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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #125 on: January 28, 2009, 12:06:26 AM »
A recap from tvguide:

American Idol Episode Recap: Auditions, Jacksonville

More Idol hopefuls flooded into Jacksonville, aka Randy's hometown, dreaming of a chance to have their story told, or receive "yeses" from their beloved judges, or to hold a golden ticket in their hand. Or, if you're Bikini Girl, your dream is to have a chance to mack on Ryan Seacrest.

Randy and the judges are driven to the auditions with a fancy police escort (which annoys Simon because he's not getting the attention). As Ryan tells us that Jacksonville is where our Dawg got his start in life, Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" floats softly through the segment. Because we need to be reminded for the 1000th time that Randy played with Journey. Let's just skip to the auditions now, shall we?

Best Auditions
Joshua Ulloa: Not only does he "look like Justin Guarini," he also has some fun with audition, and more importantly he can sing. He is a tad over the top, but he has me at the "Wah, wah, waaaah" opening to Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On."
Julissa Veloz: All together now, "RRRRRRRRRR" (lame attempt at sexy "r"-rolling). This hot tamale doesn't have the greatest voice, but we dig her spirit.
Jasmine Murray: She is adorable (beautiful, really) and could really belt out Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry."

Most Awesome Meltdown
Darin Darnell: After his friend got cut, he could barely even begin his song he was so moved by grief (dude, it's just an audition!)... and maybe he should have stayed silent.

Best Girls Just Wanna Make Out Moment
After Simon and Randy said "yes" to the Shih Tzu-girl (aka Sharon Wilbur), Kara and Paula: A) needed a moment to think about her performance, or B) pretended to make out in order to stall answering the question. I think you all know the answer.

WTF Is Going On Moment
How did this happen? Before Naomi Sykes even has a chance to butcher "Loving You," her friend ends up in Randy's lap, Paula ends up in Simon's lap (mmm hmm) and Ryan ends up sitting in Kara's lap. Is this high school, or freakin' Idol? When Naomi gets to sing, it's pretty awful, and they ask if she's joking. Haven't they already learned that these people are never joking? Naomi dissolves into tears, but at least she gets a group hug from Randy, Paula and Kara out of the deal.

Best Lines from the Judges
Simon: It was kind of like Inspector Gadget [was singing].
Kara: My job isn't done here until Simon tries something on me.
Kara: I have a question: Do you have ants in your pants?


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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #126 on: January 28, 2009, 10:31:49 AM »
Thoughts about last night's auditions?  :popcorn:
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #127 on: January 28, 2009, 05:21:48 PM »
i like the girl they made go change, and the justin guy was way better jmo than justin g.
i like the way they have lighten up the show a lot like ryan on the golf cart, the silly ness of  the lap sitting , i uasualy don't like the audition part but i am realy likeing it this year..
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #128 on: January 28, 2009, 09:38:42 PM »
A recap from tvguide:

American Idol Episode Recap: Auditions, Salt Lake City

Welcome to Salt Lake City, Dawgs! It's the land of David Archuleta as well as thousands of very "shiny, happy people" waiting to audition. But, will any of these happy peeps be able to impress our lap-sitting, fake making-out judges?

Right off the bat, I have a feeling some of you will not be happy that an Osmond tried out on American Idol. You may think it's not fair because the Osmonds have quite a few connections left in this biz. But, how can you deny this guy a chance? First of all, he's adorable, then there's the whole bravery thing with fighting his MS, and his dad (who also has MS) cries for his son at the drop of a hat! Oh yeah, and he has a beautiful voice. Thank goodness they put David Osmond through. Now, we're on to the rest of the show.

Best Auditions
Frankie Jordan: Simon likes her insantly, and the rest of the judges do as well. She's got a controlled, smoky voice like Amy Winehouse, but without the booze, drugs, tattoos and really big hair.
Megan Corkrey: So what if we got a little teary-eyed from her segment about being a 23-year-old single mom and recent divorcée? What are you gonna do about it? This girl opens her mouth and out pops out an amazingly original voice that reminds me of singers from a bygone era. This chick's got something special.
Austin Sisneros: OK, so his song choices are not great, but he's so sweet and can definitely sing! Simon even calls him "likable." Simon, you pushover.
Taylor Vaifanua: She's freakin' 16! Holy cow, this girl will go far! Randy, who never says anything constructive, calls out her natural tone and her ability to control her voice well.
Rose Flack: Why must they do these stories that make me cry! Poor Rose is an orphan who was taken in by her best friend's family. Even if she never opened her mouth I'd want her to go to Hollywood. Paula tells her to work on her vocals, but everyone else loves her cool, funky vibe and sweet energy.

Weirdest Lucky Rabbit Charm
Greg the Rabbit, or "Grabbit," if you will, hops behind Chris Kirkham during his audition in a huge, pink bunny suit. Ralphie from A Christmas Story has nothing on this dude. Though the lucky rabbit charm didn't pay off for Chris, "Grabbit" did get a bear hug from Simon. Must watch it again in slow-mo!

Best Lines from the Judges
Simon: You sounded like a baby.


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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #129 on: January 28, 2009, 10:32:38 PM »
I liked everyone they picked, I even liked the big pink rabbit singer  :rotf:

Loved Megan and Rose...
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #130 on: January 28, 2009, 10:41:50 PM »
I liked everyone they picked, I even liked the big pink rabbit singer  :rotf:

Loved Megan and Rose...

 :funny: Loved the rabbit

There are so many good singers out there with very nice voices, really enjoyed watching this season

My dog hated the goth girls singing I never saw her ears get so perked up   :funny:  poor thing

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #131 on: January 29, 2009, 07:27:00 AM »
Thanks MG for the updates!

So far from what we've seen and we haven't seen a lot of the singers they put through for fodder, we have a good mix of different types. It should be a fantastic season. No one sticks out as an outstanding superstar yet, but next week we'll see them in Hollywood and that's when we see whether they can push through or let their nerves get the best of them. I think this could be the best American Idol ever.

Loved that they put through David Osmund, not withstanding his famous family name and he downplayed his connection. Good on him! He's probably not the strongest of the singers but he has a good voice as MG's piece from TV Guide notes. 

Taylor Vaifanua, what can you say, she is good!

Rose Flack, beautiful girl, 17 years old singing 'I feel the Earth Move Under My Feet' and wowed Simon. He said she had to work on her vocals but said she is something special and she is.

Simon also liked Megan Corkrey, just divorced and mother of a two year old. He says she's different and she is.  :tup:

Austin Sisneros, lovable kid, president of his class. A schmoozer if ever there was one, but he'll add interest and he has a decent voice.

Only Goth girl in Salt Lake, Tara Matthews says she's gorgeous, no.... no..... a thousand times no!  )-**

We have another audition show tonight so don't forget, plus we have the premiere of Hell's Kitchen after AI!

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #132 on: January 29, 2009, 10:08:44 PM »

I didn't enjoy tonight's show the bad singing and with costumes  :groan: ugh

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #133 on: January 29, 2009, 10:31:09 PM »
A recap from tvguide:

American Idol Episode Recap: Auditions, San Juan and New York City

As Ryan says, "fasten your seatbelts," because you're in for a wild ride, courtesy of New York City and San Juan. That's right, tonight we get a two-for-one deal on Idol hopefuls! Which city will produce the most talent?

Since there are two cities this evening, I'll make sure to note which city the contestants are from if I mention them below.

Best Auditions
Jorge Nunez (San Juan): He sounds a little like Marc Anthony (don't tell Marc, but I like Jorge better), and the judges enjoyed him while singing in both English ("What a Wonderful World") and Spanish ("My Way").
Melinda Camille (NYC): Besides her awesome energy (and the fact that she likes to dance around naked), she sounds fantastic singing "Feelin' good." Though Randy said she "fell off the melody a little," he and the other judges like her enough to send her to Hollywood.
Jackie Tohn (NYC): She chose a terrible first song with Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours," but her second song (no idea what it was called) proved that she has a funky, bluesy voice. Who knows how far she'll get, but it's fun to see different types of artists get through to Hollywood.

Simon Proves He Has a Soul Moment
Adeola Adegoke (NYC): She is so confident she's going to Hollywood that she quit her job prior to the audition. But, upon hearing the first note of Jennifer Hudson's "I'm Telling You," we sure hope they haven't read her letter of resignation yet (and Simon said the same thing). I think small kittens might be dying somewhere. When Simon rejects her she blurts more painful singing, and Simon tells her he's even willing to phone her boss to get her job back. And, shockingly, he does call her boss and gets her job back. Yay, Simon.

It's Karma, Baby
The large plastic screen behind the judges came tumbling toward them during Jackie's audition. The crew catches it before it can smack any of them, but, still... maybe it's a sign, guys?

The Search for the Most Annoying Human Being on the Planet Is Now Over
Joel Contreras (San Juan): He calls himself the "Crazy Rocker," but really, he's just the most annoying person I've ever heard on this show. That's saying a lot. A lot. At first, I thought the giant iPod was creative, but his shrill voice (singing something I don't know) and massive "crazy in his eyes" routine made me fumble for the "fast forward" button on my DVR. I haven't even gotten to the lion hand puppet and the superhero suit... I'll just leave that to your imagination.

Stealing the Show
Monique Garcia Torres (San Juan): Monique brings her adorable 9-year-old brother Christopher into the audition for good luck, and he totally steals the show... at first. He brings the judges a broken shell and tells them they'll "love" Monique's audition. Screw that, get this kid his own show! But once Monique sings "Can't Hurry Love," her sweet voice puts a smile on the judges' faces. However, the judges don't think she's quite ready yet vocally, but Paula and Simon (!) let her through to Hollywood.

Redux Gone Wrong (or Right)
Alexis Cohen (NYC): How can we forget her crazed audition last year: the swearing, flipping the bird, her massive facial glitter, etc. She's back and all cleaned up. Too bad she sang "Like a Prayer" like it was a joke. When Simon tells her she's horrendous, the real Alexis emerges: She flips him a double bird and calls him naughty name on her way out.

Best Lines from the Evening
Randy: "Adeola, we have mad love for you, but singing just isn't your skeeze."
Kara: "I like you, you're kind of like a vitamin boost."
(Contestant) Nick Mitchell: "You hurt me like where I get kicked sometimes." Simon: I would have thought you'd have quite liked that." Nick: "You mean, the way you like it when Seacrest does it?" (Oh, snap!)
(Contestant) Alexis Cohen: "There's nothing left to do but give you the finger!"


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Re: ***Spoilers*** American Idol Season 8 Top 36
« Reply #134 on: January 30, 2009, 05:55:20 PM »
Quick review of last night's golden ticket recipients, 26 allowed through from New York, 9 from Puerto Rico. We didn't get to see many of the people who got their golden ticket and the show was a little boring.

Melinda Camille, 21, likes to dance nude in her room, wants to uplift humanity and sang "Feeling Good."

Jackie Tohn: She has an unusual dusky voice and the judges all loved her. 

Norman Gentle: He had the crazy guy gimmick thing going on with Simon disapproving, but in the end they gave him another chance and he sang "Amazing Grace." When he just sang he was pretty good but he just couldn't help himself towards the end of the song. He made it through to Hollywood but I'll be shocked if he lasts through Hollywood week. He did make Simon laugh though so that was a plus for him.

Kendell Beard from Austin. She was on and off so fast I don't even remember what she sang.

First up in Puerto Rico, Jorge Nunez who sang "My Way" in Spanish beautifully. Paula asked him to sing in English and he sang "What a Wonderful World." Kara criticized him for his English pronunciations but Simon pointed out that's why they came to Puerto Rico. 

Monique Garcia Torres was introduced by her little brother, sang "Love Don't Come Easy" and put through but we don't really know how the four judges voted because the camera switched to Ryan so the viewers could see her come out with her golden ticket.

Patricia Lewis Roman, 20, sang "I Want to Dance with Somebody" got three votes, Paula voting no.

The auditions finished with Alexis Cohen who famously screamed obscenities last year returned, sang Madonna's "Like a Mystery" passably well but when rejected reverted back to her true self.  :snicker: She was dressed like a lady but it didn't help much.  :lol:
« Last Edit: January 30, 2009, 06:46:27 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #135 on: January 31, 2009, 10:44:58 AM »
ty mg u said it best and love the lines u caught.. sometimes watching thease show makes u afraid to leave the house . like realy ppl like that r realy out there walking the streets  :ascared i can't wait to see next week it is going to b good...lots of DRAMA!!!!
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #136 on: February 01, 2009, 03:06:41 PM »

Could this be the ‘American Idol’ final 36?

The full list of “American Idol” contestants ready to compete for your votes in Hollywood may have arrived.

A list of 36 contestants was posted on Friday on “Idol” fan site and corroborated by JoesPlace, a blogger and message board contributor who has leaked similar, and quite accurate, information in past seasons.

Contestants will be competing for a spot in the top 36 in front of judges Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Randy Jackson and Kara DioGuardi in the coming weeks, with the final announcement to be made in the Feb. 11 episode. In the following weeks, viewers will have the chance to start voting for their favorites as the show goes live. However, fans antsy to find out who might make the cut may want to peruse the list below — of course, take it with a grain of salt.

Adam Lambert
Alexander Wagner-Trugman
Alexis Grace
Allison Iraheta
Ann Marie Boskovich
Anoop Desai
Arianna Ayesha Afsar
Brent Keith
Casey Carlson
Danny Gokey
Jackie Tohn
Jasmine Murray
Jeanine Vailes
Jessica Langseth
Joanna Pacitti
Jorge Nunez
Junot Joyner
Kai Kalama
Kendall Beard
Kristen McNamara
Kris Allen
Lil Rounds
Matt Breitzke
Matt Giraud
Megan Corkrey
Michael (Unsure of last name — Sarver, Tristan)
Mishavonna Henson
Nate McGee (listed as Nathaniel Marshall on the “Idol” site)
Nick Western (possibly Nick Hendrix from Orlando)
Ricky Braddy
Scott MacIntyre
Stephen Fowler
Stevie Wright
Taylor Vaifanua
Tatiana Del Toro
Von Smith

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #137 on: February 01, 2009, 04:19:16 PM »
Hi Will! I'm glad to see you here.  :jumpy:  Any favorites yet from the auditions?

ETA: WOW!!!! Jennifer Hudson just sang the National Anthem at the opening of the Super Bowl and it was absolutely thrilling. I think it was the best rendition I have ever heard.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 05:29:02 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #138 on: February 01, 2009, 05:47:53 PM »

Hi Will! I'm glad to see you here.  :jumpy:  Any favorites yet from the auditions?

Hi TL, I haven't watched any of it yet, waiting until they get to the semi-finals before i check them out, kinda lost interest with the show and missed most of it last year due to BB9.

I didn't realize the list that I posted earlier has already been posted in other thread. I didn't see it. Oh well!

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #139 on: February 01, 2009, 07:13:59 PM »
It's OK Will, we'll use the list to keep an eye out for them next week when we have Hollywood Week.  :tup: You have to watch with us next week Will!  :yess:
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #140 on: February 02, 2009, 04:47:51 PM »
yea will, i  don't like this part of the show, normly i half way watch, but this year was way better, they showed more of the citys they were in and were not as degrading as in the past. i started watching knowing i was going to ff a lot and actully did not at all.. i look fw to tonight all though 2 ppl i liked r not on the list wan...if u have it on dvr u should watch u will b suprised. jmo
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #141 on: February 02, 2009, 04:56:30 PM »
Yes he will have to Tory or I'll get after him if he doesn't!  :knuckles:  :funny:

Tomorrow night and Wed night should be good, we'll see who cracks and who doesn't and we'll use the list that Will  and eragon posted for us.  :sucks
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #142 on: February 02, 2009, 06:29:16 PM »
ty tl i all most hope the list is wrong , but they usualy r right.. i was hopeing that jason castros bro made it and also the girl from va beach..neather r on the list.. :'( but the show looks realy good from the pre views can't wait.. al thought tonigh there r good shows on ..and hopefuly a live pod cast this week.... :hearts: :hearts:
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #143 on: February 02, 2009, 09:28:13 PM »
I wonder if Jason gets cut. He did say that he had only started singing a few weeks before he auditioned didn't he? Do you think perhaps he can't learn a song quickly?

There is a red haired girl that seems distraught, did we see her audition, I can't remember.
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #144 on: February 05, 2009, 06:41:54 PM »
Quick summary of Hollywood Week - Round 1 ~ Solo tryouts

First the contestants were given advice from the AI stylists, advice from Barry Manilow, and help with their song choice with the voice coaches. This year, first round they sing solo, and they are told they are either in or they are out, they don't proceed to the next round.

We were only shown a few of the contestants in groups who actually did well.

The judges listed to groups of eight, each singing a solo, received comments then were singled out with some sent home while the others were safe for another round. The first group included Lil Rounds along with Arianna Ayeshia, both making it through. My prediction, Lil Rounds will make it quite far this season.

Second Group: Nathaniel (Nat) Marshall, Anoop Desai, Jasmine Murray and Rose Flack, all made it through.

Third Group: Von Smith, Jorge Nunez Stephen Fowler all made it through to the next round.

Forth Group: Nick-Norman Mitchell aka Norman Gentle, Scott MacIntyre and Frankie Jordan.

147 tried out, 104 made it through.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 06:54:52 PM by TexasLady »
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #145 on: February 05, 2009, 06:59:16 PM »
A recap:

American Idol Goes To Hollywood

We break down the heavy hitters, problem kids and comic relief.
American Idol has restored Hollywood Week to its full glory, and it's about time. The sight of dozens of young hopefuls gathered in one spot always provides its share of meltdowns and interpersonal drama, and really sheds light on who the true contenders are going to be. Performers who seemed like solid favorites coming out of their audition can be exposed as one-trick ponies, and some we have never seen before can grab the chance to make names for themselves.

The Hollywood round began with a new twist this year: a one-day boot camp featuring advice on styling, the vocal coaching of the stalwart Debra Byrd, and a pep talk of sorts from (is this show ever going to get younger?) Barry Manilow. After that, it was on to the traditional two-day kickoff of Hollywood competition, as the 147 singers were split in two, with half getting to tour Tinseltown while the other half performed one song a cappella. The purpose here is to weed out the obviously over-matched, as only 43 ended up being cut.
The hour served to reintroduce many of those featured prominently in the audition episodes. Only a couple of never-before-seen wannabes got any spotlight, and only a few of those who got their own audition segment failed to make it past their first test. I'll divide those we saw into groups.

The Heavy Hitters

Anyone who had a lengthy audition segment and was singled out for praise on this evening can safely be assumed to be someone the show is enthusiastic about. The three who stand out in this regard are Danny Gokey, Lil Rounds, and Jackie Tohn, although I was less than thrilled with all three. Gokey, who might want to ask the show to stop talking about his dead wife before we're forced to start hating him, tried to overpower "Kiss From a Rose" without the upper register to make it work. Rounds beat the dead "I Will Always Love You" horse and was more loud than good. The judges, who have been known to confuse those concepts, gave her a standing O anyway. Tohn gave a reasonably effective blues performance, but she seems to believe she's now a stand-up comic, and I wonder how well her overall twitchiness will wear with the American public.

And You Guys Were Good Too

These are the singers who seemed as if they might have potential based on their auditions, but came across much more effectively in their first try in Hollywood. The judges were more enthusiastic about Jasmine Murray in Jacksonville than I was, but she showed here that she might be more than just a "marketable" teen face. Oil man Michael Sarver has apparently taken my advice and begun to play up his country side. Jorge Nunez sounded much better singing in English than he did in San Juan. Anoop Desai, who has more experience singing a cappella than most of the others, sounded effortlessly strong once again. And while many of us might want to dismiss David Osmond on the basis of his Osmond-ness, he's not going to make it easy thanks to his solid first-day vocal.
Also in this category is Stephen Fowler, whose original audition we did not see. He took on a Stevie Wonder song, often a bad idea on Idol, and ended up doing a decent Stevie impression. We'll be seeing more of him, along with several others who we did not see sing this night, but whose success was noted: Scott McIntyre (aka The Blind Guy), Anne Marie Boskovich, Alexis Grace (yay!), Adam Lambert, and Brent Keith Smith.

Problem Children

Most of the singers that Ryan Seacrest euphemistically referred to as "judges' favorites" (translation: the ones we decided to feature the past three weeks) were passed through with rote praise, but a few of them came in for such harsh criticism that it at first appeared they might not make it. Amy Winehouse sound-alike Frankie Jordan was knocked by Simon, but she ended up getting an OK. Emily Wynne-Hughes, the tattooed chick who deserted her band for Idol, picked a new song at the last minute and paid for that mistake with some negative comments before also being passed through. And free-spirited Rose Flack appeared to have some difficulties adapting to the more stressful pace. She displayed a laid-back Norah Jones vibe on "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay," but while she's pleasant to listen to, I fear she is going to be swallowed up by the stage.
The perceived favorite who got slammed the hardest was Von Smith, he of the "Over the Rainbow" histrionics. He came out with what appears to be the one thing he can do, an over-the-top Broadway-type number that allowed viewers to once again get up and close and personal with his uvula. It was really no different than his audition, but for some reason Simon Cowell couldn't stand him this time around, calling Smith's performance "indulgent nonsense ... the sort of thing a child would do." To his credit, Smith seemed humbled by the attack, which for all I know is the first real criticism he's ever received.

Comic Relief

If you picked Nick "Norman Gentle" Mitchell and Katrina "Bikini Girl" Darrell to make it past the first day of Hollywood, then I want to go to Vegas with you. Mitchell, who actually has a decent (if hardly Idol-quality) voice when he's not clowning around, mugged his way through "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going," complete with pitch pipe and shout-out to Seacrest. Darrell chose the infamous contestant-killer "Breathe" and while flat most of the way, was just barely good enough for Simon and Randy Jackson to make a case for her, despite Kara DioGuardi's best efforts at losing her nemesis once and for all. While these two are both entertaining in their own way, I don't envy the singers who will have to work with them in the group phase.

Wait Till Next Year

A few singers that had featured auditions failed to make it to the next phase. Jessica Furney won't have to make alternative plans for someone to look after her grandmother, as she was sent back to Kansas. Marginal golden ticket recipients Patricia Roman and Sharon Wilbur did not make it either. Jesus Valenzuela, who advanced out of San Francisco because Kara couldn't tell his kids no, had to leave the boys at home and thus was sent back to join them, departing in a huff.

Missing In Action

Several performers featured in the audition rounds weren't shown at all, although we can infer that they all survived the first cut. Joanna Pacitti, Austin Sisneros, Leneshe Young, Stevie Wright, Taylor Vaifauna, Cody Shelton, Casey Carlson, Kai Kalama, Michael Castro, and Megan Corkrey are in this group, as is Deanna Brown, who was shown offstage.
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Re: ***Spoilers*** American Idol Season 8 Top 36
« Reply #146 on: February 07, 2009, 12:29:06 PM »
'Idol's' bitter “Bikini girl” Katrina Darrell on the 'haters'

"a lot of jealous haters out there.”

After being kicked off last night’s American Idol, “Bikini girl” Katrina Darrell speculated as to why she was kicked to the curb.

Bikini Girl says, “I think there were a lot of jealous haters out there and a lot of them were female, so it made it very difficult to work with them. And also I was very tired."

Never getting along with judge Kara DioGuardi, Darrell reveals, “I think she had it out for me in the beginning which was sad because we could’ve been really good friends.”

As for why Darrell wore a swimsuit to her first AI audition, she explains, “It was 110 degrees in Phoenix and I heard that people wait 15 hours and don’t even get to audition so I figured, what the heck. At least I'll be tan."

The sun-damaged “Bikini Girl” says of her moniker, “I think it’s a cute gimmick. I don’t plan on having that be my title forever.”

When asked about her future plans, she natters, “I want to get a record label. Work on an album and go on tour.” Although music is her number one passion, she reveals, “I would love to do Victoria Secret runway [shows] and have big wings.”  Really.

Darrell and judge Ryan Seacrest shared some intimate moments and she admits, “There was a crush. He has fiercely green eyes." So was Seacrest a good kisser? She responds, "He was good. He was scared…I think it was because of the show. He's not allowed to kiss back."

Sending a message to the AI judges, Darrell declares, “Bring me back. I want one of the three wild cards!”

“Extra’s” interview with Katrina Darrell airs tomorrow."

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! A thousand times NO don't bring her back!  :lala

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #147 on: February 09, 2009, 01:33:01 PM »
yea no not gona happen lol.. by by bathing suit girl :jumpy: :jumpy:
tv junky needs help!!!!!

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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #148 on: February 09, 2009, 04:36:07 PM »
Recap: Hollywood Week, February 4th 2009

The first half hour was devoted to the group’s misadventures and mix mash of personalities, the tears, the drama, the slackers and those who rose to the occasion. 

9PM One hundred and seven contestants gather for the group round.

9:30PM: We are treated to Tatiana Del Toro, you remember her, the uncontrollable laughing hyena singer from the San Francisco auditions. She finally finds a group that will accept her and she immediately attempts to take over to the dismay of the other girls. Backstabbing begins. (For some reason we aren’t given her teammates names until they actually sing the next day.)

11:15PM the groups are formed and planning their songs and moves.

The next group highlighted has Katrina Darrell aka “The Bikini Girl.” The team consists of Rose Flack, Jasmine Murray, Lauren Barnes and "TBG." They call their team: Team Diva.

Meanwhile we finally know who the red-haired singer is; her name is Nancy Wilson who teams with Nathaniel (Nate) Marshall McGee and Kristen McNamara. Tatiana leaves her group and asks to join Team Compromise. Nancy and Nate don’t really want her at this point but Kristin does. It doesn’t matter because Tatiana goes back to her original group and asks if they think they can really win. Nancy dragging Kristen along, follows Tatiana and confront her asking her why she left them and will she come back. No, but wishes them a blessed day. Nancy, Kristen and Nate have a group hug and decide to have fun, they are in Hollywood. 

Danny Gokey and Jamar Rogers, Taylor Vaifanua and an unidentified girl are rehearsing in the kitchen have a great rapport and are doing well.

Later in the evening, Kristen takes a break from rehearsals to rest her throat which causes a major flare up with Nancy who wants to keep rehearsing. Nate has a meltdown, crying to another group that he just doesn’t know what to do; he’s tried his hardest to get them all to get along.

I’ll just spare you most of the drama with Rose and her team. “TBG” who left the group to go to bed won’t get up in the morning even though the girls try to talk to her while she hides under the covers. She hasn’t had much sleep and is tired. The girls leave without her, not knowing if she will show up or not and what they will do if she doesn’t. At the breakfast table “TBG” shows up ready to sing and the other girls leave. Rose foreshadows the end result when she says “We’re going to be the group that will be an absolute train wreck." She says she knew it from the beginning when she got into that group.

Group Auditions:

Simon terrifies them all announcing before they begin that anyone who forgets the words is out! Naturally this freaks them out.

First group is White Chocolate. The singers are India Morrison, Justin Williams, Kris Allen and Matt Giraud, who blow the judges away. India rapped and sang and even Simon loved them. (They were terrific.) All are put through to the next round.

Next group consists of Austin Siscernos and J.B. Ahfua, Maryn Azoff, Shelby Swartwood. They Sing Do Do.. but Didn’t, Didn’t. Simon says it was an absolute mess! Guys through and girls go home.

Action Squad is next up with Alex Wagner Trugman, Ryan Pinkston, Anne Marie Boskovich and Emily Wynne-Hughes. Emily forgot her words and the group had to help her with them. We know her fate. The judges were laughing and not in a good way but Alex and Anne Marie make it through. Emily is upset but understanding, Ryan says he feels manipulated and assaulted and he saw EVIL in Paula’s eyes!

After a number of bad singers, Simon asks for a truckload of Tylenol, the judges have words and finally we are treated to our next group which is Danny Gokey’s group. They have decided they will sing a cappella and it was a winning choice. Danny, Jamar Rogers, Taylor Vaifanua and our unidentified girl all make it through.

The next excellent group has Adam Lambert, Jeremy Michael Sarver, Matt Breitzke and Jessica Langseth. Adam and Jeremy are the standouts but all make it through.

Next up is Team Diva. They have all come together seemingly but the judges spot the discord. Lauren Barnes sings solo first with "TBG" next. Rose forgot her words. Simon says he knows this is not a team and "TBG" offers one excuse after another. she had heels on all day, she has scoliosis, etc. etc... Simon wasn't buying it. Jasmine makes it through with the others sent home.  Class to the end, Katrina wouldn’t even pose for the group photo.
After all the drama, finally it’s time for Tatiana, Muna Hiluf, Calin (?) and another unidentified girl all make it through. Tatiana thanks Jesus over and over again with her teammates standing by. It’s all about HER! (I hope she goes next round!)

Last team up is Team Compromise singing Mercy. Nathaniel Marshall sings the first solo, next is Nancy Wilson followed by Kristen McNamara. Nathaniel and Kristen make it through but not Nancy. The judges spotted the discord and Nancy takes her rejection badly, cursing at her teammates as she leaves the stage.

Danny Osmond didn’t make it, but he’ll be OK. Scott McIntyre does make the cut but we didn’t see him perform. Altogether seventy five go through to next round.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 10:26:02 AM by TexasLady »
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Re: American Idol Season 8
« Reply #149 on: February 11, 2009, 12:51:07 PM »
Recap: February 10, 2009

The show begins with 72 contestants. Each will sing solo with the backup singers, the band and if they want to play an instrument that is also allowed.

This episode was chaotic with Ryan Seacrest trying to make sense of the mess beginning at the end of the day with the nervous singers in holding rooms then rewinding to the solos. 

As with previous shows we only see a selected few who perform leaving us in the dark about some of the other singers, obviously they are fodder for elimination.

7AM The singers pull numbers for the order of the day. They will receive no comments and no results. They must wait until evening when they are placed in the holding rooms.

First up: Adam Lambert who sings "Believe" by Cher. Next is Matt Giraud who plays the keyboard, he sings "Georgia on my Mind." The judges are ecstatic with his performance.

7:45PM Shot of the holding room with Matt, Danny and Jamar. Rewind to Jamar Rogers singing "Oh, It's What you Do to Me."The song is "Hey There Delia."  Jamar didn't impress me this time, but his friend Danny loved it.

Next up, Danny Gokey singing "I hope you Dance." The audience loves his performance.

8:00PM Judges juggling with photos, picking who stays who leaves.

8:30PM Judges still deliberating. First group moved to a new room.

8:45PM The judges have another group of 18, group 2, moved to their holding room.

Next up: Anoop Desai, Jorge Nunez and Scott McIntrye who plays the piano. Backstage he tells us he was told that Paula gave him a standing O and he's pumped!

First girl of the day is Kendall Beard, followed by Stevie Wright, Lil Rounds, Mishavonna Henson and Kristin McNamara.

Room 1 First group with Anoop Desai, Adam Lambert. This group will absolutely make it through this round.

9PM After being in the main holding room for hours, 2 groups of 18 each are decided and moved to their groups.

Room 2 Ricky Braddy, Michael Sarver, Alexander Wagner-Trugman and Tatiana are moved to this room and we wonder, is this good or bad to have Tatiana in this group. We are treated to a flashback of Nathanial Marshall’s trials and tribulations with his group, he is also part of this group.

Back to solos with Tatiana who thinks she did awwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeesommmmme! Tatiana my dear, straps and sleeves are a good thing!

Tatiana is removed from Room 2 because the judges have a dilemma, the numbers aren’t working out. (More soap opera drama)

Norman Mitchell has a decision to make, should he just sing or should Norman Gentle make a return visit. Norman Gentle returns. The guy is hilarious but is American Idol ready for him?  

Room 4 Norman is sent to Room 4 along with Mick Mitchell, Anne Marie Boskovich, and Ju’not Joyner. Tatiana joins them.

9:30PM All groups are set, Simon has to leave for London leaving Paula, Randy and Kara to deliver the news to the anxious singers.

Paula gives each room the news, first up is the group in room 2. Yes, you made it! Kai Kalama, Michael Sarver, Alexis Grace, Casey Carlson, Nathanial Marshall are in this room.

Next is room 3. Bad news, they are being sent home. This group includes India Morrison, Michael Castro, Kalin Lloyd and Lenesha Young. It’s the end of the road.

Room 1 and Room 4 are going through to the next round. This tends to confirm our leaked list of the 36 who made it through.

Room 1 confirmed: Danny Gokey, Adam Lambert, Lil Rounds, Anoop Desai and Jackie Tohn.

Room 4 contestants: Mick Mitchell, Ann Marie Boskovich, Ju’not Joyner  and Tatiana. Paula drags the news out, the group heard cheering from the other rooms and are fearful. Tatiana blubbers and the judges commiserate, finally delivering the news; yes, you are through to the next round.

Wednesday night is a 2 hour show whittling down the group to 36.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 06:04:32 PM by TexasLady »
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