All she could find was a pot of coffee so she grabbed it and put the fire out. I want to thank you for all the comments. I still read them all and get most of my inspiration (good or bad) from you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go work with Dave.  He just can't seem to get his lines right getting out of the limo.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2009, 09:35:13 AM »
Bachelorette Blog: Why Jillian Let Ed Go

Okay … Where do I even get started here?

Well, first off lets start with the positive … WHISTLER! I LOVE that place. I was so proud to bring the guys there and show it off, and brag a little how my playground was soon to be the host of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

I can’t imagine a better person to start my dates off this week than Michael. That guy makes me laugh like you would not believe. My guts were seriously sore at the end of the date from all the laughing. At that time however, I had a few concerns with Michael, primarily his age. As you are all probably starting to see … I am attracted to people who have big personalities, who are outgoing, and yes … talented. I was concerned dating someone so much younger than me … but after my date with Michael however, it was clear to me that he was legitimately into ME, and that’s more important than age.

Snowmobiling with the guys was incredible!!! Although I don’t get to do it enough … this is one of my favorite pastimes. It is so nostalgic and reminds me how fun it will be when I have my own family to go on these sorts of adventures with. Funny story … Mark actually has his own snowmobile, and goes quite often … Reid however … not so much. Well, they were sharing a snowmobile, and Reid decided he really wanted to drive. The whole group stopped about a mile up, but … Reid and Mark were MIA. Turns out Reid took the snowmobile over a mini cliff and crashed! Of course we all thought it was hilarious, but poor Reid complained about his pulled groin for days.

My date with Jesse was seriously my favorite adventure of the season. There was a point that day where I started to tear up (surprise, surprise) because it was so beautiful up there. Hanging out with just Jesse on top of a glacier in the beautiful British Columbia is a chance of a lifetime. It made me truly so grateful for this experience, and sorry to sound cheesy … but just to be alive and healthy and happy. The funniest part of that whole episode was Jesse talking about my voice. OMG! I was laughing so hard when I watched that part. First off, I was talking with food in my mouth — and second of all … my voice is so raspy! How could anyone find it soothing? Ah well … it was so endearing and sweet … I was happy to hear that he liked it.

Now let’s talk about the big drama of the episode … Ed leaving  Wow, that was so heartbreaking. I truly hadn’t felt that sort of heartbreak since I was in high school. It definitely made me open my eyes, and moving forward, [I'm] taking no relationship for granted. It’s the hardest time to lose someone, because it is too early to tell if they are the “one” but you also know you are developing true feelings for them. I couldn’t give Ed that guarantee at that point, so all I could do … was let him go. 

Now I know what ALL of you are thinking at this point … why am I holding on to Wes? It’s the fact that we actually DO have a lot in common (as much as everyone doesn’t want to believe)! We both love camping, families, outdoors, live music, sitting in our backyard with friends drinking a few beers on a Friday night. I call this whole process the “pendulum effect,” which means in order to find the right person, you need to take the people you actually have a connection with, and whether they are “good for you” or not … you need to swing the pendulum in both ways to truly see what you want. I know Wes is not the person you guys are rooting for, but I am looking for a partner for ME, and because of our friendship, I tried my best not to be swayed by his stereotype.

Anyway, despite the “drama” this season, I am really enjoying watching it. Yes, I cringe and question the way it is all unfolding. But because I KNOW the ending (hee hee), I can now just sit back and relax and laugh at all the ups and downs.

I hope you all are enjoying it as well, and I’ll chat with you next week!

Peace & Love,
(Please don’t forget to recycle!)
Jilly Bean

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #60 on: June 16, 2009, 09:44:21 AM »
The Bachelorette Episode Recap: June 15, 2009

In this episode of The Bachelorette, whiskey is consumed and one guy goes home voluntarily. Plus: a very intriguing look at future events.

Hello, and welcome back to the Bachelorette recap, featuring my brilliant and exquisite fiancée. This week's episode begins with Jillian feeling apprehensive and eager for fun after last episode's rose ceremony — the one where she confronted the guys about whether any of them have girlfriends at home.

To shake her blues, she takes Michael the fun-loving break dancer on a one-on-one date: zip-lining. The instructor explains that zip-lining requires complete commitment.

Jillian: "Commitment, Michael. I want to see commitment."

Michael: That's love: You commit to and it works.

Fiancée: Whoa — a Bachelorette metaphor that makes sense.

Me: Yeah. Not a unicorn in sight.

And so Michael becomes my favorite competitor, and one of my fiancée's top choices. I grade these guys by the quality of their metaphors, while she goes by looks, personality, and blah blah blah blah blah.

Cut to the guys speculating about whether Wes is just there to promote his country music career, who among them has a secret girlfriend, and who told Jillian last episode that some of them have secret girlfriends (it was Tanner). Meanwhile, Jillian presses Michael on why he's on the show. He says he broke up with someone eight months ago and hasn't dated since, and that he's surprised by how fast he's become attracted to Jillian. She gives him a rose.

Fiancée: That's cute. He just seems very real.

Me: And he can breakdance. Sold.

Next, Jillian takes the guys on a snowmobiling group date and invites Prudence Merriweather to ride with her. The other guys say mean catty things about Prudence.

"He's 25 and he doesn't have a job," observes Wes, the 32-year-old non-famous country singer. Adds Tanner: "He drinks like a fish."

But at least he doesn't sing like a pigeon, right Tanner? Next, Ed says dating Prudence would be like taking care of a kid. Cut to Jillian talking about kids. Hilarious editing, Bachelorette! They hug. Then Jillian and Tanner talk again about who has a girlfriend — not about whether they have a future.

Fiancée: She kept him around to be her eyes and ears.

Soon, we find her lying in the snow with Wes. She asks if he's only there for his career.

Wes: "I was doing this a year and a half, working on this CD, before I ever thought about coming on the show. ... everybody knows what I do so I don't feel like I have to talk about it anymore.

Me: Kind of a non-answer.

Fiancée: Yeah.

Jillian: I love Wes. ... I can see that he is into me.

Hmm. They kiss. Or actually...

Fiancee: She kissed him. That worries me. He didn't kiss her.

Wes, talking to audience: There's no doubt that this is gonna help me with some publicity, but I don't want her to think that's the reason why I'm here.

Everyone drinks some whiskey, and Jillian gets some alone time with Kiptyn.

Fiancée: They're getting krunk.

Jillian (to Kiptyn): Feel my butt. Just feel it.

Me: Why did she tell him to touch her butt?

Jillian: It's wet, from sitting on the — she's so drunk. This is embarrassing.

They make out.

Fiancée: She likes him, but he's like, 'Your breath tastes like Jack Daniels.'

Later, she talks to Reid, who my fiancée describes as "so hot."

Fiancée: Ohmigod, she has a beer. Stop drinking.

Reid (to Jillian): You're so cool, and you smell good.

Jillian: What do I smell like?

Reid: Snow and flowers.

Fiancée: Jack Daniels.

Reid: Gasoline.

Jillian: Even better. ... So who's the one with the girlfriend?

Reid says pretty much all the guys do, and that he himself has two wives. Good one. Next Jillian meets Ed, who says he's talked with his boss, who asked why he was off looking for love when he could be working. He wants "indicators" from Jillian that she likes him, and says he's willing to walk away from his job if she does. She gives him the rose, but says he has a few days to think about whether he wants to risk his job to stay.

"This isn't the economy where you want to get fired," says Jake, who is totally neutral.

In another one-on-one date, Jillian and Jesse fly up to the top of a glacier. He describes it as "the best day I've ever had." They smooch. He makes a joke about yellow snow. So romantic! Later they sit before a fire and she quizzes him about his ex and whether he's ready for a relationship. He says they broke up about six months ago and no longer talk. Happy music plays. Then he says by 35 he wants to own a wine bar, have a great house and be married with kids. She says she wants to have kids in three or four years, and that she used to want 60. Now she just wants three.

Jesse compliments her voice and she demurs, saying she "sounds like I've been drinking whiskey since I was born."

Fiancée: Um, yeah!

They retreat to a hot tub and he gets a rose.

Meanwhile, Ed tells the other guys how much he cares about Jillian. Oh, and also that his boss is really his girlfriend. (Kidding.) The next day, he tells Jillian he has to go, because of his job. She's teary and says "I really, really, really liked you." Ed says he's not giving her the rose back.

Ed: I don't think anyone else should have it.

Jillian: Fair enough.

She makes him promise that when he finds "the person you're crazy about, don't let work get in the way." Stupid recession, ruining a totally cute couple.

Ed leaves. Jillian is still teary. She says "wearing the pants" doesn't protect you against heartbreak. Walks on a mountain, she worries that Ed's departure could inspire other guys to leave. We take a commercial break and when we return she's still upset. The wonderful Chris Harrison appears to ask about her feelings.

Chris: Were you falling in love with Ed? Honestly.

Jillian: I think that from day one, whenever Ed's name was mentioned I would get a little spark in my eye. I was like, 'Oh Ed.' I loved hearing about him...

Chris says he can tell from the tears in her eyes that she was "falling in love" with Ed. He also observes that she's more emotional about Ed's departure than she was about her Bachelor split with Jason. She agrees.

We move on to the rose ceremony, where Jillian hands out roses to Reid, Kiptyn, Prudence Merriweather, Jake, Tanner —

Fiancée: What? I am shocked. Is Wes going home?

Chris announces the final rose.

Fiancée: I think she's trying to psych Wes out because she really likes him. She doesn't want him to think he's got a free ride.

— Wes.

Mark, the pizza entrepreneur, goes home. In a parting shot he says he doesn't have a girlfriend and isn't just there to sell records.

In the preview of next week's episode, Wes says this, totally out of context: "I've already made it six shows now. I got what I wanted, I can get a little publicity on TV and I can haul ass."

Fiancée: I think we're missing the part where he says, "That's how you know I really care about this girl and I'm not just using her."

And later this season... um, I'm gonna hand this description of it to Chris: "It's every guys worst nightmare... when one of the bachelors experiences a certain problem in the bedroom."

We hear the unlucky bachelor's voice, but can't tell exactly who it is.

Me: Sounds like... Jake?

Fiancée: It's Reid.

And, we'll leave you with this prediction: Ed comes back in the last episode.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #61 on: June 16, 2009, 10:00:19 AM »
Can anybody share spoilers from tonight's show for us westcoasters?  It's killing me to find out what the big shocker is tonight!
sry i kept getting phon calls and did not finish watching it till all most mid night..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #62 on: June 16, 2009, 09:14:42 PM »
Can anybody share spoilers from tonight's show for us westcoasters?  It's killing me to find out what the big shocker is tonight!
sry i kept getting phon calls and did not finish watching it till all most mid night..

That's okay.  I just watched it with everyone else like a normal person!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #63 on: June 17, 2009, 12:36:54 PM »
lol what ever normal is??? :neener:  :bounce so i was realy watching the whats come up at the end and it looks like she has wes jake and maby michael at the end??? this season there not holding bk, omg her the fantsy sweet and a guy not beeing able to proform did they realy show that , omg??? :HT
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #64 on: June 17, 2009, 12:45:15 PM »
lol what ever normal is??? :neener:  :bounce so i was realy watching the whats come up at the end and it looks like she has wes jake and maby michael at the end??? this season there not holding bk, omg her the fantsy sweet and a guy not beeing able to proform did they realy show that , omg??? :HT

Do you read reality steve?  He has some great spoilers on there!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #65 on: June 17, 2009, 12:52:18 PM »
where do i find him???? u can pm me if u want????
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2009, 10:38:45 AM »
Tory, you can find him at

He's the one that totally spoiled the last season, Melissa being dumped and taking up with Molly..etc

By the way, FYI, Melissa has landed a job with GOOD MORNING AMERICA!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #67 on: June 18, 2009, 10:52:30 AM »
ABC press release...


"Episode 506" - The pressure mounts as Jillian must decide which five men will have the opportunity to take her home to meet their families. But first, the remaining eight bachelors are treated to an exclusive private train ride on the famed Rocky Mountaineer, traveling over 650 miles across the Canadian Rockies with breathtaking stops along the way. Roses are up for grabs on two crucial individual dates and one group date. If a bachelor does not receive a rose on the individual date, he must leave the train at the next station. The men ramp up their pursuit as the situation gets more serious, with one guy sneaking around for extra alone time with the Jillian, another putting on a spectacular display and yet another pleading to stay. It's obvious the bachelors' anxiety has reached an all-time peak, but in the end Jillian will offer her final five roses without hesitation to those lucky men, on "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, JUNE 22 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network.

As the romantic journey starts aboard Canada's Rocky Mountaineer, Jillian invites one fortunate man to her private car before the couple enjoys an intimate dinner under the domed roof of the observation car. But even this one-on-one date doesn't deter one bachelor from slinking around Jillian's private car late at night for some much-desired alone time to drive his point home to her about keeping him around.

Six bachelors receive an invitation from Jillian to snowshoe to a beautiful mountain lodge for cocktails and serious conversation. A roaring fire sets the mood, as one man successfully maneuvers for a kiss and still another makes his move as well. One bachelor goes for broke in a desperate last chance to assure himself a rose. But it is left for one man to pull out all the stops with at jaw-dropping display in front of Jillian and the other bachelors. However, five of the men are in agreement that one particular remaining bachelor is really not there for Jillian, but they don't understand why she doesn't seem to realize it.

Before her last one-on-one date, one the men from the group date makes a last heartfelt plea to Jillian, hoping it will guarantee him a rose. Then on the other individual date, Jillian goes snowboarding in Lake Louise. The couple enjoys a private outdoor dining room sculpted entirely from ice, with magnificent views and a champagne toast before returning to Jillian's hotel suite for a cozy fondue feast. Sparks fly, but is it enough for her to keep this guy around for a hometown visit?

The train reaches its final destination at the picturesque town of Banff. After weighing her options, Jillian asks Chris Harrison for on more private chat with one of the men about whom she has profound reservations. The other bachelors try to keep their nerves in check as their apprehension clearly gets out of hand. Jillian is confident now of the five men who will get the opportunity to introduce her to their families - while three leave brokenhearted.

The eight remaining men are:
Jake, 31, commercial pilot from Dallas, TX.
Jesse, 27, wine maker from Carmel Valley, CA.
Kiptyn, 31, business developer from Encinitas, CA.
Michael, 25, break dance instructor from Astoria, NY.
Reid, 30, realtor from Philadelphia, PA.
Robby, 25, bartender from Spring, TX.
Tanner P., 30, financial analyst from Dallas, TX.
Wes, 32, musician from Austin, TX.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #68 on: June 18, 2009, 06:02:26 PM »
Tory, you can find him at

He's the one that totally spoiled the last season, Melissa being dumped and taking up with Molly..etc

By the way, FYI, Melissa has landed a job with GOOD MORNING AMERICA!

That's great news!  I am very happy for Melissa!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #69 on: June 21, 2009, 11:35:27 PM »
Melissa's first show on Good Morning America is today (Monday) and she'll be on during the second hour. I'm recording it as I will still be sleeping and will post a follow up on it.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #70 on: June 22, 2009, 01:50:08 AM »
I predict that Jesse, Robby and Tanner gets eliminated tonight and yes, Ed does return soon!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #71 on: June 23, 2009, 12:32:29 AM »
I can't believe she got rid of Jake!  :'(  What is she thinking???? But if she doesn't want him, I have a daughter who would be PERFECT!  :hearts:

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #72 on: June 23, 2009, 01:50:21 AM »
I also couldn't believe that she got rid of Jake    :'(

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #73 on: June 23, 2009, 08:23:24 AM »

What is she thinking???  Getting rid of Jake??   And of course...keeping the "evil" one - Wes!!  At least Jake comes back and attempts to open Jilly's eyes to the "con job" that is happening with Wes.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #74 on: June 23, 2009, 09:51:03 AM »
The Bachelorette Episode Recap: June 22, 2009

In this week's episode, the pressure rises as the guys try to stay in the competition until next week, when Jillian will visit the remaining bachelors' hometowns.

Hello, and welcome back to our recap. With me as always is my beautiful and brilliant fiancée, who this week predicted not only what bachelors would get roses, but did so in the correct order. She also saw this Jon and Kate thing back in 2005.

The episode begins with Jillian taking the guys on a train trip across Canada. They pass snowcapped mountains, lush trees, and reflecting lakes. Wes, the country singer from Austin, Texas, asks if one of the bodies of water is a lake or an ocean. Yeah, dude. It's the Canadian Ocean. We know Austin is landlocked, but come on. It has a very lovely lake.

Robbie gets an on-train date with Jillian. He tells her he's between jobs and hasn't been in love in a long time and that his family's curse is that no one in his family gets married. In spite of these attributes, she decides not to give him a rose, and leaves him in the middle of the Canadian wilderness. He walks down a dirt road with his bags, until, at the last second, we see a white van. It's hopefully someone to drive him to an airport and not a serial murderer.

The other guys are stunned by his dismissal, especially Michael the funny break dancer, who cries. Next, we cut back to Wes, who quickly removes any doubt about whether he's supposed to be the bad guy of the show. He notes once again that he's been working on an album, and says the show can only help his music. Then he slips into Jillian's sleeping car, where she immediately pops up in bed.

Fiancée: She was fake sleeping! She was waiting to see which guy would show up.

Like all bad guys, Wes is all-too open about his evil plan. And yet still people exist (including my fiancée) who refuse to believe he's bad.

Wes (talking to camera): The fame I get from this, its almost like I taste it and I eat it...

Fiancée: He's kidding. He's mocking the audience's expectations.

Me: Uh, no.

Wes: I got records to sell.

Fiancée: He's obviously being facetious. It's so over the top.

Me: Why aren't you this naive with me?

Wes: I'll always have Jillian wrapped around my little finger, y'all.

Fiancée: Hm... that's a little hard to contextualize.

Next, Jillian takes all the guys snow-shoeing, except Reid, who's getting a one-on-one date later. Foot-obsessed Tanner helps her put on her snow shoes so that he can get closer to her feet. Jake the pilot gets some alone time with Jillian and says she reminds him of his mother — "so nurturing" — and tries to talk about his feelings. But he's interrupted by a bunch of other guys.

Kiptyn and her swap romance-y generalities and then make out.

Fiancée: He doesn't do it for me. I think because of the way he spells his name.

Everyone gathers around indoors and Michael asks Jillian what she wears when she sleeps. Tanner uses this as a transition to show her his underwear, because the whole indecent exposure thing worked so well for that guy who jumped naked in the pool in the first episode. Jillian is amused but not that amused.

Jillian: I just don't want to see someone's package yet. ... Although it was huge, I don't need to see the package.

Tanner borrows her to talk about his feelings and rub her feet.

Tanner (voiceover): Her feet are ridiculous. They're the closest thing to perfect and I've seen a lot of feet.

He keeps rubbing them, and then says the following. (Bear in mind that this is an exact quote and not something clumsily translated into another language and then back into English.)

Tanner: Now that I've felt how soft her feet are I want her to meet my family.

Next, she talks to and makes out with Jesse, then talks with Michael, who says how much he likes her. My fiancée agree that he's like the wacky loveable guy in an 80s romantic comedy. Thus, we like him. Jillian says she's "still looking for that physical connection with him."

Meanwhile, Tanner confesses to the other guys that it was he, and not Juan, who told Jillian two episodes back that some of the guys had girlfriends. The guys take it pretty well, except for evil Wes.

Wes: Here's an idea. I can't stand a tattletale.

He then, like all super villains, explains his brilliant scheme yet again, although it would be much smarter not too. He plans to drain all the world's lake and oceans, once he learns how to tell them apart. No, kidding. It's actual more evil than that.

Wes: "I've already sang my song that I wrote for Jillian. I've got what I wanted. I can get a little publicity on TV and I can haul ass. Or I can stay and try to get the girl."

One of the guys, who isn't identified, says Wes is a terrible person. Jesse says it's up to Jillian to figure out who the bad seeds are. Jake says it isn't fair for anyone to stick around for the wrong reasons. They all go to — yes — a hot tub, where Jillian gives a rose to Kiptyn.

Next, Jillian and my fiancée's favorite, Reid, go snowboarding. He falls a lot, which is normal. Then they eat fondue. He points out that fondue involves dipping raw meat into a dish to be cooked, then dipping more raw meat into the old raw meat juices. The editors include the following observation to show how "neurotic" he is, but I don't think this is actually neurotic at all. It actually sounds like a pretty awesome way to avoid bacteria. From this romantic topic they move on to subjects like where they would live if they fell in love.

Fiancée: She likes him more than he likes her. I think.

Reid: She eats raw meat juice. I'm out.

Just kidding, he doesn't really say that. Jillian says she's a little worried about how much they have in common, but would love to meet his family. She gives him a rose.
Later, at the rose ceremony, Jillian says she needs to ask several questions of the guys and pulls Michael aside. She tells him she never thought she could fall for someone his age — 25 — and wants to know if he's ready to never be with anyone else. He says yes.

They return to the group, and she gives roses to Jesse, Wes, and Michael.

Tanner is bitter. He thinks he was sent home because he's reserved and doesn't play guitar.

"She wouldn't have let me rub her feet by the fireplace if she was scared of my foot fetish," he reasons.

Jake is as baffled as we are about why she sent him home. He says the remaining contenders include "a dangerous guy, a flimsy guy... somebody really young." We're guessing he means Wes, Reid, and Michael, though we don't agree that Reid is flimsy. We regard his conscientiousness about not eating bacteria to be a plus.

Jake also predicts that if Wes wins he'll break her heart. "Nice guys finish last," he says. "It's been the story of my life."

Cut to the previews of future episodes:

Wes (voiceover): I came here for the music. I didn't come for the girl.

And Jake returns — in his pilot's uniform — to accuse Wes of having a girlfriend.