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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« on: March 14, 2007, 09:14:49 PM »
Racing Report Leg #4

November 25, a Saturday

Teams had a standard 12 hour pit Stop between legs.

Teams leave the Pit Stop, at Playa Petrohue in the order they arrived.
1.  Rob & Amber  6:11 am
2.  Uchenna & Joyce  6:26 am
3.  Eric & Danielle  6:28 am
4.  Dustin  & Kandice  6:40 am
5.  Oswald & Danny  6:51 am
6.  Teri & Ian  6:53 am
7.  Joe & Bill  8:05 am
8.  Charla & Mirna  8:11 am (matches Chateau time estimate.  So we can confirm a standard 12 hour pitstop).

Teams are provided $302.00 for this leg of the race.

Teams are instructed to fly over 800 miles to Punta Arenas, Chile.  When they arrive they will travel by taxi 15 miles to Lord Lonsdale’s Shipwreck.

Teams must drive themselves from Playa Petrohue back to Puerto Montt Airport.

Teams arrive in the following order:
1.  Rob & Amber
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Uchenna & Joyce (while these two teams are getting their ticket it is 8:10 am).
4.  Dustin & Kandice
5.  Oswald & Danny
6.  Teri & Ian
7.  Joe & Bill (The plane that leaves at 9:40 am is boarding when Joe & Bill arrive).
8.  Charla & Mirna

The first 6 teams are able to to make the the first Flight, while Joe & Bill and Charla & Mirna must take the later flight.

First Flight:  LAN 991 leaving Puerto Montt, arriving in Punta Arenas at 11:50am

Second Flight:  LAN 997 leaving Puerto Montt, arriving in Punta Arenas at 1:25 pm.

An hour and 35 minutes after the first flight.

While waiting Rob & Amber use internet to locate the shipwreck, though they waste time thinking it’s a painting (which there are), and not the actual shipwreck.  But they do figure it out.

Joe & Bill use the wait and ask a local for the address.

Uchenna & Joyce ask a flight attendant, who then proceeds to give the info not to Uchenna but to Rob & Amber.  Which reads – Park Maria Betty, South Punta Arenas.

Teams arrive in Punta Arenas and get taxi's in the following order.
1.  Rob & Amber
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Uchenna & Joyce
5.  Dustin & Kandice
6.  Teri & Ian.

The Next Flights teams.
7.  Joe & Bill
8.  Charla & Mirna

Teams arrive at the shipwreck at get to the route marker in the following order:
1.  Rob & Amber
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Eric & Danielle
4.  Uchenna & Joyce
5.  Teri & Ian
6.  Dustin & Kandice

Next Flights Teams
7.  Charla & Mirna
8.  Joe & Bill

Detour – Navigate or Sign it.

In Navigate It: Teams have to use a map of Punta Arenas to get to the town plaza where a sailor will hand them a compass. Then, using the compass, the Teams need to walk directly south to find the Nautilus Building, a deep-sea salvage business. 

In Sign It: Teams have to choose a pole and building supplies and carry them up a flight of stairs to Magellan's Map. Using the map as a reference, Teams need to figure out his journey around the world began and ended in Seville. Then, they have to build a traditional local signpost listing in order the fourteen ports of call in his voyage. While the signs didn't have to point in the right direction, all the cities had to be spelled correctly.

According to Rob & Amber, the clue didn’t specify that spelling had to be accurate.

According to Slowhatch the distance between the Plaza and the Nautilus building (located at 803 Boliviana) is 4 blocks directly south.   

One is curious how far it is from the Shipwreck to the Plaza and how much time that took to do, since the walking from Plaza to Nautilus should have been completed quickly?

Navigate It:  Oswald & Danny, Eric & Danielle, Teri & Ian and Joe & Bill initial choose.  All other teams (besides Uchenna & Joyce) will switch from Sign It, to perform this Detour instead.

Sign It:  Rob & Amber, Uchenna & Joyce, Dustin & Kandice, and Charla & Mirna choose this Detour.

Teams get to the Town Square to receive their clue in the following order:
1.  Eric & Danielle
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Teri & Ian

The next teams arrive after the 2cd plane arrives in Punta Arenas.
4.  Dustin & Kandice
5.  Rob & Amber
6.  Joe & Bill  (who manage to catchup and pass teams 4 & 5 even though they arrived 1 hour 35 minutes later.
7.  Charla & Mirna

Teams get to the Nautilus Building in the following Order:
1.  Eric & Danielle
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Teri & Ian

Somewhere in this time frame Uchenna & Joyce are the only team that successfully completes the Sign It Detour.

4.  Joe & Bill
5.  Rob & Amber
6.  Dustin & Kandice (Teams 5 & 6 lose even more time, when Rob instead of following the Detour’s clue, just assumes he knows the location.  He wasn’t correct)
7.  Charla & Mirna

Teams are directed to the Airport where they must sign up for one of two charter flights which leave 3 hours apart.  They will fly 165 miles to the city of Ushuala, Argentina (not Australia Danielle, almost as bad as Jeremy asking how are they getting from Moscow to Munich, Germany in season 9).  At Fin del Mundo they must go to Playa larga beach along Canal Beagle where they will find their next clue.

Teams arrive at the airport and sign up for the charter flight at the Sky Airlines Counter (Yet they clearly Fly LAN, who knows) in the following order:
1.  Oswald & Danny
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Teri & Ian

These three teams manage this before the 2cd flight arrives and from the 2cd floor watch Joe & Bill and Charla & Mirna leave the airport.

4.  Uchenna & Joyce
5.  Joe & Bill
6.  Rob & Amber
7.  Dustin & Kandice
8.  Charla & Mirna.  And are considerable later then any team, even teams 6 & 7.

The first Charter Flight leaves Punta Arenas at 8:00 am the following morning, Sunday the 26th.  So all teams have a nice chance to relax and get some rest.

Punta Arenas to Ushuala. 

First Flight:  LAN 1381 (corrected thanks to apskip) departing at 8:00 am and arriving at 8:50 am.  It carries the first 3 teams.
Second Flight:  LAN 1383  departing at 11:00 am and arriving at 11:50 am.  All other teams must take the later flight.

Teams arrive at the airport and get cabs in the following order:
First Flight
1.  Teri & Ian
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Eric & Danielle

Second Flight
4.  Dustin & Kandice
5.  Joe & Bill
6.  Uchenna & Joyce
7.  Rob & Amber
8.  Charla & Mirna

Teams arrive at the cluebox in the following order:
1.  Oswald & Danny
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Teri & Ian  (who according to clips spent about 40 minutes looking in the wrong area).
4.  Joe & Bill
5.  Uchenna & Joyce
6.  Dustin & Kandice
7.  Rob & Amber
8.  Charla & Mirna

Teams must travel by taxi to Bahia Lapataia National Park of Tiera del fugo. Where they will be 17,815 kilometers from my home state of Alaska (see I learned something from the show, travel porn is not only Hot, but educational as well).  At the end of the PAN American Highway they will take a boat that departs every 20 minutes to Isla Redonda, also known as the end of the world as it’s the Southern most point of the Americas.  Once there teams must find the Unidad Postal Fin de Mundo, Correo, Argentino (the local Post Office).

Teams arrive at the dock and pull a number in the following order:
1.  Eric & Danielle  -1st boat
2.  Oswald & Danny  -1st boat
3.  Teri & Ian  -2cd boat (Teams 1 & @ have already departed before they arrive)
4.  Dustin & Kandice  -3rd boat, and should be close to two hours after Teri & Ian.
5.  Joe & Bill  -3rd boat.
6.  Uchenna & Joyce  -4th boat
7.  Rob & Amber  -4th boat
8.  Charla & Mirna  -5th boat.  Teams 4 & 5 has just left, when they have arrived.

Teams arrive at the Post Office for their next clue in the following order:
1.  Oswald & Danny
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Teri & Ian
4.  Dustin & Kandice
5.  Joe & Bill
6.  Rob & Amber
7.  Uchenna & Joyce
8.  Charla & Mirna (and should be a full 20 minutes behind team 6 & 7.

ROADBLOCK-One team member must perform the job of a postal worker and choose a bag, and sort through 1600 envelopes for one of the two envelopes addresses to that team.  What teams don’t know is that the letters were written by cast members from their first season on the Race.  That team member must read the letter fully to their partner to receive their next clue.

Each letter is addressed to the teams by Team name members first name with the following address.
Isla Redonda Post Office
CP 9410

The team member who does the roadblock
Oswald - 2 roadblock
Eric – 2cd roadblock
Teri – 2cd roadblock
Kandice – 2cd roadblock
Bill – 2cd roadblock
Rob – 1st roadblock (and only roadblock, he-he)
Joyce – 2cd roadblock
Mirna – 2cd roadblock

Teams complete the roadblock in the following order:
1.  Oswald & Danny (letter from Blake & Paige)
2.  Eric & Danielle (letter from Dani & Jeremy original team mates)
3.  Teri & Ian (Letter from 3rd season winners Zach and deadweight)
4.  Joe & Bill (letter from Loud and pushy Frank)
5.  Dustin & Kandice  (letter from half of Bama, the nicer half Lyn)
6.  Uchenna & Joyce  (letter from Patrick & Susan, okay I was surprised by that one)
7.  Charla & Mirna (letter from Marshall & Lance the quitters, made Flo look good)
8.  Rob & Amber  (letter from Susan & Patrick, again I would think Lynn & Alex could have pulled double duty and they certainly hated this team).

Rob never found either of the two envelopes before Charla & Mirna left, and looked though another bag before he found one. 
Teams must travel on foot and following the path around the Island until they find Masti de Belgrand (or Mastili Crucao ARA General Belgrano) the pit stop for the fourth leg of the race.

Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following Order:
1.  Oswald & Danny and win a cruise to Maui
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Teri & Ian
4.  Joe & Bill
5.  Dustin & Kandice
6.  Uchenna & Joyce
7.  Charla & Mirna
8.  Rob & Amber – who are eliminated.

Evidently Charla & Mirna took the longer route and still managed to be ahead of Rob & Amber.

This leads me to believe that it really took Rob a considerable amount of time to find a letter.  And that once they did they were already sure they were in last place.  Thus why we never really see them running to the Pit Stop.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 10:30:31 PM by mswood »

Offline Slowhatch

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 09:40:03 PM »
The shipwreck is just south of town (kmz attached); it's about 1.5 miles from there to the Plaza de Armas (IIRC everybody had to go to Cerro Cruz first; even the navigators had to pick up their maps at Cerro Cruz first before heading out to meet the sailor; hence Chateau's sharp eyes on the D/O cap that they were heading away from Cerro Cruz on Ave. Fagnano).

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 09:48:22 PM »
Thanks for the statistics!  Keep up the good work!

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 10:13:32 PM »

Oswald & Danny:  Okay guys that is how to run a leg.  This based on clips and the show was clearly their best leg to date.  Not only did they manage to make all the right choices and to get out in the lead early.  Where they and Eric & Danielle traded off 1st and 2cd for almost the entire leg.  They continue to keep their spirits up and work very well together (kind of can't wait to see them fight next episode, I am evil).  Really if they keep this up they should have no problem staying in the race a long, time.

Eric & Danielle:  This team has done both excellent and poor in each episode so far.  Making up considerable time, and then faltering on a task.  This is the first leg, where pretty much everything, just worked.  They continue to show hustle at all stages of the race (I think when this is over Danielle is going to pull a Megan Linz and never want to run again).  The only minor setback they had, was the length of time it took them to find the letter addressed to them (I am curious on the time separation between first and second).  This team is slowly getting closer and closer to the performance Eric & Jeremy enjoyed in season 9.

Teri & Ian:  Well they did make some great choices, which gave them time to make up for any errors of judgment later in the race.  By correctly choices the Navigation Detour (and due to the other teams inability to correctly due the Sign It detour out of the gate) they managed to snag the last spot, on the charter flight.  This gave them a huge three hour window to complete the days tasks.  And while Ian choice to explore the hillside cost the team roughly 40 minutes, and apparently Teri also took a bit of time doing the roadblock they should still have close to a two hour lead over the next group of teams.  But if it wasn't for that time gap, this team would have been probably 6th for the day.  A mixed bag, where the errors had no significant effect on their standing.

Joe & Bill:  This team was sunk by their significant errors from the leg before.  Making them over an hour an a half behind the first group of teams for the tasks of the first day.  But thinks to both the errors of those who choose Sign it, and their choice and performance of the Navigation detour.  They caught up and passed two teams.  Unfortunately this was equalized by the 2cd charter.  But the team didn't waste themomentum and keep up the pass at all stages of the 2cd days tasks.  They actually ran a very good leg, and were only really hurt from their starting time due to the errors of the last leg.

Dustin & Kandice:  Okay, you guys sucked on the first days tasks.  You were slow out of the gate, you made a poor detour choice.  And were unable to complete the task.    They probably spent about an hour on the tasks.  They did push to align themselves with another team.  And that is a good move in most cases.  But as soon as you saw Joe & Bill pass you, you knew you were in trouble.  When you just blindly followed Rob, when he wasn't following the clue's instruction, you made a serious mistake.  The only time you blindly follow a team, is at the start of the race following a car that knows where the airport is.  That is really it.  You have made already several errors with clues.  Follow the clues.  Luckily for you, you performed the 2cd days tasks quite well arriving on the Mat just shortly after Joe & Bill (I would guess with in 2-4 minutes.  But last season this team took 4 legs before they got their stuff together and after that ran a surprisingly strong race.  Will see if they manage that this season.

Uchenna & Joyce:  Well you did better then any other team that performed the Sign It detour, but you lost a lot of time before you realized and corrected your errors.  I think if a team did perform this tasks correctly they should have been able to finish in time for the first flight.  You also performed just average int eh 2cd days events with Joyce taking over 20 minutes to perform her roadblock (Charla & Mirna had arrived).  But with the extra 20 minute window and the very poor performance of Rob & Amber this team had a bit of extra time to spare.

Charla & Mirna:  How does this team keep surviving.  First, Mirna choice to stop at a travel agency usually is a good one  With the exception of when you are short of time.  According to clips they spent too much time at the travel agency and really made it to the airport without a whole lot of extra time.  If this is true that error could have cost them the race.  Now during layovers (Mirna does great at this), when you have an early departure time (Mirna was great at this).  But you can't just assume you have time to lose at a travel agency when you are at the tail end of the pack.  They did very poorly on the detour tasks and failed to really function as a team.  While Mirna was a shrieking bitch to Charla, she actually does have a valid point.  Charla should have gotten to the top of the area and starting working.  Mirna is able to cover the distance (and the stairs) easier.  But just like Eric should have encouraged Danielle in a nicer manner last episode, here Mirna chooses the worst way to express herself.  I honestly believe (thanks to Chateau's time stamps) this team took longer then any of the others for the tasks that day.  Their performance the next day was also fairly week.  Now a good part of that is walking speed (especially in non smooth level surfaces).  That always hits this team hard.  But they actually did okay at the roadblock and managed to pass a team.  And while Marshall and Lance's letter was full of hate, when you are on a race don't stop and complain while reading it to your partner.  Sometimes moments do count.  But thanks to the failure of Rob in his tasks the team had enough time to not only take the long way to the mat, but also to compensate for Charla's slower running ability.  Clearly the most irritating and irrational team so far on the race, that tends to waste both time and energy venting about the injustice that they feel (often unjustified) suffer.  Sorry fans, but I honestly think this team has made it to #3 on my all time hatred of Teams list, with only Jonathan & Victoria (forever #1) and The Weaver family as teams that I can't wait to see off the TV.

Rob & Amber:  Boy you guys, just sucked this leg.  I mean just sucked.  The only good side to that, is that fans can take solice that this team wasn't eliminated solely off the bad performance of one task.  Nope, they screwed up almost every part of the leg.  From making a poor detour choice.  And I am sorry, even if spelling wasn't part of the clue, if it occurs to you to say it out loud and the words are their in front of you.  CHECK THEM.  I mean seriously, how difficult is that.  Then making the error not to change fast enough, you make an even greater error.  You have a clue, lets see what should you do.  I know just assume you know the right answer.  Whats the worse that could happen?  Dumb Ass.  But after that they do make two smart choices The first walking out to get a head start of snatching a cab.  Very smart.  The only possible drawback to that is if the cabs at that airport will only pick up at assigned spots (which can happen).  But being aggressive paid off.   The next smart choice was deliberately lying to Charla & Mirna.  And while it might not have mattered against this slower walking team.  Its a smart choice.  The bad move was joking about it to everyone else, and then lying to Charla & Mirna in front of those same people.  Either own it and just let everyone know, HELL YES, I LIED.  It's A Raceget the hell over it.  Or don't tell anyone you lied.  The best this team could have managed at the point of the boat was a 6th place finish and while Joyce also had some trouble finding her letter, you fared, far, far worse.  Whether this as due to the frustration of being near the back of the pack, is unknown.  But this leg, you really should have been eliminated.  And it sucks that Charla & Mirna survive another leg of terrible performance to continue racing.  They should have made it a double elimination.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 10:22:46 PM by mswood »

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2007, 10:16:00 PM »
The shipwreck is just south of town (kmz attached); it's about 1.5 miles from there to the Plaza de Armas (IIRC everybody had to go to Cerro Cruz first; even the navigators had to pick up their maps at Cerro Cruz first before heading out to meet the sailor; hence Chateau's sharp eyes on the D/O cap that they were heading away from Cerro Cruz on Ave. Fagnano).

Thinks Slowhatch, I was very curious about that part.  ANd I didn't have a lot of energy this week to check on some of the facts.

What I really want to know is how fast a team could complete the Sign It task if they did it correctly from the get go.  Becasue none of these teams did, and they each wasted a tremendous amount of time.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2007, 10:18:25 PM »
MSWOOD, another fine Racing Report. I have one correction. You were speculating on flight numbers for thte LAN charters from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia and attempting to assign regular flight numbers. Those would be special flights without regular LAN flight numbers. They might have a 4-digit flight number for the purposes of identifying the flights for air traffic control.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2007, 10:26:24 PM »
Were they LAN charters? I know LAN has gotten a lot of free publicity over the last couple of weeks, but I'm starting to wonder. Mirna had a Sky flight number on her card (visible during the cab ride to Chuquicamata), and the racers checked in for their Ushuaia charters at a Sky desk. It could just be a coincidence, but we never actually saw the charter planes used, just some stock footage.

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Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2007, 10:26:55 PM »
MSWOOD, another fine Racing Report. I have one correction. You were speculating on flight numbers for thte LAN charters from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia and attempting to assign regular flight numbers. Those would be special flights without regular LAN flight numbers. They might have a 4-digit flight number for the purposes of identifying the flights for air traffic control.

Thank you very much apskip.  Then both numbers have a 1 preceeding them.  But I wasn't for sure that is why I kept them as a 3 digit.  I will post the correction.  I knew you would be able to correct that..

And please, please.  Keep up the early speculation on flights.  It makes the work so much easier.

Even if it isn't always spot on, it narrows it down so much.  Both on flight possabilities and the timeline itself.  Add that to how much info the show as actually televised, this season has been the easiest one for me to right about.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2007, 11:21:20 PM »
Yeah, they were LAN flights, but the sign up was for Sky.

SO I don't know how that happened.  And the flights used were the standard scheduled LAN Flights.

I don't know if Sky works with LAN in some fashion (as some US carriers do for example).

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2007, 01:20:06 AM »
Average Leg Placement

Oswald & Danny  2.50
Rob & Amber  2.75
Eric & Danielle  3.25
Joe & Bill  4.75
Teri & Ian  4.75
Dustin & Kandice  5.25
Uchenna & Joyce  5.25
Charla & Mirna  7.75

Well, with setting records for winning three legs back to back at the start of the race, and getting the best Leg average for all seasons for legs 2 & 3.  They score another with the lowest Pit Stop Placement Average of any team to be eliminated.

But thanks to Oswald & Danny placing first, they don't have the best average now for the season.  The only time that a team has had the best average for the season and been eliminated was just last season with Peter and Sarah being eliminated in leg 6 with a 3.17 average, while the next lowest rated team was Tyler & James with a 3.33.

Comparison to Original Seasons at leg 4.
Oswald & Danny 4.25  So they are doing substantually better.
Rob & Amber  2.50  Have a slightly higher average now, and of course they are eliminated so, it sucks to be them.
Eric & Danielle  Well Eric had a 1.50 average at this stage.  While Danielle had a 8.25.  The average for this hybrid team would be 4.88.  So right now they are placing better than the average of their parts.
Joe & Bill 2.25   They are doing considerable worse.
Teri & Ian  8.25  Have a huge improvement in performance.
Dustin & Kandice  5.00  Just slightly off their previous season
Uchenna & Joyce  4.25  Averaging one full placement worse each leg.
Charla & Mirna  3.25  At this time in season 5 Charla & Mirna had the best record (slightly lower then Brandon & Nicole and then Colin & Christie).  This so far has been a disaster.  At this stage only 3 teams have had a worse record (teri & Ian, Dani & Danielle, and Don & Mary Jean).  Yet one of them did improve, get it together and make the final three and place 2cd for their season.  But it looks so far more like a Lyn & Karlynn season, where a team hardly ever performs above average, and yet manages to stay through the whole race.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2007, 09:13:25 AM »
My hypothesis is simple: Sky Airlines was just acting as the booking service agent for LAN Charter for those flights. All they provided was counter space and a sign-in sheet. Presumably Sky had other flights happening at other times that day and regular LAN did not want to mix the Amazing Race teams up at one of its regular checkin counters at Punta Arenas airport.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #4 AS
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2007, 04:24:17 PM »
My Boyfriend said roughly the same thing.  So thats what I assumed happened (he worked ticketing at United for about 5 years.