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travelpod blog starts off:
We are off to Hawaii, Guam, Australia and New Zealand for some adventure and fun
Written by justincourt
Hi Everyone, Thanks for checking out our travel blogg. Now that we are moved in and situated we are traveling for a month and a half to do some adventure seeking. We will begin our trip in Oahu for 5 days, then off to Australia, New Zealand and Tasmania for the rest f the time. We have booked some exciting trips so stay tuned for stories and photos !!
Start of travels: Nov 01, 2006
End of travels: Dec 18, 2006
Entry 6 of 6
G'day from Australia and NZ
Christ church, New Zealand
Dec 19, 2006 18:33 ( local time )
Our trip back was quite interesting. We left Cairns at 1:30am and flew to Guam arriving at 6:30 am. We then got a room and slept for a couple of hours and then got back on the plane had a stop over in Japan and then arrived in Hawaii for 24hours where we tried to get used to the time difference and enjoyed the last warm days of our trip. We took our 3rd red eye to Los Angeles then to Cleveland and finally home. We both had a wonderful time but are exhausted and are having trouble adjusting back to EST. We slept an hour last night but ended up staying up to 5 am. ?
One interesting thing that occurred to us on our travels was that we ended up on a flight with the Amazing race. They were taping the next season and it was cool to see what was going on behind the scenes.