Author Topic: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6  (Read 177441 times)

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #525 on: April 22, 2008, 02:47:13 PM »
What about when Ryan watches the show from back when Jen was evicted and she told people he was a racist behind his back...will he still want to be with her then?  I hope not, because she seemed like a bad person then, and what would have changed in her now?
Yes, I thought about that too.  He doesn't judge people on their race, but he does think each race should date their own. ?  But anyway, she just threw out that he was a racist out of the blue. 
Ryan might think that "bitches" have to resort to tactics like that because men are superior and he won't fault a bitch for being a bitch.  What else could she do to compete, ya' know?  LOL

Hey Jen admitted to ryan she called him a racist .....she did that before she left the show
delightful just delightful

Offline ThunderStruck

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #526 on: April 22, 2008, 02:49:31 PM »
What about when Ryan watches the show from back when Jen was evicted and she told people he was a racist behind his back...will he still want to be with her then?  I hope not, because she seemed like a bad person then, and what would have changed in her now?
Yes, I thought about that too.  He doesn't judge people on their race, but he does think each race should date their own. ?  But anyway, she just threw out that he was a racist out of the blue. 
Ryan might think that "bitches" have to resort to tactics like that because men are superior and he won't fault a bitch for being a bitch.  What else could she do to compete, ya' know?  LOL

Hey Jen admitted to ryan she called him a racist .....she did that before she left the show
And he still loves the bitch.   :<3 Warms my heart! LOL

Offline CFioren317

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #527 on: April 22, 2008, 03:12:22 PM »
Yeah, but she kinda downplayed "I didn't mean it the way it came out" or something like that.  When the tape will clearly show that she told...I think it was sheila...that "Ryan is a racist.  Big time." I think she used the words Big Time.  It should open old wounds.  I hope him and Sharon hit it off on their LA trip and he dumps Jen for the biaatch that she is.   :wohoo:

Offline BSmartOnBB

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #528 on: April 22, 2008, 03:16:46 PM »
What about when Ryan watches the show from back when Jen was evicted and she told people he was a racist behind his back...will he still want to be with her then?  I hope not, because she seemed like a bad person then, and what would have changed in her now?
Yes, I thought about that too.  He doesn't judge people on their race, but he does think each race should date their own. ?  But anyway, she just threw out that he was a racist out of the blue. 
Ryan might think that "bitches" have to resort to tactics like that because men are superior and he won't fault a bitch for being a bitch.  What else could she do to compete, ya' know?  LOL

Hey Jen admitted to ryan she called him a racist .....she did that before she left the show
And he still loves the bitch.   :<3 Warms my heart! LOL
Yeah, but she kinda downplayed "I didn't mean it the way it came out" or something like that.  When the tape will clearly show that she told...I think it was sheila...that "Ryan is a racist.  Big time." I think she used the words Big Time.  It should open old wounds.  I hope him and Sharon hit it off on their LA trip and he dumps Jen for the biaatch that she is.   :wohoo:

You're totally right CFioren. Jen did downplay it, then Ryan just accepted it.

I'm watching the replay feeds from that week and i'm curious to see how Ryan goes from hating her and saying they're done, to forgiving her.

I hope they break up... but then again, they sort of deserve each other. lol.

Really, I don't care.

I just hope James and Chels stay together!  :hugs: :-*

Offline MamaTo4boys

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #529 on: April 22, 2008, 03:24:52 PM »
Well if you guys really want to think about it, being against two races dating is racism. Sorry but it is.

I for one thought it was blown out of proportion (especially by Sheila, I think she just wanted an excuse to keep Allison IMO). I thought that BB edited it on the tv, but Sheila had asked Jen why she thought they put her with Parker. And Jen said that she dated a black guy and Ryan had a problem with that or something. And Sheila is the one that coined the term racist.

Isn't Ryan the one that has said that Jen has had a rough life? Or am I thinking of someone/something else?

Offline ThunderStruck

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #530 on: April 22, 2008, 03:27:42 PM »
If it means anything:

The song they got a snippet of is Truckin' by the Greatful Dead
Good job on the video TL and Queeny, I wonder if that does not mean a truck is the prize!! Normally a vehicle is involved in HOH part2  :yess: , later kitkat :waves: 
OK, it's ON!!!
If there is a truck involved, Adam won't be throwing this comp! 

Offline ThunderStruck

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #531 on: April 22, 2008, 03:30:05 PM »
Well if you guys really want to think about it, being against two races dating is racism. Sorry but it is.

I for one thought it was blown out of proportion (especially by Sheila, I think she just wanted an excuse to keep Allison IMO). I thought that BB edited it on the tv, but Sheila had asked Jen why she thought they put her with Parker. And Jen said that she dated a black guy and Ryan had a problem with that or something. And Sheila is the one that coined the term racist.

Isn't Ryan the one that has said that Jen has had a rough life? Or am I thinking of someone/something else?

Mama, nobody said it was not racist.  Just that Ryan doesn't think he's racist. ?  But Jen said Ryan is racist, big time!  It wasn't Sheila paraphrasing.  Jen just lied to Ryan about it being Sheila.

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #532 on: April 22, 2008, 03:31:03 PM »
If it is, I bet its the new Silverado :barf I think that Chevy does the commercials on CBS so its that or the Toyota :lol:

Shuttup mama, I know.

Offline jay111890

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #533 on: April 22, 2008, 03:32:38 PM »
even if adam wins prt 2 and ryan wins prt 3 i still think ryan will take sheila over adam bc adam would blow him out 6-1 or 7-0. sheila would beat him 2 but like 4-3 or 5-2.

he has told everyone including sheila how adam alays tries to be super nice to evictees b4 they leave and the whole natalie vote thing and sundays episode convinced me that ryan wont take adam to final 2

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #534 on: April 22, 2008, 03:34:59 PM »
even if adam wins prt 2 and ryan wins prt 3 i still think ryan will take sheila over adam bc adam would blow him out 6-1 or 7-0. sheila would beat him 2 but like 4-3 or 5-2.

he has told everyone including sheila how adam alays tries to be super nice to evictees b4 they leave and the whole natalie vote thing and sundays episode convinced me that ryan wont take adam to final 2

Offline Gnattering

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Re: spoiler? Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #535 on: April 22, 2008, 03:37:16 PM »
Did I call it, or did I call it?

Other than thinking Shebot and Adam were up and Ryan had POV and was ensuring his boy was on track before he took him off the block to put up Sharon, the whole scenario fell into place: "Character is Destiny"

I'm trying to catch up here.  As of Thursday night, Sheila and Adam were on the block, and as of last night, Ryan had the P.O.V.

Thursday night Sharon explained to Ryan that 'something shaky was going on with Shiela and Adam -- whether preexisting or not it didn't matter, she said, as it reflected on NOW, and that was all that was important' -- and that 'Sheila got mad at Adam like she had always known him.'

-- IMO, the Shebot is "an entitlement bully" --

and that 'shebot often slips into saying "we" instead of "I," revealing they are tightly allied, even though they act like they hate each other when they're around other people, and when they're all alone, they're pssst psst pssting .  Plus the shebot is an actress and can cry on a dime has turned on the tears a number of times in the house which always result in the eviction of someone' -- I didn't catch it all: '...turned on the tears and psssoot, Alison's evicted,' and so on.

Sharon also advises Ryan that the shebot is a 'campaign machine' (again, I just see her as a bully with a sense of entitlement) 'for other people, so in sequester, if she's put out in any surprising way' (any way would be surprising to her) and she would pull the, "Congratulations for being the biggest jerk in the house, I can't believe you did that to me," and all, she'll go and turn all the people against them, including people who were behind them to start with, so it has to be handled well'.

IMO, in that case, the sooner the better, giving her campaign time to wear off by the time of the live show outside the house in the studio.
Now I've been pulling all along for Sharon and Adam to make it to the final two.

So. . . last night, armed with Sharon's wise advice, Ryan gets the bright idea that he can be sure to get rid of Shiela by taking Adam off the block and putting Sharon back into the seat she so graciously inhabits week after week.  He knows that if final HOH is endurance, the shebot will win.  What does he do?  He talks with Adam:

"Can I really really trust you bro?  I mean I have to be sure I can really trust you.  I don't want to see more of this Natalie crap, you know, like you did the last time"

Adam enthusiastically agrees, as usual.

Anyway, Ryan has these wonderful insights and advice from Sharon, his true unwavering ally, so he takes the little knowledge he has -- that dangerous dangerous thing -- and decides that he wants Sheila out because he has to break up the last couple in the house (as per Sharon's insight), and  Adam is the person to do it, so he needs to take Adam off the block, double check that he can trust him and then try to get him to keep a lid on it too.

All last night, watching Showtime, I was shouting, like Gilbert Gotfried, "You fool!"

I love Sharon -- she sits calmly bemused by all of them, not only loyal, honorable, and courageous, but loving of humanity in general, which is what enables her to be bemused by folly.
 .  .  . .

Now, as I said, I was pulling for Sharon and Adam somehow, all along, and was really offended by the "spineless" label applied to him, though he is a good-time Charlie and likes to go along with the group.

Now I really see the spineless quality that so annoyed others, and here is Ryan, taking Adam's word -- meant in all sincerity at the time, of course -- that if he is taken (left)off the block, he will indeed be the lone voter who says, "Well, Shiela, I'd rather take you off now than later, for my own . . . ."

He has also promised to say nothing to her.

I don't need a book or a deck of cards or the I Ching to point to the probability that he'll blurt something out, and Shiela will get wind of the plan, and will then corral him and bully him into changing his mind and keeping her there.

If that does happen, she deserves to win, just to show them how dumb they were.

Does Ryan say to himself, "Hey, I could just leave [put] the two of them on the block together and I know Sharon will work together with me on this and will keep her word: she has never once broken her loyalty to an ally, and that way, both Adam and I will have clean hands and will get Shiela's vote and she won't campaign against us in sequester; she'll campaign against Sharon (where she'll be shut down in seconds, as Sharon's loyalty cannot be disputed by the people who depended on it).  That way I can be sure of my boy Adam and I'll still have the result I want."  NO!  "You fool!"

He knows that if he takes [leaves] Adam off and (if) Adam evicts Shiela, then Ryan will know his word is good and he can make up for (all the??) other times he caved -- and who got him to cave?  Shiela.  "You fool!"

Now I'm not sure that it will go down that way, and I am still pulling for Sharon to pull a HOH win out of thin air, soooo . . .  I hope it doesn't go down that way.

It looks like Ryan has already pulled Adam off and put Sharon up, so . . . Wednesday night we'll see.

Actually, it's an even worse scenario.  Shiela next to Sharon on the block is going to be the campaign machine again, bullying and threatening Ryan mercilessly until the minute she walks out the door.  Will Adam cave?

Dumb move Ryan!  Somehow he thought that taking [leaving] Adam off the block and putting Sharon up would ensure his peace and quiet until the eviction.  "You fool!"

Well, it's off to see Naruto, my highlight of the week -- and not a moment to spare!


Did I call it or did I call it?  Character is destiny.

Oh, and back to the Wizard of Oz Scenario -- I worked it out more closely:

Dorothy & Toto: Sharon and the Guinea Pigs (poor babies; at least, was it Ryan who was trying to talk to     them like Sharon last night -- well it was Day for Night last night)

although Sharon may well be Glinda the good witch, for the way she protected person after person.

The Cowardly Lion, searching for courage: Adam
The Tin Man, who didn't have a heart: Josh
The Scarecrow, who didn't have a brain: Ryan
The Wicked Witch of the West: Big She
The Flying Monkeys: Gnatterly
The Wizard of Oz:, "Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain!" "Big Brother"
Auntie Em, waiting at home: Julie
« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 04:05:24 PM by Gnattering »

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #536 on: April 22, 2008, 03:39:13 PM »
Honestly Sharon needs to cast some of the blame on herself, she aligned herself with the wrong side. I admire her for outlasting all of her team mates but there wasn't much she could do in that scenario. Look on the bright side, at least she outlasted Natalie. :D

They shouldn't be worried about votes. With Sharon they'd have more trouble getting to the final two I'd imagine. Right now they should be worried with getting there and they seem on the right track.

I called it like a month ago, Ryan/Adam final two. :P

That's what they think, too.  Dumb move; the Shebot will take it all.

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #537 on: April 22, 2008, 03:56:50 PM »
What about when Ryan watches the show from back when Jen was evicted and she told people he was a racist behind his back...will he still want to be with her then?  I hope not, because she seemed like a bad person then, and what would have changed in her now?
Yes, I thought about that too.  He doesn't judge people on their race, but he does think each race should date their own. ?  But anyway, she just threw out that he was a racist out of the blue. 
Ryan might think that "bitches" have to resort to tactics like that because men are superior and he won't fault a bitch for being a bitch.  What else could she do to compete, ya' know?  LOL

Hey Jen admitted to ryan she called him a racist .....she did that before she left the show
And he still loves the bitch.   :<3 Warms my heart! LOL
Yeah, but she kinda downplayed "I didn't mean it the way it came out" or something like that.  When the tape will clearly show that she told...I think it was sheila...that "Ryan is a racist.  Big time." I think she used the words Big Time.  It should open old wounds.  I hope him and Sharon hit it off on their LA trip and he dumps Jen for the biaatch that she is.   :wohoo:

You're totally right CFioren. Jen did downplay it, then Ryan just accepted it.

I'm watching the replay feeds from that week and i'm curious to see how Ryan goes from hating her and saying they're done, to forgiving her.

I hope they break up... but then again, they sort of deserve each other. lol.

Really, I don't care.

I just hope James and Chels stay together!  :hugs: :-*
I think James & Chelsia really do care for each other.  Ryan & Jen oddly, do make a good match too.

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #538 on: April 22, 2008, 03:59:05 PM »
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( My poor Sharon! I just started reading the feeds! I'm heartbroken!

 First watched finding nemo and cried, now this!! maybe I've got my CYCLE! :funny:

On anohter note! I hope SHEILA  beats the poohpooh out of both those guys in the end!

We'll be heartbroken together...I am so sad this morning - thank goodness there are only a few days left...

I agree - hoping for Sheila to win!!!

I'm with you.  I've had  it with the show.
Even Survivor is a yawn this year.
I think CBS has gotten itself into a rut, a pattern.  I also think that "casting" these shows makes them worse.
The invitational ones are kind of fun.

I really have never liked a BB as much as the first season: the people were more real and were treated like people (remember the chickens and the animal training and memorizing state capitals and dyeing hair all sorts of colors?).  It was cast too; I remember hearing Chicken George say, "Sheesh, some of these people already have agents!"  Llittle did he, or I, for that matter, know their agents had sent them out to audition.

Again, if you ever have the chance to see reruns of Joe Schmoe (ask Spike TV to rerun them over a couple of weeks' period), you've missed the absolute best reality show ever.  They picked one guy, from Pittsburg, a real guy, and then staffed the entire show with great improv actors (one, "Kip, the gay guy" was great in the film "Made Up," and is now doing the spoof radio show on, eh, MTV? STARZ? SHOWTIME??), each of whom was given a character to play and different actions toward others were suggested to them daily. Joe Schmoe, was put in to win, by the way, and he did.

He floored everyone by being such a nice guy that the producers could never second-guess him and manipulate him into doing what their plan for the scene/event/competition was.  It was the absolute uplifting demonstration of human nature, the kind we know and love.
The absolute best!

My favorite line from him in the series was, "Oh great!  I LOVE fake blondes with fake boobs [or did he say breasts?]!  I've always wanted one and never been able to afford it!"  when they brought in a porn star (whom he recognized) for a who can hold on to a body part the longest competition.

I cannot recommend this series highly enough to anyone who watches "reality" shows, and who is ultimately disappointed by what comes out in people on them.
Joe Schmoe was supposed to be a spoof on reality shows, with everyone a fake except the one guy, who it was planned from the start would win, though he never knew any of that, and it turned out to be the most real reality show of all.

Really something to appreciate about people at their best, acting their worst!

« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 04:04:09 PM by Gnattering »

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #539 on: April 22, 2008, 04:18:25 PM »
But she didn't know that they would follow through with voting Natalie out. Or that Natalie wouldn't win POV. Or that Adam/Ryan/Sheila would go ahead with that 'Natalie plan'.

And she said along time ago when talking about her car accident (October is when it happened so it wasn't that long ago) that she had a bad back, not just after that comp.

You know, I watched my tape of her talking about the accident and going back to find the only one unbroken egg where the car had rolled, and this egg was unbroken.  That was on Easter Sunday night that she was talking; Easter is a stressful time for her because of the earlier accident.  Eggs and the unbroken one she found on returning there have a special significance for her and on seeing that talk just about an hour before she started smashing up eggs downstairs put the whole incident into perspective.

I knew it was some sort of guerilla theatre that had a significance for her and that looked like a total psychotic break to the others there, and seeing her talking about the egg with her name on it that went through a pretty bad accident and somehow came out unbroken tied it all together.  I understand "acting crazy" or guerilla theatre (or 'candid camera' or 'punked' or 'Hell Date' or 'Rad Girls' etc) and could see she hadn't really lost it because she could turn it on and off, and was giggling (though it looked like as a madwoman) about how funny it must have looked (and it did).  She was not lashing out uncontrollably at everyone and everything.

I loved the "Oh, this is an ART piece; I could have sold it on eBay for $300!  What have I done?"

We have outlets like this board to blow off steam about how [insert adjective here] [insert name of houseguest or situation here] is/are.  The house"guests" have nothing, and every season it gets worse, the deprivations.


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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #540 on: April 22, 2008, 04:18:52 PM »
If it means anything:

The song they got a snippet of is Truckin' by the Greatful Dead
Good job on the video TL and Queeny, I wonder if that does not mean a truck is the prize!! Normally a vehicle is involved in HOH part2  :yess: , later kitkat :waves: 
OK, it's ON!!!
If there is a truck involved, Adam won't be throwing this comp! 

There was no vehicle to win during Part 2 of last year's 3 part HOH.
Dick was counting on a car being the prize.....BB....expect the car for Double D.

Offline puddin

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #541 on: April 22, 2008, 04:24:37 PM »
If it means anything:

The song they got a snippet of is Truckin' by the Greatful Dead
Good job on the video TL and Queeny, I wonder if that does not mean a truck is the prize!! Normally a vehicle is involved in HOH part2  :yess: , later kitkat :waves: 
OK, it's ON!!!
If there is a truck involved, Adam won't be throwing this comp! 

There was no vehicle to win during Part 2 of last year's 3 part HOH.
Dick was counting on a car being the prize.....BB....expect the car for Double D.
Yeah and Dick was bitching up a storm that he did not get a car like they did past seasons ;).

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #542 on: April 22, 2008, 04:26:45 PM »
If it means anything:

The song they got a snippet of is Truckin' by the Greatful Dead
Good job on the video TL and Queeny, I wonder if that does not mean a truck is the prize!! Normally a vehicle is involved in HOH part2  :yess: , later kitkat :waves: 
OK, it's ON!!!
If there is a truck involved, Adam won't be throwing this comp! 

There was no vehicle to win during Part 2 of last year's 3 part HOH.
Dick was counting on a car being the prize.....BB....expect the car for Double D.
Yeah and Dick was bitching up a storm that he did not get a car like they did past seasons ;).

Gosh, I miss ED!   :jam:

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #543 on: April 22, 2008, 04:30:18 PM »
Ivette won 2 Vespa's season 6, Boogie won a car BB7, and thats all I can recall right now, lol
If I'm wrong and its not a truck it won't be the first time I'm wrong, trust me.

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #544 on: April 22, 2008, 04:35:02 PM »
If it means anything:

The song they got a snippet of is Truckin' by the Greatful Dead
Good job on the video TL and Queeny, I wonder if that does not mean a truck is the prize!! Normally a vehicle is involved in HOH part2  :yess: , later kitkat :waves: 
OK, it's ON!!!
If there is a truck involved, Adam won't be throwing this comp! 

There was no vehicle to win during Part 2 of last year's 3 part HOH.
Dick was counting on a car being the prize.....BB....expect the car for Double D.
Adam either wins a truck or if there's no truck, piece of mind by throwing it.  Adam can't lose here!

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #545 on: April 22, 2008, 04:49:16 PM »
Ivette won 2 Vespa's season 6, Boogie won a car BB7, and thats all I can recall right now, lol
If I'm wrong and its not a truck it won't be the first time I'm wrong, trust me.

There was no car to be won last year though, so who knows if they will have one this year then.

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #546 on: April 22, 2008, 05:35:39 PM »
Ivette won 2 Vespa's season 6, Boogie won a car BB7, and thats all I can recall right now, lol
If I'm wrong and its not a truck it won't be the first time I'm wrong, trust me.

There was no car to be won last year though, so who knows if they will have one this year then.

As El-Cheapo as this year's BB has been, maybe they will give the winner one of those remote controlled cars.  :angel:
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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #547 on: April 22, 2008, 05:40:19 PM »

You know, I watched my tape of her talking about the accident and going back to find the only one unbroken egg where the car had rolled, and this egg was unbroken.  That was on Easter Sunday night that she was talking; Easter is a stressful time for her because of the earlier accident.  Eggs and the unbroken one she found on returning there have a special significance for her and on seeing that talk just about an hour before she started smashing up eggs downstairs put the whole incident into perspective.

I knew it was some sort of guerilla theatre that had a significance for her and that looked like a total psychotic break to the others there, and seeing her talking about the egg with her name on it that went through a pretty bad accident and somehow came out unbroken tied it all together.  I understand "acting crazy" or guerilla theatre (or 'candid camera' or 'punked' or 'Hell Date' or 'Rad Girls' etc) and could see she hadn't really lost it because she could turn it on and off, and was giggling (though it looked like as a madwoman) about how funny it must have looked (and it did).  She was not lashing out uncontrollably at everyone and everything.

I loved the "Oh, this is an ART piece; I could have sold it on eBay for $300!  What have I done?"

We have outlets like this board to blow off steam about how [insert adjective here] [insert name of houseguest or situation here] is/are.  The house"guests" have nothing, and every season it gets worse, the deprivations.


Gnat, I'm sort of confused, are you talking about Sharon having a breakdown with the Easter eggs, didn't Chelsea break them? (Maybe Sharon got upset over the eggs, I think I missed this when it happened and only saw the TV edit.)
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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #548 on: April 22, 2008, 05:47:41 PM »
Sharon was upset over the eggs because she (Chelsia) did it on Easter, etc. And Sharon spent alot of time on her camo egg :lol:

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Re: BB9 Ongoing *LF Commentary* #6
« Reply #549 on: April 22, 2008, 05:49:38 PM »
Gnat, I'm sort of confused, are you talking about Sharon having a breakdown with the Easter eggs, didn't Chelsea break them? (Maybe Sharon got upset over the eggs, I think I missed this when it happened and only saw the TV edit.)
Eggs and the unbroken one she found on returning there have a special significance for her and on seeing that talk just about an hour before she started smashing up eggs downstairs put the whole incident into perspective.   Translation..

Sharon told her egg story about an hour before Chelsia smashed the eggs. It made her sad.