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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #150 on: February 09, 2009, 02:34:50 PM »

From ABC


8:00 - 10:00 PM EST

SCHEDULED    Tonight's program is "THE BACHELOR: The Women Tell All"

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #151 on: February 10, 2009, 01:14:04 AM »
Chris Harrison's weekly blog:

I have great news for all of you who have been begging (alright, just asking nicely) for more bloopers and behind-the-scenes stuff. This season's Women Tell All special will be two hours. We have already shot a couple segments for this special. I sat down with Jason and got his perspective on the show now that he's had a chance to see it on TV and witness those moments that happened when he wasn't around. We also went through several bloopers and highlights that have never been seen before and didn't make the show. This special will air in two weeks.

Let's deal with some of my favorite comments of yours from this past week. Alana mentioned she watches the show with her husband Roger who's a Marine. I love that couples watch the show together but wanted to give a special salute to any and all of our viewers who serve our country. They do the real work so we have the right to do silly things like blog and tink champagne glasses. Thank you, Roger! Many of you asked about the house where Jason is staying and where we shoot deliberation. This, as many of you commented, is not Jason's real house. This is a house we rented from a lovely couple that I had the pleasure of meeting and sharing a glass of vino with. This is a very cool house, but I don't think any parent would really want to raise a kid in a house completely surrounded by water. We used this house because it looks great and it's only about ten minutes away from the hotel where all the girls stayed and the rose ceremonies were held. Jason does live in Kirkland (which you saw on Deanna's season) which is much further away. A few of you gave me a hard time about my Green Day reference last week. You guys were so right I should have mentioned a local Seattle band like U2.

The hometown week is a rough one on the cast and crew, but it's one of my favorite episodes because, as the old saying goes, you can't pick your family. This is also the first time the women are out of the "bubble" and back around the people they love and trust the most. I always find it interesting how they explain their feelings and how the family and friends react. We started up in Canada with Jillian. This is a perfect example of how a hometown can change everything you know about somebody. Jill went from this happy-go-lucky girl to the woman explaining how her family struggled with but survived her mother suffering from depression. An incredible story and a very touching moment when she opened up to Jason about this. Bottom line: Jason and Jillian left this week closer than they've ever been.

We then dropped down into Grand Rapids Michigan to visit Molly. There are a few entertaining things you didn't get a chance to see on this date. Jason played beer pong with Molly's family for a couple hours. Also not shown (but you will see it on the Women Tell All special) was Jason losing a bet on the golf course to Molly and having to take his pants off and give them to her. He walked off the course in his boxers! I guess my biggest question for Molly's family is...hats? And the hat box? Apparently, in Jason's mind Molly looks like Jack Nicholson's version of the Joker. Jason told me later he couldn't believe Molly's mom asked him to sketch her. He had no idea what to do and is clearly not an artist. Overall this was also a good hometown visit and he enjoyed his time with Molly and her family.

Then came possibly the greatest hometown date in the history of hometown dates: Naomi in California. It's like a buffet. Where do I start? Let's begin with Naomi's mom's brilliant words to live by: "be one with the hula hoop." I think if we all live by that mantra this world will be a better place. Before any of you start commenting that our devious producers made this up, we didn't...the dead dove was for real. I know. I can't believe it either, but we had nothing to do with this. Jason told me he swore he was being punk'd. The whole time he kept waiting for everybody to start laughing and let him in on the joke, but alas, it was no joke. So he just mumbled his way through it, trying to keep a straight face. I also love the fact that Naomi's mom said the dove killed itself on the windshield of her car and that it wasn't her fault. If I had been there I would have eulogized Rosie (they really named the dead dove?) with these profound thoughts: Rosie, oh blessed bird of peace, I'm sorry it all had to end this way, but thank you for blessing us with maybe the best TV moment I've ever witnessed! As if the dead dove wasn't enough TV gold, Naomi's mom actually one-upped herself by asking Jason about his thoughts on reincarnation. One moment we didn't show you was that Naomi's mom believes she is Joan of Arc reincarnated. (On a side note: I believe I'm Keith Richards reincarnated....what's that? He's not dead yet?) The look on Jason's face while talking to Naomi's mom was priceless. Jason somehow survives Naomi's mom only to be peppered by her dad Hector about his thoughts on Jesus. The fact that Jason is Jewish made this a terrific conversation. Naomi later admitted that maybe we should have discussed our faith before this hometown visit....You think! One last note before I wrap up Naomi's hometown. This was her family's house. I was a little thrown off, as I'm sure you guys were, when you saw the slot machines and the bathroom doors that had male and female signs on them. I could blog another five pages on this date but let's just think of Rosie the blessed dove and fly on. Bottom line: Jason was a little thrown off by this hometown visit (as most humans would have been) and wasn't sure this was the right fit for him and Ty.

While Jason was still trying to recover from his time with Naomi he flew into Dallas only to be told he won't be allowed to meet Melissa's family because they aren't comfortable with the "publicness" of this. This is my official position on this whole ordeal. I fully respect Melissa's parents for not coming on the show and even understand it. They didn't sign up for this, their daughter did. But, while I respect their decision a whole bunch of red flags came up for me, as they did for Jason. Not meeting her parents on TV is one thing but when Jason found out none of her closest friends really knew her family either, that was a little odd. Everything he learned about Melissa on this date was puzzling for him and for the first time really made him question their connection. This is one of those very real situations we've all been in where your heart and gut are telling you one thing, but your head is screaming another. This is not over yet and they will continue to talk about this and deal with it next week on the exotic dates.

We all flew back to Seattle for the deliberation and rose ceremony. Before you blow up the blogosphere, let me just say my wife hated the sweater I was wearing as well. I have to admit, I did kind of look like a priest, but that was in honor of the blessed dead dove Rosie. My outfit aside, this was a very serious and long deliberation as Jason was trying to piece together what was a very long, exhausting and strange week. The decision to let Naomi go was tough for Jason, but he clearly knew she was the one to go this week. He has a very strong connection with the other three and truly feels Naomi has plans that don't really fit with him and Ty right now. A few tidbits from the rose ceremony: The actual ceremony was held in a grand ballroom just up a flight of stairs from the lobby. The hotel hung a big curtain across the stairs to block it from view. We asked the city of Seattle to help us out and block off the street just outside the hotel for a few minutes while Jason walked Naomi out to the limo. This would allow us to have the privacy we needed. They were happy to help but not knowing we were doing this for privacy, the city sent out a press release announcing that the street would be closed for the shooting of the Bachelor television show. Obviously not the best situation, but it was late and we could clearly see there were no photogs around capturing this moment. As Jason announced, we are all off to New Zealand for the final two weeks of the show, and, if you do the math, I'm sure you realize Deanna will be back very soon! Thank you for another great week and I think it's only fitting that we all take a moment and say our goodbyes... to Rosie!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #152 on: February 10, 2009, 04:56:39 AM »
Jason's Blog:

Bachelor Jason Blogs About Hometown Dates, Letting Doves Fly

Last night, the Bachelor’s Jason Mesnick trekked all over North America (literally) to visit with the families and friends of the four remaining women — Jillian, Molly, Naomi and Melissa. Here’s what Jason had to say about crossing the border (Oh, Canada, is right!), hitting the fairways of Michigan, the freeways of Southern California and the meeting some friendly folks in Dallas.

What a week! It truly couldn’t have been any better. These four girls, their friends and families are all “AMAZING.” Yes, I know I am getting a lot of flack for using that word over and over again. But there are really no other words that better describe this entire experience. Unbelievable, unreal, great, fantastic are great words, too. But you know what? The best way to describe this experience, the women and all the fun that comes with them is just “AMAZING.”

I had a great time with Jill and her family. She is exactly like her dad — fun, outgoing, caring and honest. I am so thankful that Jillian shared her mother’s story of battling depression with me. I found it so incredibly brave, and I now have a better understanding of why Jill is as strong and supportive as she is. She has always needed to be there for her family, so it was only natural for her to be there for the other girls when they needed it. Her grandma was hilarious. She came in and put a pair of Canadian flag boxers on my head. We all got a great laugh out of it. But what you didn’t see on the show is that they actually got me to put the boxers on as well. I had a blast, and Jillian’s family really set the bar quite high as I headed into three more hometown dates.

Being a golfer my entire life, I was blown away seeing Molly in her preppy gear. That was every golfer’s dream come true! She definitely got a hole in one that day…I wish that you guys had gotten to see more of the hat box at Molly’s house. There were literally 50 to 60 hats in there, and by digging in, I really had to opportunity to be part of a welcoming family tradition. As for the art activity, I admit that I am not much of an artist. But I did my best to portray what I see as Molly’s most beautiful attributes — her smile and her amazing eyes. But I didn’t do her any justice.

My date with Naomi was a real roller-coaster ride… almost literally. Unfortunately, you didn’t get to see the very “memorable” horseback ride that we took together. My horse got a little spooked and started spinning in circles. I really thought it was trying to buck me off. Luckily, I slipped of the back of the horse and it took off. I know it’s not the thing to do if you are trying to impress a girl, but I don’t have much experience with horses!

As for hula-hooping, clearly I suck! I don’t think I have done it since I was about six and that really showed. Let’s just say that I have officially retired from hula-hooping. As for the dead dove, I honestly thought it was a joke at first and I was just playing along. That was until the bag was opened and a feather flew out. I thought, Are you kidding me? Is this really happening? Am I really about to do a eulogy for a wild dove?’ I had no idea what to say. Really, I think Naomi’s mom was just having fun with us all.

I had an interesting conversation with Naomi’s father about religion. I am not a person that has practiced a lot of religious faith. My conversation with her father was very unexpected. He is a great man with a lot of faith and I learned a lot about him and I really respect his belief system.

My trip to Dallas was great. Of course I was disappointed that Melissa’s parents were not comfortable meeting me under these circumstances, but I do respect their wishes. I know that there was a part of Melissa that I wasn’t able to see. But I also know that her parents didn’t ask to be a part of this journey and they made the decision that was best for them. But it did allow me to meet some of her very best friends and see a part of her that I wouldn’t have been able to see otherwise. I was able to get a real glimpse at her everyday life, and what it would be like to continue hanging out with her. I loved seeing her with her friend’s children. The tooth fairy box that Melissa made for Ty was so thoughtful and showed me how much attention she was paying to everything I said. It also showed me that she was not just thinking about me, but she was thinking about Ty as well.

The rose ceremony was tough because I had to say goodbye to Naomi. She and I are very similar in so many ways. I made my decision because I realized in my heart that Naomi has huge wings and she needs to fly and experience more in the world. She is a great girl and I know I made the right decision for all of us.

Seriously, next week is going to be AMAZING. I take Moll, Mel and Jill to New Zealand for the ride of our lives.


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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #153 on: February 10, 2009, 10:07:47 AM »
excatly  what id mg. i have coffie in hand right now lol..last nigth was fun on the batchlor i had the feeling he was going to send namoi home, i don't no how they do it when they get down to thease few ppl all quility ppl..jmo i totaly understand mellisa parents . i would not want my heart borken on natanial tv if he dumps her ( i don't think he does) and some of the dads in past seasons must fell horrable for there daughters some might blam it on something they said or did jmo..i can't wait toill u and will post u r jmo's about last ng's ep, andchris's blog has been something i look fw 2 also..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #154 on: February 10, 2009, 10:21:00 AM »
Naomi's elimination

« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 10:25:02 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #155 on: February 10, 2009, 10:32:36 AM »
The editors of last night's show are so BUSTED!

During the rose ceremony shown on tv last night we saw Molly getting her rose first, followed by Jillian and ending with Melissa getting the last rose, right?

Actually, that was not the was edited that way due to emotions and such...someone caught a still frame of Melissa walking away from Jason after getting her "supposedly the last rose of the evening" and there was STILL ONE ROSE left on the table. So Jillian really was the last one to get a rose.

See the picture and look at the table closely!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #156 on: February 10, 2009, 10:46:45 AM »
u r good will ty.. :tup:
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #157 on: February 10, 2009, 11:10:42 AM »
Think about it....

If I recall correctly, during the rose ceremony on 1/26 where Jason did not hand out the last rose and decided to cut an extra person that night, I think Stephanie was the last one to get a rose and she got eliminated a week later.

Naomi got the last rose last week and she got eliminated last night.

We saw Melissa getting the last rose on TV last night but it was edited that way. It was Jillian who got the last rose.

What does that tell you about next week? 
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 11:34:52 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #158 on: February 10, 2009, 12:23:29 PM »

The Bachelor: No Rose for Naomi After Hometown Date

Hometown date week on The Bachelor is usually exciting, intense and wacky — and this season’s installment took it even further. Jason Mesnick met a goofy grandma in Canada, parents with past lives and a dead dove in California, and played golf in Michigan. But he didn’t get to meet the folks in Texas because one family refused their 15 minutes of reality TV fame. – Carrie Bell

O Canada: Jason’s first stop on his meet-the-parents tour was Kelowna, British Columbia, where Jillian’s family resides and where she spent the last 20 summers touching toes with Ogo Pogo, the resident lake monster. At the winery, Jillian let Jason in on some family secrets, including that her mother had suffered from depression. Her confessions reeled Jason closer. Next up was dinner with the parents and her cousin. Her mom’s toast was as cheesy as a greeting card, but her private questions for Jason were thoughtful. Both parents were very honest about their tumultuous relationship and its affect on Jillian, which Jason appreciated almost as much as he liked their jokes. Then, granny showed up with maple leaf boxers, which she inexplicably put on Jason’s head.

Golly Miss Molly: Next, Jason jetted to Grand Rapids, Mich., to hang with Molly. He was nervous because Molly won’t date anyone without her parents’ approval. They started the day at the country club for a round of golf (She had to buy Jason a club-suitable outfit.), a picnic and kisses. Pre-dinner, conversation was fairly stilted until mom broke out her hat collection. It got stranger when she made Jason draw a picture of his favorite memory of Molly’s face. (We get that mom wanted to see if he could roll with the punches, but not sure Molly appreciated her Joker smile.)

Crazy Town: Jason visited Naomi in Lake Elsinore, Calif., and experienced the kookiest family in Bachelor history. Naomi reiterated that she was ready for marriage and that Ty was an added bonus. Jason still had reservations and thought seeing her around her loved ones would help him figure it out. Then came the hula hoop circle and the bird funeral. Naomi’s mom told Jason to be one with a hoop and then asked him to say the eulogy for a dove she killed with her windshield, brought home and stored in the fridge. Dad encouraged Jason to accept Jesus Christ as his savior and Jason looked very uncomfortable. Mom then talked about psychic powers, indigo truth-seekers, reincarnation and her theory that we come from the future.

Ditched in Dallas: Jason then journeyed to Texas to picnic by a lake with Melissa. She made a present for Ty (a tooth fairy cash box because he’s currently obsessed with the legend) and Jason ate it up. The victory was short-lived, though, as she broke the news that her family refused to participate in the show. “The family is a big part of [making] a decision who I want to spend my life with,” Jason said. He had to settle for a night with her married friends and kids. The tots were drawn to Melissa, which scored her more points. He tried to interrogate them about her family, but they didn’t know much. During a private nightcap at her suite, she listed the traits she inherited from each of her parents and cited how private they were. They shared some hot-and-heavy hugs and kisses but she still worried, “How do you propose if you can’t meet her parents?”

E-Limo-Nated: In the end, not getting face time with the folks did not mean the end of Mel and Jason. Instead, he did not give a rose to Naomi. Jason walked her out, stopping at the breakup bench to explain, “It is not about any fault that you have. In my heart, I think we’re in different places. [You're] not the right fit for me.” She broke down in the limo, and said, “I don’t care about having a love life at this point. I’m better off on my own. I have no idea where I go from here.”

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #159 on: February 10, 2009, 12:55:17 PM »

ABC Press Release

Romantic adventures await Jason and the final three women - Jillian, Molly and Melissa - as they travel to the other side of the world for overnight dates in New Zealand. From beautiful mountain excursions to exotic botanical adventures, the dates are filled with excitement and passion, as Jason continues to explore what his future would be like with each of these potential mates. At the end of each evening, the Bachelor will present the Bachelorette with an invitation to spend the night in a "fantasy suite," with the hope that she will accept. But will she? It's a wild, romantic ride with each of the women -- until Jason has to make a heart-wrenching decision to eliminate one of them - on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on ABC.

Arriving in style, Jason swoops in to pick up Jillian in a helicopter. Once on a mountaintop for a romantic picnic overlooking a lake, they discuss their views on love and marriage. Then, after a wonderful afternoon together as the couple shares an intimate dinner, Jillian lays her heart on the line and tells Jason she's falling in love with him.

Molly takes a leap of faith with Jason on a thrilling day of bungee jumping off a stunning bridge in the mountains of New Zealand. That night at dinner she challenges herself again, as she fully opens up to Jason and lets her guard down. Molly expresses her feelings to Jason to prove that she doesn't want to lose him, and hopes that she isn't too late.

Finally, Jason takes Melissa on an exhilarating boat ride at the Botanical Gardens on a beautiful vessel once owned by Sir Winston Churchill. But the date isn't all smooth sailing. Jason has some serious concerns about Melissa. Later the couple go to the Stoneridge Estate and spend an intimate evening in a hot pool overlooking the mountains. Frightened she'll lose him, Melissa tells Jason she wants to take their relationship to next level.

Jason is more confused than ever as he heads into the rose ceremony in New Zealand. With three women and only two roses, he makes a tough decision and sends one woman home in tears, while the final two prepare to meet his family and hope that he will choose them in the dramatic season finale.

The remaining three women are:

Jillian, 29, an interior designer from Peace River, Alberta, Canada
Melissa, 25, a sales representative from Dallas, TX
Molly, 24, a department store buyer from Grand Rapids, MI

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #160 on: February 10, 2009, 01:22:05 PM »
From the new issue of TV Guide:

The Bachelor: The Women Tell All

Monday, 2/23, 8/9c, ABC


"It's definitely my favorite episode, because I get to do what I love--which is put people in uncomortable situations, " jokes host Chris Harrison of the seasonal skewering. Here, he offers a sneak peek of his time in the hot zone with Jason Mesnick's booted beauties.

Whom are you most excited to interview?   
Shannon is high on the list. Obviously, we have to deal with her comments about making out with her dog.

What's most surprising about these reunions?
I'm always stunned by the ones who go after me. It's my show-I'm going to get the last word!

Be honest: How much sex goes on during the overnight dates?
Honestly, none...with me! But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say some. These are hot people who've been sequestered for two months. I'd be disappointed if something wasn't happening.

Do you think Jason, who's now engaged, found "the one"?
The girl he ends up with is gonna work. I like the decision he made, and I like the guts he had to do it.

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #161 on: February 10, 2009, 06:25:00 PM »
Think about it....

If I recall correctly, during the rose ceremony on 1/26 where Jason did not hand out the last rose and decided to cut an extra person that night, I think Stephanie was the last one to get a rose and she got eliminated a week later.

Naomi got the last rose last week and she got eliminated last night.

We saw Melissa getting the last rose on TV last night but it was edited that way. It was Jillian who got the last rose.

What does that tell you about next week? 

i totaly agree and def think u r on to something.. jmo the head butting with jillian is probly going to excalate and jason is going to relize he can't make it work..with her, again jmo also we don't get to c what goes on in a week in a 2 hr show . so editing has to be there i do think they try to put as much in as they can but... they allll way try to miss lead us on who the batch or ett are going to pick. rembering trista i was sure she was going to pick charlie and i for got the batch but i was shure he was going to pick gwenn on that season and i no the trista season was edited to throw us off.. btw the cmt channek is running rr of the trista season. 10 tonight finale 4 than 11 final 3.. if u get cmt. i am dvring it i was looking for another show and found that just tosay..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #162 on: February 11, 2009, 10:13:40 AM »
Sneak Peek....episode 7 2/16/09

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #163 on: February 11, 2009, 10:20:30 AM »
Think about it....

If I recall correctly, during the rose ceremony on 1/26 where Jason did not hand out the last rose and decided to cut an extra person that night, I think Stephanie was the last one to get a rose and she got eliminated a week later.

Naomi got the last rose last week and she got eliminated last night.

We saw Melissa getting the last rose on TV last night but it was edited that way. It was Jillian who got the last rose.

What does that tell you about next week? 

I stand corrected. Stephanie did get a rose during her 2 on 1 date on 1/26 and Nikki was sent home during that date.

But Naomi was the last one to get a rose during the 2/2 rose ceremony on that date and got eliminated a week later. Since we now know Jillian actually was the last one to receive a rose this week, she will be toast next week!

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #164 on: February 12, 2009, 01:01:44 AM »
Press release....

ABC extends 'Bachelor' party with special
Hourlong episode to follow reality series' 'shocking' finale

Bachelor" fans, get ready for more drama.

With the relationship series blazing in the ratings for ABC this season, the network has ordered a one-hour special to air the day after the finale.

The events in the show's regular three-hour conclusion are dramatic enough to warrant an additional hour, creator Mike Fleiss said.

"It's going to be shocking," Fleiss said. "The end of this series is the best we've every had."

"Bachelor" normally airs a one-hour reunion special called "After the Final Rose." Last year, the reunion actually drew a bigger rating than the finale itself, an unusual occurrence in the reality universe.

On March 3, ABC will air the tentatively titled "After the Final Rose: Part 2," including additional interviews with bachelor Jason Mesnick, the woman he chose and the woman he didn't pick.

Now in its 13th edition, Fleiss and Warner Horizon's "The Bachelor" is defying ratings gravity by growing its numbers nearly every episode. Season-to-date, "The Bachelor" is averaging 10.1 million viewers and a 3.7 rating among adults 18-49. That's up 28% in the adult demo compared with the same point last year; the show also is drawing its largest audience in nearly five years.

Fans have responded to Mesnick and his young son, and having a single dad as the bachelor has brought new elements to the show's narrative. Although not officially renewed, Fleiss is confident "Bachelor" will return and is working on its creative for next year.

"I can't think of more than a handful of shows that have reversed a downward ratings trend like we have," Fleiss said.

And given Mesnick's popularity, Fleiss didn't rule out the possibility of viewers seeing him again.

"Maybe we'll do a wedding special," Fleiss said. "The couple seems pretty happy."

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #165 on: February 12, 2009, 12:55:59 PM »

ABC Press Release


"The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2" - Jason Mesnick, the first single dad in "Bachelor" history, will appear with both of the final two women he selected on this exciting and moving look back at the journey they all took together. Viewers will be treated to the latest update on the happy couple and the woman Jason didn't choose on this one-hour special that will wrap the 13th and most successful season of ABC's popular romance reality series in recent years, on "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2," TUESDAY, MARCH 3 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

Jason will offer his final rose in the Season Finale of "The Bachelor," MONDAY, MARCH 2 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), to be followed by the one-hour special, "The Bachelor: After the Final Rose" (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), completing a full night of romance and drama on ABC.

In the seventh episode of "The Bachelor," coming up on Monday, February 16 (8:00-10:00 p.m., ET), romantic adventures await Jason and the final three women - Jillian, Molly and Melissa - as they travel to the other side of the world for overnight dates in New Zealand. From beautiful mountain excursions to exotic botanical adventures, the dates are filled with excitement and passion, as Jason continues to explore what his future would be like with each of these potential mates. At the end of each evening, the Bachelor will present the Bachelorette with an invitation to spend the night in a "fantasy suite," with the hope that she will accept. But will she? It's a wild, romantic ride with each of the women -- until Jason has to make a heart-wrenching decision to eliminate one of them.

Jason is more confused than ever as he heads into the rose ceremony in New Zealand. With three women and only two roses, he makes a tough decision and sends one woman home in tears, while the final two women prepare to meet his family and hope that he will choose them in the dramatic season finale.

The remaining three women are:

Jillian, 29, an interior designer from Peace River, Alberta, Canada
Melissa, 25, a sales representative from Dallas, TX
Molly, 24, a department store buyer from Grand Rapids, MI

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #166 on: February 12, 2009, 02:15:54 PM »
So now that we are down to the final three, who do you all think it will be?

Jillian Harris

Melissa Rycroft

Molly Malaney

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #167 on: February 13, 2009, 05:07:33 PM »
An interview with Naomi:

The Bachelor’s Naomi: Jason Will End Up with Jill or Melissa

After the nuttiest hometown date in Bachelor history, Naomi Crespo found herself out of the running for Jason Mesnick’s heart and on a plane home to Austin, Texas. The 24-year-old flight attendant spoke to about whether the bird funeral buried her chances with Jason, her wacky parents and her pick for who will win the Bachelor’s heart.

Your hometown date was one for the books.
It was embarrassing, oh my god. My mom is kinda out there. She obviously could not wait to make her television debut. I was apprehensive because I knew my mom had something up her sleeve. But I did not know it was going to be bringing out a dead bird and giving it a eulogy. That was so beyond me.

Has your mom ever acted like that in front of your other boyfriends?
My mom has met one serious boyfriend and that was my longest relationship, and obviously she [has never done] anything that crazy. My mom and I had a strained relationship for a long time. My parents divorced when I was young and my mom gave my dad custody. She was experiencing a mid-life crisis. We spent most of our childhood in New York with him. I spent my sophomore year with my sister, who was always my motherly figure. So she didn’t really have the opportunity to do that.

Jason claimed that your family didn’t have anything to do with you not getting a rose.
As far as letting me go, deep down it didn’t matter what I said, that’s what he felt [about] me not being ready at this time in my life. I think outside of this experience, I am ready. I want kids. I want a family. But because we weren’t meant for each other, it didn’t feel right. My parents are crazy — maybe had something to do with it — but I think ultimately he felt in his heart that I’m not the one for him.

Looking back, do you still believe Jason and you could have worked out?
In hindsight, I can absolutely say I got caught up in the whole world; it’s hard not to. I fell in love with Seattle. I could totally imagine myself living there. I built Jason up in my head. I came on the show feeling like I already knew him. Jason letting me go was absolutely a blessing in disguise. I don’t regret the experience. I’m thankful we met. I’m thankful I met the girls, but I know we were not meant to be so I’m at peace with it.

Many of the other women have commented that Jason is hard to read and were surprised by their elimination. Your thoughts?
I would have to agree. At times he was hard to read. There’s only so much he is able to say because of the situation. I felt chemistry with him. I don’t know if I totally got to know Jason. I think he was honest with me about his reasons for letting me go.

Can you talk about the competition aspect and other girls’ tactics?
The girls were great overall. But watching [the show] was definitely different than being there. You know you have limited time to step up your game. Girls have different mentalities. There were some girls who were willing to steal him away and jump in. That is just not my nature. I compete most with myself. I have never been competitive for a guy.

Are there girls you got particularly close with?
Jill and Melissa became like sisters to me. I know Megan had the drama but she is also someone I regard highly. You don’t get the whole picture [on TV].

Stephanie called you a doll but less mature than the others. How do you feel about that comment?
I was surprised. It hurt a little coming from Stephanie. It doesn’t change how I feel about her, but maybe she didn’t get to see sides of me that other girls did. As far the mother thing, I never talked too much about Ty or wanting to be this and that for Ty. In my mind it wasn’t appropriate to emphasize being a part of Ty’s life. I needed to get to know Jason first. If I fall in love with somebody, it won’t matter if you have a kid. I will love a kid. I know I have the potential to be a wonderful role model and stepparent.

Have you started dating again?
After I left, I felt like it was time to roll solo and get back in touch with myself. I grew a lot from the experience. That right guy will come along. I just have to be patient. God’s got somebody out there for me and I can’t get ahead of myself. And when the right guy comes along, it’s gonna be worth it.

Who do you think Jason will end up with?
Jill or Melissa. I love them to death. I didn’t get as close to Molly, but she’s great too. He will be happy with any of them. I left trusting that I was leaving three great girls behind.


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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #168 on: February 15, 2009, 11:26:15 PM »
The eliminated bachelorettes filmed the Women Tells All last Friday the 13th and had a "wrap party" afterwards and here are some pictures....posted by Shannon on her myspace, who was one of the 4 eliminated on 2/2

(UPDATE on 2/17....the wrap party pictures Shannon posted on her myspace has been taken down, I knew this would happen, she probably got in trouble with ABC for posting them prior to the airing of Women Tells All, since some pictures had Jillian in it and it was posted on 2/14, prior to the airing of ep. 7 last night 2/16, and it gave away who was eliminated on that episode. I bet she is in so much hot water with ABC now, lol)

credit: michbro
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 09:15:10 AM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #169 on: February 16, 2009, 12:37:23 AM »
Here's the pic of the final 3 awaiting their fate at the rose ceremony in New Zealand

credit to Dreamer
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 12:51:09 PM by RealityFreakWill »

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #170 on: February 16, 2009, 05:27:58 AM »
So now that we are down to the final three, who do you all think it will be?

Jillian Harris

Melissa Rycroft

Molly Malaney
Hmmm...interesting!  On Premier night, I picked "my" top ten, based on gut instinct.  Jillian was #1.  Melissa & Molly weren't on my list.  I haven't been watching the show lately due to '24' & Chuck, but will guess Jillian since she was first on my list!
(subject to change at the last minute if I can sneak over to ABC for a peek!  :lol: )

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #171 on: February 16, 2009, 05:56:53 AM »
Its a Nice thread & also nice pics... :)

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #172 on: February 16, 2009, 09:51:34 AM »
Longer version of tonight's sneak peek

credit with thanks to tv grapevine

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #173 on: February 16, 2009, 11:02:29 AM »
From Reality TV World

'Bachelor' creator Mike Fleiss standing by shocking ending comments

Despite the show's history of over-the-top promos, The Bachelor creator Mike Fleiss says he isn't crying wolf with his recent comments that the reality dating show's thirteenth-season ending is "shocking" and the "most dramatic ever."

"[If] I'm the boy that cried wolf [before], well this time it's a wolf," Fleiss told Reality TV World on Friday.

"It's five wolves, it's a pack of wolves!  I'm telling you, money back guarantee.  If anyone thinks this isn't the most shocking The Bachelor ever, you have them call me, because I'll want to know why, because it is, it most definitely is.  I don't even think there is anything close."

Fleiss' comments have come despite The Bachelor star Jason Mesnick's previous gushing that he's "engaged" and "completely in love." 

However Fleiss told Reality TV World that doesn't mean The Bachelor's upcoming ending is predictable.

"That might be a mislead, you never know," teased Fleiss when asked about Mesnick's comments.  "It's astonishing, and whatever you think it is, you can't be completely right, there's no way."

Last week, ABC announced it will air The Bachelor: After the Final Rose, Part 2 -- an apparent extension to the already-scheduled The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special the network will air on Monday, March 2 at 10PM ET/PT immediately after the thirteenth season's two-hour finale broadcast -- on Tuesday March, 3 at 10PM ET/PT.

"The network knows the way the show ends and they know its going to do a giant [ratings] number," Fleiss told Reality TV World about the decision to expand the show's season.  "They're going to want to show a little bit more of the story."

However according to Fleiss, the extra hour will be worth it to viewers.

"I cannot confirm or deny anything," he said.  "[But] if you like reality TV at all, those hours of reality TV are going to be satisfying to you, I guarantee.  Guaranteed."

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Re: The Bachelor 13th Edition
« Reply #174 on: February 16, 2009, 02:24:42 PM »
An interesting article an interview with Naomi:

The Bachelor Exit Interview: Naomi Crespo Wishes The Ladies Well

The fun ended on The Bachelor for Naomi Crespo. Single dad Jason Mesnick, having whittled his pool of lovely single ladies down to four, never got Crespo to reveal her true feelings about moving to Seattle and settling down with his three-year-old son, Ty. So no rose for her.

How did she feel about Jason? About the possibility of finding love on TV? She was back in her real life in Texas when we caught up with her and got her side of the story.

Hi Naomi. Thanks for talking with us today. Your hometown date was one of the most unique ones on The Bachelor. Has your mom ever made any of your other boyfriends give a eulogy for a dead bird or anything like that?

Oh gosh, no.That was so embarrassing. Oh my God. My mom has met one serious boyfriend and that was my longest relationship. And obviously nothing that crazy, I mean my mom’s kind of out there but I think she definitely could not wait to make her television debut. So I think that she’s really excited.

Well she does seem really lovable and, it’s kind of a mom thing to embarrass your daughter when their boyfriends come over. You mentioned, she’s never done anything quite that embarrassing, but has she ever done anything else that you know, like a date in high school or anything like that where you were just like, oh God, mom, please?

You know my mom and I, we had a strange relationship for a long time. It’s not - my parents divorced when I was younger. My dad got custody and my mom kind of gave him custody. She was experiencing, I don’t know, I still don’t know what it’s called, midlife crisis or whatever.

But we went to New York with my dad. And I actually kind of spent the rest of my childhood there. I was back for high school, and I had my freshman year in Puerto Rico. I moved out to California in my sophomore year, was living with my sister, my older sister who was always kind of like my motherly figure I guess you could say.

And went to high school, sophomore year there, and then back in New York for junior and senior years. So I didn’t have really a relationship with my mom throughout that time. It wasn’t, she didn’t have the opportunity to do that.

What about dad? I mean he seemed like, a lot more mellow.


But did he ever embarrass you in front of a date or anything like that?

You know I love my dad. He’s hilarious because he’s just got the sweetest heart. And my dad he loves me so much. I mean I have overcome a lot of resentment towards both of my parents and there wasn’t always - my relationship with them wasn’t always this way as it is now.

But, people change and people make mistakes and both my parents have owned up to that, you know.

And I think that with my dad he’s just so - he’s so true to like what he believes in and he wants the best for me and he’s just - he wants me to be with, a man of God, and he just wants me to be happy.

And he’s very supportive, and he knows that I’ve kind of grown up on my own and the choices I made in life, I’ve made good choices with my life. And my parents trust my judgment.

So with my dad as far as the embarrassing thing, he’s never done any - like in high school I mean I dated guys. I never really brought guys home and actually my senior year, my junior and senior year I went to a private Christian school out in New York that my dad taught at.

So, all my friends were in class with him. But he’s just so, lovable.

So what’s next for you? Do you think you’re going to try the personal modeling career off of this or are you dating anybody, what’s happening with you?

No, no. You know after I left, I definitely felt like it is the time to go solo and, get myself, get back in touch with myself. And I think the experience was just, it was incredible. Definitely growing, like I grew a lot from it.

And I came off of it just knowing that, having a whole new outlook on what I want in life, who I want - the type of person I want to be with. And, as far as a career, I’m just working right now. I’ve been flying, I’m a flight attendant.

And I’m looking into getting into other careers probably in outside sales or marketing, advertising that sort of thing. It’s been fun flying, but I think I’m ready to move on. As far as the modeling thing, I did that - I have a modeling account on and I did one test shoot.

When I moved out to Austin, I was thinking about getting into modeling then because I worked with a girl. I was bartending at the time. I worked with a girl who was a model and she was booking jobs on there and getting paid like $500 a shoot for like an hour, two-hour shoot. So I’m like oh, I’ll do it for the money.

But no, I’m not actively pursuing a modeling career. If a great offer came my way then, I’d consider it but it’s not what I’m trying to do with my life.

Are you seeing anybody?

No, no. I am just taking time to - I’m waiting. I’m waiting on - like I’ve always had a very strong faith. I’m not by any means the most religious person but I have a strong faith.

And coming out of this situation with Jason, the next day I was just praying and praying, praying and I felt like when that right guy comes along, I’m going to be patient. And God’s got somebody out there for me and I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I just got to focus on me right now.

And, focus on getting myself stable again into a career and, that sort of thing. And when the right guy comes along its going to be worth it.

Jason said that your family’s antics and stuff on that hometown date didn’t play a role in the elimination. Do you believe that?

I do believe that. I had a tough time that night because Jason, I think he’s intuitive. And I think that as far as the way he felt about letting me go, deep down inside it didn’t matter what I said. That’s just what he felt. You know he’s like, I can’t, as far as me not being ready at this time in my life.

I think that the reason that was and I think that in a different situation, obviously outside of this whole experience, I’m ready. I absolutely want kids. I absolutely want a family. But I think that because we weren’t meant for each other, it didn’t feel right.

And so when you feel that, despite what somebody’s telling you, it’s very easy to get caught up in that whole world. I think I absolutely got caught up. But there’s a part of me that feels like I definitely built Jason up a lot in my head to the point where I came on the show feeling like I already knew him.

And now that I’ve known him more it was like okay, I don’t know. You know, would this be any different outside of this? Like if we just met in, normal day-to-day life and got to know each other, I just think that, I know what I’m trying to say.

I definitely think that my parents, they’re crazy and maybe it has something to do with it, but I think ultimately in his heart he just felt like I was not the one for him.

You said during the show that you were fully prepared to move to Seattle if you were chosen. Now that you’ve kind of had some time to be away from it, do you still think you would’ve be willing to make the move?

You know what this is weird because I went Seattle. I had never been. And I just fell in love with Seattle. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. And I think when you’re in that situation and you make it that far, I went in thinking I didn’t think I’d be on there that long, but, anyway, I had no idea I’d still be there.

But at that point, yeah, your feelings, that’s when you start getting emotionally invested in the person and just thinking about a life with that person. And, it definitely helped that I loved Seattle. I was like wow, I totally see myself living here.

But as far as now, having come out of it in hindsight, I’m looking on it with a more I guess clear picture of like the way I was thinking. You know and I can absolutely say that I think I got very caught up in it and it’s hard not to. It is really hard not to. When you have this great guy, you’ve got this love person. It’s like I think I got caught more in the idea of it all.

And so in hindsight I realized, there’s things in life that can be a huge blessing in disguise and you can’t know it when you’re going through it. But coming out of it, you can look back and see it. And I think that Jason letting me go was absolutely a blessing in disguise. And I’m so happy now. I mean I don’t regret the experience. I don’t regret anything.

I’m thankful for it. I’m thankful I met him. I’m thankful I met all the girls. And it’s one of those things I know that he and I were not meant to be. So I’m at peace with it, you know.

Tell us about the times that you spent with Jason that weren’t shown. Were there any times that you really liked?

Oh yeah. There is definitely. On our one-on-one date, in Seattle we just had so much fun. It was definitely one of the coolest dates I’ve ever gone on.

You know in between, shooting and this and that we had a lot of great conversation. And I’d given him this little book that I bought at Target. It was like family life and all these really cool pictures from all around the world of different families and different cultures.

And I just wrote him a little note, and we had a lot in common as far as that goes. Like, family-oriented and just that sort of thing. So we had a lot of great moments like that. And that day definitely felt like we were a couple, even off camera. I mean we just were having fun so it was cool, yeah.

A lot of the other women who have gotten eliminated so far, one thing they say about him is that he’s really hard to read. How did you feel about that?

I felt like with Jason, I would have to agree with some of the girls. At times it was very hard to read. And there’s only so much that he’s able to say to us, as far as what he’s thinking and feeling because of, the situation.

But at times, it definitely was on. I felt the chemistry with him. And we had a lot in common as far as the different things that we’ve done, like things that we care about.

And I think we started off kind of more on a friendship level. So that got to grow. But even despite that, yeah, I don’t know that I feel like I totally got to know Jason. That’s what I’m saying is I don’t know in this kind of situation that it’s even really possible. I didn’t get to see him, in his normal day-to-day life.

I think that he - yeah, I mean I think that he was honest with me as far as his reasons for letting me go. Did I see it coming? I think I felt it coming more than anything. And it shows on my face. It shows in the last couple episodes.

The season or the, I’m sorry, the week prior, when Stephanie left that was a really emotional night. And I thought I was going home. I really did. And then when she left, I mean she was just incredible. Stephanie is a, the word amazing, I hate to use the word amazing but she really is. And it was tough.

But I thought I was going. You know I think I felt it more than anything. And I think towards seeing the end, I was kind of hanging on a string and just hoping that like, again to go back to the whole idea. I think I really got caught up in the idea of Jason and the life in Seattle. So coming out of it though, I mean I realized I’m okay, I’m going to be okay and it just wasn’t meant to be.

How did you get to be on The Bachelor?

Well its funny. I was living in LA beforehand. I was up in LA pursuing acting at the time. And the director of the show had been in my restaurant and saw me and, was kind of trying to recruit for the London season. And I said I don’t believe the reality TV and the world of acting should ever intermix.

But I just kind of laughed. I’m like yeah, Bachelor, if I was going to ever do reality TV I don’t think that that would be the show I would do, no offense. And so, I ended up moving to Austin. I kind of gave up pursuing acting as a career, which going into this season, I had - I said I didn’t want to be typecast as that girl because its not what I’m doing anymore.

But I ended up watching one season. And I kept on watching because I was interested. And one night I had gotten home from work. I was working at the time and I’m watching. And all of a sudden I’m just like drinking a couple glasses of wine at this point. I’m like, oh it looks like a lot of fun, actually. Maybe I’ll just apply.

And so, I did and then they got in touch with me and they were really interested. And when I found out - the deal breaker for me was definitely finding out that Jason was chosen as The Bachelor because I knew enough about him to want to meet him.

So that was the deal breaker. And I ended up doing it. And I’m glad I did. You know it was a great experience.

In regards to the other bachelorettes there, who were you closest with on the show?

Oh gosh, all the girls are really, I mean different and unique in their own way. But I developed some close relationships there.

As far as the closest, I would definitely say Jill and Melissa. You know those girls are - they kind of became more like sisters to me. And as far as we were together, I think that’s kind of what set us apart, my closeness with them.

But all the girls are really incredible. You know I know Megan has that whole, the way she comes off on TV or in the drama and this and that. But she is also somebody who I regard highly. So, people will see what they see and you don’t get the whole picture. It’s just not possible.

But you get to know these girls, on a more personal level and all of them, I mean Kari, there’s Nikki, everyone. Erica is hilarious. I mean the house lost lots of laughter when Erica left. I mean there’s things that don’t get shown that I wish did, so that people could get a fuller picture on these girls.

What do you think it is about Jason that people seem to be responding to?

You know I think that on his season, The Bachelorette it was kind of the same way with the final four of us girls. You know he was kind of outside of any drama and he was just himself and he’s got this charisma. He got this - I don’t know. He’s attractive obviously, he’s nice to look at.

So I think its kind of the whole package as far as, why he’s so popular. And it’s obviously why he was voted in. I mean, he had a huge fan base after his season so a lot of people wanted to see him find love.

Is it because he has a kid, that may be also sort of attracts women who are not just on the show?

I think there’s definitely something to that, yeah, absolutely. I think that it’s not just that he has a kid. It’s, the way he comes across and the way he talks about that he’s got a kid, and he just absolutely adores him more than life itself. You know Ty is his whole world.

And to have found somebody that just kind of fits into that was really what he was looking for. Not necessarily a replacement because Ty, what most people don’t know is that he - Ty has a really good relationship with his mother and she’s a good mother to him. I think that all plays into the whole appeal.

Before your hometown date, you looked apprehensive. Did you coach your family in any way, tell them to, you know, keep the colorful antics down to a minimum, anything like that?

I wasn’t able to, but my sister did. And, what you see, is what you get. That’s my family for you. My mom is, oh gosh, sometimes I think she fell off her rocker a long time ago and her head’s never fully recovered. But it is definitely unique. And I knew - I was definitely a little bit apprehensive because I knew that my mom had something up her sleeve. I definitely did not know that it was going to be bringing out a dead bird and giving it the proper eulogy and burial. I mean that was so beyond me, beyond all of us, Jason too.

He reacted real well to that.What was the reaction from your family about that segment of the last show?

I get different reactions. My sister is definitely really disappointed. I think that you don’t want to come off as like the crazy family. I guess I tend to be a little less embarrassed when it comes to my family because I’m just like, you know what? Everybody’s different and that’s my family. Like, I’m a product of somewhere in the middle of that.

But my sister was - she was a little frustrated. You know and I wished that they didn’t show her conversation with Jason and, the three of us were talking for a long time and I really wish they showed that because my sister is my best friend. And she knows me more than even my parents do. So, I guess different things make for good TV.
But my mom she was disappointed that they didn’t show everything that happened. And, at one point there was a conversation I had with my mom and my sister. And she was disappointed that that didn’t get shown.

I told my mom. I saw it obviously and her conversation with Jason. I was a little bit kind of like, you could’ve toned it down a little bit. You know obviously these are your beliefs. But, I’m thinking all America doesn’t really need to know this. It kind of was a little bit embarrassing. But, I’m just whatever about it. That’s my family.

Going back to your elimination you said how you didn’t like that Jason said that the one reason you didn’t want to go home was the reason you were going home. Can you comment on that?

Well I mean I watched that. And I said earlier, at that point you’re so invested in this and you become more emotionally invested. And I think that I built everything up in my head and that was my problem. It’s almost hard not to.

But at that point you’re so like - you’re kind of so wrapped up in this whole idea of being with this person and fitting into their life and I think that he felt like I wasn’t ready to, for Ty. I think that was his biggest thing and that was the week before when he pulled me aside.

I did not throughout the course of the whole thing talk about, oh I can’t wait to meet Ty and tuck him in bed and do this and this and this and that because in my mind I’m thinking, I want to fall in love with you first. And then anything that you’re in love with I’m actually going to fall in love with as well, but let’s work on this first. I wasn’t really trying to get ahead of myself as far as having a relationship with Ty.

So I didn’t talk as much about that. But I absolutely love children. I mean I want kids. I absolutely want kids and it will be with the right guy at the right time.

I want to adopt. See that’s a big thing with me. I definitely - I’ve traveled overseas. I went to Southeast Asia. I worked in an orphanage from or several different orphanages with kids that come from really rough lives, trafficking and AIDs and I wanted to adopt every single one of them. I mean, I’m not like a girl who doesn’t want to be a mother. I absolutely want to be.

And my niece and nephew, I mean they’re like kids to me. I love them like they’re my own. They’re my sister’s kids, but I know for a fact I will be a mother and I will be a great mother one day. I just think it wasn’t meant to be with Jason.

So who are you rooting for out of the three remaining girls?

Oh my gosh, well Jill or Melissa. I mean those two are like I love them. I love them to death. I mean it was nothing. I mean I think Molly is great too. I just I didn’t get as close with Molly as I did with those two girls.

But Jason will be happy with any one of them though. I think that I left really trusting that I was leaving three great girls behind.

Don’t miss the next episode of The Bachelor, Monday at 8:00 on ABC.

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