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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #575 on: April 30, 2009, 10:26:21 PM »
I don't know how good of a cook Robert was, but he was entertaining to me.  From it's a small world :

Q. Mark, Robert, great to chat with you today. So start out by telling us how you found out about Hells Kitchen.
A: Robert, Hell’s Kitchen 5: Heather West who won season 2 was actually a pastry chef at a restaurant I worked at. I assumed if she won I could win, so it turned into a mission.
  source :

Also, it appears to me that he hasn't lost a lot of weight

There's a video clip of Robert and Seth some where but I just can't find it.

I wish him well and hope the gastric bypass surgery is successful.

He doesn't appear to be much thinner, I too wish him well and that the bypass surgery works for him!
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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #576 on: April 30, 2009, 10:30:08 PM »
Let hear it for the return of Lacey next week!!    :wohoo: :sucks :jumpy: :hearts: :yess: :tup:
Please, I can't stand Lacey. She has as much personality as a screen door.

 :funny: When I saw her tonight I had to stop and think.. Oh yes, I remember you, I haven't missed you a bit!

But if you like her Pedaler... It's OK, Tory has taught me how to fast forward the DVR.  ;)  :lol:
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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #577 on: April 30, 2009, 11:47:07 PM »
heres the preview
HK5: Day Fourteen
The final two chefs prepare for their ultimate challenge. They must design their restaurants as well as create a winning menu. But they won't be there to oversee the renovations- Chef Ramsay flies them back to the Borgata where they compete to wow the Hotel's CEO with their signature dish.

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« Last Edit: May 01, 2009, 01:24:38 AM by puddin »

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #578 on: May 01, 2009, 11:58:48 AM »
lol tl  :funny: love the ff.. :hearts: :hearts: and yea danny is f2...i like paula too so eather one could win and i am happy..
 and lacy i hope she gets picked last an i am so galde i can ff trew he rude big mouth.. :hellkitchen :hellkitchen all though she sounds like chef ..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #579 on: May 01, 2009, 06:38:43 PM »
From BuddyTV

This is Meghan from BuddyTV and I'm on the line with Andrea from Hell's Kitchen. How are you doing today?

I'm doing well, thank you! How are you?

I'm doing very well. It's surreal to talk to you after watching you the whole season! You were definitely a star this season.

Thanks, I guess! [Laughs]

Can you start me out with telling me a little about your cooking background, and how you ended up on the show?

Yeah. I actually was what they called a non-traditional student at school. I went to culinary school; I believe I was 26 when I went. I had a one-year experience in a restaurant prior to that. And that was one of the requirements to get into the CIA [Culinary Institute of America] but I wasn't one of those contestants that grew up in the kitchen since the age of then. I definitely was on the limited side of my experience. But I went to CIA, got my bachelor's degree. I stayed there for four years, and I was not even out of culinary school for a year, and I wound up auditioning for the show one day just out of the blue. I didn't really expect anything to happen out of it, and the next thing I know I'm cooking my signature dish. And I was like, "Oh God, what did I get myself into?"

Well it was surprising when that relatively little experience factor came in toward the end of the season, because you definitely took on an early leadership position in the Red team. Do you think that helped you stand out with Gordon?

Oh, sure! You know, he was looking for a leader, and I am a leader. Some people call it bossy, but hey, whatever! [Laughs] I just, you know, it was just one of those things where my determination and my ability to try and steer the bus, so to speak, just kind of took me further. And I'm very happy with my performance.

Well, good, you should be! Congratulations again on making it to the final three.

Thank you!

Can you tell me what your favorite and least favorite challenges were?

Challenges? Oh, I'm thinking of the punishments that went with the challenges.

That's fair game, too.

Well, I'll tell you what: the worst punishment was cow day. That was incredible. It was perfectly awful, and I don't ever wish anybody that kind of pain. [Laughs] That was by far the worst day for the girls who were there that day. And we've talked about that since then, and that's across the board. The best day... anytime I had somebody doing my hair and makeup was awesome. Being able to go to the Borgata for as long as we did and just get the A-1 treatment was so phenomenal, and it was definitely a breath of life and kind of pushed me to go further, so yeah. I think that's about it.

And who were your favorite and least favorite chefs to work with while you were there?

Um... Paula's definitely my favorite. She and I became pretty close pretty quickly. We just immediately clicked, and we still talk to this day, just about every day. And as far as least favorite, I'd have to say Lacey, just because... it wasn't necessarily her cooking skill, but the fact that she walked out on us a couple times, and we felt sour about that. And it happened so early in the game, you know, and that just kind of stuck with us. But I don't hold any ill will towards her for that.

User question from TheSwordsman: Do you get any training or schooling in cooking while you're on the show?

Not in the beginning, no. And I don't think it was until.... How do I say this? A lot of the show is watching us trying to figure it out. And I think somebody said it in their exit interview that I was reading, and they were so right: there's so much about the show that, it's just us fumbling around trying to figure out what it is he wants. How he makes his calls, how he runs his kitchen. You know, working the French brigade system. If you haven't done that before, it's a very foreign feel in the kitchen, and a lot of us hadn't been in that position, and we were just trying to figure it out. The closer we got to the end, the more Ramsay helped us out. For instance, when I burned the bottom of a Wellington a couple weeks back, I was so afraid to tell him that I did that, but I did. And he helped me. He didn't throw it against the wall like he did the first time I did it. [Laughs] You know, he definitely eased up on us at the end. He helped us in situations and became more encouraging, told us exactly what he wanted from us. And if I had gotten that guidance in the beginning, it would have been a much different story for me. However, that's the basis of the show, so...

So what do you think was the best thing you learned from Chef Ramsay while you were there?

He definitely taught me a lot about cooking and just trying to master your heat. Always check your equipment, always keep your eyes and ears open, communicate with your teammates as best as possible, which isn't... it's not a system that I was accustomed to at that point. Luckily I went through that, because the kitchen I went to after Hell's Kitchen was a French brigade system, so I was familiar with what was expected of me in the real world, and I never thought that I would be in that position. So I learned a lot there.

Last night you guys each had an opportunity to be up at the pass. Do you prefer that position or would you prefer to be on the line?

I like them both! I'm a much, much more solid cook than I was a year and a half ago. You know, you only get better if you choose to. As far as running the pass, you can tell I had fun with that.

Oh yeah!

It was so much fun, and it was so intense. [Laughs] It was an awesome experience. It was probably one of my funnest times in the kitchen, for sure.

I thought your line about your "assertive panties" was probably your best one of the season.

[Laughs] Yeah, when I heard myself say that, I was like, "No, I didn't!" But yes, yes I did...

Can you give me an insider's opinion on Paula versus Danny, coming into the finale?

The only thing I can say is that I'm obviously rooting for Paula. She is incredibly solid. I obviously know her better than I do Danny, because Danny and I didn't merge as a team until way later in the season, so I didn't really know what he was about. And I didn't' really know him that well at all, coming into the final three. And I got to know him the day that him and I actually had to carry out the punishment, the very last one on last night's episode, and got to know him pretty much that day. But obviously, I'm rooting for Paula.

So what's next for you?

I don't know, you know? I really don't know! I keep getting that question, and I wish I had a more exciting and fun answer, but I'm really not sure. I'm just looking to settle down. I've been traveling for the past ten years, and bouncing around different kitchens getting different experiences. You know, I didn't really have the luxury of staying in one place for a long period of time because I was a career changer, but now it's just time to make some decisions and settle down for a little while, I think.

Well I wish you all the best, and it was a pleasure talking to you and watching you this season.

Thank you, I really appreciate it.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #580 on: May 02, 2009, 07:39:35 AM »
Thanks, Pedaler. I think that may be the finest interview ever done with a Hell's Kitchen contestant! Andrea is very straightforward and forthcoming.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #581 on: May 02, 2009, 08:36:31 AM »
Who will be the final 2 and who won't is the major issue to be decided. The strong probability is for Danny and Paula sa the Final 2.
From the summary of last week's episode the challenge has been labeled "Sample It, Then Duplicate it," a supreme test of the tasting palate skills of teach chef. The surprising winner was Andrea. The loser in a very close service was Ben, who was eliminated. Ramsay tells the final 3 that they will receive a little treat before going back to the dorms. I did not predict the "Chef Ji returns" hypothesis correctly, but his time I am right on. The treat is family members visiting for 10 minutes. Paula has her mother and sister, Andrea has her mother and cousin and Danny has his father and a girlfriend.
The next morning opens with Ramsay referring to them as "la crème de la crème." Having seen several seasons of Hell's Kitchen, I would agree. Ramsay said in pre-season publicity that the final 4 was the strongest ever and it looks that way to me. The challenge is to create and cook in 90 minute tasting portions of some dish for 100 special distinguished customers. That turns out to be the executive chefs or owners and other chefs from restaurants with Michelin stars, Mobil stars, Zagat top ratings or a James Beard award from the greater Los Angeles area, a most distinguished group. Their votes decide who wins this challenge with votes for both Best and for Worst. This is a challenge worthy of Top Chef which we don't often see in Hell's Kitchen. Ramsay states that "Los Angeles must be starving. You're all here."
The only competitor really identifying what their plan was is Danny, who says he will combine seafood and fruit.
Danny does indeed do so, with Blackened Halibut as his dish, accompanied with ginger mint peach salsa, basmati rice and a sauce of celery, fennel and chili peppers and honey.
Paula has olive oil poached sturgeon with crispy french fries and salad of arugula and radishes with caviar
Andrea has chicken roulade prosciutto micro? on garlic.
The tasting occurs and the votes are tabulated. The loser dish is Danny's with 76% of those votes. However, when you see what the prize is you will realize that Danny was not intended to win this competition. Most episodes, I think the "winning team" or in this case individual is selected based on who Gordon Ramsay wants to spend time with, but this time there is at least the façade of 100 great chefs voting. The winner dish with "more than 76%" was Paula. That leaves Andrea in the middle, but she has beaten Danny and that gives her confidence.
Paula gets a Hollywood style Makeover with Mark Lichter.  Anyway, Paula gets a new hair style, manicure and pedicure. When done she still looks like the good old Paula we expect to see in the final 2. Jean-Pierre accompanied her to this activity and she gets to ask him questions, two of which reveal that he is single and planning on staying in the U.S. She makes a remark about how restaurant industry people don't have the time to date anyone seriously but they can see each other as part of their work interactions. Is she angling for something? Who knows? The script marches on. Danny notes that Paula has returned refreshed and relaxed. However, this is only half of the reward.
The losers group of Danny and Andrea have specific cleaning tasks, starting with the cleaning all the tables and then steaming, ironing and folding every piece of linen. That's a big job and he does not even ask them to do the usual prep for dinner service, which presumably was being done by Scot and Gloria. However, its only part of their tasks, the rest being to use mops, vacuums and steam cleaners to make the dining room and kitchen shine.
The rest of Paula's reward is to go to the studios of FOX's "Good Day, LA" TV program, where she is taped in a 6 minute segment with Ramsay. She gets to slice apples, but it is the verbal interaction that is important and she does well at that. When it is on, Andrea and Danny, having been put in a room with a huge TV screen on to the correct channel by some gremlins, get to observe Paula in action and eat their hearts out that it wasn't themselves. Paula says that Ramsay is incredibly talented in his interactions with the camera (which is true and why many viewers watch Hell's Kitchen).
It's time for dinner service. Ramsay tells the 3 chefs that they will be assisted (put that in heavy quotes as it is an ironic statement) by Scot and Gloria in the kitchen because the tables are fully booked and they will need the help. "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts." since that twosome has a history under the direction of Gordon Ramsay of throwing knuckleballs at the chefs. The chefs will each get a turn at the "pass" where all final assembly is done and Ramsay normally is the tasting authority before anything goes out. Chefs that can identify when something is quite wrong get good marks from Ramsay and ones that fail these tests are likely to be headed for the door.
Paula is up first and Gloria sends her a dish with butternut squash puree rather than carrot puree. She fails to recognize this and is off to a bad start. She was also initially very tentative in the orders she gave out to the others. Paula is next tested by Scot. He send her a spinach soup when it should have been watercress soup. Ramsay is pleased that she recognizes that it isn't watercress soup. He lets her go a bit because he likes her and believes she has earned a place in the final two. She settles in and does better.
Danny is up. The voiceover mentions the orders for 5 are being transmitted by him to the chefs. Danny calls out only 4 orders. Jean-Pierre has sabotaged him by leaving one off. Danny fails to recognize this and also that a time stamp is missing. Andrea has a scallops mistake which he catches, not clear whether intentional or not but probably not. Then Gloria sabotages potatoes, which are skin still on, rock hard, and uncooked. Danny does not catch this. However, he is given more time and does well for the remainder of it.
Andrea is last at the pass. Her style is managing the kitchen is very aggressive and not appreciated by the others, particularly not by Scot, who threatens to "punch her in the month". She is challenged by a halibut sent in place of Dory and fails this test. She gets a second challenge  from Scot with unseasoned Dory sauce and she catches it. He sends her something that needs "45 seconds more". She says that Scot keeps giving her excuses and now she knows why Ramsay is such a  f*cking lunatic. She finds Scot's eggs need to be seasoned. She has passed one of two quality control tests.
Since Danny had the most errors (2 of 3 in quality control tests), I think he could be in trouble. Ramsay closes down the kitchen and claims it to be "overall, the best service ever" brought about by good leadership, good teamwork and good individual performances. He asks each chef to go to the dorm and think about which chef they want to see not make the Final 2. When they reconvene, it's no secret that Andrea says Danny and Danny says Andrea. The interesting thing is who Paula will nominate. She nominates Andrea and Ramsay makes the same decision to eliminate Andrea. This is totally expected as the F2 battle between Paula and Danny has been preordained for many weeks. Ramsay dismisses Andrea with the statement that she has done very well and displayed great energy and can hold her head up quite high as a result. What I think is most instructive about the quality of these chefs is that Ramsay trusted them to handle the pass well without going through any stupid role-playing as was done in previous seasons. Also, Ramsay is smiling, indicative of their excellent service performance.
So, my Paula vs. Danny prediction from 5 weeks ago is correct. However, I cannot pick a winner at they both have a full range of skills. I have a preference and that is for Paula's quiet confidence over Danny's boisterous braggadocio.
There were brief previews for next week. They will start in Hell's Kitchen and something shocking will happen. The return of Chef Ji? I hope so but that is improbable at this point. After that they will fly to Atlantic City.  Remember my prediction that on the final challenge it will be tied and the VP-food and Beverage and Executive Chef at the Borgata will be breaking the tie! I actually thought the final competition would be there, but I have changed my mind as a result of the families already showing up. Ramsay can send them sightseeing in the greater Los Angeles area for a few days, but there is no point in sending them to Atlantic City. That leaves the final service in Hell's Kitchen to determine it just the way Gordon Ramsay wants it to be, with the decision at his sole discretion.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #582 on: May 02, 2009, 04:06:02 PM »
The surprise of Chef Ji returning would have been a great treat, but family would have been my guess too.
So I saw that they bring back a few chefs for the final, what happened to my favorite...Chef Ji. They need to have a Hell's Kitchen competition for the ones that had to leave due to injury/health. They all left voluntarily, they were never eliminated. Hope we see all of the past 5 seasons injuried contestants come back soon.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #583 on: May 03, 2009, 06:55:02 AM »
It's time to make a guess at how the sous chef help for the finale will end up, with Danny or with Paula. The key variable is whether Ji will be one of those sous chefs.

So, if Ji is not available and Danny picks first, here is the way I expect it to go:
Danny picks Ben
Paula picks Andrea
Danny picks Robert
Paula picks Carol
Danny picks Giovanni
Paula picks Coi

If Ji is not available and Paula picks first, then this:
Paula picks Andrea
Danny picks Ben
Paula picks Carol
Danny picks Robert
Paula picks Giovanni
Danny picks ?

If Ji is available and Danny picks first then:
Danny picks Ji
Paula picks Andrea
Danny picks Ben
Paula picks Carol
Danny picks Robert
Paula picks Giovanni

If Ji is available and Paula picks first then:
Paula picks Ji
Danny picks Ben
Paula picks Andrea
Danny picks Robert
Paula picks Carol
Danny picks Giovanni

As you can see, I expect that the core Red team vs. Blue team loyalties will prevail. In this situation you want people you know and who you can rely on. The Danny/Ben/Robert trio was very successful. The Paula/Andrea/Carol trio did well, but not as well as the Blue team.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #584 on: May 03, 2009, 09:08:02 AM »
apskip, I believe you need to modify your selections.  I think it's fairly clear from Puddin's YouTube (starting at the 56 second mark) who the six helpers in the finale are.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #585 on: May 03, 2009, 10:08:00 AM »
Hi! Yes, I agree loyalties will prevail. I think I saw Lazy Lacey in the mix of helpers, where does she fall under??? Yikes, who will end up with her, blue team nor red got along with her.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #586 on: May 03, 2009, 02:15:23 PM »
Pedaler, thanks for the tip. I had given up on that when it appeared to duplciate the ending of the latest show. It does indeed look like Lacey will be placed on someone's team, although I doubt that either Paula or Danny want her. Ramsay has taken the last 8, not the best 8. Lacey will be the forced last pick. I am not giving up hope for seeing Ji, but the probability is now remote. That means that it is likely to be Danny/Ben/Robert against Paula/Andrea/Carol. The only question is which team gets Giovanni and which gets Lacey. That is a no brainer for whoever gets first pick. I wonder whether it will be earned by the Atlantic City challenge (my personal hope) or just a random draw.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #587 on: May 03, 2009, 03:05:15 PM »
Pedaler, thanks for the tip. I had given up on that when it appeared to duplciate the ending of the latest show. It does indeed look like Lacey will be placed on someone's team, although I doubt that either Paula or Danny want her. Ramsay has taken the last 8, not the best 8. Lacey will be the forced last pick. I am not giving up hope for seeing Ji, but the probability is now remote. That means that it is likely to be Danny/Ben/Robert against Paula/Andrea/Carol. The only question is which team gets Giovanni and which gets Lacey. That is a no brainer for whoever gets first pick. I wonder whether it will be earned by the Atlantic City challenge (my personal hope) or just a random draw.
Robert isn't there though? It's Ben/Gio/Lacey/Andrea/LA/Carol

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #588 on: May 03, 2009, 06:19:19 PM »
Robert went to the hospital so I don't think he was in any condition to be in a stressful situation that is Hell's Kitchen.
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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #589 on: May 05, 2009, 01:49:08 PM »
Gordon was on Letterman last night

CBS video


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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #590 on: May 05, 2009, 04:57:45 PM »
Hi! Yes, I agree loyalties will prevail. I think I saw Lazy Lacey in the mix of helpers, where does she fall under??? Yikes, who will end up with her, blue team nor red got along with her.

UGH, I don't think either Danny or Paula will want her. Has she ever done well on any station? I really can't remember if she has. We know she hates to prep, she hates anything that smacks of work if it lasts more than five minutes.

I don't see Robert coming back to help which is a shame because he has done well and would be reliable for Danny.

I noticed in the preview last week, Carol is complaining that she should have been in the finals and reminded me of Jen who exhibited the same behavior when she came back for the finals. Sore losers!  (:;) (Or could they be playing a role?) ???
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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #591 on: May 07, 2009, 10:04:57 PM »
Episode 14

 Part 1
Original Airdate: May 7, 2009
Episode Recap: "Hell's Kitchen - Episode 514, 2 Chefs Compete" (
Setup: As with previous seasons, Hell's Kitchen will be split into two restaurants, with each contestant running their side and deciding the menu and decor. While Danny and Paula are away, their relatives will oversee construction -- Danny's father and girlfriend for his restaurant; Paula's mother and sister for her's. Danny's restaurant will be called the "Velvet Hammer", and will feature a seafood-menu and decor. Paula's restaurant is called "Sunergy", whose decor includes candles on the wall; despite Paula insisting on using real candles, the fire marshal insisted on using fake candles.
Challenge: Danny and Paula are flown back to the Borgata in Atlantic City, where they will cook three dishes from the menus that they have created, with Borgata executives choosing the best dishes. All of this will be done within view of the Borgata's 500 employees, who will work under the winner. Danny has won the challenge, two dishes out of one.
Award: Upon returning to Los Angeles, Danny will have first choice of six returning contestants who will help Danny and Paula out.
Teams: Contestants returning are Andrea, Ben, Carol, Giovanni, LA and Lacey. Danny has chosen Ben, Giovanni and Carol; Paula chooses Andrea, LA, and Lacey.

thanks to wiki

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #592 on: May 07, 2009, 10:23:16 PM »
Episode 14 part 2 preview

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #593 on: May 08, 2009, 07:03:38 AM »

I understand that "Velvet Hammer" is one of two possible names for Danny's restaurant. The other is Susan Marie to honor Danny's mother. John Janis recommended using the latter. I don't know how this was actually resolved but we will find out on Thursday night.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 07:49:41 AM by apskip »

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #594 on: May 08, 2009, 12:11:25 PM »
yea danny i realy like his gf she is a hard worker also i hope he wins.. also marie is a family name in our family one of my daughters middle name one of my sisters daughters and my sister and my grand mothers middle name..i no i have not been popular but i have been a danny fan from the start.. :hellkitchen i do think paula could take the prise though she is realy good..this year all my realyity shows have the best contestans left it is hard to choise...
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #595 on: May 08, 2009, 01:16:30 PM »
Paula is really good, but Lacey could be the X Factor and cost her the chance to be at the Borgata.

Carol is Danny's X Factor. Could she be this season's Jen?
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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #596 on: May 08, 2009, 03:03:33 PM »
Ken, I think Carol believes that she is better than Andrea and wants to prove it. She would also not be thrilled at Paula for choosing LA when Paula could have chosen her in the second round. I think Carol has lots of motivation to do well.

Lazy Lacey is a different story. I agree with you that Lacey is Paula's weakest link and could be a problem. Performing poorly on national TV is a poor advertisement ofr her future culinary career, but I don't consider Lacey to have it together based on what we saw in the episodes she was on.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #597 on: May 13, 2009, 03:30:18 PM »
Gordon Ramsay Rates 'Hell's Kitchen''s Final Two

Gordon Ramsay turns up the heat in "Hell's Kitchen" on Thursday night when the two remaining chefs -- Paula DaSilva and Danny Veltri -- attempt to slice and dice their way to winning a life-changing culinary prize.

"I told them both straight that as far as I'm concerned, [they're] the best two we've had," Gordon says "In terms of their creativity, two different styles. But more importantly, what you're going to have for lunch or dinner is sort of the flavor that holds the memory, and so they're not blown away by pictures; they're blown away by flavor, content, and creativity. There's only one that has the edge, but it's very, very tough to separate them."

This year the winner of "Hell's Kitchen" will receive a Head Chef position at the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa in Atlantic City, NJ.

Danny, a 23-year-old Executive Chef from Edgewater, FL, and Paula, a 28-year-old Executive Sous Chef from Coconut Creek, FL, will be judged on creativity, determination and patience.

Read on to see how Chef Ramsay rates the two competitors:

Danny: "Danny is a young, ambitious, very tenacious young guy. When you have an individual like that who is just keen to get it right. He learns by his mistakes. I think the bold, exciting move about Danny, in terms of what he stands for, is he didn't hold back, he's happy to make mistakes, but more importantly, the only way you progress in this industry is by making mistakes and learning. He doesn't take it in a defensive manner. I had a bit of a tough time with him at the beginning … and all of a sudden this guy focused. And when he focused, he left everyone standing."

Paula: "Paula is very strong-minded; she has the focus of a long-distance swimmer. She's durable; her mind is set, she is incredibly creative, and more importantly, she has this really nice, sort of charming influence about her, a very sort of demure sort of attractive personality, because it's just so controlled. But yet when she's in the kitchen and she is on fire, she cooks brilliantly. [She's] highly creative. [She's] a woman that definitely knows what she wants, and [she's] not scared to be bold."

The "Hell's Kitchen" finale airs Thursday, May 14 at 9 p.m. on FOX.

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #598 on: May 13, 2009, 03:37:49 PM »
Gordon Ramsay dishes about 'Hell's Kitchen' fifth-season finale

By Christopher Rocchio, 05/11/2009

Gordon Ramsay believes that Paula DaSilva and Danny Veltri are the two best culinary contestants to ever appear on a season of Hell's Kitchen.

"These two individuals, I told them both straight, as far as I'm concerned, the best two we've had.  But equally good enough to have won any other season hands down individually," Ramsay told reporters during a Thursday conference call.

"In terms of their creativity, two different styles.  But more importantly, what you're going to have for lunch or dinner is sort of the flavor that holds the memory, and so they're not blown away by pictures; they're blown away by flavor, content, and creativity.  So pretty unique.  There's only one that has the edge, but it's very, very tough to separate them."

DaSilva and Veltri are the two remaining finalists competing on Hell's Kitchen's fifth season, the finale of which will air Thursday at 9PM ET/PT on Fox.

"On a personal front, it's very hard to separate them.  They are uniquely different; they have total respect for themselves and for their competitors," explained Ramsay.  "And more importantly, they have a, I suppose a unique individual style.  Danny is talented, young, ambitious, and Paula is a little bit more sedate in terms of she thinks a lot deeper."

Ramsay described Veltri, a 23-year-old executive chef from Edgewater, FL, as a "young, ambitious, very tenacious young guy."

"When you have an individual like that that is just keen to get it right he learns by his mistakes," said Ramsay.  "I think the bold, exciting move about Danny in terms of what he stands for is he didn't hold back, he's happy to make mistakes, but more importantly, the only way you progress in this industry is by making mistakes and learning.  He doesn't take it in a defensive manner."

While Ramsay admitted he had "a bit of a tough time" with Veltri at the beginning of the competition, he added that the finalist eventually focused on the task at hand and proved to be a "very quick learner."

"All of a sudden this guy focused.  And when he focused he left everyone standing," explained Ramsay.  "So that level of vibrance with someone so young, it's hard to become that disciplined in your 30s.  If you start like that with your 20s and you have that kind of attitude with that pure focusness, then the sky is the limit.  So no, I am very impressed with Danny."

Ramsay characterized DaSilva, a 28-year-old executive sous chef from Coconut Creek, FL, as "very strong-minded" and likened her focus to that of a "long-distance swimmer."

"She's durable; her mind is set, she is incredibly creative, and more importantly, she has this really nice, sort of charming influence about her, a very sort of demure sort of attractive personality, because it's just so controlled," added Ramsay.  "But yet when she's in the kitchen and she is on fire, you know, she cooks brilliantly.  Highly creative, and a woman that definitely knows what she wants, and not scared to be bold."

In addition, Ramsay said having DaSilva in the final two is "reassuring" after Christina Machamer took home Hell's Kitchen's fourth season title.

"It's a constant question I'm always faced with, why aren't there more female chefs?" Ramsay told reporters.  "Last year we had an amazing winner, and this year we've got two of the most talented chefs that have ever graced the kitchens of Hell's Kitchen."

Hell's Kitchen's sixth season will premiere on July 21 -- representing the first programming to result from the new agreement that Fox struck with Ramsay in September.

In addition to ordering sixth and seventh seasons of Hell's Kitchen and a second season of Kitchen Nightmares, the agreement also included the ordering of a yet-to-be-announced third series and an additional unspecified special.

Despite the fact that he's busy with his culinary television shows for Fox, Ramsay said he hasn't gotten tired of it yet.

"I mean I don't want to sound facetious or incredibly arrogant, but we have an amazing team, and my kitchens are amazing places to work in.  I love that challenge, to be honest," explained Ramsay. 

"Having that noose around my neck and being in situations to get these guys up to speed, admittedly, you know, there's 30% that are never going to make it, but I don't participate in any of the casting; that's not how I perceive Hell's Kitchen to be, in terms of I don't want preconceived ideas about them before they walk in; I take everyone at face value."

In addition, Ramsay said viewers "definitely" might see a Hell's Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmares crossover in the future.

"Every time we go out to do Kitchen Nightmares -- we just started filming now, and I'm in Queens -- and every time I go to the restaurant the chef says, 'I want to get better.  Can I come onto Hell's Kitchen?'" Ramsay told reporters. 

"You know, we had 33,000 applicants this year in terms of Kitchen Nightmares.  So you try your best, but they invite me in.  And the sad thing is, you know, they were going to close if I didn't come anyway.  So it's frustrating, because it's not difficult if they only could see the woods for the trees.  So maybe one day you'll see a crossover."

Ramsay also entertained the suggestion of having an all-stars version of Hell's Kitchen featuring former contestants.

"I would love to see them in a real-life situation, doing one of the Kitchen Nightmares," he said.  "Put them all into a restaurant that needs help, and to see what kind of expertise they've gained and bought, and to whether they've understood the industry and what they've picked up and continue to learn with.  I'd be interested to dump them into a restaurant that's struggling and just see how they decide on the way forward with that restaurant."

Ramsay even joked that he would consider replacing Simon Cowell, who has recently hinted that he has no problems walking away from American Idol once his current contract expires following the show's ninth season next spring.

"Stepping in those pair of shoes; right now I've got so much going on," said Ramsay.  "It's pretty amazing, and we're just really seriously focusing on this new season of Kitchen Nightmares.  And Simon is great.  If he's going to retire, Christ, I would consider stepping in; definitely, of course I would."

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Re: Hell's Kitchen Season 5
« Reply #599 on: May 13, 2009, 03:54:29 PM »
They're both very good. I like Paula. I admit I hate Danny's attitude, but he certainly deserves to be in the Final 2. I am rooting for Paula and while I've said in this thread that I want to punch Danny in the mouth, I would not mind seeing him win either.
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