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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #150 on: May 05, 2008, 09:11:27 PM »
Nobody said she did....?

Yeah, I definitely can't wrap my mind around this one. I reaaaally don't think it's true. If it is true color me surprised.
Let's do this like Judas.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #151 on: May 06, 2008, 12:15:08 AM »
Someone ask Janelle to confirm that the rumor was all over the Wrap Party and she did.  She did not start the rumor she just confirmed. That is all I want to say about this.

“This is what was told to me by someone apparentley involved in the orgy. Ok I guess Monday night Natalie and her sister participated in a group orgy involving several men at the hilton hotel. There were two men involved in this from bb9 but I’d rather not say who. This does not surprise me in the least because I was with this entire group of people, right until they dropped me off at my hotel! Well, what do you expect from strippers? I guess they filmed it too! Wow how nice.”

I never said she started the rumor, but she can not confirm it either thereby imo it just as bad by talking about it.

Think about it, they played telephone in the house. Someone tells someone there was an orgy, then someone tells Janelle there was an orgy with two men involved. We don't know that someone else didn't add they were from BB9. And then it goes on and on.

Do I not believe this, I don't know because I know I saw on the cameras what Adam talked about and how Natalie was. If it happened it happened. And if it was taped im sure it will end up on the internet somewhere. Heck maybe even a DVD.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #152 on: May 06, 2008, 04:28:30 AM »
Chelsia created a myspace profile this morning and I put in an add to friends now Jacob's the only one that I can't find.

hmm.. it looks he dont have his myspace. but his facebook is on link

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #153 on: May 07, 2008, 11:04:55 AM »
From Reality News Online....

Josh's interview:

Some reality show contestants are done with their seasons and realize they really don’t want to talk about what happened. Not so with Joshuah, as you’ll see here. Indeed, several times Josh answered questions I was planning to ask him about his more controversial moments before I even had the chance! Read on to see what he has to say.

RealityNewsOnline: Hello, Joshuah, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us here at RealityNewsOnline. Starting at the beginning, did you have a specific planned strategy coming into the game?

Joshuah: I actually did, my strategy in the beginning was that I was going to try to go straight or gay, not talk about my sexuality, and use that to just flirt with everybody and be everyone’s friend, the all-American guy. That’s what I was shooting for. That’s what I was planning on doing. Then the first five seconds, with the couples, it was shot right there. After I was, I guess you could say “outed,” I went with it and I changed my character to be the funny, quirky, snappy, gay guy. I wanted to be catty and bitchy and come off harmless. I wasn’t trying to be malicious or evil.

That quickly snowballed into frustrations running high, me losing my partner, and a lot of stress in the house. Once you’re in there, you can plan to be calm and play a smart game, but you are surrounded by so many conflicting personalities – they’re your nemesis and it starts to wear on you. People don’t understand how lonely you are. Even though you’re surrounded by people, they are all competing with you.

I was blessed to have Neil and Sharon as my partners, and everyone else was out to get you. That changes the mood and your personality in the game. You start playing defense because you feel like people are attacking you, and that sometimes blows up into huge loud situations that I’m definitely known for.

RNO: Speaking of Neil, what happened to him?

Joshuah: Neil was called into the diary room and then he was there for about two hours. Then I’m called in, which is kind of weird when somebody else is still in there. I saw a cup on the ground and maybe a plate, and I knew he had been taken out of the game. I was informed he had a family emergency and I had the option of Sharon or Jacob. I didn’t even have time to think at that point. I was in so much shock and said Sharon, and she was in the room with me. It was very surreal. I was told to pack Neil’s stuff, and that was all that was talked about. They said please don’t bring up Neil because he’s going through a tough time.

That was the last I saw and heard of Neil. Since I’ve been out of the house, I haven’t heard anything more than some rumors. As far as I know, everything’s okay. I haven’t heard any family situation that was that dire, so I don’t know. A mystery that I don’t know if will ever be solved.

RNO: How much Big Brother had you seen before going into the house?

Joshuah: I’ve been watching since around Season 2 when Dr. Will was on. I’m a big Big Brother fan. I loved Season 2 with Dr. Will and Season 6 with Janelle and 7 with All-Stars.

RNO: What did you think of the couples twist?

Joshuah: The couples twist was very unexpected. I kind of felt like the twist would have something to do with some secret couples since it was Valentine’s day. But the couples were completely unexpected with everybody playing pairs. It definitely took everybody by surprise.

RNO: What about the various other twists, such as splitting the couples and bringing back James?

Joshuah: I think that definitely helped the show. It kept it exciting. As soon as we found out about the siren and somebody could come back and playing as singles, it felt like every week there was a twist – we didn’t know what was going to happen. I was just ready for another twist – another couple we don’t know about? It kept you on edge. It made the house very paranoid to live in. Tensions were running very high. Definitely a lot of twists this season – probably the season with the most twists.

RNO: What would you do differently if you had it to do over again?

Joshuah: I’d do a lot of things. I’d definitely try to play a more cool under control game. I tried to do that in first two weeks, but then I let the pressure get to me and I cracked.

The Amanda hot tub moment – I just snapped. It was not so much to do with Amanda – she was in the wrong place at the right time. I would defintely take all that back. She’s a great girl.

Same with the Allison thing. She lied to me about the gay thing, but I knew she was out to get me. She is a great manipulator and I knew I had to get her before she got me. But a lot of the cattiness was not supposed to be as hurtful. I’m really loving and caring and will do anything for you if you’re in my circle of family and friends.

But we’re there to win money, so everyone’s your competition. I was basically going after them and it happened to be verbal. As soon as I attacked Amanda, she was evicted. As soon as I attacked Allison, she was evicted. So it did work.

The same can be said to Natalie and Sheila. They’re all great people. It just seemed easier to take it out on innocent people that really were doing things in the game. I regret saying some of the things I said, for sure towards Amanda and Allison. I apologized to their families and their mothers. Their mothers said they understand. I did take it too far sometimes, but what is too far when you’re competing for half a million dollars? That’s a moral question.

RNO: When you were in the house, what did you think viewer reaction would be to you?

Joshuah: I went in to the house thinking everyone would love me, I was a great guy, the boy next door, people woudl really like me. Then two little conflicts happened… My parents watched the whole show holding their breath, not knowing what was going to come out of my mouth. I came off as somebody who was a hothead raging maniac and out of control. They did a wonderful job of editing me that way. There was a lot more good that outweighed the bad in the house, but they did a good job of editing me and not showing that side.

The side of Josh that is real is the one my parents saw when they did the interview. I thought that was [my mom] trying to portray who the real Josh was. The people who love me know it’s not really me. In real life, I don’t act like that. I don’t push old ladies in front of buses or use the c-word or attack people. It’s definitely one thing I would do differently if I was asked to come back on Big Brother.

RNO: Several times, you were called into the diary room and apparently told to stay a certain distance from somebody. What did they say to you?

Joshuah: A lot of times I was called in when I would get into a heated conversation with one of the women. They defintely wanted me to stay away from the women, just to make sure everyone felt safe in the house and I wasn’t going to get in their face any more. They wanted to make sure I didn’t make anybody feel physically threatened. I was several times warned not to violate anybody’s physical space when you’re having a conversation.

RNO: And how viewer reaction actually been since you got out of the house?

Joshuah: I definitely am very well known in the world. Everywhere I go, someone knows who I am. People have very mixed reviews. Some people come up to me cautious because they don’t know what will happen, but others love me.

Two people came up to me today for my autograph – but other people in the restaurant hated me. They love to hate me. They hated to watch me go off on people but loved to watch me. It’s just crazy. No matter what, they want to talk to me and see if they can figure it out. I’m happy with the fans, I appreciate everyone who supported the show and watched me, and hopefully I added some dynamic qualities to it.

RNO: At what point did you decide to vote for Ryan instead of Adam?

Joshuah: In the very end, I definitely thought that when you’re looking at the overall game, Ryan was on the block more times and won more competitions, he was in a secret alliance with me for a while. I felt he played a better game. I didn’t think he should have been penalized because he was dating Jen. Jen’s cocky behavior definitely hurt him in the end. I think Ryan was a great competitor. I don’t give in to pressure as I did in the house – nobody’s going to tell me what to. I’m going to vote how I want to vote.

RNO: Were you aware you’d be the only person voting for Ryan?

Joshuah: I thought maybe I could pull another couple votes. In the end, I kind thought I would be the only one. I thought maybe I would get Sheila. It was definitely something I felt like I wanted to do personally.

RNO: Why did you get so upset with Adam during the jury questioning?

Joshuah: I felt like I was in the jury and we’re trying to decide who gets half a million dollars. The last thing I need is somebody screaming at me as if he already thought he won the money. I thought that was something that needed to be addressed. I thought he needed to be gracious and work the jury in a more pacifistic manner than he was doing. Adam has a loud voice and gets worked up and I thought it was too much for that situation.

RNO: Have you had a chance to watch any of the show yet?

Joshuah: I’ve watched the whole show up to my eviction. I watched all the CBS shows, and my friends are burning me disks of the Showtime after Dark, which I hear are some of my really finer moments.

RNO: What was the most eye-opening thing you’ve seen that you didn’t know about while you were there?

Joshuah: I was actually surprised at how Sheila was able to flip the house several times. I definitely underestimated her in the house and didn’t realize how manipulative she was behind the scenes. It was really her that did a lot of stuff I didn’t know about. Good for her, she was underestimated, which is probably why she made the final three.

RNO: How did you get along with the other jurors?

Joshuah: Once you’re out of the game, it’s like a breath of fresh air, you can actually go to the jury house and have a good time. Everyone’s there and we have no reasons to be mad, we’re just there to have a good time. No one fought, everyone got along, it was great.

RNO: Do you have anything else you’d like to tell us about your time on Big Brother?

Joshuah: I am very – ironically, I said this in my speech – I’m so proud of who I am. I’m a hothead at times, but who Isn’t? Maybe everybody has done something hateful – I was caught on tape doing it. We all have tempers and regret things. I happened to get caught on TV with everybody watching. Everybody thinks I’m horrible, but I’m really not like that.

The problem with Big Brother is that it shows the lack of humanity. It’s a house where you are locked in there and you’re in there to fight and it’s a competition. I felt like I don’t regret going on Big Brother or who I am. I feel privileged to go on the show. I was picked out of thousands upon thousands to go on the show and I was very happy about that. There’s obviously something that stands out and I’m happy to know people wanted to know about that. I’m not an arrogant prick who will refuse to answer questions. I just definitely lost control a few times and regret it, but I can’t put my head in the sand.

I didn’t get out and say I’m not doing interviews. I’m back working and my co-workers love me and my fans love me. It was a once in a lifetime experience. I’m proud of who I am and I would do it again in a heartbeat.

RNO: Thanks again, Joshuah! 

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #154 on: May 07, 2008, 06:46:37 PM »
From Reality News Online....

Josh's interview:

RNO: When you were in the house, what did you think viewer reaction would be to you?

Joshuah: I went in to the house thinking everyone would love me, I was a great guy, the boy next door, people woudl really like me. Then two little conflicts happened… My parents watched the whole show holding their breath, not knowing what was going to come out of my mouth. I came off as somebody who was a hothead raging maniac and out of control. They did a wonderful job of editing me that way. There was a lot more good that outweighed the bad in the house, but they did a good job of editing me and not showing that side.

How does one get edited on the Live Feeds or BBAD?

Those who watched saw Joshuah for what he really is.

His attempt at damage control won't work.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #155 on: May 07, 2008, 07:15:07 PM »
I think he means that at times he was a good person. I think there were good things that Josh did in that house, and BB never showed it, I saw that side from watching the live feeds. He was funny alot of times and always made me laugh, I know that. And I think that he tried to console some people instead of laugh at them behind their backs (Ryan).

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #156 on: May 07, 2008, 11:34:20 PM »
Is this the definition of "oxymoron"....Matt and Paris Hilton in a bookstore??   :funny:

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #157 on: May 08, 2008, 04:55:37 AM »
That is cute :lol:

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #158 on: May 08, 2008, 07:57:07 AM »
Nat's new myspce page!  She posted alot of pics-including more of her almost nudes.  She posted like over 200 of BB after the house happenings.  She only has 98 friends.  I did not add her!

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #159 on: May 08, 2008, 05:42:03 PM »
Nat's new myspce page!  She posted alot of pics-including more of her almost nudes.  She posted like over 200 of BB after the house happenings.  She only has 98 friends.  I did not add her!

"Only" 98 less than 24 hours?   ???

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #160 on: May 08, 2008, 06:04:51 PM »
Didn't realize thats how new her page was!  I meant in comparison to the thousands the others have.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #161 on: May 08, 2008, 06:31:07 PM »
Didn't realize thats how new her page was!   I meant in comparison to the thousands the others have.

Natalie just created that myspace on May 7th.  That was yesterday some time.

Since I don't get the whole "myspace" thingy, I guess the number of friends she has added can only be compared to others who were created yesterday.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #162 on: May 09, 2008, 09:07:22 AM »
Didn't realize thats how new her page was!   I meant in comparison to the thousands the others have.

Natalie just created that myspace on May 7th.  That was yesterday some time.

Since I don't get the whole "myspace" thingy, I guess the number of friends she has added can only be compared to others who were created yesterday.

update for Grandmalily

Nat now has 909 friends!  :lol:  At this rate she will surpass Evel Dick who has over 20,000 in 44 days!  Which is before BB10.  Also, she has posted her art photos.  Just trying to lighten it up.  She did change her profile pic which was a good thing.  Her new one she is wearing cloths instead of underwear.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 09:11:36 AM by Queenycastle »

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #163 on: May 09, 2008, 03:01:50 PM »
Didn't realize thats how new her page was!   I meant in comparison to the thousands the others have.

Natalie just created that myspace on May 7th.  That was yesterday some time.

Since I don't get the whole "myspace" thingy, I guess the number of friends she has added can only be compared to others who were created yesterday.

update for Grandmalily

Nat now has 909 friends!  :lol:  At this rate she will surpass Evel Dick who has over 20,000 in 44 days!  Which is before BB10.  Also, she has posted her art photos.  Just trying to lighten it up.  She did change her profile pic which was a good thing.  Her new one she is wearing cloths instead of underwear.

Thanks for the update!   :funny:

I thought her pic looked nice.  Haven't been back to check out the change.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #164 on: May 10, 2008, 01:14:21 AM »
To give you alll an idea on how popular they are, this is how many friends the BB9 houseguests currently have on their myspace friends list and that is as of 2 a.m. today and I'm listing from the highest to the lowest. The people I don't have are Allison (I put in a request but don't expect to be approved), Ryan (his approval of my request is still pending) and Jacob (he doesn't have one as far as I know).

Sheila Kennedy 6914
James Zinkand 6676
Alex Coladonato 6325
Jen Diturno 4688
Joshuah Welch 4627
Sharon Obermueller 3199
Amanda Hansen 3176
Adam Jasinski 2968
Parker Somerville 2816
Matt McDonald 2101
Neil Garcia 1893
Natalie Cunial 1177
Chelsia Hart 1154

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #165 on: May 10, 2008, 05:51:42 AM »
To give you alll an idea on how popular they are, this is how many friends the BB9 houseguests currently have on their myspace friends list and that is as of 2 a.m. today and I'm listing from the highest to the lowest. The people I don't have are Allison (I put in a request but don't expect to be approved), Ryan (his approval of my request is still pending) and Jacob (he doesn't have one as far as I know).

Sheila Kennedy 6914
James Zinkand 6676
Alex Coladonato 6325
Jen Diturno 4688
Joshuah Welch 4627
Sharon Obermueller 3199
Amanda Hansen 3176 
Adam Jasinski 2968
Parker Somerville 2816
Matt McDonald 2101
Neil Garcia 1893
Natalie Cunial 1177
Chelsia Hart 1154

I don't think this list is indicative of "popularity" unless they all created their myspace pages at the same time.
Natalie for example, added 1177 friends in less than 48 hours.  Alex would appear to be the most popular based on his myspace sign up date this past February, but he also had the time to add friends, etc. because he was out of the house.   Matty's myspace was created in February, while he was in the whom and who was adding friend requests?

The number of "friends" is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Sign-up date
04/07/2006  Sheila Kennedy 6914
03/05/2005  James Zinkand 6676
02/05/2008  Alex Coladonato 6325
09/02/2007  Jen Diturno 4688
01/24/2007  Joshuah Welch 4627
11/20/2005 Sharon Obermueller 3199
04/06/2007  Adam Jasinski 2968
02/26/2008  Matt McDonald 2101
03/31/2006  Neil Garcia 1893
05/07/2008 Natalie Cunial 1177
07/05/2006  Chelsia Hart 1154

BTW....Jacob is on facebook if someone wants to be added to his friends' list.

I know even less about facebook than I know about myspace!    :pull
« Last Edit: May 10, 2008, 06:47:31 AM by GrandmawLily »

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #166 on: May 10, 2008, 07:55:25 AM »
James is now up to 7052 friends on his myspace and posted this bulletin at 7:11 am this morning E.S.T., obviously being up almost all night....

 I am getting nearly 100 friend requests a day I love it but please be patient. I want to make this a more personal thing. I want to write you guys. I want to tell you how awesome everyone is. I want to go out and party with you all. I want you guys to know I really care. I really care to show all of you a good time. I really care to open up to you guys and you should do the same to me. I do read all the messages it just takes time. Its not some fan doing this **** its me. So just remember I do ****ing care and I will never forget what you guys have done for me, that goes for my friends before all of this madness you guys mean the most.

-Crazy James

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #167 on: May 10, 2008, 08:00:29 AM »
That's great that James wants to make his messages more personal.  Good for him! 

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #168 on: May 10, 2008, 08:15:35 AM »
James is now up to 7052 friends on his myspace and posted this bulletin at 7:11 am this morning E.S.T., obviously being up almost all night....

 I am getting nearly 100 friend requests a day I love it but please be patient. I want to make this a more personal thing. I want to write you guys. I want to tell you how awesome everyone is. I want to go out and party with you all. I want you guys to know I really care. I really care to show all of you a good time. I really care to open up to you guys and you should do the same to me. I do read all the messages it just takes time. Its not some fan doing this **** its me. So just remember I do ****ing care and I will never forget what you guys have done for me, that goes for my friends before all of this madness you guys mean the most.

-Crazy James

No wonder Chelsia is kinda pissed that James hasn't called her yet!  The boy has had no time....adding friends, writing personal messages, party planning...! 

Actually, James told Evel that he tried calling Chelsia and her brother (or Dad) hung up on him.  Then James said he lost his phone, to which Chelsia replied, "He has TWO phones and he has my number."

(She's also pissed at him cuz he lied to her and told her only one porn video!  yikes!  It was her Mom who told her it was more like 15!  BTW, James didn't tell her about the porn until they were in sequester and she said she didn't care because she doesn't judge people.  She didn't like the lie though.)

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #169 on: May 10, 2008, 09:14:48 AM »

Actually, James told Evel that he tried calling Chelsia and her brother (or Dad) hung up on him.  Then James said he lost his phone, to which Chelsia replied, "He has TWO phones and he has my number."

Poor Chelsia, she needs this book, He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

It's written by Greg Behrendt.  Chelsia is a smart girl and should start acting like it.  Maybe in a few years.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #170 on: May 10, 2008, 10:22:17 AM »
Members, when I created this thread, the sole purpose was to update you on the ongoings of the BB9 houseguests and to post pictures or videos.....this thread is not intended for commentary or bashing on the houseguests or any members' posts. That is why it got out of control last fall from BB8 and it got locked up and closed.

So once again, this thread is for after BB9 season UPDATES on the houseguests only! There are other threads for commentary or bashing on the houseguests. THANK YOU!

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #171 on: May 13, 2008, 09:57:32 AM »
Josh's first post on his myspace since BB ended:


I want to start out by saying thanks to everyone that supported me on the show. Since the Finale I have been so busy doing interviews and other PR work, I have not been able to return emails or even talk to those that supported me on the show. I plan on doing weekly blogs as well as responding to the numerous emails starting this week. Also there are a few items on EBAY if anyone is interested.

Once again I want to say thanks and I will be in contact very soon!!
"I am not a bitch, I just play one on TV!"

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #172 on: May 13, 2008, 10:11:53 AM »
I haven't been able to find out much on the houseguests recently but here is what I know about some of them so far.....

Josh returned to work on the 5th and had another homecoming party in Port Arthur on the 10th. Still trying to find pictures from that.

James was in Las Vegas hanging out with Dick last weekend and returned to L.A. yesterday and is flying to Sarasota, FL today to visit his mom and his friends for a week and then will return to L.A.

Chelsia is packing up her apartment in Iowa and moving in with her friend in L.A. soon.

Adam had his homecoming party last week at the Pearl Club. Got many stuff on e-bay.

Jen and Ryan had their party on Friday night in Columbus, OH.

Matt is going to Las Vegas May 22-27th. He has listed lots of stuff on e-bay.

Will post more as soon I find out an article on Sharon that I need to find again to post.

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Re: Post-season houseguest updates and pictures
« Reply #173 on: May 13, 2008, 10:19:17 AM »
Found it...from

Sharon Obermueller and Jacob Gregg Heald's relationship became one of the twists that intrigued viewers of Big Brother 9.  Sharon joined the CBS reality series in attempt to move on with her life after her failed relationship with Jacob only to find her ex-boyfriend as one of the housemates who she would have to endure and live with supposedly for three months.  Despite the apprehension, she decided to face the competition head-on.

“Yes, it was very difficult and I felt like I had the hardest situation than anyone else in the house because of how much he hurt me.  Of course, it ran through my mind to hit the panic button, but I'm a Marine brat.  You never quit or give up.  It's not in your blood,” Sharon told of how awkward it was to learn that Jacob was also cast on Big Brother.

Although Sharon was paired with Jacob as her “soulmate,” her torment was short-lived as they were the first pair to be evicted from the house on Day 3.  Luckily, Sharon was given the opportunity to return to the game as she got paired with Joshuah, whom she developed a close friendship with.

At present, however, the tension between Sharon and Jacob has started to thaw.  And while they have not exactly gotten back together, they seem to be on the road to patch things up.

“Jacob and I are trying to be civil and work on things because of the animals, furniture, history, etc.  He said being stuck in sequester really changed him and he was going to prove it to me.  I will believe it when I see it, but I have to say that he did get all the bills paid and taken care of while I was gone so that was a good start.  Plus, he offered my dad his friend pass to bring to the finale because he knew my mom was coming and he knows how important my family is to me.  They wouldn't let Jacob because that would be two guests for me but it was the thought that counted,” she revealed.