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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #475 on: August 02, 2008, 07:25:51 PM »
I can't eat, I can't sleep . . .
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #476 on: August 02, 2008, 07:34:38 PM »
Keesha and Libra are going to nap.   :yess:

Keesha asks Libra if anyone said anything about her she should know.  She said they were watching Ollie and Renny were swimming and then they talked with Jerry for awhile.  The gave him some face time. 

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #477 on: August 02, 2008, 07:36:44 PM »
Silence as the catwomen sleep. 
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #478 on: August 02, 2008, 07:43:03 PM »
April whispering with Keesha and Libra trying to figure out where everyone is at.

Jerry is in the kitchen cooking slop.

Memphis is outside.

Michelle is outside.

Ollie and Dan are outside

Jessie is sleeping. 

Libra is so lethargic today ( as opposed to any other day?)

April: I'm just afraid that they'll never give us alcohol because of the blow ups. I was thinking we need to do something. 
Libra I can't fart in here without it turning into a **** you.

April what shall we do with supper tonight.

Libra: Did you think Jerry was making you feel bad about being on slop?

April: I'm like welcome to the second week slop club. We did it for two weeks in a row.

Keesha: we all have it rough in here. 

Libra: He's something else.  We were just giving him face time.

April:  I was like OMG, I gotta go. He's so loud when he talks game.  I can't take it.

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #479 on: August 02, 2008, 07:45:16 PM »
The cats are talking about Memphis making a deal with Jerry and how he planned on putting Jerry on slop to use the slop pass to make a deal for POV.

April: Memphis told me that this morning. I was worried about Jerry's reaction.

Libra: I don't think he thought we thought he'd do it.

April: Its a bargaining tool for Memphis.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #480 on: August 02, 2008, 07:51:22 PM »
I hate that stupid barrette that April wears.

April: She was so funny with Dan saying he's America's Player. 

Libra: I called him out for using the HOH room bathroom and April was like there's  secret door and it makes it less obvious and I'm like Eric made it easy.  What if he is and we've known all this time.  What if he is, what if he's doing **** around here we don't know about. What if he is really the mole? 

Keesha: I'm sure there's a chance. 

Libra: I'll be at my house laughing so hard.  We'll look back and say that ****er. I'm telling you its the little things.  Like the nail file and tweezer.

April: remember when he was talking about the football trophy and how important it is. 

Libra: He never put it back. He carries it around with him.

Keesha; What does America's Player do?

Libra: Voting, etc.

Keesha: What do they get out of it.

Libra: They get cash. For each thing they do, they get 10 grand (Yeah, okay)

Keesha: HOw do you get to be that?

Libra: They just pick you. I'm watching him.

Keesha: It is. 

Libra: Oh it is.  Its in our face.  Like America would tell dan to wear your ?? on your head. America would tell him to do that.  And, Monica, making up names and stuff. 

APril: Its going to be little things.

Libra: Like that whole speech thing.  They told all of us to sit on the benches, but not Dan, he got to stand up. I bet that was a task, see how many speeches you can do.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #481 on: August 02, 2008, 07:54:36 PM »
April thinks that Dan is going around messing things up because America wants him to drive April crazy. 

But, Keesha and Libra say that the DR has asked them about April's OCD and cleaning, so she's not on to Dan.

They continue with the Dan as America's Player convesation analyzing every detail.   

Libra: In the living room, he did something and I'm like Boy put that back.

April: He's very random. 

Libra: I'm telling you that HOH competition was a task. 
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #482 on: August 02, 2008, 07:55:36 PM »
And we have excitement. . .
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #483 on: August 02, 2008, 07:58:04 PM »
Libra, April and Keesha are going to keep their eye on Dan.

Libra: I know that he's always walking into the room when we're talking. 

APril: I know he came up earlier today and asked if I wanted a turkey burger, he knows I'm a vegetarian. 

Libra: What do ya'll think?

Keesha: I think you're right.

Libra: And then he even said, do you think they'd do AP two seasons in a row.  I'm like the AP goes into the HOH to make it less obvious (I'm missing this logic.)

Keesha: That's freakin' hilarious.

Libra: You're going to stick down here with us kiddo.

April: I really need to take a nap today.

Libra: Lay down in Renny's bed.  Go get your blanket. and watch Dan.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #484 on: August 02, 2008, 07:59:57 PM »
Dan's sleeping on the couch upstairs by the chess set.

Michelle and Jerry are talking about Rhode Island.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #485 on: August 02, 2008, 08:09:56 PM »
Dan joins April and Libra. Libra wants to know what tasks Dan has done and how much money he's earned.

They think they wouldn't have something exactly like America's Player.

Dan: Do I do that weird stuff? 

April: Yes, you're random. 

Libra: There he goes again.

Dan: that's my normal weird ****.

Dan's asking them what else weird he's done. 

They're going through everything.

Keesha and Memphis are the bathroom talking about Dan.  Memphis doesn't think that Dan is AP.  Memphis says that AP is supposed to fight for certain people and Dan hasn't done that.  Keesha said he's starting to. Memphis agrees hes starting to open up.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #486 on: August 02, 2008, 08:16:05 PM »
Keesha: She's afraid Michelle will turn on her and come after her. 

Memphis: If she takes out Jessie, Michelle will go after her.

Keesha: That's right.

Memphis: It just blows me away that if April thinks to keep Jessie in here, they'll go directly after the alliance.  He's making up **** about the three of you, why would she keep that. That doesn't sound right .  Why would she say to get rid of Memphis and keep him when he makes you question your alliance and fight.

Keesha: Libra thinks Dan is AP. 

Memphis: It could be, that'd be funny.

Keesha: What did Jerry say when you offered it to him?

Memphis: He didn't understand what I was saying.  Idiot. I had to explain it to him.  He was like oh, I didn't think of it like that. I was like it wasn't like a personal thing, you had the POV, the only leverage I had was to put the person who had the POV on slop since I had the slop pass.  I don't see April, April would rather keep Jessie and Michelle.

Keesha: She has more of a chance with them, than you. 

Memphis: that's kind of crazy, thinking two people will be easier than one.  Why keep an alliance of two people instead of one that doesn't have any one.

Keesha: I know. 

memphis: I know that doesn't make sense, unless there's other things I don't know.  That's what I'm saying, my biggest point is its not up to here.  It blows me away, its only four people, who cares what she wants. She's made the decision. If she wanted me out that bad, she wouldn't have put me up against Jessie.  It doesn't make any sense. 
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #487 on: August 02, 2008, 08:18:42 PM »
Memphis and Keesha still chatting in the bathroom.

Memphis doesn't get the decision to get rid of him.

Libra, April and Dan in the 70's room.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #488 on: August 02, 2008, 08:22:57 PM »
Memphis hopes Libra sees APril for what she is.

Keesha: April thinks you'll come after her.

Memphis: You guys have five people, if I go after her, I don't have the votes. I don't have the votes.  If I put her up, she'd have four people voting her. The only way that I can survive is go after the floaters because ya'll are voting.  Does that make sense?

Keesha; Yes.

Memphis: With Michelle and Jessie its different because they could get Dan and one other person.

They're talking about April buying votes for safety. 

BB blew my ears out asking Keesha to not obstruct her microphone and Memphis to move his higher.

Keesha: I keep telling Libra her and I are the targets. Renny and I were telling Libra that they're coming after us.  She's like I'll fight like hell.

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #489 on: August 02, 2008, 08:26:48 PM »
Renny is going to see where Libra is at for Keesha.  I'm going to find her too.  She's in bed.

Memphis and Keesha whispering.

Private Renny reporting to Sgt. Keesha that Dan, April, Libra and the Colonel are in the 70s' room.

Memphis: You guys have to convince Libra that she's being stupid. Jessie is attacking her. How can you let someone attack your alliance.  The only reason they're keeping Jessie is to get rid of you or Libra. 
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #490 on: August 02, 2008, 08:27:58 PM »
Memphis: I don't give a damn, I don't care what it takes, I'm going to get Dan to vote for me to stay.  Easier done than said, Memphis.   :hearts:

Keesha: What am I going to do Renny. I don't know what to do.
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #491 on: August 02, 2008, 08:29:57 PM »
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #492 on: August 02, 2008, 08:32:54 PM »
Jerry: That girl he was something, something, man she was built.    :lala

Back to Renny and Keesha in the bathroom.

Renny: she's going to use you as long as you let her, but she won't win against you because you haven't played the game like she has. You've been playing the game. Do what you've been doing. 

A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #493 on: August 02, 2008, 08:37:03 PM »
Memphis outside working Ollie now.

Memphis: Then who do you have to help you.

Ollie: Its to the point where everyone has to put their flag in the ground and say this is where I'm at and this is where I'm going.  I may get screwed by it.

Memphis: I think everyone gets screwed except for one person.

Ollie: That's exactly it.

Memphis: There will be 12 people who get screwed. Dude my hands are killing me. 

Ollie: Keeping bandaids off of them?

Memphis: Yup, I've beena sking for them.
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #494 on: August 02, 2008, 08:44:00 PM »
The catwomen and Jerry still on Dan about being America's Player.

Jerry: I think AP would be able to get a haircut.

Libra: That's the task, he can't get his haircut.

Ollie enters.

Libra: Its official, remember when he did the ketchup on his face, the trophy, the HOH visits, the haircuts, he's AP.  You haven't taken Renny up on her offer.  As soon as you cut your hair you'll lose the money.

Dan: How much am I getting paid for this?

Libra: $1000/day . . . no, no $50

April: We've also decided that everytime he says the rules of Swim Club he gets paid. 

Libra: First then we said he got paid for getting members to join Swim Club.

They talk about Fight Club.

Libra: When Dan wore Gizmo's scarf, that was a task. WHen he dressed up as Renny he got a task.

Keesha: He gave me a b-day gift from Gizmo. Dude you're good.  There are so many things.

They've also decided that there's every twist.

Ollie and Libra are cousins.

Memphis and Angie are exes.

Dan is Jerry's great grandson. 

April and Keesha are best friends. 

Jessie is Brian's trainer. 

Jerry says that they're America's Alliance! 
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #495 on: August 02, 2008, 08:47:18 PM »
Food time
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #496 on: August 02, 2008, 08:49:47 PM »
Now the catwomen and Jerry and Dan talking about the earthquake and they still think it was staged. 

April:We're on a set, they can do what they want.


April: It was too perfect. 

Dan: The audience on Craig Ferguson was laughing.

Keesha: I hate being looked stupid.

April: Plus we were wearing green masks.

Keesha; There could be after shocks. 

Libra: They think the HOH competition was proof that the earthquake was staged.  Dan, you're busted.  The two blonde girls and the black lady caught you. 
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #497 on: August 02, 2008, 08:59:56 PM »
April: They're getting pissed that we're figuring out America's Player.

Libra: They'll do another earthquake.

Jerry: They'll bring someone back in, in four weeks.  They'll give someone a chance to come back. America will vote them back in.

April: Its not every season. 

Libra: We vote on it.

Jerry: Last time, they voted for James, versus the one America chose.

Keesha: Wow this game is going to get crazy.

Libra: The french fries ready?  Princess Libra dinner isn't ready, yet, but you could ask to help

The catwomen leave.

Jerry wants them to get him after dinner.

Jerry asks Dan what he thinks

Dan says its too early to tell.

Jerry says he does the POV tomorrow, he's not going to say anything nasty. He's just going to say he backed HOH's choice. I'm not going to get into anything nasty. I'm trying to stay away from it.

He says the girls will be fighting again. Its crazy. He says he was worried about those three changing so quick to support Memphis. If that happens, they've got five against four and you just don't now what's going on.

Jerry: We made the jury.  Jerry wants a deck of cards in the jury house and he'll teach dan how to play some card games.  She can talk, my god does she talk.

Dan: Do you think that's part of her strategy to make it seem like I'm America's Player.

Jerry: She just wants the attention, this makes her part of the attention.

April and LIbra come in and give Dan a hug.  They were just teasing. 

Dan: So you really don't think I'm America's Player? 

April: No, you're just random.

Dan: Can we keep playing it up? 

April: We'll keep watching you.

Dan: Seriously, can I listen to Air Supply sometime?

April: Sure .

The girls leave again.

Jerry: thought if he was going to go out, it would have been this week.  He's still got a game to play. He thinks before its over, they're going to go after the guys and Ollie will have to get April to switch.  They want the women thing, they're always first, then you, Ollie and I get included.

Dan: you never know what will happen.

Jerry: ONce those two are gone, then HOH becomes more important and things are always changing (huh?)  If it goes down to us 7, two on the block, then the next week, one more and then that's when it really gets testy. You think this is testy, wait. If these are left in the last five, it'll be a nightmare in here, they'll have to pad the walls.  When this one gets mad, she never shuts down. Then, Keesha after Jessie. She must have said **** You ten times. I'm not used to being around women who curse. I'm in a good mood about it all right now. I know I've made it this far.  Being HOH the first one, I didn't think I'd get this far.

Dan: Did you ever find out who voted for you?  You know I did.

Jerry: You and Keesha, and they told me, but I can't remember. 
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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #498 on: August 02, 2008, 09:05:09 PM »
Jerry: what will we do in the jury house?

Dan: They have to let you out.

Jerry:  I can hear my kids and wife talking now.  They'd just say stop it.  I've been a good boy this week.  They'll get me on the POV and having to go on slop.  That'll be another issue.  How does it feel to be the only one on slop? Jessie said that Michelle asked to be off the show. She went bananas and they talked to her. I felt sorry for her, the way she held on the other night.  But she took herself and backed that bull**** he did up. Jessie made an ass of himself.

Dan: I don't think Michelle comes from money so that vacation meant a lot.

Jerry: After Memphis called me a mother f'r he ain't ever going to get nothing from me.  Jessie isn't going to get me to use it either.

Jerry is going to stay in his room while the other houseguests eat. Dan is going to get his laundry.

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Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates for Saturday 8/2
« Reply #499 on: August 02, 2008, 09:07:49 PM »
. . .

April thinks that Ollie is pissed and just ignored her.
A lot of warm vulgarity is incomparably preferable to a little bit of pinched niceness.
~ Caitlin Thomas