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BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« on: February 05, 2008, 07:46:35 PM »
Parker, 26, paparazzo from Northridge, California

« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 09:35:14 PM by puddin »

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 09:20:46 PM »
side show bobs myspace:

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 07:36:38 AM »

Parker, 26
Northridge, CA

Parker graduated with a bachelor's degree in radio/television from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale and currently works as a member of the paparazzi for TMZ. He served in the Air Force from 1999-2002 and received a general discharge. He admits that he couldn't conform to military standards.

Parker, who was raised by his single mom, wears his heart on his sleeve and will always say what he feels. He describes himself as inappropriate, unpredictable and authentic. He can be your best friend or worst enemy and claims to have the power of persuasion. The accomplishment he is most proud of in his life is losing 45 pounds through will power, diet and exercise. His hobbies include socializing, playing his Wii, laughing at other people's expense and doing anything besides working.

He has two pet lizards, Reggie and Simone, and three tattoos: a Zodiac Ram on his arm, a rooster above his ankle and a kanji tattoo he and some of his Air force buddies share that reads "Brothers, Together, Eternally."

Parker's favorite television shows include "Weeds" and "Desperate Housewives" and his favorite movie is "American Beauty."

His birth date is April 6, 1981.

Offline marigold

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2008, 07:57:08 AM »
side show bobs myspace:

 :lol3: Michael thank god I just swallowed my sip of coffee, side show Bob omg :lol3:

Offline puddin

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2008, 07:44:03 PM »


Offline marigold

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 01:10:07 PM »
TMZ on "Big Brother" -- Who Knew?!

Posted Feb 7th 2008 10:21AM by TMZ Staff

Here's one story TMZ didn't know about first -- one of our photographers is on the upcoming edition of "Big Brother."

CBS just unveiled their latest cast, and our guy Parker is one of the wannabe fame-seeking housemates on the reality show. We had no clue!

TMZ does know he's going to do really well, because, for Parker, living under the watchful eye of cameras 24/7 -- is just another day on Robertson Blvd.!

Online RealityFreakWill

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2008, 12:42:28 AM »
His last name is Somerville.

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2008, 04:19:21 AM »
Parker is back to work

Big Bro" Didn't Want Him, TMZ Still Does

He got booted from the "Big Brother" house and now Parker's back out on the streets -- as a TMZ photographer!

A video of Parker in action:


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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2008, 06:33:40 AM »
'Big Brother' contestant Parker Somerville sounds off about the show and his aspirations

Mike Halterman: So, you've been billed on the show as a paparazzi for Tell us exactly what you do at your job. What was your most exciting work-related celebrity sighting?

Parker Somerville: It's pretty exciting, and also at times it can be pretty boring. I simply wait outside of major Hollywood hot spots, and get sound bytes and reactions from celebrities and public figures. Sometimes it can be awkward, but for the most part, it's pretty entertaining. My most funny/exciting work-related celebrity encounter was with Wesley Snipes. He had us running up and down the street for like 5-10 minutes! And he was in a full suit! How random?! It was exhausting, but funny as hell!
MH: How much exposure did you have to Big Brother before you were selected to go on the show?

PS: I was never really an avid watcher of Big Brother before I was selected to become one of the HouseGuests. I knew about the show, but just didn't make time to watch it. I can count on one hand how many times I actually watched the show, and that was just because nothing else was on TV at the moment. Before I went in the house, I did watch Seasons 3 and 6 just to kind of familiarize myself with the game. I must say, it's pretty interesting and I may watch future seasons.
MH: Who influenced you to audition?

PS: Nobody really influenced me to audition. I just saw a random ad on craigslist, and was like, "Why the hell not? Meet a few people...possibly win some cash...Ummm...okay..."
MH: In a previous interview I conducted with Canada's Next Top Model winner Andrea Muizelaar, she said that she believed reality shows cast people who are perhaps unstable, to make for better television. Do you feel that's true?

PS: I don't believe the name of the game is to find the biggest whack-job and stick a mic and camera on them for good TV. I think the producers of these shows carefully look for the best mix of people to create a story around them. They look for who's going to get along with who, who's going to feud, who's going to be the peace keeper, hook-ups, and so on.
Don't get me wrong, everyone loves to watch drama as long as it's not them, so of course they are going to look for people with personal issues but I don't think that's all they cast for. If you think about it, the people with personal issues could grow from their experience and become better people after seeing how they were portrayed. Who knows?

MH: You were really not that thrilled when Jen, the "soulmate" the show picked for you, was in a previous outside relationship with fellow HouseGuest Ryan. What were you thinking when Jen revealed the news to you?

PS: When I first found out about the secret, i was pretty pissed at Jen for not being honest with me from the start. However, I thought it was a pretty good idea to have that "secret alliance" with them because Jen and Ryan definitely didn't look like they were dating so nobody would have suspected it.
MH: Also, Allison, Ryan's partner, was shown on the television broadcasts as being probably more angry than you were. Who do you think was more angry about the developments, you or Allison?

PS: I think Allison was more angry with the secret than I was, just because she was forced to be in an alliance with Jen, and they didn't like each other.
MH: You were involved in some of the most dramatic moments we've seen this season, including, but not limited to, you waking up the entire house to find the person who had talked behind your back. Do you think being that direct was a good strategy for your game play? Also, viewers of the show gathered that you were unhappy with the way Jen played the game, but do you believe some of your actions cost you the game as well?

PS: I didn't really have a strategy when I went into the house. I was definitely myself for the duration of my stay. I was very relaxed with everyone, cracking jokes and enjoying everyone's company. The great thing about me is that I can be your best friend, and your worst enemy. I'm cool, but the moment you cross me, I'll do a 180 on you. I guess that's the Aries in me! When I woke up everyone in the house, I wanted to let everyone know, "Don't take my kindness for weakness." When I heard that whole "snake" comment, it really pissed me off because I did absolutely nothing to make someone judge me so quickly. So I guess my direct approach to certain situations didn't help our current situation. But I know for a fact I wouldn't have been as pissed off as I was if I had control of my own fate in the house. Yes, I wasn't right for having a crappy attitude, but I don't believe I made a major contribution to our demise.
MH: How do you feel about Jen telling other HouseGuests that her real-life boyfriend Ryan was racist to ensure that she stayed in the game? Did you think that behavior crossed a line?

PS: [laughs] I was like, damn, could you drive the stake in any harder? I felt like we had Sheila's vote, and when Jen told her that, it only hurt us. I really didn't think it was any of the HouseGuests', or America's, business to know what Ryan's racial issues were. I felt like she was not being fair to him because like it or not, he was there to play the game, just like she was. And even if he was racist, who cares?
MH: You had said after leaving the house that you felt Matt didn't keep his word to you as far as vetoing your nomination. Now that you've watched past footage, do you still believe Matt wronged you?

PS: I never said that Matt didn't keep his word. I knew he wasn't going to use the veto because he didn't want to become an early target. Well, at least that's what he told me beforehand.
In my speech, which they edited out, I asked him not to use it because the reason why we were nominated was because of trust issues. When I got out of sequester, I was talking with a few friends, and I was telling them about how Matt was cool as hell, and they said, "obviously you haven't seen the show."
What makes me salty at Matt is the fact that he wasn't straightforward with me because I saw what he said in the DR about the situation. Also, I jumped on the live feeds one day, only to see him talking crap about me with Smellsia (Chelsia, I call her "Smellsia" because Allison says her woman parts "down there" aren't too fresh!). I never once said anything bad about Matt inside the house and to see him just diss me like that really didn't sit well with me. I definitely had his back, and for him to talk crap on me, especially when I'm not there to defend myself, shows what kind of person he really is.
MH: What did you really want to say to Jen after you both got evicted so early in the game? You were very quiet when Julie Chen interviewed both of you...

PS: [laughs] You know damn well what I wanted to say to Jen! You saw my face. That was worth more than words.

MH: This season, Big Brother made the press rather negatively compared to past seasons, specifically with incidents like HouseGuest Adam being fired from his job for a comment about "retards," Amanda being taunted that she should hang herself with a noose "just like her father," and James performing in multiple gay pornography videos. What are your thoughts about all of these these events? When do you think the other HouseGuests will find out about James' past in pornography, if they find out at all? How do you think Chelsia will react?

PS: I think it's crazy. It's so funny that Adam has no idea what impact his words had to America. The other HouseGuests will find out at the wrap party, I'm sure of it. I think Smellsia won't care about James' past. Being the low-class trash princess that she is, she'll definitely not use protection after finding out the great news! Good luck with that! I wouldn't expect less from her.
MH: You were kept in sequester for a few weeks, and only recently allowed to return to your normal life. How does it feel being recognized as "that guy from the Big Brother show"?

PS: I know for a fact that some people are going to come off this show thinking they are the next best thing since ice cream. I still think I'm a nobody. Yeah, the opportunity was great, and the notoriety is cool but I'm still just same ol' Parker.
It's really funny that people come up to me and want to take their picture with me. A few times, when I was filming a star, all of a sudden I hear in the background, "Oh, my God, it's Parker!" I'm really flattered by all the attention and support I'm getting from the fans. I even signed a couple of autographs... Now that was weird. Those autographs are probably in the trash by now anyway. [laughs] I think I'm gonna keep my night job!
MH: What options, do you feel, are open to you now that your stint on reality TV is over? Are you going to continue your job at TMZ, or do you hope to break into acting like previous HouseGuests have?

PS: I'm back to TMZ and back to normal life. I didn't come into this experience looking for fame. I really don't want to be a big time actor. It's not really my thing. However, I wouldn't mind doing some commercials or even a hosting gig just for the extra cash. It would be pretty sweet to have the Verizon Guy's job. I'm open for whatever comes my way.
MH: You were in the Big Brother house for all of 14 days. With that TV experience behind you, would you ever consider doing another reality TV show again?

PS: I would definitely do Big Brother again. I'm not too sure about other reality TV shows because I know I couldn't be myself on those shows. The greatest thing about Big Brother is that you don't have the camera crews and producers in your face to influence your behavior.
MH: Who would you hang out with after the show ends, and who would you rather not see again?

PS: I am more than likely going to keep in contact with the first four who were evicted [with me], and Natalie. Everyone else, I could care less about for obvious reasons. But who knows, I'm a forgiving person so we'll have to see... but for some of them, I really doubt it.
MH: There are eight contestants left from the original sixteen. Who are you rooting for to win, and why?

PS: Natalie! I think she's an awesome person. She's the only real person left. Everyone else is pretty much synthetic. I think she'll do great things with the money.
MH: And finally, do you believe the Big Brother "twist" this season (both the "soulmate" pairings and Jen and Ryan's outside relationship) "robbed" you of winning the game?

PS: Allison, Ryan, Jen, and myself had the best and worst situation in the entire house. I felt like my chances weren't all that great because I wasn't in control of my own situation. If we were singles, I know I would have lasted longer, but there's no use crying over spilled milk right? That's Big Brother for ya!

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2008, 06:45:35 AM »
Interesting interview. Thanks for posting it. It almost sounds like the evictees were in contact during sequester doesn't it. (They probably weren't but ...)
The choices we make dictate the life we lead.

Offline marigold

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2008, 06:48:05 AM »
Interesting interview. Thanks for posting it. It almost sounds like the evictees were in contact during sequester doesn't it. (They probably weren't but ...)

 :-* Thanks TexasLady I found it interesting too, glad you enjoyed it.

Offline marigold

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2008, 06:34:32 AM »

Actress Shannon Elizabeth who starred in American Pie and Scary Movie watches Big Brother.

Parker is the TMZ camera man following her and asks "how are you"

Shannon asks Parker "How was Big Brother" and Parker starts laughing

Shannon said "you were good"

Link to watch the video is below:

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Re: BB9 Houseguest: Parker Somerville
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2008, 04:57:03 PM »
Parker's blog after the BB house.

 Friday, May 02, 2008

My thoughts after Big Brother 9
Current mood: blessed

so yeah,

i'll bet everyone is wondering how i feel about my fellow houseguests after the show wraped up.

yes, i was stewing for a month because i had a lot on my mind. i thought i was going to go to the wrap party and tell some of them exactly how i felt about them. boy was i wrong!! ha ha! don't get me wrong, i did say a few words to a few people and everything worked out for the best. i wasn't nasty about it, i just simply made a few statements.

at the finale, during the commercial break, chelsia waved at me and i flipped her off! lol! she laughed. i thought that was pretty funny. i met up with her after the show and told her the nickname i gave her (smellsia). she thought that was funny. i pretty much told her that i hated her for a while, but all those feelings left. in real life, chelsia is a cool chick. i gave her a hug.  i told her about the stuff she has to look forward to outside the bb house, and she's ready for it. so yeah, me and homegirl are cool. i definitely have her back if needed.

i'm happy for james that he won the 25 g's! he definitely deserved to win that. he rode his time in the house til the wheels fell off so he deserved every penny. i'm sure he'll make that stretch like a million bucks. i have mad respect for james because he's real. he didn't beat around the bush about anything. if he had a problem, he'd address the issue. when i first met him, i really dug him. he was crazy as hell. but as time went by, i started to see an ugly side. but that's what the game does to you. so i shouldn't have hated the player, only hated the game! ha ha. and who gives a **** if he did gay porn? he's not ashamed of it, so people need to get over it. he's a good guy overall. who cares about his sexuality? not me...

now joshuah... hmmm.... i didn't say two words to joshuah. not at the finale, or the wrap party. i just think he's a bad person. it's so freakin funny how he was all big and bad in the house, attacking women and making himself look like an assclown. you guys should have seen how pitiful and pathetic he looked! he walked around with his head down, and at times it looked like he wanted to break down and cry. and he should feel that way. his mom was there and i know she was embarassed to have a son like him. i'm just glad that my mom doesn't have to endure the same embarassment that she has to go through. he ought to be ashamed of himself. but whatever, i'm just glad i'm not him!! hopefully he doesn't get his ass kicked! that would suck. even though he really didn't do anything to me, i just think he's not a good person so i chose to remain silent. i really hope he gets his life together before it turns to ****. good luck joshuah!

baller is a crazy mo fo! he's a good guy. funny as hell, well when you can understand what he's saying! his stories are classic! you would never guess what type of person he is until you are around him for 5 minutes. i know a lot of people gave him **** for the whole "retards comment" but it's all good. he really didn't mean it. and look, that comment cost him 100,000! that should show his remorse. i think he said he was going to donate some money to charity before all that anyways. he's definitely a good dude. even though he doesn't wash his hands after he uses the bathroom, he's still good people! lol! congrats man! you deserve to be the winnner!

sheila! ha ha! she went through so much in that house! did you guys know that she was a single mom? ha ha! she only mentioned it like 90 gazillion times! i really didn't like sheila after i left because of all the patronizing she did. i even gave her **** halfway through the finale party. but me, being the forgiving person that i am (in some cases), was able to look past all of that. you just really can't stay mad at sheila for some reason. she means well. did i mention she was a single mother? rode hard! ha ha!

sharon is awesome! the whisper queen is what i called her! she's a true person and i have nothing but good things to say about her.

jacob! the snake! ha ha. he's alright with me. i know it was just game play. i could kick it with him on the outside. he has this ghetto side to him. it cracks me up.

amanda! bueno! she's definitely a cool chick. i was definintely attracted to her in the house. i never have been attracted to a non ethnic girl before (well, i mean, they're fun to look at) and she definitely broke the tradition. we will be friends for a long time.

matty is my brotha from anotha motha. hands down, that's my G. after i saw the show, i was a little pissed at matty for kinda semi playing me. yeah, his dumb ass should have used the veto on me, and that was the first thing he said to me when we met up again. it's all good though. that game is based on shoulda woulda coulda's. i can't stay mad at matty. i mean, he's matty come on!  he's still my boy and i can't wait til he moves out here. we're gonna kick it.

chatty nattie is my motha****in G! i love me some natalie. crazy and all, she's still my G. my season wouldn't have been the same without her.

jen, my "soulmate"... what can i say about jen that hasn't already been said about afghanistan?... lol, just kidding. i love jen. she's my homie. i think they put us together because we are a lot alike. she's crazy as hell, and will go the hell off when necessary. she's definitely one of a kind and even though we got evicted early, i'm glad she was my partner. people can talk trash on her all they want, but they don't know her. and no we didn't hook up in sequester!!

ryan, jen's other half... i know he was hating life when he saw me with jen. it's understandable though. at the wrap, there was nothing but love. no, he's not a racist! it's okay if he has issues with different races dating eachother, but who cares? jen is molding him and he'll come around eventually, but that's his opinion and it doesn't make him a racist.

allison, my other screwed houseguest besides myself... she was really portrayed wrong. maybe inside the house, people thought she was an asshole, but outside, she's a great girl. a definite partier. i could definitely hang out with allison again. and she's not a "6", as i had mentioned before. she was looking pretty hot at the finale! ha ha.

last but not least... alex!! HATER! ha ha! yeah, al hated on me hardcore, but i don't blame him. if the shoe was on the other foot, i would have hated too! real talk. al is a good dude and we will definitely keep in touch.

so, i guess to sum it all up, i am happy with my bb9 experience. i'm glad i am able to add 15 total strangers to my life. it is definitely an experience i'll never forget. i'm glad nobody had any beef with anyone at the wrap. if there was, it was kept quiet. we all were there to have a good time and it was definitely good to see everyone again, even joshuah. now that the show is over, i wish all of my fellow houseguests (even joshuah) nothing but success. take care guys, and i hope we cross paths again in the future! stay true to yourselves and appreciate the love as well as the hate, because it only makes you a stronger person in the end.

i love all of you guys and i'm grateful that i got to share this experience with all of you (even joshuah) ha ha!

Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth...AMEN..!!