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Janelles interviews / Media
« on: September 08, 2006, 09:12:49 AM »
Does anyone know where I can watch it?  :hearts:
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 10:46:10 AM by puddin »

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Re: Janelles interview on the early show
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2006, 10:33:00 AM »
on my way ... brb

Offline puddin

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Re: Janelles interview on the early show
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2006, 10:36:12 AM »
web page
realone link

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2006, 10:46:58 AM »
Thanks so much!

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2006, 10:54:31 AM »
That was a cute interview.

Offline beccaluvswll

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2006, 11:55:48 AM »
i think Janie is drunk in the interview!  her voice sounds like it...

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2006, 12:31:31 PM »
i think Janie is drunk in the interview!  her voice sounds like it...
She sure seemed out of it ..LOL ! She must have had fun at the hotel last night .. !

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2006, 12:38:10 PM »
I guess Janie doesn't get to go to that sequester... because bb wants to keep them apart...

on housecalls...
Janie said that her and will did kiss under the covers... she talks about the whispering!  it was a great interview!  Janie told a lot about Will!!!

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2006, 01:02:23 PM »
Janie has to go to sequester ! they have to do the round table .. right?  Did she say shes not ?


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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2006, 01:06:45 PM »
Are we able to view the housecalls?

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2006, 01:18:12 PM »

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2006, 01:19:12 PM »
Friday, September 08, 2006
Janelle: "Whatever. I knew I was toast."
 (AP Photo/HO/CBS)

Nooooooooooooo! Janelle Pierzina, the houseguest The Slug officially endorsed as America's Choice back in June, was the final person evicted from the "Big Brother 7: All Stars" house last night after she failed to win the final Head of Household competition. That leaves Mike "Boogie" Malin and his bedmate Erika Landin as the final two players to vie for jury votes Tuesday. Our weepy post-eviction interview with our favoritest player ever after the jump.

LISTEN: What would've happened if Dr. Will kissed Janelle on the lips?

The Slug: Hi Janelle. How are you?

Janelle Pierzina: Hi Derrik. I'm great. How are you?

TS: I'm not very good.

JP: You're not?

TS: I'm very upset. You got evicted!

JP: I'm sorry. I couldn't do it again.

TS: Yes. As you may or may not remember after this crazy summer, you were officially endorsed by me at the very beginning of the season.

JP: Yeah, no. I remember you. Of course.

TS: What happened? What went wrong?

JP: It was completely my fault. The last competition was a fluke. Whatever. I switched hands. So I couldn't compete in the final. The other competition was the car suspended from the air or whatever. That was a physical competition. There was no way I could beat that. It was kind of geared toward a male, I think. Whatever. I knew I was toast.

TS: Well, you did make a power play there at the end and win back a lot of respect, I think. What happened with Will? Was that all game? Did you really have feelings for him?

JP: I think it started out as game. Obviously after Howie left, I knew I kinda needed him. I think for him he was all game and toward the end, I think because we had spent so much time together, I was starting to get a little bit of feelings for him. We couldn't really talk about it because we didn't want it on the Internet. You know what I mean? It was weird. We couldn't talk about it. But yeah, I had feelings for him.

TS: What did you see in him?

JP: Who knows? It was the environment. In the house, you get to know people so well. There's even family members I don't spend that much time with. I think being in the house with someone for three days is equivalent to dating someone for three months. It's just so intense because you're always together. I liked him as a person. I thought he was funny. He was really smart. He interested me.

TS: Why did it take you and Erika so long to figure out you were being played by Chill Town?

JP: There were several indications. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I started to realize it when I put "Chicken" George and Erika up and Boogie was not voted out and "Chicken" George was. I think it took us so long because the boys had pinned us so far against each other. I was hating her in the game. For me, I just wanted to hang out with Will and didn't want to see anyone else in the house. And he kept it that way. He never left me alone. So I never talked to Erika. The game was over for me so it didn't matter for me to spill a few secrets. I asked her if Chill Town asked her to be a part of Chill Town and she said "Yes!" and that's when we realized it.

TS: If things had gone further with you and Will, would you have taken him to the end?

JP: Obviously, I was targeting Boogie for several weeks. I think if I would've gotten Boogie out, I probably would've taken Will to the final two. I wouldn't have had another target.

TS: Why didn't y'all get rid of Chill Town earlier? Everyone knew they were a threat.

JP: We knew they were aligned. We could've gotten rid of them in the end. And in the end I would've been dealing with Nakomis and Jase. You can only take people out one at a time. And I think at that time, competition-wise, Nakomis was a bigger threat — and so was Jase, who's, you know, psycho. The thing is we didn't want the floaters to float. We wanted them to play.

TS: Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently?

JP: I would've got rid of Boogie week six. Instead of putting Marcellas up, I would've put him up. I could've said I was putting him up as a pawn. I'm sure the guys in my alliance would've much rather gotten rid of him. That was a huge, stupid mistake for not putting Boogie up.

TS: How do you feel about going into sequester?

JP: It's really sad. I don't really get to go see my houseguests. They're making me stay in a hotel room by myself. I really wanted to go see Will and Howie and Marcellas and hang out with them. They're not gonna let me see them until the round-table where we ask the final two questions.

TS: Since you basically witnessed everything that happened, what are you going to say to the jury?

JP: I think I'm going to discuss with the jury what Erika and I had discovered. I don't know who I'm voting for yet. It's 50/50. I don't know who I want to try and persuade the jury to vote for. I want to vote for the best player.

TS: How does it feel to be evicted at the same point in the game as you were before?

JP: I have mixed feelings about it. To make final three with the huge target on my back was extremely hard so I feel proud. But getting third place? It's not fun. You don't get any money. You know what I mean? It's so close. It's just like I was last year. I guess everything happens for a reason.

TS: Well, Janelle. Thanks for answering my questions. I was rooting for you all summer. It's sad, but it was fun that my official endorsement got this far.

JP: I know, right? That's awesome. Thank you for your support.

TS: You're welcome. You didn't really need my help.

LISTEN: What would've happened if Dr. Will kissed Janelle on the lips?

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2006, 01:49:55 PM »
Dang, I thought she was going to get to hang out with everyone. Poor girl.


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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2006, 01:57:56 PM »
I wonder if they are doing that at Will's request?

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2006, 02:24:05 PM »
Janelle No. 3
The third-place finisher in ''Big Brother: All-Stars'' talks with Jessica Shaw about playing dumb, her surprising final defeat, and her romantic life in and out of the house

A KEY LOSS Janelle didn't know she had to hold on with both hands

Depending on what you think of curvy blond bombshells who play dumb but have killer games, last night was either the best or the worst episode of Big Brother: All-Stars. After surprisingly losing two parts of the final head-of-household competition, Janelle Pierzina, who seemed destined to take home the $500,000, got the boot from Mike Boogie. She called EW on her way to being sequestered to answer some burning questions about the fairness of the last challenges, her biggest regrets, and what's up with her and Will.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Janelle, plenty of Big Brother fans are furious that you're out because they think you didn't hear Julie tell Erika that both hands had to be on the key. Did you?
JANELLE: No, I didn't. But I can't be mad. It's just a game. I mean, whatever. It was just a weird thing because usually a production person comes on to explain the rules and they didn't.

You didn't seem too comfortable when the competition started.
I wasn't comfortable at all. I turned around a little bit. I didn't know how they wanted us to stand. But I can't be angry about it because I can't change it.

Why didn't you try appealing to the producers?
They're pretty set in their ways if the competition goes a certain way. They would have had to set the whole thing up again.

And what was up with the second part of the competition between you and Boogie? That seemed far, far easier for a guy than a girl.
It was so unfair. It was totally geared toward a guy to win. I don't have any arm strength to pull myself around that thing, and Boogie was one of the strongest guys. There was absolutely no way I could win that.

When you left, it seemed like you were actually close to both Boogie and Erika. Were you faking it?
The thing is, when it was the four of us left in the house, we were a tight four. We were all hanging out together. It was really cool and really fun. I got to know them really well. I do love them both in different ways.

Was it devastating talking to Erika about how Chill Town manipulated both of you?
I think Erika was a lot more upset than I actually was. I didn't really care. My intention was just to make it to the end. I definitely wanted to take Erika to the end because I would have had an easy time beating her.

It seemed like one second Boogie and Erika were together and then they were totally broken up. Was there any dramatic screaming match we missed on TV?
The big dramatic breakup was when I told her Boogie was playing her. Even though I told her to play it off like nothing, he was catching on to us girls' putting pieces of information together.

I know you have regrets about how you played the game at times. Anything you regret most?
I wish I could have done some things differently on a personal level. I think Marcellas left when he shouldn't have left. Either way I don't think it would have changed much. Who knows how it would have changed the game? I did the best move I could each week to get myself further in the game. Strategy-wise, I did make mistakes, but they were more personal.

What do you mean by personal? Falling for Will?
No, I don't mean Will. I don't think befriending him in any way was a mistake. A lot of the decisions I made were because of Will, though.

Let's talk about your season 6 alliance. No offense, but they were kind of lame this year.
Yeah, my season 6 alliance was kind of — ugh — kind of a mess, really. James, I mean we know he's deceitful and dishonest. He's just kind of a wormy person, but I knew Howie and Kaysar did always have my back, so I definitely needed them in the house. I wish Kaysar had been more into the game this year. He wasn't that into it. He didn't have the fire and the passion to win like I did. He was just kind of like, ''I'm ready to go home.'' I always felt like he was a little depressed in the house. Howie was pretty gung-ho about the game, even though he was annoying and talks too much and gives stuff away, so I absolutely loved him in the alliance.

Before you went in, were you friends with anyone other than your alliance?
I think all the houseguests called me. Boogie called me. Marcellas called me. Erika called me. Everyone wanted to be in an alliance with me. I said, ''Wait until we get into the house. We'll see.''

Anyone you wish you'd aligned with?
I would have loved to have aligned with Nakomis, but the people in my alliance didn't see it that way. They were threatened by her, and I wasn't. I wanted to work with her. She's my favorite player of all time.

This year's final two is so lame. How are viewers supposed to get excited?
At least it's better than last year's final two, by far. I think anyone could beat that. That was dreadful. I don't think it's that bad of a final two, but I wish it had been Will and me.

You would have won if it had been you and Will.
You think I would have beat Will? It would have been a close one.

Do you think Boogie has a chance in hell of winning?
I believe he played a better game. Is he hated? Absolutely. Is he already a millionaire? Absolutely. No matter what your personal opinions are, though, I have to vote for the best player, without giving away who I'm voting for.

How do you think the jury will feel?
It's probably so 50-50. I don't know how pissed they are at Chill Town. I might have to lay it on the table and tell them everything that went on. They're such jerks


 Talking with the latest ''Big Brother'' evictee     

Did you ever consider throwing competitions so you weren't as much of a threat?
I couldn't. I was targeted since week 1. They were all talking of getting rid of me before I was even in the house because I almost won last year. I could never throw competitions because I would be on the block.

Who are you most looking forward to talking to?
I want to talk to Marcellas. I want to apologize for trusting Chill Town and putting him up. I really did believe he was safe. And I'm looking forward to seeing Will.

What's going to happen to you and Will now? Do you think there's a romance in the future for you two?
I don't know. I have to talk to him. I think it started out as flirty-flirty, but you can't help but like people after a while.

Does that mean it's over with your boyfriend?
No. I don't know if he broke up with me or not. I don't know what he saw.

Don't you get one phone call after you get evicted? Did you call him?
I called my mother. I didn't try to call him last night. But I'm going to call him today to see if he broke up with me so I can have some kind of closure. Do you think he broke up with me?

I don't know. I guess technically you didn't cheat on him. How long have you been together?
Since April. I want to talk to him. Three months being gone feels like a year. I feel like I have to get to know him again. I haven't seen him for so long. Does the Internet know who he is?

Some people might, but I don't. Who is he?
He's a football player, but I'm not telling who. I don't think anyone knows. I don't want his private life on the Internet. I love the Internet, and the fans are great, but he doesn't need to be brought into this.

Did you have a psych evaluation after you left the house?
Yeah, Dr. Zachary. She talked about Boogie in the diary room after I evicted Will. She said, ''Those boys had it coming.''

When you watch the show back, you'll see a lot of houseguests go off on you being dumb or blond or a Barbie doll. What do you make of that?
The way I play the game is I play the dumb role. I want to be a little underestimated and I want to play like I'm a little naive. Obviously Chill Town thought I wasn't as smart. That actually helped me because they could have targeted me and they were really good at getting rid of people they targeted. Will thought he totally had me wrapped around his finger.

What are you doing after next Wednesday?
I'm going on a vacation. I'm going to Minnesota to rent a cabin with my family, and we're all going on a vacation by the lake.

Do you think you'll ever do another reality show?
I don't know if they can have me on another Big Brother, but I would love to do Amazing Race with Will. It would be so much fun. But who knows if that will ever happen?

You are very calm about being off the show, even though you were so close to winning.
I am? To me, it was just a game. I love the game, and I love playing it, but it's not the biggest thing in my life, so I understand and I'm not bitter in any way.

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 02:26:39 PM »
“I Never Did Forgive Them, Ever”: An Interview with Big Brother: All-Stars’ Janelle
by David Bloomberg -- 09/08/2006

Janelle has been out of the Big Brother: All-Stars house for little more than 12 hours, and RealityNewsOnline had a chance to talk to her. What does she think about how she played the game this time? What about her past and future relationship with Dr. Will? Janelle tells us what she did right and what she did wrong, so click to read on!

Janelle made it to the final three twice in a row. She holds a number of Big Brother records. What mistakes does she think she made? What does she think she did right, no matter whether others might think they were mistakes? And where is her relationship with Dr. Will going? Janelle tells all, so just read on!

RealityNewsOnline: Hi, Janelle, and thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for RealityNewsOnline! First, congrats on making it to the final three and on winning so many competitions!

Janelle: Thank you.

 RNO: What made you want to come back to Big Brother less than a year after you finished your season?

Janelle: Obviously I wanted to win the money. I thought it was a challenge and I wanted to compete again. It’s just a fun experience. It’s a once in a lifetime experience – how could you not do it?

RNO: Given that you were going in with three of your fellow season six participants, was your strategy to stick with them the entire way, or did you plan to turn on them at some point?

Janelle: Oh no, I never planned to turn on them. I wanted to stay together as long as possible. I thought that would be the best strategy because we were targeted. I thought the best thing for us was to stick together, absolutely.

RNO: Did you trust James, or were you afraid he might screw you over?

Janelle: In the beginning, I did trust James. I was worried about him because I knew how he played. I was a little concerned. I knew he would never put me up, but I knew he could create other people to come after me. He was a dangerous player for me.

RNO: Do you feel James was right in saying you broke your word about evicting Chill Town after he took out Jase?

Janelle: Yeah, I do. Kaysar and I and Howie wanted Jase out because he was more of a threat. I was looking out for my own interests, I would have said pretty much anything. I was like yeah, I’ll put up Chill Town next week. And I did, I just didn’t put Will up.

RNO: Looking back at this season, how many of your decisions do you think were influenced by Will?

Janelle: Putting up Marcellas was fingerprinted by Chill Town all over the place. That was the biggest thing. And also he didn’t want me to put up Boogie. I was trying to put up Boogie week 10 and he was influencing me not to. I was protecting Will but I wanted to get rid of Boogie. I didn’t know Erika was protecting Boogie. Will convinced me to put up Erika and Chicken George. I was hoping Erika would win veto and I could put up Boogie, but that didn’t happen. That was the two biggest things.

RNO: Why did you forgive Will after Chill Town voted out Marcellas and Howie?

Janelle: I never did forgive them, ever. Last year I felt like I didn’t have anyone in the house and like I could play differently. I didn’t have a true alliance I could stick with. Chill Town wasn’t trying to target me, I knew they would come after James and Danielle. I figured I was safe with them for a few weeks.

RNO: Do you think the two of you were just playing each other, or was there something more there?

Janelle: I think it started out as obviously light flirting, then it led into more flirting, and then it was more like this is just a game and I’m going to try to get on this guy’s good side – I did – I’m sure he felt the same way about me. After Howie left, he knew I didn’t have anyone. Even though we both thought we were playing each other, we maybe started to like each other more than we thought we would.

RNO: Where do you foresee things going with him, outside the house?

Janelle: I can’t really answer the question right now. I still have to call – I don’t know if he’s my ex-boyfriend or my boyfriend. I have to call him. I don’t know. Will’s crazy. He was telling me he’s breaking up with his girlfriend. I don’t know what he’s doing.

RNO: Early on, was your relationship with Marcellas a social one, in that you were friends, or a strategic one, in that you were keeping him as a backup in case the season six alliance broke apart?

Janelle: He keeps on saying we had a final two deal, but we made that week 1. It’s, like, not really rational to say that. But it was both. I adored Marcellas. He made me laugh and spent a lot of time with me, before I felt like he turned on me. He was my backup plan, like James had Danielle. And if things were to go bad for season six, I felt like m would be there for me and I’d be there for him.

RNO: If you had to rate yourself on your strategic game play this season, what would you say about it?

Janelle: I’d say an 8 out 10.

 RNO: How would you compare your play this season to last?

Janelle: I think I played a lot better than last year. Last year I could have done a few different things that would have changed the game a lot more. I played a lot better this year.

RNO: Looking back, do you think it would have been better to target Chill Town early rather than letting them get as far as they did?

Janelle: Not really, because Chill Town wasn’t a danger to me. We targeted Nakomis and Jase in the beginning. If we hadn’t done that, we would have ended up with them in the end. There’s only so many weeks to evict people. It worked out for the best – I made it to the final three and could have won the whole thing if I had just won one of those last competitions. They were a danger to season six but I don’t feel they were as dangerous to me.

RNO: Speaking of the challenge, have you seen the film of you taking your hand off the key?

Janelle: No I haven’t, they haven’t shown it to me. It was just a weird competition. Usually they don’t start the competition ‘til the producer comes out and gives the rules. Julie was still talking. I think my hand came off, but my hand didn’t come off when Mike jumped off, it was when Julie talking.

RNO: Just so you know, having watched it, your hand did come off after Mike jumped. That’s what we saw. Anyway, if you had won HOH, who would you have taken to the final two?

Janelle: I would have taken Erika.

RNO: Why?

Janelle: I thought I had a better chance of beating her. As much as Mike is hated, he played a better game than Erika.

RNO: How did you feel when you were evicted, only to have Julie Chen immediately start asking you about mistakes in the game?

Janelle: I made mistakes, but I still made it to the final three. Yes, I made mistakes, who knows how it could have turned out. I made it as far as I did by winning competitions and doing the best I could. The only mistake was not winning the last competition. The other mistakes were more personal mistakes. Those were not strategic mistakes.

RNO: By the way, you probably have the record for the most days in the Big Brother house, don’t you?

Janelle: Yes, they told me last night I have the records for surviving the most evictions, being nominated more than anyone, winning more vetoes, most HOHs, and most days in the house.

RNO: Who do you think will win?

Janelle: I think it’s 50/50. There are six other people voting. I know where Will’s vote is going. I think Marcellas will vote with his heart. I don’t know what Howie’s going to do. I think a lot of people in the jury house are huge game players, and I think they want the person with the best game play to win, they won’t vote personally, especially Danielle and James.

RNO: Do you have anything else to say to your fans?

Janelle: I love everyone who supported me from last year and this year, and thank you America – and Canada as well. And I will be on the internet after I get out of the house and be on the boards.

RNO: Thanks again, Janelle!

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 10:32:02 PM »
House calls
realone direct link

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« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 10:35:39 PM by puddin »

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 10:55:21 PM »
Janie said that her and Will kissed a few times" it was descrete " .The whispering between Will & Janie ..she says he was telling her stuff girls want to hear and he was telling her that he wanted her to move in with him and that he was going to break up with his girfriend . More or less she hooked up with Will because shr had no one else Howie  was gone etc ..they worked out together ate together .
She really thought Erika was going to vote Boogie out when he was sitting next to CG. Janie wanted to take CG & Will with her to final 3 because she thinks she wold have kicked there butts in the HoH comps .
Janie really mad at James because she thinks he tried to sabatoge the S6 alliance .

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2006, 12:37:49 AM »
by the way Rosie O'Donnell is tryng to get Janelle on the view... I saw this on Rosie's blog!

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2006, 08:39:45 AM »
I thought Janelle looked a lot "harder" on the exit interviews than she did on the show. On the show she seemed like a cutesy sweetheart, but maybe she was just tired or something. I'm sure she doesn't want to do a ton of interviews, she wants to go home.

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2006, 01:25:17 PM »
Exclusive Big Brother All-Stars Interview: Janelle
We chat with the blonde bombshell about her second season in the house.
by Staci Krause 
 September 8, 2006 - In Big Brother 6, the final three were Janelle, Ivette and Maggie. Ivette ended up winning the final Head of Household, despite Janelle's strength at competitions, and took Maggie to the final three. Last night, de ja vu hit in Big Brother All-Stars. Mike and Erika battled it out for the final HoH and Mike won. He took Erika and Janelle became the last member of the jury.

We talked to Janelle about finishing third twice, Will Kirby, her strategy and her time in the house. Here's what the Queen Bee had to say.


IGN TV: This is the second time that you went to the final three but could not win the last HoH and were not taken to the final two. Congratulations on making final three again, but how does it feel to be so close twice and not able to finish the deal?

Janelle: I have mixed feelings. I was obviously a huge target and I feel like I accomplished a lot just by making it to the final three, but to be so close to the money again, it is a little bit disappointing. I think that if I would have won that first endurance one, I could have beat Mike 'Boogie' in the Q&A and I probably would have won the whole thing. After I knew I didn't win the one with Mike 'Boogie', I knew I was toast.

IGN TV: Why did you agree to do Big Brother again?

Janelle: Just because I love the challenge of it. It's a really hard game. It probably looks a lot easier on TV, but it's hard to be in there for three months with all of the gaming that goes into it and all of the strategy and all of the backstabbing and lying. It's challenging and that's why I wanted to do it.

IGN TV: Was it worth it?

Janelle: Yeah! Of course. I had a great time.

IGN TV: You mentioned you made a lot of mistakes this season when you evicted Will? What do you think the most critical mistake you made was that led to your eviction?

Janelle: I did make mistakes in the game, but I think I made the best possible move I could. I did make it to the final three. The mistakes were more personal for me. Getting rid of Marcellus, that hurt me a lot because I felt like I was responsible for that even though that's not what I wanted. That had no bearing on the game. It was more of, I had listened to Will and Boogie tell me that they had promised me they would not evict Marcellus. And that was a mistake for I had trusted them. It wouldn't have mattered who I got rid of really. I made it as far as I could by making the best moves I could and I really did the best I could.

IGN TV: Looking back, do you wish you would have gotten rid of Mike and Will earlier?

Janelle: No. I think a lot of people in my season six alliance, we had talked about it, and I thought it would be more strategic to target the floaters so they couldn't float and they had to play rather than go after Chilltown. Mike 'Boogie' and Will did make it further, but I got rid of Nakomis and Jase, which are huge players. They would have probably been at the end. It was a give or take who would have been at the end, you can only get rid of so many people, there were only so many weeks.

IGN TV: What was your strategy?

Janelle: My overall strategy was just to get into an alliance with people I trusted and play the best I could. Be somewhat of a leader of my alliance and win competitions and HoH's and kick people out of the house.

IGN TV: In the diary room, you at first said you were flirting with Will as a strategy. At what point did your affections for Will stop being a strategy and become reality?

Janelle: I definitely started flirting with him as just a game. It was a fun little cat and mouse game in the beginning. I think after Howie left, he became that sole person that I confided in and we became really, really close. It was more than flirting and it was kind of just a day to day thing.

IGN TV: I know you didn't have an answer for Julie Chen, but do you have an answer now about how you feel about Will?

Janelle: I was so embarrassed because Julie keeps on asking me about how I feel about Will like over and over. It's embarrassing. In the house, he obviously told me how he felt and I told him and we were whispering and whatever. Yeah, I definitely had somewhat of feelings. I mean, I was playing him, that's how it started out, and then I think I ended up liking him a bit more than I thought I would

IGN TV: How was Chilltown still in the house all the way to the final four?

Janelle: Chilltown played a great game. They misled a lot of people. They had me protecting them. They had Erika protecting them. And they used us. Everytime I was HoH, they had me put Erika up as a pawn, and then they would get whoever else was put on the block, they would get them to leave. It was a great strategy. I felt like in the middle of the game, I absolutely trusted Will way more than James. They made it to the end by getting me to protect them. I was always protecting Will and I didn't want to get rid of Will and I think Erika did not want to get rid of Boogie. So there was really no way to get them out of the house because we had to work together in order to get them out and we didn't realize that until later on in the game.

IGN TV: Would you rather have been evicted before sequester?

Janelle: No. I think a fun part of the game is deciding who wins. It's a pretty big decision and it's a nice, little fun way to end the show, to get together and talk about who should win and about what happened. It's definitely still part of the show. I get to vote and my vote really will count, I think.

IGN TV: Who do you wish were in the final two?

Janelle: I wish Will and I were there. I think it would be an interesting show.
IGN TV: You had said at one point when you nominated Erika that you despised her gameplay? Do you still despise it?

Janelle: I play so different than Erika. I play very straightforward, win competitions, go after direct targets. Her gameplay is so much different, so I don't know if I despise it so much, but I don't respect it. She kind of plays the floating strategy. She thinks that she doesn't have to win competitions, she'll just kind of make herself look unthreatening, but she has the ability to do that. I do despise people that float around in different alliances and tell you they have your back and is two-faced to me. That's why I said that. At the time, she was so annoying to me. She was telling me one thing and just going around and she befriended everyone. It was annoying.

IGN TV: How bad was slop?

Janelle: Oh my god, it was gross. It was horrible. I think the first week I was on it, I think I almost just broke down and started bawling. It was just so disgusting and emotionally, it made you feel like crap. You don't feel good at all. Not healthy, by any means.

IGN TV: What was your favorite thing about being in the house this time?

Janelle: My favorite thing for me being in the house was that I had actual friends in there. I played the game with several people that I had played with last summer and that was fun for me, because going in there, we knew we would be working together if we all got put in there. It was fun for me to have an alliance that I could already work with.

IGN TV: Are you looking forward to seeing anyone in the jury house?

Janelle: I want to talk to Marcellus and apologize for what I did. I want to see Howie and I'd love to see Will too.

IGN TV: Any last words for America?

Janelle: Thank you America for voting me in the house, I love you. And Canada too.


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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2006, 01:44:00 PM »
Thanks Puddin.....that was awesome and as always Janelle looked beautiful!!!!

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2006, 12:47:11 AM »
Hometown girl is finalist on Big Brother
Britta Arendt
Last Updated: Friday, September 08th, 2006 04:43:25 PM

She may have been evicted Thursday from the CBS hit reality television show Big Brother 7 All Stars, but Grand Rapids native Janelle Pierzina has gained millions of fans all over the world and helped the show top the ratings this summer.
“Our hometown girl is America’s choice and America’s sweetheart,” said Janelle’s mother Ann Pierzina.
A 1998 graduate of Grand Rapids High School, Janelle first became a national star when she acquired a spot on Big Brother 6 last summer. As part of the show’s premise and popularity, Janelle lived with a group of strangers in a house equipped with cameras and microphones that monitor their every move and word, 24 hours a day, seven days a week for three months. On season six, Janelle proved to be a tough contender competing for the rank of Head of Household and the right to stay in the house for the chance at winning up to $1 million. After spending 75 days in the house on season six, Janelle was one of just three remaining house guests before she was evicted.
This June, CBS asked America to decide which former Big Brother house guests from all six seasons they wanted to compete in the Big Brother All Stars and Janelle received an astounding number of votes and became one of 13 for this summer’s show. Surviving the manipulation, secrets, backstabbing, and betrayals that come to play with the game of Big Brother, Janelle lasted nine weeks in the house winning Head of Household several times and proving to be a very powerful player. In fact, it was her play of the game that eventually became so much of a threat that it drove the two remaining house guests to evict her.
“She’s rockin’,” said Ann. “Many have said she’s the all-time best reality competitor. She’s true to her spirit and honorable and that is what makes her the best player ever.”
Game and fame aside, Janelle’s family is very proud of their small-town girl as family, friends and local fans alike came to tune into their television sets every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights to spend the summer with Janelle, whom many fondly know as Janey.
“You’re always at awe with your first born child but now I’m even more at awe and amazed at the woman she has become,” said Ann who has watched her daughter grow and mature before the eyes of millions on national television. “She is so loyal and has so much goodness. She’s inspired people from their death beds, inspired people to go to college. She’s even inspired people to read the Bible after they’ve seen her read it in the house. People love her.”
What’s next for Janelle? She is now a member of the Big Brother jury that will vote for which remaining house guest they want to win $500,000. Ann said CBS also has approached her about continuing her reality television career, possibly on a future reality show.
To see more about Janelle and Big Brother 7, visit

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2006, 04:11:55 AM »
Interesting read, thanks for that. I wonder why it says they compete for up to one million dollars? Oh, and by the way, I do think another reality show would be great....maybe with Will.

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Re: Janelles interviews / Media
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2006, 06:55:29 PM »
Also, Janie will be on The View on Wednesday Sept. 13th