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Danny "GC" Brown
« on: August 27, 2008, 10:49:46 AM »

Danny "GC" Brown (26)
Hometown: Portland, Oregon
Occupation: Maintenance Man

Danny Brown deems himself a true SURVIVOR, having overcome a difficult childhood including homelessness, and a mother who constantly moved both him and his brother to temporary housing. However, despite his hardships, Brown was resilient and optimistic.

As a child, Brown learned to swim and fish in the Colorado River and developed a lifelong love of the outdoors. He said he would quit his job to live outside if he could. His hobbies include producing music, fishing and traveling. He enjoys playing basketball and lifting weights whenever he gets the chance. He describes himself as adventurous, outgoing and silly, and he doesn't like dishonest people.

Brown currently works as a maintenance supervisor for the apartment complex where he lives and claims that making it through the week there is a challenge in itself. His job consists of cleaning, painting, plumbing, electrical repairs and customer service for the tenants.

He believes that his determination, hard work and social skills can get him to the end.

Brown lives in Portland, Oregon with his girlfriend, Shannan. He shares his home with his dog Chica, a cat named Scout and five snakes. His birth date is July 13, 1982.

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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 11:32:22 AM »

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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 05:43:48 PM »

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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2008, 09:03:11 AM »
An interesting article with Danny GC Brown:

Any way I can get in there to get that million, I’m trying to do it

Danny “GC” Brown was the first Survivor Gabon contestant I talked to, and I was the first reporter he talked to (there were a total of six media outlets there, including CBS’ official publicity crew). Danny is apparently going by “GC” on the show, although in our conversation he referred to himself as “DB” at least once. In some ways, that seems to reflect his search for identity, both in the game and otherwise. He does maintenance for an apartment complex in Portland, Oregon, but he told me that his true passion is music. “I produce beats, I rap, write raps, I record other people. But, that’s really my main passion. I would like to get in the music industry one day,” he said.

As to the game, he didn’t seem to have a clear strategy at all, which is arguably the best strategy for Survivor, but he also doesn’t really seem to have a day-one strategy, which could be problematic. “I’m going to try every angle I can, man. I’m not limiting myself to just one thing. Any way I can get in there to get that million, I’m trying to do it,” he said.

He laughed throughout our conversation, perhaps nervously, but also coming across as if he’s just thrilled to be there and isn’t bothering to hide it because he’s so excited. He’s 26, but came off as a lot younger because he didn’t seem beaten down by the world, even though he has plenty of reasons to be, like being homeless as a child. That’s why Danny ranks in the top tier of my list, because he was hard not to like and came across as completely genuine.

That said, he wasn’t exactly open, mentioning his difficult childhood only in vague terms, and saying he wasn’t sure whether or not he’d share his story with his tribemates. While he wouldn’t give me specifics about the “choices that weren’t the best,” he did discuss how being in boot camp prepared him for the game—and how he prepared himself by doing everything from practicing building fires to not eating breakfast. Listen to him talk about his childhood, preparation, and his name:


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2008, 12:05:46 PM »
An interesting article an interview with GC:

Survivor: Gabon Danny "GC" Brown Eliminated

How did the tribe swap affect your game?
GC: Well, I think it actually helped me a little bit. If it had happened maybe I would have gotten voted off sooner. Because I think Randy, Matty and Susie were all plotting to vote me out anyway, so maybe that would have happened maybe not. But other than that it really didn't affect my game too much.

Considering you stepped down as tribe leader during the first few days at camp, do you feel that your heart just wasn't in the game?
GC: I wouldn't say that. I just knew that I didn't want to be the leader before I even started the game. Not because I have a problem with being the leader in real life, it's just that under those circumstances the leaders tend to get voted out because of the decisions that they make. Whether being in a challenge or just around the camp or if people don't like the way someone's leading the tribe, people will just use that as a reason to vote you out. And I didn't want to have that target on my back either, so before I went into the game I was just planning on flying under the radar — helping out as much as I could around camp. And just being a person that they felt like would be a help around camp rather than be the weakest link or someone who's too negative or something like that. And unfortunately things just didn't work out.

You said you were changing in ways you didn’t like. What was going on?
GC: Yeah, because I'm so happy. I'm like one of the happiest you might ever meet. I might be too happy sometimes. But you know I just am a very positive person. I feel like I'm a leader naturally like with my job and with the things I do in my life, and I don't know, I just felt like it was just too much for me after awhile.

Was it the lack of sleep and food?
GC: That definitely was a major part of it. We didn't have any way to keep time so we were just judging by the moon and the sun. So as soon as it got dark we'd go to sleep. And my problem was that I was going to sleep so early that I only got a few hours of sleep and I would wake up early, early morning like maybe 1 or 2 in the morning and I would be up for the entire day. That continued every single day that I was out there and after a while I felt like I was tired all the time and all we had was that rice and grasshoppers and stuff to eat, so we weren't doing very well as far as nutrition goes. It just wore me down.

Was it harder than you thought it would be?
GC: Definitely harder than I thought it would be because I expected to win sometimes. I know that the winners get rewarded and I was hoping that I was going to be on a winning team and of course it's going to be hard being in the elements anyway but it's a lot easier when you do win and when you can win fishing gear and food to help you make it through the day. But, without that it was even harder.

Speaking of the elements, did it freak you out knowing there were wild animals including elephants so close to your camp?
GC: Actually, yeah. It was mostly at night though because you can't see anything out there, man. It's so loud. All you can hear is monkeys and elephants and all of these animals making noises out there and they sound really, really close sometimes. You don't know where the hell they're about to pop out of. So, they definitely make you feel like you want to stay close to someone else, you're not going to go wandering by yourself at night though the jungle.

But you did take off by yourself during the day. What were you doing?
GC: I was going fishing because we had a challenge coming up and all we had at camp was the rice. I was hoping to get some fish before the challenge so I went out there and caught a couple of fish and brought them back. I barely made it back in time for the challenge. I didn't just take off and run away but that's how it looked.

Did you have any idea about the power play to vote Sugar out? And why do you think they still voted you out instead?
GC: I did know about Sugar because I knew that Crystal went through her bag while we were at the camp. After that they were talking about voting Sugar out, and I was like yeah, that would be smart since she does have the immunity idol. So she's a very dangerous person. So I knew it was a tossup between her and me. And I think the reason that they did decide to keep her is because I did tell a couple people that I was kind of tired of dealing with everything and I was ready to go at that point. I think they did vote me out because of that.

What as the first thing you did when you returned to civilization?
GC: I went and got some real food. I ate and then visited my brother. I was happy to be back.

Who do you think deserves to win?
GC: Who deserves to win, hum? You know what, I think everyone really deserves to win, just for being there. And I hope that the person who plays the nicest game wins because I was out there arguing a lot and I don't like that I did that, because that's not the type of person I am. So, I hope that it's somebody who's not doing a lot of backstabbing. I want a positive person to win. Maybe even Sugar might win.

What have you been up to since Survivor?
GC: I have been working on my third album, which will be out by the beginning of next year. I'm working on a website, you can check out my myspace at but I will have a link to my website very soon. I really just trying to get my music business really going good and hopefully one day you might see me on MTV or something.


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2008, 06:31:14 PM »
An interesting article an interview with GC:

Survivor: Gabon Exit Interview: Danny "GC" Brown

Last night on Survivor Gabon: Earth's Last Eden Fang tribe member Danny "GC" Brown was the fifth person to be voted out of the game. But unlike most contestants who miss the chance at bagging the million bucks, he's cool with that.

The game had become too difficult for Danny to enjoy any longer, so he practically begged to be booted back to Portland, Oregon. That's where we caught up with him, wrapped up in the life he yearned to return to. And he's doing just fine thank you. He's even getting ready to produce his own TV show. Something tells me he'll stick to this one a little longer.

FC: Hello GC!
GC: Hey! What's up?

FC: How are you?
GC: I'm doing good thank you.

FC:That's good to hear. Obviously it's been awhile for you, but for us it was only last night that you went home from the game. How are you doing these days?
GC: Man I'm doing really good! I'm working on my music and just trying to get my life in order and get everything right.

FC: Well when you left the game it was very clear that you wanted to go home and resume your life. Have you done that?
GC: Yes I have.

FC: Has it been better, like you thought it would be when you left the game?
GC: Yeah, actually it has! I got me a new place and I've got a new lease on life man. I got some other things going on as far as my career and everything's looking good.

FC: Is that back in Portland?
GC: Yes sir.

FC: Well the way it was portrayed in the game, you wanted to get out of there. (GC laughs) Which is unusual in Survivor. Usually the object is to survive. Can you explain your thinking there?
GC: Yeah, I can't agree with that completely but towards the end I did feel like that. But, man, the Survivor part, I had it down. You know what I mean? As far as living out there, I could do that with no problem. But the part that was hard for me was just losing all the time, not eating, not sleeping right and dealing with people who really didn't wannna work with you and didn't have a positive eye. That was a little bit difficult.

FC: So it was the interpersonal relationships that kind of threw it for you then I guess, right?
GC: Yeah.

FC: Because the background bio for you said you spent a lot of time outdoors and that you would feel comfortable in an outside environment.
GC: Yeah, that's what I mean. I didn't have any problems with that part of it.

FC: So you had no problem with the game, it was the people.
GC: Yeah, exactly.

FC: I can see that, because you did butt heads with Randy and Crystal was getting on your case there at the end..
GC: Yeah, Randy, Crystal... I think, uh, who else? Me and Dan got into it.

FC: But that shows your spirit, I mean you didn't want people controlling you. That's how I took that. But when you started to lose your zeal for the game I was surprised that you couldn't hold on to it a little longer. I'm glad that you're happy back at home.
GC: Yeah man, thank you.

FC: But you must think to yourself occasionally "If I'd toughened it out, I might've won A MILLION DOLLARS!"
GC: Yeah, definitely it's crossed my mind. But I can't get down over it, I try to look on the bright side. I was able to have that experience and be a part of it. You know, I might not have won but it was still a great thing to do.

FC: That's right. You made it to Survivor. That's not easy.
GC: Yeah man.

FC: So tell us how that happened for you. What was your road to the show?
GC: I was really thinking what I could do to try to change my life because I've got this music that I've been working on for years and I feel like, if I could get it out to the right people, I could really change some things. I'm really confident in it and I was thinking it would just take some money to really present it to the world and get it into the right hands. Or if not, I could do it independently with enough money. And I was just thinking that as much as I love the outdoors and as much as I love watching Survivor, I should try to get on there to see if I could win some money to try to do those things.

FC: So you went over to the website, through the traditional route then?
GC: Yep. I went to the website and downloaded the application, sent in my audition tape and just waited.

FC: How did you feel when you realized you were going off to Africa?
GC: Oh man! I was scared and happy at the same time. I mean the lions and cheetahs and all types of crazy animals were there, and I was just thinking that's gonna be a difficult part to deal with because I wasn't even sure what types of animals live in Gabon, so I was thinking it could be dangerous. But at the same time I've always dreamed about doing something like that, so I was thinking "it's gonna be great!"

FC: Did you see a lot of wild animals? How did they keep them away from you?
GC: I have no idea how they kept them away because we did see some. But at nighttime, I think maybe we scared them away or something, because we could hear them close, but they wouldn't get close enough for us to see them. But you could hear them out there every single night.

FC: So right off the bat they vote you leader, because you showed some leadership qualities. Do you feel that had an effect on you, maybe it soured you a little? Because you did step down from the role.
GC: Well I've watched other seasons of the show and one thing I noticed is there's always one person who kinda wants to be the leader. They might have good intentions but it never works out for them. And I've seen people be picked as a leader and it doesn't work out for them either. So I was just thinking before I even started the game, "whatever I do, don't be a leader." It doesn't mean I can't help or lead by example, but once that happened I feel like it changed a lot for my strategy.

FC: Sure you can think to yourself "I won't volunteer" but when the moment comes, you took it upon yourself. But it didn't work out for you. What I respect is you immediately saw that "this is not for me. I am not doing it." It has been portrayed as quitting, but honestly you tasted it and you didn't like the taste, so you didn't want to have any more of it.
GC: Yeah. That's real man.

FC: I have to ask you one question. When you went off alone in the kayak, where did you go?
GC: I went fishing.

FC: You knew the immunity challenge was coming, right?
GC: Yeah, I knew the challenge was coming and I knew I had time to go out to where I usually go to catch fish, and I left and I just lost track of time. I felt like I was doing pretty good out there, I was catching some fish and I was caught up in the moment. I was like "Man, we're really gonna eat tonight!" Then I started hearing some noises in the background. And the first time, I thought "what the hell is that?" Then I started fishing again and I hear "GC!" so I thought "I better get back to the camp!" I went back to the boat immediately and I went straight back.

FC: So nobody from the show came to you and said "hey, you need to get back" or anything like that?
GC: No.

FC: I ask because you have to be back for the challenge. What would happen if you missed the challenge?
GC: I have no idea. (laughs)

FC: That's exactly what I mean. I don't think I've ever seen it happen. So you made that memorable, that's for sure.
GC: (laughs) Thank you man.

FC: Also, I didn't notice you brought fish back.
GC: Yeah! I brought fish back and we didn't even have time to eat them before the challenge 'cause I got back so late. We had eat 'em after we got back.

FC: Cool. A last meal on you. I'd love to hear more about your music career. What's happening there?
GC: Ok, yeah. I'm working on a new album, it should be out at the beginning of the year. I produce beats, I'm working with a few artists that I'm producing for. And I'm working on getting my record label started, for my music production company, to distribute and produce the CDs that I'm working on. As well as the website that I'm working on. Also in the beginning of the year we're gonna be starting a TV show called "The Artist" here locally in Portland, which is also to promote music and I'll be involved with that.

FC: Has it helped that people can say "Hey this guy was on Survivor?"
GC: Yeah, yeah, it definitely has helped.

FC: Is there any website address you can give us to learn more about what you're doing?
GC: Definitely, they can go to GC at MySpace and once I actually do have the website up I'll have a link on there, so you'll be able to find it.

FC: Well we'll be looking out for you, because it's hard to get on Survivor no matter the outcome. They must've seen something in you because soooo many people try. I congratulate you!
GC: Thank you sir.

FC: Do you have a prediction for the winner?
GC: Not really. I hope somebody from Fang wins. Maybe Kenny. But we'll see. Anything can happen, it's a crazy game.

FC: That's for sure! Thank you GC! Good luck to you, we'll be watching on Fancast!
GC: Thank you so much.


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2008, 06:55:21 PM »
Another GC interview:

Exclusive: Danny 'G.C.' Brown dishes about 'Survivor: Gabon' ouster

Danny "G.C." Brown, a 26-year-old maintenance supervisor from Portland, OR, had weathered three Tribal Councils, poor relationships with his tribemates, and even a brief stint as the leader of his tribe during his fifteen days in Gabon.

However, with a fourth Tribal Council looming for his Fang tribe, G.C.'s frustration finally got the best of him. After expressing doubt to his teammates regarding his desire to remain on the show, G.C. became the fifth castaway eliminated from Survivor: Gabon.

On Friday, G.C. talked with Reality TV World about his claims that he didn't actually want to go home, what his opinions of his tribemates were, and why his election as the initial leader of the Fang tribe ruined his game plan for the rest of the competition.

Reality TV World: After you had been eliminated, you said in your Final Words video: "For all the people who might say I quit or I just gave up, call it what you want."  What would you call it if it wasn't one of those?

G.C.: Hmm, let me see. A "voluntary bow down" (laughs). I just wanted to give somebody else a chance, do you know what I mean? That's what I was really doing. I was like "[Jessica "Sugar" Kiper], you want it? Maybe I'll just let you stay the night."

Reality TV World: during your Final Words, you also said you didn't agree with "the backstabbing and the lying" and "never expected it to be this hard." Backstabbing, lying and hardship are all core parts of the Survivor game.  Why were you surprised and what were you expecting?

G.C.: Yeah, I already knew that part of it, I knew I was gonna have to do it. I just didn't wanna have to do it to everyone. I didn't want to have to do it to people I was close with and people who I promised that I wouldn't vote out.

I know that's part of the game, that you eventually have to vote people out, but I was hoping to have the type of alliance where I could just really keep it real with that person and let them know how I'm feeling. Like, if it came to that point and it was [either] me [or] you to go, I'm gonna say "You know, tonight man I might have to write your name down because it's either me or you."

I wanted to have that type of relationship with my alliance. But what happened was everyone just turned on everyone. That's what I [meant].

Reality TV World: On the show it showed a lot of arguing between everybody, but didn't seem to show much of the undercutting, backstabbing and lying [you had mentioned]. Can you give me some specific examples about what you saw among the Fang members?

G.C.: Yeah, there was definitely a couple of people that were on different sides. Like for example me and [Ken "Kenny" Hoang] and [Crystal Cox], we stuck together for the majority of the time and everybody else just kinda seemed like they were doing their own thing and started alliances on the side. There was a lot of.... we were losing so much [that] there was always the talk of who was going to be voted out next because we knew we were heading to Tribal Council. So there was always a lot of [planning] and scheming going on around the Fang camp.

Reality TV World: Where there any alliances that you didn't feel were "backstabbing" and were good for you?

G.C.: Not really, but I would say me and Kenny probably had the best relationship while I was there. He was the person I was always 100% honest with and, well I felt that he was the same with me.

After watching the show I could see that everybody kind of turns on each other when they're not together. But for the most part he was on my side.

Reality TV World: How were you cast on the show?

G.C.: I applied in January and went through a few interviews and just had to wait. There was a lot of waiting.

Reality TV World: Had you applied to the show before?

G.C.: Nope. This was my first time.

Reality TV World: And had you watched the show a lot before applied?

G.C.: Definitely.

Reality TV World: What were the hardest parts of the game that surprised you?

G.C.: The hardest part was really dealing with the people. I usually get along with people pretty good and really easily.

It's not as easy for me to still deal with you on a level where we may not be best friends, we might not all agree on everything, and you might not like me, but I can respect you in a way where we can still get along.

That just wasn't happening out there because everyone was just constantly being pestered or pestering each other.

Reality TV World: How far into the competition were you when you first got the feeling that you were done and just wanted to go home?

G.C.: (pauses) I never really just said that I was ready to go right at that second. I was just kind of telling people that it was hard for me and I was like "You know what? I feel like going home." But I was just hoping someone was gonna talk to me and be like "This is what we're gonna do." And then the more and more I thought about it and I was like "You know, maybe this ain't for me."

Reality TV World: So do you have any idea how many days it took before you wanted to go?

G.C.: I would say probably within the last three days, because a few things went down and it kinda just pushed me more towards that feeling.

Reality TV World: Before the Tribal Council in which you were eliminated, did Crystal, [Matty Whitmore], Kenny, and [Kelly Czarnecki] approach you to stick around one more week so the tribe could blindside Sugar?

G.C.: Yeah, they did. And I said that would be fine. I was like "You know what, it's up to you. I told you how I feel already so that's it, I have nothing else to say because the decision is in your hands."

I did feel that there was a good possibility that they were gonna try to vote Sugar out that night.

Reality TV World: So you would have been willing to stay?

G.C. Yes. Definitely.

Reality TV World: And so  when you went to Tribal Council did you think you were going home or did you think they were going to go after Sugar?

G.C.: I wasn't sure. I thought that because they found that [Immunity Idol] in Sugar's bag that they might want to vote her out because everyone was so paranoid about that Idol.

Even when [Dan Kay] was on our tribe and he went to [Exile] people were getting paranoid and wanted to vote him out because he might have had the Idol.

So the fact that Sugar had been out there numerous times and now she was coming back to our camp, I was thinking "You know maybe they will be so paranoid that they will vote her out." So I really wasn't sure.

Reality TV World: Could you explain the situation with the kayak [in Thursday's episode]? Were you keeping track of the time? Did you want the tribe to leave without you for the Immunity Challenge?

G.C.: No. [The tribe] knew that we had a little bit of time before the [Immunity Challenge] started. There was a place that I go fishing [that was] not far from our campsite or dock. So I went to go fishing so we could eat some fish before the challenge because all we had was rice.

I went out there and I just lost track of time because I was having fun out there fishing and I was catching stuff. They started calling me and I was like "Oh damn! I need to get back to the camp" so I just immediately left. I didn't hesitate and try to prolong it. As soon as I heard them call me I ran to the boat, hopped in, and got back to camp.

Reality TV World: Survivor castaways don't need to voted out of the game in order to quit -- you could have quit the game at any time. Had that possibility crossed your mind? Or had you decided to stick with it until you were eliminated?

G.C.: I was there until I got eliminated. There was no way I was ever going to be asked to get picked up or anything like that. I was there until I got voted off, or I won. That was it.

Reality TV World: What did you think of Sugar's Tribal Council comments about the Immunity Idol? Did you take that as an admission that she had found it?

G.C.: Well we actually knew that she had found it because Crystal had gone into her bag and seen it...

Reality TV World: But do you think that she knew that you guys knew she had it when she was saying that?

G.C.: I don't think that she would really think that we had gone through her stuff. I mean, we did and Crystal did. She probably didn't think somebody would really look in it, but it happened, and [Crystal] found it. There was really nothing much that [Sugar] could say because we already knew.

Reality TV World: Could you speak a little bit about your relationship with Crystal? At some times it seemed like you two got along alright but at other times you two were at each other's throats.

G.C.: Yeah it was one of those relationships. (laughs) I think Crystal is... she's the type of person who I would probably talk to or hang out with in real life or whatever. But out there on the show it was just difficult to deal with her sometimes. I have a strong personality [and] she has a strong personality and, you know, we just kind of butted heads sometimes.

That's all it was, I have nothing against her or anything like that. It is what it is.

Reality TV World: Ok, and what was the misunderstanding in last night's episode when Crystal made the comment about you eating your rice?

G.C.: I was like, I was already tired enough (laughs). I'm hungry enough. You don't have to tell me to eat my rice because I'm starving! I'm gonna eat my rice without you having to tell me.

She just came out of nowhere and she just said that, and I was like "Where the hell is this coming from? Why are you saying that?" And she just kept saying it, and I was like "Please shut up," or "Shut your mouth" or whatever I said. (laughs).

Reality TV World: Going back to the first Tribal Council, when you offered to become the tribe's leader -- and then seemed to take a step back immediately after -- had you just been trying to get the idea out there and maybe make yourself look good? Or did you actually want to be [the tribe's] leader?

G.C.: No, I didn't want to be the leader, and I actually didn't offer to be the leader. They pretty much raised their hands... Jeff was like "[Whoever] wants G.C. to be the leader raise your hands," and that's how it happened. I never said "You guys pick me to be the leader, I want to be the leader of this tribe, I think I'd be a good leader" or anything [like that]."

I was just trying to fly under the radar and just try to go unnoticed. After they [made me the leader] I feel like I was put in a position where I didn't want to be in because there's no way for a leader to go unnoticed and go under the radar. I know that leaders get voted out for the decisions that they make in the game and I don't want that on my back.

I just wanted to be, like I said, just a guy who's around camp helping out and you really don't notice him that much, and he just helps on the challenges or whatever and you just keep him around. But it didn't work out like that for me.

Reality TV World: So is that why you chose to relinquish that leadership role so soon after in the next episode?

G.C.: Yeah.

Reality TV World: Were you surprised how aggressive Jeff about the issue by pushing someone to step up and become a leader?

G.C.: Yeah. I was very surprised. I wish he wouldn't have done that, because I think that would have changed a lot of things as far as how my game went. But you know, it is what it is.

Reality TV World: You and [Randy Bailey] clearly didn't get along when you guys were on Fang. Did your mutual dislike happen instantly or grow as the days passed?

G.C.: It kind of progressed over the days. The first couple days I was like "Wow, this guy really surprised me" because I wasn't able to talk to him before the show started, and just by looking at him I was just thinking "You know this guy is probably someone that I would not hang out with." He just had a mean look on his face all the time and I was like "Man, what's wrong with this dude?" And after hearing him talk the first time I was like "You know he's kinda funny. He's alright."

Then once the whole leader thing happened that's when it just switched. All of the sudden he came out of nowhere and was like "G.C. you need to do this. You need to do that, and G.C. you need to do this," and I'm like "Wow where's this coming from? Why are you going to ask me to be the leader and now you got all of these ideas for what we're doing?" (laughs)

Dan was kind of the same way. There [were] a few things that led to me saying that I didn't want to be the leader because once I had that title everything changed!

Reality TV World: Ace Gordon seems to be a "love him or hate him" kind of guy. What did you think of him?

G.C.: I think Ace was pretty cool actually. I know that a lot of people don't like him, but I respect him. I like him because he is different and he's pretty unique. He might not be like me and we may not agree on everything but he's still a good guy.

Reality TV World: After the tribes were reshuffled [last week] did you think that the tribes ended up better or worse for you?

G.C.: I kind of feel like it was better because I really didn't get along with Randy and Dan and now they were on the other tribe. And we didn't really have any girls in our camp either and [after the shuffle] we had a couple girls like Kelly and Sugar. [Jacque Berg] was there for a minute [too], but that was pretty cool. I didn't have to look at those old ladies anymore.

Reality TV World: Is there anyone that you'd like to see win?

G.C.: Yeah man. Somebody from the Fang tribe, hopefully.

Reality TV World: How much weight did you lose?

G.C.: I lost like 22 or 23 lbs.


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2008, 01:09:39 PM »
An interview with GC:

GC Bows Out Of Survivor

On the first day of Survivor: Gabon, Danny "GC" Brown, 26, of Portland, Ore., won his tribe's first individual immunity idol. He made a to-the-end alliance with Kenny Hoang and soon after was anointed tribe leader. With such a track record you'd think he would make it to the end, but heavy lays the crown. Lack of food, lack of sleep and a few confrontations over rice left GC ready to call it a day. Brown talked with Friday about the hardships of Survivor and the pressures of leadership that led to his departure.

TV You started off pretty strong by winning the first individual immunity idol on your tribe and then being chosen tribe leader, but you seemed to lose your way. What broke you down?

Danny "GC" Brown: After I was voted the leader, things got a little hectic around camp. I was chosen and four other people tried to take the leadership role at that point. It was strange because now I was like, "why would you guys pick me for the leader if you guys really want to be the leader yourselves?" I felt that we didn’t need one and I didn't really want to be the leader because it just put a target on my back. When I did try to ask anyone to do anything it was like they didn’t want to listen to me. I felt like I was just being set up to fail.

TV Jeff [Probst] was pretty persistent at tribal council in urging your team to pull together and choose a leader. What did you think about his "coaching" at that point?

Brown: If he wouldn't have mentioned it, then I wouldn’t have been picked to be leader or the issue wouldn't even have been brought up. That would have been great for me because I could have stayed in the background and shown people that I am a helper around camp and lead by example.

TV What about your performance in some of the challenges? From what we saw it looked like you kind of gave up a little bit.

Brown: I gave up in one challenge for a second to catch my breath. That was the one where we had to dig in the hole. I was just thirsty and hot and exhausted. I took a break and I do feel bad because we lost that challenge and if I would have tried a little bit harder maybe we would have won. You know, that's life; you make mistakes sometimes. As far as other challenges go, I definitely performed a lot better than the world probably believes I did, but that's TV and that’s fine with me. At least I know what really happened and I'm okay with it.

TV Where did you disappear to before the immunity challenge?

Brown: [Laughs] Oh, I just went fishing and was trying to bring some food back so we could eat before the challenge because we hadn't eaten anything but rice and grasshoppers. I didn’t know it was that close to the challenge, but when I started hearing them calling I knew I was in trouble and I needed to get back there real quick.

TV Did you enjoy your time on the show?

Brown: Yes, I did, but it was hard and I didn't enjoy the way I played it. I made a lot of mistakes. I should have been a lot more calm and held my tongue more. That's one thing about me; I like to speak my mind. I feel like if someone can tell me how they're feeling about something then I should be able to do the same. Unfortunately, it didn't look too good on TV.


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2008, 01:13:23 PM »
An interview with GC:

Exclusive Interview: Danny "GC" Brown of 'Survivor: Gabon'

This season on Survivor, GC earned one of the worst reputations in the game for being difficult and argumentative.  Early in the game, he was named the leader of the Fang tribe, a title that came with responsibilities he never asked for.  Misunderstood by many, GC failed to form an alliance that would at least get him to the merge.  When Fang lost yet another challenge last night, the tribe took their opportunity to vote him out of the game, after he suggested that he was ready to go home.  Today, GC spoke to BuddyTV in an exclusive interview.

Tell me what made you want to try out for Survivor. Were you a fan of the show, in the past?

Yeah, a fan of the show. I’m really into a lot of outdoorsy type of stuff. I really like to fish and go camping. I’m really focused on trying to get my music career started and it takes money to really get a business going the way I would like it to go. I was thinking this might be a good show for me to get on and win that million so I could change some things in my life. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the million but it might still change my life.

Early in the game, you stepped up as the leader and then changed your mind. What changed for you?

Well, the thing about it was that I really didn’t want to be the leader ever to begin with. I don’t know if it was really shown the way that it went down. I was telling the other guys, “If you would like to be the leader, I think one of you should step up because I don’t feel like this is the role that I want to take out here.” There was nothing I could say to get out of it. It just got put on me and I had to roll with it so that’s what happened. After they picked me to be the leader, that’s when everyone started coming down on me and criticizing every little thing I was doing and getting on my case no matter what I did. Someone had something to say about it and I was like, “You know what? Before I was leader, I was at least able to just do my own thing and help out around camp, like I’ve been doing, so I really don’t want to be the leader.” I just feel like it put a target on my back.

Do you feel like you were misunderstood this season?

Yeah, I do but it’s alright because I still think it was a good show. It kind of sucks that all the good talks that we had and the good times that we had weren’t really shown but it was still fun to watch.

When you took off in the boat on last night’s episode, before the immunity challenge, were you always planning on coming back?

Yeah, I was planning on coming back. I just went fishing because we hadn’t had any fish since the first time I caught some. I was just really hoping to get some more food before we started that next challenge. I went out there and kinda lost track of the time but I did catch some fish. I was having a good time but I heard those guys calling for me so I was like, “Oh man, it’s probably time for the challenge,” so I headed straight back.

Yeah, your tribe was so dramatic about it, acting like you were just never coming back. Were you happier with your tribe before the switch or after?

I was probably a little happier afterwards because I didn’t really get along with Randy or Dan that much. After we got switched, it gave me the chance to meet people and be around the people that I thought I was closer to in the game like Matty and Kenny.

Despite leaving fairly early in the game, are you happy that you made it onto the show and got to experience the game?

Definitely.  I have no regrets, other than I didn't get that million.  Other than that, it was the greatest experience.  I don't think anything out there compares to that.

You mentioned earlier that you would like to get a music career going.  Can you tell me a little bit about that and what you're hoping to do in the future?

Yeah, I actually produce and I rap also.  What I plan on doing is putting out an album right around January or February, which will be my third album, actually.  I'm working on a website right now and put my music on there for people to listen to and also to purchase.  Hopefully, in the future, I'll be able to produce things for people who are in the industry and hopefully, I'll be in the industry myself one day.  I'm workin' on it!


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2008, 05:58:13 AM »
An interview with GC:

Survivor: Gabon’s GC Brown: I Was Ready to Go Home

Thanks to a food shortage, lack of sleep, personality conflicts, a wicked losing streak at challenges and being handed a leadership role he didn’t want, 26-year-old G.C. “G-Sizzle” Brown all but asked to be sent home from Survivor: Gabon to Portland, Ore. In a phone interview, the maintenance supervisor and aspiring hip hop artist reveals who he wants to win the $1 million prize and explains where he disappeared to and why he was ready to go home. – Carrie Bell

What was the best part about being on Survivor? The Worst?
The whole experience of going to Africa. I enjoyed the whole experience of being thrown into that situation where you are forced to survive with the elements. You have to catch your own food, find water, deal with the people. I met some good people out there. The worst was not winning that million.

By the end of your time, you seemed beat down and practically requested being sent home. Did you play the game well?
I was good at the survival part. I was able to make a good alliance at the beginning. My biggest downfall was my attitude. It was hard for me to just accept things, which I should have [done]. When people made comments to me, I should have just ignored them and just kept on pushing. But I always chose to say something back and that wasn’t a good thing. I was arguing with people out there and that’s not a good look.

In hindsight, do you see why Randy wanted to conserve the rice, or were you just too hungry to consider one meal a day?
We all wanted to have two meals a day. There were only one or two people who I felt were eating more than the rest of us. I was just saying that it was unfair that these people were eating so much and now that we were running low, we were all supposed to sacrifice. I understood where he was coming from but people had been overeating and not paying attention to it. We were all already losing a lot of weight.

How did the show affect you physically?
In the first week, I had already lost 15 pounds. So when he suggested we get even less to eat when I was so hungry, it was really tough to deal with. I lost about 23 pounds by the time I left. I couldn’t sleep there. I don’t sleep well at home. I am a very light sleeper and out there, when you have bugs crawling on you and gorillas making noise in the woods behind you and elephants crashing into trees, it made it even harder to sleep. That took a toll on me.

Fang is being obliterated and people are talking about curses. Were there more substantive reasons that your team fared so poorly?
I think it has to do with the way that the tribe was originally picked. When Jillian started to pick, about three or four people into it, I was thinking to myself, “Please don’t pick me to go to that tribe. They aren’t looking too good so far.” And just my luck, I ended up there. Just looking at the other team, I knew we would get killed in challenges. But I tried not to doubt myself because anything is possible so we needed to try.

Where did you go when you disappeared in this week’s episode?
I heard there was a mall not far away from camp. I heard there was a McDonald’s out there and I needed to find something to eat. I’m just joking. I went fishing for the tribe. I wanted to catch some fish before the challenge and I lost track of time. When I heard everyone calling for me, I went back to camp and I got back right before we had to leave.

Did you give up and were you asking to be voted out?
I did talk to Ken and Matty before that Tribal Council. I told them how I was feeling. He knew that I was ready to go about that time. Ken told me he was also concerned because he felt he needed me to stay to get farther in the game. So I didn’t know what he was going to do for sure, so at council that night, I was still thinking it could have been Sugar that was gonna go.

Who do you think will walk away with the million?
I don’t know who it’s gonna be but I hope Kenny wins because that’s my dude right there and I might need to borrow some money.

What was the first thing you did when you returned to civilization?
I was craving some pizza. And then, definitely a shower. It took a couple to get all that dirt off.

What has life been like since returning to Portland? What are you up to these days?
Life has been good. Ain’t no place like home. I’ve been working on my new hip hop album, which should be out at the beginning of next year. I’ve been producing and I’m going to work on another TV show with my brother starting in January. It’s a local show where we show music videos and live performances by local bands and talk about stuff going on in the community. I am trying to get in the movies and get my CD out there for the world to listen to. I’ll try anything.


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Re: Danny "GC" Brown
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2008, 09:58:40 PM »
I am soo glad to see him gone. He was a jerk, and the players don't need him agging on like a baby.  :groan: