For me personally I think that Coffey COULD be country IF he sung the right songs. Im a country girl all the way, he has a twang in his voice, hes just trying to do too much. I think the thing that makes me mad, goes along with what Tommy has said. Tommy admits he is not a true country person, he likes all music (and hes always seemed more pop to me). But I agree with him about John Rich. People need to think about what he does on stage. Tossing mic stands, etc. and how he drives his Bentley (Tommys words) and wears his fur trimmed jeans. That to ME isn't country. And I like John Rich alot better than Big Kenny but still! So I feel bad for Coffey because I don't think he dons his cowboy hat just to make him a cowboy! I bet half the population that listens to country wouldn't know what a cowboy hat was ever truly meant for.
Im so glad that Laura and Sophie are gone. I think up until last night Shawn was not being "country". Thats my opinion but I just don't think she was. I loved how John Rich wouldn't even critique them and said what he said. C'mon she didn't know she did that big of an eye roll at that moment. Concidence? And if she didn't MEAN why didn't she apologize. I've seen interviews of them and they were asked about it and they said Jewel was disrespecting them. So obviously they meant something!! I think that the younger ones, they had to be harder on because compared to what they would face (and their maturity level showed that they needed to be tough loved).
I think Pearl Heart left because up until that last performance people weren't feeling them as a team. Every week they've been told to let Courtney take the stage and entertain and she hadn't really done that imo. But I will say they are good.
Now im not sure who I think will go next week, i've been right so far. I would think Coffey but after last night and his tears (and I do feel bad for him) I think he will get votes! Because people felt that song.
I did not like Melissas performance last night. But I don't think she will go.
Im rooting for Ashlee and Gabe. I think Gabe will win, but I also have heard that either way Ashlee gets a recording contract!!!
Oh and for those following Pearl Heart - Jeff already talked to their parents about getting them in his studio and apparently they are already working on it!!! This was confirmed but both Jeff and Pearl Heart!