Author Topic: JENNA MORASCA BOWS OUT ~Recap~  (Read 5743 times)

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Offline puddin

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« on: February 12, 2004, 11:15:43 PM »


In a historic edition of SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS, the Immunity Challenge and Tribal Council were cancelled after Mogo Mogo tribe member Jenna Morasca, the 22-year-old winner of SURVIVOR: THE AMAZON from Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, bowed out of the competition. After much deliberation, Jenna M. realized she had made a mistake by joining the All-Stars instead of being at home with her ill mother.

As the tribes convened for the Immunity Challenge, Jenna shocked the castaways by announcing, "Due to someone who is very ill at home right now that's getting worse, I need to pull myself out of the game."


As the sun rose over the Mogo Mogo camp, the castaways struggled with the painful bug bites that covered their bodies. Jenna M. was having an especially difficult time with the bites, as well as with her depression. This was not lost on her tribemates. "Jenna's hurting; Jenna wants to go home.… Now she's not even drinking enough. She's kind of a wandering zombie," noted Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien, the 50-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: MARQUESAS from Burlington, Vermont.

After losing the first two Immunity Challenges, the Saboga tribe felt the need to be productive. As the tribe built a table, Rupert Boneham, the 40-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: PEARL ISLANDS PANAMA from Indianapolis, Indiana, caught a fish for lunch. Shortly after Rupert returned with the fish, Ethan Zohn, the 30-year-old winner of SURVIVOR: AFRICA from Lexington, Massachusetts, not to be outdone, took the spear in order to catch one himself. "I like being the fisherman," explained Rupert, "I know he wants to be too, but it can't be competition between he and I. It will just hurt his emotions."


While fishing for rays, Mogo Mogo castaway Richard Hatch, the 42-year-old winner of SURVIVOR: BORNEO from Middletown, Rhode Island, came across a shark. Hatch, never one to back down in a confrontation, engaged the shark in a fierce battle. After the shark had bitten him, Richard Hatch responded by actually biting the shark back. When he returned to camp, his tribemates couldn't believe it. "Richard Hatch is a fishing God!" exclaimed Shii Ann Huang, the 30-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: THAILAND from New York City, New York.

When they checked their Tree Mail, the tribes were surprised to find a box filled with tools from Home Depot. As the Tree Mail explained, this was all part of a Reward Challenge. Using the tools provided, each tribe had 24 hours to build a home at their camp. When the 24 hours had elapsed, host Jeff Probst would bring a judge to rate each home on size, strength and creativity. The winning tribe would receive a surprise Reward, airdropped into their camp, as well as a clue to the location of a key to one of the locks on their mystery box. The second-place tribe would also receive a clue to the location of a key to one of the locks on their own mystery box.

Chapera started the Challenge by electing a leader, Rob Mariano, the 28-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: MARQUESAS from Canton, Massachusetts, who had experience at building homes. As the tribe started on what would become their home, Rob took control with authority. "When I saw him building that shelter, he was pretty hot building that shelter," admired Amber Brkich, the 25-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Beaver, Pennsylvania, "He's good at doing what he does."

Over at Saboga, Rupert took the leadership role with the idea of building a log cabin. Tempers immediately flared as Jerri Manthey, the 33-year-old tribe member of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Stuttgart, Germany, disagreed with Rupert's designs for the home.
Meanwhile, Mogo Mogo was busy working away on a tree house. While Colby Donaldson, the 29-year-old tribe member of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Christoval, Texas and Lex van den Berghe, the 38-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: AFRICA from Santa Cruz, California, worked on the structure, Shii Ann and Jenna were brainstorming the creative touches. However, Colby and Lex were less than interested in the girls' ideas, and the actual building of the home took a front seat to the luxury of creativity. This caused a rift between the men and women of Mogo Mogo.


The following day, Jeff Probst showed up at each camp with a licensed contractor from Panama who would decide the winner of this Reward Challenge. The judge inspected all three homes with a keen eye and strict builder's code in mind. The winner would be notified by an airdrop of mystery supplies. The tribes waited with baited breath as the plane crossed over all three camps. As the plane dropped its bounty over the victorious Chapera camp, the tribe rejoiced as they opened the box to find mats, blankets and wine.

After a vicious rainstorm, Jenna Morasca announced to her tribe that it was time for her to go home. "She's finally collapsing," explained Kathy, "Her Mom is in a cancer rehab home. She should not be here."


As the tribes convened for an Immunity Challenge, Jenna Morasca shocked the other castaways by pulling herself out of the game. In an extremely emotional speech, Jenna explained that she had made a bad judgment by becoming an All-Star, and that she was needed at home.

Jeff Probst then announced that both the Immunity Challenge and Tribal Council would be cancelled because Jenna Morasca would be leaving the game. Jenna bade a tearful goodbye to all the castaways, then boarded the boat for the first leg of her journey home to her mother. Eight days after Jenna returned home, her mother lost her battle with cancer
On The Next Survivor~
One tribe is shell-shocked by a cruel night on the island, bringing one castaway to tears and making another feel very guilty.
The lack of politicking and scheming around her makes one tribe member paranoid.
During the Immunity Challenge, several castaways are pummeled and knocked off their feet, literally.

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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 12:32:18 AM »
As much as i like Rupert i still have to say He messed up bad.  i for once and i do mean once (LOL) agreed with Jerri.  You can't build a shelter on a beach and dig it underground.  That was soo dumb.


Offline WENDY

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« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 08:57:58 AM »
You know, Jenna's mom's funeral was held 4 blocks down from where I work. I can't say I know Jenna, but a friend of mine does. I feel so bad, but at least she knew when to throw in the towel. If she would have stayed, she would have missed being with her mom the last 8 days she had. Jenna's intuition told her to go home. She did, and I admire her for that. Think of how many people have passed on without us getting to say good bye.... I am really glad her mom knew that Jenna really WOULD have gone through the challenge of trying to win again for her. I think it is unfortunate she lost her mother, especially because that is who she played the game for.... but I think she is very lucky to have had the chance to say good bye.  :'(
Wendy Jean



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« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2004, 09:38:59 AM »
i think she made the right decision too.  Her intution turned out to be right too.  It had to be really  hard on her and i hope if she was watching last night that she had allot of people around her.  i am kind of like Alicia though, she shouldnt have gone in the first place.  She took someone elses spot that could have gone and played the whole thing.  


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« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2004, 09:55:28 AM »
yes, I hope she also realized that her Survivor "family" was devastated to see her go... and they really let it impact them.
Wendy Jean


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« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2004, 11:23:13 AM »
I agree with Alicia; but I NEVER would have said it out loud to Jenna's face while she's standing there crying.  I think Rupurt thought the same thing; but he managed to state his feelings in a better way. I admired Kathy for sticking up for Jenna in the heat of the moment.  I wonder if they will reveal the death of Jenna's mom to the others.  Would that be 3 episodes from now ???

Offline WENDY

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« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2004, 11:33:03 AM »
Well, it would be 8 days... so probably 3 episodes from now.. .I doubt they will (but you never know) because then everyone would start freaking out about their families and want to go home..... Wouldn't you? I know I would... it would scare me.  :-[
Wendy Jean


Offline puddin

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« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2004, 12:11:32 PM »
 From the Early Show

Jenna M. Bows Out
(CBS) Former "Survivor" champ Jenna Morasca, who turns 23 on Sunday, Feb. 15, made an unexpected and unforgettable decision on "Survivor: All-Stars." She stunned her Mogo Mogo tribe by becoming only the second player ever to quit the game. At the end of the show, viewers learned that Jenna rushed to her mother's side. Eight days later, her mother lost her 12-year battle with cancer.

On Friday, she told Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith that she knew it was imperative for her to leave the game when she did.

"It was just a feeling that I never had before," she said. "It was like a premonition. I just felt like I was being pulled out of there. Me and my mom are really close... I knew that I had to go with my gut. It was a very hard decision to make."

Jenna explained that she and her mother had talked before she decided to sign up for "All-Stars." Her mother, Jenna said, was a big fan of the show, recalling, "She said, 'Go. Don't worry about me. Everything will be fine.' So I went. My mind has been dealing with this for 12 years, so it's not new for me to live this life... I was worried, but I just
had to keep going. And she's like 'I'll be fine.'

"But with cancer," Jenna continued, "sometimes you suddenly take a turn. And that's what happened to her."

When Jenna announced her decision to all the players and to host Jeff Probst, he asked other played to weigh in and, Early Show co-anchor Julie Chen commented, "Alicia was kind of harsh." (Alicia told Jenna, "You shouldn't have even been here.")

Harsh, yes, Jenna told Chen, "But that's Alicia... I wonder if they wouldn't have done what I did in my situation. And they don't know what it's like. And I would never want them to know what it's like. So it's a lot different to try to make an opinion based on having no idea how it feels."

Her own tribe was supportive of her decision, she said, and certain people from the opposing tribes became very emotional as they bade her farewell. "They got pretty worked up about it," she recalled. "That really meant a lot to me, too."

When Jenna did get home, her mother was not talking.

"The night I got home, she stopped eating and drinking," Jenna recalled. "She wasn't speaking but I kind of like whispered that 'I'm home.' She kind of let out this big sigh, like a big, deep breath. She didn't talk at all or speak or kind of wake up after that."

Yet, she said, she feels that her mother was waiting for her to come home.

In response to a viewer's question, Jenna said that, if she had stuck around, she probably would have allied herself with Shii Ann, Kathy and Lex. And as for Richard's habit of staying naked, Jenna pointed out, "I really don't have that much room to talk. If he wants to be naked, then that's the way he wants to be, then it really didn't bother me. I think, like Colby said on one of the shows, it's kind of scarier we got used to it and it's not a big deal of him doing it."

And finally a called from Washington, D.C., wanted to know if Jenna feels bad now about "the shallow comments you had made about you and Heidi being the prettiest girls, the sexiest girls and demeaning the older ladies" when they were on "Survivor: Amazon."

Jenna's reply: "I'll never live that down. You know what, a lot of the comments weren't directly from me. But I don't know. I don't know if I feel bad because -- I feel bad for making some of the comments that were inappropriate, but I did it and I can't take it back, and I was a lot different person thn than I am now. I was really immature, really young and I didn't know any better."

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« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2004, 01:13:28 PM »
I am glad Jenna got to go home.... Thanks for posting that. It made me feel a little better for her....
Wendy Jean


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« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2004, 01:15:51 PM »
I feel for her...but have to admit I probably would not have gone again.  If I had won before.  However everyone makes their own decisions of their own reasons.

I did think it was interesting that they only chose to show certain people's comments.  And as much as people say things about Richard ~ The father figure in him had his hand on her shoulder most of the time in support while the others were talking.  Good for her team for supporting her when they knew it would probably hurt them .

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« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2004, 02:13:46 PM »
YEAH!!! Wasn't that something about Richard? I didn't know he had an ounce of compassion in him. I think he made Jenna feel better which is cool. Plus they were all probably happy to get rid of another "winner" who already won.
Wendy Jean


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« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2004, 07:49:27 PM »
I'm not sure about Richard.  I guess I just don't trust him at all.  After the way he has been all along; I would see it not as compassion; but more of as another act to keep the others guessing.  But who knows; maybe he does have a bit of decency.  I personally would not trust him a bit after the way he has talked about the others and himself.

I think it's key with Jenna that she has been dealing with the issue of her mother's cancer for over half of her (Jenna) life.  She has probably been away at other things for over a month before Survivor.  The only difference with Survivor was the lack of contact she could have with her mom.  Plus, as a mom, I would want my boys to go for it if they had another chance at having an adventure like that.

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« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2004, 10:58:02 PM »
I am so glad Jenna followed her gut feeling and went home.  The end of this episode was sad, it made me cry.  But I don't think anyone (castaways) should judge her for coming to the island to play a game she loved.  As she stated in her Early Morning show interview.  She has been dealing with her mom's cancer for 12 years and you never know what will happen.  So in the end everything worked out for everyone including Mogo Mogo who got rid of a previous winner without even voting.