Author Topic: AMAZING RACE ASIA COMMENTARY  (Read 71726 times)

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Offline mswood

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« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2007, 01:21:55 PM »
Peach, if you are still having problems and don't want to download the torrents.  I could make a copy of the data files and mail them to you.  YOu of course would still need a player (like VLC) to watch them and you would have to watch them on the computer.

Offline georgiapeach

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« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2007, 03:28:19 PM »
Oh thank you mswood! I MAY need to take you up on that but I'm hoping I have a copy in the works. I'm supposed to be getting a DVD made for me but I'm just hoping it arrives soon! And I do intend to learn to use torrents one of these days but there never seems to be enough time.

But I do appreciate the offer  :kissy: and if all else fails, I'll take you up on it!

And what is VLC please? Would that be different from realone or Windows Media Player? I have lots of memory so don't mind installing stuff but I never know if i already have something that would work! :lol:

I'm just about to start a thread for new learning skills so maybe we can all help each other over there? (It is quite possible that this may turn out to be just an "educate the peach" thread though! :lol3:)
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Offline mswood

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« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2007, 04:23:37 PM »
VLC is a media player (like Windows Media Player or Quicktime), but it is far superior in both playback and options then Windows Media Player (which sucks **** in my opinion, and not the good way) or Quicktime (which at least for Mac, though I do here its more troublesome on Windows) is more stable and plays better on startup (but is less flexible on formats that it will play).

Yeah, I love torrents (don't tell).  But I do try and use them only on shows that I will eventually purchase in some form (itunes, DVD, sometimes both).

But until the release TAR in some form that I can purchase (besides 1 and 7 which I do have), then torrents are what I am stuck with.

Offline mswood

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« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2007, 04:26:32 PM »
Apskip, great write ups.  Episode three is where I decidd hey, this is good AR.  It may not be as polished as seasons 2-11, but it stil damn good.  And I finaly am familiar enough with names and faces and their relationships to start to have real opinions about the teams.

I love it when the girls are told they are #9 (and they celebrate) before being told that means they are last and get eliminated.

Offline patlini

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« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2007, 08:25:22 PM »
peach - sorry to hear you're still having probs, from what i can tell that site is notorious for slowness but it seems to be the only place (i've found) that's hosting it.

The penalty is not applied until they get to the pitstop. At that time, since Jacqueline and Aubrey are the last of all the finshers and have the same penalty as 5 others, they automatically become team #9. with the penalty applied, the other teams with penalties become #5 through #8. If they had applied the penalty immediately, it would have washed out overnight with the hours of operation and been meaningless.

gotcha, it really was just a race for the mat for all of those who'd taken the penalty.  And i was surprised that the elephant task was quicker I would have thought the rafting would have been.


I love it when the girls are told they are #9 (and they celebrate) before being told that means they are last and get eliminated.

loved loved loved that too especially Aubrey's mouth falling open in disbelief like Alan is wrong.

teams I enjoyed (without spoiling)

Howard and Sahran - Sahran is a total wuss but Howard is so supportive of him and they are really enjoying being part of the race.
M&M's - constantly eating and getting those massages at the airport.
Andy and Laura are interesting also, i look forward to discussing them  :js:

Offline apskip

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« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2007, 10:21:35 PM »
Andy and Laura are indeed interesting. They will be at the center of the action.

Offline mswood

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« Reply #31 on: June 24, 2007, 10:31:24 PM »

What really surprised my about this season is that I really thought that I wouldn't get into the characters of the show.  And while it did take a little longer then normal to figure names with faces (though Family Eidtion was the season from hell for this, I still can't tell the Bransen Women apart), I really, really like the cast with only one team that I actively disliked (a record for me).

Its actually one of my favorite overall casts, and that jsut really still surprises me.

Offline apskip

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« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2007, 06:41:54 AM »

Teams are leaving Denpasar Bali to fly to Sydney Australia to get to Dawes Point in the the city for their next clue. Their times out of the pitstop are:

1231am Howard and Sahran
1255am Sandy and Franscesca
155am   Sharon and Melody
206am   Sahil and Prashant
430am   Zabrina and JoeJer
511am   Mardy and Marsio
553am   Andy and Laura
555am   Andrew and Syeon

It was interesting to see how much space there was among the first 4 teams and among the 4 penalty teams. In Bali,the elephant ride and white water rafting did not appear to separate them much. However, finding the clues in the Monkey Forest would have gotten increasing more difficult as there was going to be 10 clues out of 200 for the first team but only 2 clues out of 192 for the last team fo find it.

Teams were given the option of telephoning in airline reservations, doing them on the Internet, or going to a travel agent. All approaches were used, but it really didn't make any difference because as usual there was only one flight that made sense and all teams were able to get it. To get to Sydney, the long way around via Singapore was the quickest way, at 8000 km (almost twice what flying direct would be).

Once getting the clue at Dawes Point(which confused at least one taxi driver who took them elsewhere), there was a DETOUR to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge(ELEVATION) or clean 44kg of prawns (CRUSTACEAN). Anyone who chose prawns wish they hadn't as the first 4 teams were all those who did the bridge climb:

Andy and Laura
Sharon and Melody
Howard and Sahran
Zabrina and JoeJer
Andrew and Syeon
Sandy and Francesca
Mardy and Marsio(of course they chose the food item)
Sahil and Prashant

The next task was to go on foot to Mrs. McQuairies's Chair, a rock formation(although they didn't know that) to get their next clue. Next they had to go to the SONY Central HQ store and get a Handycam to film any individual singing the song "Click Go the Shears", a famous Australian sheep shearing ballad. The catch was the tune had to be correct; if not it had to be done over. Sharon and Melody had that problem and so did Sandy/Fransesca and Mardy/Marsio.

The next was to take a ferry to Manly Wharf Ocean World and walk with animals(it turned out to be a Shark Dive into a 4 million gallon tank with about 50 sharks) to ge the next clue. The first ferry going over turned out to be slow, so Howard/Sahran and Andy/Laura were behind others when they landed. Sandy/Francesca screwed up by having their taxi driver go over the Harbour Bridge and back before getting to the ferry, but they lucked out by getting the fast ferry and getting into first place. Laura apparently had a pre-existing tendency to injure her left leg, because while walking from the Manly ferry terminal to Ocean World she had a relapse. They managed to continue on at a slow pace, but her ability to continue will be assessed by a physician. In Ocean World, Howard freaked out due to the scuba apparatus and he took the 4 hour penalty. Nobody else had any real problems, although it was quite a visual feast for viewers.

Coming out of Ocean World, teams had to return across the harbor by ferry to get to the downtown side and find the pitstopTall Ship Bounty. Although Sandy/Francesca left first they were on a slow ferry so Andrew/Syeon and sharon/Melody finished as #1 and #2 and S/F #3. Mardy/Marsio were #4. Sahil/Pashant came from last into Ocean World to #5 at the pitstop by lucking out with the fast ferry. Zabrina/JoeJer and Andy/Laura were next. Howard/Sahran were last due to their penalty, but it was non-elimination so they were lucky to stay in the race but lost all their cash.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2007, 07:50:45 AM by apskip »

Offline patlini

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« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2007, 03:46:00 PM »

I totally agree re: "the cast".  Just normal people, TAR casting could learn a lot from this.

I liked the shout out to TAR2 with the Sydney bridge challenge.

Offline georgiapeach

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« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2007, 12:35:58 AM »
I'm continuing to love this!

I like the teams--I like the tasks and I especially like how MUCH they are cramming into each episode. Is it that they are travelling shorter distances that seems to let us see so much more action than some TAR legs? Liked the trickiness of the sing a song task, thought Howard was incredibly lucky to get to stick around and that his partner was very supportive, and get more jealous everytime I see that Sydney bridge task--one day I am SO going to do that!

Will watch next week's soon...

Hope Lauren's leg is okay...

Thanks again for the recaps apskip:happy:
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Offline mswood

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« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2007, 01:51:09 AM »

It really does fell like classic season one (and a bit of two) AR.  Its less polished then the majority of seasons, but it seems like the episode are really filled.  And the tasks just get better for the most part in my opinion.

I think its funny that in my opinion this cheaper regional version of AR has better tasks then 3 regular seasons of AR (not to mention of course the Family Edition).

Offline p1a55b1idii

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« Reply #36 on: June 29, 2007, 09:21:20 PM »
I really hate Andy & Laura because of what they did that they didn't get eliminated for it and also Howard & Sahran because they are sissys and scared of everything. The tasks also seem to get lamer as the season goes on. Especially when teams all choose the same detour, then it's not fun. The only reason I enjoyed it is because of who won.  (:;) :kissy: 

Offline apskip

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« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2007, 07:03:05 PM »
You apparently have seen the remaining episodes(as I have although I am watching them again one a week for the purpsoes of this thread). By the end of episode 4 Andy and Laura have developed a reputation with their competition. The basis for this is not shown on camera, although it will be quite soon. This time I am trying to maintain a neutral attitude toward the teams in an effort to give unbiased recaps, but I have to admit that Andy and Laura are my least favorite team.

Offline mswood

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« Reply #38 on: June 30, 2007, 07:53:35 PM »
See I actually kind of like them (in the cool someone to root agains't sort of way).

They are cocky and a bit arrogant, but they aren't so repulsve to make me want to hurl at the TV (which this season really doesn't have any teams that have that sort of effect on me).

I think for that type of team, they are one of the better behaved cocky arrogant teams.

Really the only team I actively dislike (and thats just mildly) is Sahil and Prashant.  These guys make David & Jeff look exciting.

I also don't mind most of the tasks on this season (with a couple of exceptions).  They show feats of fear (I love those), but even on the milder ones (or what appears to be milder ones), they really show how hard it is to do the tasks.   I like that.

Next episode is one of my favorites of the season just on how a simply tasks confounds almost every team.  I Love that.

Offline patlini

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« Reply #39 on: June 30, 2007, 10:20:34 PM »
The next episode I totally love due to how many teams are totally confused by what should be the simplest of tasks.  I am eager to digress further next week.

As to Sahil and Prahsant, i think they have caused me the most "stop and rewinds", usually to catch them striking a model pose or to replay what they are saying and giggle at it.

andy and laura they are amateurs as villains go, i guess they are what a British version with stiff upper lip would be  :snicker:

Offline apskip

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« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2007, 08:43:05 AM »

This one starts in Sydney at the Tall Ship Bounty. Laura's leg Xray is OK and she is cleared to continue. Teams leave as follows:

1230am Andrew and Syeon
1232     Sharon and Melody
1241     Sandy and Francesca
105      Mardy and Marsio
131      Sahil and Prashant
136      Zabrina and JoeJer
138      Andy and Laura
536      Howard and Sahran (due to 4 hour penalty). They receive money from all contestants except Andy and Laura. They beg for more.

They have to fly a direct 2150 km to Auckland New Zealand on Air New Zealand. One there they must take the ferry to Devonport and find a child on a swing near the ferry terminal. The flight is 5 hours 15 minutes.

On arrival, Andy and Laura steal the cab from Mardy and Marsio, who are pissed. Sahil and Prashant observe this and comment that Andy's whining is not appreciated by other teams. The first ferry departs at 1330.

The scene in Devonport(conincidentally the home of my sister and brother-in-law) is madcap. Teams are going in every direction and ignoring the fundamental direction "near the ferry terminal." They logically search out schools and playgrounds but miss the bigger picture. Andrew and Syeon turn left along the waterfront after stepping off the ferry and immediately find the girl on the swing. They then go back to the terminal to wait for the next ferry departure and psyche out Sahil and Prashant. It initially appears they are going the only ones on that first ferry back. Zabrina/JoeJer and Andy/Laura just make tha first ferry. Mardy/Marsio avoid getting penalized for taking a non-public transportation vehicle, find a taxi for getting around and eventually find the right place. Sharon and Melody join them. Howard and Sahran, Sandy and Francesca and Sahil and Prashant are the trailing teams. However, 3 times Sahil and Prashant got into private vehicles They were warned it was against the rules by another team as they were coming out of the third one.

Back in Auckland the DETOUR was RUGBY or RIGGING. RUGBY invovlevd kicking 3 goals from the 22 meter line at Victoria Park(easy for anyone who could lift the ball into the air and get it any reasonable distance). RIGGING was copy a set of lines and knots to rig a sail on a moored sailboat at the Westhaven Marina.

Zabrina and Joe/Jer do Rigging and make the first ferry back.
Andy and Laura do Rigging and make the first ferry. Andrew and Syeon gave up on Rigging and went to do Rugby. Eventually Andrew got all 3 goals. They got the second ferry.
Howard and Sahran did Riging and finished quickly. They go the second ferry.
Mardy and Marsio started with Rugby, but were pathetic so switched to Rigging.
Sandy and Francseca and Sharon and Melody did Rigging in the last Group.
Sahil and Prashant blew through Rugby very fast, leaving S/F and S/M on the last ferry.

Next was the Vertigo Climb, a 44m climb of a 270 meter tower by both team members followed by a 192 meter controlled fall on the Sky Jump by one team member while the other takes a picture with a SONY (get the product placement) camera. What is significant there is that the order of arrival here was almost the order of finish. That order at the tower was:
Andrew(who is afraid of heights per Syeon)

Last was taxi to the nearby Auckland Museum. Arrival order was:

Sahil/Prashant(who were fiven a 1 hour penalty for using a private vehicle and not allowed to check in)

The penalthy put Sahil/Prahsant after Sharon/Melody and they were eliminated. They did not accept the validity of the penalty and were very upset about it.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2007, 10:02:55 PM by apskip »

Offline patlini

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« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2007, 02:38:22 PM »

The penalthy put Sahil/Prahsant after Sharon/Melody and they were eliminated. They did not accept the validity of the penalty and were very upset about it

yep - those boys were not pleased,  even though they were told it was against rules.

loved the confusion over what should have been the simplest of tasks in this episode.  Seeing Sandy and Francesca in the library looking at books was hilarious

Offline mswood

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« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2007, 06:55:35 PM »
I loved this episode.  Absolutely loved it.  THough I was disappointed in the penality that the guys got.

I think it was just a 30 minute penality.

And for taking improper transportation, previously it was always 30 minutes plus (or even minus) time gain or lost in reaching a destination.

I don't think they were hit hard enough with a penality (though of course theyw ere eliminated).

Since it wasn't a matter of taking alternate transportation to the correct location that just took longer (see Season 9's Greece leg).  They were taking alternate transportation to specific places, that saved them tremendously over walking or even waiting for cabs and paying them.  So I really felt that should have been hit harder.  Or the very least 30 minutes per infraction.

This episode probably has the best example in race history of a very simple task confusing and confounding almost every single team. 

I love it.

It was also the first exampe I had ever seen of that sort of tower jumping (which we also see in all stars).  I liked this one even more because not only do you have the jump and a walk around (like All Stars), but you also have the physical climb.

For future tasks the should always put a physical aspect along with a gravity challenge or fear challenge (or even a climbing, fear and puzzle height challenge as tehy did in season 10).

My favorite epsiode to date of this season.

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« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2007, 09:05:10 PM »
THough I was disappointed in the penality that the guys got.

I think it was just a 30 minute penality.

mswood, I'm sorry but the episode 5 footage I have is unequivocal. It was a one hour penalty as stated by Allen Wu at the pitstop.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2007, 09:32:53 AM by apskip »

Offline mswood

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« Reply #44 on: July 03, 2007, 12:52:44 AM »
Cool, that makes me happy.  I always did wonder about that, especially since, it didn't seem like 30 minutes was enough to give the remaining teams a chance to check in.

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« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2007, 09:08:21 AM »
Well, somebody saw something. There's a clue box on the left, and the Fountain of Wealth on the right (didn't TARA already go there?). It was uploaded today, but I've forgotten how to check the exif at Flickr to confirm the dates. TARA2 should still be in the interview process, anyway.

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« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2007, 08:08:52 PM »
Slowhatch! That's great! We are sure it is TARA right? Izad said they had till 7/6 to notify people if they were accepted and after that too bad so the dates fit...
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« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2007, 08:30:08 PM »
I'm not sure what it is. I've checked TARA1 video and the Suntec sequence for them was at night (also, the cluebox--kmz attached--was in a different location). Could it be US TAR? US racers like to wear matching outfits. Fwiw, here's the blog entry (same photos).

[attachment deleted by admin]

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« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2007, 08:37:03 PM »
Hmmmm...could TAR have gotten way over there without us hearing one single thing? :lol3:  But i think they may be out there...

Let's see if Izad will come help?
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« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2007, 08:50:15 PM »
Wow great find! The deadline for the TARA2 application ended in April, and the producers mentioned that if the applicants did not hear from them by 6th July, then the applicants are unsuccessful.

We can probably interpret that in two ways (1) full casting decision have been made by that date, or (2) the show will start shooting after that date. I can't tell. I'll try to find some more info on this. Either way, excellent find. I have a feeling that might be the shooting for TARA2. I have to be on my toes now! :lol:

And I hope you guys will continue watching TARA1. IMO the episodes just keeps getting better and better.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2007, 09:00:43 PM by Izad »