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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2008, 01:30:55 AM »


Wednesday, October 08, 2008 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST

Episode 7

"The Fiercee Awards"


Tyra surprises the remaining girls with a one-on-one photo shoot to teach each girl how to find their most flattering pose. Back in the house, some girls question whether or not they have the look and drive to continue in the competition. This week's photo challenge takes the girls to Los Angeles' famous Orpheum Theatre, where they show off their best backstage award show snafu pose. The ladies do their best to replicate being caught in the restroom as well as revealing raw emotions during a phony acceptance speech.

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2008, 01:32:35 AM »

America's Next Top Model

Episode 7 Preview

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2008, 02:14:20 AM »
An interview with Clark:

Love her or hate her, you never had to wonder what America's Next Top Model cycle 11 contestant Clark was thinking this season.  This outspoken model refused to play the friend card, keeping her focus just on the competition.  She didn't help others with their poses or runway walks.  Clark just worried about herself.  She was one of the biggest protesters when it came to Isis joining the competition for cycle 11.  She was eliminated on last night's episode after Tyra saw a dramatic drop in her performance from one week to the next.  Feeling that she was incapable of being consistent, she was sent home.  Today, she spoke to BuddyTV in an exclusive interview and didn't hold back when it came time to speak her mind!

Hey everybody, this is Gina from BuddyTV and today, I’m talking to Clark from America’s Next Top Model. Well, can you tell me when your dream of becoming a model first started? Is this something that you wanted to do since you were little?

Absolutely, I can’t even come up with a certain day or time that I decided that wanted to do. I always knew that I wanted to do it. It’s always been my aspiration, it’s probably one of the first things that I can remember.

Is this your first time trying out for Top Model?

Yeah, actually, I know Joslyn tried out for it like, 30 times.  Whenever I heard that, I thought that was the funniest thing.  I tried out for it, not really expecting to go full force.  I was just kind of bored one night and trying to procrastinate doing my homework.  The application is like, 30 pages long.  That's pretty much procrastination for me.  I filled that out, sent it in, made a little video the next day, sent that in, and got called back.

What did you think when you had to dye your hair to ... well, it's almost jet black!  What was that like for you?

That was the biggest shock of my life.  I have always known myself to be blonde and everybody else does, too.  I'm like that token blonde girl or whatever.  As soon as they made me black ... like, it wasn't even brown.  I could've maybe lived with brown because that's not that big of a shock.  It was like jet black, like midnight sky.  It looks really good and actually, I still have it.  I like it a lot.  It was a big shock.

You got a really bad rap early on for being this season's mean girl.  When you watch the episodes back, did you feel misunderstood at all or like you were being edited poorly?

No, not really.  I mean, that's just my competitive side.  I'm harsh and I don't really understand how all the other girls in the competition could give each other advice and help each other out.  Analeigh actually came to me and asked me for advice on something.  I told her I wasn't gonna give it to her.  I'm not gonna help out my competition, that's stupid.  That'd be like, in football, when teams tell the other team the plays they're gonna do.  I'm like, "That's dumb.  Why would you do that?"

Well, you were definitely outspoken when it came to Isis.  What was your main objection to having her in the competition?

Isisn't isn't a girl.  Flat out.  Just because you wanna be one doesn't make you one.  I can't knock on the NBA's door and say, "Hey, I wanna be a baller in your league.  I'm a girl but I think I'm a guy at heart but I'm gonna do it."  They wouldn't be like, "Okay, well that's cool, as long as you're a guy on the inside.  That works."  No, I mean, it's a girl's competition and it was just really weird to have a penis in the house.

Isis did say that in the house, there was a total lack of privacy, especially in the bathrooms with the showers and everything.


You went from being at the top last week to the bottom this week.  What do you think happened in that disaster photo challenge?

I freak myself out over studio shoots.  You know, studio shoots aren't actually on location.  You just have a set.  The first shoot with the voting and beauracracy one, I didn't do well on that one because it's a studio shoot.  This last one, the disaster one, was a studio shoot.  I had psyched myself out about studio shoots. I don't like them.  Obviously, as a model, you're going to get them most of the time but I just feel like it hinders my creativity 'cause you're not in the element that you're actually shooting in.  You have to fake it a whole bunch and it just messes with my head and I just psych myself out.  I mean, it' s so easy to watch the episode like I did last night and be like, "Oh my gosh, if I had done this, I would've totally nailed it.  I should've given more facial expression.  You know, why wasn't I doing that?"  When you're actually there, you have so many things going through your head.  You are there for hours, like 5-8 hours in hair and makeup just thinking about it, thinking about it.  Then, you actually do it. and the actual photo shoot doesn't last maybe 5 minutes. 

What's in the future for you now, Clark?  Do you plan to keep modeling?

Yeah, I definitely plan to keep modeling.  I mean, I'm in school right now, at the Univerity of South Carolina, studying fashion but that's my backup plan.  I was just doing that until all this came out in public.  I plan on finishing out this semester and then seeing where we're gonna go after December, January, as far as contracts and stuff.  I definitely see myself signed in the future with hopefully, New York or Europe.

Alright, well thanks so much, Clark.  I really appreciate your time.

Absolutely, thank you so much.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2008, 10:42:02 PM »
Tyra news:

America's Next Top Model: 'Modelville' Kicks Off Today

Today on the Tyra Banks Show, a new show within a show was introduced, called Modelville.  Tyra is taking 5 former Top Model contestants and giving them a second chance to make it big in the fashion world.  The lucky models chosen are: Fatima Siad (Cycle 10), Dominque Reighard (Cycle 10), Lauren Utter (Cycle 10), Renee Alway (Cycle #8), and Bianca Golden (Cycle 9).  Tyra brought the 5 women on her show today to get updates on their lives since being on the show.  Fatima admitted that she has a hard time making ends meet, sometimes not even knowing where her next meal is coming from.  Dominique revealed that when she returned home from the show, she found out that her boyfriend had gotten another woman pregnant.  Each woman had a story that perhaps held her back from reaching her full potential but Tyra was about to deliver some amazing news to them that could forever change their lives (again).

Today, Tyra featured the work of Lisa Price, a hardworking mother who turned herself into an entrepreur with her business, Carol's Daughter. Lisa made her signature lotions, oils and creams right in her kitchen, selling them at a local flea market until 1999 when she opened her own boutique. Celebrities Jada Pinkett Smith and Mary J. Blige immediately took notice and got involved. Carol’s Daughter decided to team up with Tyra and Modelville to help another person make their dream a reality.

On today's show, Lisa surprised the models with some news: they are going to write, produce, create, and direct a 30 second commercial for one of the products from Carol’s Daughter. The winner will receive a $50,000 with Lisa’s company and become a spokesperson for the website.  Previous Top Model contestant Heather has already shot an ad for Carol’s Daughter and Lisa says that she’s not only looking for outer beauty but imperfection, which to her, is real beauty.

The models thought that they had a few more weeks before they were to move into their new apartment together but Tyra delivered one more surprise.  The girls were moving in today, which totally caught them off guard!  Over the next few weeks, we'll see how things play out from the drama in the house to the challenges along the way to crowning a winner of Modelville.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2008, 12:18:43 AM »
ANTM recap for tonight:

Top Model: "The Fiercee Awards"

In this weeks episode of Top Model, Tyra spends some time QT with the girls to help them develop their "signature" poses. Good thing they had some one-on-one training because each of the gals are asked to bring what they learned to their photo shoot where each girl has to pose as award show no-no's.

At the beginning of the episode, the girls are taken to a dressing room where Tyra personally delivers their Tyra Mail (and yes, she wore the teeny-tiny mail woman outfit). After the girls put on their black dress and heels, they enter the studio only to walk in on Tyra doing a shoot. She then explains to her models that she is going to work individually with them to focus on their signature pose (and after 10 previous cycles, Tyra did need to tell us, yet again, that hers is those smiling eyes she love to show).

First is Analeigh who tries to make her legs her strength, but it doesn't quite work out so much for her. McKey discovers her signature should be her long neck. Sam focuses on her hands. Lauren Brie goes in clueless and Trya suggests some surfer chick poses (which came out as awful as the idea is in the first place). Sheena tries to focus on being a diva, but Trya has her do some African dance poses. Joslyn goes for the wide poses, and Elina, the most closed off of them all, ends up trying to make some shapes of sorts. Marjorie decides to use her awkwardness to her own benefit by going for the Hunchback of Notre Dame style poses. Tyra is so impressed with the outcome that she announces Marjorie the winner of challenge where she and a pal of her choice (Analeigh) can pick out some free diamond blingage. The other gals are probably seething over that one.

For their photo shoot, the girls end up at the Grand Orpheum theater in LA where they each are assigned to act out an embarrassing moment that often go down at award shows.

Marjorie is the starlet who needs to pee and can't get out of her dress. Besides her wretched hat-wrap-whatever is on her head, she really hits it home with her contoured poses over the toilet. Sam is the girl who can't read her cue cards because of too much light. The judges were a bit torn over her shot, and it really doesn't do much for me either way. Elina, being the brick wall she is, of course is tasked to act out the award winner who balls uncontrollably. But despite Jay's success in getting Elina to break down and cry, the judges don't think it enough. I have to disagree. Though it may not have been over the top shot they requested, you still can feel emotion in that picture (and she looked amazing). Lauren Brie has to trip on the stage steps, but despite her always pretty face in pictures, she really needs to loosen up a little. McKey is the nominee the one who was sure she's going to win, but doesn't. The judges really liked it, and as per usual, her shot comes out amazing. Sheena is a starlet whose dress gets stepped on. Not bad, but I have to agree with the Nigel when he says her eyes make her look possessed. Joslyn has the woman who bumps into someone wearing the same dress. The judges praise her up and down for that one, but somehow, the conversation turns to how much she hates her nose and on come the waterworks. Then there's Analeigh, the one the girls consider the least of their competition worries. But on the contrary, Analeigh, who poses as a interviewer with attitude, comes out of no where and rocks it. Guess some people just do bitchy well.

And the winner of the challenge is none other than Marjorie. A double win. Now if that doesn't give the girl a confidence boost, I don't know what will. The bottom two are Lauren Brie and Sheena. Some of the judges find Lauren Brie has the face, but zero personality. And the opposite goes for Sheena who has the personality, but not so much the look. So who goes? Lauren Brie. They pretty much made that one obvious from the get go of the episode with the direction all the comments and editing were going. Did she deserve to go? I think so. The judges made a good point about her lack of personality. Honestly, every week I forget her name when I'm blogging until it's mentioned on the episode, but I have remembered Sheena's since day one. Besides, with her face, she'll be just fine in the industry.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2008, 02:44:10 PM »


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST

"Top Model 11 Confidential"


A look at never-before-seen footage of the cycle 11 contestants that includes the ladies improvising a rap in the hot tub,

one girl revealing a hidden talent and a very candid chat between Tyra and the model wannabes

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2008, 02:46:10 PM »

America's Next Top Model Sneak Peek!

Get a sneak peek at the behind the scenes episode.

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2008, 03:08:16 PM »

CW sets 'Top Model' spinoff

'Operation Fabulous' to star Jay Manuel, J. Alexander

The CW is spinning off its hit reality series "America's Next Top Model."

The network has ordered a pilot for "Operation Fabulous," starring "Top Model" regulars Jay Manuel and J. Alexander and executive produced by "Top Model" chiefs Tyra Banks and Ken Mok.

On "Fabulous," "Jay and J," as Manuel and Alexander are called on "Top Model," will travel the country giving women makeovers. In various towns, the duo will select five participants and give them "Top Model"-style overhauls -- how to dress, wear their hair and makeup and bring out their confidence with the support of family, friends and their community.

The project, from Kristina Prods., Mok's 10x10 Entertainment and Banks' Bankable Prods., seeks to capitalize on a fan-favorite "Model" segment, when contestants are given head-to-toe high-fashion makeovers supervised by Alexander.

Manuel and Alexander have been with "Model" since the series' debut on UPN in 2003. Manuel is the creative director of show's photo shoots; Alexander is a runway expert who has been a judge for the past few seasons.

"Model" airs twice a year on the CW. Although ratings have ebbed in recent years, the reality show remains the network's highest-rated series.

"Fabulous" would mark the third fashion-themed reality series on CW from Banks and Mok, who also exec produce the network's series "Stylista," slated to debut Oct. 22, which features contestants vying for an editorial position at Elle magazine.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #33 on: October 12, 2008, 03:21:31 AM »


Thursday, October 16 2008

Model and America's Next Top Model Judge Paulina Porizkova

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2008, 03:34:00 PM »
Next week on ANTM:


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST

"Now You See Me, Now You Don't"


The ladies pull a disappearing act for this week's challenge. As is Top Model tradition, the remaining girls test their on-camera talents when they shoot their CoverGirl commercial with the help of cycle 10 winner, Whitney Thompson. During judging, Tyra reveals this cycle's overseas destination and one girl is sent home.

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2008, 03:49:18 PM »

America's Next Top Model Sneak Peek:

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2008, 09:38:37 PM »
Thanks to tvguide for the recap I missed the show:

Top Model Episode Recap: "No You See Me, Now You Don't"

There is a great divide in the model abode where it's the European girls, Marjorie and Elina versus the rest of the house. Meanwhile, this week's Top Model challenge is the CoverGirl commercial, and Tyra reveals the upcoming model trip in true Tyra fashion.

This episode starts out with a smidge of drama. Marjorie and Elina try to tell the girls that they are the way they are because they are immigrants, but the gals can't seem to understand where they're coming from and just upset them further. The consensus among the others in the house is Elina and Marjorie keep playing the victim card. I have to say, I see what they're saying and get their point, but the upbringing can be used as an excuse for every situation. Just sayin'.

For their challenge, twins Ron and Richard teach the gals how to sell accessories by showing how to work the items versatility. Later, out comes James St. James in a green screen suit to show the girls what kind of "invisible modeling" they'd be doing for designer Nony Tochterman's collection. So, in other words, there's no model. Just cloths prancing around on screen, ala Ghost Dad (anyone remember what I'm talking about?). The winner of the challenge will be featured in a holiday fashion piece for Seventeen.

Elina has a panic attack being sealed up in the suit, but on stage does well. Marjorie's dress falls off showing off her invisible boobies, Samantha was "fighting" with her jacket, Joslyn used her belt for some stripper moves and Sheena couldn't stop twirling. And the winner is Elina and she picks Analeigh and Marjorie to join.

Back at the house, Sheena explodes on Elina and Marjorie for the whole European thing which somehow turns into Elina doesn't her Seventeen holiday shoot because she doesn't do holidays. Please…if models only modeled for things they believed in, it would be a much smaller industry. Oh, and Joslyn's sick.

At the CoverGirl commercial challenge, Whitney introduces the make-up they're promoting, and I can't help but wonder how many takes it took for her to bang that out so quick and perky. Jay also announces they'll have a prompter (boo, what fun is it if they aren't fumbling on the lines).

I think Samantha does really well, but the judges think she needs to annunciate a bit more. Elina is stiff as a board. McKey somehow manages to get lost in the tiny studio and tanks. Analeigh does a really amazing job, and I have to agree with Tyra that it's the best one we've seen in all of ANTM history. Obviously she wins for best commercial. Marjorie sounds petrified and like she's in some hot-to-trot race. The pressure must be getting to her since she breaks down when Jay tries to give critique. Sheena got to show off her sass and it worked for her. And after rallying from a vomit session, Joslyn struggles and can only pull off a fake laugh and wink.

So who's going to Amsterdam (as Tyra so gracious announces is their trip after forcing the girls to walk in clogs) and who's going home? It's down to the controlling, close-fisted Elina and the downward spiraling Joslyn. And when Tyra pulls the pick and announces who stays, she pulls the whoop-dee-whoop on us in the way she phrases it, but ultimately Joslyn is booted. That's just mean, Tyra


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2008, 02:42:23 PM »


Released by The CW


TOP MODEL Delivered Its Largest Audience and Matched its Best Adults 18-49 Performance of This Cycle

TOP MODEL Dominated the Hour with Women 18-34, Women 18-49 and Females 12-34; Ranked Second with Adults 18-34 and Persons 12-34

STYLISTA Premieres as Second Best New Reality Series Debut on CW in Adults 18-34

October 23, 2008 (Burbank, CA) - The CW's hit AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL soared to its largest audience (4.4mil) and matched its best adults 18-49 (2.1/6) of this cycle, according to preliminary live plus same day Nielsen ratings for Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2008. This also marked TOP MODEL's second best women 18-49 (3.1/8) of this season, and the show's best adults 18-34 (2.3/7) and women 18-34 (3.5/10) in a month.

TOP MODEL dominated the 8:00-9:00p.m. hour in key women demos, including women 18-34 (3.5/10) and females 12-34 (3.2/10), beating its closest competitor by more than a full rating point in each demo, as well as women 18-49 (3.1/8). TOP MODEL ranked second in the hour among adults 18-34 (2.3/7) and persons 12-34 (2.1/7).

At 9:00p.m., STYLISTA premiered as the second highest-rated new reality series debut ever on The CW in adults 18-34 (1.4/4). In the post-TOP MODEL time period, STYLISTA was on par with an original GOSSIP GIRL last year in viewers (2.5mil) and adults 18-49 (1.2/3).

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #38 on: October 23, 2008, 02:45:25 PM »
Next week on ANTM:


"AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL" (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)

"Planes, Trains and Slow Automobiles" 

BLINDED BY THE RED LIGHT The ladies pack their bags and head overseas to their European destination. Upon arrival in the foreign land, the ladies are sent on a scavenger hunt throughout the city and must find their way to their temporary home. Upon arrival at the house, three of the girls decide to fight jet lag by taking a bath together. The first challenge finds the ladies in a famous section of town where they model clothing in storefront windows. After the judges deliberate, one girl is sent home

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #39 on: October 23, 2008, 08:43:50 PM »

America's Next Top Model Sneak Peek

Planes, Trains and Slow Automobiles

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #40 on: October 24, 2008, 09:18:50 PM »
An interview with Joslyn:

Exclusive Interview: Joslyn of 'America's Next Top Model'

Usually on America's Next Top Model, when a contestant turns in a solid performance when sick, Tyra rewards them by keeping them in the competition.  That was not so much the case this week for Joslyn.  After coming down with a viral infection, and being rushed to the emergency room, she was determined to continue on in the competition.  The judges, however, did not feel that her Cover Girl commercial was strong and were also of the opinion that her performances have been weaker as the competition wore on.  She landed in the bottom two with Elina but ended up being the one sent home.  Today, Joslyn spoke to BuddyTV in an exclusive interview.

You were known as the girl this season who’s tried out so many times for the show. Tell me a little about your experiences over the years of trying to get on Top Model.

It has been very hard to tell you the truth. You know, I was a student in college the majority of the times that I was trying out. I started really trying out when I was in high school to tell you the truth. I’ve been trying out since cycle two. It was always pretty hard. I had to put my money together to travel and to drive to all of these locations. At the end of it, it was worth it. I mean, I really wanted to be on America’s Next Top Model. I felt like I had what it took to be America’s Next Top Model. I have a lot of faith and determination. My faith is what kept me going each and every time.

There was never a point where you were ready to give up? You always thought you would keep going until you got on the show?

Oh yes, I was going to keep going as long as I could because at the end, you know that little saying that hard work will be rewarded? Well, that’s the way I looked at it. If I just kept on trying and never gave up then eventually I would get the payoff for continuing to try. They saw my determination and they rewarded me for it. I had finally gotten my opportunity. It was a blessing.

Well, you started off the season so strong and then the judges felt like you kept sliding backwards. Do you know what happened or do you have any opinions about what may have affected your performance?

I probably don’t know what happened. The thing is that I wish I could see my photos because I really don’t feel like I did as bad as they made it out to be sometimes. Sometimes you question the photo picked. But, we can’t question it too much because we didn’t get the opportunity to see the rest of our photos. I had a down time. But especially with my commercial, I felt really good about it. I know I did good. I wasn’t down in the competition until I was in the final two the first time. That did kind of bring me down. The whole competition is very stressful especially when you really really really want it. I think that was also a factor: maybe I wanted it too much. It had its stressful moments but I don’t feel like I was doing as bad as they made it out to be.

In the last episode, you had gotten sick. What was going on with you and what was wrong?

I had gotten a viral illness. I was sick as a dog. I was also dehydrated because I was vomiting so much. They had to put me on an IV and they had to give me something for my nausea. They told me it was a viral illness. It was something I ate. My body was just rejecting what I had eaten or something. It was pretty tough. I didn’t want to let that be a factor. I didn’t want, like Tyra said, a pity party. I didn’t want them to show pity on me. That’s why I did as good as I possibly could do in the commercial. I think it was a little contradictory of Tyra because she mentioned that she couldn’t tell that I was sick at all and then she was saying that they weren’t going to show pity on me because I was sick.

I was going to say, in the past, Tyra has kept girls in the competition who preformed well while being sick. Were you a little surprised that she eliminated you?

That wasn’t the reason I was surprised that I was eliminated. I was surprised because I actually did good and the people who didn’t do good stayed in the competition. Of course, I had my down times, but so did everyone else. Everyone else had fears when they didn’t perform as well. I really feel like I was wrongfully judged.

Well I know that you’re a persistent and dedicated person so I assume you’re going to keep modeling from here on out?

Of course, of course. I may not be America’s Next Top Model, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not a top model. My goal right now, because I love setting goals, is to out beat whoever wins America’s Next Top Model to prove that I can be better and that some of the comments the judges made just weren’t right.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2008, 10:11:51 AM »
An interview with Joslyn:

America's Next Top Model Roundup: Joslyn Shocked She Went Home, Thinks Elina's a Hypocrite

Joslyn Pennywell, the latest eliminee from the Top Model house, left just in time to see the other girls off to the Netherlands. However bummed she might be about her untimely departure, Joslyn's attitude is nothing but upbeat. We learned of Joslyn's dedication early on, and while she wasn't categorized as being one of the most natural models in ANTM history, she managed to stand out with her personality and unique voice. Fancast got the chance to chat with Joslyn, where she talked about her future in modeling, the recent cat fight with Elina, and what she really thinks of Paulina Porizkova's nasty comments.

Can you tell us a little bit about how you got on the show?
It's always been a dream of mine to be on America's Next Top Model. I've auditioned around 33 times-- I've been auditioning since cycle 2. I was just determined to be on Top Model because I knew I could get my foot in the door with my modeling career and meet my role model, Tyra Banks. I think she saw my determination.

Why did they choose Elina to stay over you?
I'm not sure. I was very confident this elimination. I didn’t see myself going home at all. I don’t know what it was they saw in her that out powered me. I didn’t even get to watch the show last night, but I can tell you what their reason was. I know my personality stands out over hers.

Do you feel the fight on this past episode was blown out of proportion?
I do. The reason I got upset with Elina was because I told her the truth. I said she was young and going through a phase, and she got an attitude with me. Elina contradicts herself. She's an environmentalist yet she smokes cigarettes. She's against people having pets yet she had a cat. She says pets are slaves! So I'm like, why do you have a pet cat? She needs to practice what she preaches. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so that whole dispute was a little out of control.

Are you disappointed you didn’t get to go to Amsterdam?
I was so hurt. I was in complete shock. I was so excited about going overseas. But I enjoyed the experience, and although it was cut shorter than I wanted, I still feel blessed. I would have done great [at the go-sees in Amsterdam]. I make a connection with people. I walk with confidence and love to make people laugh. So I just wanted people to remember me for something, which is my personality.

You were pretty sick on this past episode… how sick did you actually get?
Well, I had a cold previously and I went to the emergency room after the commercial shoot. I had gotten dehydrated because I was vomiting so much. The doctor told me I had food poising. It weakened me pretty bad. After I got my medicine, I was ready to get back into it. I refused to let the sickness get me down. I thought I did pretty good!

Do you think you were trying to overcompensate for the sickness with that awful fake laugh in the Cover Girl commercial?
Well… I was trying to keep my personality in the commercial and not let the sickness bring me down. I did that fake laugh in the first take and of course they used it. I wasn’t feeling good so when I would start each take I would smile as much as I could. Maybe that’s where that fake giggle came in. It was just bad acting.

How did you feel when Paulina made the comment that you are more suited for runway than editorial?
Paulina makes no sense. That's her opinion-- but I feel like I'm both runway and print. She said runway models aren't gorgeous… I don’t think she has her definition together. You can't characterize people. It, to me, didn’t make sense. But I listened to what she has to say.

If you were to win a Fiercee Award, what would it be?
Best Personality or Goofiest. On the show, whenever I made a joke they always showed me laughing afterward, which just showed my goofiness. I feel liked a touched enough personality to show I'm a good person. I'm just going to continue to be myself!

« Last Edit: October 28, 2008, 10:15:13 AM by marigold »

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #42 on: October 30, 2008, 11:11:57 AM »
A recap for last nights episode:

Top Model Episode Recap: "Planes, Trains and Slow Automobiles"

On this week's Top Model, the girls gear up for their trip to Amsterdam and upon arrival are tasked with the challenge of posing in the scandalous Red Light District. But after a shoot on the open sea another girl must go, and the question is: Will it be the larger-than-life personality, or her polar opposite.

The models board the plane for their new adventure in Amsterdam, and as soon as they get off, they are greeted by Daphne Deckers, host of Holland's Top Model. Just to get their blood pumping after an endless plane ride, Daphne sends the girls in pairs on a scavenger-esque type hunt to find their way to their new home. And the duo that makes it there first is none other than Elina and Sam. They may clash more often than not, but they pulled it together to win 50 extra frames in their next shoot.

Back at the house, Elina, Marjorie and Analeigh partake in a naked bath together (in a mighty tiny tub, mind you), and the other gals are fuming about the noise levels coming from this "va-jay-jay shaving party."

For their challenge, the girls arrive in the sex-ridden Red Light District where women put their bodies on display in windows to be bought. The girls are to take part in the new program Red Light Fashion Amsterdam where models wear designer cloths and display them live in the windows. In teams, the girls are to portray their designer's vision while working together, and while Marjorie did the best, it was McKey and Sam who worked best as a pair. And their prize is pretty unbelievable: Both girls get invited to return to International Fashion Week. 

The girls rendezvous with Jay and learn that since Amsterdam is so popular is because of their shipping industry (funny I could have sworn it was for a specific plant), they will be posing as ladies of the ship while out on the open sea. McKey does some real out-of-the box poses, and the judges end up selecting her as the winner. All I have to say is girl's got legs. Sam gets a great critique for her pose, but the judges rip her a new one for her outfit at panel. Even Ms. J's pants couldn't help her (yep, he took them off on camera). Sheena tries to ease up on the hooch factor, but straddling a beam is probably not the best way to go about it. The judges found her poses slightly dull, but again, I found her face looked a lot better than some of the others. Elina ignores Jay's direction and but ultimately comes up with a pic that leaves the judges split. Honestly, between the hands and her expression, it downright scared me. Analeigh finally worked her skater skills and wowed the judges. Good for her...I think she's got something about her that's been overlooked for a while. Marjorie finally took constructive criticism without breaking down in tears and posed her signature, high fashion body contortion. I'm kinda bored with it now.

The bottom two are none other than foes Sheena and Elina. Sheena is bubbly and fun to be around, but lacking in the posing department. Elina, on the other hand, poses well, but has the brick wall thing going on. And the unlucky lady is Sheena.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #43 on: October 30, 2008, 11:15:02 AM »
Next week on ANTM:


"AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL" (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)

"The Final Fve"


The remaining five girls travel around town by boat for their go sees.

Tyra shoots this week's photo challenge and during elimination one girl screams at the judges.

After the judges deliberate, one girl is sent home

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #44 on: October 30, 2008, 07:15:14 PM »

Next week on America's Next Top Model Episode 11 Preview

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #45 on: October 31, 2008, 12:25:55 PM »
An interview with Sheena:

America's Next Top Model Roundup: Sheena Defends Breast Implants, Says She's Not a Hoochie

Sheena Sakai is this season's first contestant to be kicked off while abroad on America's Next Top Model. Known for her gorgeous face and, ahem, flexible body, Sheena gained quite a reputation for her sex appeal. But just as the season was getting into the high fashion portion of the show, Sheena was sent packing. However, Sheena doesn't seem to mind getting kicked off at such an important phase in the competition. But why? Fancast chatted with Sheena about that, as well as the clashes with her housemates and her surgical enhancements.

How did you feel the last shoot went?
I felt like the concept was great except for the way they depicted how I was posing. I really just did what the photographer suggested. He suggested I straddle it and do different things but it came off like it was hoochie. I wasn't going to say no, even though Mr. Jay didn't like it. But overall as a model you have to execute what was needed of you and that’s what I felt like I was doing

What did you think of your picture? Did you think you were voted out more for Mr. Jay's comments?
I think that part of the reason I was going home was that it wasn’t a strong picture to the overall judging. I just think that the setting of which I was given and the idea… everything just didn’t work out at that particular time. I didn’t really like that picture myself, so I'm sure they could have found a better one.

Does that happen where you think the judges don’t choose the picture that was best?
You never know with Top Model. It's always very unpredictable. I believe in the competition there is a certain agenda to fulfill. And once your time is done, you're done. They're ready for you to go. And I think that at that time I made it as far as I could but they didn’t want to keep me around because my strengths aren't in high fashion and that was starting to get really heavy. So they decided to let the entertainer go and pursue something along my strengths.

Was the house always so divided?
It was divided from the get-go. It's just like high school, everyone gravitates toward their little clicks. You're always going to hang around who you're vibing with. As more girls got cut, you got to get to know the girls closer and that’s when we began clashing.

How were you trying to balance your sexiness in the photo shoots?
I came into the competition knowing I had a good chance in modeling but what I didn’t understand was that it wasn’t in high fashion modeling. So I was trying to bridge the gap and see if I had the potential, so I tested my abilities to see if I was able to do so. I know where my strengths lie-- and it's more toward glamour modeling. Doing the show I was just trying to maintain my survival in the competition and just trying to follow the instructions and hope for the best.

Did the hoochiness comments get old eventually?
Immediately my reaction was like, really? I was appalled. Then I took a closer look at my progress and I understand where it's coming from because a component of me does have a lot of sexual charisma, having to deal with the hoochines. The word isn't appropriate. To me it wasn’t a big deal because in the entertainment industry we've become so socially desensitized by sex. It's everywhere. And I think in terms of that demographic… that to me got to me because I knew who was watching me because of the audience.

When you were asked about having breast implants, why did you deny it at first?
In terms of the breasts, I don’t think it was appropriate to bring that to my attention out of nowhere. I think they did want to ask me about that and that was their opportunity to. I was just really surprised and I just reacted out of defense in terms of not wanting to put the wrong message out there. Off the bat, people are going to misconstrue and judge the fact that you have breast implants. You're on a model show where there are lots of young girls watching. That’s not the message that I wanted to put out there, and they didn’t want to give me the chance to really explain that. But at the same time, it's America. There's lots of people who have plastic surgery. It's not something that’s unfamiliar. It's not like I did surgery on my soul! I wasn’t offended and confessing made me feel a lot better. I thought "well, I've been called out on it and I might as well tell them how I feel about it and why I denied it." I didn’t think that was the appropriate setting to be confronted about something so small compared to the bigger issues out there.

How did you like Amsterdam?
I loved Amsterdam! I thought it was the most charming country I've ever been to. The food is amazing. Overall my experience there was one of a kind. It's not every day you get a free trip to Amsterdam!

What kind of modeling do you want to do?
I'm definitely a glamour model hands down and I kind of knew that once we got into it. And I thought since Tyra Banks did Sports Illustrated she picked me because I had a good chance in that career. Urban fashion, glamour modeling, and a few runway shows. But not high fashion.

Do you want a future in modeling?
In terms of modeling, not high fashion. But I definitely see myself in entertainment and television as a personality as an actress, a performer. I definitely like to entertain as a singer and dancer. My passion is to become an entertainer, to make people laugh, to make them smile. That's definitely what I aspire to.

Who would you like to see win?
I would love to see my girl McKey win. She's absolutely golden and she has a great shot and she'll have a really fulfilling career.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2008, 02:02:17 PM »
Recap from tvguide:

Top Model Episode Recap: "The Final Five"

On this week's Top Model, the five remaining ladies struggle with the always troublesome go-see challenge, and come time for their photo shoot, Tyra plays the part of photographer. 

The girls are pumped to be a part of the top five - well everyone except neurotic Marjorie whose nerves are working overtime. And it doesn't help her much that their next challenge is go-sees where transportation is by boat.

All the girls get lost with trying to figure out the Dutch street names, but ultimately they all make it to their share of go-sees - except Marjorie who takes ten years and day to get to the first one. After two visits, she throws in the towel and heads back early. Everyone makes it back in time except McKey who gets disqualified for all her dillydallying despite her positive feedback. The verdict is Samantha is too commercial, Elina has too many tattoos, Analeigh has nice hair but tries too hard, and, surprise, surprise, Marjorie is too nervous. And the winner of the $18,000 worth of items for the designers is Analeigh. Good lord! Is that a sick prize or what?

For their photo shoot, Tyra pops out announcing she'll be directing this one. The shoot is a before-and-after where the girls have two poses - one sans make-up and glam, and one post-makeover. Samantha works her theatrical side for the after shot. The judges loved both, but I was partial to the casual shot. Marjorie stresses Tyra out with all her nervous jumping around for her before shot, but did better once the black lipstick was on. The judges feel she psyched herself out in the natural shot. I have to say it's amazing what a little make-up can do for that girl's confidence. Analeigh did well in her after shot, but the judges thought she lacked in her before shot. I have to agree with that one. Elina is stiff as board during both her before and after. Personally, I'm not a fan of either of her pictures. McKey killed it with her Clockwork Orange eye. I loved it. Samantha is the first one to be called largely in part to Nigel's obsession to her au natural shot. The bottom two consists of Elina and Marjorie. So who goes - the girl who holds on too tight or the girl who is a nervous wreck. And the lucky lady who stays is Marjorie.


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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #47 on: November 07, 2008, 09:27:12 AM »

Next week on ANTM:


"AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL" (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET)

"Good Times & Windmills"

PARTY TIME AT THE HOUSE Paulina offers the girls advice on how to successfully model with a variety of items, including fish and toilet paper.

Back at the house the girls decide to unwind by inviting some local guys over for an evening full of games.

After the judges deliberate, one girl is sent home

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #48 on: November 07, 2008, 09:29:21 AM »

America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 Episode 12 Preview

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Re: America's Next Top Model Cycle 11
« Reply #49 on: November 07, 2008, 07:36:11 PM »
An interview with Elina:

America's Next Top Model Roundup: Elina Says She "Definitely Could Have Let Go More"

Elina Ivanova used her stunning beauty and natural talent to propel her into the top five of America's Next Top Model. However, Elina was criticized week after week for being too cold, rigid, and not losing control in her photo shoots. The judges weren't the only ones she butted heads with—a few of her roommates spoke out on some of Elina's personal beliefs, drawing a line of strife right through the middle of the house. But after a couple weeks in Amsterdam, Elina was sent packing. Fancast caught up with Elina to get her side of things, including her control issues, her tattoos, and that fiery red hair.

You seemed pretty confident on this week's shoot. You can elaborate on why?

Going into every shoot I try to bring my best and work with whatever I have. So I was confident because I think it’s the best I could do. I was actually kind of surprised by the commentary from Jay and Tyra saying that it was still too stiff. It still puzzles me.

Do you think the judging was fair?

No, I don't. Because that constant control thing—I think I did deliver and I do have a lot of potential as a model. I think that control was kind of blown up and I didn’t think it got in the way of my modeling as much as they say it did.

How tiresome was the judges' comments about your control?

That was really frustrating. That was the first time I had really heard that. The first couple photo shoots I didn’t get that critique, then it was all I heard. So I didn’t really know what to do with that. I tried to get as much explanation as I could so I could improve somehow but it just seemed like everything I did I couldn’t really please the judges. I couldn’t figure out what they wanted from me exactly, so I did the best I could with that.

After watching the show, do you king of see where they're coming from?

Yeah-- I've definitely been working on it. Watching myself on the show, I definitely could have let go more. I just got a little too self-conscious and a little too afraid of looking silly and being open and not caring what anyone thinks and doing what I had to do.

You're close with Marjorie, What did you think of Marjorie's comments that you weren't trying things differently?

I don’t know what she meant by that. She didn’t say that to me in the house, so it was definitely a surprise. I'll talk to her and see what she meant by that, but I was definitely trying and you can't receive that strong of a response from everyone in panel and everyone else on panel and not try. So I definitely disagree with her and I'll try to improve as much as possible.

Did you realize when you got your tattoos that they would hinder your modeling career?

Actually I got them when I was taking a year or two off from modeling. I went to school and I didn't think I would go back into this career. But now I haven't had that many problems with them because you can cover them and they're easily air brushed. I think it was a little exaggerated on the show. A lot of models have tattoos.

What did you think of your time in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam was wonderful. My favorite thing was that it reminded me so much of home. It reminded me of Ukraine and it was a great way to connect with my heritage again because I haven't been back in a while. And Amsterdam is very free and it has a great atmosphere and I had a wonderful time there.

Have you gotten the chance to clear the air with any of your former housemates?

Nope. I haven't had that opportunity yet. But I would definitely like to see a lot of the girls and talk to them outside of the competition. That would be very different because cameras are off and attention is off and we can get to know each other in a different way. But I keep in touch with Clark.

You weren't pleased with your makeover in the beginning… did you keep it when you went home?

I actually took it out as soon as I got home. It wasn’t really because of the look—I actually got used to it. It was actually extremely painful to have the braiding because it was very tight. It actually left a couple marks on my scalp. My hair is brown now, too.

How did you get involved with the show?

I had just returned from school; I went to a technical school in Orlando. As soon as I returned to Seattle I just started applying for everything I could get my hands on. This was the first year I was eligible for America's Next Top Model. I just turned 18. I sent in the tape and got a response and it went from there.

What did you see in yourself that made you feel you could be America's Next Top Model?

I've had a passion for modeling since I was 13 years old. I figured this was a great opportunity to introduce myself to the industry and bring myself out of my comfort zone. I wanted to attempt this and I did and it was a lot of fun.

Do you think winning the show is overrated, or is it what you do with it after that really counts?

Just being on the show is amazing exposure and an experience itself. I think obviously winning is great and it's what every girl is there for. We're all competing for the same prize but I think that it really is what you do with it. You could be America's Next Top Model and you could do nothing with it. It really just depends on where you want to take it. I know girls who have been eliminated third or fourth and now they have amazing careers. You could have the best opportunity but unless you take it to the next level, then that's what really counts.
