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The Bachelorette Season 5
« on: October 12, 2008, 10:24:05 PM »

Casting ABC's The Bachelorette

ABC is looking for it's next eligible Bachelorette for season 5 of their hit show! Producers are looking for someone who is beautiful, charming, educated, successful and looking to settle down.

A spin-off series from ABC's hit reality show, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette returns for season 5 while following one woman in the search for her own Mr. Right from a pool of 25 eligible young men. After several weeks of meeting different men, going on amazing dates, and learning about their home lives, The Bachelorette will have the opportunity to continue dating one bachelor in the real world by presenting them with a single, red rose.

This unique dating process will give both the bachelors and bachelorette an unforgettable experience and an opportunity to make new friendships and quite possibly find true love, but after all of this, will the man she chooses accept her rose, and if he does will he pop the question?  After last season, who knows!

VIDEO REQUIREMENTS: In a brief video, tell us a little about yourself, and why you think you'd be a great candidate to be the next Bachelorette! Make sure to include what you're looking for in your ideal mate.


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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 12:07:55 AM »
An interesting article:

Chris Harrison: You Could Be the Next Bachelorette

Getting denied by Alex Michel on the finale of the first season of The Bachelor in 2002 may have been the best thing to happen to Trista Rehn. She became the first Bachelorette and made the best of the opportunity, offering Vail firefighter Ryan Sutter the final rose on the show and marrying him on national TV in 2003.

Since Trista and Ryan’s fairytale came true, The Bachelorette has seen other fan favorites — Meredith Phillips, Jen Schefft and DeAnna Pappas — search for Mr. Right. Phillips ended her engagement to Ian McKee after less than a year, Schefft didn’t even choose a suitor at all and Pappas just recently ended her engagement to Jesse Csincsak.

Now producers and host Chris Harrison hope that an unknown woman will be the next Bachelorette to find love and happiness. “It’s something I’ve been championing for quite some time,” says Harrison, who has hosted all of The Bachelorettes and twelve seasons of The Bachelor. “I totally understand and I totally love the people we’ve had — Trista and DeAnna have made complete sense — but I really just want to get away from it and try and find just that phenomenal woman out there who has no ties to the show and give her a shot.”

What kind of woman would make a great candidate? “Maybe it’s a double standard,” Harrison says, “but I think it’s tougher to be the Bachelorette than it is to be a Bachelor because I think overall our audience is more forgiving for the Bachelor than they are for the Bachelorette. You really have to be this strong, successful — and I don’t mean just money or a job successful, but ‘life successful’ — yet beautiful woman, but at the same time, on the other side, you have to be an endearing character that people will root for.”

As daunting as the prospect of finding such a lady seems, Harrison is confident she is out there. “I got approached this morning at Starbucks,” Harrison says, “and this woman pulls me aside and I swear, she’s like, ‘How do I get my beautiful friend here on The Bachelorette?‘ And I said we are literally looking for her right now!”

Harrison adds that producers are not looking for a certain type. “We’re not looking for rich, heir to a throne, or a famous person,” he says. “You can be from any walk of life and have any story. Whatever story you bring to the table is your story. Don’t worry about how much money you have or what your name is, it’s how you can command a room.”

Even women who are weary of looking for love on TV should not disqualify themselves. “As the Bachelorette, everybody is there for you,” Harrison says. “That’s one of the great advantages. You realize that you have an entire network going out and casting around the country — for you! All the contestants are coming on to the show to fall in love with you. It’s a great position to be in.”

So if you’ve ever wanted to go on fantasy dates and chose among 25 handpicked suitors, or know someone who would be perfect, The Bachelorette is offering you a rose. Fill out the online application or nomination form at “I really find that the women who come on to the show are very sincere and know how hard it is to find love out there,” Harrison says. “That’s why The Bachelorette always lends itself to being a special season.”

Men looking for love are encouraged to apply, too. “For guys out there,” Harrison says, “just know that we are going to search the country and when you show up that first night, you will not be disappointed!”


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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 05:07:58 PM »

Hollywood 411

Host Chris Harrison exclusive interview with Jesse Csincsak from THE BACHELORETTE

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2008, 11:07:16 AM »
An interview with Host Chris Harrison:

Chris Harrison Looking for a New Bachelorette

It's a good time to be a Bachelorette: ABC's hit series is conducting its first search for a female star of the hit series, after years of choosing her from among the contestants who don't find a love connection on The Bachelor.

Chris Harrison, the host of both shows, talked to us recently about the search, and about the next season of The Bachelor, which returns with a two-hour premiere on Jan. 5. In another first, the women will compete for the affections of a single dad, last season's The Bachelorette runner-up Jason Mesnick. DeAnna Pappas rejected him in favor of snowboarder Jesse Csincsak, but the couple's relationship, alas, has come to an end.

The happily married Harrison, who also co-hosts Hollywood 411 on the TV Guide Network, talked about DeAnna and Jesse, finding true love on TV, and whether we'll ever see a gay Bachelor or Bachelorette.

TV What are the qualities you're looking for in the next Bachelorette?
Chris Harrison: It's hard to answer that because really, there's no set picture. We've had rich, we've had poor, we've had famous athletes, actors, we've had it all. So we're not exactly looking for a type. It's just somebody who's willing to take this leap of faith, who's obviously ready to commit and ready for a relationship.

Honestly, you really never know what we're looking for and we never know until we find it. There's really not this set picture that we go into casting and say that's it — the blond-haired, blue-eyed six foot model. Because that's not necessarily what we want. There must be a huge number of women who see this as a big break and want to be famous more than they want to meet the right guy. How do you weed them out?
Harrison: When it's The Bachelor and it's 25 women, you do get your share of that. It's impossible not to. But I always love that aspect of the show because we don't — it's not a game show. There's no big prize at the end. So it's really up to the Bachelor to find those girls and weed them out. That's part of life. There's always girls in relationships for the wrong reason.

When we're looking for The Bachelorette, that's kind of our job. Does she just want to be a model, or does she really want to get into movies or whatever. I have found that when we've done the Bachelorette they are even more sincere when they come into this than the guys are. There've been so many gimmicks on other dating shows. Why do you think your formula has continued to work?
Harrison: Yeah. We were on our exotic date in Cabo San Lucas and Mike Fleiss, the creator of the show, and I sat down and we tried to list all the rip-off shows over the years and we stopped at like 25. I don't know if there's a record for this but it has to be the most copied, ripped-off show in the history of television.

Our show, there's no spin, there's no gimmick, there's never a twist. All it is is, at the end, can you find love? It really goes to the same reason people love soap operas. In the end, everyone wants love. Everyone wants a relationship, whether you admit it or not. And we also enjoy the train wrecks and the drama along the way. Are you still in touch with DeAnna or Jesse?
Harrison: Oh, absolutely. Yeah, they're both very good friends of mine. I will say that I was definitely sorry to hear they broke up, and wish them both the best. And still consider them both very good friends of mine.

TVGuide: One of the things that made Jason such an interesting contestant on the Bachelorette is that he had his young son, Ty. Is Ty going to be meeting any of the women Jason is dating?
Harrison: I can't give too much away on the show, but I will say this: Jason, coming into this, was very respectful — he's a great dad, a phenomenal dad — he was very respectful of Ty not being exploited or used in any way. His number one priority is looking out for Ty.

This show is going to be amazing. People are going to blown away in January by Jason in this season. It's unlike anything we've ever done, with having him being a single dad with Ty. And all the women coming in knew he was a single dad, and so the show has a completely different feel than we've ever had before. You've had plenty of high-profile successes in bringing people together, but obviously the majority of them don't work out. Do you think it's just that some relationships don't work out, or is it a flaw with the way they met? Is it just impossible to get to know someone on television?
Harrison: No, I think it's definitely the former. It's just the law of averages with relationships. You look at why Trista (Rehm) and Ryan (Sutter) succeeded and Andrew Firestone and Jen Schefft, didn't. They met the same way, They both fell in love the same way, and I would have bet the same amount of money that Trista and Ryan would make it that Andrew and Jen would've. But in the end, they lived together, and it, for one reason or another just doesn't work out. And that has nothing to do with the show or Hollywood, or whatever. It just has to do with real life relationships, whether they work or not. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

Honestly, it's one of the things I love about our show. At the end we don't have a priest or a rabbi pop up and say OK, we're getting married. At the end, its, 'Okay, you guys, you're in love, go live your life.' And we wish them the best. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. There's all this controversy lately over Proposition 8, the California measure barring gay marriage. Would you ever do a same-sex The Bachelor or The Bachelorette?
Harrison: If ABC and Mike Fleiss have created the show and signed off on it I'll be happy to host.


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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2008, 04:44:54 AM »
An interesting article:

Could you be the next bachelor(ette)?

Are you looking for that special someone? Someone, as they say on TV, that you want to “be with”? Are you ready to get married now — as in, right now? Have you ever had a restraining order against you?

If you answered those questions yes, yes, yes and no, tonight could be your lucky night. The gang from ABC’s “The Bachelorette” and “The Bachelor” is shooting audition tapes at KUDL’s “World’s Largest Office Party” at the newly renovated Midland by AMC. Auditions are from 5:30 to 8 p.m., and the party goes till 9:30.

As many as 2,000 revelers are expected to show up, and if the last time ABC did this is any indication, one in 10 may try their hand at looking hot, desirable but oh-so-finicky for the producers of the two dating reality shows.

You must be at least 21, and you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire (downloadable through the link at And yes, it does have the restraining-order question on it — as well as inquiries about whether you’ve had children or gone in bankruptcy. Picky, picky!

“They set up a couple of cameras and people fill out a questionnaire and they get interviewed on camera,” KUDL operations manager Thom McGinty said. “And then if they get matched up with the show, they fly them out to L.A. to do final screen calls and more questionnaires.”

McGinty said a couple of interviewees from the last party did get follow-up auditions. And that was when only “The Bachelor” was doing screen tests, so your odds of getting a callback are twice as good this time. OK, they’re exactly the same as before, but now your girlfriend might get to go to L.A.! Uh, wait a minute …

The audition is free, but admission to the party is $10. It’s worth the price of admission just to tour the beautifully restored interiors of the Midland. While you’re waiting up in the mezzanine for your turn in front of the camera, look over the balcony and take in the view, especially the ornate chandeliers.

Link to the article:

Link to the casting call re this article:

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The Bachelorette 5th Edition.......
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2009, 11:37:58 AM »
The new bachelorette is Jillian Harris

Season Premiere Date:
Monday, May 18th @ 9pm on ABC
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 02:11:31 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelorette 5th Edition.......
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2009, 11:42:08 AM »
Jillian is The Bachelorette

To the astonishment of many Jillian Harris has been chosen by ABC to be the next Bachelorette.  Jillian is the one women on this years Bachelor that really captured America's support and the ground swelling support for her to be the next Bachelorette.
Jillian is originally from Peace River, Alberta however she now calls Vancouver, British Columbia her home.  Jillian is a interior designer specializing in designing and revamping restaurants.

Jillian says she feels very lucky to have become the next Bachelorette and feels although it is a non traditional way of finding love, she will find her love.  Jillian says 'As the Bachelorette she hopes she makes the right decision the first time and she does not need her dad to see any more hot tub scenes.'

Jillian is a very refreshing choice as Bachelorette because she comes without pretense and is not a good actor.  What you see is what you get with Jillian.

The Bachelorette kicks off on Monday, May 18th at 8/7c.  Be sure to tune in to what is sure to be the best Bachelorette ever.

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Re: The Bachelorette 5th Edition.......
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2009, 02:09:39 PM »
ABC Press Release....

Wednesday, March 04, 2009
ABC Television Network

Jillian Harris, the intelligent, independent, passionate woman who fell just short of her goal -- hoping that Jason Mesnick could be her best friend, soul mate and future husband on the just completed hit season of "The Bachelor" -- will have her own opportunity to find true love, starring in the fifth edition of "The Bachelorette," which will premiere MONDAY, MAY 18 (9:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. The announcement was made last night on "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2" special.

An instant fan favorite on the last edition of "The Bachelor," Jillian, 29, a restaurant interior designer who currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, came oh-so-close to being the woman Jason selected. She scored points with him the first night she met him. Finding a creative new way to "grill" a guy, Jillian disclosed her unusual theory about discovering a lot about a man from the condiments he puts on his hot dog, and she immediately put Jason to the test. Her adventurous spirit and resourceful, resilient manner of handling a stressful family situation impressed Jason, who fit in with her wonderful and warm family. He invited her to New Zealand as one of the final three women, but even after she and Jason shared one of the steamiest hot tubs in Bachelor history, he still questioned whether their chemistry would last over time and sent her home.

Enthusiastic about her work and life in general, Jillian is ready to find her best friend and settle down and is confident that she can find the love of her life on "The Bachelorette." Jillian is an only child and is excited at the thought of starting her own family.

Jillian, a native of Peace River, Alberta, Canada, graduated from British Columbia Institute of Technology with a degree in interior design. In her spare time she volunteers in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program as a school tutor and mentor.

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Re: The Bachelorette 5th Edition.......
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2009, 02:30:01 PM »
Unofficial schedule/timeline of filming and airdates of the new season:

Jillian Harris Bachelorette 5

All travel to film location starting 3/13/2009
Promos and pictures 3/14/2009
Preparations for filming 3/14-15/2009

Monday 3/16 Meet and Greet
RC cut 25/15 Episode 1 Air Date 5/18

Tuesday 3/17/2009 move in /group date
Wednesday, 3/18 : Group Date
Thurs., 3/19: Group Date

Friday, 3/20: RC Cut 15/12 Episode 2 Air Date: 5/25

Saturday, 3/21: Group Date
Sunday, 3/22: 1on1 Date
Monday, 3/23 Group date

Tuesday, 3/24/2009: RC Cut 12/9 Episode 3 Air Date: 6/1

Wednesday 3/25 : Group Date
Thurs. 3/26 2 on 1

Friday 3/27: RC 9/6 Episode 4 Air Date: Air Date: 6/8

Sat. 3/28/2009: Travel
Sunday 3/29: 1 on 1
Monday 3/30 - small group
Tues. 3/31- 1 0n 1

Wed. 4/1/2009.…RC Cut 6/4 Episode 5 Air Date: 6/15

Thurs. 4/2 …..Travel for Home town Dates
Friday 4/3.….HTD 1
Travel 4/4
Sunday 4/5/2009 HTD 2
Monday 4/6 Travel
Tues. 4/7 HTD 3
Wed. 4/8 HTD 4
Thurs. 4/9 Travel to RC location

Friday 4/10 RC Cut 4/3 Episode 6 Air Date: 6/22

Sat and Sunday 4/11 - 4/12 Travel for Fantasy Dates

Monday 4/13 Fantasy Date 1
Tuesday 4/14 Fantasy date 2
Wednesday 4/15 Fantasy Date 3
Allowing a day for time off 4/16
Friday 4/17/ 2009 RC Cut 3/2 Episode 7 Air date: 6/29

MTA to be filmed after release of F 3 sometime after 4/17/2009 - Episode 7 Air Date: 7/6

Saturday 4/18/2009 travel for Meet Jill’s Family

Sunday 4/19/2009 Meet Jill’s Family
Monday 4/20/2009 Meet Jill’s Family
Tuesday 4/21/2009 Travel to LCD location
Wed. 4/22/2009 LCD 1
Thurs 4/23/2009 LCD 2
Friday 4/24/2009 Day off or travel to final location for FRC

Saturday 4/25 /2009 FRC Cut 2/1 Episode 8 Air date 7/13

Based on the last 4 seasons of the Bachelor and the Bachelorette as always this is a tentative
Schedule which can and will be altered as information becomes available.
This is based on the filming commencement date announced as March 16, 2009.

Start date 5/18/2009 and finishing 7/13/2009!

credit to kcsgramma

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2009, 05:37:28 PM »
An interesting article:

Jillian’s star rising - Peace River’s Jillian Harris announced as TV’s new Bachelorette

Jillian Harris, 29, from Peace River now living in Vancouver, is ABC’s first Canadian Bachelorette.

Relatives of Jillian Harris are keeping their fingers crossed that the Alberta-born restaurant designer and Bachelor castoff will find love a second time as ABC’s first Canadian Bachelorette.

“I hope she finds that best friend she is looking for, her soulmate,” said her aunt Mona Harris from her home in Peace River.

“She’s got a good personality; she’s a good person and she’s got a good job. I think she’ll do just great,” her uncle Mark Harris said, adding that Jillian’s rising stardom is the talk of Peace River, her hometown.

Jillian, who now resides in Vancouver, was named the star of the fifth instalment of The Bachelorette Tuesday night on The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2 special show. In the vice-versa version of The Bachelor, Jillian will have her pick of 25 eligible suitors in hopes of finding the love of her life.

The 29-year-old was a fan favourite on Season 13 of The Bachelor, beating out 22 other contestants to make it to the final three. But she was sent packing by the show’s star, account executive and single father Jason Mesnick.

Mesnick eventually offered his final rose to Melissa Rycroft, and in a shocking twist, later cancelled their engagement and proposed to runner-up Molly Malaney instead. His change of heart sparked a backlash among Bachelor fans. It was then, perhaps, a blessing in disguise that Jillian was eliminated before the final rose ceremony, her aunt said.

“I felt so bad when she made it to third because we knew she cared about him,” Mona said. “But you know, in the end, after everything happened, I said that Jilly just got out in time.”

While Jillian said she was under strict orders not to speak to media about the show, she indicated in an ABC press release that she is confident she will find the love of her life on the love-match reality program and, as an only child, is ready to settle down and start a family.

Peggy Harris said she was excited for her daughter and for the opportunities that will come her way with her participation on The Bachelorette. She admitted, however, to having some initial concerns.

“We had some slight trepidation. We just don’t want her to get hurt. But I know that’s the reality of life and it happens,” said Peggy, from her home in Kelowna, B.C.

“I think Jillian realizes there is no guarantee, but sometimes magic happens. I’m not sure what she considers her odds to be, but I guess no different than meeting someone at the gym. It’s going to be interesting.”

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Re: The Bachelorette 5th Edition.......
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2009, 07:01:06 PM »
Bachelorette Jillian Harris's star rising

 Relatives of Jillian Harris are keeping their fingers crossed that the Alberta-born restaurant designer and Bachelor castoff will find love a second time as ABC's first Canadian Bachelorette.

"I hope she finds that best friend she is looking for, her soulmate," said her aunt Mona Harris from her home in Peace River.

"She's got a good personality; she's a good person and she's got a good job. I think she'll do just great," her uncle Mark Harris said, adding that Jillian's rising stardom is the talk of Peace River, her hometown.

Jillian, who now resides in Vancouver, was named the star of the fifth instalment of The Bachelorette Tuesday night on The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2 special show. In the vice-versa version of The Bachelor, Jillian will have her pick of 25 eligible suitors in hopes of finding the love of her life.

The 29-year-old was a fan favourite on Season 13 of The Bachelor, beating out 22 other contestants to make it to the final three. But she was sent packing by the show's star, account executive and single father Jason Mesnick.

Mesnick eventually offered his final rose to Melissa Rycroft, and in a shocking twist, later cancelled their engagement and proposed to runner-up Molly Malaney instead. His change of heart sparked a backlash among Bachelor fans. It was then, perhaps, a blessing in disguise that Jillian was eliminated before the final rose ceremony, her aunt said.

"I felt so bad when she made it to third because we knew she cared about him," Mona said. "But you know, in the end, after everything happened, I said that Jilly just got out in time."

While Jillian said she was under strict orders not to speak to media about the show, she indicated in an ABC press release that she is confident she will find the love of her life on the love-match reality program and, as an only child, is ready to settle down and start a family.

Peggy Harris said she was excited for her daughter and for the opportunities that will come her way with her participation on The Bachelorette. She admitted, however, to having some initial concerns.

"We had some slight trepidation. We just don't want her to get hurt. But I know that's the reality of life and it happens," said Peggy, from her home in Kelowna, B.C.

"I think Jillian realizes there is no guarantee, but sometimes magic happens. I'm not sure what she considers her odds to be, but I guess no different than meeting someone at the gym. It's going to be interesting."

The Bachelorette premieres Monday, May 18 on ABC and Citytv.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2009, 01:56:02 PM »

ABC Television Network


ABC announces season finale dates, which will conclude some of its most popular series, including "Brothers & Sisters," "Dancing with the Stars," "Desperate Housewives," "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," "Grey's Anatomy" and "Lost," as well as the much anticipated return of "Ugly Betty" and "The Bachelorette."

Dates are as follows (all times are ET):
Monday, May 18

9:00-11:00 p.m.    "The Bachelorette" RETURN

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2009, 10:29:21 AM »
An interesting article:

The Bachelorette Gets Naughty!

Will Jillian Harris morph into a female version of Jason Mesnick when The Bachelorette returns this spring? An insider tells OK! that Jillian, who finished third on The Bachelor — just missing a chance to be part of single dad Jason’s bizarre love triangle — is “getting her edge on” before filming starts later this month.

“Everyone who saw Jillian on The Bachelor has the idea that she is a goody-two-shoes,” the source says. “On the show they will reveal that she’s capable of creating controversy. The producers would love it if The Bachelorette ends just as dramatically as The Bachelor.”

Jillian, 29, an interior designer from Canada, was a fan favorite on the hit ABC show and will hand out her first rose on May 17. For The Bachelorette, she’ll be pitting the guys against each other. “You’ll see her really manipulating them in a way previous Bachelorettes haven’t,” the insider says.

“You may see her lying to the guys, misleading them about what she’s really looking for. She may not be a fan favorite by the time she’s down to her final choice, but it’s all about ratings.”

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2009, 12:41:02 PM »
wow can't wait to see this did they start filiming it all ready??
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2009, 12:13:00 PM »
The Bachelor: Jillian Vows to pull a Jason Mesnick?

The lady who was one elimination away from being part of that infamous The Bachelor love triangle featuring Jason Mesnick, Melissa Rycroft, and Molly Malaney promises to turn the heat up as she stars on Canada's The Bachelorette.

OK! Magazine reports that a source hinted on the possibility that Jillian Harris, who finished third on the recently concluded season of The Bachelor, is bent on being the female Jason Mesnick when she starts pitting guys against each other on May 17.

“Everyone who saw Jillian on The Bachelor has the idea that she is a goody-two-shoes,” the source says.  “On the show they will reveal that she's capable of creating controversy.  The producers would love it if The Bachelorette ends just as dramatically as The Bachelor.”

The 29-year-old interior designer from Alberta, Canada will reportedly shed the goody-two-shoes image and manipulate the suitors “in a way previous Bachelorettes haven't.”

“You may see her lying to the guys, misleading them about what she's really looking for.  She may not be a fan favorite by the time she's down to her final choice, but it's all about ratings.”
« Last Edit: March 25, 2009, 12:17:46 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2009, 12:19:15 PM »
wow can't wait to see this did they start filiming it all ready??

Yes, Tory, they started filming on 3/14.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2009, 12:10:52 AM »

The Bachelorette commercial ran during HK tonight mostly old stuff with Mesnick I took a few screencaps

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2009, 12:50:08 AM »

The Bachelorette

Premiere Monday, May 18, 2009

Canada's sweetheart Jillian Harris gets her turn to find the man of her dreams in this season of The Bachelorette.

Jillian quickly became a fan favourite on the latest season of The Bachelor where the 29 year-old Peace River, Alberta native was dealt the 'friend card' and ultimately eliminated by The Bachelor's Jason Mesnick.

Twenty-five single men will have the opportunity to win Jillian's heart and accompany her to exciting locations, experience romantic dates and introduce her to their closest friends and family. 

Will her search for true love end happily ever after?

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2009, 11:17:52 AM »

 JILLIAN Harris, second-runner up for the attention of "Bachelor" Jason Mesnick, is halfway through filming her own search for love as the next "Bachelorette."

And the Canadian beauty isn't taking the competition lightly.

Filming for "The Bachelorette" began just four weeks after the shocking "After the Final Rose" episode, during which single-dad Jason Mesnick brutally dumped winner Melissa Rycroft for runner-up Molly Malaney.

"It was a first, what happened with Jason, and I think it will make her more aware," Harris' mother, Peggy, told The Post from her home in Alberta. "What she learned was to be really careful when choosing. It will put more pressure on her."

Despite a steamy hot tub scene and sleepover in the fantasy suite, Harris, 29, failed to impress Mesnick, and she was sent packing right before the big finale.

In light of Mesnick's change of heart, Harris' relatives were reconciled in the fact that the couple -- who seemed "perfect for each other" last year -- were not meant to be.

"We were relieved because that could have potentially been Jillian getting dumped," a relative said. "We wondered, 'Is this for real? Could he change his mind like that?' "

This time around, Harris will be in control as she weeds through 25 potential husbands on the new "Bachelorette," set to premiere next month.

Harris, a restaurant interior designer, quickly became a fan favorite for her adventurous, independent attitude and friends said she "bounced back quickly" after being told by Mesnick that she wasn't the one.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2009, 01:07:25 AM »
Since Trista Sutter was a former Bachelorette, I figured I would post the announcement on this thread, even though it has nothing to do with Jillian's season but figured you would want to hear the news!

Report: 'Bachelorette''s Trista Sutter Welcomes New Baby!

According to a report, Trista and Ryan Sutter welcomed baby No. 2 to their family earlier today!

Life & Style magazine reports that Trista gave birth to a 6 pounds, 2 ounces baby girl Friday afternoon in Colorado.

The couple named their new daughter Blakesley Grace Sutter, says the mag.

"She's healthy. Everything is really good," Trista tells Life & Style about her new bundle of joy.

Baby Blakesley is the couple's second child. They are also parents to a son, Maxwell Alston Sutter, who will turn two-years-old this July.

The couple married in 2003, after Trista chose Ryan as the winner of the first season of ABC's "The Bachelorette."

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #20 on: April 09, 2009, 02:29:22 AM »
Jillian Harris' 'The Bachelorette' Debut

Jillian Harris only finished third on Jason Mesnick's list of romantic prospects, but now she gets to make the choices when the new season of "The Bachelorette" debuts.

Turnabout is fair play when Jillian begins her run as "The Bachelorette," when ABC premieres the new season with a two-hour special episode on Monday, May 18 at 9 p.m., and she will have her choice of the dozens of men lining up for her attention -- and the opportunity to get a red rose.

Back when she was dumped by Jason, ET asked Jillian if she would be the next "Bachelorette." She told us, "Part of me says, 'Jill, stop while you are ahead. Now that you have done this and learned a lot about yourself, do it the old-fashioned way.' The old-fashioned way hasn't really been working for me, so the other part of me says, 'Jill, just go ahead and do it. You are an adventure seeker. Give it a shot and maybe you can find him that way.' I think I have to sleep on it -- and maybe have a glass of wine."

An instant fan favorite on "The Bachelor," the 29-year-old restaurant interior designer will get to choose from among a group of the country's most eligible bachelors and is confident that she can find the love of her life on the series.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2009, 04:39:45 AM »

ABC Television Network



ABC announces its summer schedule, with the return of "The Bachelorette" on Monday, May 18;

THE BACHELORETTE - SPECIAL TWO-HOUR PREMIERE MONDAY, MAY 18 (9:00-11:00 p.m.), AND REGULAR TIME PERIOD PREMIERE MONDAY, MAY 25 (8:00-10:00 p.m.) Jillian Harris, the intelligent, independent, passionate woman who fell just short of her goal - hoping that Jason Mesnick could be her best friend, soul mate and future husband on the just completed hit series of "The Bachelor" - will have her own opportunity to find true love, starring in the fifth edition of "The Bachelorette." An instant fan favorite on "The Bachelor," Jillian, 29, a restaurant interior designer, will get to choose from among a group of the country's most eligible bachelors and is confident that she can find the love of her life on the series.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #22 on: April 09, 2009, 05:55:42 AM »
The Bachelorette Jillian teaser  :lol:




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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2009, 11:29:52 PM »
The Bachelorette
Jillian Harris

MAY 18 (9:00-11:00 p.m., ET)
on the ABC


Jillian Harris, the intelligent, independent, passionate woman who fell just short of her goal -- hoping that Jason Mesnick could be her best friend, soul mate and future husband on the just completed hit season of "The Bachelor" -- will have her own opportunity to find true love, starring in the fifth edition of "The Bachelorette," which will premiere MONDAY, MAY 18 (9:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. The announcement was made last night on "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2" special.

An instant fan favorite on the last edition of "The Bachelor," Jillian, 29, a restaurant interior designer who currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia, came oh-so-close to being the woman Jason selected. She scored points with him the first night she met him. Finding a creative new way to "grill" a guy, Jillian disclosed her unusual theory about discovering a lot about a man from the condiments he puts on his hot dog, and she immediately put Jason to the test. Her adventurous spirit and resourceful, resilient manner of handling a stressful family situation impressed Jason, who fit in with her wonderful and warm family. He invited her to New Zealand as one of the final three women, but even after she and Jason shared one of the steamiest hot tubs in Bachelor history, he still questioned whether their chemistry would last over time and sent her home.

Enthusiastic about her work and life in general, Jillian is ready to find her best friend and settle down and is confident that she can find the love of her life on "The Bachelorette." Jillian is an only child and is excited at the thought of starting her own family.

Jillian, a native of Peace River, Alberta, Canada, graduated from British Columbia Institute of Technology with a degree in interior design. In her spare time she volunteers in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program as a school tutor and mentor.

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Re: The Bachelorette Season 5
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2009, 01:27:27 PM »
Meet the New 'Bachelorette': Jillian Harris

"The Bachelorette" returns on May 18 when Jillian Harris, who finished third on last season's controversial "The Bachelor," gets her pick from 30 fabulous bachelors!

Jillian, a native of Peace River, Alberta, Canada, currently resides in Vancouver, British Columbia and works as a restaurant interior designer. In her spare time she volunteers in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program as a school tutor and mentor.

The 29-year-old was a fan favorite, and a natural choice for the new season of "The Bachelorette."

This season's premiere begins with 25 eligible men arriving from all over the country to try and win Jillian's heart, including an Olympic cyclist, a break dance instructor, a pizza entrepreneur, a commercial pilot and a wine maker, as well as a successful lawyer, general contractor, business developer and oil and gas consultant. All the men saw Jillian on "The Bachelor" and can't wait to meet her.

But in a stunning, first-ever twist, five strikingly handsome late arrivals crash the party. Jillian will be the first person in the history of the series to have 30 suitors to select from. The original group of 25 men quietly seethes as the additional guests get their time with the Bachelorette.

Then, one bachelor reveals that he is secretly obsessed with Jillian's feet, while a wealthy businessman impresses her with his laid-back confidence. In the end, Jillian presents her "first impression" rose to the man who managed to stand out in the crowd of eligible contenders.

By the end of the evening, Jillian, having the time of her life and confident that her future husband is among this group of men, must eliminate 10 of the 30 bachelors the first night, leaving 20 to compete for her affections and, in the end, her heart.

This season's fabulous dates will include trips across Canada, Spain and Hawaii, as well as a private concert by Grammy Award-winner and four-time CMA Female Vocalist of the Year Martina McBride at the House of Blues in Hollywood.

"The Bachelorette" premieres Monday, May 18 at 9 p.m. on ABC.