Author Topic: Racing Report Leg #4  (Read 7259 times)

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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #4
« on: November 30, 2007, 02:36:56 AM »
Racing Report
Amazing Race
Season:  12, Episode #4
Title:  “Let’s name our chicken Phil” quote from Shana.
Provided Funds:  Zero Dollars (CBS wasn’t kidding about cutting the budget)
Pit Stop:  A non standard Pit Stop, I guess it to be around 20 - 22 hours (Chateau states the main group checked in before 10:15am

Trivia Note:  This leg is one of only 3 legs in the shows history that provides no form of equalization for any of the teams (either through waiting for transportation, hours of operations, or staggered departures).  The other two are from Season 1, episode #5, ”Desert Storm” where teams travel through Tunisia.  Paul and Amie where eliminated.  The 2cd time was in Season 7, episode #6, “Houston, We have an Elephant” where teams travel through Botswana.  Brian & Greg are eliminated.

The morning of July 15th (since I apparently have no idea what day it has been) :dick, teams leave the traditional native village of Bingo in the order that they arrived:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea 7:58am
2.  TK & Rachel 8:12am
3.  Nathan & Jennifer 8:13am
4.  Kynt & Vyxsin 8:14am
5.  Ronald & Christina 8:15am
6.  Nicolas & Donald 8:16am
7.  Shana & Jennifer 8:38am
8.  Lorena & Jason 10:07am

Teams must followed the marked path to a nearby village, where they must find Dakissaga, the tribal chief, who will give them a customary gift of generosity. 

Once teams find Dakissaga (which I believe is a proper name, and not his title), he will offer a chicken to the team.  Once a team successfully retrieves and bags a chicken, Dakissaga will hand them their next clue. :chicken

P.E.T.A.:  They do WHAT!!!! (:;)

Teams greet Dakissaga in the following order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea
2.  TK & Rachel
3.  Nathan & Jennifer
4.  Kynt & Vyxsin
5.  Ronald & Christina
6.  Nicolas & Donald
7.  Shana & Jennifer
8.  Lorena & Jason

Teams retrieve their chicken and get their next clue in the following order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea
2.  TK & Rachel
3.  Nathan & Jennifer
4.  Kynt & Vyxsin
5.  Nicolas & Donald
6.  Ronald & Christina
7.  Shana & Jennifer (who think the chicken will pluck them) :lol3:
8.  Lorena & Jason

Teams must take a taxi nearly 100 miles to the town of Bouda Pelegtanga.  Once there, they will search for their next clue.  As a sign of respect for the tribal chief, teams must also keep their newly acquired gift (H5N1)  :umn:  with them at all times to successfully complete this leg of the race.

Note:  It appears that cabs have been provided for the day, at no cost to the teams. 

Teams arrive in Bouda Pelegtanga and find the clue box in the following order:
1.  TK & Rachel
2.  Nathan & Jennifer
3.  Azaria & Hendekea (exactly how long was her bathroom break…) :groan:
4.  Nicolas & Donald
5.  Ronald & Christina
6.  Kynt & Vyxsin
7.  Shan & Jennifer
8.  Lorena & Jason

DETOUR:  Shake your Pan or Shake Your Booty (And I Can’t believe hound109 called half of this)

In this detour teams must choose between a common African trade and a common African art form.

Shake Your Pan:  Teams must choose one of the gold mining pits, and use the local panning method to find at least one ounce of gold, which they can trade for their next clue.

Trivia Note:  AR Brazil features a gold mining roadblock in episode #3.

Shake Your Booty:  Teams must learn a traditional local dance, and then they will perform the dance for a panel of local celebrities (insert random American Idol joke…..).  But they also must include their own creative dance moves.  If the judges are impressed the team will receive their next clue.  However, if the judges aren’t impressed, the team will incur a 10-minute penalty.

All teams, except Nicolas & Donald, choose Shake Your Booty.  After watching the demonstration, TK & Rachel switch to Shake Your Pan.

Teams reach the detour in the following order:

1.  Nathan & Jennifer
TK & Rachel, before switching.
2.  Azaria & Hendekea
3.  Nicolas & Donald
4.  Ronald & Christina
5.  Kynt & Vyxsin
6.  TK & Rachel at Shake Your Pan (arrive when Nicolas & Donald have finished).
7.  Shana & Jennifer
8.  Lorena & Jason

Teams finish the detour in the following order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea (about 4 and a half minutes ahead of…)
2.  Nathan & and Jenn the Clipper girl (who got a penalty) :yikes
3.  Nicolas & Donald
4.  Kynt & Vyxsin (about 4 minutes ahead of…..) :bunny
5.  Ronald & Christina (who got a penalty)
6.  TK & Rachel
7.  Shana & Jennifer (how they didn’t get a penalty is beyond me)  :yikes
8.  Lorena & Jason

Teams must make their way on foot to the Pelegtanga Market, where they will find their next clue. 

Caution:  U-Turn Ahead (you have no idea how many times I typed “Yield”) :umn:

This is the 1st of only Two U-Turns found along the racecourse. 

A U-Turn is found at the end of a Detour.  Teams may use the power of the U-Turn to slow down another team (also known as pissing them off   :knuckles:), forcing them to backtrack and complete the other side of the detour, that they didn’t complete.  Teams can use the power of the U-Turn only once during the entire race, so they need to decide on the best time to use it.

Teams reach the U-Turn in the following order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea
2.  Nathan & Jennifer
3.  Kynt & Vyxsin
4.  Ronald & Christina
5.  Nicolas & Donald
6.  Shana & Jennifer (who U-Turn Lorena & Jason)
7.  Tk & Rachel
8.  Lorena & Jason.

Note:  Several teams had difficulty finding the market.  On the previous leg, the extra info provided several translations and one of hem was the local word for “Market”.  To bad TK couldn’t find it….

All teams (not named Lorena & Jason)  :spoiler: must now travel by taxi’s to the outskirts of Ouagadougou to the Tampouy Goat Market, where they find their next clue.

At this time we get a couple shots of goats and chicken being taken to the market.   :shocking:

P.E.T.A.  What the hell….call the lawyers.. Quick…

Teams arrive in the Tampouy Goat Market in the following order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea
2.  Nathan & Jennifer
3.  Kynt & Vyxsin
4.  Ronald & Christina
5.  Nicolas & Donald
6.  TK & Rachel
7.  Shana & Jennifer
8.  Lorena & Jason

ROADBLOCK:  “Whose Ready for a Juggling Act?”

Deliver Supplies on Bicycle

In this roadblock, the team member must load a bicycle with an unwieldy amount of supplies, including a potentially uncooperative goat.  They will then ride their bikes like a traditional local delivery person to the market place where they will find a different specified vendor to deliver their supplies in exchange for their next clue. 

The items are:  3 African Print blankets. A plant. 2 yellow containers (look similar to gas cans), a bundle of sticks, 2 teakettles, 2 hoops of twine, and a goat in a basket.

P.E.T.A.  Sweet Mother of God, what is this show trying to do to us?

Teams complete the roadblock in the following order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea
2.  Nathan & Jennifer
3.  Nicolas & Donald
4.  Ronald & Christina
5.  Kynt & Vyxsin
6.  Shana & Jennifer
7.  TK & Rachel
8.  Lorena & Jason

Once they return to their partner (ok Rachel, TK is still waiting…), teams must now travel by taxi through the streets of Ouagadougou to find the Hotel de Ville.  This City Hall, is home to the Major’s office and is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following Order:
1.  Azaria & Hendekea who win motor scooters
2.  Nathan & Unsportsmanlike like conduct. 
3.  Ronald & Christina (who think they are so much better then Nicolas & Donald)  Nic go step on them.
4.  Nicolas & Donald Who still get hardly any screen time on the clips, damn it.
5.  Kynt & Vyxsin Who I love more and more.
6.  Shana & Jennifer
7.  Tk & Rachel
8.  Lorena & Jason who are eliminated

Trivia Note:  Azaria & Hendekea have now won three out of the first four legs of this season.  Which only Ron & Amber managed to do during All Stars, yeah remember…right before they were given the boot.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 09:25:25 AM »
nicely done mswood - thanks  :cmas20

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 12:21:52 PM »
Thanks mswood. You do a great job with these.  :cmas51 :cmas51 :cmas51
Just here to visit.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2007, 04:57:42 PM »
mswood, nice job. I disagree with you on the nonstandard pitstop time. It looked like a standard 24 hour pitstop to me. The teams must have completed their tasks and checked in at the end of leg 3 much sooner than we thought(and that certainly includes me if you look at the estimates I made.)

On a different note, who noticed how CBS was trying to create phony drama with respect to the 2 teams that were ahead of Lorena and Jason?  First of all, Lorena and Jason arrived at the start 1 hour 20 minutes after Shana and Jennifer and TK and Rachel. I have no reason to believe that their task compeltion was significantly different, so when they got to the U-Turn board, they were still 1 hour 20 minutes behind. After they completed the second detour, they were then 1 hour 35 minutes behind. In a 2 hour drive back to Ouagadougou, there would not have been any opportunity to make up time. The final task with loading the bicycle couldn't have taken more than 30 minutes to complete. The other teams were at the pitstop for an hour before Lorena and Jason even got to the loading the bicycle task. Don't allow the editors to fool you.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2007, 05:12:40 PM »
Nice to have you  back apskip.

As to the Pit Stop time.

Well teh ticket counter at the train station didn't open until 6am.  Racers commented ont he train ride being between 45 minutes to over an hour.

So I think we have to assume that the train couldn't have left right at 6am.  Probably at earliest 615am.  Then 45 minutes to a little over an hour.

That means at the earliest teams got to the first clue box at 700am.  But could easily be closer to 730am or later.

That would mean that Azaria & Hendekea finished all tasks (including having difficulty with the camel milking, getting lost to the school and part of a 40 minute storm) all in under an hour.

With other comments from racers like Shana & Jennifer, Marianna & Julia, Lorena & Jason and Kynt & Vyxsin on how long they spent on tasks and how lost they got, not to mention screen footage of when there was a 40 minute storm I can't see how teams managed it.

Offline apskip

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2007, 10:00:23 PM »
I think a 615am departure, 700am arrival at Bongo, and completion of tasks by the better teams in 60 to 75 minutes is entirely reasonable. It would be a first for World Race Productions to deviate from the 12/24/36 hour pitstop formula they have used since AR1. I don't think they deviated.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2007, 12:58:53 PM »

While I am not aware if the producers have ever used irregular Pit stops before (I really only started paying real attention to those towards the end of season 9), I have heard rumors that they in fact have done so (but been to lazy to actually check).

But if it was a 24 hour Pit Stop (since it can't be a 12 or 36 hour one), would this be the shortest leg for time of completion of a day's tasks? Minus of course travel time.

I think I might just try and do some research of the train time, though the web of course and online footage of teams conversations to see if it can be narrowed down.

Because if the train ride was an hour or over (which has been mentioned), then I seriously can't see teams at all being able to manage the day.

On a another topic, The gnome and prizes.  While it is usually a random choice for the prize, it hasn't always been.  Season 9, episode three, teams needed the gnome to check in and if footage is accurate, Phil never checks the gnome before telling Eric & Jeremy that they won the leg and a prize.  We also get shots of the top, sides and bottom of their gnome and it has nothing on it.  He even states as the winner of this leg of the race you have won a trip to teh heart of Africa.......

So while the gnome's usually mean any team as a random chance of winning a prize, it isn't always.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2007, 11:08:30 PM »
This shot from the Mat Chats shows that the massive clump of teams

2nd  TK & Rachel
3rd  Nathan & Jen
4th  Kynt & Vyxsin
5th  Ronald & Christina
6th  Nicolas & Donald

checked in just before 10:15 am on July 14th.

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Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2007, 12:27:24 AM »
This shot from the Mat Chats shows that the massive clump of teams

2nd  TK & Rachel
3rd  Nathan & Jen
4th  Kynt & Vyxsin
5th  Ronald & Christina
6th  Nicolas & Donald

checked in just before 10:15 am on July 14th.

I love Puddin

That makes the Pit Stop 22 hours.   Since the teams all arrived together and they (now) always stagger the racers by a minute even if they arrive nearly at the same second.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2007, 12:31:55 AM »
I love you too mswood  :kisses
And we are very lucky that Chateau caught that  :yess:

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2007, 03:57:20 PM »
So no #5 report mswood? :innocent:

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2007, 04:08:47 PM »
I have been swamped with work, and so it took me forever to get to it.  And to watch clips and review the facts from you guys.

But it will be done, hopefully I will post it tonight.  I can't believe I still haven't rewatched it yet.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2007, 04:34:18 PM »
I have been swamped with work, and so it took me forever to get to it.  And to watch clips and review the facts from you guys.

But it will be done, hopefully I will post it tonight.  I can't believe I still haven't rewatched it yet.
No pressure is the Holiday season afterall, and I know you do it for fun and with your free time as in donated time ...its always such a good read as well as funny the way you put your spin on the way you see things  :cmas26