Author Topic: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"  (Read 260768 times)

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1150 on: August 25, 2008, 07:52:00 PM »
I would love at this moment for BB to  play on the LR screen the conversation that OMJ were having in the BY last night -- thinking they had the game in the bag.  Every time some one starts thinking that way in this game -- it bites them in the arse!!

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1151 on: August 25, 2008, 07:56:21 PM »
I think Dan is doing it again.  He's in the HOH with Renny and getting teary-eyed about his dad.  i bet he's using that ploy again to get the sympathy thing going with Renny.  He felt he was losing her trust after the POV. 

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1152 on: August 25, 2008, 07:59:20 PM »
no problem indulging in live porno (albeit under the sheets and what some may consider "Soft porn-erotica"). 

no, no no, don't cha know, they just dry humped  :funny: :lol:

lol they were far from dry humping as we  all know  from april saying after a session "do you need a towel or something?"

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1153 on: August 25, 2008, 08:08:13 PM »
I am listening to the feeds and reading the updates and I can't help but laugh at Ollie's outburst.  I am unsure on complete details, but honestly, did Ollie really believe Dan would do everything Ollie wanted?  Ummm... how stupid do you think Dan is?  Sure your mad, but you have yourself to blame for thinking you were HoH when, if Dan wanted to, he could have put your butt on the block.  The HoH can't be nominated soo... guess you really weren't. 

And now Ollie is going on all of this "Dan's excuse is it's a game."  And Michelle is "he's a Catholic school teacher"  ummm....

Well guess what, it is a game!  Or have you been too busy dry humping April to notice.  And Michelle, from a person who went through Catholic schooling, I would applaud my teacher for doing what is necessary to win. 

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1154 on: August 25, 2008, 08:18:46 PM »
Maybe Dan is the twist!javascript:void(0);

Offline ThunderStruck

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1155 on: August 25, 2008, 08:25:41 PM »
I think the twist is that they have all had jail time.  I've been going over scenarials  :-[ in my head.

The only thing that they all have in common is trouble, at some point or another, with the law.

Renny had something "terrible" from her past.  Michelle said her own family put her in jail.  April was saying she was in jail.  I know I heard it from two of the guys (Brian?, Stephen?, Jessie?)

What does everyone remember about jail and the other HG's?  Help me with this.... ???

Offline lovemykiddies

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1156 on: August 25, 2008, 08:30:57 PM »
I think the twist is that they have all had jail time.  I've been going over scenarials  :-[ in my head.

The only thing that they all have in common is trouble, at some point or another, with the law.


So then maybe the twist was this is phase 2 of jail time, and the ones who have left already and aren't at the jury house (Brian, Steven, Angie) were released for good behavior...Jessie just slipped through the cracks ~ it happens...

And April, Libra, and soon to be Michelle had to switch prisons because they couldnt play well with the other inmates...

Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1157 on: August 25, 2008, 08:38:51 PM »
I'm sure ollie got a severe warning and his stipend is going to be affeted by the damage he did.

they can't  kick him out because it would be messed up when it's time for the jury to vote  but ollie gave EVERYONE  all the reasons now to evict him on thurs if he doesn't win HOH. w/ the double eviction

 i think BB  is aware of this and i think if  they have anything to do with "setting up HOH  for a specific person to win" it would be renny. this way she's put up jerry and memphs/dan as pawns

Jerry is gonna keep stoking the fire inside of ollie and michelle to make sure he stays this week

I also think we are getting fishies because they keep mentioning production and monica (  as mentioned in previous posts )

zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline IrishLass

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1158 on: August 25, 2008, 08:45:14 PM »
TexasLady said:
I rewound to about 1/2 an hour ago. This is what she said.

Michelle says: They asked me to keep asking questions about if he is a plant. Fish

A few minutes later:

M: ... Told me to ask about all the stuff he does and why? Why would they tell me that?


My guess on that is that Michelle is making it up.  It totally sounds like something she would make up just to justify her questions and it shows her desperation - she wants to stay and she's not sure how she's going to do it but is making sure she has an excuse for anything that may pop up giving her a glimmer of hope of staying (which is dellusional, imo)  I don't think she knows where she's going with it yet, but people like her are always setting themselves up for possible later scenarios.  She's just not very good at it because she's stupid.

Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't put it past BB for a second to want to keep the fires fueled or to mix their fingers in the pot but I just don't think they are telling her that in this PARTICULAR instance.  I think she's making the whole thing up.
  Have I mentioned that April is a self-centered, self-important, ignorant, delusional, moronic, hateful, spiteful, conceited, arrogant, lying, conniving, back-stabbing freakozoid who needs to GO HOME NOW, lately?

Offline ThunderStruck

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1159 on: August 25, 2008, 08:47:47 PM »
I think the twist is that they have all had jail time.  I've been going over scenarials  :-[ in my head.

The only thing that they all have in common is trouble, at some point or another, with the law.

Renny had something "terrible" from her past.  Michelle said her own family put her in jail.  April was saying she was in jail.  I know I heard it from two of the guys (Brian?, Stephen?, Jessie?)

What does everyone remember about jail and the other HG's?  Help me with this.... ???

I just did youtube and found that

April was in jail for DUI and on a work release program.
Keesha was in jail for underage consumption.
Memphis was in jail for battery (beating someone up).
Jerry had to spend a lot of money bailing his son out of jail a bunch of times
Jessie was in jail for a crime he didn't commit (tee hee - nominating Stephen)  :groan:
Michelle said her own family had put her in jail.
Renny had something "terrible" from her past and wouldn't tell Keesha the details (probably jail)

Did anyone else find anything on the others?

Offline Gnattering

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1160 on: August 25, 2008, 08:58:43 PM »
She was so out of control last night with the tell me tell me that I kept willing Dan to say, "listen, Quiche, if you whine at me one more time, I'm putting you up." After promising that she wouldn't let Jerry know she knew if he told her she was badgering him so long and often everywhere he went that she has already "told Jerry" even though she doesn't know anything.

I've liked her up to then; it drove me off my nut.

Checking through to see what Ollie Lollie the little prince did today.

Last night or the night before he was boasting to Michelle, "This is a first in Bib Brother.  No one has ever made a deal, gotten two people protected on a HOH before" -- no one except G-nat last winter, dummy, "and I own him.  I have all the power.  He has to do everything I say.  This is a first -- no one ever got to pick one of the nominees too!"  He went on about how he had all the power and everything that happened from that point on he was in control of.  P-U.  I think he was babbling on about how he was in control of the replacement nomination too -- yes, that was the night before last.

On last night's CBS, his DR statement was, "I got two things and he's gotta give em to me: he can't put up Michelle and I get to pick a nominee.  I'm getting those two things."

Dan is being nice to let him pick someone as well as not putting him or Michelle up for noms (on the first go-round, that is!).  The agreement was not actually struck -- Dan tossed out a whole bunch of options trying to get Ollie to capitulate and Ollie kept boasting that he could sit there all night and the discussion had ended for some time.  Just before Ollie fell off his vine, he said, "O.K. Done."  Whatever that meant.  It is nice of Dan to be as generous as he has been, since no specific deal was struck.

Want to see creepy -- just look at Ollie pursing his lips and pouting at the same time while he issues directives from his litter.

memphis he said when i get tot the jury house  you'll never win(dan)

keesha  he does tht everyweek!! what animal did he compare me to

dan  we have enough goin g on

Memphis he compared you to animal??

I laughed so hard when I read this...Even in the midst of this, there's still the guess the 5 animal game happening...And Dan has no time for that nonsense

Offline cherylm

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1161 on: August 25, 2008, 09:00:08 PM »
A lot of you keeping saying that Ollie's behavior is so much worse than Dan's, but I don't remember a single commandment that says thou shall not curse or thou not throw a hissy fit.  I sent my son to a Catholic school in part because I expected that his teacher would be an exemplary role model.  I think that's part of the reason most parents send their kids to private schools.  Maybe a small part, but it does play a part.  Nor am I condoning Ollie's actions.  I'm saying there was far more humane way of handling himself, but Dan chose not to do it.  That's why, for the most part, he's hiding out in the HOH room.  He should accept responsibility for his actions and hold his head high.  The fact that he doesn't says a lot about his character.  I think there are enough people around that would prevent Ollie from hurting Dan.  Remember Dan and Ollie spoke in the HOH room after the POV and nothing happened?  Dan's using this opportunity to milk sympathy as he has pretty much the entire game.  It's the Danielle Donato strategy? Remember?  Make everyone feel sorry for you and they truly don't recognize your game skills.  Then when you need to start winning competitions you do.  We've seen this before.  Of course, she cried more, but it's still the same game plan.  

Renny's the only one smart enough to see what Dans up to.  

Offline ugot2bekidinmeny

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1162 on: August 25, 2008, 09:00:53 PM »
Quote from: ThunderStruck on Today at 09:25:41 PM
I just did youtube and found that

April was in jail for DUI and on a work release program.
Keesha was in jail for underage consumption.
Memphis was in jail for battery (beating someone up).
Jerry had to spend a lot of money bailing his son out of jail a bunch of times
Jessie was in jail for a crime he didn't commit (tee hee - nominating Stephen)  :groan:
Michelle said her own family had put her in jail.
Renny had something "terrible" from her past and wouldn't tell Keesha the details (probably jail)

Did anyone else find anything on the others?

 i'm not sure if you really believe what you have here regarding the twist = jail time
 but  if you do that's ok.  i do have to say one thng.. 2x's you mentioned something about renny and that you assume it's jail.  she has said over and over she's an anxious person and something happened to her  in her past. and she's on medication- xanax . i tend to believe that  it's something disturbing  emotionally that happened because of the way xanax is prescibed. i think that renny would have already said if she was in the clinker  in a humorous way.

 the twist is that  there was an AP for 1 week and as far as we know that's it except for all the unexpected late night pov's and HOH's!

 this is in no way disrespecting your opinion. i just think that jail has nothing to do with it.  btw ED did jail time and i bet more than 1/2 the cast from all the seasons have some sort of criminal history.
zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Offline lovemykiddies

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1163 on: August 25, 2008, 09:05:00 PM »
I think the twist is that they have all had jail time.  I've been going over scenarials  :-[ in my head.

The only thing that they all have in common is trouble, at some point or another, with the law.

Renny had something "terrible" from her past.  Michelle said her own family put her in jail.  April was saying she was in jail.  I know I heard it from two of the guys (Brian?, Stephen?, Jessie?)

What does everyone remember about jail and the other HG's?  Help me with this.... ???

Jessie was in jail for a crime he didn't commit (tee hee - nominating Stephen)  :groan:

Girl, you are on a roll!!!   :lolmao:

Offline ThunderStruck

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1164 on: August 25, 2008, 09:14:22 PM »
this is in no way disrespecting your opinion. i just think that jail has nothing to do with it.  btw ED did jail time and i bet more than 1/2 the cast from all the seasons have some sort of criminal history.

I'm not judging people, I just think it's a common thread.  It's a fact that April, Keesha and Memphis were in jail.  They all openly admitted it.  Renny has a great husband and great kids.  She said it didn't have anything to do with her husband, her kids or her I just lumped her in the jail boat.

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1165 on: August 25, 2008, 09:14:37 PM »
A lot of you keeping saying that Ollie's behavior is so much worse than Dan's, but I don't remember a single commandment that says thou shall not curse or thou not throw a hissy fit.  I sent my son to a Catholic school in part because I expected that his teacher would be an exemplary role model.  I think that's part of the reason most parents send their kids to private schools.  Maybe a small part, but it does play a part.  Nor am I condoning Ollie's actions.  I'm saying there was far more humane way of handling himself, but Dan chose not to do it.  That's why, for the most part, he's hiding out in the HOH room.  He should accept responsibility for his actions and hold his head high.  The fact that he doesn't says a lot about his character.  I think there are enough people around that would prevent Ollie from hurting Dan.  Remember Dan and Ollie spoke in the HOH room after the POV and nothing happened?  Dan's using this opportunity to milk sympathy as he has pretty much the entire game.  It's the Danielle Donato strategy? Remember?  Make everyone feel sorry for you and they truly don't recognize your game skills.  Then when you need to start winning competitions you do.  We've seen this before.  Of course, she cried more, but it's still the same game plan.  

Renny's the only one smart enough to see what Dans up to.  

I actually think what Dan did was pretty lame...It totally backfired...

But I have to say, I do send my boys to Catholic school...One very near to where Dan teaches...And as a big supporter of the Catholic schools and the values they teach, in my eyes, I think Dan's play, while deceptive, is just that - game play...Not to say that I agree with it or would do it, but it is what it is.

Now, if my boys had a teacher that called another person a faggot, told someone to suck his di**, or someone who said that another HG needs to suck more di** in order to advance her career, well, that's someone that I don't want around my boys.  And that would be the same feeling if my kids went to public schools as well.

Just my opinion...

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1166 on: August 25, 2008, 09:17:14 PM »
this is in no way disrespecting your opinion. i just think that jail has nothing to do with it.  btw ED did jail time and i bet more than 1/2 the cast from all the seasons have some sort of criminal history.

I'm not judging people, I just think it's a common thread.  It's a fact that April, Keesha and Memphis were in jail.  They all openly admitted it.  Renny has a great husband and great kids.  She said it didn't have anything to do with her husband, her kids or her I just lumped her in the jail boat.


Sounds like jail house tactics to me  ;)

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1167 on: August 25, 2008, 09:45:15 PM »
BB needs to hire another camera man  (:;) all 4 feeds on chess  :pull gimme a break :knuckles:
delightful just delightful

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1168 on: August 25, 2008, 09:51:28 PM »
It is seriously better than all four feeds of Dan sleeping Mshell, Ollie and Jerry bitchign about something.

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1169 on: August 25, 2008, 10:27:04 PM »
yep I agree better than the 3 nuts!
delightful just delightful

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1170 on: August 26, 2008, 12:30:43 AM »
Ok I am Catholic also and I would much rather have my child educated by someone who has played a game stratigically as Dan has and yes with some lies.  Which every single person in the house did.
Then Ollie who has had Sex- most nights in the house with a women that he did not know.  ( Is sex out of wed lock not a sin anymore. - I wont go on )  Plus he is a pastors son.  Which means nothing his Dad is the pastor but all we heard from Ollie and his family is about his values.  Thats why he speaks to women and everyone else so nice. 
I dont remeber Dan talking as bad as Ollie either.  What horrible thing did Dan actually say that makes him this bad person.  I just dont get the Dan bashing. 

Offline alohakiwi

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1171 on: August 26, 2008, 05:10:39 AM »
 Its a game of deceit so whoever signs up knows they are going to act unlike what they would ( hopefully) not act like in real life regardless of religion. If anybody thinks Dan stratigic move ( no matter how good or bad it may end up for him) is horrible behavior in comparison to ollie who is threatened to "kill him" ( which is always talk from Ollie) as a better behaved in the house between the two then maybe I am watching a totally different show. The fact is Ollie played a stupid game, he was played. If he tried to play in the begining instead of making porno then he probably would have had more allies. As for Dan picking a more humane way- what else would of you of expected and Like i said before the game is not won by keeping your word or being extreamly honest and its not like he killed anybody either. He played a move and it went in Dans favor ( for the moment) and Ollie was punked on TV. They all signed up for the game show and I assumed they all watched the game before so really, why should Ollie be surprised? It always amazes me.

A lot of you keeping saying that Ollie's behavior is so much worse than Dan's, but I don't remember a single commandment that says thou shall not curse or thou not throw a hissy fit.  I sent my son to a Catholic school in part because I expected that his teacher would be an exemplary role model.  I think that's part of the reason most parents send their kids to private schools.  Maybe a small part, but it does play a part.  Nor am I condoning Ollie's actions.  I'm saying there was far more humane way of handling himself, but Dan chose not to do it.  That's why, for the most part, he's hiding out in the HOH room.  He should accept responsibility for his actions and hold his head high.  The fact that he doesn't says a lot about his character.  I think there are enough people around that would prevent Ollie from hurting Dan.  Remember Dan and Ollie spoke in the HOH room after the POV and nothing happened?  Dan's using this opportunity to milk sympathy as he has pretty much the entire game.  It's the Danielle Donato strategy? Remember?  Make everyone feel sorry for you and they truly don't recognize your game skills.  Then when you need to start winning competitions you do.  We've seen this before.  Of course, she cried more, but it's still the same game plan. 

Renny's the only one smart enough to see what Dans up to. 

Offline cherylm

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1172 on: August 26, 2008, 06:19:41 AM »
Ollie ISN'T a teacher.  Ollie's behavior IS reprehensibile.  I don't think Marketing Reps are held to the same standard as teachers.  Again, why did Dan have to lie in such a personal manner?  Why couldn't he have told Ollie before the POV that he wouldn't honor his deal?  That's all I'm saying and not one person has responded to that. 

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1173 on: August 26, 2008, 06:36:12 AM »
What does being teacher have to do with anything Dan has done in the house? Matter of fact, has he cussed anyone out no? Has lied, yes. Everyone should know by now that the game as I said before - is played by  not being 100percent honest and also decieving. Everyone in that house has at one point done shady deals to each other behind each others  back.  I dont see the big deal about Dan not telling Ollie before the POV if he was going  follow threw with the plan or not. Ollie thought he was in control and Dan burst his bubble. Thats just how the cookie crumbles. Just my opinion.

Ollie ISN'T a teacher.  Ollie's behavior IS reprehensibile.  I don't think Marketing Reps are held to the same standard as teachers.  Again, why did Dan have to lie in such a personal manner?  Why couldn't he have told Ollie before the POV that he wouldn't honor his deal?  That's all I'm saying and not one person has responded to that. 
« Last Edit: August 26, 2008, 06:51:30 AM by alohakiwi »

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #1174 on: August 26, 2008, 06:45:52 AM »
Ollie ISN'T a teacher.  Ollie's behavior IS reprehensibile.  I don't think Marketing Reps are held to the same standard as teachers.  Again, why did Dan have to lie in such a personal manner?  Why couldn't he have told Ollie before the POV that he wouldn't honor his deal?  That's all I'm saying and not one person has responded to that. 
Hey cherlym  :waves:, JMO but I dont think Dan told Ollie before the pov ceremony because Dan wanted  to avoid a **** storm! It doesnt make it right or wrong it was just game play. I think Ollie is being bashed and low on the popularity polls because of his relationship with april and not really playing the game until april was evicted. I didnt know people were held to a standard in the BB house  :lol: they are all equal in my opinion I just like some better than others.
delightful just delightful