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Will  that drama is great thanks for posting

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Memphis makes it on TMZ

Memphis post a blog:

Hello Everyone.

Thank God I am back in Hollywood I love to be home. So I guess TMZ caught me leaving a bar, great. I didn't think I said anything to crazy but you can be the judge.

I want to take a couple of lines and thank my fans. You all rock and I am very sorry I don't have the time to write all of you back. I am staying in tonight, maybe. I am writing a Reality Show I have had some great feedback from it. I will keep everyone posted.

Thanks everyone


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Dan's latest blog post:


Why so serious?

Alright, so what's new with me?  What does Dan have going on? I guess that is why you are here!

I have been slowly assimilating back into the real world, in Dearborn, MI.  The people in Michigan have been very supportive and the response I have been getting in public is overwhelming, it is great to be home.  Fall is in the air in Michigan, which means one thing, FOOTBALL.  I have jumped right back into coaching football at St. Mary's, immediately when I got home.  We have two big games coming up and we need to win both to make the playoffs.

I am not back teaching...yet, but I will be back teaching soon.  I took some personal time off to get re-adjusted and deal with getting my life back in order.  So if I'm not teaching now, what am I doing?  There are a lot of offers that I am still sorting through.  I can't talk about them yet, but as they are finalized you can find out in my blog, where and when I will be appearing (it may be somewhere near you).  Don't worry, it will be soon.

I have to thank the fans again for the overwhelming response for two things, the first being the Renegade contest.  There are some hilarious and creative entries that have been sent in so far, nice work.  If you haven't figured out the answer to the riddle by now to find the contest, it is at:

A lot of people figured out the riddle, if you did, you got through your first Dan-antic! (Will there be more?) All entries must be received by November 16th if you want a shot at winning.  The second thing I am surprised about is the autograph requests.  I was not expecting as many as were sent, so if you sent an autograph request in, please be patient, we are working on the photos.

Memphis and I had an interesting time in Seattle to say the least for our RealPlayer interview.  It was great having the Renegades back together, I enjoyed our time, and we stayed out of trouble for once.

If you did not catch the RealPlayer interview that Memphis and I did, you can view it here:

The Renegade Gear has been successful and there will be new items up soon, for those who are requesting sweatshirts, larger sizes, etc...

Once again, thank you for all the e-mail and letters, and I am working on responding the best I can.  I appreciate your patience, hang tight!  I will do my best to setup at least one chat somewhere since I haven't done one yet.

Thank you for all your support and stay tuned, you never know what may or may not be coming in the future. . .

Take care,

Dan ;)

Contest Entries/Autograph Requests:

Dan Gheesling
ATTN: Renegade Contest (or ATTN: Autographs)
PO Box 2099
Dearborn, MI 48123

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Memphis's latest blog:

A new Day

After going through the Hollywood Gauntlet last night which consisted of like 5 clubs. Brian and I went to a fashion show charity event first then I tried to drag him along to the clubs it worked for a while but he has a real job, yea ok He gets paid to go to Tahiti and crap. Any who its back to work. I am developing two reality TV shows I can't say much but they are very entertaining. Tonight another fashion show then tomorrow the spike scream awards. That's the weekend.
Everybody take care don't drink and drive.


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Dan's interview with

October 22, 2008 - Dan Gheesling has been a big fan of the hit CBS reality show "Big Brother" since he was a sophomore in high school. Now, he is the show's new champion. The 25-year-old biology and physical education teacher and assistant football coach at Orchard Lake St. Mary's High School was crowned the winner of "Big Brother 10" on Sept. 16, beating out 12 other competitors and winning the grand prize of a half-million dollars. Before entering the "Big Brother" house, Dan graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor's degree in business and a master's degree in kinesiology and also served as a graduate assistant coach for the Spartans in 2005 and 2006. He also interned with the Detroit Lions. He began teaching at St. Mary's in 2007 until he was finally called to the show this summer after numerous submissions. Beginning on July 13, an average of 6 million viewers a week tuned in to watch Dan and his housemates compete in crazy competitions ranging from a hockey slapshot game to dicing onions and sliding them into a box to help fight off weekly eliminations from the house. Dan also had to survive conflicts with his roommates and somehow managed to keep his cool, knowing that not only his family and friends, but his fellow St. Mary's staff and students were watching. In the end, Dan earned the respect of his housemates and he was rewarded with a unanimous vote in his favor in the finale. Since the show, Dan is back with the Eaglets football team and is looking forward to returning to teaching at St. Mary's and is still dating his girlfriend, Monica. He is also pondering other opportunities that are being offered to him and keeps a MySpace page to keep "Big Brother" fans up to date. Dan recently spoke with the Spinal Column Newsweekly about his experience on the show and his plans for his winnings.

SCN: For those who don't know, please explain what the "Big Brother" show entails, and what it's all about.

DG: "Big Brother" has a premise similar to "Survivor." You have a group of people who vote each other out and at the end you have two people and in turn the people that everyone had voted out, or in this case the jury, will then vote for the final two people as to who is going to win the prize money, which is a half-million dollars.

The interesting thing about "Big Brother" is the fact that it doesn't take place on a remote island, it all takes place confined in one house — 24 hours a day, seven days a week, everything's recorded and there's no contact with the outside world, so it's a pretty interesting psychological experiment, to say the least.

SCN: Before the show you already had quite a resume, including degrees from Michigan State and the privilege of teaching and coaching at one of the premier private schools in the state. Why the decision to try out for Big Brother?

DG: That's a question I have never really gotten asked because going into the "Big Brother" house, I really enjoyed my life.

I'm coaching football and teaching at one of the greatest schools in Michigan, maybe even the country, at Orchard Lake St. Mary's.

So why would I give that up to go pursue this competition? The answer is finances. I had a 1-in-13 shot of winning a half-million dollars and possibly securing my financial future where I didn't necessarily have to worry about a teacher's salary, and lucky for me it worked out in the end and I came home with the big prize.

It was a big risk because going into the house, sometimes these reality shows paint people in certain lights and they look for certain elements to create ratings, and lucky for me I didn't do anything to lose the respect of the St. Mary's community, because that would have been devastating.

I've been a huge fan of the show. I've watched it sine growing up as a sophomore at Dearborn Divine Child. I watched the second season and I thought "Hey, this is something I could probably do and maybe be successful at."

You had to be 21 to apply so once I turned 21 I sent my first tape in and I thought it would be a great lifetime experience and I would have a shot to win some money.

I actually studied for it like a test once I knew I had a chance of going in, so that when I got into the house I knew what to expect.

Back in college I sent in a videotape and the rest is history. I've always been in touch with "Big Brother" and there's been a few chances for me to go out before and the timing was never right and finally the stars aligned and everything worked out for a reason.

SCN: At St. Mary's Prep, its staff is held to high standards to serve as role models and help mold young men. How did the school staff and your students and football players react to seeing you on the show?

DG: That was my biggest concern going into the show, but before I even went, I had to get the approval of a few people, outside of my family, at St. Mary's and that was the headmaster, Mr. Glowacki. I needed to have him in my corner because if I left to go to "Big Brother" and came back without a job at St. Mary's, it wouldn't have been worth it to me.

Outside of Mr. Glowacki, I also had to talk to George Porritt, the head football coach and athletic director, because I really respected their opinions as men and also men of St. Mary's.

They both told me, "You're young, you have to take this shot, but just be careful as to what you do; you don't want to bring any negative light to the school so just remember you have students watching."

So while I was in the house, I was very cognizant of the fact that there were cameras rolling 24-7 and I didn't want to do anything that would disrespect the students or take away any respect the students may have for me.

I don't think I did a lot of things in the house that were outside my normal character, so I didn't really have to worry about it too much; but anytime you're in an environment where there's a lot of outside influences and there's a lot of money on the line, people do some crazy things and things they may not be proud of, but in the back of my mind I just knew winning the half-million dollars wouldn't be worth losing the respect of my students.

SCN: Rome reality TV shows are known for stereotyping people, including Catholics. Do you feel that you were made a target by people in the house because of your background? How did you feel about your portrayal on the show?

DG: I don't think I was made a target because of my religion. I think at times in the game it actually helped me.

At times I'd read the Bible in the house in kind of my private area and people would come up to me curious about it and some people would look to me and ask me for a certain Bible quote or even inspiration or whatever the case may be.

So in terms of if I was made a target, no definitely not. It was a definite benefit for me to even have the Bible in the house.

I've only seen a few episodes of the show, but from the response I've been getting from the outside world and fans, it's been nothing but positive.

But I have to imagine I have gotten a more than favorable edit on the show because that's the thing about going into the house, you can act one way or be a certain way and at the end of the day the producers have the end-all, be-all control of your persona. Lucky for me I think CBS has been pretty kind to me in the edit and the response has been nothing but positive since I've been out of the house.

SCN: You also were asked to participate in some crazy competitions, like diving through a pool of honey to put teddy bears in jars. At any point did you wonder, "What am I doing here?"

DG: To me, this is when I had the most fun was in the competitions, because I'm a 25-year-old teacher, and when am I ever going to have a chance to dive through honey and compete in a challenge that actually means something? When am I going to have the chance to walk on the wings of an airplane to balance for a half-million dollars?

I had so much fun with the competitions because there are things you watch on TV growing up as a little kid. It was the first time I had a chance to compete in these crazy challenges. I just really had a great time with every challenge.

I also had a chance to eat some crickets, too, which I never thought I'd do in my life. It was a team competition and my team needed me, so it was even fun eating crickets.

I had so much fun in the house this summer from every aspect, it was unbelievable. It was a wonderful experience for me.

SCN: What did you learn about reality TV production that viewers would probably never know unless being on a show or in the business?

DG: I think "Big Brother" is very different from other reality shows so it's tough to speak on, just merely from the fact that you never come in physical contact with the producers of the show.

There's a loudspeaker in the house that may direct you in terms of when we have live shows every week.

During the live show, they direct us where to sit and things like that. All the cameras we see are mechanically operated and we never see the cameramen or anything like that, so it's a unique experience. At times you forget you're even on television, because you're not in front of a manned camera or a light guy or anything like that because everything's built into the house.

But there's a lot of footage that was taped, whether it's in the diary room or just normal, everyday stuff that doesn't make the cut. We're in there shooting 24 hours a day and there's never a day off.

SCN: Some are calling you one of the nicest players to win Big Brother, when reality TV competitions are known to bring out the worst in people. What do you feel was your toughest moment while living in the house and how do you think you were able to stay true to yourself?

DG: That means a lot, even coming out of this house and not really having too much negative press or negative feelings from fans. That's great to know that I came out the way I went in.

I had some tough moments in the house. I was challenged individually with my character and things like that. I just had to remember it was a game. A lot of people took the game very personally and that's one thing I never tried to do.

I'm not saying I'm 100 percent innocent, but I never tried to bring anyone's name through the mud in terms of their personal character or things like that. When your own individual character comes under attack your initial response is to maybe fire back or snap back at the person and I never did that for many reasons. No. 1, because it's not necessarily my personality; No. 2, I didn't want to get in any fights because if I have two students who are fighting they'll say "Mr. Gheesling got into a fight, why can't we?"

I learned a lot in the house about dealing with adversity. I think my patience has actually grown from being in that house because I had to deal with situations where people may be talking about me or slandering my name and you just kind of have to bite your tongue and move along. I just focused on the end goal and hopefully some of my students saw the fact that things might not always go your way or people may say some things about you but if you keep your mouth shut and just stay focused on your goals and you think highly of yourself and you keep a positive attitude, you're going to be in good shape.

SCN: You won the prize by a unanimous vote. Do you still keep in touch with your roommates? Some more than others, some not so much?

DG: Yeah, towards the end of the game I had to upset a lot of people and I wasn't sure I'd have a chance to win. I thought I'd maybe have one or two votes, but to win unanimously — I'd seen the show and it never happened before and it's just a shock to me, just like it was to anyone else. I didn't expect to win, let alone win unanimously, so that was overwhelming.

I still speak to some of my houseguests on a regular basis. You spend 70 days with these people and you become very close to them and create these bonds, so to go back to your normal everyday life and not talk to them isn't exactly normal.

I do talk to Memphis and Keesha and Reny probably at least once a week. I talk to Memphis the most and Brian and Stephen every once in a while.

I've pretty much touched base with the majority of the houseguests, not everyone, but I've talked to about eight of the 13 at least once and it's great because I'll have some of these friends for the rest of my life and they're all spread throughout the country. So if for whatever reason business or something takes me to an area of the country I'll always have someone to call on and enjoy their company and vice versa.

SCN: What has your life been like since the show ended and how have you dealt with your newfound fame? What was the most exciting experience that fame has brought you?

DG: I don't know how much I view it as fame. Being a teacher, it's a little overwhelming to be in public and someone comes up to you and says "Hey, you're Dan from 'Big Brother,' can I have an autograph or picture?"

The one cool thing is when people come up to me like that and if I can do something to humor them or brighten up their day, I'm just shocked that they would want to come up and speak to me, but I have a lot of fun with it.

One of the cool things I had a chance to do was go on "The Bonnie Hunt Show." That was fun. They put you through the whole thing, you're in the green room and they start the show and you hear the crowd clapping and they call your name and there's Bonnie Hunt. She's a terrific actress, and she's warm and kind-hearted. She had some tough questions for me, but she was very open to my answers and she's a very kind woman. It was a great experience for me.

In the house, we had a chance to go on Craig Ferguson, and that was a thrill. Anytime you get to go on a late night show — whoever thought we'd have a chance to do that, so that was fun. But at the same time, I didn't really feel like we were on his show or even on television because we're still trapped in the house, but through the magic of television we were able to talk to Craig Ferguson, so that was hilarious.

Another thing I've gotten fulfillment out of is once in awhile, I'll get a letter or e-mail saying "Hey, my son or daughter is struggling with a homework assignment or school, can you send them a quick e-mail or pick-me-up to maybe push them through and give them some positive influence?" I love doing things like that, especially for young people. If there's something I can do like send them an autograph or something like that to brighten a kid's day or motivate them to work a little bit harder in school, I love doing things like that.

Anything I can do positive for other people, whether it's charities in Michigan, I'm very open to that and I hope people in Michigan will contact me if there's anything I can do to use my pseudo-fame or whatever you want to call it to raise some money for some charities. I would love to do that.

Monica and I are going great and we're just taking it a day at a time. She's been great adjusting with me and she means the world to me.

SCN: You said that you plan to return to St. Mary's to continue teaching and coaching. Do you have any future plans beyond that?

DG: As soon as I got out of the house, I jumped right back into coaching to help me stay grounded and go back to normal. I've been going to practice every day, so I'm back in the mix of football things.

I'll be coming back to teach at St. Mary's once the next marking period starts. I need to take some time off to get psychologically and mentally readjusted, so I'll be back at full capacity at St. Mary's soon.

Outside of that, there's been a lot of interesting offers thrown my way, whether it's promotional things or public speaking or hosting, so there's some things up in the air that are being negotiated and I'm going to take advantage of some of these opportunities that come my way. I'm going to have some fun with it just like I did in the house and I'll probably be making some appearances around the area and maybe across the country.

So you'll see me around a little bit and who knows what will happen, but my heart is at St. Mary's. Teaching and coaching long-term is what I'll be doing, but some very interesting offers have been thrown my way, some I don't even believe so we'll see what happens with them and I may not be out of the public eye completely.

I have a blog,, so I try to keep my fans updated as to what's going on and how they can contact me. I try posting a blog about every few weeks to update people on what's going on with different events and things like that.

SCN: What are your plans for the money you won?

DG: With the market the way it is right now, I'm trying to make some sound investments so that I don't necessarily have to worry about a retirement, at least not long-term. I want to do some smart things with the money and grow it so I don't have to worry about leaving St. Mary's or the teaching profession anytime soon because of salary.

I know it's not a real exciting answer but that's the truth. I haven't bought too much yet. I've been on a few dinners, but nothing exciting. I just want to be smart with the money.

Going into the house I was pretty safe with my money, I wasn't very extravagant with things that I bought in my normal, everyday life and the money is really not going to change me. I'm just going to invest it and hopefully make it grow even in a down economy so we'll see how I do.

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Steven's latest blog:


Whats been going on Lately....


Well I figured I hadn't blogged in a while and wanted to throw some stuff out there.  First, if you didn't read my page I finally have gotten me some wheels.  I got me a Black Ford F150 Crew Cab, it is sweet!  Thanks to my good friend up in Cincinnati that works at a Ford dealership and got me an amazing deal.  One of the best things about the truck is that it is a Flex Fuel Vehicle.  What is a Flex Fuel Vehicle you ask?  Well it is a vehicle that runs on E85 (85% Ethanol and 15% gasoline) which is so much cheaper then just regular gas.  Yesterday I filled up on E85, bought at Kroger's with my Kroger Card 10 cent discount, for $1.81 a gallon.  I am saving cash and helping to reduce my use of fossil fuels ;)

Enough about the truck, I do have a little bit of gossip that I thought might be fun to share, but I can't tell you the source so don't even ask.  Allegedly, April got home from Big Brother and doesn't even have a job anymore.  I hear that she was fired from her job a week after moving into the Big Brother house.  I also hear that most of the employees didn't even like her and they actually love Keesha for being her Arch Nemesis on the show.  I also heard that she and Ollie have been spotted out together in Arizona with Nick and Jen at the Bowling Alley, I guess it wasn't just a showmance.

Next subject, I can't believe I am going to even blog about this because I absolutely hate politics, but there has been someone in my life lately that has been influencing me politically so I am going to make my first public political statement ever.  Being gay (yes I am gay if you haven't heard) I have never really cared much about getting married myself, although I still think it is a choice we should be allowed to make.  If you live in California please vote NO TO PROP 8.  It is about more then just calling it "marriage", it is about all the things that come with laws associated with Marriage.  For example if one person in the couple is sick or dying, their spouse needs to be able to make decisions.  That example is just one of many that married people are allowed to have and we as gays and lesbians are not allowed.  Will I ever get married, I doubt it, do I want the option to get married, YES..

Ok, enough politics, I swear I never ever talk politics, but I just think it is ridiculous that people can't just let that one go.

Now I will answer a lot of questions I still get asked:

Yes, I am still friends with Brian, Angie, Dan, Keesha, Renny and Memphis.  Although I haven't actually spoken with Memphis, but we have emailed and I have only spoken to Renny on BBAD Blog Talk Radio.  I talk to Brian, Angie and Keesha pretty regular and me and Dan have spoken a couple times.  I think we are planning a trip somewhere in November, undisclosed location on an undisclosed date.

Yes, my arm is feeling much better, although I definitely haven't been able to move it like I use to it is doing much better.  Sometimes just moving it the wrong way will make it hurt for a couple days.  I think it will be at least 4 or 5 months until I get on a Bull again!

I think that is all for now.  I hope everyone is happy and healthy...  Got anything you want me to blog about?  Send me a comment and I will be glad to.  I was thinking about starting a video blog, maybe once a week or something, would anyone be interested in that?

Bye for now...

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I know he's not from BB10..Just thought some may like to know.

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Steven is a big loser  that needs to move on with his life. What business is it of his if April lost her job? At least she didn't spend every single second of her post-house experience trying to milk the possible 15 minutes of fame like Steven, Angie, and Brian. When are they gonna fall off the face of the earth?

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #133 on: November 02, 2008, 12:00:11 AM »
A recent picture of Memphis

Memphis's new wheelies

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #134 on: November 03, 2008, 02:12:07 PM »
Dan & Kelly at Halloween

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #135 on: November 08, 2008, 11:08:49 AM »
April, Ollie, Jen & Nick at a bowling tournament for charity

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #136 on: November 16, 2008, 05:45:42 PM »
Dan's latest blog post:


"Just when you think you’re out..."

Hey I just wanted to keep everyone updated, it has been a while!

I took a few weeks off of teaching at St. Mary's to decompress from the house, spend some time with my family and friends (some old friends and some new friends ;) ) and I have really been enjoying my experience. The response is still overwhelming and I really appreciate all of the continued support.

Now I am back teaching at Orchard Lake St. Mary's. It is great to be back at school in the classroom doing what I love to do. The students have been great and keep me on my toes, even more so then before. Some of the students picked up some Dan-like antics from the show that don't fly with me in the classroom, go figure!

Tomorrow a Catholic network will be shooting an episode on my life at school, and what I have been up to since the show ended. Keep an eye out for the video.

I want to do some positive things with my experience thus far so coming up in 2009 with the first appearance in January, I will be doing motivational speaking across the country. There will be a list of dates available soon.

I will be doing my first chat in the near future, you will be able to find details of it right here in my next blog.

The Renegade contest ends tonight and the winners of the contest will be posted by the end of the week at Thank you to everyone who sent in an entry, there was a lot of creative work sent in. Winners will be notified by email.

Autographs were sent out this week, we were waiting on the promotional material to sign and send out, and it took longer than expected.

It has been an adjustment balancing real life (teaching, coaching, running a computer consulting business) with my "new" life, so I have not responded to all of the e-mails but I will do my best. I do appreciate all the e-mails asking for updates and what not, I will keep you all posted when new events come up, trust me. ;)

And with that, I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!

Take care,


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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #137 on: November 17, 2008, 12:24:57 PM »
Keesha visited Dan in Michigan last week....disregard the date on the picture, it's wrong.

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #138 on: November 19, 2008, 11:28:40 AM »
Keesha's latest blog post:

Hello everyone,

First off, I want to thank everyone for all of the nice messages and comments that you have written me. I have just returned to LA. after a long vacation back in Ohio. While I was in Ohio I got to meet my new nephew Braidon and see my little niece Jayla. It was so nice spending time with them. I spent much needed time with all my family and old friends.

I also went to visit Dan in Michigan while I was there, I took two of my best friends with me and they were so excited to meet Dan the man. LOL….. Dan's mom was very sweet to all of us and his sister Kelly is a sweetheart. Dan gave us a tour of St. Marys and introduced us to some of the teachers and students, all of who were very nice. We also got to watch Dan teach a class!!!!!!

I have not been back to work yet, I will be traveling a bit in the future for hooters. I will be in San Diego later this week for calendar signings and then I will be headed to Washington at the beginning of next month. I will try to keep all of you posted on any new news in my life.



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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #139 on: November 19, 2008, 02:49:21 PM »
Memphis' latest blog post:

Life is Good

What is up everyone? It has been awhile since I have updated everyone in my life so its about time. The past couple months have been amazing. I have been traveling around seeing old friends and family. I bought the truck I always wanted a 1970 box bronco, the truck and I will be featured in the Jan issue of Bronco Driver Magazine so look out for that. I have been spending time with a good friend who is a philanthropist he is in Africa now feeding the hungry check out his blog he is an amazing guy. I have a couple more trips planned then back to work, I will be in Memphis this weekend then Brian, Dan and I will be in Vegas, finally the weekend after Thanksgiving.

I have had a lot of people ask about autographed pics if you send me a self addressed envelope with pic and stamp I will sign pics for you.

Memphis Garrett
1354 N Harper Suite 411
West Hollywood CA 90046

Until next time you guys are awesome.

Later, Memphis

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #140 on: November 19, 2008, 03:33:02 PM »
this thread is awsome. i skimed threw it caus i gtg soon . i wanted to post something i saw yd, and got so involved with reading i almost ran out of posting time, so she bot sighting, yd on the new show the dr's with travas stork aka one of the bactchlors abc.  it was a show abot sex any way 1/2 way trew the show they start taking q from the audance and who ask the frist q, bb's shela, omg can we say plant in the audance, hhhhuuummm. i would say what the q was but i have not had time to read the rules yet. lets just say the girl has no shame.. and i like to no who he bf is, she mentioned she has one she slleepppss with?? any way thank you for all the great stuff u post will. love it
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #141 on: November 22, 2008, 01:05:51 AM »
Update on Crazy James, BB9

Yesterday, the 21st was his 24th birthday and he announced that he is engaged to be married!

Yes he is still living in Paris and just found a job! 

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #142 on: November 23, 2008, 10:55:00 PM »
Steven's latest blog post:

2008 Dallas Human Rights Campaign Black Tie Dinner

This past weekend was the 2008 Dallas HRC Black Tie dinner and it was an amazing event.  I had the honor of not only attending but also modeling both Friday and Saturday nights in the "Live Luxury Auction".  Friday night, I wore specially designed Cuff Links by Eiseman Jewels,  and Saturday I modeled clothes designed by Nicolas Vilallba  Check out my videos and you can see me onstage, the outfit was so cool but I didn't get to keep it :(  I also got to hang out some with Ross Mathews (Ross the Intern), he is so funny and hoot to be around.  I also got to meet Reichen from The Amazing Race, he is just as beautiful in person as he is in pictures.  Make sure you check out all my pictures and video and if you aren't familiar with HRC please visit the site and check it out.

Also wanted to let everyone know that Me, Brian, Dan and Memphis are all going to be in Vegas this weekend.  We don't have any set plans as far as clubs yet, but if you are in town look for us.  I can't wait for the boys weekend, we are going to have a blast.  I am sure there will be some great pictures and maybe even video!!

Gotta go for now...

Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!!


here are two pics from the event:

Steven and his sister, Lisa

Steven and the famous designer, Kenneth Cole behind him on stage

The video:

2008 HRC Black Tie Dinner Live Auction
« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 06:16:53 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #143 on: November 30, 2008, 09:48:39 PM »
April's blog post:

I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all of the wonderful people that have supported me while I was on "Big Brother" and who continue to support me now that the season has ended.  A special thanks to my loving  family, who I am very grateful to have in my life.  Their kindness and guidance has helped throughout my time on and after the show.  I want to thank the people who bid on my items that were put up on eBay.  Proceeds went to the Sharing Down Syndrome of Arizona Foundation a charity that is very dear to my heart.  My beautiful nephew Boston was born with Down Syndrome and this charity gives him many great opportunities that allow him to build and grow in all aspects of his life.  So thank you for all of the support!!!

It has been several months since the "Big Brother 10" season has ended, thus giving me several months to reflect upon the time spent with 12 strangers.  I can honestly say that it has been a roller coaster ride.  I have had my ups and  downs but would not have been able to get through many of the toughest times without the one person that has stood by my side.  Yes, that person would be "Ollie".  I have received many questions about my stay in the BB house but the number one question being "If Ollie and I are still a couple"?  The answer is YES!  From my understanding after hearing about  many hurtful discussions most of the fans believed that Ollie and I were just another showmance and nothing more.  Well I hate to inform you that we are not.  When people ask me the question I really enjoy telling them that we are not a "showmance" but an actual "romance".  As everyone witnessed on the show Ollie is an amazing individual.  I am very fortunate to continue to have him be a large part of my life.  He has taught me so much about myself and continues to teach me something new everyday.

I am still living in Arizona and have been busy with multiple projects.  I am currently working with an organization that aids children with disabilities.  Again this is something that I greatly enjoy and I hold near and dear to my heart.  As many has witnessed I have a competitive nature and a love for sports.  So I am excited to participate in the LFL this year and help bring the Phoenix Scorch to a victory this Super Bowl Season.  I have also been involved with the television networks; Lifetime Fitness and the Travel Channel.  I am definitely keeping busy.

Lastly, to the fans of Big Brother 10 I would just like to say thank you again.  I would like to thank you for all the positive feedback and mostly like to thank you for the negative comments.  Although very difficult to hear about it gives me an entirely different outlook on the way I acted in the BB house.  I apologize if I offended anyone because it was not my intentions.  I walked into an unfamiliar house with 12 unfamiliar people with no other contacts and a stressful environment and the only goal was to do anything or say anything to win $500,000 you will tend to see an ugly side of yourself.  The entire cast of "Big Brother 10" are some truly amazing people.  I have had the fortunate opportunity to stay in contact with some of the cast.  For the ones that I have not spoken to since the show has ended I hope all is well and  I am wishing you the very best.

Happy Holidays,


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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #144 on: December 01, 2008, 07:23:12 PM »
Good for April...I'm glad to hear her say those things. And I'm glad to hear her and Ollie are doing good. Despite how I couldn't stand her on the show. :lol:

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #145 on: December 02, 2008, 12:36:48 AM »
I know this is not from BB10 but I have nowhere else to post but thought I would let you all know that Jessica from BB8 just got engaged to be married...

Her ring

Jessica and her fiance, Ro

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #146 on: December 02, 2008, 12:42:20 AM »
I posted not too long ago that Crazy James of BB9 is also engaged to be married, here's two pictures of him and his fiancee, Faith...

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #147 on: December 02, 2008, 01:00:33 AM »
New pictures of April

April and Ollie

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #148 on: December 03, 2008, 10:18:57 AM »
Keesha did a photo shoot yesterday with The Real Deal and here's a few:

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Re: Post Season Updates (please read the initial post for rules for this thread)
« Reply #149 on: December 05, 2008, 12:35:29 AM »
Brian, Dan, Memphis & Steven went to Vegas last week and here's some pics: