Author Topic: TAR Wishlist - locations, routes, twists, teams, tasks & dreams!**NO SPOILERS**  (Read 1571494 times)

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Offline Erebus1111

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What about another Leg 1 NE, followed by a DE in Leg 2? I liked that from Season 19. And on the second leg, have a double blind U-turn.
School of Griffin 4 Life

Offline Marionete

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What about another Leg 1 NE, followed by a DE in Leg 2? I liked that from Season 19. And on the second leg, have a double blind U-turn.
I loved that twist (although Ethan & Jenna, who had so much potential, were eliminated :/), but I would only like it to be repeated if there are 12 teams. As having a season of 11 teams and a double elimination creates 4 NELs, which I hated on S19.

Offline Erebus1111

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What about another Leg 1 NE, followed by a DE in Leg 2? I liked that from Season 19. And on the second leg, have a double blind U-turn.
I loved that twist (although Ethan & Jenna, who had so much potential, were eliminated :/), but I would only like it to be repeated if there are 12 teams. As having a season of 11 teams and a double elimination creates 4 NELs, which I hated on S19.
Might create a season base off that. if anyone has suggest of places or teams, I'm all ears.
School of Griffin 4 Life

Offline Platrium

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What about another Leg 1 NE, followed by a DE in Leg 2? I liked that from Season 19. And on the second leg, have a double blind U-turn.
I loved that twist (although Ethan & Jenna, who had so much potential, were eliminated :/), but I would only like it to be repeated if there are 12 teams. As having a season of 11 teams and a double elimination creates 4 NELs, which I hated on S19.
Might create a season base off that. if anyone has suggest of places or teams, I'm all ears.

Haha! Something I've done in my fanfic before. :lol: :conf: It's fun adding double elimintion sometimes, and I wish I could see it back.

Offline Erebus1111

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Custom Season 30: Part 1    (12 Teams)
Leg 1: Portland, Maine to Cardiff, Wales (NE, Starting line at the Casco Bay Lines Ferry Terminal where contestants must row themselves across to the other side to get their bags + clue to first location.)
Detour: Castles (One team member has to hit a target 5 times with a longbow, the other one has to do it with a crossbow. Once both members have hit the required amount of times, the must raise the Welsh flag on top of the castle to receive their next clue)
Or Ales (Teams must first gather x(3?) crates of hand gathered grapes at a local farm and deliver them to the Heart of Wales Brewery in Llanwrtyd Wells. Once there, they will receive their next clue.)
Pit stop: The Trout Inn, Beulah, Wales    (Castles is closer to airport, Ales is closer to pit stop)

Leg 2: Cardiff, Wales to Liverpool, England (DEL, Double Blind U-Turn, and a switchback :O)
Speed bump: The last place team must use the given clues to them to head to The Cavern Club and it is there they will receive their next clue.
Switchback: Who remembers how to drive to not be eliminated? (One team member will have to drive a double Decker bus through a new obstacle course with hitting any cones and successfully park to receive their next clue.)
Detour:Past (At a park near Waterloo, teams will have to properly dress a mannequin in a British commander outfit and show how to properly prepare a cannon. Once both items are correct, they will get their next clue)
Or Present (Teams must successfully complete a room escape at Clue Finders in Merseyside, Liverpool. They will get unlimited tries, each attempt is 30 minutes, and they can work with other teams to complete their task.)
Pit Stop: The Echo Arena in Liverpool  (10 Teams Remain)
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Offline gamerfan09

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My wish is for this show to go back to Sundays where it deserves to be.

Offline Zack.

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Two person team FE - siblings, cousins, parents with children, in-laws, grandparents, etc.  :cheer:

Also TAR 29: Hopefully I get 2.5 places right edition:

START: San Francisco, CA

Starting on Alcatraz Island teams get to "break out" to staet, then search at three locations in San Francisco / Bay Area for a clue plus whatever additional task is present (Fort St. Baker is simply getting the clue, San Francisco mint is counting money, Coit Tower is climbing steps and counting them. Express Pass for the first team to finish each.

Leg 1: Bangkok, Thailand
Early Bangkok legs are pretty good and/or chaotic so why not plunge head first into SE Asia? Coin dropping switchback because why not?

Leg 2: Luang Prabang, Laos
This leg definitely exists already so...
Bonus: there's a motif of torturing teams before they leave a country so teams fly directly into Luang Prabang and take a 12 hour bus ride to Vientiane to leave <3

Leg 3: Muscat / surrounding areas, Oman
Oman historically causes ~calm teams~ to snipe at each other and competent teams to get lost for several hours so I can only imagine how 9 teams would fare.

Leg 4: Sur / surrounding areas, Oman
This was going to be double China but for...reasons I figure a bunch of China isn't the best thing? Fairly easy leg for production - a lot of driving around and appropriating tasks from TARA (but...better ones) and NEL because driving in the desert for several hours is a pain.

Leg 5: Urumqi, China
It's a) a new city b) not in the Pearl River Delta or near Shanghai c) that has more potential for fun racer/local interactions

Leg 6: Almaty, Kazakhstan
*torturing teams 2: teams fly into Urumqi and take a bus ride of questionable length into Almaty <3
Also the TAR 13 leg in that general area sucked and it sounds like the foreign edition legs aren't great either so it's overdue. I anticipated this as a summer race but a winter race and a bandy RB would be fun too <3

Leg 7: Pointe-Noire, Republic of the Congo
(Or "new African country"). I feel like a leg that describes the day to day living of a smallish coty in Africa is commonplace (fishing, mining, other less difficult forms of manual labor).

Leg 8: Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo
*torturing teams 3: teams travel by overnight train back to Brazzaville <3
I feel lke this show has really profound moments of reflection on global events every so often so I imagine such a task looking into the Congo's struggles through history is worthwhile even if no one shares any heritage. task so teams can be shown up by teenagers <3

Leg 9: Barcelona, Spain / Santa Columa, Andorra
We haven't had a good "traditional" Spain leg (or a good Spain leg period but that's for another time) so I'd give teams cars and have most of the leg in Spain (stacking human pyramida and whathaveyou) and an ARI or RB in Andorra
*torturing teams 4: ...right before a KOR <3

Leg 10: Barcelona, Spain
*torturing teams and Phil: there's no bunching point between the legs; this one should go into the early morning <3
Also: the party-time leg that that trip to Mallorca should've been.

Leg 11: most of southern Iceland
More self-driving <3 more fairly hard physical tasks <3 snow bathing being an ARI just because <3

Leg 12: Minneapolis, MN
There's a lot of outdoorsy stuff to do and thigs to eat but the main part of the leg is a double RB: one team member gets a bunch of books from a variety of used book stores and libraries and the other categorizes them (onea having to do with the race, ones written in foreign languages, etc) with one extra book - a copy of Longfellow's poems - as the clue to the Finish Line.

Offline Erebus1111

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Custom Season 30: Part 2 (10 teams remain)
Leg 3: Liverpool, England to Skopje, Macedonia
Fast forward: Both team members will have to remember a famous quote from Alexander the Great, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try," and para glide to specific destination where they must accurately recite the quote.
Roadblock: Who wants to make history? Destination - Museum of Macedonia
One team member must remember and prepare 1 of 10 different museum exhibits without one thing misplaced. They'll be given false items with minor detail differences. E.X. When in season 25 one side of a flower pot had 8 petals on the design, the other 7.
Detour: Can ya do it? (Teams will head to Matka Canyon where they must take a boat to the Vrelo Cave. Once there, they must search for 1 of 10 chest and 1 of 10 keys [all keys open all chest]. After that, they must take the chest and key to the St. Andrew's Monastery and show it to a local monk before they can open their chest to receive their next clue.)
Or Can you find it? (Without seeking advice from others, teams must deliver a shield with a district's coat of arms on it to that district. If they correctly mark on a map what county their coat of arms belongs to in under 3 tries, they'll be given an address for where they must take their shield to in order to receive their next clue. Otherwise, they will be given a different shield until they get it right.
Pit stop: The Skopje Zoo

Leg 4: Skopje, Macedonia to Athens, Greece (NEL)
Roadblock: Who is blessed by Athena? (One team member will have to correctly plant 30 olive trees to receive their next clue.)
Detour: The Arts (At the Theater of Dionysus, teams must successfully preform an ancient Greek play with accurate pronunciation of the Greek words and with the correct mood.)
Or War (In Front of the Porch of the Caryatids, teams must first properly clean their replica armor of an ancient Greek solider. They then must correctly preform multiple military drills, restarting the whole sequence if there is a mess up.)
Pit Stop: Areopagus Hill (Teams will be given a clue that says to head to where the Ancient Greeks would hear high court appeals for judicial cases.

Leg 5: Athens, Greece to Nairobi, Kenya (You heard me right, no more Europe.)
Speed bump: The last place team will have to finish an African Maasi necklace
Roadblock: Who sees like a hawk? (One team member will be given a pair of binoculars and be required to spot a flag off in the distance, the Flag of Meru. They then must draw the symbols on the flag for their tour guide to receive their next clue. If it looks wrong but contestants are able to explain what it's suppose to be, they'll also receive the clue.)
Detour: Dancing (Teams must head to the Bomas of Kenya and preform a special dance correctly to receive their next clue. However, one team member must also properly play the drums while their other partner dances)
Or Shopping (Teams must head to the House of Peace where they'll receive a shopping list, in Kikuyu. They then must translate and purchase the items on the list. Once they believe they have gotten all the items, they must take them back to the House of peace and trade them as well as half of all their money on them to receive the next clue. An envelope with $100 worth of cash will be given to them with the list.)
Pit stop: The Sigiria - Karura Forest (8 Teams Remain)
School of Griffin 4 Life

Offline Erebus1111

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Custom Season 30: Part 3 (8 Teams Remain)
Leg 6: Nairobi, Kenya to Moroni, Comoros to Antananarivo, Madagascar
Roadblock: Who wants a race? (In Moroni, Comoros one team member will have to sail a dhow around an obstacle course in under 3 minutes. If they beat the time limit, they'll get their next clue. The first 4 to beat it will be on the first flight to Madagascar.)
Detour: Brains (Teams will have to beat a local champion at the board game, Fanorona to receive their next clue.) Or Brawns (Each team member must gather and deliver 30 raffia leaves. Then they have to create 5 baskets by weaving the leaves together).
Pit Stop: Monuments Aux Morts in the middle of Lake Anosy.

Leg 7: Antananarivo, Madagascar to Chennai, India (Final NEL, Fast Forward)
Fast Forward: Both team members must successfully fire walk. (I know, it's more cruel than shaving. :cmas32:)
Roadblock: Who wants to play gods and goddess? (One team member will have to properly prepare a shrine for a Hindu god or goddess in the Adhikesava Perumal Temple.)
Detour: Both will be set at the fishing harbour near the Ennore High Road. Caged in (Teams will help to finish 5 fishing cages. After all five nets have been approved, they must be thrown near the marked buoys.)
Or Casted Out (Teams will have to catch 5 fish. After catching them, teams will have to row back to shore and carry 4 crates of fish to one of the marked fishing stalls.
Pit Stop: Fort St. George

Leg 8: Chennai, India to Bengalura, India (What, a leg in the same country?)
Speed Bump: The last place team will have to go on two of these five rides at Wonderla before they can do the roadblock at Wonderla. Rides include Equinox, Insanity, Hurricane, Y-Scream, and Mixer.
Roadblock: Who loves heights? (One team member will be told a common phrase in Hindi before they go onto The Hang Glider. Once they have exited the ride, they must recite the phrase in Hindi to get the next clue.
Detour: Airplane (Teams must successfully fly and land a virtual plane during a storm at Flight 4 Fantasy.)
Or Tank (Teams will have to change 2 tank tires. Once that is done, teams will then have to head to the nearby water tank next to the planetarium to solve multiple maths problems. To get the numbers needed to answer the questions, teams will have to search around the National Military Memorial.
Pit Stop: Kerala Agurvedagram Heritage Wellness Center
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Offline PikaBelleChu

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my wishlist destination for season 29 of the Amazing Race looks like this:

Leg 1: Los Angeles, California -> Sydney, Australia
Leg 2: Sydney, Australia -> Brisbane, Australia or Melbourne, Australia
Leg 3: Australia -> Tokyo, Japan
Leg 4: Tokyo -> Kawasaki, Japan -> Chiba,  Japan
Leg 5: Chiba -> Tokyo, Japan -> Hanoi, Vietnam
Leg 6: Hanoi, Vietnam -> Amman, Jordan
Leg 7: Amman, Jordan -> Prague, Czech Republic
leg 8: Prague, Czech Republic
leg 9: Prague, Czech Republic -> Rimini, Italy -> San Marino
Leg 10: San Marino -> Barcelona, Spain
Leg 11: Barcelona, Spain -> Algarve and Lisbon, Portugal
Leg 12: Lisbon, Portugal -> any nearby US states

Offline PikaBelleChu

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Here we have the pitstops in each leg for wishlist
Leg 1: platform of Sydney Opera House
Leg 2: ANZAC Square War Memorial or Royal Exhibition Building
Leg 3: Senso-ji Temple
Leg 4: Fukuda Denshi Arena
Leg 5: Tran Quoc Pagoda
Leg 6: King Abdullah Mosque
Leg 7: Sternberk Palace
Leg 8: Villa Bertramka
Leg 9: Cava dei Balestrieri-Ice skating rink
Leg 10: Montjuic Hill- Castell de Montjuic
Leg 11: Torre de Belem - cannons area

Offline naejae91

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Another wishlist: (almost the same as my previous wishlist) :cmaslol 

Film Date: JUNE/JULY of the year

Starting Line: Los Angeles, USA (Public transportation to LAX since CBS/WRP want to save budget :cmaslol ) --- Valid for all options

Option A and B

Leg 1: San Jose, Costa Rica / Quito, Ecuador
Leg 2: Manaus, Brazil (An Amazon leg in TARUS)
Leg 3: Brasilla, Brazil
Leg 4: Johannesburg, South Africa

-------------------------------------- (TBC)
Leg 5: Johannesburg, South Afirca

Leg 6: Riga, Latvia

-------------------------------------- (TBC, Self-drive from Riga to Helsinki via ferry at Tallinn, Estonia)
Leg 7: Helsinki, Finland

Leg 8: Seoul, South Korea
Leg 9: Melbourne, Australia
Leg 10: Alice Springs/Uluru, Australia
Leg 11: South Island, New Zealand (South hemisphere winter leg)
Leg 12: Houston, USA

Option C

Leg 1: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Leg 2: Manaus, Brazil
Leg 3: Johannesburg, South Africa

-------------------------------------- (TBC)
Leg 4: Johannesburg, South Afirca
Leg 5: Riga, Latvia

-------------------------------------- (TBC, Self-drive from Riga to Helsinki via ferry at Tallinn, Estonia)
Leg 6: Helsinki, Finland
Leg 7: Astana, Kazakhstan
Leg 8: Seoul, South Korea
Leg 9: Melbourne, Australia
Leg 10: Alice Springs/Uluru, Australia
Leg 11: South Island, New Zealand (South hemisphere winter leg)
Leg 12: Houston, USA (Option A) (Option B) (Option C)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 11:42:53 PM by naejae91 »
TAR25/TAR29: Modern classic season.

Offline Declive

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Another blind date all couples season pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! TAR26 was so good!
100% commitment makes everything easy
99% commitment makes everything hard

Offline Platrium

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A film-related task (hopefully with a lot of teams still in):

Teams will pick one of the many cards which will contain a name of a genre; a movie is assigned to every genre. They will be given short roles (about 30 seconds only) and scripts. They'll be shown the original film, followed by them practicing for their roles. After practicing, it's filming time! Once the judge thinks that their role-playing is amazing, they'll receive their next clue.

RB: "Who can put one's self to act?"
Same as above, except with only one member doing it.

Offline Erebus1111

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A film-related task (hopefully with a lot of teams still in):

Teams will pick one of the many cards which will contain a name of a genre; a movie is assigned to every genre. They will be given short roles (about 30 seconds only) and scripts. They'll be shown the original film, followed by them practicing for their roles. After practicing, it's filming time! Once the judge thinks that their role-playing is amazing, they'll receive their next clue.

RB: "Who can put one's self to act?"
Same as above, except with only one member doing it.
Possibly for a Final leg in Los Angeles, or first leg before being allowed to get an airplane ticket.
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Offline MrDS

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that sounds incredibly boring #notsorry

Offline Marionete

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Another blind date all couples season pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! TAR26 was so good!
Dear God why :gnome

Offline Erebus1111

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Custom Season 30: Final Part. (All the legs combined)
Leg 1: Portland, Maine to Cardiff, Wales (NE, Starting line at the Casco Bay Lines Ferry Terminal where contestants must row themselves across to the other side to get their bags + clue to first location.)
Detour: Castles (One team member has to hit a target 5 times with a longbow, the other one has to do it with a crossbow. Once both members have hit the required amount of times, the must raise the Welsh flag on top of the castle to receive their next clue)
Or Ales (Teams must first gather x(3?) crates of hand gathered grapes at a local farm and deliver them to the Heart of Wales Brewery in Llanwrtyd Wells. Once there, they will receive their next clue.)
Pit stop: The Trout Inn, Beulah, Wales    (Castles is closer to airport, Ales is closer to pit stop)

Leg 2: Cardiff, Wales to Liverpool, England (DEL, Double Blind U-Turn, and a switchback :O)
Speed bump: The last place team must use the given clues to them to head to The Cavern Club and it is there they will receive their next clue.
Switchback: Who remembers how to drive to not be eliminated? (One team member will have to drive a double Decker bus through a new obstacle course with hitting any cones and successfully park to receive their next clue.)
Detour:Past (At a park near Waterloo, teams will have to properly dress a mannequin in a British commander outfit and show how to properly prepare a cannon. Once both items are correct, they will get their next clue)
Or Present (Teams must successfully complete a room escape at Clue Finders in Merseyside, Liverpool. They will get unlimited tries, each attempt is 30 minutes, and they can work with other teams to complete their task.)
Pit Stop: The Echo Arena in Liverpool

Leg 3: Liverpool, England to Skopje, Macedonia
Fast forward: Both team members will have to remember a famous quote from Alexander the Great, "There is nothing impossible to him who will try," and para glide to specific destination where they must accurately recite the quote.
Roadblock: Who wants to make history? Destination - Museum of Macedonia
One team member must remember and prepare 1 of 10 different museum exhibits without one thing misplaced. They'll be given false items with minor detail differences. E.X. When in season 25 one side of a flower pot had 8 petals on the design, the other 7.
Detour: Can ya do it? (Teams will head to Matka Canyon where they must take a boat to the Vrelo Cave. Once there, they must search for 1 of 10 chest and 1 of 10 keys [all keys open all chest]. After that, they must take the chest and key to the St. Andrew's Monastery and show it to a local monk before they can open their chest to receive their next clue.)
Or Can you find it? (Without seeking advice from others, teams must deliver a shield with a district's coat of arms on it to that district. If they correctly mark on a map what county their coat of arms belongs to in under 3 tries, they'll be given an address for where they must take their shield to in order to receive their next clue. Otherwise, they will be given a different shield until they get it right.
Pit stop: The Skopje Zoo

Leg 4: Skopje, Macedonia to Athens, Greece (NEL)
Roadblock: Who is blessed by Athena? (One team member will have to correctly plant 30 olive trees to receive their next clue.)
Detour: The Arts (At the Theater of Dionysus, teams must successfully preform an ancient Greek play with accurate pronunciation of the Greek words and with the correct mood.)
Or War (In Front of the Porch of the Caryatids, teams must first properly clean their replica armor of an ancient Greek solider. They then must correctly preform multiple military drills, restarting the whole sequence if there is a mess up.)
Pit Stop: Areopagus Hill (Teams will be given a clue that says to head to where the Ancient Greeks would hear high court appeals for judicial cases.

Leg 5: Athens, Greece to Nairobi, Kenya (You heard me right, no more Europe.)
Speed bump: The last place team will have to finish an African Maasi necklace
Roadblock: Who sees like a hawk? (One team member will be given a pair of binoculars and be required to spot a flag off in the distance, the Flag of Meru. They then must draw the symbols on the flag for their tour guide to receive their next clue. If it looks wrong but contestants are able to explain what it's suppose to be, they'll also receive the clue.)
Detour: Dancing (Teams must head to the Bomas of Kenya and preform a special dance correctly to receive their next clue. However, one team member must also properly play the drums while their other partner dances)
Or Shopping (Teams must head to the House of Peace where they'll receive a shopping list, in Kikuyu. They then must translate and purchase the items on the list. Once they believe they have gotten all the items, they must take them back to the House of peace and trade them as well as half of all their money on them to receive the next clue. An envelope with $100 worth of cash will be given to them with the list.)
Pit stop: The Sigiria - Karura Forest

Leg 6: Nairobi, Kenya to Moroni, Comoros to Antananarivo, Madagascar
Roadblock: Who wants a race? (In Moroni, Comoros one team member will have to sail a dhow around an obstacle course in under 3 minutes. If they beat the time limit, they'll get their next clue. The first 4 to beat it will be on the first flight to Madagascar.)
Detour: Brains (Teams will have to beat a local champion at the board game, Fanorona to receive their next clue.) Or Brawns (Each team member must gather and deliver 30 raffia leaves. Then they have to create 5 baskets by weaving the leaves together).
Pit Stop: Monuments Aux Morts in the middle of Lake Anosy.

Leg 7: Antananarivo, Madagascar to Chennai, India (Final NEL, Fast Forward)
Fast Forward: Both team members must successfully fire walk. (I know, it's more cruel than shaving. :cmas32:)
Roadblock: Who wants to play gods and goddess? (One team member will have to properly prepare a shrine for a Hindu god or goddess in the Adhikesava Perumal Temple.)
Detour: Both will be set at the fishing harbour near the Ennore High Road. Caged in (Teams will help to finish 5 fishing cages. After all five nets have been approved, they must be thrown near the marked buoys.)
Or Casted Out (Teams will have to catch 5 fish. After catching them, teams will have to row back to shore and carry 4 crates of fish to one of the marked fishing stalls.
Pit Stop: Fort St. George

Leg 8: Chennai, India to Bengalura, India (What, a leg in the same country?)
Speed Bump: The last place team will have to go on two of these five rides at Wonderla before they can do the roadblock at Wonderla. Rides include Equinox, Insanity, Hurricane, Y-Scream, and Mixer.
Roadblock: Who loves heights? (One team member will be told a common phrase in Hindi before they go onto The Hang Glider. Once they have exited the ride, they must recite the phrase in Hindi to get the next clue.
Detour: Airplane (Teams must successfully fly and land a virtual plane during a storm at Flight 4 Fantasy.)
Or Tank (Teams will have to change 2 tank tires. Once that is done, teams will then have to head to the nearby water tank next to the planetarium to solve multiple maths problems. To get the numbers needed to answer the questions, teams will have to search around the National Military Memorial.
Pit Stop: Kerala Agurvedagram Heritage Wellness Center

Leg 9: Bengaluru, India to Bangkok, Thailand  (Double U-Turn, Switchback)
Switchback: Remember when someone felt comfortable in a crowd? (One team member will have to venture into a cave filled with millions of bats to retrieve their next clue.)
Detour: Slithering (Teams will have to head to the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute where they'll participate in a snake show.)
Or Diving (Teams will have to dive down near the marked buoy and look for their next clue. It will be taped to a brick on the ocean floor)
Pit stop: The Temple of Dawn

Leg 10: Bangkok, Thailand to Krabi, Thailand
Roadblock: Who thinks they can beat Rocky? (One team member will have to participate in a rock climbing challenge. If they can get to the top of the cliff in under a 1:30 and not lose their grip, they'll receive their next clue.)
Detour: Paddle (Teams will have to paddle to a nearby map using a compass and map. Once there, they'll need to solve a tangram. The only thing is that they 8 pieces they'll need will be hidden in marked locations.)
Or Waddle (With two of their legs being tied together, teams will have to hike up a mountain. Once there, they'll have to use a pair of binoculars to look for a sign with the location of the pit stop on it.)
Pit stop: The Tiger Cave Temple

Leg 11: Krabi, Thailand to Sydney, Australia
Roadblock 1: Whose musically talented in your team? (One team member will have to play a full scale on a didgeridoo, taking only one breath while preforming it.)
Roadblock 2: Who loves animals? (The team member who did not do the first roadblock will do this one. That team member will have to prepare a meal for three of the animals at the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium. Once done, they'll then have to dive into a tank and reach the bottom to receive their next clue.
Detour: ? (Maybe, but only if the two roadblocks are too easy, not long enough.)
Pit stop: Anzac War Memorial

Leg 12: Sydney, Australia to Glendale, Arizona (Could also argue Phoenix, Arizona. Also notes cannot be used in memory challenges)
Roadblock/Memory challenge 1: Who wants to take one final lap? (One team member will have to make one lap around the Gila River Arena ice rink in under two minutes. Once done, they can start the memory challenge. They'll be handed a set of jerseys, each jersey will have the name of different language. One team member will have to figure out which country has that language as their official language. They'll have to be careful though, some languages may be dominate in more than one country.)
Memory Challenge 2: Teams will have to solve 5 puzzles that are picture of different flags. Each puzzle is harder than the last. Then, teams will have to figure out which flag belongs to what country.
Memory Challenge 3: Teams will have to dive into a swimming pool and unlock 6 boxes that are locked to the bottom of the pool. Once they get the six boxes out, they can open them to discover that its different currencies from countries they went to. They'll have to both NAME the currency as well as what country it's from.
Final Pit Stop: Fort Huachuca where the first team to arrive will raise The Amazing Race flag. Phew, was that a lot harder than i thought to plan out everything with the exception of pit stops. Well hope you all enjoy.  :cmas27

School of Griffin 4 Life

Offline MrDS

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As hailing from Liverpool... That leg needs work, Liverpool has so much more to offer than setting up a cannon or doing a "Tick Tock Unlock" style game; also the original Cavern Club no longer exists unfortunately so the forced attempt with The Beatles unfortunately falls flat as well :(

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  • TAR - Survivor - BB - Pekín Express <3
Another blind date all couples season pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!! TAR26 was so good!
Dear God why :gnome
Kelley/Ciera/Abi/Kass goddesses

Offline Zack.

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- re: acting in LA
IMO the ~twist~ should be they're reenacting classic Amazing Race moments ("MY OX IS BROKEN", "LEVEL FIVE ON THE TREADMILL", "YOU'VE BEEN TALKING CRAP ABOUT US THIS ENTIRE RACE", etc)

- re: Blind Dating 2
The only way I'd accept it is if they brought the original Blind Daters back in the same couples (except Tyler & Laura because ew - just replace them with Matt & Ashley <3). Bergen and Kurt murdering each other <3 Jackie lording Jeff's experience on BB over him <3

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Amazing Race 29 Route Wishlist: 

Starting Line ~ Los Angeles, California
Due to the location of my first leg and it is easier for production.

1. Los Angeles, California --> Queenstown, New Zealand
A winter leg in New Zealand with snow will be beautiful, also we haven't seen this side of NZ yet!

2. Queenstown --> Melbourne, Australia
This is a great Australia City that hasn't been visited yet, not to mention Australia is due a visit.

3. Melbourne --> Tasmania, Australia
Again Tasmania is a new Australia area.

4. Tasmania --> Seoul, South Korea
Although I'd prefer a Winter visit Seoul is an amazing City that is well overdue.

5. Seoul --> Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The hustle and bustle of Saigon just seems a perfect fit.

6. Ho Chi Minh City --> Hoi An, Vietnam
Central Vietnam hasn't been seen since S3 and Hoi An looks Amazing!

7. Hue --> Cape Town, South Africa
Do I have to say anything!

Day 8. Cape Town --> Nairobi, Kenya --> Lake Nakuru, Kenya
First visit to Kenya! The perfect blend of City and Safari! ( I do not count S5 as a visit )

9. Lake Nakuru --> Bratislava, Slovakia
Slovakia is a new country that must have a visit, Bratislava is <3

10. Bratislava & Trečin, Sloavkia
More scenery of Slovakia with the wonderful town of Trečin!

11. Trečin --> Prague, Czech Republic
PRAGUE!!! Why haven't you been visited more? It is a MUST!!

12. Prague --> Chicago, Illinois
I'm pretty sure all my Wishlists include Chicago but it's just a wonderful place!

That's my wishlist, Whats yours?
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 11:01:30 AM by BritishTARFan »

Offline Erebus1111

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Custom Season 31 (Only States/countries/and cities)
Starting Line ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Just cause it's a beautiful city. (I don't live here)

1.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania --> Panama, Panama
The last time TAR went to Panama was in season 8. Just thought it'd be interesting to have contestants 'revisit' this country.

2. Panama, Panama --> Lisbon, Portugal

3. Lisbon, Portugal --> Vienna, Austria --> Bratislava, Slovakia

4. Bratislava, Slovakia --> Skopje, Macedonia
It's a new country.  :cmas18

5. Skopje, Macedonia --> Cairo, Egypt

6. Cairo, Egypt --> Alexandria, Egypt

7. Alexandria, Egypt --> Astana, Kazakhstan
Another New country, I'm on a role.  :cmas32:

8. Astana, Kazakhstan --> Karagandy, Kazakhstan

9. Karagandy, Kazakhstan --> Hong Kong, China

10.Hong Kong, China --> Shanghai, China

11. Shanghai, China --> Vancouver, Canada

12. Vancouver, Canada --> Seattle, Washington or Gardiner, Montana
Gardiner is one of the cities that is outside of Yellowstone National Park, just thought it'd be interesting to have contestants do challenges relating to where some of America's most famous natural landmarks are.

Two days til Christmas  :xmas110
School of Griffin 4 Life

Offline BritishTARFan

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Custom Season 31 (Only States/countries/and cities)
Starting Line ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Just cause it's a beautiful city. (I don't live here)

1.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania --> Panama, Panama
The last time TAR went to Panama was in season 8. Just thought it'd be interesting to have contestants 'revisit' this country.

2. Panama, Panama --> Lisbon, Portugal

3. Lisbon, Portugal --> Vienna, Austria --> Bratislava, Slovakia

4. Bratislava, Slovakia --> Skopje, Macedonia
It's a new country.  :cmas18

5. Skopje, Macedonia --> Cairo, Egypt

6. Cairo, Egypt --> Alexandria, Egypt

7. Alexandria, Egypt --> Astana, Kazakhstan
Another New country, I'm on a role.  :cmas32:

8. Astana, Kazakhstan --> Karagandy, Kazakhstan

9. Karagandy, Kazakhstan --> Hong Kong, China

10.Hong Kong, China --> Shanghai, China

11. Shanghai, China --> Vancouver, Canada

12. Vancouver, Canada --> Seattle, Washington or Gardiner, Montana
Gardiner is one of the cities that is outside of Yellowstone National Park, just thought it'd be interesting to have contestants do challenges relating to where some of America's most famous natural landmarks are.

Two days til Christmas  :xmas110

1 day for me  :cmas20 :cmas20

Offline sveped

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Custom Season 31 (Only States/countries/and cities)
Starting Line ~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Just cause it's a beautiful city. (I don't live here)

1.Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania --> Panama, Panama
The last time TAR went to Panama was in season 8. Just thought it'd be interesting to have contestants 'revisit' this country.

2. Panama, Panama --> Lisbon, Portugal

3. Lisbon, Portugal --> Vienna, Austria --> Bratislava, Slovakia

4. Bratislava, Slovakia --> Skopje, Macedonia
It's a new country.  :cmas18

5. Skopje, Macedonia --> Cairo, Egypt

6. Cairo, Egypt --> Alexandria, Egypt

7. Alexandria, Egypt --> Astana, Kazakhstan
Another New country, I'm on a role.  :cmas32:

8. Astana, Kazakhstan --> Karagandy, Kazakhstan

9. Karagandy, Kazakhstan --> Hong Kong, China

10.Hong Kong, China --> Shanghai, China

11. Shanghai, China --> Vancouver, Canada

12. Vancouver, Canada --> Seattle, Washington or Gardiner, Montana
Gardiner is one of the cities that is outside of Yellowstone National Park, just thought it'd be interesting to have contestants do challenges relating to where some of America's most famous natural landmarks are.

Two days til Christmas  :xmas110

 :MC: everyone  :xmas110

Not to ruin your christmas, but they visited Kazakhstan in season 13, but they visited Almaty. TAR Norge also visited Almaty in the first season  :cmas16 So you can say it´s first time they visit Astana  :cmaslol