Author Topic: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*  (Read 180851 times)

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #225 on: March 29, 2007, 09:11:31 AM »
I forgot who but somebody told me that it's not normal for CBS to announce the shows that are renewed in September *THIS* early, so maybe we will get an official announcement soon?

most likely sometime in may before fall lineups are announced

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #226 on: March 29, 2007, 10:12:07 PM »
CBS has its upfronts on May 16th a Wednesday.  So we will no for sure that day or the day before.

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #227 on: March 29, 2007, 10:16:18 PM »
Oh my God, I'm nervous!

Offline Kogs

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #228 on: March 29, 2007, 10:38:46 PM »
Oh my God, I'm nervous!

i'm more nervous about making a turkey for 13 people for passover than may16th right now :lol: :lol: ill think about it after the holiday :lol: :lol:

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #229 on: March 29, 2007, 10:49:59 PM »
Chef Kogs  :lol:

Offline Kogs

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #230 on: March 30, 2007, 06:41:37 AM »
thats right :jam: :jam:

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #231 on: April 01, 2007, 03:23:34 PM »
( missed this one,lol)

INTERVIEW: Teri and Ian Pollack discuss their 'Amazing Race' journey

By Christopher Rocchio, 03/26/2007

At 53 and 54 respectively, married parents Teri and Ian Pollack were the oldest team competing in CBS' The Amazing Race: All-Stars.  While they finished second on The Amazing Race's third season, some flight misfortune in Africa sent them packing as the fifth team eliminated from All-Stars.

On Monday, the homemaker and retired police lieutenant from Palm City, FL talked to Reality TV World about spending more than 12 hours in an airport; what it was liked to tame some Chilean rapids; as well as how Sequesterville helped lead them down memory lane.

Reality TV World:  Seeing as how the "inconvenience" of sleeping at the airport didn't affect the time you departed Maputo, do you think the decision was worth the fatigue it might have caused?

Ian:  I don't think it really caused any more fatigue then we would have had anyhow.  By the time we would have gotten back to the Pit Stop and laid down in a bed, three hours later we would have been up to be back at the airport.  So it's probably just better to lay down there and sleep.  Although Teri wanted to go back.  Obviously, you saw that the decision was made to stay [at the airport].
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Reality TV World:  Teri, was the only reason you wanted to go back to the Pit Stop was to be more well rested?

Teri:  I just felt it would be more comfortable than staying in the airport.  We had hours to kill and I didn't think that it mattered.

Reality TV World:  Later, when you were trying to get on the 11:45AM South African Airlines flight from Maputo to Johannesburg, why did you decide to stay in line with Joe Baldassare and Bill Bartek instead of going up to the airline’s office with the four other teams?

Ian:  Well first of all, we didn't know they were going up there.  Second of all, we believed that the rule of 'First in line gets served first' works better.  Unfortunately for us, it didn't work out.

Reality TV World:  What was your reaction when you found that Maputo airport decision cost you a spot on the connecting Air Tanzania flight from Johannesburg to Dar Es Salaam?

Teri:  I don't believe that it cost us the place because as you know, [Eric Sanchez and Danielle Turner] went up there as well and they were the first ones in that office and they did not get on that flight either.  So it was something else that kept us off that flight.

Reality TV World:  Do you think it was unfair that Eric and Danielle were placed on priority standby for the next day's 9:55AM South African Airlines flight while you two had to wait for another flight with Joe and Bill?

Teri:  We were on the same standby flight as they were.  It was just a matter of who was standing closer to the agent when he said he had a couple of more seats. Unfortunately, Eric's arms are longer than mine.

Reality TV World:  So that's all it came down to, they were just closer to the ticket counter at that time?

Teri:  That's correct.

Reality TV World:  Given you'd made a point of being first at the check-in counter back in Maputo, how did Eric and Danielle manage to get to the Johannesburg check-in counter before you the next morning?

Ian:  We all slept on the floor together within 20 feet of each other.  What really basically happened was we had a conversation the night before with Eric and Danielle, and what Teri and I decided that if it really came down to one team getting on the flight, we were going to let Eric and Danielle do it.  They're younger people, they certainly needed the money more than we did.  It was just the right thing to do.  If they were there first, we were not going to argue.  And they were in line probably about a minute before we were and we were not gonna argue with them about places in line.

Reality TV World:  Did you feel confident having Joe and Bill with you as insurance?

Ian:  Well you know it didn't feel safe with just Bill and Joe there.  It would have been nice to have [Eric and Danielle] there.  I think if [Eric and Danielle, Joe and Bill and us] would have been there on the same flight that it would have been a more competitive finish.  Unfortunately it wasn't.

Reality TV World:  Teri, Charla commented you frequently mentioned how you wanted to fly to Miami and go home.  What was behind those comments considering last night was the first we heard of it?

Teri:  I had never mentioned it before, it was just that when we had been in that airport all night and there were no flights to get to Dar Es Salaam, I was like finished.  I said, "You know, well.  If I can't get a flight there, maybe I can get a flight to Miami."  It was said more in guest than anything else and it was something to fly with I guess.

Reality TV World:  Do you think the problems you had putting the puzzle together during the sixth leg’s Detour cost you in the end?

Teri:  Well of course it cost us because we were in a race with Bill and Joe at that point.  They did put the puzzle together before we did, and therefore did finish before us and we were eliminated and they were not.

Reality TV World:  How far behind Joe and Bill did you reach the Pit Stop?   

Teri:  Five minutes at the most.

Reality TV World:  Did they tell you guys how far behind Charla and Mirna were you?

Teri:  We assumed we were at least 12 to 24 hours behind them at that time.

Reality TV World:  Driving back to Maputo during the fifth leg, your driver took a wrong turn following Eric and Danielle’s vehicle.  Did you really think they took the right turn to Maputo or did you just want to stay close to other teams to ensure you weren't way behind?

Ian:  They did take the right turn... and we did take the right turn.  What happened is, as we went up that street we went about six blocks too far from the next turn we were supposed to make.  We immediately stopped and asked directions, and were back at the [clue] box.  We were very surprised later to learn that at that box, we were the last to get to that box.  That was very surprising for us.

Reality TV World:  The fifth leg's Detour was quite serendipitous for you guys.   You originally planned to do "Porter," but after reading the clue incorrectly and traveling to the Maputo Central Market, the site of "Pamper," you decided to paint nails and finished the leg in third place.   Do you think you would have finished last had you not accidentally ended up at the wrong Detour challenge?

Teri:  Definitely.
Ian:  Definitely.  But we didn't read the clue wrong.  What happened is we solicited some help from a local person as to where to go to do ["Porter"].  And he was looking at the clue, and took us to the wrong location.  What happened is we ran into [Maputo Central Market] and realized we were at the wrong location and ran out the back of the market and we were going to run to ["Porter"] and then realized we had a mile, mile-and-a-half to get there, so we started running back for the vehicle then got back to the market we decided just to do ["Pamper"].

Reality TV World:  Was "Pamper" a little easier than you thought it was going to be?

Ian:  Yes it was.  I did not know that in that country men usually paint nails.  So I thought I was going to have a very hard time doing it.  As it turned out, we were only trying to do it for five or six minutes when we found these two young ladies that were very cooperative.

Reality TV World:  You guys haggled with the person at the airport ticket counter at the beginning of the fourth leg, which landed you the final spot on the first flight to Punta Arenas.  What prompted you to try your luck even though they originally told you the flight was full?

Teri:  If you ask nicely, you never know what will happen.  There seems to always be some seat.  They thought that it was full, they thought it was closing out.  He just checked and found out there were more seats for us.  We were very lucky.

Reality TV World:  Do you think it had any bearing on where you finished the leg?

Teri:  I'm trying to remember the spot... It must have because what really made the difference there was we did "Navigate It" in that round and not "Sign It."
Reality TV World:  That leads to my next question, we saw what choosing "Sign It" instead of "Navigate It" at the fourth leg's Detour did to Rob and Amber Mariano.  What led you to chose "Navigate It?"

Ian:  When we read the clue [for "Sign It"], it was very clear you had to build something versus "Navigate It."  And I know how to navigate.  I know how to use a compass.  And it just seemed like the smarter way to go.  It might have been more distance we had to cover... looking at the teams picking up all the equipment to build [for "Sign It"], it just did not seem like the sensible choice to us.

Reality TV World:  Ian you said you were "shocked" when Rob and Amber were eliminated?  Was that the general consensus?

Ian:  I don't know what the other people really felt... I was rather shocked.  But what it really came down to was [Rob and Amber] at most Detours were doing both Detours.  They'd choose one, not be able to complete it, then go choose the other one.  And that finally just caught up to them and I was sad to see that happen.

Reality TV World:  You guys formed a loose alliance at the beginning of the third leg with Dustin Seltzer and Kandice Pelletier  because you called them "strong racers" Teri.  Was forming alliances part of your All-Stars strategy? 

Teri:  No we never had plans to form alliances.  I mean you work with people at a period of time and that's it.  In our first race [The Amazing Race 3] nobody would form an alliance with us because they thought we were the old ones, we would just fall behind and be eliminated.  So we knew that alliances were not the way to go.

Reality TV World:  Teri and Ian, you exchanged some words with Charla and Mirna at the airport ticket counter in Santiago during the third leg.  Ian how did it feel to have Mirna call you "the king of rude?"

Ian:  Well you know I'm not going to say anything negative about them.  They raced their race, we raced our race.  We tried to race with grace and dignity, and I respect anybody else's way of racing.  What they were basically trying to do was tie-up our ticket agent while Charla got the tickets from another ticket agent.  We didn't like that... we didn't think that was very nice.  But that was their method of racing and I respect that.  We chose not to do stuff like that.

Reality TV World:  Teri, what was it like being the only racer knocked out of the raft during the third leg's Detour? 

Teri (laughing):  Well at the time I didn't know I was the only one... but Ian said it as a good thing that I fell in the water to get some of that fish smell off of me [a reference to the third leg's Roadblock].  It was all part of the fun... rafting is fun and even falling in the water was just part of the show... part of the feel.
Ian:  I'll tell you, she came out of that water with a big smile on her face from ear to ear.  She loved it.
Reality TV World:  Was there any kind of initial concern when you hit the water?

Teri:  I knew that I'd be fine.  I did have a hold onto the rope onto the raft the whole time so I didn't drift away.  But I've been rafting before, and if you fall out of the raft they tell you what to do.  And I was lucky that I managed to grab onto the line and I didn't in fact go down the rapids without the boat... thank goodness.

Reality TV World:  Would you of jumped in after her Ian if you had to?

Ian:  Actually I reached for her to try to grab her and the guide yelled at me to stop, that he would take care of it.  he ran over there and grabbed her by the life vest and started pulling her into the boat, and I just grabbed her arm with the ore... and she was back in the boat.  This was seconds... I mean she was in the water and out of the water so quick it was the blink of an eye.

Reality TV World:  Ian, despite your  "attention to detail" as a former private investigator and police lieutenant, you struggled and finished last during All-Stars' first Roadblock.  Did you feel nervous that your observation skills might fail you during the competition?

Ian:  Which Roadblock are we talking about... in the boardroom?  You know, they described that in my opinion wrong to us.  They said, "someone with great observation skills."  That was a puzzle.  Teri is a puzzle person.  What happened to me when I went in there and realized it was a puzzle I started to short circuit a little bit, saying, "My God.  This is something Teri should be doing, she's so good at puzzles."  But then, poor [Joyce Agu] was there... she was the first person there and she was struggling.  I had been there about 20 minutes or so and she came up to me and said, "Look.  We're the last two here... there's only a few people left here, what would you say if I find it I'll give it to you and if you find it you'll give it to me."  And I said, "Fine."  That was no problem at all... then a light went on in her head, she got it.  I've got a lot of respect for her... she honored her word and she gave it to me.
Reality TV World:  What was your reaction when you saw Kevin O'Connor and Drew Feinberg driving so slow on the way to the second leg’s Pit Stop?  Did you ever consider that you might be speeding and would be penalized?

Ian:  We read the clue right... we had the information in our hand and it said when you were out of the Valley of the Moon, you could then follow the posted speed limit.  They just didn't get it.

Reality TV World:  During All-Stars were you guys aware the other racers were discounting your ability due to your age?

Ian:  No I wasn't really aware of that.  I mean we assumed that they'd figure we were old people and they could run us into the ground, but we beat some pretty formidable team in [both All-Stars and The Amazing Race 3].

Reality TV World:  Do you think being older than the rest of the racers was an advantage or disadvantage in the Race?

Ian:  I think it was definitely an advantage.  We're well traveled people, we have a mind set of never throw in the towel, and we embrace foreign travel, whether it's third world or modern world... it doesn't matter.  We enjoy it all.

Reality TV World:  How did you guys end up being part of the All-Stars?

Teri:  We got the call, they asked if we'd be interested and enough time had passed so I had obviously forgotten how heavy it was carrying your own backpack and we said absolutely.  I mean who wouldn't just fall over themselves to have a second shot at doing one of the most fabulous things that you've ever been able to do.
Ian:  Here's a good one for you.  I was an undercover police officer for my whole career -- from the investigative to the command level -- which is a pretty invigorating experience.  But I have to say that running The Amazing Race is absolutely the most invigorating experience of my life.

Reality TV World:  Did you consider yourselves all-stars?

Teri:  We hoped.
Ian:  We hoped we were all-stars.  We think we went out there and acted like all-stars.  We went out there to have fun and race with dignity and grace and I think we accomplished that.
Teri:  How could we not be considered all-stars... we did finish second in our season by a minute or two.

Reality TV World:  Was there anybody you were surprised to see or not see?

Ian:  We were hoping to see [The Amazing Race 5 runner-ups Colin Guinn and Christie Woods] and a few other teams...
Teri:  We were sad not to be racing with several of the teams from our first race... [Ken and Gerard Duphiney], [Flo Pesenti and Zach Behr], anybody.  Anybody from our first race.
Ian:  We were absolutely in shock when [fellow The Amazing Race 3 contestants John Vito Pietanza and Jill Aquilino] got eliminated first... we really hoped they'd have gone further with us.

Reality TV World:  How was All-Stars different from your first Race?  Did you plan on doing anything different the second time around?

Ian:  No we didn't plan on doing anything differently, but it was definitely a different type of race.  The Amazing Race 3 is much different than the All-Stars... I like to refer to the All-Stars as The Amazing Race: Survivor because there was a lot more sleep deprivation, a lot more discomfort... there was a lot more of just not having any type of creature comforts.
Reality TV World:  How did your children react when you told them you were doing it again?

Ian:  My 15-year-old said, "Cool."  My 20-year-old said, "Oh well."  And my 28-year-old -- who was in Iraq at the time -- was very proud of us.

Reality TV World:  Do you think they'd be happy with the way you guys ran the race?

Ian:  Well we haven't spoken to them since the episode last night... but we know they're proud of us.

Reality TV World:  Who did you consider your biggest competition and why?

Ian:  I probably... you know, they were all formidable teams.  You just look at them all.  I really believe that The Amazing Race is about 80% to 85% luck and the rest is skill.  If you're of average physical ability, and you have a mind set that you're not going to quit, you have an opportunity to win this race.

Reality TV World:  Who would you like to see win?  Anybody you wouldn't want to see win?

Ian:  Doesn't matter...

Reality TV World:  How was Sequesterville?  Were Rob and Amber especially bitter?

Ian:  No they weren't.  They were very nice people.  Nothing negative to say about them... I found them to be very nice.  Amazingly enough, Sequesterville was 250 yards approximately from where Teri and I spent our honeymoon 25 years ago.

Reality TV World:  Wow, so that must have been nice for you then?

Ian:  Real nice.

Reality TV World:  How's everything going in your life now?

Ian:  Everything's going great.  I'm a political activist trying to fight in my home county in Martin County, Florida to stop over development and urban sprawl, save the Indian River Lagoon, the Everglades Restoration Project, Lake Okeechobee... so that pretty much keeps a lot of my time going.  We're trying to save something of old Florida.

Reality TV World:  Everything's going fine with you too Teri?

Teri:  Yes it is.  You know what they say, "Traveling is wonderful, but there's no place like home."


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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #232 on: April 02, 2007, 10:15:39 AM »
The Guidos on the Early Show.
webpage, video

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #233 on: April 02, 2007, 10:46:02 AM »
And they brought GUIDO! aawwwww....

Guido's looking a little grey too, though...
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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #234 on: April 02, 2007, 02:47:16 PM »
LOL ... a clip of EP8 barf scenes

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #235 on: April 02, 2007, 03:45:26 PM »
Exclusive Interview: Joe Baldassare and Bill Bartek, 6th Team Eliminated for The Amazing Race All-Stars

Joe Bassidere and Bill Bartek (aka Team Guido) are one of the most notable teams in Amazing Race history.  They were a significant part of what made the show a hit in its first season and they were welcome members of All-Stars.  unfortunately (thanks to some brutal airport travails), Joe and Bill were eliminated from The Amazing Race on last night's two-hour episode.  Below, you will find both the transcript for the interview and the full audio file.
When you were contacted by the producers about maybe being a part of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, what was your reaction?  Was there any hesitation on your part?

Joe:  No, we had been hoping and anticipating that there would be an Amazing Race All-Stars for a couple of years and then we we were hoping that once it became clear that it was going to happen that we were praying that it would be us as one of the selected teams.  We hopped on it right away.

Were there any teams that you had wished would a part of All-Stars that weren't?

Joe: No, I think we were pretty happy with the group that was there. 

Bill: We won't name names, but before the race started we made a pecking order of who we thought could make it and who couldn't make it. We felt we still had a good chance.  Little did we know that we that we were going to have killer fatigue and knee pain so early in the race...we're too old farts and it sort of played a part in our race.

Joe:  I think we selected our list ...we kind of whittled it down to 11 or 12 teams that we thought were the likely candidates, and, like Amazing Race 1, we were about 50% correct.  And then the rest of them were surprises.

On last night's episode, especially in the first hour, being stuck in the Kilimanjaro airport, was that the worst stretch of Race you guys had ever been on?

Bill: I'll tell you what Oscar.  We had sort of already had a really bad stretch coming out of Puto, going into Zqanaibar and Dar Es Salaam and that was bad but we were like  “We can recover now, and we're on our way,” and then to get hit with that and get stuck in Kilimanjaro it really broke our spirits, it was tough.  Because we really would've been there during the day time with everybody; we would've been in 10, 11 o'clock in Warsaw.  So, we knew we were going to really be way behind the other teams again. 

Joe: That held us up for approximately another 8 hours.  It was really bad news and when you see me running outside...the deal was Dani and I were just like going crazier about the situation than Joe or Eric.  What I wanted to do even worse, what Dani and I actually decided to do...we were going to run outside and go up these staircases and into the airplane and talk to the pilot.  And the guy with KLM, he wasn't really helping us, he was just kind of giving us the brush off.  And what it really comes down to is Air Tanzania does not cooperate with KLM with informing them that their flights are going to be late so KLM can hold their flights for the connecting passengers.  So, Dani and I had agreed that we were going to run out there and talk to the pilot.  I mean, we could see him through the window there.  At the last minute when we went out she chickened out and Bill had reminded me that this was the same airport where Colin (of Colin and Christy) had almost been thrown in jail.  I became really aware that I didn't want to get thrown in jail. 

Watching the episodes at home, was there anything edited out that you wish they had shown?

Joe:  There was a lot more barfing than you saw.  Oh boy, that was really...a couple of those beer barrels were half full.

Bill: Yeah, Joe was the only one who really just ate it and ate it quickly and got up and was fine.  All of the rest of us threw up.  There were complete detours that got edited out, last night and one other time before that.  You know, there's always things that get filmed of you that you either think are hilarious or really stunning or earth-shattering or whatever and it turns out that it doesn't even get in.

You guys have anything coming up, personally, in the near future?

Joe:  No, we're pretty much happy to be in one piece after the race, and we're going back to our gorgeous Southern Caifornia lifestyle, we love it there.  We're always open to any ideas out there, things to do.  We're always happy to be a part of charitable functions and organizations and that's pretty much it.  We're just heading back to our great lives.  We've been together twenty years now.  We just feel really fortunate to have been included and we're just going to go back to our lives and we're done with it for now.


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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #236 on: April 03, 2007, 12:11:52 AM »
Long interview:
Interview with Bill and Joe from "The Amazing Race

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #237 on: April 03, 2007, 12:16:54 AM »
And another Interview with Joe & Bill @ RTVW

Reality TV World:  Any behind-the-scenes changes -- more crew, bigger budget? 

INTERVIEW: Joe Baldassare and Bill Bartek dish on 'All-Stars' adventure
By Christopher Rocchio, 04/02/2007
Joe Baldassare and Bill Bartek placed third on the original The Amazing Race in 2001, but couldn't crack the Top 5 on the currently airing All-Stars edition.
On Monday, the 56-year-old mineral trading company owner and 53-year-old realtor, both from Laguna Niguel, CA talked to Reality TV World about how they reall feel about some of their competition; what it was like to participate in different versions of The Amazing Race six years apart; and how Sequesterville was non-existent for them.

Reality TV World:  How was racing in the All-Stars edition different from competing on The Amazing Race's very first season? 

Bill:  From the first season, I think the biggest difference was the couple of new facets to the race, which were the Intersection and the Yield. The Intersection not so much a big part, but the Yield really played a lot into our strategy.  We were the villians in Season One, and it didn't matter what the heck we did to other teams.  But we realized this season we needed to be very careful how we interacted with other teams and keep a lower profile then we did in the first season because we knew we couldn't get away with some of that stuff.  That played a lot into seeing the kinder, gentler Guidos... we were trying to be a little more under the radar because we didn't want to people to single us out knowing we were the villains from the first season.  And also helping some of the other teams showed we are willing to work with other teams.  We didn't want a group of people to say, "The Guidos should go because they're the villains."

Reality TV World:  Any behind-the-scenes changes -- more crew, bigger budget? 

Joe:  Certainly production, the crew, all the staffers that follow us along were a lot bigger than The Amazing Race 1.  Another thing that Bill and I in particular had to catch-up fast on was the fact that on The Amazing Race 1, once you buy and pay for your airplane tickets [for] some place, you were done.  You couldn't change your tickets or turn them in and take another flight so you really had to do all your homework first and then decide what the best.  Somewhere around The Amazing Race 4 or 5, they changed the rules where you could buy tickets -- keep buying fully-refundable tickets -- and you could buy as many tickets as you wanted going from one place to another.  So as a result, say when we were in Johannasburg, you're just buying and buying and buying and buying tickets trying to get to Dar Es Salaam... we spent 28 hours in the Johannasburg airport before we finally got out.  Believe it or not, I had more than $50,000 worth of airplane tickets in my backpack.  We had maxed out two people's Visa cards just buying tickets trying to get out of there.  That's really different from the way we had originally played the game way back in 2001.  The way we did it before also allowed you to take a break and rest and relax for a little while because you know you've already made a choice and there's nothing else to do except wait for your flight to leave, versus this way, you're constantly working and working and working it.

Reality TV World:  What did you think about the fact that, unlike the first season, The Amazing Race's "clues" aren't really "clues" anymore but instead just instructions?  Which did you prefer?

Joe:  I kind of like the old way a little bit better where you had to figure out what the clue was saying and it was more of a riddle and you really had to think about what it was and what it meant.  I think it was much more interesting and harder.

Reality TV World:  Did you have any idea what you were getting into during your first season?

Bill:  No... when I clicked on the button on the CBS website it wasn't even called The Amazing Race, it was called the CBS Summer Global Adventure series.  That was like a clue.  This was a brand-new concept, and it really was the first time a television production was going to be on the road going around the world.  It was the first thing of its kind.  It had never been done before.  It was very evident from the very first day.  I guess from the very first Pit Stop when they had to send a cameraman home because he got so sick.  people were getting hurt, people were breaking cameras... you could tell that production was struggling to find their footing, what they needed to do to make this whole thing work.
Joe:  Literally, we had a meeting at midnight the night before we left [on The Amazing Race 1].  They pulled everybody down -- some people came in bathrobes and slippers -- and [co-creator and executive producer Bertram van Munster] explained to us the rules and we instantly had to memorize what the difference between a Detour and a Roadblock, this and that, and you just go back and go to sleep and you're leaving in the morning.  Here we are flying to South Africa, thinking "Bill, do you remember what a Detour is?  What's the difference between that and a Roadblock?"  We didn't even know what the words meant.
Bill:  It really was... I mean you got that feeling we all bonded.  We're still friends with everybody from that season that's still in production.  They're very, very impartial (laughing)... [but] we're still very close with all those people.

Reality TV World:  Your first race was the only one that was ever filmed in a pre-9/11 world.  Did you find the travel any different?  Did you have any new safety concerns?

Bill:  We had to definitely not bring anything that was sharp, we couldn't bring any liquids.  Liquids are probably one of the nice things you can do for yourself on the road.  Something that simple, you couldn't bring it from one country to another.  When you have very little resources to begin with and you have to buy a bottle of water... you just had to be very careful what you did and how you spent your money and how you packed your bags.
Joe:  There was one place where we basically had to unpack the backpacks completely and then repack it on fold-out counters.  That was tough... and you're anxious to get there and you're stressed out and you really don't want to have to go through stuff like that.  It just stresses you out even more.

Reality TV World:  You addressed this a little before, but what happened to the first season's "Evil Guidos?"  Was your behavior part of a change in strategy?  If so, what was the new strategy?

Joe (laughing):  Who were the "Evil Guidos?" We definitely wanted to project a kindler and gentler Guido here.

Reality TV World:  Do you think you achieved that?

Joe:  Actually I think we did.  We were probably somewhat anonymous for the most part...
Bill (laughing):  Maybe a little too kindler and gentler.
Joe:  For one thing, it's a thrill to do this and be on TV.  But it's kind of like a kick in the teeth when you see yourself and everybody hates you.  It's a big downer sometime.  So we didn't really want to go through that again, and also the first The Amazing Race we were no worse than anybody else, we just got edited that way.  I'm not saying we didn't do the things that we did [but] other people did things too, which you never saw.
Bill:  The camera never lies... it just tells its own story.
Joe:  On this one also, because of things like the Yield and the Intersection and stuff like that, we knew in advance that we couldn't play the game that hard with so little thought of what people thought of us along the way because we might actually need these people sometimes.  It would be really tough if we had to stand at an Intersection and keep waiting for a team because nobody wants to work with us.  Or we get yielded at every oportunity because everybody hates us.  So we really tried to keep a low-profile for the first half of the Race -- which is basically where we were [when we got eliminated] -- and then kick it up a notch for the second half, which we didn't quite get to.

Reality TV World:  After being stuck in an airport with Teri and Ian Pollack for a good part of the sixth leg, what was your initial reaction when you learned you were stuck with the same fate in Kilamanjaro?

Joe:  That was pratically the nail in the coffin (Bill groans).  That really... we had just gone through 28 hours in Johannasburg's airport and now we haven't caught up with the rest of the teams, but at least we were equal with [Eric Sanchez and Danielle Turner], so at least there were two of us at the back [of the pack.]  You feel some kind of cold comfort with that.  And then to have this Kilamanjaro airport fiasco happen to you -- knowing full well it only puts you another eight hours behind everybody else -- it really was a huge, huge downer.  That was really, really hard.  And then to compound it, when we finally do get to Warsaw, we're trying to fight our way back into the middle and we get the world's dumbest cab driver... he doesn't even know where the biggest park in his own hometown is!
Bill:  The biggest problem with the cab drivers is they're not always from where you think they are.  They may not even live in the city you're getting a ride in.  So if you ask for something as obscure as a little monument, they probably know where all the major streets are, but they don't know monuments and parks... you have to give them a little credit. 
Joe:  And the language barrier was horrendous.  Nobody spoke English.  I'm half Polish, but I didn't really learn any as a kid.  I was kicking myself in the teeth for that.

Reality TV World:  Did you get nightmare flashbacks to what happened in Alaska during your first The Amazing Race season?

Bill (laughing):  We just had flashback after flashback... don't remind us.

Reality TV World:  How long do you think it took you to find the clue inside the mannequin at the seventh leg's "Perfect Angle" Detour?

Bill:  That was awful.
Joe:  You are the first person to ask that.
Bill:  Do you have telepathy or something?  There was this one point where they were recording the woman saying, "No.  No."  And we thought, "I know what they [the editors] are going to do.  They're going to string all those no's together."
Joe:  We must have spent at least 45 minutes to an hour at the x-ray place.  And everytime you take an x-ray everybody has to leave the room, then you have to come back in, we had these led aprons on top [our]  jackets, so we're getting hot flipping this guy [the mannequin] over.

Reality TV World:  Do you think if you had chosen "Perfect Pitch" you could have finished before Danielle and Eric, or do you not know much about the piano?

Bill:  It wasn't that, it was just that we were so deep into this thing.  It was one of those things where we should have just said, "Okay.  We're over this and we're going to leave."  But we had already spent so much time just looking for the place.
Joe:  It actually all started looking for the Escada boutique to find the mannequin.
Bill:  There are three Escada boutiques... go figure.

Reality TV World:  When you found you were "marked for elimination," Joe you didn't sound to optimistic.  Did you really think there was a chance you'd be able to overcome the deficit and win?

Joe:  Well absolutely.  You never know... you never know what's going to happen further down the road.  People could make mistakes as big as ours... obviously with [Rob and Amber Marinao], you've seen how easy it is to go from first to last place in one episode.  Also with [Mirna Hindoyan and Charla Baklayan Faddoul], having to go from last to first.  So we didn't have to be first place the next leg, we just needed to be 30 minutes ahead of somebody else.  And that was entirely possible.  It actually would have happened had we not made a couple of time-wasting mistakes driving to [Pieskowa Skala Castle].  We probably would have been 30 minutes ahead of Eric and Danielle.  That would have saved our necks.

Reality TV World:  During "Eat It Up," did it ever cross your mind that Eric and Danielle -- who certainly didn't seem to be big fans of yours and vice versa throughout the rest of the race -- might intentionally go slow knowing that you were "marked for elimination?"

Joe:  100%.
Bill:  You know that probably did happen.
Joe:  Eric spent a lot of time with make-believe throw-up and dry heaves... nothing was coming out because you couldn't hear it.  He was intentionally turning his back to us so we couldn't see he wasn't really throwing up.  So it was all very much intentional I'm sure, but there was nothing we could do about it either.  We were stuck with them.
Bill:  The beauty queens [Dustin Seltzer and Kandice Pelletier] had wanted us to be with them, we just didn't get there before Charla and Mirna unfortunately.

Reality TV World:  When you arrived at the eighth leg's Roadblock how close were you to Charla and Mirna?
Bill:  We were probably... not as close as they made it look.
Joe:  We were close to them but we probably couldn't have passed them.  The one clincher for me there was when we pulled into that road and we could see [Charla and Mirna's] car -- Eric and Danielle were behind us -- we didn't see the beauty queens' car.  It raised a possibility in my mind, which was wrong, that maybe the beauty queens got lost and we'd be 30 minutes ahead of them.  I wasn't really concentrating on Eric and Danielle that much, I was concentrating on "where are the beauty queens?"  I said that to Bill a couple times, "Don't give up.  The beauty queens aren't here."  Turned out they already checked in.  I think they moved their car so we wouldn't see it.

Reality TV World:  How far were Eric and Danielle behind you when you reached the Pit Stop?

Bill:  When we went to start dressing [in the armor], they actually started dressing ahead of me just by a minute.  By the time we were walking -- I got dressed a little faster -- grabbed my horse and started walking.  Then I got pretty significantly ahead of him... he was having trouble walking the horse, but significantly at that point was only five minutes.

Reality TV World:  How far behind Uchenna and Joyce Agu and Ozwald Mendez and Danilo Jimenez were you?

Joe:  At that time no, but we knew they did the Fastforward.  We knew that we were the first people doing the eating challenge, so we could only guess they were many hours ahead of us.  They had already  successfully completed the Fast Forward... I think the beauty queens [were the ones who] told us that.

Reality TV World:  At the beginning of the sixth leg, why did you decide to wait at the airport for the ticket counter to open instead of going back to the hotel to rest?

Bill:  Maputo was kind of a dangerous city.  There really wasn't much to be done late at night because everything was closed.  We probably could have gone to an Internet cafe or something but even that would have been a stretch for that small of a town.  We just thought it would be taking a chance whereas if we stayed at the airport we'd be first in line.  Not everybody was going to be able to have good luck and find an Internet cafe -- I mean they might have -- but we just felt our chances were better staying at the airport.
Joe:  It was really a confusing situation because we slept on the floor with Teri and Ian and then the beauty queens joined us so we're one, two and three.  But in that particular airport you don't go buy your tickets first and then go to some other counter and get a seat assignment, you have to walk over to another counter where seats are assigned, find out if there are seats available on the plane, get a seat assignment first and then walk and buy your ticket.  It was completely backwards.  And that was the beginning of everything getting all discombobulated.  You're number one at one ticket counter, by the time you go over to where the seats are... somebody else is already there so now you're number three.  And then you find out you get your seat and you've got to go back over there and now you're in fifth place trying to buy a ticket and it just went on and on and on.

Reality TV World:  How excited were you two when you saw Eric and Danielle got booted off the flight from Johannesburg to Dar Es Salaam?

Bill:  We were in Joannesburg airport and Joe and I just sat down to eat because we figured this is it, we're stuck here for a while.  We actually met some fans and they bought us a beer and some hot dogs because we couldn't afford to buy much.  That was really nice... we talked to them.  I think we just finished talking to them and we went up to our old table, I was looking over the railing to the floor below, and I saw a glimpse of a green shirt, which is what [Eric] was wearing that day.  And I went, "Oh my God!  I think I just saw Eric!"  And I got up to look over the balcony and sure enough it was them.
Joe:  We were thrilled.
Bill:  I jumped up and down, then they cut to Eric saying, "The Guidos just saw us."
Joe:  Couldn't happen to a nicer couple (laughing).

Reality TV World:  Were you confident you'd be able to complete the sixth leg's "Solve It" Detour before Teri and Ian?

Bill:  Yeah.  I think what happened was we noticed -- even before we got to Dar Es Salaam at the airport in Maputo -- Teri was already freaking out saying, "Okay I want to go home to Miami... just buy me tickets to Miami.  I'm out of here."  She was just giving up basically.  And I told Joe, "All we really need to do is stay calm, think about what we're doing next and I think we've got a good chance because they're stressed out."  Teri wanted to leave... it was sort of like Teri just lost it and didn't want to play the game anymore because she was so stressed out.  When we got to that Detour, Joe got a really good handle on the board real quick.  Those puzzles were painted on both sides.  When he said that, I said, "Well I need to seperate them by color."  We got organized real quick and stacked everything and Joe took one color and I took another color and we just kept putting pieces in pretty quickly.
Joe:  You also had to figure out which side of the fish the dorsal fin was on because both fish were swimming upside down.  There were three little clues there...
Bill:  It made it easier if you knew that.
Joe:  [Teri and Ian] only got two of the clues.  They said they didn't realize the fish were painted on both sides.  As we were leaving I called out and told them to pay attention to where the dorsal fins are... so Bill was right.  I think Teri was kind of ready to go home, ready to call it quits.  And when you try to get your second wind after that kind of frame of mind it's real hard to pull it together again.

Reality TV World:  Were you guys noticed at all during filming for All-Stars?

Bill:  Oh yeah.  We were the first team actually -- we can talk about it now --  we were photographed in Ushuaia at a ticket office... We were using a phone, and [someone] saw us and photographed us with their camera phone and they had it posted [on the Internet] within 10 minutes of seeing us.  Because everyone knew who the teams might be for All-Stars, but that was the first confirmation that All-Stars was running and we were one of the teams on it.  That happened within a couple days of the start.

Reality TV World:  When you finished the fifth leg a step ahead of them, Eric told Danielle they were beat by "a bunch of queens," and he referred to you as "old women who are passed their prime."  How did hearing that make you feel?

Bill:  We don't really understand it completely.  I think [Eric] just liked pushing buttons and in his own delusional mind that's how he thinks of us.
Joe:  At the time we didn't hear any of that... he didn't say any of that to our faces.  He said it behind our backs.  I have feeling that people who say things like that and people who try to come off as "butch" and "macho" more than anybody else are probably the ones that really have their own issues and they probably have more to hide about their own sexuality than meets the eye.  I think there's probably a lot going on there that he [Eric] hasn't come to terms with or hasn't come to grips with so he has to kind of run down other people.

Reality TV World:  Are you guys friendly with Eric and Danielle now?

Bill:  We talk to them on the phone... it really is not a huge thing to us.  We know what can happen during a race like this, you say and do things that maybe you regret later.  But whatever.  It's not going to keep us from being who we are.
Joe:  We're fifty-somethings and we came out in the 1970s... some 28-year-old calling us a bunch of queens passed their prime...
Bill:  Duh!
Joe: It's like not worth the breath it makes.  And we have just made it easier for all those people -- including [Eric] maybe someday -- to come out [of the closet] (laughing with Bill).

Reality TV World:  You arrived in Punta Arenas at the beginning of the fourth leg as one of the two last place teams.  How surprised were you when you chose the "Navigate It" Detour and saw Rob and Amber and Dustin and Kandice were still at the same point in the challenge as you?

Joe:  That was fun... oh my God, that gave us so much energy.  And the funny part about it is Rob really went out of his way a lot so we couldn't look over his shoulder to see what he was doing... like we really needed him to figure out which way was south? When we left that little park, we weren't even using the compass.  We just did it from the map, got a good sense of direction, and when we exited that park looking for that nautilus building, I specificaly told Bill, "Look down this street to the left, and if you see water we're going south."  And we looked down there, we coould see the bay, we knew exactly where we were.

Reality TV World:  What was the mood like when the teams realized Rob and Amber had been eliminated?

Bill:  It was wonderful.  All the teams were in a dining room waiting for everyone to come in team by team, and we just stood up and applauded when Charla and Mirna came in because we knew at that point they were history.
Joe:  Have you ever been in Times Sqaure at New Year's Eve?  It was like that with only eight people.
Bill:  It was fun.
Joe:  We were hooting and hollaring and screaming and cutting it up... and it was Mirna and Charla that did it.
Bill:  We were like right next to the post office with the beauty queens when this was all going down and we were pretty sure because we could hear Rob being pissed off.  It was like, "Uh-oh, I don't think it's going good for them."
Joe:  We were down a path, and we had to hide so we wouldn't get caught in their shots from their camera crew and they kept telling us we had to be quiet because we were giggling and making so much noise and hooting so much about it that they could probably hear us inside the post office.

Reality TV World:  Joe you called yourself "the fish whisperer" during the third leg's Roadblock then didn't read the entire clue at the bottom of the tank.  When did you realize your mistake in not reading the part about Petrohue?  Do you thin if it wasn't for the fact you ran into Charla and Mirna in town you would have been eliminated?

Joe:  We would have been eliminated.  I honestly to this day don't know where the name Petrohue was... I call it Petro-huey.  I simply didn't see it on the bottom of the pool.  I thought I had everything that was there and looking back on it Bill and I have suggested maybe I was standing on that word.  So that I didn't read it because I wasn't looking directly underneath my feet for the final piece of the clue.  But the clue was written in slort of a big "S" curve, curly "Q" sort of way and there were actually fish painted on the bottom of the pool and stuff like that.  So I thought I had the whole thing, and off we go marching then we actually found people who told us they knew what La Maquina was.  They told us it was the name of this boat down at the end of the road where this fish hatchery was.  So we went down all the way to where this road ended looking for this big boat and thinking that was going to take us out to an island that was the Pit Stop. We were as shocked as anybody (laughing).  Had we not found Mirna and Charla on the way back to town -- they had stopped at a hotel and were asking questions and we pulled up behind them -- had we not seen them we'd probably still be looking for it.  They saved our necks.
Bill:  We would have definitely been out.
Joe:  You saw the look on my face when Mirna said, "You haven't got the whole clue it's lucky you found us."  I was just in a little shock and I wanted to ring her neck for saying it on camera. (laughing with Bill)

Reality TV World:  Your first season completely skipped South America and Eastern Europe in favor of North Africa and Western Europe.  Obviously you didn't get to race the whole thing this time around, but which course did you enjoy more?

Bill:  Well I'd say the first one was much more panoramic world view whereas this one was definitely like "Bertram's Boot Camp."  You know it's really a rough course -- a good one -- Bertram did the right thing, that was the one to throw at us.  It was definitely a curveball because you're kind of expecting to go to these world, historic kind of sites and ancient sites and we really just did the nitty-gritty tour of South America.
Joe: [Bertram van Munster] just had every intention of just putting us through the mill.  When we were in South America, I'm convinced every contestant was certain we were going to Antarctica.  And that was going to be the fulfillment of a The Amazing Race dream because they had never been there.  We were all totally convinced that's next after Ushuaia.  So when we found out we had to go to Maputo... Yuck!

Reality TV World:  Do you consider yourselves all-stars?

Joe:  I think we are and I think it's somewhat deserved.  I won't say we're the best racers of all-time or whatever, but as [host Phil Keoghan] said in an interview earlier on, they chose it based on the people they thought were the most interesting and had the most interesting stories to tell.  I think the combination of Bill and myself pitted against [fellow The Amazing Race 1 contestants and All-Stars Kevin O'Connor and Drew Feinberg] was really the clincher.  So as humbling as it was to be called the villains of The Amazing Race 1 -- and to see them as sort of the class clowns of The Aamzing Race 1 and everybody loved them -- had it not been for that relationship, we would not be here now.

Reality TV World:  Were you surprised by the shape Kevin and Drew were in for All-Stars?

Bill:  We had heard through the grapevine and we do occasionally talk to them that Drew had had some health problems, they both were married now... even Joe and I had trouble with our knees.  Sprains, and pulled muscles... we're all six years older.
Joe:  You know we're the oldest ones.  We're older than Teri and Ian.

Reality TV World:  Who did you consider your biggest competition?

Bill:  I don't think we wanted to say anyone in particular because they all were strong.  I really think everybody was pretty... we had guessed that about 50% of those people were going to be cast and any one of us could have been the winner.  You saw Rob and Amber go out on kind of a minor technicality -- the way they got sidetracked, the same thing could happen to any team no matter how strong they are.
Joe:  I think starting out, certainly we would have considered Rob and Amber as sort of the primo competition there.  It's nothing else other than they're really clever, crafty people, but they've also got the level of notoriety where everybody knows them locally and are willing and able to help them.

Reality TV World:  Were there any teams you were surprised didn't make All-Stars?

Joe:  Actually there was [The Amazing Race 5 runner-ups Colin Guinn and Christie Woods]... I was also surprised not to see the clowns [The Amazing Race 4 Ringling Brothers circus clowns Jon Weiss and Al Rios] and bowling moms [The Amazing Race 5 Linda Ruiz and Karen Heins].  Those are people I was certain was going to be on.  We had a lot of respect for them and they also were real loveable people on prior The Amazing Races... especially the bowling moms... I thought for certain people like that would be included... I was kind of shocked.

Reality TV World:  A lot of the eliminated racers have mentioned Colin and Christie as the answer to that question.  Any reason why?

Bill:  They're probably some of the best racers in the show's history... even though they didn't win their season.  They were pretty hard competition to beat.
Joe:  They came way close to winning.  They were way up at the top of practically every leg.  Nobody tried harder then Colin and eventually as [The Amazing Race 5 winner Chip McAllister] said, "Colin's going to beat himself."  And he did.

Reality TV World:  How was Sequesterville?

Bill and Joe laughing...
Bill:  That's a very good question.  We're not sure about that... can we talk about Sequesterville?
Joe:  We didn't go.  We were the very first dummy team [that continued to travel around the world and try and throw off local Race witnesses by doing a lot of the same tasks that the other still competing teams were also doing].
Bill:  The decoys...
Joe (laughing):  Decoys, not dummy team.

Reality TV World: What was with the matching outfits?  How much did all that "Team Guido" gear cost you guys?

Joe:  About $600 each... that's not that bad.

Reality TV World:  Was it worth it?

Bill:  Looking in the mirror each morning as a racer we looked like hell... no we don't dress alike.

Reality TV World:  How are things going now for The Guidos?

Bill (laughing):  What do you suggest?  We're ready.
Joe:  We're not counting on anything but if something happens that's great.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 12:25:48 AM by puddin »

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #238 on: April 03, 2007, 12:50:56 AM »
When we were in South America, I'm convinced every contestant was certain we were going to Antarctica.  And that was going to be the fulfillment of a The Amazing Race dream because they had never been there.  We were all totally convinced that's next after Ushuaia.  So when we found out we had to go to Maputo... Yuck!

Oh yeah, guys! I'm with you!

And I would have thought they would have had a couple of days off! But guess really it was only a week till the finale.....

Funny nobody saw any of those teams doing anything after all! (We hope!)
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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #239 on: April 03, 2007, 10:41:27 PM »
I've been following the ratings and although I have no idea in hell how to read them, people are saying that they are bad! I hope this doesn't mean no TAR12....

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #240 on: April 03, 2007, 11:05:24 PM »
I've been following the ratings and although I have no idea in hell how to read them, people are saying that they are bad! I hope this doesn't mean no TAR12....
This week was below average and yeah the other networks had reruns from what I read but HBO had the Sopranos premiere so I don't know if that mattered?  And stop saying TAR 12 hasn't been picked up  :meow: ! From what I understand CBS hasn't put out the Fall schedule yet and all we know is that Survivor for sure is picked up for two more seasons.

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #241 on: April 03, 2007, 11:11:03 PM »
Alright :(...but before I go.....TAKE THIS:  :meow: haha j/k puddin  :kissy:

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #242 on: April 03, 2007, 11:12:30 PM »
It's not nice to hit girls  :knuckles:


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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #243 on: April 03, 2007, 11:35:10 PM »
I got this off some site regarding the 07/08 CBS schedule:

On the Bubble: The Amazing Race (if it can’t find a spot in the fall, it could come back next summer), The Class (probably gone from CBS due to lack of openings but could, and should, find a home at ABC), How I Met Your Mother (should be safe but the CBS execs hate it, maybe ABC will pick it up), Jericho (doing fine but CBS has so few spots), The New Adventures of Old Christine (I’m pretty sure either this or Mother will be canceled, hopefully it will be this show), The Unit (there hasn’t been any buzz about it being canceled but it is probably one of CBS’ weaker procedurals)


I think it's just the author's opinion though...not sure!

oooh and puddin, do you think you could take out the hearts from my name cause it makes it to long :-[
Thanks! You rock!  :jam:
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 11:41:21 PM by Michael D »

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #244 on: April 04, 2007, 02:12:38 PM »
Amazing Race: All-Stars Interview: Joe & Bill
"Team Guido" talks about how they changed their approach after being season 1's villains.
by Eric Goldman


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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #245 on: April 09, 2007, 10:59:12 AM »
Ucheena & Joyce on the Early Show.

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #246 on: April 09, 2007, 11:15:38 PM »
Someone at Twop's noted that last week Lyn & Alex gave away the Uchenna & Joyce elimination and sure enough they are giving away the Cha's...
slide the >> about half way or so.  Also lots of Izad and friends in the beginning of the video :)

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #247 on: April 09, 2007, 11:24:20 PM »
I really, really can't stand Lyn and Alex.
I bet you they read spoilers LOL.

..on the plus side, they do like D/K  :angel:
« Last Edit: April 09, 2007, 11:28:03 PM by Michael D »

Offline puddin

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #248 on: April 10, 2007, 12:47:39 AM »
Oh they aren't that bad, lol.

Offline michael

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Re: Amazing Race All-Stars Media/Library/News * maybe spoilers*
« Reply #249 on: April 10, 2007, 12:50:27 AM »
I think they would have been a lot more bearable if they stopped focusing on "rob and amber"..just saying rob and amber I can imagine the tone they used when talking about them...grr.