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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #450 on: September 27, 2010, 10:51:22 PM »

Phil Keoghan Talks to Movieline About The Amazing Race, Exhaustion, and Pyramid Pizza
    Phil Keoghan, The Amazing Race’s ruggedly refined emcee, began his career in travel-based TV two decades ago in his native New Zealand. Since then, he’s helped build The Amazing Race’s almost unbeatable prestige as a seven-time Emmy-winner for Outstanding Reality Competition Series. We caught up with Keoghan before yesterday’s season premiere to discuss his favorite Race moments, the show’s schedule, and ordering pizza at Giza.

Is it possible to get used to visiting the most exotic locales on Earth?
I don’t think you can. I think it’s always a shock somehow, a surprise someway. I love it. I like the whole concept of a fish out of water — I love watching people go to a place that just freaks them out and makes them think, “Wow, this ain’t Kansas anymore.”

You’ve traveled the world over for years and years — even before The Amazing Race began. Can you pick a favorite world location?
I’ve been working on the road for 25 years now, and one of the best places I’ve shot was on the island of Stromboli, which is a volcano in the middle of the Aeolians [north of Sicily]. I’ll say that’s one of my favorite places ever. It’s where Isabella Rosselini was born. The restaurants are…ahh! They have this incredible local indigenous fish. Definitely one of my favorite places.

What can you tell us about what we don’t see on The Amazing Race? It’s all pretty picturesque on TV.
The schedule that we have is so ridiculously brutal — it would be insane to describe to you how it is sometimes. I mean, imagine the most insane schedule you can and then multiply it. The thing that I’m so blessed with is that I get to go on this whirlwind trip around the world, and in 25 days, I see the most extraordinary things and meet the most extraordinary people. But sometimes it happens and it’ll be two weeks after I’ve gotten back, and I’ll be lying [down], and I’ll remember that I was standing somewhere and doing some crazy-ass thing. It’s such sensory overload that it’s hard to describe. It’s a lifetime, or a year’s supply of experiences packed into 25 things. Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I think, “How the hell did I end up with this job?” I feel very lucky. I said to my mother once, “The day that I feel — the day that I complain about my schedule or what I have to go through — or that I don’t feel there’s something unique about what I do for a living — that’s when I’ve got to get out.”

Do you worry about forgetting where you’ve been after a season of unbelievable experiences is over?
Yes. I mean, there are times when we’re working so hard that one of us in our group will say, “All right, everybody stop. Stop, stop, stop. Look where we are.” We will stop everything and just look everywhere and we’ll say, “Let’s remember this, guys. Let’s take this in. Let’s remember where we are right now.” My team is very small. I don’t have a makeup person or wardrobe person or an assistant, producer or whatever. It’s me, a cameraman and a sound guy. That’s it. So we are very tight and we cover each other and we remind each other, “Hey!” The sound guy I’ve been working with season three. We’re very tight and I’m very blessed to work with people who I learn from. That’s the other thing about what I do. The day that I feel like I know everything and I’ve done everything — and I take it as a given, like you’re saying — the day that happens, that’s the time to get out. Then you’re not making it fresh for the viewer either. You’ve got to be excited about what you’re doing.

Can you name a specific time where everyone stopped and had to look around?
Oh yeah. It happens all the time. I’m trying to think [of instances] from this last season — I’m not meant to be talking about this season yet — but I’m thinking of a season you’ll know. In season five, we were at the foot of the Sphinx. Nobody’s allowed where we are, but we have special permission. There’s a light show going on over our head in German. We’re waiting for the teams to come in and the local crew have ordered Pizza Hut. We’re eating Pizza Hut with the Egyptian crew at the foot of the Sphinx while we’re listening to a German voiceover of a laser show happeneing right above the pyramids. It’s like, “Guys. Insane.”
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #451 on: October 07, 2010, 10:57:15 AM »
I'm sure this old news to the Vets, but this was on TMZ this morning:

'Amazing Race' Host: I Was Detained in Ukraine!
10/7/2010 6:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff  

It's not just the contestants who run into trouble on "The Amazing Race" -- host Phil Koeghan says  he was detained in the Ukraine a few years ago ... until a powerful fan of the show bailed him out.

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #452 on: October 07, 2010, 11:00:21 AM »
I'm sure this old news to the Vets, but this was on TMZ this morning:

'Amazing Race' Host: I Was Detained in Ukraine!
10/7/2010 6:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff 

It's not just the contestants who run into trouble on "The Amazing Race" -- host Phil Koeghan says  he was detained in the Ukraine a few years ago ... until a powerful fan of the show bailed him out.

can someone have at least a transcript of the interview? The video's not loading for me. :o
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #453 on: October 07, 2010, 11:09:16 AM »
can someone have at least a transcript of the interview?

Essentially, this is a quick sidewalk interview in which Phil discusses being detained in the Ukraine several years ago. Apparently, there was a mess up with his "papers".  He was detained overnight, while the teams were running the leg and there was some concern that he wouldnt be realeased in time to make it to the Mat.   The US Ambassador to Ukraine turned out to be a big TAR fan and worked all night to get him released, just in the nick of time.
Oh!  And Phil looks really good in this interview!

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #454 on: October 07, 2010, 12:42:38 PM »
I don't recall hearing about this before.  It's funny how some of these behind-the editing details come out years later.
-- theschnauzers

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #455 on: October 12, 2010, 10:16:26 AM »
opening NASCAR! Start your engines!
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #456 on: October 12, 2010, 10:27:36 PM »
I keep checking the Velux5oceans race web site. Phil has never been mentioned yet. It starts next Saturday Sunday. I guess he might be covering it for some other news source.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2010, 06:03:36 PM by DrRox »
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #457 on: October 13, 2010, 02:50:32 PM »
From CTV's really lame website:

Phil Keoghan wants Canadians to start their own version of 'The Amazing Race'

by: Sheri Block
Date: 10/13/2010 10:51:00 AM ET

There’s one question “Amazing Race” host Phil Keoghan always gets asked when interviewed by reporters north of the border: “When are Canadians going to be allowed on the show?”
“Why don’t you just make a Canadian version for goodness sake? Why do you have to be on the U.S. version?” Phil tells me during a phone interview, pointing to places like Australia, Asia and South America who have done this very thing.
Keoghan knows how much Canadians love the show, but says there’s one very big reason we won’t be allowed on it anytime soon.
“Let me ask you one question. If you were on ‘The Amazing Race’ and you have a Canadian passport and somebody else has an American passport, who’s going around the world on an easier trip? And that’s just the start of it.”
Keoghan should know what he’s talking about. The New Zealand-born host has been hosting the Emmy Award-winning reality show for the past 17 seasons and says the secret to its continued success is the strength of the behind the scenes team.
“We’re just lucky that we have a group of really high calibre people who want to work on the show … all of that comes together to make for something that fortunately has been well-received.”
While the show sticks to its tried and true formula each season, Keoghan says they’re always trying to find ways to add new elements to surprise the teams (and the viewers). This season features an Express Pass, which allows one team to bypass any task they don’t want to perform along the race course and move on to the next clue. Since it can only be used once, teams have to be strategic about when they choose to use it.
In the first episode, dating couple Jill and Thomas picked up the pass after being the first team to arrive at the Pit Stop.
“When it’s played, (the pass) could have quite a dramatic impact on the game down the line,” says Keoghan.
As well as the addition of the Express Pass, this season the Race travelled to Bangladesh, Ghana and the Arctic Circle for the very first time.
“It’s sort of like going from the furnace to the freezer …  These teams are going through the heat, getting on a plane, waking up and they’re in the Arctic Circle. The show is all about extremes.”
This season was a particularly grueling one, says Keoghan, having shot 12 episodes in only 23 days. He adds that he and the crew didn’t even check into a hotel for the first six days.
“We spent all our time in between shows on flights – flying through the night, getting off the flight and going straight out onto the course again, so it was a pretty brutal race, this one.”

Keoghan not just waiting around at the Pit Stop

Even though it might look like Keoghan just stands at the mat and waits patiently for the teams to check in, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Once arriving at a location, Keoghan (who is often on the same flight as the teams but isn’t allowed to communicate with them) and the crew race ahead to shoot stand-ups at all the Detours and Roadblocks, as well as an intro for the next episode at the Pit Stop.
But if the last team to check in on the previous leg was really late, some of the teams may already be on a flight to the next destination, meaning Keoghan has to scramble even more on arrival.
“It’s just a constant juggling of logistics and time and guessing, sometimes not having communication. In that case we can’t leave the Pit Stop (to do the other stand-ups) because we can’t risk leaving as (a team could) arrive … and shock all of us.”
Keoghan says the amount of communication they have about whether a team is arriving depends largely on the cell phone service in the country. The producers call in from different points on the race course giving updates but sometimes they don’t know where a team is.
They also get plenty of false alarms from the crew they hire on location.
“Local people who don’t know the show, don’t know who the teams are, will be screaming on the radio, ‘Here comes a team! They’re coming! They’re coming!’ so we all brace ourselves and then it’s, ‘False alarm. False alarm. No, it’s not a team. It was just one of the producers running around the side of the building.’”
Once teams arrive, Keoghan interviews each pair for up to 30 minutes. Teams then have a full 12 hours to eat, sleep and recuperate before starting out again, but Keoghan says there’s no resting for him and the crew as they are constantly working out the plan for the next leg.
“Our experience is like a marathon. Their experience is like running 100 metres, resting, running 100 metres, resting.”
And speaking of marathons, Keoghan has to hang up to fit another media interview into his busy schedule.
But before hanging up the phone, Keoghan reminds me of what I need to do.
“Go set up the next ‘Amazing Race’ in Canada, will you? Change the name to “Oot and aboot,” he says, taking a jab at how some Canadians pronounce ‘out and about.’ “The Amazing Oot and Aboot Race.”
I’ll get right on that, Phil.
The Amazing Race airs Sunday nights at 8/7 C on CTV, with episodes available on demand the following day at

About Sheri

Sheri Block has been covering entertainment for since 2008. As well as meeting Colin Farrell at TIFF 2009, Sheri's highlights have included going on tour with "Canadian Idol," being a stand-in on "Canada's Next Top Model" and reporting on such events as the Juno Awards and MMVAs.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #458 on: October 15, 2010, 10:37:43 PM »
If Israel and Australia can do regional versions, why couldn't the Canadians, eh ?
-- theschnauzers

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #459 on: October 19, 2010, 02:59:13 PM »
The host of American television show The Amazing Race is joining the campaign to save a pristine Coromandel beach from development.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #460 on: October 20, 2010, 05:02:17 AM »
The Velux5Oceans race got started this last Sunday. There was nothing about Phil. I suspect that he is probably coving it for some New Zealand outlet. Wellington, NZ is the 2nd pit stop of the 8 month long race. 5 boats and 5 sailors........and very long race.

LaRochell, France.....start
Capetown, SA...........1st pit stop
Wellington, NZ...........2nd pit stop
Rio de Janeiro Salvador, Br......3rd pit stop
Ft Lauderdale, USA....4th pit stop
La Rochelle, France....Finish
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 10:40:20 AM by DrRox »
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #461 on: October 20, 2010, 10:21:56 AM »
Do we have approx dates for those stops? I did a pretty good search around last week and saw nothing about Phil either.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #462 on: October 20, 2010, 10:12:48 PM »
I haven't seen any dates yet. It is a sailing race and depends on the wind. It seems to me that the pit stops last from 2 weeks to a month. They use that time to repair the boats, etc before the next leg. I think the race only started with 4 boats. I think the 5th boat got damaged and they are having to do some check out sailings with the back up boat. When that is done, they that guy will take off. I think it was expected he would set sail on Friday this week.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #463 on: October 20, 2010, 11:37:47 PM »
IIRC, when Phil's involvement with this was first announced, there was some material linked here than indicated that in the past, this boating race lasted something like 8 or 9 months.

Phil could be at all the "pit stops" and still film an edition of TAR inbetween.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #464 on: October 22, 2010, 09:59:17 AM »
Oh boy.... :luvu:

Nins Bin at Kaikora --part of the  Canterbury Tourism "web episode" commercials with Phil.

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #465 on: October 24, 2010, 12:58:56 AM »
October 24, 2010

'Race' host's travel nightmares



"Amazing Race" host Phil Keoghan.
Take the worst airport experience you've ever had, multiply it by 10, and you probably still haven't endured half the hardship that Phil Keoghan has in the past nine years.

Getting paid to travel the world isn't as amazing as it sounds, says Keoghan, whose gig as the globe-trotting host of The Amazing Race has been anything but glam.

"I've been held by immigration overnight in Ukraine and barely made it to the pit stop on time because I didn't have the right papers," says Keoghan, who we caught on the phone during a rare moment of relaxation in L.A.

"I've missed flights, and my bag's gone missing and been chewed up in some kind of bag dispenser machine and somebody picked through the bag and took a few things out of it. Inevitably, my bag goes missing about once a season. I've been a little sick every now and again, sunburned on the scalp from extreme heats and shivered my biologicals off in Poland once outside in the cold.

"I think a lot of people would be surprised about how we operate."

The shooting for Season 17 of CBS' still-popular Amazing Race (which also airs on CTV) was no different from the rest. Keoghan says the production crew and the Racers didn't get to a hotel for the first six days of the 23 they spent travelling and taping.
"The schedule was brutal -- our sleep came from being on planes," says Keoghan, who became accustomed to washing his hair on the side of the road that week.

And then there was the watermelon incident. While completing a Leg 1 slingshot challenge with her partner Brook in England, home shopping host Claire launched her melon backward. Oops.

"Not in a million years did we see that watermelon was going to somehow reverse trajectory and fly back in her face," Keoghan says. "We test everything over and over again. We're not about wanting to injure people; that's the last thing we want to do. And it just so happened that she got a good smack in the face with that watermelon."

Thankfully, there are no other accidents to report so far this season, though Michael (partnered with his YouTube sensation son Kevin) suffered from heatstroke in Ghana, and the teams are going to freeze their butts off on a future leg in the Arctic Circle.

"They fly literally from the furnace to the freezer," Keoghan says. "Those kinds of shock treatments for them always work and always create great drama ... That's what is so much fun to document for us, because some of them just can't cope."

And the fans eat it up. Since its 17th season premiered last month, The Amazing Race re-assumed its spot in Canada's Top 10 for most-viewed TV shows, with last Sunday's Sweden episode pulling in an impressive 2.99 million viewers.

Like those who watch from the sidelines, Keoghan can't get enough. Despite the fact he has travelled to more than 100 countries, he says he still has much to see ("You would think I'd been to Nepal ... but I have not.") -- even if that means more lost luggage, bad weather and customs holdups.

"Put it this way: When you go on a vacation, and everything works perfectly, you talk less about that trip than you do about the trip where the hurricane came, and you had to huddle in the hotel and it was getting flooded and you met all of these people and you had to band together to survive.

"How boring would it be if I was to tell you that everything was perfect every single time and, 'Oh yes, I have a makeup person and a wardrobe person and the flights are always on time, the weather's always perfect and we have no hardships at all.' It wouldn't make for a very good story.

"If you get three hours of sleep a night, you think that's luxury. And if you do that for a month, you lose 12 pounds, you come back and you're exhausted mentally and physically ... And I wouldn't have it any other way."
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #466 on: October 31, 2010, 05:34:09 AM »

I have looked and looked. I cannot find anything about anticipated pit stop dates. I even checked previous races and couldn't even find dates of their pit stops.

At the moment, 4 of the 5 boats are scattered between 2 degrees south latitude and 9 degrees north latitude, approaching Natal Brazil. The 5th boat got started late is off the coast of Morrocco. They started at 46 degrees north latitude and Capetown is at 33 degrees south latitude...

Today is 14 days racing, so I would expect arrival in Capetown in about 2 more weeks.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #467 on: November 10, 2010, 08:55:17 AM »
Phil Keoghan arrives on the red carpet at TV Guide Magazine's 2010 Hot List Party held at Drai's at the W on November 8, 2010 in Hollywood, California;
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #468 on: November 10, 2010, 09:35:40 AM »
The lead yacht should reach Capetown this weekend. Only ~1300 Nm to go. They seem to be traveling about 300 Nm a day. American yacht in lead by 300Nm, 2nd is Polish yacht at -300Nm, 3rd is Canadian @ -1200 Nm, 4th is English yacht @ -1300 Nm.

Since the next pit stop after Capetown is Wellington, I wonder if maybe Phil is doing voiceovers for reports. They could have a crew filming and then have Phil do the voiceovers. I have seen zero about Phil on the Race website.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #469 on: November 10, 2010, 07:50:18 PM »
Thanks for the update, Dr. Rox. I was wondering if the yacht race was over yet. It sounds like another 4-5 days of racing for the leader barring bad weather or stops at a port. I imagine Phil would have to do voiceovers about all the yachts including the trailing British yacht too, so it could be another 10-14 days before the last yacht is done. Therefore, I imagine the start of the race is a minimum of 2 weeks off and possibly longer than that. But we should be vigilant, this is all guess work and we don't want to be caught by surprise.

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #470 on: November 10, 2010, 09:43:18 PM »
There are 5 yachts in the race. The 5th boat is just west of the Cape Verde Islands. It is a Belguim yacht. This guy has had about a lifetime of bad luck. When they were in France doing shakedown sails before the race, he broke his mast. He bought another yacht and got to the start line the day before the race. He did make the start, but by rules returned to port till his boat was checked out for the race and lots of electronic tracking stuff was installed. I think he left the home port about a week late. He tried to sneak between a storm and the Canary Islands to make up time and ripped some sails and tore up some hardware. He was in the Canaries for about a week making temporary repairs. He has plans to make major repairs in Capetown when he gets there.

I get the feeling that the pit stop in Capetown will be for about a month. Then a month to sail to New Zealand. So I would expect the welcoming in Wellington in about 9 weeks.....
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #471 on: November 10, 2010, 10:41:50 PM »
I should have reviewed your earlier messages about the race before doing my guess work. Since the race is going to be ongoing for quite a while and the boats are strung out a bit, I suspect Phil's involvement is contingent on it not interfering with his TAR duties. We don't even know if he's physically going to the pit stops as the boats arrive or if he just goes once and does some standups and then they edit in the boat arrivals later or if Phil even leaves Los Angeles at all and just does voiceovers from a studio. I don't think we can read much into the start date of TAR 18 from the progress of the Velux 5 Oceans race.

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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #472 on: November 11, 2010, 12:22:12 AM »
I don't think we can read much into the start date of TAR 18 from the progress of the Velux 5 Oceans race.

You have hit the nail on the head. I think if he does anything, it will be in Wellington.....which will be well after TAR18 is finished.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #473 on: December 02, 2010, 10:33:43 AM »
I am told this about Phil's involvement with Velux5 Oceans Race:

Phil was unable to get network backing so has not had any involvement with the race as of yet.
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Re: Phil in the news ..
« Reply #474 on: December 09, 2010, 08:26:37 PM »

"Phil Keoghan loves that girl power dominates 'The Amazing Race' season finale"

It took 17 seasons for women to take over "The Amazing Race" but finally the day is here. There's not just one -- but two -- all-female teams in the running for the $1 million: the calm and collected doctors and best friends, Nat Strand and Kat Chang, and the funny, unrelenting home-shopping TV hosts Brook Roberts and Claire Champlin, who came face-to-face with a watermelon in the first leg.

The third team is the dating duo Jill Haney, 27, and Thomas Wolfard, 30, who have also proved formidable, but the universe seems to be rooting for a female duo to take it all in Los Angeles, where the race ends on Sunday for the first time.

"You can be guaranteed that there’s one thing that comes into play in Los Angeles, right?" host and producer Phil Keoghan said in an interview. "Traffic. I’ll just say that. There’s a challenge that tweaks a few phobias for some of the teams. And there’s a few dramatic turns and twists and you’ll be doing a lot of second-guessing. You think you’ll have it all worked out and then it will turn another way. At the end of the day, the most deserving team wins and that’s the most important thing."

Keoghan, who was speaking from a top-secret location where he is filming the 18th season, said he was as excited about the success of the two all-women teams as viewers have been.

"I’ve really enjoyed watching Nat and Kat and Brook and Claire and the fact that we have these two all-female teams at the end of this race, it’s a wonderful dynamic to have for the final leg of the race," Keoghan said.

Brook, 27, and Claire, 30, of course, became world-famous before the show even premiered when CBS released a promo of Claire getting hit in the face with a watermelon during a challenge in the first leg. Claire wasn't down for nearly as long as you'd think she would be before Brook reminded her "This is 'The Amazing Race'" and the two unstoppable women were off.

"Not in a million years did we ever think that was going to happen," Keoghan said.  "We test all of these challenges over and over and how she actually managed to have that watermelon come back into her face, I’m still baffled about the science behind how that all happened. How do you force something going one way and then miraculously turn it around to come right back? I have to be honest with you, I had no idea how impactful that was until I saw the footage when we got back. I had no idea how powerful that blow was. And the fact that they pulled themselves together and stuck to it and they're very, very, very determined."

Nat, 31, and Kat, 35, have impressed viewers with their unflappable natures. While some partners have been abusive toward their teammates -- Chad Waltrip and Nick DeCarlo, we're looking at you -- these two women have behaved admirably toward each other every step of the way.

"My daughters enjoyed watching them," Keoghan said. "They’re two very strong women, obviously very smart. To me, the best thing about 'The Amazing Race' has always been about being able to watch relationships that are strong, functional, and that actually are inspirational. "Of course, we’ve seen the other side of that. We’ve seen all kinds of relationships over the years that for some reason haven’t worked. When there’s a great connection, if you remember when the cowboys were on, or you think about the connection between Nat and Kat, when you see that kind of connection and how they operate under pressure, and we’re able to capture that with a camera and share that with an audience, I think that’s pretty cool."
After 17 seasons, Keoghan has developed an interesting theory about same-sex teams and why they tend to communicate better during the race. This season, viewers have noted on message boards and Twitter that the men have not treated the women in their lives well, especially Nick who berated his girlfriend, Vicki Casciola, mocked her, and eventually stopped helping her finish a challenge.

"It’s almost like a mid-football game mentality where some of the guys are playing a game of football with their guy friends and they forget that they’re actually out there with their girlfriends or wives or partners," he said. "They start yelling and screaming like they’re in the middle of a game. It’s always surprising to me.

"It always reminds me of the book 'Men are From Mars, Women From Venus' which outlines exactly the difference between men and women," he continued. "And I think male/female teams have more of a challenge on 'Race' than same-sex teams just because of that fact that when you’re communicating and trying to work together under pressure, men and women just are wired different. I'm into equal rights and everything, but at the end of the day, men and women are just different and the way that two men will talk to each other when they’re competing as opposed to, say, the way two women talk to each other, it’s so uniquely different."

Participants of the show, including Nick, often say in exit interviews that competing in the race changed their perspective on themselves and their relationships. Keoghan, who keeps in touch with many of the teams, says he believes whole-heartedly that the show provides "a life-changing experience."

"I’ve given up trying to work out what makes relationships work," Keoghan said. "I’ve looked at some relationships and I have no idea how the hell that relationship works, but it does. And it’s easy for all of us to stand from the outside, and pass judgment on why a relationship is flawed and you can’t believe why this couple is together or whatever.

"I admire all of them for putting themselves under a microscope for the period of time that they’re out there and knowing that we’re all standing back and looking at them under a microscope -- we’re looking at every move, everything they say, everything they do," he added. "Every physical gesture. They’re basically there for our entertainment for a period of time. But just as we’re watching it and passing judgment, they’re also pushing themselves and reacting in ways they never have before. Sometimes they do have that 'Oh man, I really need to do something about this behavior.'  So I think it is actually a therapeutic experience for some people when they come on the show."

-- Maria Elena Fernandez
I really wish we could stay longer in the countries we visit, but I've been lucky to have visited most of them before, because I've done a tremendous amount of travel. - Phil Keoghan

The Amazing Race 22-23 is coming soon!