Lets try this again
Something might equalize the teams to bunch them up around the Ferry? Maybe they have to wait for HofOperation to get the clue that sends them to the ferry from HK to Macau?
After the ferry arrives in Macau, BQ's first ones off recieve a clue "warning Yield ahead", the Yield/Clue box is located in a store? gift shop? and has the DETOUR clue options in i? Maybe thsi is where the equalizer is? Waiting for the shop to open? Why are the teams just standing around the Ferry Terminal?
Anyway the BQ's already used their Yield but can be yielded again. They come up with a plan to Bribe Eric & Dee ...pretend they are " running like they are in last place" hoping that E/D are faster to the Yield/Detour clue ahead of C/M & D/O.
Whats in it for E/D? The BQ's perhaps tell them that if they both make it to the Pitstop at the same time they will let E/Dee step on ahead of them because of E/Dee's 30 minute penalty? But will the BQ's keep the dea or notl? hmmm, something tells me no. Eric doesn't like the Yield Queens for some reason?
And perhaps C/M generous offer to O/D is that they won't Yield them? or might offer them some $$ ? Really I don't know?
Back to the Yield, lets say O/D are the team that are shocked that they have been Yielded by E/Dee.
E/Dee, C/M, BQ's proceed to the Rol Detour as O/D wait out the Yield.
We see at least 2 teams, BQ's & C/M together rolling noodles .. we can't see E/Dee, they might be there too? or could have already finished ( waiting for a higher resolution video to see if we can spot a work station being dirty but complete )
O/D on their way to their Detour option, Row now..
After the Detour teams get the clue that sends them to the Roadblock/ Towers. Maybe this is where they have to drive the funny cars?
All we see is Charla performing the RB but we could assume that its Danielle/Dustins/ & Oswald's? turns?
Who gets to the Roadblock first is unknown? Your guess is as good as mine but really feel that O/D are last to arrive at the pitstop whether it be a NEL or TBC ior some think a regular Elim is still in the air.
My guess
1st) E/Dee ( or second? 30 minute penalty)
2nd) BQ's ( but are they first because of E/Dees penalty?)
3rd) C/Mirna
Last) Oswald/Danny ( NEL )