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Forever Eden
« on: February 06, 2004, 07:59:45 PM »
Hi Guys,

Im trying to find some info on this new reality show thats going to be on fox, its called Forever Eden, where contestants can stay on for years! Sounds pretty cool.

Let me know if you have any info.

Thanks :)

Offline puddin

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2004, 01:58:44 PM »

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2004, 03:07:16 PM »
Sounds like an interesting concept.  Something like Temptation Island but without the commitment.  I will check it out tonight.

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2004, 04:28:29 PM »
yes! i loved temptation island!
Wendy Jean


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2004, 07:26:07 PM »
OMG..did anyone watch Eden..
Mary kept digging a hole for herself .."she sounded racist and ignorant..stupid",unloved :o!

The guys have to choose the least desirable female..the girls can't know anything about it.."No clue as to what the vote will lead to?" The girl that they chose will have the "Green Apple"(the apple could bring good or evil) placed on there pillow..what's inside  ? Mary gets the apple..she gets a phone call..the host tells her that it brings "Evil" and to bring it to the Temple.
All go to the"Banishment Temple" The men where questioned one by one.."Who voted for Mary and why?" "Gulp"
The men all voted for Mary.
LOL..Mary gets to take revenge!
"You must choose one man to bannish from 24 hours"..The guys are pooping their pants..aww  :D continued tomorrow looks like they bring in some competion for the men tomorrow..a new hunk!

Ep1 Recap~PISODE 1
“Reap What You Sow” ­ Part 1
Aired March 1, 2004
The goal is to stay in Eden -- forever. Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it all before. Show us the hotties!
Night one begins. Meet the guests -- nervousness, anxiety, missing their parents, overwhelmed. Whatever. Host Ruth informs the group that they will each receive four gold coins worth $4,000 for every week they last. The longer they stay in Eden, the more money they will receive. But should they be banished, they will lose half the fortune. If the contestants leave of their own accord, they will lose everything. Every week someone will be banished. There is to be no contact with the outside world or loved ones. But there will be Unparalleled Luxury! The kids will be tested every week. Thoughts of failed SATs race through everyone’s minds. Do you get 200 points in Eden for writing your name correctly? “Eden is your new home,” Host Ruth tells them. “Get used to it.”
Mary doesn’t drink. Everyone’s concerned about that. Craig has a girlfriend back home. He doesn’t seem concerned about that. Mary admits out loud that she has never spoken to a black person her whole life until she was 21. Lots of eye-rolling and shocked faces. But first things first -- it’s pool time. Bring out those bikinis! This is truly reality television at it’s finest. Kassie and Neveen sum up the guys. Jordan is hairy, David is cute and Craig is Hercules. Obviously, they’ve given this a lot of thought.
ost Ruth displays the green apple of Eden for the men. When anyone receives it, he or she won’t know whether it’s bringing good or evil. It only means that they will be tested. The boys need to pick the “least desirable” (read: ugliest) woman in Eden. That girl will receive the apple tomorrow. The boys can’t tell the girls what is going on. After delivering that menacing explanation, Host Ruth leaves with a chipper goodbye.
Briefly forgetting that missive, the boys can’t wait to have fun. Khalilah is a wild woman. “If you’re not a party girl on the island, goodbye!” Matt exclaims. Jordan and Craig talk “chicks.” Jordan likes Neveen. Mary is the least outgoing.
Craig talks to Khalilah, Neveen and Kassie to get their takes on the other girls. Even they think Mary has some hang-ups. Mary asks Michael about his toes being black. Mary’s never seen African-American feet. Michael thinks she’s a bit racist. Jordan jokes to Mary that he will tuck her in and kiss her goodnight. She threatens to deck him. “Is that a no meaning a yes kind of thing?” he asks. Although Mary might be racist and ignorant, Jordan would still sleep with her.
Jordan overhears Khalilah and Kassie say he is short. He’s offended, and he calls Kassie “Fatty” in response. She says she’s not being mean. He says she is being ignorant. Jordan likes to throw around that word.

Micahel and Craig discuss Mary’s racial feet remark. “Back the truck up!” Craig says for no apparent reason. He wants to give Mary the benefit of the doubt. Craig to the rescue! He secretly goes to Mary’s bedroom to let her know that some of the guys think she’s out of their league. (Work it, Craig!) “You are stand-out hot,” he tells her reassuringly.
eveen thinks Mary and Craig will hook up. Jordan puts Rogaine on his receding hairline. Craig feels bad about kicking one of the girls out, but Matt’s so ready to dump Mary from Eden. “Mary, Mary, quite contrary. You’re going home very soon,” Matt rhymes poetically.

The next morning, Brooke straightens her hair for the humid Eden day. Matt will back off if Craig is really interested in Mary, even though she has big breasts. But anybody that’s a buzzkill has got to go, according to the wise sage Matt. The girls eat apart from the boys in two separate huts by the water. They notice that the boys are casting votes. Nervousness sets in.
The waiter delivers an apple to one of the girls’ rooms with an envelope labeled “DO NOT OPEN.” Mary finds it on her bed. What does it mean? Host Ruth calls with a chipper attitude to tell her that the apple means EVIL! Come to the Banishment Temple, Mary. “See you then!” Host Ruth says happily. Shawna comes to Mary’s room and gets filled in. The guys dish about it, and Craig feels bad. Ruthless Matt is ready to cut her loose. David thinks she’s like a blank piece of paper with big, plastic breasts.
Now Matt is worried that Mary could vote one of the guys off. Kassie asks about the boys’ causing Mary to get the apple. Matt says no. Liar! But Michael knows that Mary will have some kind of power to determine who really goes home. Everyone’s clueless. (Hey kids, that’s why you were all picked to live in Eden.
hey all meet up with Host Ruth in the Banishment Temple, where they find out who will stay and who will go. Host Ruth explains that the men chose Mary as the “least desirable” woman of Eden. The guys can barely hide their giggles. A tear sets in Mary’s eye as she clutches the envelope she hasn’t yet opened. Now the men have to run through their votes. Torturous! She can’t even look at them as each one says her name unanimously. INCLUDING CRAIG! Craig said he based his decision on her lack of interaction with the group. Lame excuse. Host Ruth tells Mary it’s now time for her to take her revenge. Mary exhales a laugh of relief. In 24 hours, Mary has to pick one guy to banish from Eden. She’s still not allowed to open the envelope.
The guys are freaking out. Mary is smug, even as Craig tries to apologize. She shuns everyone and goes back to her room alone. Mary doesn’t know how she could have wronged everyone so horribly. One clue: YOU DON’T IMBIBE ALCOHOL!
Sweet David is sick to his stomach because he hurt Mary’s feelings. Craig feels bad that Mary had to endure that humiliation. Later she comes down to the bar, and the men start to pay a lot of attention to her. Matt’s sucking up big time, regardless of his dissing her during the banishment ceremony.
Who did Mary pick? Find out in the next episode…
« Last Edit: March 03, 2004, 02:03:09 PM by Puddin »

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2004, 08:46:25 PM »
Ep 2

Craig (Hercules) and Mary are both banished from Eden  :o

Offline WENDY

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2004, 08:37:24 AM »
I really don't know if I like this show very much. I mean, of course I am watching it, but it seems like these people are going to be banished before we even get to know them. Crazy... Anyone else have any thoughts?
Wendy Jean


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2004, 01:57:58 PM »
lol Wendy..they brought in two new really good looking people to take the place of the two bannished? This show is a little weird  :P and did you notice that they are drunk..All of the time? What a great life..and all of the food! Boy are they spoiled!

Michael got over her racist comments, but it's probably between those three guys for banishment.

What does a girl in a quandary do? Take a swim! A little thong action always helps a troubled mind. Kassie's making a push for Michael, both to Mary and to Michael himself. She's known for her subtlety.

Matt makes a plea for his own survival to Mary by trying to convince her to kick off Craig and David. Craig becomes worried. Everyone's making fun of Matt. Now David and Jordan appeal to Mary. Craig starts to panic. "There's a triangle of trouble," Matt sighs. He is gunning for the title of Mr. Soundbite.

That night, Craig starts to regain his cool. "I go on the vibe, and I'm very rarely wrong," he says, confident that Mary is not going to ruin his time in Eden. "I'm borderline psychic," he adds. Michael becomes quiet in worry as Craig shows off for the other girls. Mary taunts Matt. Maybe she will pick him?
Banishment ceremony time! Mary chooses Craig. He pretended to befriend her and then still turned. Mary hands him the envelope she's been carrying for the last day. But wait! There's another surprise. Mary gets the option to either banish or spare Craig. Embittered, Mary votes to give him the heave-ho. Craig reads the note in the envelope that says "what you sow is what you reap." Translation: what Mary does to him will also happen to her. So Mary's out too. Neveen gasps. Mary and Craig get to hand over half their coins to any person of their choosing. Mary gives two gold coins to Neveen, and Craig gives his money to David. See ya'
A part of us just, like, totally left," Brooke says about someone she's known for two days. Neveen decides to not strategize anymore because it's making her brain hurt. Over champagne, the girls argue over who gets Mary's room. The body's not even cold yet, but the party continues with a game of truth or dare. Khalilah dares David to kiss Kassie passionately. He does, and she blushes. Kassie's jealous when Shawna kisses Michael. But Michael invites Kassie to stay in his room. Then Brooke and Jordan and Shawna and David all share one bed. It's like a 70s key swap party.

"Last night was so sad, but it was the most fun I've had here," Kassie admits to Michael the next morning when she wakes in his bed. She then moves her stuff into Mary's room along with Neveen. Kassie's real goal in Eden is not Michael, but to score money. Simon the waiter brings the gang four more coins each for surviving the banishment. Although ecstatic about the moolah, everyone's nervous about who is the next to arrive.
A raft comes up the river carrying Wallace, a former professional soccer player. The girls think he looks like Justin Timberlake. Another raft arrives with Liz, a self-described "overachiever." The boys are psyched because she has six-pack abs. Shawna thinks her new competitor is the type to screw one of them over.

Host Ruth tells the ladies that one of them will be banished next, but Liz is safe as the newcomer. One of the guys will select the lucky loser. First, the women have to decide who the "most desirable" man in Eden is. They discuss the tough choices. Neveen likes Jordan, Khalilah likes Michael. We won't get than answer until next week!

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2004, 08:35:07 AM »
Yeah Puddin..... I can;t wait to see the "cat fight" they claim is going to happen. I guess it is going to take a while for me to get used to this show. And did they copy off of Paradise Hotel much>???? I loved that show..... The host even has the same accent and stuff. Wierd..... But I would give anything to be there myself with the beautiful surroundings... that food did look pretty good. Must be nice not to have a care in the world and get drunk all day in a resort.
Wendy Jean


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2004, 03:21:53 PM »

"True Colors"
Aired March 8, 2004
Mary and Craig are out. Liz and Wallace are in. But who did the women name as "Most Desirable Man?" Michael returns to his room and sees an apple. Oh no! Host Ruth calls via videophone to crown him the winner. Oh yes! He gets to have dinner with all the girls and then take two of them on a date. On top of that, each guy must give him 2 of their coins. No only a Stud, but a rich Stud.

In the pool room, Matt hits on all the girls. Brooke brushes him off. "You're a frat boy, babe," she says, calling him "the dog" of the group. Matt manages not to score with any of the women as they leave the pool room. Later, Brooke is at the bar and she cries about the confrontation, which she doesn't seem to realize was rather weak. A drunken Matt listens in. She's very upset, but she's clueless that this isn't a serious reality show fight. Matt takes her aside to talk about it. Supposedly this has been going on for three hours. He's pissed and pissed drunk. He makes a Hulk pose. No one cares that the fight is over.

Jordan thinks the other men are in the doghouse because they don't get to have dinner with the girls. They down some beers instead. Michael enjoys his meal surrounded by a bevy of beauties. "You distinguished bitch, you," Matt says about Michael's polite manners. Host Ruth asks Michael to pick the two girls that will join him in a day of pampering. Neveen and Brooke are chosen, much to the dismay of the other loser ladies.

Neveen opens up to Kassie about her rough childhood and her unaffectionate father. What is this setting up? At the pool, everyone is excited when a bucket of champagne arrives. But the bubbly and the munchies are only for Michael and his dates. After he leaves on a raft with Neveen and Brooke, Host Ruth tells the other girls that they must banish one girl tonight. And that girl will either be Neveen or Brooke. If the group can't decide, then Neveen and Brooke will get to pick one of them to leave.

Khalilah wants Neveen. Liz and Shawna like Brooke. Kassie is torn. Khalilah is really upset over this, and she decides not to name anyone. She hides out and avoids coming to lunch.

Back at the date, Michael admits to Neveen that he really likes Brooke. While getting a massage, Brooke's butt crack is blurred for our viewing protection. Brooke feeds Michael strawberries. All is heavenly. The trio appreciates the peace. Little do they know what hell awaits them in Eden.

Khalilah tells the girls that she won't name anyone and will leave it in the hands of Brooke and Neveen. She'd rather be banished than send Neveen home. She's a martyr! Khalilah tells Kassie that she sucks because she hasn't been loyal to her "girl," Neveen. Apparently, Kassie's not allowed to like two girls equally.

Simon the Waiter greets the gang as they enter dinner. Kassie finally decides that she will kick out Neveen over Brooke. Khalilah is stunned that Kassie would go against her "girl."
Michael and his girls return to Eden and are worried to find that the group is at the Banishment Temple. Everyone's there except Khalilah. Brooke and Neveen learn about the voting surrounding their fates. Shawna, Liz and Kassie all say that they choose Neveen to be banished. Brooke is saved. "(Bleeping) bitches," Neveen says under her breath.

Then Host Ruth plays a video message from Khalilah to Neveen. She's her "girl." Khalilah cries on camera, saying she is going to sacrifice herself to let Neveen stay. Martyr! A tar-like streak of mascara runs down Neveen's cheek. Since Khalilah chose to exit Eden, she gives up all her money and bequeaths her coins to Neveen. "Congratulations!" Host Ruth says quite chirpy, as Neveen walks away angrily.
"You stupid tramps," Neveen says later about the other girls. Now she doesn't trust anyone.

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2004, 07:57:17 PM »
"Adam's Apple"
Aired March 15, 2004
Everyone is sober and somber after the banishment where Khalilah chose to leave. But not sober for long. The crew heads to the bar for a champagne toast where Neveen cries into her cocktail because the women wanted her out. Erudite Matt advises her to "play the game."

On the romance front, it seems that David used to like Shawna. But after watching her make a move on Wallace, he's not so interested anymore. David turns his attention onto Liz, and she is quite responsive. (She’s also disgusted by Matt’s incessant groping and she's eager to have a gentleman around). David and Liz hide out in the bar while the others skinny-dip, and he admits to her that he's only slept with three women. "You're my dream girl," he says to Liz
Jordan jumps in the shower with Shawna and Brooke. The next morning, he boasts about it to the guys because he thinks he now has an "in" with the two girls. Shawna and Brooke, however, tell Neveen that they are not attracted to him. He's more like a brother.

The new guy Jason arrives, claiming that he will become the "bad apple" of the group. He is eager for people to "talk smack." Jason announces that he used to work at Chippendale's, and he backs that up by showing off his funky dance moves. "This is officially a meathead," Jordan whispers to Michael. The other men joke about Jason's cheesy-ness.
Jason goes to his room and there's an apple waiting for him. A video call from Host Ruth explains that he is the guest of honor at that evening's "Adam & Eve" party. Jason must select a girl to be his Eve, giving her a special necklace.

The group makes their own costumes for the party out of leaves and flowers. The flirting between Liz and David continues. Host Ruth arrives to dampen the fun. She explains that Adam & Eve will decide which man will be booted from Eden. Jason goes up to each girl and tells her that she is the hottest one there. Fearing for his survival, Matt pleads to the women and even threatens to cry if he gets banished. David doesn't trust Matt. Jordan confesses to the girls that he would vote off Matt if given the chance.
The girls are all afraid of receiving the necklace because they know that power has its costs. Yet Jason presents it to Shawna, and the mass politicking begins. Jason fears that Michael is the biggest threat to him, but Shawna says that Matt is annoying to everyone. Jordan pulls Shawna aside to convince her to kick off Matt. "We're on the same team," he tells her. Matt and Jordan conspire to spare each other if given the option. They also promise to bequeath their fortunes to the other if banished. We know the spiel is untrue because we've seen them both vow to do otherwise. Matt continues the lying by flattering Jason as the kind of guy he would "hang out with at home."
At dinner that night, Jason tells the girls that Jordan, Matt and Michael are at the top of his banish list. The girls think Jason is a "tool" for wanting to get rid of their beloved Michael. Jordan is scared that he might be the one to go, despite any surprises in the game. "I'm worried that I'm the twist," he sighs. Over-thinking it even further, Jordan starts to dwell on whether there will be a double twist.

The gang lines up at the banishment temple, and Jason and Shawna announce that they are giving the ass-kick to Jordan. Jordan is stunned speechless. He dares Shawna to look him in the eye. He's pissed that she double-crossed him. Jordan elects to give half of his coins to Wallace.
Afterwards, Shawna cries to Brooke about what Jordan said to her. Jason explains to Michael why he almost picked him. Michael doesn't trust or like Jason. He thinks he's playing the game stupidly. Is Michael doing any better?


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2004, 08:15:40 PM »
Hey Guys,

I found this online..its a recipe of a drink that the bartender makes on the show...and its served to the cast regularly. I think its going to be mentioned on an upcoming episode, but I'm not sure...anyways..I thought I would just post it =)


Martini Glass

- 1oz Grey Goose Vodka
- 1oz Appleton Red Rum
- 0.5oz Malibu Coconut Rum
- 0.5oz Blue Curacao
- 2oz Pineapple Juice

Combine all ingredients. Shake in mixer with ice. Strain and pour into
glass. Add a dash of grenadine that will settle at bottom of glass.
Add a lime and an apple wedge.
(For a simpler method, replace grenadine with simple syrup during


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2004, 10:14:59 PM »
Yummie starbucks389 !!and welcome to the boards !!:)

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2004, 09:12:39 PM »
 :( :( I was looking forward to Forever Eden tonight and guess what?? They moved it to Thursday nights!! am I going to watch The Apprentice and Eden at the same time (sigh :'( )

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2004, 09:08:17 AM »
I could skip Forever Eden.. I gave up on that show. .. It is pointless.... I mean, i think they kind of copied off of Paradise Hotel, only it doesn't have 1/2 of the "drama"... I gave it a chance and I really can't follow it.... I hate when that happens!
Wendy Jean


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2004, 09:43:58 AM »
I like it alright..the ..I just can't figure out why fox made such a dumb move? Thursday night is where NBC/CBS get the biggest ratings? I don't think that Fox has a chance in this time slot? ::)

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2004, 10:12:12 AM »
Somerville native making splash on 'Forever Eden'

By Paul Huggins
DAILY Staff Writer · 340-2395

Imagine Deborah Miller's shock as she watched — with a national television audience — her daughter wake up in bed with a man she met only days before.
Kassie Miller, 2000 graduate of Brewer High School, in ''Forever Eden'' show.  
You can understand her nervousness each Thursday night when she flips the TV channel to Fox to watch the new reality show "Forever Eden." Her daughter, Kassie Miller, a 2000 graduate of Brewer High School, is one of 11 young contestants dropped into an exotic, tropical resort with the goal of staying as long as possible.

"I just try to keep an open mind about it and say she's playing the game," Miller said of how she survives her nervousness.

Her open-mindedness was tested two weeks ago when the camera showed Kassie in bed with another player named Michael.

"They may say it's a reality show and things happen as shown," Miller said, "but I've watched enough TV, and you know what's said at the time or the way it may look could be pieced together and not be what happened at all.

"But I know my daughter, and she's 21 and regardless of how that looked, there wasn't anything further. To put it bluntly, I know my daughter didn't have sex with that guy," she said.

"Forever Eden" claims to be different from other reality shows such as "Survivor" in that this version is unscripted and open-ended. It doesn't have a set ending date. New players replace banished players the next day.

There are no teams and no tests of physical skill or endurance. However, the show "guarantees things aren't always what they seem."

For example, on the first show, the guys had to choose the least desirable girl, which turned out to be Mary. Instead of being voted off, however, Mary received the chance to banish or pardon one of the males. She banished the one she thought was two-faced, then was struck with a surprise inside a sealed letter she carried for a day.

By banishing him, she banished herself as well.

"What you sow is what you reap," the letter said.

The players earn $4,000 every time they survive banishment. If they are voted off the show, they get to keep half their money and give the other half to another player. If they leave of their own choosing, they get nothing.

Part of the hitch is the players can have no contact with the outside world.

"She's still hanging in there," Miller said, noting Kassie earned $16,000 to date.

Kassie grew up in Somerville and was a cheerleader and part of the homecoming court at Brewer. After high school, she attended Judson College for one year, then moved to Nashville to pursue a singing career.

She showed her toughness by moving on her own at 19, and taking on a highly competitive career, Miller said. She moved the same year her father, Marshall Miller, died. Her mother has since moved to Nashville.

Singing for a living

So far, Kassie has been able to scratch a living as a singer without having to take side jobs, Miller said, noting she performs at clubs regularly and has had some work for song demos.

"What we're hoping is it will open some doors for her music career," she said of "Eden."

As for her daughter's chances of staying on the show a long time and building her exposure, Miller said success wouldn't surprise her.

"Kassie pretty much goes after what she wants," she said. "She's headstrong. She don't give up until she gets it."

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2004, 12:47:44 PM »
Fox does not have a chance..
Wendy Jean


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2004, 08:43:56 AM »
Forever Eden
Tomorrow 9/8c
Relationships in Eden are blooming as David falls for bikini girl Liz!

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2004, 09:21:57 PM »
I only caught the last 5 minutes..( I taped it and will watch it later ) if anyone wants to know who was bannished... it was Shawna..

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2004, 09:34:39 PM »
"Stand By Your Man"
Aired March 25, 2004
Jason knows Shawna has a "thing" for Wallace. How does he know this? She hasn't hit on Jason, so it must be true. Little does he know that she's repulsed by him. Wallace isn't threatened by Jason either. He was a professional soccer player, so he knows how to take it to the goal.

It's a joyous morning when Simon the Waiter brings out the gold coins. But then he brings out a dreaded apple. At least it's not bad. Turns out it's Couples Week in Eden. The women must decide which man they most admire (out of the Eden cast, not in the world) and select him as her mate.

None of the ladies want Jason. Matt sides with Neveen. They tell each other that they have mutual trust. Yeah, we've heard that one thrown around more than once.
Things we learned in this episode: Who would have thought Neveen was a Radio DJ? Neveen doesn't drink because the last time she was plastered, she kissed a girl. Michael is afraid of cats.

More signs of the apocalypse at dinner: Simon the Waiter spills a dish on Matt and the bread basket catches on fire.

Kassie pulls Matt aside. He's very excited that she would pick him. He probably thinks he can score with her. Brooke cries to Michael when she asks to be his partner. Neveen is annoyed that she gets stuck with the "new cheeseball" Jason. She thinks he is "disgusting, and not even cute." Matt tells Neveen that he is going to pair up with Kassie over her. But he would also pick Brooke over Neveen. Where's that mutual trust?
Liz is worried that David and Wallace will be selected by the new girl, meaning that she and Shawna are vulnerable to banishment. David comes up with the brilliant idea to dress ugly so that the new girl doesn't pick them. Liz and Shawna help them get changed.

That night at the Banishment Temple, Host Ruth introduces Claudia. She's blond and adorable and a sorority girl. Claudia gets her first pick of any guy. That means that the other girls are screwed. Claudia picks David, and Jason claps alone. She chose David because he seemed the least threatening, even with the nerdy outfit. The five girls must now duke it out for the remaining four guys.
Claudia admits to everyone that she has a boyfriend back home. She will not be "partaking in any sex" in Eden.

Michael's annoyed with David for trying too hard not to get picked. He would never do that. Then David becomes upset that Michael is upset. David eases his sadness by sleeping over in Liz's bed.

Kassie's annoyed with Liz for making David not fun anymore. Liz tries to work over Jason, and of course, he buys it. He thinks they have a lot in common because they both work out. Jason tells her that he would pick her over Neveen. He thinks Liz is hot.

At dinner that night, Claudia and David are separated from the others. He is honest with her that he doesn't want to vote off Liz.

The cast begrudgingly goes to the Banishment Temple. Host Ruth gives Claudia the opportunity to switch guys. She decides to trade David in for Wallace. David is relieved, but Shawna's shaking in her boots.

And the picking begins. Kassie goes to Matt, Neveen selects Jason, Liz confidently strides to David, and Brooke chooses Michael. Shawna's the last one standing, and she picks Jason because she knows he has the hots for her. Neveen makes a disgusted noise. But Jason chooses to keep Neveen, and Neveen does a little potty dance. The banished Shawna gives half her coins to her best friend, Brooke. "I love you," she says through tears to Brooke.


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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2004, 01:16:45 PM »
ya the time change is not great..but I just tape one show while I watch the other lol. I really dont like Jason. He gets on my nerves...and the new girl...I dont know how I feel about her yet lol. What are your least favs right now?

Offline puddin

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Re:Forever Eden
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2004, 01:27:19 PM »
starbucks389 favorite..good question.. ??? I don't really have one.. :(

Offline puddin

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2004, 02:04:29 AM »
TV Tidbits: Notes Of Interest
March 31, 6:21 PM ET,
Effective tomorrow, Fox will replace 9 p.m. reality dud Forever Eden with recently introduced drama Wonderfalls. This Friday, April 2, Forever Eden (which was already moved once) will air at 9 p.m. in place of Wonderfalls. Although you can forget about Forever Eden, Fox is obviously hoping more viewers will tune into the oddball Wonderfalls on Thursday.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2004, 02:33:05 AM by Puddin »

Offline puddin

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Re: Forever Eden
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2004, 04:58:38 PM »
I just found this could watch some Forever Eden guests talking about theirselves..

Forever Eden
Tomorrow 9/8c
A mystery newcomer who knows all? It’s Simon the Waiter! NEW NIGHT
:D I guess that its not a mystery anymore ::) !

David had his own website..with funny clips!!
« Last Edit: April 01, 2004, 05:16:59 PM by Puddin »