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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« on: March 21, 2007, 01:36:26 AM »
Racing Report Leg 5.

This is going to be more incomplete then I like, but I am getting over the Flu and haven't got a ton of energy so without further excuses.

Date:  November 28, a Tuesday. 

Since teams arrived in the afternoon of the 26th we have a 36 hour Pit Stop (and time to play with doggies).

Teams leave the Pit Stop at Mastil Crucero A.R.A. General Belgrano (near Ushuaia Argentina on the Island Tierra Del Fuego which Phil again mercilessly teases Peach about how close they are to Antarctica) in the following order:
1.  Oswald & Danny  12:02 am
2.  Eric & Danielle  12:06 am
3.  Teri & Ian  1:04  am
4.  Joe & Bill  1:55 am
5.  Dustin & Kandice  1:58 am
6.  Uchenna & Joyce  2:38 am
7.  Charla & Mirna  2:41 am

Side note Rob & Amber claim that Charla & Mirna arrived at the post office about 5 minutes after they did.  While its true based solely off the variance in weight between the two boats that they should arrive faster then the 20 minute separation.  The time distance between teams Joe/ Bill & and BQ’s with that of Uchenna & Joyce seem to indicate that Uchenn a7 Joyce (and by extension Rob & Amber) took considerable longer performing the detour tasks. 

Teams are provided $72.00 for this leg of the race per Joe & Bill

Teams must travel by taxi 4 kilometers north of Ushuia to the base of the Martial Mountain Chain (yes the Marshall Glacier is in Alaska, one thing I did in fact know)
, and ride a chairlift, then hike half a mile, where they will use an Avalanche beacon to search for another beacon to find their next clue.

Teams run into the first equalizer, an Hours of Operation as the chairlift is not open until 8:00 am.  All teams decide to seek out hotels and return in the morning.

Teams line up in the order they arrive:
1.  Joe & Bill
2.  Teri & Ian
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Dustin & Kandice
5.  Eric & Danielle
6.  Uchenna & Joyce
7.  Charla & MIrna

At the top of the chair lift backpacks are provided which contain a shovel and a beacon.  All teams, except for Dustin & Kandice grab the backpacks and start the half mile hike.

Teams find, and dig up their clue in the following order:
1.  Joe & Bill
2.  Uchenna & Joyce
3.  Eric & Danielle
4.  Teri & Ian
5.  Charla & Mirna
6.  Dustin & Kandice who hike to the ice field, realize their mistake, have to hike back a half mile to pick up the gear, and hike back the half mile before starting the detour and still finish before Oswald & Danny who must have had quite a lot of difficulty on this task.

Teams must know travel (ARRGGGHHHH) more then 7,000 miles to the South East African city of Maputo, Mozambique.

Teams are provided tickets that will have them arrive at roughly 3:00 pm on the day of the 30th.  But teams are not required to take those tickets.

But teams must use travel agents to book their flights as it is not possible to book international flights in the Ushuaia Airport.

Guido’s are getting tickets from I hope Locuturio according to eye witness accounts posted on Sucks.

Uchenna & Joyce book their flight at Travel Lab but must get said tickets at Rumbu Sur.

Eric & Danielle are unable to get tickets from All Patagonia.

Teri & Ian and later with translating help from Oswald & Danny book tickets at Beagle Viajes (though one of Teri & Ian’s tickets is booked incorrectly and they fear Oswald did it to them on purpose, Insider Videos)

At Rumbu Sur all the remaining teams manage to book flights that will arrive in Maputo on the 30th at 9:40 am.

Most of the flight info is not solid for what teams actually took for parts of the route. (apskip could give you the possibilities).

I’m tired of looking, so if I feel brave, I might try again tomorrow morning to confirm at the very least the rest of Uchenna & Joyce’s with carriers and flight numbers.

But teams travel from   (Well at least Uchenna & Joyce from Insider Clips)
Ushuaia to Buenos Aires
 8:43pm on the 28th   arrive 12:03 am on the morning of the 29th.

Buenos Aires to Sao Paulo
10:00 am –

Sao Paulo to Johannesburg
SAA206 departing at 5:25pm arriving at 7:15am

In Johannesburg, Custom Agents impound Charla’s Sweater as an illegal toxic agent, to be later destroyed.

Johannesburg to Maputo
TM300 departing at 8:40am arriving at 9:40am

Thanks to Apskip because of clips we know LAM is the flight that lands in Maputo (matches Chateau’s shadows).  But I keep thinking TM was in reference to TACA, and I was freaking out over it.

Once they land teams will find and choose a marked car and driver and make their way to Apopo training fields ( a Vapor Detection Technolgy.

Which Phils states is 45 miles away (Cough, I don’t believe you Phil).

During this time footage makes it appear that teams directly head to the Apopo route marker and wait briefly for it to open so they can start today’s tasks.

Teams end up having a nearly a full 24 hours to wait. 

The next day on the 1st of December the task begins.

Teams arrive to perform the task in the following order:
1.  Uchenna & Joyce
2.  Joe & Bill
3.  Eric & Danielle
4.  Oswald & Danny
5.  Teri & Ian
6.  Dustin & Kandice
7.  Charla & Mirna

ROADBLOCK – Who Smells A Rat?
In this country once overrun by gorilla warfare, trained rats actual save lives on a daily basis by locating leftover landmines.
   Team members must guide change into provided gear, choose a trainer and guide one of these rats in a search for a race marker buried above a deactivated (that’s no run) mine.  Once the rat gives the signal it has found something, the area will be searched by an Apopo technician.  When the race marker is found, the team will receive their next clue.

Uchenna- 2 roadblock
Joe & Nelson- 2cd Roadblock
Eric & Xena- 3rd Roadblock
Charla-2cd Roadblock
Ian & Tupac-2cd Roadblock
Dustin-2cd Roadblock
Oswald-3rd roadblock

Teams complete the roadblock in the following Order:
1.  Joe & Bill
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Uchenna & Joyce
4.  Teri & Ian
5.  Eric & Danielle
6.  Dustin & Kandice
7.  Charla & Mirna

Teams travel by car to Praca dos Tralbalhadores  back in Maputo where phil informs us it’s a 50 mile drive (cough).

We see that Teams have had to direct their drivers.

Teams face two routes to to Maputo EN1 or EN4, which does apparently impact how easy it is to locate or get to.

The teams that take EN1 are:
Joe & Bill
Oswald & Danny
Charla & Mirna

The teams that take EN4 are:
Uchenna & Joyce
Eric & Danielle
Teri & Ian
Dustin & Kandice (Teri & Ian and Dustin & Kandice are following Eric & Danielle until they realize that they are lost).

Teams get to Praca dos Trabalhadores (located on Rua Martires) in the following order:
1.  Joe & Bill
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Charla & Mirna (who get at least one local, possible more to follow for the rest of the leg)
4.  Uchenna & Joyce
5.  Dustin & Kandice
6.  Eric & Danielle
7.  Teri & Ian

DETOUR – Pamper or Porter
In Pamper (according to the clue):  Make your way 0.5 miles to Mercado Central.  Once there, take part in a local practice and convince people to pay you to paint their nails.
Note:  To receive your clue, you must earn at least 30 meticais.

What Phil explains in voice over is that teams must go to the Bem Vindo AO Mercado Central Cidade de Maputo and find the marked stall where they will choose a nail polish kit. That in Maputo the job is usually performed by men.

In Porter it (off Phil):  Teams make their way 2 miles to  Mercado Janet.  Once there they will use their hands to fill 10 large 45lbs bags with charcoal and sew them shut.  Then teams will carry 1 of these heavy bags to a specified address (Rua 1-282 casa 46 or 47) where the owner will hand them their next clue.  The distance traveled carrying the bag is 0.4 miles according to Danny.

Charla & Mirna & Dustin & Kandice are the only teams to original choose Pamper it.  All others choose Porter it.

Joe & Bill follow a ;pca; tp Mercado Jamet.

During their travel in the city some teams (certainly Oswald & Danny) come across a local AIDS Awareness Parade held on December 1st around the world.  Thus we know the day.

Teams finish the detour in the following order:
1.  Charla & Mirna
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Teri & Ian

Who end up at the wrong market and decide to try the Pamper it Detour.  Which is easily the faster of the two.  For example Dustin & Kandice (if footage is accurate) arrive at detour in 5th place, yet finish 2cd.  While Teri & Ian arrive at the detour location in last place and finish 3rd).
4.  Joe & Bill
5.  Oswald & Danny
6.  Eric & Danielle
7.  Uchenna & Joyce

Teams must now travel to Fortalleza (Portuguese for Port, I believe) which was completed in 1781 and is one of the oldest buildings in Maputo (not the oldest which Phil states) and the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

Teams arrive at Fort of Nossa Senhorra da Conceiao in the following Order:

1.  Charla & Mirna who win a trip to HELL (just kidding) Aruba.
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Teri & Ian
4.  Oswald & Danny (and yes them chasing Phil is an absolute classic moment for the show)
5.  Joe & Bill
6.  Eric & Danielle (okay Eric chill)
7.  Uchenna & Joyce, who are marked for elimination.

If they don’t make it to the Pit Stop first on the next leg, they will suffer a 30 minute penalty before being allowed to check in.

I just want to say, in closing what an excellent job you detectives did on this leg.  From the correct glacier, to the coverage on flights, to the correct market for nails, to the fort, to the location of the beach, to the location of Apopo and where they traveled to.

Very impressive and Congrats to all.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 02:30:22 AM »
Team REoprts

Charla & MIrna:  I ive this team a lot of hell, because I hate their attitude and how they are very hypocritical.  Take for example the pissing and moaning about how unfair it was for the Guido's to pass them after they helped them with the clue.  Yet 2 legs earlier when Daivd and Mary pulled their car out of the ditch (in a palce it could take a long time to get a replacement vehicle to), then provided tehm with teh roadblock answer, and then gave them more assistance driving felt it was fine to pass them.  Thats hypocrisy, and I hate that.  In this report a few other teams will get chewed out for poor behavior some who are hypocrites and some who just need better manners. 

But in this episode, yeah know what.  We got almost none of that.  The worst was probably Mirna saying how the other teams were all glad that THEY got Rob & Amber out of the race.  Which yeah not so much.  They were happy Rob & Amber were out of the race.  All the other teams beat them, not just you.  I don't think they gave a RATS (for tonights theme) ass who was the next team.  But even with being in the back for almost the entire leg tonight, their attitude was much, much better.  They worked much better as a team, with no breakdowns in communication.  They still are slow moving from place to place, and still seem unwilling or unable to navigate for themselves.  5 legs now, and in every leg with some serious navigation they have paid others for it (A seires record by the way)  But if thats what you have to do, then do it (as much as I hate that).  They picked the right way back into town, they also picked the fastest detour.  They had fun doing it and it showed.  Not a great leg, since again many parts were towards the rear of the pack.  But they ran it better and with better spirits and when they needed to make the right choices they did and because of that they came in first.  So good job.  Keep the better attitude, please.

Dustin & Kandice:  Okay ladies thats it.  READ THE DAMN CLUES.  It seems like for the last three legs you make a serious error (getting lost for an hour and a half, not following the route markers, following a team that isn't following the procedures of the clue, and now not paying attention to the extra info).  These types of errors in non critical places can embarass you.  But at the wrong time can kill a team.  You have to start paying more attention.  As for today they placed very well, but ran just an okay leg.  They wisely broke off quickly from following Eric & Danielle once they realized they were lost.  And they did pick the much faster Detour.  This vaulted them from 5th to 2cd.  But for the first task they were next to last, for the roadblock they were next to last.  All at places with full equalizers.  Thats not a good sign either.  But they are working well together, they are interacting much better with other teams so far this season.

Teri & Ian:  You did fairly well on the ice field and at the roadblock.  You did the worst at driving into town though.  And you seriously lucked out in going to the wrong detour.  This allowed you to go from dead last to third.  I am still very much enjoying this team and how they treat each other and the other teams.  Even their conflict with Oswald & Danny wasn't much of one in their eyes more so from the perspective of Oswald & Danny.

Oswald & Danny:  Boy you guys really sucked at the ice field.  You did so poorly that Dustin & Kandice who had to back track a mile to go get and return with the proper equipment still finished faster.  You did well with the rats, and you correctly took the easier route to the city.  Unforunately you ruined this lead, by choosing the wrong detour.  While you made up some time on Joe & Bill, you only managed to pass them due to them getting taken to the wrong address when they followed a cab.  But I love this team, even under stress.  And their behavior with Phil is just a highlight of this season.

Joe & Bill:  You guys rocked the ice field, and you were the master of rats, you also picked the easier way into town, but you killed what could have been a first place finish by choosing the more physical and time consuming detour.  You also by using a cab to navigate lost time when it originally took you to the wrong location.

On your feud with Eric & Danielle.  On the original point, sorry guys your being hypocrites.  If you thought they were breaking a rule by going to fast, why tell your driver to speed up when they are getting close to passing you?  Thats hypocrisy.  And if there wasn't a rule about speeding then you have no right to be angry at them for driving faster.  You started the events that have caused friction between these two teams by becoming upset that Eric passed you.  Get over it.  Its a race.  In Eric's season when he lead in Oman and pulled over to get specific directions to the route marker and three teams saw and passed.  Did he go and jump on them for not racing fair or try to physically block any progress they could make.  No, and why didn't he?  Because its a race, and he is racing.  He isn't racing dirty.  But besides this you are doing well and your general attitude is much nicer then in season 1.

Eric & Danielle:  Okay you two,you can joke about them, and you too can talk about things you dislike about them.  But no need to call them freaks.  Thats really classless.  And Eric, yes I know you thought you were last, when you said Damnit Danielle (at least you did this quietly), but try and moderate your displeasure.  Also later on the interviews after the fact, you don't have to degrade Danielle by saying how two Queens beat her.  That really isn't fair to her.  She isn't as fast as you are and you guys were behind them to start with.  Now in fairness, I don't have a problem with someone calling the Guido's Queens.  Because they do have behavior that would be disribed as acting like a bunch of Queens.  It isn't by itself an insult.  On to the performance, you seemed to have a little difficulty at first with the ice field.  You did below average with the rats, and you had difficulty navigating.  You did managed to pass one team at the charcoal, so you made up a little time there.  But in reality this was easily so far your worst leg.  And I would work on how you to relate to each other so that when pressure does mount, it doesn't create problems that hurts your team.

Also after you delievered your charcoal, Joyce asked you to confirm if they were going in the right direction to deliver.  You told her yes.  It does appear that you were honest.  Normally if you are in the lead, this is a good move and builds good will from other teams.  But you knew you were very likely next to last.  Never help the team that is behind you.  The extra minutes it might take them to complete a task might be what saves you.

Uchenna & Joyce:  You did pretty good throughout the leg, until you headed back into town. You went from 3rd to 5th by taking the slower way to town, you choose the more time consuming task and you had the most difficulty in finding the delivery location  and it cost you a position.  You guys are having a harder time keeping your spirits and a good working energy.  But you are still a faily positive team.  Luckily being still fairly early in the race the 30 minnute penalty is often easier to absorb then later in the season.

Offline hakushu8

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 09:20:29 AM »
In Johannesburg, Custom Agents impound Charla’s Sweater as an illegal toxic agent, to be later destroyed.

I'm not sure if this is true, but if it's not, dang you got me good mswood. :lol:

Great job with the report, by the way. It was my first time reading this, so I better watch out for the next ones. :tup:
just dance
I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2007, 09:47:08 AM »
Feel better, mswood!  But if this is what you can do sick....

You did a fabulous job! And I love having these reports to refer back to again and again--thanks SO much for doing them!

.... which Phil again mercilessly teases Peach about how close they are to Antarctica
--you better believe that I was all "don't rub it in Phil!"

In Johannesburg, Custom Agents impound Charla’s Sweater as an illegal toxic agent, to be later destroyed.
Heeee! Please lord--do NOT let it reappear in Poland after being stuffed into a hot backpack for a couple more weeks!

and thanks too to TPTB for the shout outs on the problems of landmines and AIDS in this not-so-long-ago war-torn country...

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Offline Slowhatch

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2007, 09:50:41 AM »
As best I can place it, this is the intersection where many teams made an error (kmz attached). Teams arrived from the north on EN 1. A right turn would have taken them to Boane and the SA border. Going straight takes them to the tail end of EN1 at the harbor. A left turn takes them to the city center on EN 4. Although it's counter-intuitive, going straight through the harbor area to the side entrance of the train station plaza saved C/M a lot of time.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 02:02:24 PM »
Really great work mswood!

I remember Charla calling her rat Twinkle Toes.

Offline apskip

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2007, 05:38:32 PM »
mswood, you stated "Teams must now travel to Fortalleza (Portuguese for Port, I believe)."   You missed the definition of fortaleza by one letter. It is basically "fort", not "port". The translation I have obtained from Portuguese to English on that word is "(fortification, munition) defensive structure consisting of walls or mounds built around a stronghold to strengthen it."

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2007, 08:42:44 PM »
apskip, I was going crazy over this episode.  First looking at several sites for info on Maputo and, I was just really not able to concentrate well at all.

So it doesn't surprise me.

And  think I wasted about two hours trying to find anything more solid about the stupid "f"  ing flights. 

Hell, I  couldn't even find the damn one Uchenna & Joyce took for christ sake.

And, can someone please tell me if there was a flight into Maputo at 3:00 pm.  I couldn't find a frigging one.  The closest I came was something at 2 something.  ANd by that time, I was just so out of it I was having a hard time reading the computer screen.

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2007, 09:09:18 PM »
There are two connections which fit the racers flight (0940) and the default flight supplied by production (1500).

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Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #5 AS
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2007, 10:30:40 PM »
Thanks Slowhatch, I just couldn't find it and was getting really frustrated by it.