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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #200 on: July 18, 2008, 06:58:02 PM »
I just can't seem to get into these people this year except for Libra gettin on my nerves.  They seem to be of a mindset that if someone is up for eviction, no one is allowed to talk to them?????  How childish is that??  I just don't get it.  Jessie keeps talkin about people respecting him??  for what??  I like Angie cause she seems to be normal but it doesn't look like "normal" people will be there long.   :duno: :duno: :duno:
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 07:07:58 PM by JAM101 »
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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #201 on: July 18, 2008, 07:57:02 PM »
I cant deal with April  :yikes and her perfect friend Libra the Leo.. Thanks for the updates.  Are these two ladies out of their minds.  It amazes me how no one has gone off on them.  April is shaking up with Ollie and I just think she is a real snott.. and Libra doesnt sheknow when to stop talking.   :lala 
What a group :groan: Thanks for letting me vent... The three little girls make peole like Renny  ( who actually isnt bad she did look like Alice from the fist Brady bunch the way she was dressed while making the longest cooking cake in the world

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #202 on: July 18, 2008, 08:00:58 PM »
I cant deal with April  :yikes and her perfect friend Libra the Leo.. Thanks for the updates.  Are these two ladies out of their minds.  It amazes me how no one has gone off on them.  April is shaking up with Ollie and I just think she is a real snott.. and Libra doesnt sheknow when to stop talking.   :lala 
What a group :groan: Thanks for letting me vent... The three little girls make peole like Renny  ( who actually isnt bad she did look like Alice from the fist Brady bunch the way she was dressed while making the longest cooking cake in the world

Oh thats a photo chop if I ever heard one- Renny=Alice from the Brady Bunch! :funny:

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #203 on: July 18, 2008, 08:02:57 PM »
I just can't seem to get into these people this year except for Libra gettin on my nerves.  They seem to be of a mindset that if someone is up for eviction, no one is allowed to talk to them?????  How childish is that??  I just don't get it.  Jessie keeps talkin about people respecting him??  for what??  I like Angie cause she seems to be normal but it doesn't look like "normal" people will be there long.   :duno: :duno: :duno:

You are soo not kidding!!!!  I mean, ok - maybe I haven't given it a chance since we are only a week into this (no - that can't be right - it feels like a year!!!!)

But seriously!  What a group of morons!!  You dont show me respect - I deserve respect....You can't talk to her because she used to talk to him....she needs to be voted out because she sat next to someone in the kitchen for too are nominated because you smiled one time 8 days ago at the person who is no longer in the house....How dare the person who is nominated make spaghetti...

I mean COME ON!!!  At least last season the houseguests had personalities...I mean, I didn't necessarily like their personalities, but geesh!  :pull :pull

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #204 on: July 18, 2008, 08:20:05 PM »
I concur with most of the opinions I've been reading.I certainly hope something happens next week to change things up.Honestly I can't remember caring so much about the first couple of evictions,I believe this season has potential,but only if next weeks HOH is someone like Angie or Dan.I know Renny really isn't with the obnoxious bunch,but I don't know that she would have the nerve to go against them.These numbers need to even out fast.

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #205 on: July 18, 2008, 09:10:59 PM »
Egad!  I posted this last night, and it didn't actually post because I got the message that while I was typing (no wonder!) a reply had been added, so it sat like that until just now.  I am now posting -- with an update of last night I didn't bother to watch the last hour.  I get tired of hearing people complain about slop.  Actually, this year it's the first time I have heard anyone, let alone three people say it wasn't too bad.  Can't be worse than whatever preceded C-RATS in the Korean war.

left hanging from last night, before BBAD

It's not just me then: these guys are really weird this season, right?  My face seems to be frozen in a sort of quizzical and appalled disbelief.  Maybe I shouldn't be watching this; it's kind of grossing me out.

I like Renny too -- she is at least interesting.  Actually, I enjoyed the contrast on BBAD last night of Renny, Keesha, and Stephen outside talking about New Orleans -- although the opinions were a bit, uh, Barbara Bush-ish "Well, a lot of 'em were dyin' anyway," said Renny, regarding people who ignored the warnings, as they had become accustomed to doing over the years ("Wolf!  Wolf!") and stayed there and were caught in the flood.

At any rate, they were talking about something outside of themselves.

Jerry was in the DR.

Everyone else was upstairs, screaming out who needed to go, all at the same time, to Jessie HOH, who was just trying to relax on his bed.  Michelle, meanwhile, was eating as much of his food as possible and drinking as much of his wine as possible, even after he politely and pointedly said, "If you open that bottle, you won't have anything to drink tomorrow." When he said he was tired, Libra took the hint and was the first to stand.  She had to go back to tell Michelle that when someone says's they are tired (in their own home, in essence), it's a signal that it is time to go.  Michelle, grasping her wine, made faces like, "Gee, the pawty's ovah?"  Going down the stairs, carrying her wine, some water, and something clutched under her elbow, Jessie said, "Here, why don't you let me take something for you."  She surrendered all but her wine and tottered down the stairs.

Pretty good summary of last night, I guess that was.

One more sum up: just before saying he was tired and after most of the screaming over and over of what each one's opinion was, all at the same time, they were maybe glad and maybe regretful Brian was gone, it was a mess because, who knows, and what they wanted this week, if there was a consensus there, was summed up by Jessie who said, "You know what's funny? Jerry would have done that last week [had the bunch of you not all gone to him and said he needed to change things to put up Brian]," and shrugged.

I have missed episodes 2 and 3: I slept through 2 and thought 3 was tonight.  I'm just getting info from the screen crawler on BBAD on Showtime -- which said that the entire household had massed together to get Jerry to nominate Brian for eviction; so now  whoever they want up this week is the person that Jerry would have put up had they not come squawking to him like demented cockatoos.

This is really a bizarre bunch: the second night all went along just fine, group activities, and then all of a sudden a big flap: it ended with Michelle having fits because
 Angie didn't want everyone coming in to console her crying over what she knew was foolishness, because consoling only reinforced it, made it difficult, and complicated the situation.  Brian had  been consoling her.  When she pulled herself to gether, Michelle started in on her about I thought you were _my_ friend and you're talking to Iwho I hate most ... and went on and on, accusing and not listening to her friend's trying tos ay she didn't want to see anyone.  On top of it all, Angiel had started crying because she thought Jerry was calling her a psycho because he said, "Here's a perfect one for you" for charades and gave her "Psycho."  He apologized, after several people went to him to say she had been hurt, and in his apology said he was hurt and pissed off because he wouldn't think she would think something like that about him.  Later she went to his room and then Jerry told her that he had said it was perfect for her because she can act things out so well.

The next night, all went along fine, group activities, just as before, and in the eleventh hour, all hell broke loose again; this time Keesha ran over to the other blonde and accused her of "talking **** about her" because the other blonde was thinking Keesha was breaking ranks  because she was involved in some secrecy with Jerry.  Keesha told her it was a personal matter, not game.  Keesha not wanting to announce to everyone that she was constipated and needed an enema and needed Jerry's bathroom to do it in, so Jerry was trying to help her get the staff to get her one and had given her his key in case any laxatives kicked in all of a sudden.  April didn't like that Keesha had Jerry's key -- too much of a conspiracy, and all that was going on was that Keesha was trying to keep the whole enema situation kind of quiet.

Bizarre conflagrations of paranoia.


I think I like Renny at least for now. She annoyed me initially, but since has calmed down and could actually be a really good friend to some of these losers. I though Jessie totally disrespected Renny last night on the live show and Renny bounced back with something these kids have never heard of .........class

I think it is so sad. I know how it feels. Poor Renny..stuck there with a bunch of fools who don't yet realize that when you get older, your mind is  forever stuck at the point where you reached your most mature, most enlightened and very best YOU.
She was just having fun and the self absorbed young'uns have soo much to learn

Oh well..I am sure I will find more to piss and moan about later. LOL

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #206 on: July 18, 2008, 09:18:11 PM »
Hopefully the Colonel will pull something out of his ass from his days in the military and has the head (?) of a large company that has him landing smack dab on the top of the heap to everyone's surprise.

One nice thing about this year is that although they all reacted to the age stereotype (what is wrong with us when we are young -- we all do it, think older people can't possibly know what we know because we are born later and so have a unique approach to life: it's partially true, but how dumb we are not to learn from elders) "How old is she, 100?" about Renny, for example, that they have not quite even begrudgingly, come to see the older people as valuable for their age and experience.

It might be fun in the future to pair up hgs by one 20-30 stg with a senior, 55+ for the game.  It might bring really good results in terms of showing how elders can teach and also instill the wisdom to get through things.

Ideally, a 30 something with a 55+ for each team -- it's a great concept that could do a lot of good socially.

Once that gets done, then a 20 something with a 55+ for each team.

here's to hoping libra's big 'ol mouth finally catches up with her...and that she takes april, the professional victim, down with her. poor angie -she's way too normal to be in there with all these nutbars.

I think it is gonna be Jerry who gets Libra totally exposed as  the sh**  stirrer that she is
and Angie is gonna help him  JMO
that would be perfect  :jam:

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #207 on: July 18, 2008, 09:33:49 PM »
Anne Boleyn.

Amber Lynn -- I like it!

The Tudors is on Showtime.  I think they'll be showing the first two seasons again this summer.  It's a very well-done historical drama, using a young Henry VIII, showing his deterioration after divorcing Catherine; it also ties up the family ties better.  We Americans have miscellaneous disconnected historical facts and dates floating around in our heads, which only adds to our dislike of, fear of, ignorance of history.

Catherine was the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, who united Spain and who sponsored Columbus, whose discovery of the new world led to the spread of Catholicism.  Catherine's younger sister, Juana la Loca married (i forget who -- a handsome frenchman and had a mad passionate marriage); their sun Charles, became Charlex V, the Holy Roman Emperor -- that would be Catherine's nephew.

Henry started the Church of England, which is Episcopal or something the Episcopal church came from, breaking from the Catholic Church because he wanted to divorce Catherine to marry Anne Boleyn and it was of course illegal.  He thought that it was Catherine's fault that they had no living sons, also that he was being punished by god for marrying Catherine, as she had been sent from Spain to marry his (and provide a tie between Spain and England) older brother; I think they got married at 12.  His older brother died, and Ferdinand and Isabella wanted to be sure their daughter got married, as she had been sent there for a purpose and had been there a while.  She and Henry had been great childhood friends.  At any rate, Henry decided he needed a new wife in order to have a son and heir.

None of his sons lived.  His daughter with Catherine, Mary,  became the infamous "Bloody Mary," in trying to reestablish the Catholic Church in England after Henry's death.

The next ruler was his daughter with Anne, the daughter he had declared a bastard in getting another marriage after beheading Anne.  That daughter, "The Bastard Queen," became Elizabeth I -- the great Queen Elizabeth under whose reign Shakespeare wrote, music fluorished, the English Renaissance flowered, and became known as the Elizabethan Age.

There's your English history of the period in a nutshell.  Fascinating when you tie up all the connections.

Great costume design in "The Tudors."

Henry was a Tudor; the Tudor Rose is his symbol -- on flags, on wood panelling, chairs backs, etc.  There was a white rose and a red rose -- another period of English history in which I am not as fluent: The Wars of the Roses.


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     Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates 7/17 day 4
« Reply #222 on: Yesterday at 03:09:09 PM »  

Steven is talking about some movie, I have no idea what hes taking about? The Tudors? Someone was beheaded?
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     Re: BB10 Live Feed Updates 7/17 day 4
« Reply #223 on: Yesterday at 03:10:41 PM »  

Amber Lynn had 11 toes? (I've never saw this movie)

:funny:  Puddin I just had to reply to this.

I think it is Anne Berlin. One of Henry the VIII 's wives. The Tudors is that show that comes on showtime ...
I don't watch it but The AmberLynn instead of Anne Berlin had me going.



Actually, it's Anne Boleyn who was beheaded by the King.

ok now I feel stupid  :funny:  but it was close

Closer than Amber Lynn anyway

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #208 on: July 18, 2008, 09:38:35 PM »
"Jerry threatened them on how to vote????"
Where is that coming from?  Totally made up as a manipulatilve tactic, based on something, or something she really believes???


I think Angie needs to hang loose for now...
Libra appears to be trying to bully everyone. Telling people Jerry threatened them on how to vote.   :snicker: Shame on her

The tide will change and then we will see some action...soon!

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #209 on: July 18, 2008, 09:45:04 PM »
April's tramp stamp says sisters.  Her twin has one too.

Steven informs the BY crew that dinner will be ready soon.

I was going to ask if anyone knew what this was -- it looked like a bar code.


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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #210 on: July 18, 2008, 09:45:24 PM »
After the first night of BBAD I really thought I would hate Keesha because she reminded me so much of Danielle Danato,but I find myself liking and respecting her more and more.Maybe she'll help turn this God aweful mess around!

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #211 on: July 18, 2008, 10:22:15 PM »
"Jerry threatened them on how to vote????"
Where is that coming from?  Totally made up as a manipulatilve tactic, based on something, or something she really believes???


I think Angie needs to hang loose for now...
Libra appears to be trying to bully everyone. Telling people Jerry threatened them on how to vote.   :snicker: Shame on her

The tide will change and then we will see some action...soon!

I gathered it was totally made up.....that was what I was thinking becuz then the update says he said something like " I never told you  how to vote"

Anyway..I thought I would like Libra..but ummmm...I just can't with that blahblah

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #212 on: July 18, 2008, 11:12:09 PM »
OK so I heard Michelle say 'she sleeps on her face'

Pheewww that explains it FINALLY!  :funny:

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Re: BB10 live show and live feed *spoilers* go here
« Reply #213 on: July 18, 2008, 11:48:44 PM »
Why Steven? I got a good impression of him. Maybe I missed something.

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #214 on: July 19, 2008, 12:03:52 AM »
OK so I heard Michelle say 'she sleeps on her face'

Pheewww that explains it FINALLY!  :funny:

I wondered!!  :funny:

I've had a thought about Renny. She's a Salon owner, she's got to be pretty good at managing people and dealing with petty fights and backstabbing. She probably knows how to listen as well so she can spot the phony baloney when she hears it.

As Queeny said, she does go in and out and no one pays the slightest attention to her. She's invisible as they talk on and on. I am waiting to see what she does with the information she knows. Can she use it at the appropriate time? I don't know. We'll see.
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Re: BB10 live show and live feed *spoilers* go here
« Reply #215 on: July 19, 2008, 12:09:33 AM »
Because he was accused of campaining to keep Brian and he does not respect Jessie so says Jessie.

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Re: BB10 live show and live feed *spoilers* go here
« Reply #216 on: July 19, 2008, 12:23:32 AM »
Basically, Steven fell victim to not winning HoH.
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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #217 on: July 19, 2008, 12:40:56 AM »
Weekly stats of  Big Brother 10:

Week 1: Jerry, HOH, Jessie & Renny nominated, Jessie wins veto, used on self, Brian up, Brian evicted 9-1
Week 2: Jessie, HOH, Dan & Steven nominated, Michelle wins veto, to be continued...

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #218 on: July 19, 2008, 02:03:28 AM »
OK so I heard Michelle say 'she sleeps on her face'

Pheewww that explains it FINALLY!  :funny:

 :lol: :funny: That exactly what I said!!

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Re: BB10 live show and live feed *spoilers* go here
« Reply #219 on: July 19, 2008, 11:31:36 AM »
Because he was accused of campaining to keep Brian and he does not respect Jessie so says Jessie.

Thanx, Puddin! I hope Michelle uses the POV on him. I'd like to see him stay.


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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #220 on: July 19, 2008, 01:00:16 PM »
OMG   OMG   OMG      :pull        Take one of the Noms down and put up Libra ......... Please
She is out of control.  And she did make a comment about having two old people on her team and implied that is why they lost.     :meow:

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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #221 on: July 19, 2008, 01:10:08 PM »
Yes she did and now is protesting too much trying to worm her way out of it...............glad she was called out........way to go Jerry and Renny  :yess: :yess: :yess:
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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #222 on: July 19, 2008, 01:14:38 PM »
Yeah, she did say it and is wiggling out, but this "check the tape" shyte is stupid. She'll be found out.
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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #223 on: July 19, 2008, 01:52:56 PM »
Couldn't let this go any longer.........If Jessie's face gets any closer to his food, his nose will be in to mouth NOT mouth to food. :groan:
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Re: Ongoing BB10 Feed "Discussion"
« Reply #224 on: July 19, 2008, 02:40:18 PM »
She did blame Renny and Jerry. All that's left for Libra today is for the guys to come in and check on her and commiserate with her. Then she can get out of her bed of misery and feel vindicated for being viciously, horrifically, MONSTROUSLY attacked this morning. :barf. I so wish someone else had gotten the POV.

Wait, Angie hasn't come in and given her sympathy.... She'll pay for that horrible mistake!  :jam:
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