Author Topic: Forever Eden  (Read 24443 times)

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2004, 08:43:09 PM »
:( :( I was looking forward to Forever Eden tonight and guess what?? They moved it to Thursday nights!! am I going to watch The Apprentice and Eden at the same time (sigh :'( )

I dont know, cause it plays on FOX and I am from Canada, and it shows that is is back on Fri @9pm??? I hate when they keep changing times and

P.S. Guess I will have to tape it, I am going out tomorrow night :( Arghhhh!

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2004, 09:06:02 PM »
WoW Nice Signature ForeverMom2One   :D !!!!! Welcome to the boards  :D Its always nice to see new members posting  :D..Have fun tomorrow night..
I hate that Fox keeps messing with the time slots too :(..viewers will get sick of looking for  Eden  :( 
We have quite a few Canadians members here..I'm jealous..Canada is sooooo beautiful  :)!!


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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2004, 09:47:23 PM »
Ty-I am glad you like my siggy

Ty for your welcoming :)

I love Canada too but also enjoy visitng other places

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2004, 10:04:01 PM »
 :D :D Have you ever been to the States?? How many childen do you have?? Boy Oh Boy..I'm nosey  :P.......


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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2004, 10:18:30 PM »
I was in Daytona, I have 1 girl who will be 3 in June

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2004, 10:33:48 PM »
Reallly!! Daytona..on vacation or to see Nascar?? ForeverMom2One adorable..I love babies  :D ..They are so cute at that age :D....


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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2004, 09:55:53 AM »
vacation-March Break


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2004, 08:13:26 PM »
Ya its hard least favorite people tend to change every week haha.

starbucks389 favorite..good question.. ??? I don't really have one.. :(

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2004, 10:27:13 PM »
I know what you mean starbucks389 you watch it tonight Michael is gone!!Michael really wasnt entertaining you didnt hear anything about him unless he was arguing with someone ..I just loves Simon  :D..I never really noticed him before ???..
So, Chris is gay? not that it matters..

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #34 on: April 03, 2004, 05:53:08 PM »
"It Is On and It Is On"
Aired April 2, 2004
Jason stirs up the bile by pulling Kassie aside to let her know that he told Liz she hated her. He also says that Liz claims Kassie is jealous of Liz's flat stomach. Kassie is pissed, and she goes directly to Liz about what was said. Liz denies it, and then threatens Jason for making up stories. Jason brings it up again, and argues that Liz did make the comment (which she did). Liz leaves in a huff. "Go swim another lap!" is his cool comeback.

Everyone gathers at the bar to diss Jason. Neveen can only think of dinner. Jason tries to don the martyr mantle as outcast, but he professes that his parents always ditched him so he's used to it. Wallace rationally explains to him that everyone got annoyed because he caused the rift in the first place. Kassie starts to wonder if what Jason alleges is true. Both Michael and Brooke agree that Liz would have made that flat stomach crack
Host Ruth makes everyone go to the Banishment Temple. New guest time? The next person to enter Eden has been there all along and knows everything about the gang. Shock sets in. Neveen flaunts her usual dumb stare. Simon the Waiter comes in with an apple. He takes off his glasses and t-shirt, showing off buff arms. His real name is Chris, and he's the new guest. Host Ruth gives Chris four coins and provides him the power to bring back one of the people who have been banished -- Mary, Craig, Khalilah, Jordan or Shawna. Will the returning dude or dudette take revenge?

Everyone grills Chris. Chris makes fun of Neveen's pink pumps. He admits to being a fashion whore and to having a gay roommate. Afterwards, bells start going off in people's heads. Is Chris gay? Matt questions whether Chris will bring back Jordan because there have been doubts about Jordan's sexuality. Seems maybe Matt was the only one who thought that. Regardless, Matt pushes Chris to pick a girl.

Neveen wishes Khalilah would return because she's the only girl who actually liked her. David and Wallace would like to see Shawna. Matt hopes it's not Jordan. His hopes are dashed when Jordan arrives on the rickety raft. The girls are ecstatic, the boys are not. Matt is especially worried because he views Jordan as his rival. Jordan's bank starts fresh with four coins. He and Chris are assigned to banish another one of the guys.

Jason starts politicking for survival. Wallace tells Jordan that Jason's known as "donkey." Then Matt pulls Jordan aside in the weight room to bring up the whole "I promised you my coins" from when Jordan was banished. Jordan's ashamed of what he did, and promises to not wrong Matt twice.

Next come the female lobbyists. Kassie tells Jordan that David is the threat because he has hooked up with Liz. Brooke appeals to Jordan with the same notion. Liz is worried because she thinks the girls hate her.

Michael's sick of everything and he's ready to leave Eden. Jordan doesn't believe him, but jokes that he will banish him in return for his coin legacy. Michael agrees to hand over the 14 coins. Kassie is upset about this, and faces her best friend Michael. "I don't want to be here," he sighs.
As Liz and David get minor league busy under the covers, Brooke plots to break their bond. Matt makes fun of the prudish couple, and then interrupts them with a shout. He goes back to announce to the others that they haven't made it to second base.

Jordan discloses to Chris that Michael wants to leave. They also discuss Jason's being annoying and David's powerful influence. Who should they pick?

David confronts Kassie about how she and Brooke were pushing for his ousting because of Liz. Kassie, taking a page from Liz's lying book, denies it. But then Kassie tells David the truth -- he would be her rival if she was a guy. Michael helps defend Kassie, and Liz jumps down his throat. Neveen is her usual confused self and asks Kassie to explain what's going on.

It's Banishment bonanza! Jordan calls Host Ruth the Queen of Hell. She agrees with the crowning. Michael is relieved when Jordan announces his name. David and Liz share a smile. Kassie cries. Neveen is befuddled. Michael hands half of his $28,000 fortune over to Kassie. Jordan is stunned. "I got screwed!" he says.

Next week: a new guest bursts onto the scene. Literally.

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2004, 04:18:42 PM »
Note..Forever Eden will return on..April 23rd  :-

"Where's Wallace?"
Aired April 9, 2004
After Michael is banished, Matt comforts Kassie. Lots of hugging and shoulder massages.

Neveen hates "donkey kong" Jason. He pokes fun of her ass. "You make me look like a genius, and I'm not even that smart," Neveen yells. Jason agrees he ain't no brainiac, but he thinks this is Neveen's way of hitting on him.

Brooke is pissed at the way Jason treated Neveen, and she bitches about it to Wallace. Why does he listen? Hint: he's trying to score with her. Then Liz complains to David that the women don't like her. David puts up with her crap too. How come? Hint: he's trying to get past first base.

Perhaps Wallace and David should take Matt's approach and lay it on the line. Matt asks Kassie flat out if she finds him attractive. He notes that they have a "vibe," and suggests whether she would be mad if he made a move on her. He goes in for the kill.

Kassie tells Brooke that Wallace likes her. Will Brooke stay away from her best friend Shawna's man? Later that night, Chris and Kassie discuss Wallace's hot body. Yes, Chris. Wallace, Matt and Chris sweaty up the dance floor together. Yes, that is three guys. After Chris goes to his room, Kassie lets Wallace know that Chris commented on his body. Wallace is shocked and the homophobia sets in. Chris confesses to the camera that he is attracted to Wallace even though he doesn't think Wallace is gay.

Wallace freaks out, and phones Brooke. He needs a woman ASAP to prove that he is straight. Wallace plops down on Brooke's bed, and the two get busy under the covers. He later admits that Brooke is merely a scapegoat.

After applying his Rogaine and zit cream, Jordan laments that everyone has paired off. Neveen is upset that she has to sleep alone too. Claudia reads the Bible instead of moaning about the onset of coupledom.

The next day, Chris grills Brooke on her night with her new man. She is coy, and so is Wallace when everyone else poses their 20 questions. Wallace lies and says that nothing happened. Embarrassed?

Matt's mad because Kassie is always around Neveen and he finds her annoying. He thinks he's the "boyfriend" now who can tell Kassie who she should hang out with.

Chris pulls Wallace aside. Wallace tries to get him to reveal he's gay. "You're an attractive, young… good body," Wallace stammers. "But it's just not my thing."

Neveen is kicked out of her room when Matt sleeps over with Kassie. He's pleased he swayed his girlfriend to rid Neveen. Brooke is on the hunt for Wallace, and she invites him to sleep over. Wallace is worried because Brooke was just supposed to be a cover to protect his heterosexuality. He's not in Eden for a relationship, and that's what she thinks is happening. Wallace stays in his room, and then gets bored. So he calls Brooke to come over.
Jordan comes up with an idea for a relay race. Matt's team loses, so Jordan decides that Matt, Wallace and Chris must wear women's dresses that night. Claudia and Brooke will don lingerie. At dinner, the outfitted losing team comes in to applause. Matt's fishnet stockings itch.

Host Ruth has everyone write a question directed to another guest. They then gather at the Tree of Truth to reveal the answers. Liz is asked about the "flat stomach" comment she supposedly didn't make about Kassie. Liz fesses up that it was true, but Kassie doesn't seem to be mad. The next question is for Wallace -- does he have a real sexual desire to be with Brooke? He says a qualified "yes." Someone wants to know who Claudia trusts the least. She says that she has the most insecurity around Brooke.
David is asked how he knows Brooke and Kassie want him banished. David says that he spoke to Liz and Claudia, but Claudia shakes her head in disagreement. Liz refuses to say who told her. After the questioning, Wallace is mad that Jordan put in the question about Brooke. Brooke is pissed about the thing to David. Everyone bitches about everything.

Back in the room, David explains to Liz that she creates drama and needs to be nicer. Liz thinks David needs to be more of a manly-man to support her.

Claudia is very upset with the "truth tree." Apparently it makes her uncomfortable to tell the truth. She cries because she doesn't like this environment of Eden. "It's stupid," she whines. "Eden is evil.

Matt touches Kassie and she gets annoyed. He doesn't understand why Kassie doesn't feel bad for the weeping Claudia, but Kassie's not the touchy-feely kind of gal. "I'm here with you, dude," Matt says to her lovingly back in the room.

At breakfast the next day, everyone anticipates the new girl. Michelle arrives, and her accent is a dead give-away that she's from Brooklyn. Jason drools as Michelle and her chest make their way across the beach. Michelle proclaims that she is here to win.

"I am wild, in a classy way," Michelle announces on the next episode when she "erupts" onto the scene. But will she be able to "augment" her money "chest" with more coins before all hell "breaks" loose?

{ I think this was the best show yet!! I am now totally hooked  :D.......puddin}

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #36 on: April 14, 2004, 03:58:21 PM »
Oh Yeah leave it Fox to ruin another show..I'm so mad  >:(........

Monday, April 12, 2004 - 12:12 PM
FOX Dumps 'Forever Eden' Until Summer
By Brian Ford Sullivan

CHICAGO ( -- FOX will once again go back to the drawing board on Friday nights as the network revealed today it has pulled its reality series "Forever Eden" from its schedule effective immediately.

FOX's previously announced baseball coverage will fill the network's Friday slot this week while back-to-back episodes of "Totally Outrageous Behavior" and "World's Craziest Videos" are scheduled for April 23. Movies, beginning with "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider," will fill the entire Friday block starting April 30, the first Friday of the May sweeps period. The news means "Eden" more than likely won't resurface again - if at all - until the summer at the earliest.

"Eden" managed a paltry 1.9 rating/3 share in households and a 1.1 rating in adults 18-49 for its most recent airing according to preliminary fast national data. Should both scores hold up nationally, they would mark the network's worst performance in the Friday, 9:00/8:00c hour this season.

FOX has 16 additional episodes of "Eden" left

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #37 on: April 14, 2004, 04:29:48 PM »
That is ridiculous Puddin. I knew that show was up to no good. I had a feeling about it...... :'(
Wendy Jean


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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #38 on: April 14, 2004, 06:02:14 PM »
i'm so mad Wendy..they kept moving it around untill they killed it..I mean why not just finish it now..I'll have to wait untill the summer to see the remaining episodes or fox might just say screw it..we won't even do that ? I think that I'm going to Fox right now to vent my frustrations.......

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2004, 09:23:59 AM »
FOX pulls 'Forever Eden' from its broadcast schedule

 By Steve Rogers, 04/14/2004

The death march has finally ended for FOX's Forever Eden. At least for now. FOX has announced that effective immediately, the struggling "never-ending" reality soap opera has been pulled from the network's broadcast schedule.

Announced with much fanfare and an unusually large twenty-five episode commitment in January, Forever Eden leaves the airwaves with eighteen unbroadcast episodes remaining and having broadcast its seven aired episodes on four different weeknight evenings. Given the extremely large number of remaining unaired episodes, its all but guaranteed that the network will attempt to relaunch the series after next month's May sweeps ratings period concludes.

Eden's sudden cancellation and removal from a FOX schedule that already had it scheduled to be preempted twice in the next three weeks simply marks the latest chapter in a dizzying array of scheduling moves for what's turned out to be a disastrous $20 million reality programming experiment.

More Forever Eden News 

Originally scheduled to premiere on Monday, March 1 and Tuesday, March 2 at 9PM ET/PT and air again on Monday, March 8 before moving to its regular Thursday at 9 PM ET/PT time period on March 18, Eden failed to take advantage of the American Idol lead-ins that its two premiere week episodes had and lost even more viewers when its third episode aired on Monday, March 8 without the benefit of an Idol lead-in.

Hoping to give the program a bit longer to capture the audience of My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, the network's then just-concluded hit series that had aired in the same time period, FOX originally opted to delay the program's departure to the scheduling Death Valley known as Thursdays at 9 PM ET/PT for another two weeks (and in the process, delayed the originally scheduled Monday, March 29 at 9PM ET/PT premiere of new time period occupant The Swan for a couple of weeks), only to suddenly cancel Eden's move delay once the program's fourth episode ratings continued to show a hemorrhaging of viewers.

After airing its fifth episode in the Thursday 9PM time period versus mega-hits CSI and The Apprentice on March 25 to predictably even worse ratings, the network immediately opted to shunt the show off to Friday evenings, where the network's new highly-promoted "New FOX Friday" lineup of Playing It Straight and Wonderfalls was being torn apart after three weeks of similarly disappointing ratings.

Stuck in its new Friday 9PM time period, Eden predictably failed to produce any ratings improvement, with last week's most recent seventh Eden episode delivering the network's season-worst performance in the time period.

FOX will fill the Friday evening time period with theatrical movies for the May sweeps period.

{ story from }

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2004, 10:13:29 PM »
I just wanted to let whoever is in charge (as if they read these or really care) that I really liked watching the stupid kids on forever eden and I don't think its fair that Fox just stops it without an ending or a warning to the viewers that it was pulling the series.  And if they do that and they have so many episodes already made then do one to two more to end it and put it out for the fans of the show on DVD available by going to your website.  Don't just assume cause it didn't get good enough ratings that all loyal Fox viewers hated it.  Give some of us credit that we might have liked a silly show that made us laugh at the people on the show.  And gave us something more then war to concentrate on.

Although I am deeply upset at Fox I do want to let them know also that I do love most all of their reality series that they put on but just stop taking them off without any notice.

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #41 on: June 21, 2004, 10:09:59 AM »
Hi delivered415 :)..
Fox  Sucks..  :(
 I loved this show too..
....Did you see the petition? I think we have like 30 signatures...its a start ..we can only hope that Fox listens to the viewers.. ??? Maybe..just maybe Fox will listen ?

Please sign this petition to make Fox see that they can not start a show ..get us hooked ..then cancel it! Its not our fault that Fox bounced it around from one night to another ! No one new when it was on..Please Fox..air the final episodes of Forever Eden..let us have a ending.