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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #300 on: February 23, 2009, 02:00:24 PM »
Will not have perfect particulars as hulu nor tv .coms have full episodes I can watch at work...

Finale Part One

Welcome to Naw'Lins, Home of Bourbon Street, The Saints, Mardi Gras and some of the best food on the planet, bar none. New Orleans is, from much experience, one of the greatest cities in America and I am so glad to see it rebuilding and getting stronger since the destruction of the levees after Katrina.

I am extremely glad that this episode panned out the way it did. But let's not get to ahead of myself. Let's start with the opening twist. Emeril Lagasse is introduced as the guest judge, not a surprise as he was shown in the previews and it's New Orleans for goodness sake, who else would you run out there. After Emeril, the last three cheftestant who have been eliminated are reintroduced to the group. I actually thought that they were there to asist unitl I quickly did the math in my head. 3 packed up chefs and 4 finalists. Numbers didn't add up, plus add the fact that Jeff, Leah and Jamie were in cooking gear and the finalist were not, led to the possibility of a quickfire for Jeff, Leah and Jamie. And lo and behold, that's what it was.

Not a surprise at all that Jeff took the Quickfire and the fifth spot in the finals. As has been previously stated, I thought Leah had quit on the compeition weeks before and even with several weeks of contimplation and knowing this opportunity was coming, I still do not believe she was in it to win it. She showed very little passion when it came to the dish she prepared. She was there because she was obligated to be there, plain and simple. Jamie's dish, as I recall, was very well recieved by the judges, as usual, but, unfortunately, Louisiana Cajun Crawfish was not in her wheel house. This challenge screamed Jeff and I would have been totally shocked if Jeff had not walked away with the victory.

For winning Jeff recieved a spot in the finals, going up against Fabio, Stefan, Hosea, and Carla. A very formidable final four that nither Jeff, Leah nor Jamie deserved to be with. Jeff had his chance. Blew it by over thinking and complicationg his dishes and thusly being asked to go. He should not have been allowed back. The next twist came when Jeff was told in order to make the final 3 he would have to win the elimination challenge. A very daunting task, one that would be next to impossible to do. (Although he came damn close in my estimatiton {more on the in a sec}). (Nevermind, just read Chef Tom's blog on :-)

Elimination Challenge had the contestants serving a huge New Orleans Masquerade party. The menu consisted of at least 2 items (I think) and one drink.

Fabio, I felt, was in trouble from the beginning. Whenever, this season, I hear a chef say that s/he is going to do another dish I always cringe because it has mostly spelled defeat for that individual. This has been a season of Keep it simple and Fabio added to the simple part. Tsk Tsk. Add to the fact that Cajun cuisine and Italian cuisine are at Polar opposites of the flavor scheme. Fabio was in trouble. He did seem to blend the two cuisines well, but his dishes seemed to lack the BAM that Cajuns crave. A well done effort but far from the standard we had come to see in Fabio. I was time for him to go, even though I hated to see it.

Stefan. The Euro we love to hate and hate to love. Once again, in the bottom, and once again just good enough to stave off elimination. (If only, Jeff could have won the challenge). His dishes seemed to just be there. Noting spectacular. Nothing to write home about. Just the typical Stefan, I'm going to the Finals, fare. And unfortunately for me a Stefan hater (smug and arrogant Euro :-) ) I think this is his competition to lose. All of the judges seem to think that his best has yet to shine through and when it does, don the shades and put on the suntan lotion because it is going to be a very hot dish. Stefan has all the makings of being a superstar chef. He just can't shoot himself in the foot like he has done in a few of the challenges.

Jeff got his second chance and produce what the judges found to be very delicious food. Apperently, he got a very good edit in this episode beacuse Chef Tom stated in his blogs that his oysters were "cambro" (Sterno) tasting. Never a good thing. The edit had him being just a smudge under Carla. When all is said and done, He shouldn't have been there anyway. Glad to see him go. Again.

Hosea is producing quality food. Quality food will and did get him to the finals but I think he is looking smack dab at third place. I do not believe he has the culinary techniques and temperment of Stefan, nor do I think he has the fire and the "LOVE" of food Carla has. He is a straight and narrow chef. Quality food time in and time out. But nothing that could distance him from the rest. I retract my statement some posts ago that said I would never eat at his restaurant. I would welcome the opportunity to eat any of Hosea's dishes.

Finally, there is Carla. Quirky and fun loving Carla. New Orleans and Carla were made for each other. Her upbeat, happy, love filled personality blends perfectly with New Orleans laid back, fun-loving style. It is absolutely no surprise that Carla won this challenge. Her food, once again, was spot on. She took the flavors of New Orleans and mixed in all of her dishes, including the non-alcoholic (in New Orleans...and it worked !!!!!!!!!!!) drink. This challenge wasn't even close. And I think the 4 boys knew it. Hosea and Stefan will have to bring their A game to the final challenge, if they want to beat the culinary juggernaut that is Carla.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 11:22:40 AM by scuzneck »

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #301 on: February 23, 2009, 07:00:02 PM »
Extremely interesting comments. One thing you mention is Jeff coming back and it occurred to me reading it that perhaps they were bringing him back to have another chance since he left with bad feelings about the judging. (Not that I think he should have come back along with the other two. They lost, they were eliminated. 

I found it odd that Jeff's dishes got such good comments from the judges and the diners only to read that the food tasted of sterno. I'm wondering if it was one particular dish.

The top two chefs are Carla and Stefan, I agree that Hosea will be third but he did do well with this challenge. I'm thinking Carla will win the whole thing. I'm looking forward to your additional comments.  :tup:
« Last Edit: February 23, 2009, 07:05:33 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #302 on: February 24, 2009, 11:02:31 AM »
yea i can't
 fugure out stephan??  he seemed so strong at one pt nad themn it is like he is putting food out now just to get by, wth??
ihave to jmo eather he is doing it to syck out the others or he realy doen't care..the last 2 weeks his dishes have been bad one week i realy though he should have gone home.. so again wth?? i like the ones who bring it every week to bad they don't take that into account..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

Offline scuzneck

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #303 on: February 24, 2009, 11:24:15 AM »
Extremely interesting comments. One thing you mention is Jeff coming back and it occurred to me reading it that perhaps they were bringing him back to have another chance since he left with bad feelings about the judging. (Not that I think he should have come back along with the other two. They lost, they were eliminated. 

I found it odd that Jeff's dishes got such good comments from the judges and the diners only to read that the food tasted of sterno. I'm wondering if it was one particular dish.

The top two chefs are Carla and Stefan, I agree that Hosea will be third but he did do well with this challenge. I'm thinking Carla will win the whole thing. I'm looking forward to your additional comments.  :tup:

Chef Tom stated in his blog the following: "That night, however, Jeff was never in the running for a reason that didn't make it into the final edit. He did a very fine job, however he used a sterno chafing dish to keep his oysters warm that, for whatever reason, imparted a taste of burning sterno to the oysters. We all smelled it and remarked on it while the chefs were setting up their stations, and then we tasted that horrible taste when we sampled his selections. So, unfortunately for Jeff, who otherwise was cooking very well, he could never have taken the top spot of the evening."

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #304 on: February 24, 2009, 11:37:30 AM »
Only one episode remains (not including the always intriquing reunion)...

Thoughts on the Finale Part 2 episode

As usual it comes down to what appears to be "cook the best damn meal you have ever coooked in your life." And I wouldn't expect anything else. What I believe we will see is that both Carla and Stefan distance themselves from Hosea. I believe we have seen Hosea's best, in terms of comparisons with Carla and Stefan. Even if he is allowed to cook a seafood dish, I still think it will fall short of the mark.

This is really a two dog race. Stefan and Carla. Stefan, I had pegged for the finals in episode 1. His demeanor, his culinary training, his technique, his attitude screamed CHEF and he had proven (even with his laissez-faire attitude recently) that he does deserved to be in the running for Top Chef. For Stefan's sake, I hope that he does show some sort of compassion toward the competition. The judges have stated time and time again that previous challenges hold no water in the upcoming challenge, yet, one has to wonder if Stefen's persona of "I'm the best, give me the title" will finally rub the judges the wrong way. Personally, I hope so, but, unfortunately I do not see it happeneing.

While I had Stefan pegged for the finals early on, I had Carla leaving very early in the season. In fact, I thought that she would be gone after the first challenge. I guess I did not see her as being "strong" enough to handle the other competition. Thankful, I was wrong. Carla has proved very resilient. She has added fun and love to the program. She has added spice and flavor to what seem like simple dishes. She is observant in her preparations. She is graceful in defeat and criticism and equally grateful and gracious when she wins. Always saving her celebrations for us in confessional. Carla seems to have befriended everyone, which makes it all the nicer that she is winning the challenges. No one has seen her as a threat, until now. Carla could very easily walk away with the title of Top Chef. And I would be pleased as punch if she did.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #305 on: February 24, 2009, 11:48:35 AM »
About Stefan, I think he's getting a bad edit. For example Carla asked for help with her oysters and Stefan told her he'd help her in a minute. (Paraphrasing.) But we did not see him actually help her so we don't know if he did or not but I suspect he did.

I also think for whatever reason Colicchio doesn't seem to like Stefan but I would venture to say that he would think he was the better chef compared to Stefan so is that cocky, arrogant or confidence? Probably confidence. 

I do recall that Tom said that the first Quick Fire winner is usually the Top Chef so we'll see if that holds true.

Hosea has been more talk than performance, that's why I think he hit his peak with the first part of the finale. (Could be wrong, I often am.)  :lol:

Forgot to add, I thought for sure Carla would be gone but she has gotten into her groove and Stefan better cook the best dishes ever to beat her.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 12:01:24 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #306 on: February 24, 2009, 11:52:00 AM »
Only one episode remains (not including the always intriquing reunion)...

Thoughts on the Finale Part 2 episode

As usual it comes down to what appears to be "cook the best damn meal you have ever coooked in your life." And I wouldn't expect anything else. What I believe we will see is that both Carla and Stefan distance themselves from Hosea. I believe we have seen Hosea's best, in terms of comparisons with Carla and Stefan. Even if he is allowed to cook a seafood dish, I still think it will fall short of the mark.

This is really a two dog race. Stefan and Carla. Stefan, I had pegged for the finals in episode 1. His demeanor, his culinary training, his technique, his attitude screamed CHEF and he had proven (even with his laissez-faire attitude recently) that he does deserved to be in the running for Top Chef. For Stefan's sake, I hope that he does show some sort of compassion toward the competition. The judges have stated time and time again that previous challenges hold no water in the upcoming challenge, yet, one has to wonder if Stefen's persona of "I'm the best, give me the title" will finally rub the judges the wrong way. Personally, I hope so, but, unfortunately I do not see it happeneing.

While I had Stefan pegged for the finals early on, I had Carla leaving very early in the season. In fact, I thought that she would be gone after the first challenge. I guess I did not see her as being "strong" enough to handle the other competition. Thankful, I was wrong. Carla has proved very resilient. She has added fun and love to the program. She has added spice and flavor to what seem like simple dishes. She is observant in her preparations. She is graceful in defeat and criticism and equally grateful and gracious when she wins. Always saving her celebrations for us in confessional. Carla seems to have befriended everyone, which makes it all the nicer that she is winning the challenges. No one has seen her as a threat, until now. Carla could very easily walk away with the title of Top Chef. And I would be pleased as punch if she did.

i would love to see carla win over stephan :hearts: :hearts:
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #307 on: February 25, 2009, 10:14:48 PM »
Shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!   :ascared

Hosea won.  :umn: :duno: :'(
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 02:04:48 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #308 on: February 26, 2009, 01:42:11 PM »
Let me preface my thoughts and opinions on the season finale of Top Chef 5 with this: I am an extreme Top Chef fan. I have watched every season, every episode. I own all the cookbook by the Top Chef judges, as well as the Top Chef cookbook. I try to prepare the foods that look good in the episodes. I use balsamic vinegar like water in my foods, thanks to Top Chef. The show is my second all-time favorite reality show. (The Amazing Race is numero uno.) I cannot forsee any major changes to the show that would make me ever think twice about watching it. With all that said,....


It floors me that the deciding factor on this show is the very last challenge. I cannot believe that season in and season out, the judges hold to the standard of "what have you done for me lately", instead of looking at the complete body work. Each season, someone who has been deserving of the TOP CHEF moniker, (i.e. Richard from season 4, Casey from season 3, Carla from this season) has a major snafu in the finale and is thusly booted from consideration of the title. This is such a bogus way of looking at a competition that it has me steamed. It's like taking a football team that wins it's first 15 games of the season, then falls flat in the final game, and saying to them "Sorry, no play-offs. You lost your last game." I believe for the finale that the entire competiton should be taken into consideration, not just the last "meal of your life."

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #309 on: February 26, 2009, 02:41:10 PM »
I cannot tell you how upset I was last night. This was a horrible decision. Like you scuzneck , I have watched every season since it began and I've been let down when someone I thought didn't deserve the title "won." (Like Ilan. But based on this season, I wonder if he didn't get a bad edit too.)

Carla, Carla, Carla! It was hers to win! I knew when she followed Casey's suggestion for the meat it was a mistake. She got there by cooking her food in her simple but wonderful way. I think forgetting the oven temperature was a sign of her stress over finishing her dishes. Still she is a winner. No one will ever forget her and her love of food.

I thought that Stefan should have been given more consideration, he made a delicious soup with an unfamiliar protein.. alligator! I doubt that Hosea could have pulled that off. And a pedestrian dessert? It looked fabulous. I don't go to many wedding dinners so it looked wonderful and complicated. With all the various parts of it, it must have taken a fair amount of time to make it. Certainly his overall success should have been a factor. It has been obvious for several weeks now that Tom had a personal bias against him. (Someone who has the final vote as a judge should be more professional.)

Stefan will go on to bigger and better things, I don't see him as cocky I see him as confident. He's older and professional and I loved the way he went to Carla to console her. I also found it interesting that Hubert Keller and the owner of the Commander's Palace both thought a chef should be able to make a dessert. (Sorry, I've forgotten her name.)

We will remember Fabio, Carla and Stefan long past this show.

My final question, who really won last night? Hosea who has not risen to any of the challenges or quick fires.. or Richard who was his sous chef. I know what I think.  :jam:

I really may never watch this show again. I'm that disappointed.  :'(
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #310 on: February 26, 2009, 04:00:12 PM »
wow u 2 r very passante about u r top chef..i was realy sad carla did not win, she is so nice she did not say no when she realy needed to. i totaly agree they should b judged on there body of work over the whole season and not one night, but the body of the season got them to top3 so i guess that was there reward for those win's i wonder what happened to stephen in thease last few episods he has fallen down hill the last 4 weeks it started with the foot ball week, maby he did think he was to good for this who nos cause he has messed something up every week sence..and acted like he did not care.
i no u guys r made hosea won but based on growth in this time frame he has grown a lot in his skills and over stephon i am glade he won. ok so where is that hiding under the chair u have
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #311 on: February 26, 2009, 05:12:16 PM »
wow u 2 r very passante about u r top chef..i was realy sad carla did not win, she is so nice she did not say no when she realy needed to. i totaly agree they should b judged on there body of work over the whole season and not one night, but the body of the season got them to top3 so i guess that was there reward for those win's i wonder what happened to stephen in thease last few episods he has fallen down hill the last 4 weeks it started with the foot ball week, maby he did think he was to good for this who nos cause he has messed something up every week sence..and acted like he did not care.
i no u guys r made hosea won but based on growth in this time frame he has grown a lot in his skills and over stephon i am glade he won. ok so where is that hiding under the chair u have

 :funny: The ONLY time anyone has to hide under that chair is if I put THIS up! :vader:

But to get the chair click on [MORE] for additional smiles It's about 6 rows down. or type  :.hides without the "."

We all have our favorites.. Hosea just wasn't mine.  :hugs:

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #312 on: February 26, 2009, 06:23:13 PM »
Casey comments on her experience as sous chef for Carla.

Casey Thompson Speaks Out About  Top Chef

Posted on February 26th, 2009 12:19pm by Sarah Eveans
Filed under Chefs, Food Fight!, Food On TV

"Casey speaks! And she doesn’t sound happy, folks. I asked her to comment on last night’s episode, and here’s what she had to say:

    Carla was not prepared and in over her head. The show did not talk about how the first course (crab) took her half of the friggin’ cooking time that day, I was left to work the rest of HER dishes.

    She also did not have a plan. The ONLY thing she had in mind was a cheese course! I would NEVER do a cheese course. And where in the hell did french come from!? She is not even classically trained! It (the show) didn’t talk about how I worked on a sauce for 2 days and Carla forgot to put it on the plate… It didn’t show how the 2nd course (fish) was MINE. It didn’t show how she took the sous vide idea and decided to GRILL it last minute causing it to be tough… And it didn’t show how she WANTED to do the souffles which she does not even know how to make! That was HER food, because it certainly was me asking her how she wanted to do this and that while she was busy picking crab the entire time and making a souffle that didn’t rise!

    I am done with TC. I did not influence her. She has NO ideas of her own, oh, except a cheese course.



Wow!  :ascared
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #313 on: February 26, 2009, 08:26:31 PM »
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #314 on: February 27, 2009, 08:26:52 AM »
Hi, fellow foodies/TV watchers. First post here...

There is a short article in today's Washington Post about how Carla's catering (?)business has taken off despite the bad economy. And Carla being Carla, she spoke of how grateful she was that the Top Chef exposure allowed this to happen, and how sad she is for her colleagues in the business who are facing hard times.

As for Casey's comments, Casey is prickly but probably right at the heart of it. In a kinder interpretation, I suspect Carla's nerves got the best of her, causing her to rely on Casey too much. Carla strikes me as one of those chefs who would benefit greatly from more time to think and plan and experiment (they all would, but her especially IMO). Under those circumstances, she did an amazing job on this show.

Overall, though, I thought this was a weak season.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #315 on: February 27, 2009, 09:02:49 AM »
Hi, fellow foodies/TV watchers. First post here...

There is a short article in today's Washington Post about how Carla's catering (?)business has taken off despite the bad economy. And Carla being Carla, she spoke of how grateful she was that the Top Chef exposure allowed this to happen, and how sad she is for her colleagues in the business who are facing hard times.

As for Casey's comments, Casey is prickly but probably right at the heart of it. In a kinder interpretation, I suspect Carla's nerves got the best of her, causing her to rely on Casey too much. Carla strikes me as one of those chefs who would benefit greatly from more time to think and plan and experiment (they all would, but her especially IMO). Under those circumstances, she did an amazing job on this show.

Overall, though, I thought this was a weak season.

I'm happy for Carla and her business! It sounds about right concerning Carla and her nerves. It must be very difficult to know exactly what you are going to prepare when TC is known for throwing in a clinker in the works. Casey got trashed in the after-show comments that I've read as well and I'm sure that is part of the reason she reacted the way she did.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #316 on: February 27, 2009, 09:32:52 AM »
I have been away and just had the chance to catch up on the Top Chef 5 Semi-finals and I watched the Finale on Wednesday night. It is clear to me that:

1. Carla totally blew it. It was hers to win but "soul, heart and love" in the food will NEVER beat flavor when Tom Colicchio is head judge and it shouldn't. I consider Carla's "I put more love into my food" comment from a few episodes back to be pure rubbish.
2. I am willing to accept Casey's comments on how things went in that kitchen. It was Carla's decision to do a cheese souffle; Casey only recommended it. It appeared that the sous vide was the problem (Casey's idea which Carla accepted) but it appears that Carla messes up her chances by then grilling it. I think Carla acted like a big baby in trying to pin her loss on Casey and my opinion of her has dropped accordinagly.
3. Stefan blew it on the carpaccio by using frozen salmon and halibut. If he had used fresh fish even if they were different, I am willing to speculate that Stefan would be Top Chef.
4. Hosea totally earned the title and the $100,000 by being rock-steady throughout the Finale.
5. I do not like the "use only this evening's meal as the basis for decisions" principle and do not agree with it, but like in the Amazing Race the uncertainty makes for more exciting reality TV.

Wasn't it interesting to see the fans vote 60% for Carla? Since none were tasting the food, it was a personality contest. Of course Carla would win that over Stefan (Mr. Personality) and Hosea (much less colorful than the other two). So I say, "where was Fabio when you need him in the kitchen competing?" His ouster was unfortunate and undoubtedly very close.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #317 on: February 27, 2009, 10:21:07 AM »
Thanks for your comments Apskip.  :waves:  It was Carla's to win and she lost it by not thinking ahead, and not cooking the food she is known for.

BTW, I really wish someone would explain to me what "soul" has to do with food. How can you tell "soul" from really delicious food. ???  I know the difference between so-so food, bad food... ill prepared food, and yummy food, but  soul food? :umn:
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #318 on: February 28, 2009, 08:14:43 AM »
A chat with the winner of Top Chef 5

Top Chef 5: Conference Call with Hosea Rosenberg
Friday, February 27, 2009

Hosea Rosenberg's ascent to the top spot on Top Chef 5 was certainly not a smooth ride. From the stress of a father ill with cancer, to the poorly-timed dalliance with Leah Cohen that seemed to rattle his focus, to several brushes with the bottom, it was never a sure thing that he would emerge with the win.

But he did win, and he spoke with us today about the competition, what he thinks about the reaction to his victory, and what exactly is going on with Leah Cohen now that the show is over.

Hosea said he did not go into the finale positive he would win, but he was more focused than he had been. The last few challenges in New York were difficult, but with the break before New Orleans, he was able to refocus and regroup to go into New Orleans with his “head down” and the determination to cook the best food he could.

He says that the rivalry between him and Stefan Richter was not the main focal point as it was edited to be, and that his comments about it were maybe “five percent” of his overall interviews. Although his feelings about competing against Carla didn't make it into the show, he saw her as just as much of a competitor as Stefan. He said that once he heard her menu, he was thinking she was the one to beat, as he himself found the list of dishes quite appealing.

While he sticks with his decision to not make a dessert course, he says he had an idea for one in his back pocket in case that infamous twist was to add another course. He would have made chicory custard with a beignet as a play on coffee and donuts.

Overall, throughout his time on the show, he feels the foie gras and scallop dish from the finale was one of his strongest, as well as the trio of fish he made early on. The one dish he regrets is the one served at Eric Ripert's Le Bernadin, saying he messed up his timing on that one.

Although that one brush with a French culinary luminary might have been less than stellar, his win gave him the chance for another. He says he's not sure how his time of Top Chef 5 will ultimately be received in the food world. At a recent event, though, restaurant world heavyweight Daniel Boulud approached him and asked when they would cook together, so he feels pretty hopeful about the professional reception.

As to the fans, he hasn't had time since the finale to read much of the fallout from the show and some of those Top Chef 5 viewers who might not be thrilled with his win. That said, he says he “worked [his] ass off” to get there, and that he doesn't need to apologize for winning. He doesn't necessarily think he is a better chef than the other cooks, but does feel he did the best in that final moment. He said he doesn't really understand the negativity.

I noted that I thought the fan reaction might be due in part to his edit. After all, other than the brief mention of his father, the only thing we ever really got to know about Hosea was that he kissed Leah (while having a girlfriend back home) and that he was in a rivalry with Stefan. It's hard to get a sense of personality when someone is only presented in relation to other people. I asked him what he wished had been shown in the show about him and his background.

His answer gave me, at least, a much better sense of what is likable and relatable about the chef. I did not realize that he had a degree in engineering, and so the fact that this self-taught chef who admits he hasn't been in the business very long was able to do so well is pretty remarkable. He also noted, though, that while not directly related, he thinks his background in science helped with cooking as it gave him a foundation in math and organizing information.

He says that the people who know and work with him back in Colorado have respect for him and know that he is a “caring” person. He says he's got a large network of farmers, growers and ranchers that he's developed, and it's part of the reason why he doesn't plan to leave Colorado in the immediate future.

And it's partially that geographic complication that means that while neither he nor Leah are still with their previous romantic partners, they're also not currently boyfriend/girlfriend themselves. That said, when asked if recent Page Six reports of a make-out session were true, he admitted that they are both now single and have kissed again since the show. He said that they would be going out to dinner while he was in New York, and that if they lived in the same town, they would probably be dating.

With regard to some of the other Top Chef contestants, he says that he and Stefan are friends. He also confirmed that Fabio Viviani is pretty much as funny as he came across, noting that one of the funniest things that happened while they were all together was Fabio hitting his crotch as he got down from what Fabio calls “bunky beds” and cursing up a blue streak in a combination of Italian and English.

As to his future plans, he's taking the money from the Top Chef 5 win and using it to spend more time with his father, who unfortunately is not doing better with his cancer. Hosea also hopes to open his own restaurant and will be doing some work with a packaged food company.

- Leslie Seaton, BuddyTV Staff Columnist. 

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #319 on: March 04, 2009, 07:07:51 AM »
Tonight in the usual time slot is the BRAVO TOP CHEF 5 Reunion, hosted by Andy Cohen. I was curious on who Any Cohen is, so I investigated and discovered that he is the Sr. Vice President of Programming and Production for the BRAVO network. He loves to ohst reunion shows of all types, but his main job is to decided what shows get or do not get onto BRAVO and then overseeing them. I expect that Carla will walk away with the $10,000 prize tonight for the fans' most popular chef. Ariane has a slight chance and Fabio has a decent chance.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #320 on: March 04, 2009, 06:19:24 PM »
Tonight in the usual time slot is the BRAVO TOP CHEF 5 Reunion, hosted by Andy Cohen. I was curious on who Any Cohen is, so I investigated and discovered that he is the Sr. Vice President of Programming and Production for the BRAVO network. He loves to host reunion shows of all types, but his main job is to decided what shows get or do not get onto BRAVO and then overseeing them. I expect that Carla will walk away with the $10,000 prize tonight for the fans' most popular chef. Ariane has a slight chance and Fabio has a decent chance.

I didn't realize who he was either, thanks for posting this. I fully expect Carla will win for most popular but if not then it will be Fabio.  I'm OK with either one!  :hearts:
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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #321 on: March 05, 2009, 10:04:30 AM »
Recap Top Chef 5 Reunion
Andy Cohen of BRAVO hosted the fifth Top Chef Reunion. All 17 of the chefs appeared to be present plus all four permanent judges. The most important purpose of the show is to set up the award of $10,000 to the FAN FAVORITE, but they also want to present the human side of these chefs to set up Top Chef 6. I think everyone except Carla and Fabio can forget that prize and Fabio has the ladies behind him. A majority of Top Chef watchers are female.   Andy is presenting fan questions plus a few of his own and showing excerpts that demonstrate a particular point. Stefan is presented as a possible FAVORITE candidate by Andy. However, that's a red herring because I think Stefan would be the easy winner of LEAST FAVORITE.
Carla was mocked for her use of the phrase HOOTIE, which she uses when her husband is missing. If he hears it, he will answer WHO. Carla used this occasionally on the show. Carla also talked about how her food had lots of heart and love in it. I just cringe when I hear this.
 Andy next asked who is surprised Hosea won. Stefan says that he is happy that Hoses won and he didn't. Given Stefan's competitive nature, I consider that to be misdirection because Stefan really wanted to win.
The judge were asked what was the deciding factor in the FINALE judging? Tom says that it was Hosea's steadiness. Toby says that Hosea cooked better than Carla and Stefan that day.
Jaime made the statement that Stefan cannot stand being away from Fabio for more than 10 minutes. Doubtless it was the head rubs that Fabio gave him, which were illustrated with some footage.
Fabio was asked once again to explain his accident. He said the floor was wet and he was going fast around a corner. Andy has a gift for Fabio and it's an "I LOVE FABIO" Tee shirt.
There was a Top Chef 5 Birthday Curse that nobody has really heard of. Four chefs were eliminated on or near their birthday: Danny, Eugene, Radhika, Leah.
Toby's "weapons of mass destruction" comment about Radhika's soup was highlighted. Fabio went and massaged Toby's bald spot in solidarity.
There was a segment on some of the previously not shown activities in the "Stew room" including volleyball, basketball and innovative uses of GLAD bags.
The romance of Leah and Hosea just had to be shown here. It resulted from Leah drinking too much. The impact of it caused both the partners of Leah and Hosea to break up with them. Hosea stated the only way he and Leah would be together was in the same city. Leah made it clear on camera that she's not moving from the New York metro area. Hosea is plenty busy with various business propositions in Colorado. He said he regretted the incident. Fabio's comment put it into perspective: "Hosea got Leah; I got Stefan."
Jeff was not shown with his shirt off, but apparently that was common in the morning during the taping of the episodes. Jeff was also roasted for the complexity of his dishes. Jaime said that in one blind judging contest it was obvious which dish was Jeff's because it was twice as busy as any other plate.
Stefan was shown in a segment with guest chef Andrea where he asks her to call him.
The "attack of the baldies" was emphasized with Tom and Toby from the judges and Eugene, Hosea, Stefan and Patrick from the chefs.
At the end there is a $10,000 check for Fabio, who was voted Fan FAVORITE.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 12:34:23 PM by apskip »

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #322 on: March 05, 2009, 10:38:49 AM »
Thanks apskip!!!  :-*  We didn't get to watch the reunion show and I'm happy to learn that Fabio won Fan Favorite! I am betting that Carla was a very close second!

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #323 on: March 07, 2009, 11:36:23 AM »

:)  gossip  :lol:

The Fabio Show

Stefan might have a dubiously titled book coming out, but his Euro bro Fabio is getting his own TV show (obviously). No word yet on whether it’ll be on Bravo or what, but we’d love to see some Real Housewives synergy — the Italian stallion cooking for cougars?

Hosea and Leah, Sitting in a … Restaurant?

Abbe Diaz reports, on her PX This board, that Hosea and Leah recently enjoyed what might’ve been a $500 meal at Del Posto last weekend. We’re going to assume Hosea “I’m Rich, Bitch!” Rosenberg picked up the check.

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Re: Top Chef New York Season 5
« Reply #324 on: March 07, 2009, 11:39:58 AM »
An interview with Season 5 winner Hosea:

Top Chef Exit Interview: the Winner

Before the competition began, what did you do to prepare?
Nothing really. My job is to cook every day and to find inspiration and research. I did what I always do, which is to cook good food. I tried to memorize a few recipes before I came out, mostly pastry recipes. I honed in on a few of my better regarded dishes from the customer standpoint, things that people really seem to enjoy.

When this began and you had sized up your competition, did you think you would win?
I wasn’t sure I’d win, but I definitely put myself in the top tier. I definitely thought there was some real talent in the group, but I also thought I was going to make it farther than half of everyone.

So making it to the finale was not a surprise?
Well, ultimately no, but I was struggling at the end a bit. It’s not that I can’t handle that kind of cooking, but my mind was getting worn down by the end of our time in New York. I feel kind of lucky to have gotten into the finale because I wasn’t putting out my best dishes in the end.

What about in the final challenge? Could you tell you had made the best dishes of the night?
No, it all happened so fast. The time between courses was so fast that I had no time to analyze anyone else’s performance or even taste their food. What I did know was that I had put together a really great meal that I was happy with and I said to Blais that win or lose, I was really happy with our dishes.

Carla was the audience favorite; did she have a real shot at winning the title?
Absolutely. Especially after hearing her menu, I really thought she had a pretty good chance of winning. I was worried about her winning.

What about Stefan’s dishes?
I definitely respect Stefan’s cooking. Out of everyone in this season, he came with the most experience. He is probably the highest-caliber chef of all of us. All along I said he was the guy to beat. He’s very capable of beating Carla and me, he’s shown that time and time again. But it’s all about execution and that last plate that goes out.

Were you jealous of him?
He and I had a had a healthy competitiveness, but it was friendly. We smack talk a little bit because I think both of us felt like the other one was a threat. I don’t think he would have spent any time talking about me if he didn’t think I had it in me.

Did Richard contribute any ideas to your dishes?
What he did is help me hone my thoughts. I told him I didn’t have a menu selected until we went into the kitchen for the first time so we could see what proteins and what ingredients we had to work with. He did suggest plating the fish course in the walk-in and I thought that was a brilliant idea.

What do you plan to do with the prize money?
I do have some plans to open a restaurant of my own. I’ve gotten involved with this food company over the last few months that does gourmet, prepared foods for Whole Foods and other stores across the country. Part of the money is going toward spending time with my dad and my mom, both of whom are ill right now. But I will be investing this money in a business of my own.

Is there any famous chef you’d like to emulate?
I’ll never be as good as Daniel Boulud but I’d love to be like him, owning amazing restaurants and being very involved in the food world.

Obviously the highlight of this experience was winning, but what were the low points?
There were a few times where my food didn’t come out nearly as good as I had hoped, and then obviously the whole Leah incident was a downer for me. It kind of messed me up a little bit and I wasn’t as focused on the food as I should have been. It affected my work and I was mad at myself for that.

What does it mean to be Top Chef?
It’s humbling for me. I made a few mistakes along the way and I was able to recover from that. Being exposed to so much food here in New York City, I was reminded that the journey is so far from complete; I’ve got a lot to learn. I know how to make great flavors, and this is a great starting point for my career.