I'm a bit late to the party, but here's some info from the first leg in Victoria BC on Sunday, April 27th.
The teams went Skydiving, 3 teams at a time, one member from each team. They departed in the AM from the Victoria Airport and the drop Zone was at Willows beach. Teams arrived at willows beach starting around 11 am and through until 1:30 or so. From there, the teams took a taxi to the Empress Hotel in the Victoria inner harbour where there was a clue box. The team did a roadblock in the hotel. One team member dressed as a waiter. Maybe serving High Tea in the Empress tea room.
From there, they got onto what looked like Canadian navy Zodiac inflatable boats and headed toward Esquimalt/Colwood. They did some sort of a task at the navy training center where they train firefighting and flood control on the navy ships.
From there, they went to the pit stop at the Fisgard lighthouse located at the Fort Rodd Hill national park. I think the first team was finished around 2 pm and the last around 5:30 pm.
Here are a few pictures:
Willows beach teams.