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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #25 on: August 02, 2009, 08:45:55 PM »
Bertram will be doing a talk radio show on August 4th.  I don't know if this is a repeat or not.

Radio interview
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2009, 09:20:26 PM »
I've actually have come across that Blog Radio before harley and think its a repeat/re-air

June 28, 2008   
The Creator of the Amazing Race
 On this edition, Ian and Tonya take you around the world with Bertram van Munster, the Emmy-award winning creator of the CBS show The Amazing Race. Then - save at the pump this July 4th weekend by taking to the trail! Learn all about it! Plus - with the costs going up, you need to make the most of your air travel. We've got some great tips to make your next plane ride turbulance-free!

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2009, 01:32:38 AM »
check this out ..

Hot Cuppa Pix! Inside 'Amazing Race' HQ

By Kate O'Hare on October 18, 2009 4:23 PM | No Comments
Today's cuppa: diner coffee with great conversation

A few weeks ago, I cruised by the headquarters of CBS' multiple-Emmy-award winning (including this year) Sunday-night reality/adventure show "The Amazing Race," which is tucked anonymously among corporate office towers not far from LAX.

After an interview for a story pegged to the show's premiere, executive producer Bertrand Van Munster led a tour of the office, during which I took lots of pix of the equipment and show props tucked in here and there all over the open space. Here's a sampling:

Van Munster and the Travelocity gnome...

more here

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2009, 02:19:18 PM »
Awesome stuff! Thanks, puddin.  :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Just here to visit.

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2009, 09:28:27 PM »
I'd let this option expire.

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #30 on: September 10, 2010, 09:35:17 PM »
BVM and Elise on the Red Carpet at The Reality Cares Achievement Awards as they prepare to accept the Pioneer Award, the night before the Emmy's. Discussion about how TAR "gives back".

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2012, 01:33:55 PM »
A World Traveler (57 Times) on the AndesBy EMILY BRENNAN
Published: September 28, 2012
IF there was anyone who could be forgiven for being unmoved by the sight of the Andes Mountains, it would be Bertram van Munster. As executive producer of the Emmy award-winning reality show “The Amazing Race,” whose new season premieres on Sunday, he says he has circled the world 57 times.

Bertram van Munster, executive producer of “The Amazing Race,” often heads to South America.
But each time he returns to the Andes, he’s dazzled by their stark beauty (and grateful for their proximity to fabulous cities like Santiago, Chile, and Bariloche, Argentina, where luxury hotels can be found).

“What I love is the high level of sophistication of all of these cities,” he said, “and as soon as you leave them you’re on the moon — completely desolate landscape.”

Below are edited excerpts from a conversation with Mr. van Munster on how to explore the daunting terrain of the Andes. 

Q. The Andes run 5,500 miles along the western edge of South America. But with peaks an average of 13,000 feet, there are only a few routes that cross it. Which do you recommend taking?

A. Paso Internacional Los Libertadores, which goes from Santiago, Chile, to Mendoza, Argentina, is the main transport route between the countries, with a lot of trucking on it. That road blew me away — it carves along the jagged ridges of the Andes, and the biggest tankers looks like toy cars. The journey takes only about six hours, and you drive past Mount Aconcagua, about 23,000 feet high. It’s spectacular.

Farther south is a route that takes you from Puerto Montt, Chile, to Bariloche in Argentina’s Lake District. We did our trip in October 2009, so it was springtime, but we fitted the car rental’s tires with snow chains to go over the mountains. It’s wild because at noon, you’re at the top of a mountain, caught in a snowstorm, and by 4 p.m., you’re back in beautiful weather. It’s like being in Siberia one minute, and the south of France the next, the weather changes that rapidly.

Q. How do you pack for such extreme changes in weather?

A. There are two ways of doing it. I travel in clothes for the temperate weather, and I FedEx all of the bulky stuff I’ll need for the mountains like gloves, hats, hiking boots and jackets to the hotel where I’m going to stay. Then, after we cross, I FedEx all that stuff home. Or I buy these things on the spot — there’s always a North Face or some outfitters — and give them to somebody who can use them after I’m done. Very often I give away shoes or hats to someone I worked with.

Q. How do you get used to the high altitudes?

A. About eight years ago, we drove from Lima to Huancayo in Peru, and it was miserable. We were driving 18,000 feet, the same height that airplanes go, literally through the clouds. We made it, but we should have bought some oxygen masks in the city before leaving.

In 2008, I stayed in La Paz, Bolivia, which is at about 11,000 feet. I drank that coca tea the entire time, and I wasn’t affected at all by the altitude. The tea is made with raw leaves from a coca plant, the same one used to make cocaine. But as a tea, it’s a mild stimulant, and it really does keep you from being lightheaded. Once you acclimate yourself to that altitude, La Paz is a beautiful city, with a great downtown area to explore.

One day I saw people jogging, and I said I want to know what that sensation was all about. I got about 300 or 400 yards before it went black in front of my eyes, and I passed out. So the lesson is, don’t push it.

A version of this article appeared in print on September 30, 2012, on page TR3 of the New York edition with the headline: World Traveler (57 Times) On the Andes..
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2013, 02:40:59 PM »

Bertram van Munster to enter Realscreen Awards Hall of Fame

4 hours ago by Realscreen Staff

Bertram van Munster (pictured), creator of The Amazing Race and a nine-time Emmy award-winning producer/director, is to be inducted into the Realscreen Awards Hall of Fame in Santa Monica this June.

With more than four decades spent developing and producing unscripted content across the globe, van Munster is one of the non-fiction TV industry’s most respected and creative forces.

Together with Elise Doganieri, his producing partner, he runs Profiles Television, which produces The Amazing Race through its subsidiary World Race Productions. The show is currently on its 22nd season for CBS, and – since launching in 2001 – has aired more than 185 episodes, traveling to TV sets in more than 80 countries around the globe.

In a statement, van Munster said: “It’s an honor to receive this award from realscreen, and to be in such good company with past recipients. All of us have been in the trenches since the beginning of reality TV, and are proud to have played a part in the rise of this genre which has captivated audiences for years, and in some cases, for decades.

“The Amazing Race has been an amazing experience, but I know that without the hard work and dedication of a stellar crew around the world, our friends at CBS, and a brilliant executive-producing team, including my partner in work and in life, Elise Doganieri, I would not have the good fortune of receiving this honor from realscreen.

“I am humbled and also eager to continue creating non-scripted TV for fans around the world.”

Read more:
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2013, 04:57:54 AM »
Bertram van Munster
By Mansha Daswani
Published: April 8, 2013

It’s been ten years since the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, which presents the Primetime Emmy Awards, began recognizing reality television with the outstanding reality-competition program category. Since then, The Amazing Race has won that honor nine times (it lost out to Top Chef in 2010). Created by Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri, the series has been on the air since 2001, following teams of two as they race across the globe and participate in challenges inspired by local cultures, with cameras capturing the bickering and breakdowns along the way. In between his globetrotting adventures to scout for new locations for the series, van Munster spoke to TV Formats Weekly about The Amazing Race’s longevity, the art of producing real reality TV, and maintaining the production quality of the brand’s various international adaptations.

TV FORMATS: The Amazing Race has been on the air for 22 seasons now, with barely a dip in the ratings for CBS—how have you been able to keep the series fresh year after year?
VAN MUNSTER: Passion and imagination! [Laughs] I mean, the world is such a special place and people are just marvelous. You get so much energy and so many ideas when you talk to people, when you look at people, when you see how people live. The ideas never stop coming. And it’s not just me, it’s the entire business: the movie business, the television business, everybody gets ideas from what goes on around them. My canvas is a little bigger than most people’s. A lot of people sit at home and think of stuff, I go around the world. I’ll say, oh, there’s a guy with apples in the back of his car, let me go and talk to him. [That led to] the situation in Azerbaijan, with the apple stand [when contestants had to find one specially marked apple in a car full of apples.]

TV FORMATS: Tell me more about the process you go through to map out each season.
VAN MUNSTER: It’s a lot of work. We lay out a route and usually Elise [Doganieri, co-creator and executive producer] and I do this. There’s logic to the route, it’s not random! Once you’ve seen the race and you put a map on the floor and you say they went from here to here to here, it all makes perfect sense, because a) there are planes going there, b) planes are going on a regular basis, and c) they are safe countries—we don’t go to unsafe countries. Once we lay that out we do some basic research, but we’ve been to these places already so we know a little bit about them. And then I go on the road with a very small team and I start picking [locations]. I go back and forth with Elise in the office—this could fit here, we could do this, etc. And then we’ll do another trip and I take my producers with me and I show them all the things I’m planning to do, and then I present it to the network. Hopefully they like it and then we go do it!

TV FORMATS: What do you look for when you’re scouting locations and devising challenges that are inspired by local culture?
VAN MUNSTER: I lay out all the elements that I see in a city—I take a map of the city and I see where everything is. I see how logistically it all makes sense. Logistics, emotions, humor, all the aspects that are part of a fun reality show—how can we fit them into this 44-minute box? The other thing is, every show is completely different and fresh from the one before. So one day we’re in Bangladesh and the next we’re in London; we go to extremes. We go from Siberia, where it’s bitterly cold, where we have them run a marathon in their bathing suits, down to the hottest place in Africa. Juxtapose all these moments and then tie that in with exhaustion and [the effects of eating unfamiliar] food and not having enough sleep and you get more and more drama and more and more stories that way.

TV FORMATS: What do you look for in potential contestants?
VAN MUNSTER: Everybody wants to be on this show—except for the people who want to be on singing shows. [Laughs] We look for people who are between 21 and 100 years old! It’s laid out in such a way that anybody can potentially win this race, as we have seen over the years. It doesn’t take giant muscles; it takes a healthy person with a good set of brains. You have to be calculating and you have to balance your strengths with your partner’s strengths.

TV FORMATS: In a lot of reality shows today, you can sense that people are behaving a certain way for the cameras. In The Amazing Race, how are you able to capture genuine emotions and reactions? Do the contestants forget that the cameras are there?
VAN MUNSTER: They forget it within the first 2 minutes because of the technique I’m using. [Contestants] are used to cameras but there’s so much pressure on them, they have no time to think about the cameras. If you’re in a studio and you see nothing but cameras and people looking at you, yes you’ll [act for the cameras]. For me, a reality show is [where the] camera is the least visible thing. In other reality shows, the camera is the most visible thing in many ways. It should be completely fly on the wall and that’s how we do it and how we’ve done it for many, many years. It’s effective. The contestants are the most important part. There’s room for all of these other very successful shows, but we have no judges, we don’t make judgment calls on people, we don’t tell them, you’re good, you’re bad—we leave that for Santa Claus! People have to win this race on their own power, whether it’s physical or mental. That’s what makes this show, and also why there’s such longevity in the show. People see that and they realize, I could potentially do this.

TV FORMATS: The whole process of traveling has become much more cumbersome in a post-9/11 world. Have you found that the show has become more difficult to produce against this backdrop?
VAN MUNSTER: No, it’s the same. I mean there are places in the world that you obviously can’t go to right now, that doesn’t mean that the people who live there are bad people. In many ways, the dangers of the world have been extremely exaggerated by people that have to make their money in a different way! I feel perfectly safe in many, many countries and people are very friendly and give the shirts off their backs. They’re fascinated by the way we live and by our approach to life and the can-do American way. People have given our contestants money in Moscow and in Bangladesh, [places where] they have no money and they [still] help. I look at these things from a very positive perspective. Can I look at the dark side of all these things? Yes I can. I think maybe we are too focused on that. Not me. I can go anywhere I want to go at this point in my life. And so can the contestants, and we’ve proven this in over 22 seasons.

TV FORMATS: Versions of The Amazing Race have been produced in a number of territories now. When the discussions about formatting the show first began, were you concerned about how they would stand up to the production quality you’ve set for the CBS version?
VAN MUNSTER: We have a very close working relationship with our distributor [Disney Media Distribution]. And we have very close relationships with the people that produce these shows. Actually, most of the [adaptations], we produce ourselves. Yes, [production quality] is a concern, and people that tried to do it on their own ran into trouble. Why would you do this? We had our troubles ten years ago, why repeat [those same] troubles because you think you know it better?
[The format] has been a huge success. We got the International Emmy for the show we did in Australia, and now in China they produced a version and they’ve won an award for best format adaptation. We all keep a very close eye on each other and we support each other as much as we can.

TV FORMATS: Speaking of awards, your Emmy-winning streak has been unprecedented. Why do you think the Academy continues to recognize the series?
VAN MUNSTER: Every year we say, they’re tired of us! But obviously the Academy really looks at the shows, they don’t just give [the Emmy] to us, they say, these guys really deserve it. Otherwise we wouldn’t win. It is a true reality competition. Everyone can relate to it and everyone can do it.

TV FORMATS: What are some of the other projects you’re working on?
VAN MUNSTER: We just finished The Great Escape for TNT and we have a Bellator mixed martial arts series for Spike and we’re negotiating a bunch of other shows for other networks that I can’t mention at this moment. But we are very busy with really fascinating projects.
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2013, 07:23:09 PM »
Thanks for the interview, georgiapeach.

My thumb's up to BVM for this answer:
TV FORMATS: The whole process of traveling has become much more cumbersome in a post-9/11 world. Have you found that the show has become more difficult to produce against this backdrop?
VAN MUNSTER: No, it’s the same. I mean there are places in the world that you obviously can’t go to right now, that doesn’t mean that the people who live there are bad people. In many ways, the dangers of the world have been extremely exaggerated by people that have to make their money in a different way! I feel perfectly safe in many, many countries and people are very friendly and give the shirts off their backs. They’re fascinated by the way we live and by our approach to life and the can-do American way. People have given our contestants money in Moscow and in Bangladesh, [places where] they have no money and they [still] help. I look at these things from a very positive perspective. Can I look at the dark side of all these things? Yes I can. I think maybe we are too focused on that. Not me. I can go anywhere I want to go at this point in my life. And so can the contestants, and we’ve proven this in over 22 seasons.

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2013, 11:09:35 PM »
Given that Anthony Bourdain has filmed an episode of his new CNN series "Parts Unknown" in Myrammar (Burma) with no problems (in fact it's one of the first programs to film since the end of military rule), I suspect TAR isn't far behind. It's an alternative to frequently visited China, India, Thailand, and the recently getting overused Indonesia (three of the most recents Races have gone through there).

And it's been closed to travel for over 50 years, so that would be an interesting experience all the way around.
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2013, 08:04:50 PM »
TV FORMATS: In a lot of reality shows today, you can sense that people are behaving a certain way for the cameras. In The Amazing Race, how are you able to capture genuine emotions and reactions? Do the contestants forget that the cameras are there?
VAN MUNSTER: They forget it within the first 2 minutes because of the technique I’m using. [Contestants] are used to cameras but there’s so much pressure on them, they have no time to think about the cameras. If you’re in a studio and you see nothing but cameras and people looking at you, yes you’ll [act for the cameras]. For me, a reality show is [where the] camera is the least visible thing. In other reality shows, the camera is the most visible thing in many ways. It should be completely fly on the wall and that’s how we do it and how we’ve done it for many, many years. It’s effective. The contestants are the most important part. There’s room for all of these other very successful shows, but we have no judges, we don’t make judgment calls on people, we don’t tell them, you’re good, you’re bad—we leave that for Santa Claus! People have to win this race on their own power, whether it’s physical or mental. That’s what makes this show, and also why there’s such longevity in the show. People see that and they realize, I could potentially do this.

I don't doubt the show is more 'real' than most other reality shows, but someone should tell the casting people to stop picking people who ham it up - humour's fine when it feels natural (Ken & Gerard), but in recent seasons it feels like they're casting very camera-aware people (the Globetrotters, the cowboys, Brook and Claire, the BB teams, the Chippendales...). I'm not sure his answer really holds up here.

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2013, 02:36:37 PM »
Bertram van Munster to enter Realscreen Awards Hall of Fame

Bertram van Munster (pictured), creator of The Amazing Race and a nine-time Emmy award-winning producer/director, is to be inducted into the Realscreen Awards Hall of Fame in Santa Monica this June.

With more than four decades spent developing and producing unscripted content across the globe, van Munster is one of the non-fiction TV industry’s most respected and creative forces.

Together with Elise Doganieri, his producing partner, he runs Profiles Television, which produces The Amazing Race through its subsidiary World Race Productions. The show is currently on its 22nd season for CBS, and – since launching in 2001 – has aired more than 185 episodes, traveling to TV sets in more than 80 countries around the globe.

In a statement, van Munster said: “It’s an honor to receive this award from realscreen, and to be in such good company with past recipients. All of us have been in the trenches since the beginning of reality TV, and are proud to have played a part in the rise of this genre which has captivated audiences for years, and in some cases, for decades.

“The Amazing Race has been an amazing experience, but I know that without the hard work and dedication of a stellar crew around the world, our friends at CBS, and a brilliant executive-producing team, including my partner in work and in life, Elise Doganieri, I would not have the good fortune of receiving this honor from realscreen.

“I am humbled and also eager to continue creating non-scripted TV for fans around the world.”

In addition to The Amazing Race, van Munster is currently producing Fight Master: Ballator MMA, a new competition series set to premiere on Spike later this year; and in 2012 he produced The Great Escape for TNT.

Other shows include Oprah’s Big Give, Take the Money & Run, and Profiles from the Front Line, all made for ABC.

Prior to Profiles Television, van Munster created and exec produced Wild Things for Paramount Domestic Television. The syndicated adventure series traversed some of the world’s most inhospitable regions. Before that, he served as producer and cinematographer for the first eight years of Fox’s long-running primetime series Cops.

Barry Walsh, editor of realscreen, said: “Bertram van Munster is a true reality television pioneer who has been a major force within the unscripted television revolution from its beginnings, with his work on Cops, to the present day, with the continued success of the groundbreaking adventure competition series The Amazing Race.

“His flair for cinematic production values, combined with action-packed competition, has made The Amazing Race, and Bertram himself, part of TV history. We’re very excited to induct him into the Realscreen Awards Hall of Fame this June.”

Van Munster’s induction into the Hall of Fame comes after producer Thom Beers was last year honored at the ceremony, which was then called the Factual Entertainment Awards.

Watch out for more announcements about the Realscreen Awards and its Hall of Fame inductees in the weeks ahead. The Realscreen Awards take place during Realscreen West in Santa Monica, June 5-6.
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2013, 02:39:50 PM »
Realsceen's "Meet a Mentor" series is designed to give delegates rare access to some of the top producers in factual programming. Sign up for the opportunity to glean valuable information in an intimate, "off the record" setting, and hear from A-list producers through Q&A about how they charted their paths, faced and met challenges head-on, and learned invaluable lessons along the way. If you've ever asked yourself "How do they do it?", here’s your chance to find out.

*Pre-sign up is required
You may sign up for one (1) Meet a Mentor Session.
Sign up opens Wednesday, May 15th at 11:00 AM (ET) on a first come, first served basis.


 Elise Doganieri, Host
Executive Producer
Profiles Television Productions

 Bertram van Munster, Host
Executive Producer
Profiles Television Productions
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2013, 02:47:31 PM »
ABC has greenlighted a new series by BVM and Elise:
"The Quest"... which has yet to receive a premiere date, pits 12 contestants against one another in a competition set in a fictional place called "Everrealm." The  live-action role-playing takes place in what the network describes as "a land of magic and malevolence, where mythical creatures lurk in the woods, agents of darkness stir in the shadows, and mystical beings infiltrate the keep."

more here:,28827.msg878562.html#msg878562
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2013, 01:33:15 AM »

Incredible 5 part Interview with Bertram and Elise.

I have noted some of the focus/highlights for each segment, including one jawdropping RFF moment!

Lots of interesting insights, a "do not miss'!

Archive of American Television EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG
Bertram Van Munster & Elise Doganieri Interview

Part 1 of 5 - YouTube
(BVM Early Career)

Part 2 of 5 - YouTube

Part 3 of 5 - YouTube
(casting+, Laos explained, Antarctica)

Part 4 of 5 - YouTube
(production+--RFF shout out at 52:30!!)

Part 5 of 5 - YouTube
(other projects)
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2013, 06:20:23 AM »
I loved listening to every second of those interviews, thanks for posting them peach!

It's so interesting listen to them talk about how the race is planned, produced and edited... so many new stories I hadn't heard before. It's a must watch for any diehard TAR fan, AKA everyone here better watch these!

Oh and please tell me I wasn't the only one who rewinded and listened to Elise say "Reality Fan Forum" over and over again?! :lol3:

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #42 on: May 21, 2013, 09:43:31 AM »
If I knew how to record a soundbite that would be my new sig, lol!! WhooHoo, they don't hate us! These are awesome, just knowing they really did try to make Antarctica work is amazing!
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #43 on: May 21, 2013, 02:18:42 PM »
i love how charla was like i can speak arabic.. then totally gets schooled by betram

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2013, 05:00:04 PM »
This interview is nearly four hours long? Gawd, I'm going have to save the clips from YouTube because that is going to take a while for me to listen to without captions.

But I'm glad to hear we're not on a persona non grata list, and that some of the things we've thought of in the past they have in fact tried to do. (Peach you and I may have been the first to post that suggestion for the All-Stars season, and I still hope that the show will get there some day.)
-- theschnauzers

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #45 on: May 21, 2013, 06:44:30 PM »
RFF moment? What?
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #46 on: May 21, 2013, 07:08:35 PM »
RFF moment? What?

Elise does a mention about us in the fourth part of the interview, speaking of the relation between Internet and TAR.
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #47 on: May 21, 2013, 07:51:00 PM »

I have noted some of the focus/highlights for each segment, including one jawdropping RFF moment!

Part 4 of 5 - YouTube
(production+--RFF shout out at 52:30!!)

If all else the thread! :lol:
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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #48 on: May 21, 2013, 08:08:01 PM »

I have noted some of the focus/highlights for each segment, including one jawdropping RFF moment!

Part 4 of 5 - YouTube
(production+--RFF shout out at 52:30!!)

If all else the thread! :lol:

That actually passed unseen by my sleepy eyes  :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: Thanks guys!  :kuss:
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Offline redwings8831

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Re: Bertram van Munster and Elise Doganieri NEWS
« Reply #49 on: May 21, 2013, 09:51:23 PM »
Just listened to parts 3 and 4. Awesome interview.