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« Reply #175 on: August 04, 2008, 05:24:52 AM »
Thanks a lot TARAsia Fan!!!!

I did have some good quiet time this weekend, I feel better after hanging out with a wise friend saturday night and just listened to wise words. Ha! It was also the first time in weeks, I read my book again and just ate, slept and did whatever I wanted to. It was awesome!

I’ve been feeling empty, knowledge-wise for a long time, like information has been “sucked out” of me at a much faster pace than I have been able to “put back in”.

For many of the other racers, like Sawaka, Collin, Adrian, they are still consumed by race experiences. I’m not one to judge or say if it’s good or bad. Monica talks about it when someone asks how we all met when we have dinner together. She’s like a tape recorder repeating everything she said about a year ago. Everyone has their own interpretations of what happened during the race here and there. I guess it’s also to relive her life with Ed because she misses him so. Brett talks about it when he dishes out gossip on the other racers, to other racers and what they are doing. But I’ve made him stop telling me because I don’t want and don’t care about gossip.

A year later, my race experience has been like a dream, and for many months, I have been glad to stop talking or thinking about it. Yes it was quite a nightmare at some points, but mostly it’s because I’ve had to draw my energy and attention to so many other things that I fondly look forward and get excited about. Even if I had the best birthday party of my life, I’m not one who talks about it constantly for an ENTIRE year, if you know what I mean. I think I need space to make room for new dreams, so that new things can happen or perhaps it’s because I get bored easily.

I love the notion of creating a dream, making it reality, and move on to the next bigger task. Because my life has been changing or evolving every week, I have been growing up and I’ve been very happy. But everything has its time and pace and it’s my time to slow down and rethink my routes.

I think people often mislead themselves to think that happiness is a feeling. I consider it a state of being, that’s why you always have to work hard at it.

Whether it’s to maintain the happiness you’re in, or the pursuit of it. I don’t care how wise those people who tell you, “You have to go through the hard times to know what the good times are!” That sucks because this is the explanation of happiness clouded by people who get greedy and take things for granted. If you know you’re lucky, you know to appreciate it. I think the difference is how much you appreciate, will depend on how hard you’re tried to attain it.

My favourite author Liz Gilbert wrote this about her guru’s teachings of happiness in my favourite novel of hers,

“… people universally tend to think that happiness is a stroke of luck, something that will maybe descend upon you like fine weather if you’re fortunate enough. But that’s not how happiness works. Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it, you must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it. If you don’t, you will leak away your innate contentment.”

Want to hear my version?

“So happiness is a state of being.... it's a constant experimentation of different recipes at each time..... and the tricky part is finding the right recipe for the time of life you're at.... not someone else's. Only when the other person likes the taste of YOUR 'recipe' (and vice versa), then it will work and you start making new recipes together, but not the other way round.”

Ha! My weak attempt not as beautiful as the first one, but it’s what I’ve learnt so far.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 05:38:30 AM by realisophie »

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Miracles can happen to me!
« Reply #176 on: August 11, 2008, 11:19:17 PM »
Last Wednesday, the heavens decided to wash away all that was bad and cleanse Hong Kong in one big whop! It was the first time all these years I’d ever experienced Signal 8 (Typhoon warning) hoisted for an entire day. So everyone had a nice day off in bed and for me, it was time for Gossip Girl. I have never watched it before, so I thought I should find out what all the fuss was about. I love the clothes!!! Gosh!!!

The next morning, the storm made everything clearer and actually fresh.

I had gotten up early to rush to the University to hand in more supporting documents, and an environmental article I got published in 2006. I don’t know what would help savage my chances at that point, but I pulled up all the “guns”. I sat in the hospital-like hallway waiting for about 20 minutes, before checking at the reception again if the staff in-charge had arrived at work. She was late. My documents were then taken and passed on to her.

About 5 minutes later, she finally emerged from a room full of office cubicles to give me back my envelope and GOOD HEAVENS….. she gave me my offer letter!!! I did not see this coming. I thought it was going to be at least another week of agony before I find out.

I was SO shocked, I know how it feels to strike lottery now! It felt like the first triumph among all my battles for quite some time.

So after a heavy storm, I finally get to bask in some of the silver lining and perhaps a rainbow soon.

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #177 on: August 11, 2008, 11:33:43 PM »
Oh sophie!  :congrats:

I am so happy for you! When will you start?

Things are looking up!!  :hearts:
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Happy Labour Day ;-))
« Reply #178 on: September 01, 2008, 03:35:12 AM »
Happy Labour Day!!!  :jumpy:

Besides this nice break, I’m sure you are all excited about TARA3 being revealed this week on 4 Sept and premieres 11 Sept. But I'm sure you all already know this. Has it really been a year already? Wow! Enjoy the suspense…

 :yess: TARA 3!!!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2008, 03:40:51 AM by realisophie »

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #179 on: September 01, 2008, 03:40:08 AM »
Thanks Peach!!!

I start my Masters this week!!!

I'm really excited! I'm finally putting knowledge into my head! Ha! I was notified last minute but managed to attend orientation last Saturday and I think Ive already met my lecture "girlie groupie" to hang out classmates are really cool. Some more nerdy, lots from different backgrounds but all so smart. Yikes. It's back to school for me!

And this week is really important too because I start selling from my "side" organic business, more on this in awhile...

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Re: A Marked Day 9/11
« Reply #180 on: September 11, 2008, 09:44:06 PM »
What a day.... first it's the first episode of TARA3 (Im sure you all enjoyed that in Asia).... and also the memorial day of 9/11.....

I was in Sydney when it happened.... one of my closest classmates was from San Francisco and he had family and friends living in NYC. I remember the huge TV screens in the student lounges, bar, cafeteria, canteen.... everywhere you turn you could see the news and these frightful images. The both of us sat there in shock for hours of what was happening. We skipped a few classes that week... but when we did go to class... we couldn't stop thinking about it. I will never forget those moments for the rest of my life. There was huge moaning for the Australians who lost their lives....

Last night I had dinner at a friend's place. They are from New Jersey and some other friends from the west coast. It was a nice get-together... and we talked about if time really does heal. What about the effects of the war in the Middle East? Was 9/11 just another excuse to buy more weapons and prolong the War for Oil??

There is a scientific “blur” surrounding the collapse... I was thinking if I should write about it.... but after all it’s a scientific/ engineering fact…

« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 10:05:25 PM by realisophie »

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The Unhidden Truth of Science
« Reply #181 on: September 11, 2008, 10:03:58 PM »
I won’t go into too many details….first of all, when a skyscraper is constructed…. There is an inner-core that is (in layman’s terms) so strong it would take a HUGE HUGE HUGE amount of force to completely destroy it. On top of the layers of supporting structures “covering” this inner-core. To explain more, this inner-core is built in sections with kind of like slot gaps at an angle in-between them. So it’s not one complete piece from ground to rooftop.

Technically when the top part of the building was hit, there was no reason the bottom part of the building would collapse like it did. The only way to have destroyed the inner-core (and make the building collapse straight down) was to have explosives….and we are talking tonnes and tonnes of explosives…. On each section of the inner-core… especially on the slot gaps. Plus the way to have made the building go down straight…and so completely VERTICAL…… a huge object (airplane) had to ignite the first explosives on the top layer of the building and then the explosives on the consequent sections would have to go off one after the other at a very precise timing, from top to bottom.

This from an engineering point of view would be the way to take down a building vertically and not affect other surrounding structures. Only demolition experts with decades of experience have the knowledge to do the mathematical calculations needed and it would take months and months and months of preparation.

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53,000 babies in counting
« Reply #182 on: September 25, 2008, 04:13:53 AM »
The recent milk scandal in China has been escalating and further demonstrates a society gone ‘mad’ in the hot pursuit of monetary gains. What price can you put on a life? Especially when millions more are starving in the rural regions?

First of all, I’m a believer in second chances and reform, after all who are we to judge other human beings if we are said to have been created “equal”. I still believe in a higher power above whom everyone will have to face on judgement day. But to ‘poison’ innocent lives on purpose, is a crime so ghastly, is there even a soul inside those involved in the first place? 

The milk scandal is not limited to just milk products, but any dairy ingredient in creamers, chocolates, ice-cream, biscuits, milk shakes, candy bars, sweets etc.

The contamination has gone beyond borders from China to even Taiwan. Where’s next?

After the death of a dozen babies, 53,000 more are ill and facing kidney or other related problems. If you were one of these parents, could you face your own child, knowing that you had been indirectly poisoning your own flesh and blood? Who can the parents blame? Not just one man who was sacked off China’s equivalent of a food quality committee. Incidentally, the death penalty is actually legal in China. Should we fear those in high powers? What’s next?

What else do we need to test or be aware of?

Now plastic chairs made from China are in the news in Europe. People have been breaking out in a body rash after sitting on these ‘toxic’ chairs, imported by a European furniture company.

So we are dying slow deaths from what we may have eaten or will eat, all the way to what we have contact with, from objects to the clothes on our skin. In serious cases, it’s as straight forward as getting skin cancer by touch!

Check your wardrobe… if you have used/ old clothes that are still losing its ‘colour’ after each wash, this means the dye was not of good quality, which traces back to bad chemicals. Throw that top or pants in the bin!

Take care of your family and the environmental… both are the only ones you’ve got!

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #183 on: September 25, 2008, 08:18:19 AM »
We've been keeping an eye on what's going on in Communist China, Sophie. Earlier this year, it was pet food and many dogs here died. Then fish that had bleach was a problem. And now it's milk.

I've been warning many people here about products in China.
Just here to visit.

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China Products
« Reply #184 on: October 02, 2008, 01:03:19 AM »
Hi everyone,

It's good to be careful but not panick over the situation. NOT everything from China is bad.

I have to also add that in the 1950s, melamine was also used as fillers in cattle feed in USA.

So basically, same purpose (as what happened in China), to increase the nitrogen levels in order to disguise the high levels of protein. You see, when the departments test food products, the basic tests just show up the chemical breakdowns of each item and how much there is. So nitrogen (protein level) is nitrogen in whatever form, but how you get that nitrogen is the question and up to the "honesty" of the manufacturers. It would take more sophiscated tests to trace back to the origins of the nitrogen, of which often it takes time and often hard to do.

It's very very sad when greed takes over. China by far is the biggest production of melamine, the chemical used mostly in PV7 rating plastics. Ironically, the higher the number on the rating, the more expensive plastics are. For example, the plastic plates that look like ceramics with designs on them are PV 7 versus the common plastic bottles which are PV1 or PV 3 rating*. But compared to the nitrogen protein that should be added to food proteins, melamine is 7-8 times less costly. Thus money takes over human decency and trust.

* usually you can check the rating marked at the bottom of the objects etc.

They have also found kidney stones in baby chimps in some zoos in the region who have used affliated brands. In humans, babies with kidney stones will most probably have kidney problems for the rest of their lives ;-((

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Quiet times for me
« Reply #185 on: November 04, 2008, 11:20:18 PM »
Hi everyone....

I've been running around too much and sorting my life out....

It's been nuts!!!!

School is going great, but assignments are due every week and exams in December....

My mac has arrived so I will be making videos very soon......

More updates... but if I get too quiet, it's only temporary ha!

Hopefully more peaceful times are coming for all....

« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 09:27:41 AM by realisophie »

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CHANGE is here...
« Reply #186 on: November 04, 2008, 11:23:03 PM »

Need I say more?!!!


Im so happy and hopeful with his win.......

Congratulations to America.... thanks for heading out to vote....

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #187 on: November 04, 2008, 11:31:01 PM »
Hi Sophie!! We missed you! :waves:

Fill us in on all your doings when you can!
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Happiness for the lucky few
« Reply #188 on: November 19, 2008, 12:13:02 AM »
Hi Peach and everyone

Life has been tough lately... with work and school... I feel myself slipping away sometimes in a good way, sometimes not.

The few classmates I hang out with, have been really great and it's been such a pleasure going through the hard bits together. A Masters program, on part-time, is really tough on every aspect of balance.

I did finally move out. Got my own apartment, it's actually not bad. But the personal life has been a huge learning curve and things have settled down. Actually it's ridiculous, more like I have to manage 2 homes now.

I suppose I have not really watched too much TV lately, but a few weeks ago, I realised that the TV network I auditioned for in May this year, just hired a new VJ in September. Her name is Lisa, yes she's a very famous model in HK.

This was my biggest audition yet and I think I did try my best.

But to begin with, Im not a model or even ever aspired to be one. Yes every girl likes to dress up every now and then, but I don't want to be a clothes rack.

It seems in HK (I guess it happens everywhere too but it's more in-your-face here), yet more examples of opportunities calling out to these girls. Plus, Lisa has a very very famous bf, an actor. So she's got it all, looks, the perfect man, and they live together in his mansion.

This is a side of Asia, I feel totally trapped in. In western countries, even big hollywood stars from Brad Pitt to Bruce Willis have had their modest days. Someone from a small town, like Carrie Underwood can follow her dreams and triump as a reality show star. You can even try to find yourself an agent, but in Asia, there's no such thing. You mostly get called into auditions through your modelling agency.

So in all...... I failed BIG twice, I actually got 2 host gigs with contract and all, one to host a wildlife show, the other as an anchor for a Chinese TV Cable network....but bad luck happened at the last minute. Finally a talent on a film documentary contest a few years back. Then the first failed attempt in TARA1 in 2006 (because I could not take off for a mth), followed by the disastrous ending of my first partner dropping out of TARA2 in 2007, the rest you know.... .... and I think this is the biggest slap in my face after my screentest for this Asian TV network.

My dream is dead

I just really want to be a great travel wildlife host like Ian Wright, David Attenborough

Sorry for venting.... writing helps me release.....

Thanks I feel better ;-))
« Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 08:39:35 PM by realisophie »

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Time for a joke
« Reply #189 on: November 21, 2008, 09:55:13 PM »
My friend told me a joke that really illustrates how funny fate is!!!!

THIS IS A TRUE story!!!

We have a friend, she's originally from Cambodia. When she was a baby, her family was on the run from the war. They were picked up by UN forces and given the option to be housed by guest families in various countries.

So one UN staff asked my friend Anna's father, "where would you like to go?"

Anna's father said "Australia"

But the UN staff, whose English was not too great, heard it as "Austria"

So Anna, her sister and her parents turned up in freezing Winter at Vienna airport, Austria in t-shirts and shorts, with nothing on their backs. It was then that her father realised the mistake. Luckily they were taken in by a very rich retired man who has a vineyard on the outskirts of Austria. Anna and her sister grew up there and later they managed to start life afresh after her father got a job.

So this is how Anna has a very unique heritage and can speak fluent German. She's now a banker, and happily married to an American stockbroker. They moved to Singapore last year.

When I heard this story.... I was rolling on the floor .... life is so funny sometimes!!!

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #190 on: November 21, 2008, 11:19:24 PM »
Love you Sophie!

And you never know when a door will will have your Master's and that will give you new opportunities as well.

So no dead dreams--only new ones! :kuss: New starts, new dreams, new is all going to happen for you.

We are glad to see you though--love the story about your friend!

What did you think of TARA 3? ???
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Re: TARA3 pics
« Reply #191 on: November 25, 2008, 11:39:23 PM »
Hey Peaches


Yeah I've been quiet about TARA3 coz I thought it was really really obvious that the boys were going to win....

Yeah.... sigh.... Team HK did so well in season 1 and 3 except in 2.... maybe in my next lifetime...  :-[   :jam:

Congrats to them ahahhhaaa

some pics i got forwarded from Facebook

« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 11:42:38 PM by realisophie »

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Look up
« Reply #192 on: November 26, 2008, 01:24:00 AM »
 :angel:  This puts a new twist to 'LOVE IS IN THE AIR'!!!!

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!
« Reply #193 on: November 26, 2008, 01:25:36 AM »

For once Im early with my well wishes

Happy Thanksgiving  :-*

Have a nice weekend....

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #194 on: November 26, 2008, 01:39:26 AM »
Sophie, I didn't see u at the Finale party pics :duno:

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Mumbai terror attack
« Reply #195 on: November 26, 2008, 11:10:03 PM »
What a start to the holidays...  :ascared

Its so sad to see Anti-Western fresh attacks again in Mumbai last night, coinciding with Thanksgiving holiday.

Mumbai is a great city.....India's financial capital......  one of the most beautiful, luxurious and oldest hotels in the world, Taj Mahal hotel was set ablazed among the buildings and venues that were attacked. Even a police station was attacked!

101 foreigners have been killed.....

When has travelling become a life threatening event???!!!

« Last Edit: November 26, 2008, 11:16:32 PM by realisophie »

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #196 on: November 26, 2008, 11:19:42 PM »
THIS ANGERS ME. Saw it around 10 mins ago, How disgusting!
'We are the makers of music, and the dreamers of dreams. To roam the roads of lands remote, to travel is to live'.

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Sir Roger Moore
« Reply #197 on: November 28, 2008, 09:20:31 AM »
I met SIR Roger Moore this afternoon at a book signing session.

To see him was first of all incredible, and I even leaned over and touched his jacket for a snap shot. It was like touching a piece of history. Too bad my friend’s camera messed up and the good shot came out blurry. I was SO upset. Still am. But I have two signed copies, one for me, one for my mum who is a huge fan.

My greatest fear in life is getting older and not having anything proud to look back on. I mean someone who has had such a colourful life, extended family, divorced 3 times and even at 81 he has a beautiful blond by his side every step of the way. Watching them leave hand-in-hand after the session, I thought to myself ‘this is what life is about’. Doing what you do best, and having someone to share it with. It’s so simple! But sometimes it seems so impossible.

Whether you’re a big movie star, concerto genius, famous painter, well-known director, great scholar, doctor, social worker, humanitarian, engineer, school teacher…. It doesn’t matter, as long as you will or have left behind a legacy. Not just for future generations to admire, but that you contributed something to the world.

I always thought I could do whatever I wanted as long as I worked hard enough for it. But as the years go by, I learnt that it’s about acceptance. I still can’t do this, which is probably why I question a lot and get so restless SO easily. Do you work towards your goals and dreams, or do you just accept what life gives you and this is the “version” of ‘appreciating the little things in life’, or ‘be grateful for what you have’. Is that supposed to make us feel better? I want answers.

« Last Edit: November 30, 2008, 08:44:04 PM by realisophie »

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Re: It is Realisophie! TARA 2 Racer
« Reply #198 on: November 28, 2008, 09:26:53 AM »
Sophie, I didn't see u at the Finale party pics :duno:

OH I can't cope with life in HK very well at the moment until after my exams when I can breathe a little more.... I cant wait for Christmas break when I can finally have a few days to rest.... finish 1 more written assignment and then I have to begin preparing for a huge project. This will be awesome if I eventually get to do it. It will be a big tick on my 'life's to do' list and also for school.

Plus I think it's more about TARA3 than anyone from TARA2... if I really wanted to party and get together with the TARA3 gang, it wouldn't be at any public affair. I heard Vince also lost his job when he came back to HK, but lucky for him, he has 50,000USD to fall back on ahhahaaa......
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 09:32:52 AM by realisophie »

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Lost in Middle East
« Reply #199 on: December 01, 2008, 02:33:03 AM »
The last time I spoke to my boyfriend last week was while he was waiting for his flight to Iran. We had a huge fight.

Hours later I got an email when he arrived in Dubai… then for days, NOTHING. I don’t even quite know if he’s alright. I sent him some angry messages that I know for sure would “kill” him not to reply me, but still nothing.

I hate it when he’s here and I’m very busy because he’s always in my face even when I just return home to shower and sleep. When he’s away, my home is not my home without him. Sometimes I miss being single, the possibilities, the surprises, the anticipation of meeting someone new. Other times, I loathe the whole ‘dating game’, such a waste of precious time. I have better things to do. 

I LOVE 30-min sitcoms! I think they were the best invention from the TV era.

When I watch my usual ‘suspects’ whether it’s Everybody loves Raymond, 70s Show, Friends, Seinfeld, every couple fights about small things everyday. I hate it.

So when he’s away and I don’t have to pick up every single stain of hair on the bathroom floor after every shower, it’s kind of quite liberating. So I stop doing it. Then on the third day, I start doing it anyway because I can’t stand the mess either. But the point is, I don’t want my partner to get on my back over such small things everyday!

Don’t wash the white towels with anything else! Even when it’s a small cream coloured hand towel.

Why don’t you change the water in the vase? When maybe I would have done it in the evening when I water all the other plants.

There’s always something. He's a good house-man though.

He hasn’t been away for a few months now, but the few times he did, it’s always places that are quite complicated. Travel agents in HK first of all, don’t see or think beyond destinations they can 1) Spell   2) see on their daily itinerary   3) know which continent it is e.g. Asia Pacific

So at the end of the day, he never gets what he wants and even when he tells them exactly which flight to book, you can expect that something always goes wrong.

I had 1 travel agent, Holock whom I used for 2 years before my bf came along. He always gave me the best prices, the best flight schedules, even at the last minute and holds my reservations till the last hour based on my ‘word of honour’. Last year when my bf went to pick up some vacation tickets I booked, the next day Holock called me to ask if this new character was indeed my “guy”. I was quite surprised and I don’t know why but I denied it at first. Yes Holock has booked me on many relaxing 1-person vacations and he knows what I like to do such as diving trips etc. But this was the start of the end. Holock doesn’t give me the best prices anymore. He still books me on the flights I need, but it’s not the same.

Then I found William early this year. This guy gives me the best prices and schedules I need. I know this because I used to call up many agents to counter-check the prices before I began to trust William. So now I TRUST William! But I made the mistake to give dear William to my bf too.

Both travel agents used to get back to me on the same day with prices and schedules. They know I like email best, or sometimes they call when they don’t get a reply fast enough as usual.

William apparently didn’t book my bf on the flights he wanted because he didn’t confirm in-time or there was some misunderstanding. Plus it's the middle east. I tried to understand the whole situation when he was complaining. The conclusion was, the return flight was overbooked. First of all, my bf’s trips are always rushed. And at the end of the day, he doesn’t pay for it, the company does. So after complaining endlessly about the travel agents we have (mainly mine), he booked himself onto first class. Problem solved. Yes sometimes, it’s really frustrating, sometimes if you want to get things done your way, you need to do them yourself. End of discussion. But sometimes… hmmm…

I love familiarity in my daily life. I mean, I go to eat at a certain restaurant for a certain dish, so much so that they know what I’m going to order when I step into the joint. Same thing happens with my meat-seller, vegetable store lady, fruit store man, flower store woman, even in Australia or HK. They say almost the same thing to me every time or every week. This makes me feel wonderful when I run my errands, knowing that everything is where and what it should be. Plus I love not having to explain. Does this turn me into a bore? ha!

« Last Edit: December 01, 2008, 02:38:28 AM by realisophie »