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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #200 on: April 27, 2009, 12:30:27 PM »
'Celebrity Apprentice' recap: Don't sweat the small stuff

Okay, my fellow Celebrity Apprentice-viewing PopWatchers, how delectably dramatic was this week's episode? Now that they're back to the one-challenge-per-show format, it allows more time for what reality TV is all about: juicy, juicy fighting. Last night, the teams were charged with creating a four-page advertorial for Right Guard's newest deodorant that featured New York Knicks power forward/Annie Duke's BFF David Lee. So many things made me happy about the episode: that both teams (AND the Right Guard execs) immediately thought ''naked'' when figuring out how to get Lee to pose; that KOTU's storyboard stick figures were so endearingly terrible; that Annie's best comeback when arguing with Joan was that ''poker players are the most awesome people in the world!''

First things first, though — I was disappointed when the Donald moved Jesse to KOTU because I couldn't figure out the motive behind the move. Was he trying to create a super team that would beat Athena, or was he picking Jesse as the next patsy to be forced out? I mean, really — Joan's totally safe because Trump loves her (and so do I), and Clint's totally safe because he's so stubbornly incompetent that they need him around for drama. I'm sure Clint's a very nice guy outside of the confines of a heavily edited reality show, but he comes across as a grade-A douchebag on TV. And since the past, like, five episodes have been all about how he sucks, they're either setting him up for a dark horse victory (possible), or a spectacular failure (more likely).

The producers did such a good job of focusing on each team's weaknesses in the challenge that it was hard to tell whether Melissa's whining or Jesse's passive-aggressiveness would prove to be the breaking point this week. It might've been obvious to everyone but me as to who would win, but I thought the producers made it seem the entire time that Athena's ad would be better — or maybe that's just because their idea sounded more competent, and it didn't include deodorant clip art that towered over Lee's head. While Jesse straight-up laughed in Clint's face after repeatedly telling him the ad was horrible, Melissa spent the entire time complaining about how new BFFs Annie and Brande were totally having a party on Friday night with boys and spin the bottle but they weren't inviting her! Or, actually, that they were working together to edge her out. Which they pretty much were.

Apparently the Right Guard execs liked both teams' ads, but Trump ultimately awarded the win to KOTU. All of Annie's manipulating (well played, lady), Brande's delegating (not as well played, but good for you anyway) and Melissa's whining (probably founded, but way more dramatic than necessary) paid off, because Trump fired Melissa after a last-minute surge of passionate defensiveness from Brande. Melissa, NOT HAPPY with the decision, stormed out of the boardroom, demanded her stuff back, and refused a post-show interview, dragging her mom behind her.

Unfortunately, we have to wait until next week to see the aftermath of Melissa's post-elimination tantrum. Will Joan return after her daughter's ousting or won't she?! (She totally will.) Until then, PopWatchers, tell me: Which was more awkward: Joan's weird/unfunny NBA race joke, or Brande comparing herself to Ivanka, a Wharton graduate? Which Rivers had the best one-liner? And which ad feature was worse: KOTU's Microsoft Paint-looking ''fire'' or Athena's stupid font?

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #201 on: April 27, 2009, 01:41:24 PM »
ok so i was not ever going to watch this horrable train wreck of a show again after the donald fired cloie. but i did i watched last nights latest depoticery, on hulu bc i was reading a lot of post about it, omg the rivers gone wild at the end was so worth it, what a baby melissa is and some of the cleb's have been saying this all along storming out with mommy dearest..
i also got to see the cleb's comment on cloies fireing it is a web asode and i feel much better they were just as up set as i i am glade i watched this epi an i do hope rob and trevor talk about it on there live show tonight..jmo i hope neather of the rivers come bk..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

Offline apskip

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #202 on: April 27, 2009, 04:37:34 PM »
There have been two very good recaps (one by Annie and one by Will) posted already, but I think there is value to what you will read below:

CA2,  6 Contestants Left Episode

There were two sets of major sniping in this episode. I ahve covered the Melissa/Joan vs. the world above. The second one was Jesse vs. Clint. This happened because Trump just reassigned Jesse from a team with Brande and 2 other women to a team with Clint and Joan, two of the all-time sourpusses. Sparks continuously flew between Jesse and Clint and Joan in a rare bit of intelligent play kept her head down and stayed out of the crossfire.

Jesse is shown visiting the Long Beach Education Foundation to bring the winner's $20,000 check to that industrial arts program. Jesse went there briefly as a youth and you can bet that the current students all knew who he was and what he does (I summarize it as custom bike and car builder, producer, publisher, television host, and restaurateur, and about to be reality TV show star for his own show premiering this week, but Donald Trump sees him as the husband of Sandra Bullock). They highly valued his autograph.

The task was to create a 4 page ad layout for Right Guard deodorant using David Lee of the New York Knicks as the subject (or maybe object of many women's desire). When he finally arrives for the photoshoot, Brande labels him as tall (what a surprise for an NBA power forward) and very cute. So both teams can display David Lee however they want to, it is just the issue of having boundaries for exposure. The Right Guard executives get a question from Athena about the bounds of propriety and they say that anything tasteful goes except make sure that the Right Guard is the focus of the ads. Brande is the Athena Project Manager because she has done this type of work before. Clint is chosen because is is his turn.

So Athena splits up the workload and Brande gives Annie what she wants (the crafting of the messages) plus the job of presenting it. Clint as usual is doing most of it himself, but Jesse was allowed to go off with his camera to shoot backgrounds and a shot of a bridge from Manhattan (but not the Brooklyn Bridge) that became the centerpoint of two ad pages. There were professional photographers running around and a few staff people from either Celebrity Apprentice or Right Guard.

So Jesse feels that his ideas were not accepted by Clint. Joan rebuts that and says that Jesse did not respond to Clint's many overtures for his input. Melissa plays the odd person out by accusing Annie and Brande of conspiring to get her fired. It looked to me like they were playing hard for themselves rather than working for the defeat of Melissa.

The Eyes and Ears for Donald were Jim Cramer of CNBC and Ivanka. Jim meets with Athena and comes to the conclusion that Annie has very cleverly put herself in a position to win if Athena wins and not get eliminated if Athena loses by having all decisions officially made by Brande as Project Manager. He admires this.

The presentations came off well (no second-guessing from Joan) and it looks to me that it will be a close decision. Trump meets with the executives and finds out that they like both teams' work. Athena had its ads out of sequence in the opinion of the executives, who loved their half-naked shot of David Lee and would have put it first. They loved the use of their company color of orange in the shots (score one for Clint who insisted that orange was better than his trademark black as the background color despite strong objections by Jesse.

So we come to the boardroom and Trump has each team's ad campaign shared with the other team. Both teams see many strengths in the other campaign. Then he bores in on the Clint vs. Jesse conflicts on KOTU. That was just for show, as then he reveals that both teams had done well, but KOTU was the winner. So Clint, Jesse and Joan are very likely safe and one of Melissa, Brande and Annie will be fired. Trump asks Brande about the division of labor on her team and she explains what she asked Annie to do. Annie has no role in these proceedings except that Jim Cramer repeated his mantra about her cleverness and recommended that Trump leave her alone, which he did. The focus shifted from Brande to Melissa. I really expected Brande as losing project manager to go. However, she pulled out a "I'm better for the long term because of my fundraising prowess" argument against Melissa, who is smart and works hard but cannot raise much money. Jim Cramer switches positions because of that and he convinces Trump to also switch. Trump fires Melissa. She is extremely upset at this but a strong case was made by Brande for Brande.

So Melissa storms out and refuses to do the traditional musings in a taxi ride to end the show. Her mother storms out too and appears to not be coming back for the next episode. You never know and I will not be surprised to see her back for that. But if not, then everyone will be ahead as Joan has become a totally disruptive backbiter. She came up with another Hitler line: Jesse - I thought Annie wsas Hitler? Joan - I don't want to insult Hitler. Not having any more of her nastiness will be just fine with me.

So we are down to 4 contestants (assuming Joan stays away). Clint is wily and stubborn, but can he raise a lot of money? Jesse is talented in many diverse ways, but he too is not well-connected except through his wife. Brande and Annie have clearly demonstrated their ability to tap friends for big money, Annie from poker players that Joan also disparages in this episode and Brande through her Playboy connections. I think it will be Annie vs. Brande in the finale.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #203 on: April 29, 2009, 12:26:53 AM »
Melissa Rivers doesn't regret her 'The Celebrity Apprentice' behavior

Melissa Rivers has no regrets for the expletives-laced tirade she launched after Donald Trump fired her from the second season of The Celebrity Apprentice.

"Of course you don't ever want to lose your cool, but I'm human. I was exhausted. I just got pushed too far," Rivers told The New York Post on Monday about the incident, which featured both Rivers and her mother Joan Rivers verbally attacking fellow contestants Annie Dukes and Brande Roderick after Rivers was fired at the conclusion of Sunday night's The Celebrity Apprentice broadcast on NBC.

Rivers had run straight to her mother, who had been watching the boardroom session via video feed from the show's contestant suite, and begun bashing fellow Athena teammates Dukes and Roderick -- whom she had accused of forcing a "cabal" to eliminate her -- immediately after Trump had announced her firing.

"They both f--ked m.e.. like two little whore pit vipers! Whore pit vipers!" Rivers shouted at her mother, who had previously announced that she would quit the show if the younger Rivers was fired, as she packed her personal items and prepared to leave with her daughter.

"You gotta admit it's a great line," River told The Post on Monday.

After brushing off Dukes and Roderick's attempts to say goodbye, Rivers then turned her attention to the show's producers.

"I want my sh-t and I want it now... I'm not getting in [the elevator] without it... and  I'm not coming back for an interview," Rivers shouted toward the show's production staff area.

Meanwhile, Joan Rivers -- who had already compared Dukes to Hitler when they'd clashed in earlier episodes -- confronted Duke and Roderick directly, telling Dukes she was "a piece of trash" and lecturing Roderick that she was "a stupid blonde" that had "been so manipulated" by Duke.

After arguing with Roderick and telling her that she didn't believe that the competition's $250,000 charity prize could mean "so much" to her and "didn't want to hear this charity nonsense," Joan Rivers had then turned her attention back to Dukes.

"You're a poker player!  A poker player! That's beyond white trash!" she shouted at Dukes.

Joan Rivers had then joined her daughter at the floor's elevator lobby, where the younger Rivers had begun berating the show's producers.

"I want my f--king stuff now!" Melissa Rivers shouted as she began to enter the show's production staff area.

"I want my purse -- I want everything," she said as she waved her fingers.

"And David, you're not getting an [exit] interview," Rivers continued before launching a string of expletives that had to be completely censored.

"Get the f--king elevator, I'm f--king done," Rivers continued to shout.  "I'm not coming back -- yeah, I'm really unaffected. F--k everyone."

"F--king bulls--t," Rivers shouted as she and her mother finally boarded the waiting elevator and left the show's Trump Tower location. "Lying f--king whores."

However even though the footage shown on The Celebrity Apprentice's Sunday night broadcast was filmed more than six months ago, time has apparently done nothing to change Rivers' mind about her behavior.

"I said what a lot of women have wanted to say to those kinds of girls their entire lives," Rivers told The Post. "It was like being in high school all over again."

In addition, Rivers also attempted to suggest that, given she eventually returned for an exit interview (see below) in which she attempted to spin her behavior, she had somehow ended her The Celebrity Apprentice experience "as a professional."

"I went and cooled down," Rivers told The Post. "I did come back the next morning as a professional and did my exit interview."

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #204 on: May 01, 2009, 10:16:50 AM »
Joan & Melissa Rivers on The Ellen Degeneres Show

credit to numberonetvfanshow

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #205 on: May 01, 2009, 11:40:55 AM »
ty will..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

Offline apskip

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #206 on: May 02, 2009, 07:45:21 AM »
I think I have the episode timing understood so it makes sense. A promo on last Sunday's show said that there are 3 weeks to the finale. So there are myltiple ways that can be accomplished to reach the 2 contestant finale, but NBC has announced that here is the way it will be done:

 5/3 4 contestants left going in, only 2 finalists left after

Also, I believe that Clint is the most marginal indivdual remaining, with Jesse second. I expect both of them to be eliminated.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2009, 07:49:17 AM by apskip »

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #207 on: May 02, 2009, 07:52:18 PM »
I expect both of them to be eliminated.

I agree.  First, I think Joan will return.  If KOTU wins, then I think Brande will be fired.  If Athena wins, then I think Clint will be fired especially since the next task is writing a jingle for Chicken of the Sea.  If Clint is not fired, I think he will be fired after the final four interview process.  I see Jesse being fired like Carol Alt was last year, a good player, but meh.

Trump likes the drama and I think he would like to have an Annie vs. Joan final.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #208 on: May 02, 2009, 10:45:55 PM »
That may be, Pedaler, but you can't get there from here unless Joan returns after the next episode, which would be totally unfair. Because it would take 3 eliminations the upcoming episode if Joan does return, I believe we have seen the last of Joan Rivers. Good riddance!

The exciting finale should be between Annie and Brande, the two strongest fundraisers and overall players.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #209 on: May 03, 2009, 10:59:14 PM »
I don't who saw the previews which shows the returning contestants, but if Annie can win with her three helpers, then she most certainly deserves to win.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #210 on: May 04, 2009, 06:34:16 AM »

The only helpers I saw were Dennis and Brande for Annie. None were shown for Joan, although it is certain that Melissa would be on her team. I expect Melissa will be the hardest worker in the effort to defeat Annie. Some final 8 players were Clint and Jesse, both of which I expect to end up with Joan, and Tionne who I expect to end up with Annie. I don't know about Herschel, Natalie and Khloe. Of course Dennis should not be helping either team with his generally low performance, but I am sure Donald Trump wants to give him the opportunity for changed public perception of his talents off the basketball court.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #211 on: May 04, 2009, 07:07:13 AM »
I will be writing a recap later today, but in the interim I want to share my thoughts about how we got to this final 2. I was surprised but not shocked by Joan's reappearance. This gave Trump the opportunity to set up the final 2 that he though would be most explosive, Annie vs. Joan. I think either Brande or Jesse deserved this opportunity more. I thought that Jessie's lack of revealing more of his many facets could be attractive to Trump, but his demonstrated lack of interest in helping others in the fundraising episodes has been his Achilles heel all along and it finally caused his demise. Brande suffers from following in the footsteps of Carol Alt, who did not make the round of 2 in Celebrity Apprentice 1 primarily because Trump wanted Trace Adkins to see a showdown with Piers Morgan. I thought Brande, like Carol, was intelligent, hard-working and well-connected with money sources, but what she lacked was a negative relationship with Annie to heighten the ratings.

Annie is in the mold of Piers Morgan. I am surprised he didn't have more positive things to say about her after his "interview" with her. With her intelligence, drive, hard-working and connections to big bucks for fund-raising, with "a bit of an edge", she is the single individual in CA1 most like Piers. I expect her to get her wish by demolishing Joan.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #212 on: May 04, 2009, 10:12:27 AM »
'The Celebrity Apprentice' recap: Tuna surprise (not so surprising)

If you tuned in to last night's Celebrity Apprentice expecting to see the fallout from last week's Rivers freak-out, you, like me, were sorely disappointed. After all that yelling, cursing, and storming off, Joan showed up for the challenge the next morning (fashionably late with fashionable oversize sunglasses) with only a passing mention of the previous night's explosion. I didn't buy the ''will she/won't she return'' bit, because if Joan loves anything, it's being the center of attention — it was no surprise she went back.

This week, the final five had to create an original jingle and a 30-second radio commercial for Chicken of the Sea. Insert obligatory Jessica Simpson/''Is it chicken or tuna?'' joke here: Brande represented the endearing ditzy-blonde contingent well, by spelling crap S-R-A-P, cracking up, then explaining it's because she was going to say the S---...that other word but used ''crap'' instead. Now, I'm pretty sure Brande isn't actually a dumb blonde, but I do think she's ditzy enough to have actually spelled crap with an ''s'' by accident, not just because of a slip in speech. Just saying.

The Trump kids helped out dad by keeping tabs on the teams. I'm down with Ivanka — she seems smart and observant — but I just can't get past Donald Jr.'s hair to remember anything about his personality. I know the crazy hair thing must be genetic, but at least Trump Sr.'s got an old guy pompadour instead of a slicked back ''creepy guy at the bar'' 'do.

Annie's musical talent was ''slim'' to Brande's ''none,'' yet the two managed to write a cute, catchy jingle that complemented  their moms-at-the-park commercialperfectly . KOTU, on the other hand, had a Grammy-winner project manager (and one extra member), so their victory in the challenged seemed preordained. Clint wrote a twangy jingle and Joan wrote a cute game show commercial.

In a bout of awkward phrasing (''The radio, which I come out of, you need zippier things''), Joan made a valid point in assessing her team's work. In this case, by ''zippier things'' Joan meant a weird-ass voice-over at the end of Clint's song going "Cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck splash.'' Now, I'm no fan of Clint's, but that is one piece of input I'm glad he chose to ignore. However, the ignored suggestion that he speed the song up a bit, echoed by Ivanka, seemed like it would come back and bite him in the boardroom (which it totally did).

Both teams seemed to perform admirably, but the big tuna execs worried that Clint's country-tinged jingle wouldn't appeal to a broad audience. In a good ol' reality show staple (harp on one outcome so much that it's obvious the other will happen), the Annie-led Athena managed to beat Clint Black in a songwriting challenge. Trump liked Clint's jingle — though did he really? Or was it just an excessive, ego-stroking pat on the back?  But Trump acknowledged it was the project manager's fault, and FINALLY fired Clint. Bummer getting fired for the challenge that catered to his exact skill set, but it was a long time coming.

Annie seemed really excited about her win (as she should be, she's the winningest project manager of the season, and she beat a Grammy winner in a songwriting challenge), then called Joan a cancer, which I can't decide is better or worse than Hitler. Jesse congratulated Athena for pulling the win ''out of their ass,'' then the four were called back into the boardroom. Reigning champ Piers Morgan interviewed the remaining contestants, then reported back to the boss man with his thoughts on who should be in the final two. In the interviews, Brande talked about how she's totally smart, Joan said she regretted comparing Annie to Hitler because Annie doesn't have a mustache, Annie talked about herself a lot, and yet again, Jesse's worth was measured only in the fact that he's married to Sandra Bullock. Unfortunately, the underdogs didn't pull through this week, and it'll be an Annie-Joan finale (surprise, surprise).

Did you see the Hitler versus Cancer final two coming a mile away? Who were you sad to see go this week? Who are you pulling for in next week's supersized three-hour live finale? Were you offended by Joan's Helen Keller joke? And how cute was it that Piers used the British ''two fingers'' when referring to the rude gesture we do with just one?

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #213 on: May 04, 2009, 10:32:45 PM »
Pedaler and apskip! You both had it exactly right!  :tup:  I admit it, I didn't see the Joan/Annie ending. I thought Jessie would step up and show some leadership ability but he didn't. (Which helped Clint to be eliminated in the end, Clint has no "off" button.) I have to say, I admire Jessie for not using his wife to get money to win and I thought it was almost insulting when Piers and then Trump uses that against him. 

I feel sad for Brande, she doesn't realize how badly she was used, and Annie does the "I", "I", "I", "I", speak quite effectively to Brande's detriment.


The only helpers I saw were Dennis and Brande for Annie. None were shown for Joan, although it is certain that Melissa would be on her team. I expect Melissa will be the hardest worker in the effort to defeat Annie. Some final 8 players were Clint and Jesse, both of which I expect to end up with Joan, and Tionne who I expect to end up with Annie. I don't know about Herschel, Natalie and Khloe. Of course Dennis should not be helping either team with his generally low performance, but I am sure Donald Trump wants to give him the opportunity for changed public perception of his talents off the basketball court.

It was surprising that Dennis was on Annie's side, I'm not sure if he will be a help or hindrance. We'll see.

Can't wait for your recap apskip! Thanks for posting the interview Will!

« Last Edit: May 05, 2009, 05:44:51 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #214 on: May 05, 2009, 11:04:39 AM »
RECAP of CA2, 5 Players Remaining

Somewhere near the beginning of this episode Donald Trump says that there will be 3 celebrities eliminated by its end. Who will survive to the Final 2? Will it be the two best qualified to raise money for charities or the two who will get the highest ratings for this show?

Brande opens by stating that she wants Joan to return so that she can kick her proverbial butt. Joan has called her "dumb blond" in the prior episode and Brande is so motivated that she uses the unlikely phrase "Game On." Trump gathers the 4 remaining players and then, in a ridiculous staged event, Joan Rivers gets out of the elevator to rejoin her team. The sponsors are Chicken-of-the-Sea brand tuna and they want a new jingle and a 30 second ad based on the original Chicken of the Sea jingle but in a more modern style. The cathwords convenient, natural and healthy should be used. This is something Clint Black does for his living, so he volunteers to be Project Manager again with Jesse and Joan on KOTU. Annie is the Project Manager for Athena of herself and Brande. I will go with those women despite Clint's purported advantage because all his weaknesses should come back to haunt him in this task. He thinks he will breeze to victory, but he thinks everyone loves his style of music (Country&Western), which they asssuredly do not. Annie and Brande have no preconceived notions and I think that will help them.  Chicken of the Sea Executive VP John and his colleague Mike will be the judges. Trump says the winning Project Manager gets $20,000.

Both teams use a division of labor to get the task accopmlished. Clint is the sole expert for the jingle. He writes it, he tests it, and he sings it with some backup instrumentalists and singers. It is quintessentally Country and quintessentially Clint, a slow and lazy syrupy tune. Jesse and Joan begged him to use the faster version they got him to record, but only Clint knew what is good musically. Joan offers a little comedy infusion (which was a terrific idea) but all Clint will allow her to do is walk with a logo sign below the front of the stage. She wants to finish the perrformance with the line "cluck, cluck, cluckl, cluck, splash" but Clint probably correctly thinks that is too tacky.  Jesse and Joan write the commercial as comedy lines and it is hilarious. After writing the script, they have paid actors in to read it, but decide that the best performers for this commercial are Jesse James and Joan Rivers. And they are right. It is terrific.

Neither Annie nor Brande admit to any musical genes, but that does not stop them from knowing what they like. They rightfully figure that they can hire actors to perform it better than they themselves could. Annie takes the jingle and Brande has the radio spot. The words convenient, healthy and natural appear in both the jingle and commercial, as they  do for KOTU's equivalents but to a lesser extent. Brande's spot is funny and good, but not excellent like the Jesse/Joan one. Annie's lack of musical talent does not hurt her a bit. She is very intelligent and hard-working, so she comes up with some catchy words and a tune evolves over time. She is rightfully proud of her achievement, such that she states that her creation is so satisfying that she can lose to Clint without feeling negative about that. She does expect to get creamed. So she goes ahead with testing and a singer is hired to perform it. It is much faster and more upbeat than Clint's jingle but does not have the rich harmonies that Clint developed. So both performances happen and the teams go to the boardroom to hear the results.

Both teams get to listen to the end products of the other team. Donald asks for comment, but nothing really important is said. All wait for the verdict from the chicken of the Sea executives. They like both of the jingles and both of the comercials. Athena's jingle mentioned the product name thrice and was much "zippier" than KOTU's but the biggest issue is the limiting nature of using the Country&Western music style to an audience not enamored with that. The executives voted for Athena and Trump gives them the win. Annie and Brande are besides themselves with glee. They ought to be since their performance was a case study in how to do a difficult task.

It is obvious this time that the person most responsible for the loss was Clint. It was his jingle that was not as good as the competition (even though it was quite good). Joan and Jesse were protected by an excellent radio commercial. Trump had no real flexibility. Clint's too-long run on Celebrity ap[rentice 2 is over.

Who knows eactly what tiem of day/night this transpired, but Trump congratulates the final 4 and tells them that there are about to be 2 more firings. He has brought in hatchet man Piers Morgan to assist him in evaluating the talent of the remaining candidates. At this point, it is clear from Project Manager, team and individual performance and fund-raising ability that the class act of everyone still in it is Annie. She has to make it no matter what. This is comparable to what happened to Piers in CA1. Piers interviews all 4 candidates for "about 2 minutes" each, but at this level any player who was not ready for a succinct statement of his or her strengths and weaknesses was so foolish that they deserve to lose. Also, since Piers will have prepared by watching each episode of CA2 before arriving, he already knows the basis for everything that he will conclude.

Piers says that Brande is not smart enough. He says Joan is a complicated person but her attacks on Annie were unreal and unwarranted. He worries about her sanity. Piers says that Jesse has made a serious error in judgment by not bringing in any money form the Hollywood crowd including from his wife Sandra Bullock.  Jesse essentially stonewalls him with the reminder that he does not mix business with pleasure and he will not try to fundraise from his wife. Piers would love to see Jesse forced to reveal more of himself.  Annie is evaluated as fast-talking, highly intelligent and with "an edge". What did we just hear? Except for fast-talking that sounds like a bio for Piers Morgan.

So Trump conveys all of the above paragraph and adds a little bit of his own, but Piers has captured the essence of those 4 quite accurately. It's time for decisions. Annie should be definitiely in, but who do you pair her with. Last season probably the #2 player was Carol Alt, but Trump chose to go for the championship fight between Piers and Trace Adkins. Unfortunately that analogy holds. Brande is the sacrificial lamb this time. I would have picked her because she was the 2nd best fund-raiser behind Annie. Donald Trump doesn't care. He knows that the championship fight has been going on for many weeks and it should have one final chapter. I mean Annie vs. Joan, a grudge match between two women who are been supremely talented and who hate each other. Jesse is dismissed for his lack of cojones with repsect to Hollywood. The finale should provide huge contrasts in how the Final 2 do things.

I have my money on Annie. I don't see how Joan will be able to match Annie's fund-raising ability. We will see with a 3 hour special finale starting at 8pm Eastern time. Be there.


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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #215 on: May 06, 2009, 03:09:56 PM »
Another great recap apskip! I'll be watching the finale! (Well.. after watching The Amazing Race Finale!)   :winner

Kudos to Annie for creating the better jingle. If it had been less catchy, the sponsors would have been happy with Clint's song, which of course wouldn't have to be played as Country, it could be changed up for any genre.

I've been impressed with Joan's ability to schmooze with people. She's very very good at it. (Think of her performance as concierge with the hotel challenge, or having the vocals done one more time, tell the actors thanks, that's a wrap and redoing them with Jessie.) She's also very witty, which is her forte. She rightly saw that Clint was a horrible dud with the auctioneering, she salvaged it.

All that said, I'm not sure she is anywhere near the same level as Annie. (And I don't much like Annie.) Annie is very much like Piers, focused, goes for the kill and does it with a smile. I can't see how Joan can beat her even with Melissa's help. We'll see what the final challenge is. 

Whew, who knew it would be this exciting when it all began?
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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #216 on: May 06, 2009, 06:44:38 PM »
Donald, Ivanka and Donald Jr. all knew, along with Mark Burnett and the entire cast!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #217 on: May 06, 2009, 07:27:09 PM »
Donald, Ivanka and Donald Jr. all knew, along with Mark Burnett and the entire cast!

Yes, I guess they did.   :snicker:

But did the viewing audience? I know I didn't.  :lol:
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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #218 on: May 08, 2009, 12:15:24 PM »
ok so i stoped watching this show a few weeks ago but listing to the pod cast i find out there r only 2 left anny and i for got the other one any way i was with my dad yd and i meet this guy and he mentioned he was a poker player and i told him about annie and he told me he was at a table with her for 8 hrs one those poker players r a serious bunch..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #219 on: May 10, 2009, 02:49:47 PM »
I just saw Natalie on ESPN2 golfing in Williamsburg, Va.  She's in 6th place.

I believe that all of the celebrities are supposed to be at the finale tonight.  Since she's still has holes to play, she must have a private jet. 

Must be a nice life.   ;)

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #220 on: May 10, 2009, 10:05:06 PM »


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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #221 on: May 10, 2009, 11:20:34 PM »
What a great finish! Congratulations to Joan for her win!  :tup:

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #222 on: May 11, 2009, 01:06:18 AM »


Well of course it is.  How else do you think Trump could have talked the old battleaxe into the show?  He had to promise her the win.

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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #223 on: May 11, 2009, 07:11:11 AM »


Well of course it is.  How else do you think Trump could have talked the old battleaxe into the show?  He had to promise her the win.

 :funny: :funny: Glad to see you posting again cat!

 Nah! I think she won, unfortunately because we are visiting and at the mercy of our hosts, we didn't see the first hour and a half. I'm waiting for apskip's recap. I don't know if she really did screw up Annie's party planner plans. (say that fast!) But even if she did, Annie seemed to have recovered, but it got tiresome hearing her whine about it.  :meow:

"Battleaxe"    I'm still laughing.
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Re: Celebrity Apprentice 2
« Reply #224 on: May 11, 2009, 08:25:08 AM »
Joan Rivers Means Business on 'Celebrity Apprentice'

In the season finale of "Celebrity Apprentice" Joan Rivers pushed past the competition -- read on to find out how the comedian claimed the grand prize.

Sunday night the competition dwindled down to two women, Rivers and poker champion Annie Duke.

The decision came down to the man himself, businessman and host Donald Trump who fired Duke and hired Rivers Sunday night after she raised $250,000 for the God's Love We Deliver charity organization.