another writeup
ART And CULTURE Wednesday, 23 of April of 2008
Reality international show records special in Salvador AscomDuring three days, Salvador will be the scene of reality American show "the Maratona", program produced for the Planet Film Productions and visa for more than 50 million people per year. One is about an international competition of teamses who twirl the planet behind tasks that, when fulfilled, they indicate the next destination for the competitors. To the end, the team that arrives at the front takes the prize millionaire. The Agency of Economic Development of Salvador (Adesa), through the Project Salvador Film Commission, apóia this important production that results in national and international promotion of the bahian capital.
In its 13ª edition and being shown for the net of open television of the United States, and in the remaining portion of the world for the closed canals, the program arrived at the Bahia with a team of filmings that it intends to record scenes with the participants fulfilling tasks in diverse tourist and traditional localities of Salvador, as the Place of fetichism of Jesus, Municipal Square and Commerce. For the superintendent in exercise of the Adesa, Loyal Leonel, "productions as this, besides guaranteeing income and chance of work for the technician and the local population, are an excellent card-postcard to attract new tourists and new investments for our city".
Exactly before its official launching, Salvador Film Commission already offers to institucional support the audiovisuais productions, facilitating to information regarding licenses and necessary authorizations for filmings. In this production, for example, the autarchy is intermediating, together the municipal agencies, the document release that the Planet Film needs to film reality show. The Adesa, after the total implantation of Salvador Film Commission, will give services, such as survey of bank of images and visits the locations, qualification and cadastre of technician of the area, institucional support e, mainly, will continue working to attract new productions that can use to advantage
ART And CULTURE Friday, 25 of April of 2008
It records? of Reality Show it explores points tur?icos of the capital AscomThe bahian capital is the scene chosen for the writings of reality American show "the Maratona", an international competition where teams cover some countries fulfilling a series of tasks. The program, that counts today on a hearing of more than 50 million people per year, already is being recorded in some of the main tourist points of Salvador. In the morning of this thursday (day 24), the competitors of reality show had had that to go down, in the style rappel, the 70 meters of the Lacerda Elevator. To carry through the test, that called the attention who passed for the place, the filming team installed a net to the long one of the elevator.
The presence of the program in the city, initiative that counts on the support of the Agency of Economic Development of Salvador (Adesa), through the project Salvador Film Commission, promises to result in an important national and international promotion for the bahian capital. For the superintendent in exercise of the Adesa, Loyal Leonel, "productions as this, besides guaranteeing income and chance of work for the technician and the local population, are an excellent card-postcard to attract new tourists and more investments for our city". In its 13ª edition and shown by net AXN of the United States, reality show will take the beautiful landscapes of Salvador for diverse parts of the world, through the closed canals of TV.
Still inside of the actions of the program, new writings are foreseen tomorrow, of this time in the Maritime Terminal of Salvador, in the Commerce. Until the moment, already they had served of location for the international production the Square of the Sé, the Inclined Plan Gonçalves, the Order Third of the San Francisco (Historical Center), the Slope of the Carmo and the staircase of the Paço.
It is not the first time that attractive the tourist ones of the city serve of scene for great televising productions. In the end of the passed year, Salvador was palco of the writings of the program Xuxa Connection, that covered points as the Lighthouse and the Port of the Bar, the Corridor of the Victory, the Square of the Campo Grande, the Market Model and the Tip of the Humaitá. The team also used as scene Fort Serrat the Mount and the Fort Is Marcelo.
Film Commission
Exactly before its official launching, the project Salvador Film Commission already offers to institucional support the audiovisuais productions, facilitating to information regarding licenses and necessary authorizations for filmings. To make possible the production of reality show "the Maratona", the Adesa intermediated, together the municipal agencies, the document release that the producer Planet Film needed for the writing of the program.
The Adesa, after the total implantation of Salvador Film Commission, will give services, such as survey of bank of images and visits the locations, qualification and cadastre of technician of the area, institucional support e, mainly, will continue working to attract new productions that can use to advantage the natural beauty and the urban historical quantity of Salvador as scene.