“I Definitely Wasn’t the Weakest”: An Interview with Survivor: Guatemala’s Brianna
by David Bloomberg -- 09/30/2005
Brianna was voted out of Yaxha for supposedly being the weakest link. But she doesn’t agree with that assessment. What does she have to say about what transpired? And what is her side of the story on Morgan being voted out before her? All of this and much more is here in this interview.
Brianna was part of the majority alliance on Yaxha – but so was Morgan before her. Morgan claimed she and Brianna promised they wouldn’t vote against each other – but how did Brianna see the situation? Does Brianna think she was the weakest link? And what was she thinking during her final immunity challenge? Read on for the answers!
RealityNewsOnline: Hello, Brianna, and thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for RealityNewsOnline’s readers. What was your initial plan for playing Survivor and how did that plan change as the game began?
Brianna: My strategy for the game was to be myself. I was always going to tell the truth, I wasn't going to lie. Though I might be vague at times, I wasn't go lie.
RNO: When you were in your final immunity challenge and your teammates were yelling at you to move, what was going through your mind?
Brianna: I knew at that time that I was going to go home. I knew the fact that I couldn't do it was going to be the end of me. I knew that my head would be on the chopping block because I could not do that basketball challenge. It was survival of the fittest and I unfortunately was not able to do that challenge.
RNO: Morgan told us last week that you promised her you would not vote for her – how did the vote turn against her and why did you help vote her out?
Brianna: First of all, I never told Morgan that I was not going to vote for her. She came to me and said, "Brianna, I will not vote for you.” I looked at her and said "Thank You." I never said I wouldn't vote for her. It was in my head at Tribal Council that we were all voting for Morgan and then Stephenie reaffirmed the vote and said that they had decided they were all going to vote for Morgan.
RNO: Did you expect your alliance to hold steady and keep you safe after they all voted out Morgan, who was supposedly a part of that same group?
Brianna: I expected my alliance to hold up. We knew that if there was going to be a break in our alliance, Morgan would be the first to go. I really thought I was safe.
RNO: Did you feel that you were the weakest link, compared to Lydia and the injured Amy?
Brianna: I was a weak link in the tribe but I definitely wasn’t the weakest. I didn’t have a sprained ankle.
RNO: Did you do anything to fight against the idea that the vote should be based solely on who could perform best in physical challenges?
Brianna: Honestly, no. I probably could have worked it in to where I would have tried to sway people. I talked to Stephenie and tried to tell her that I wasn’t ready to go but I should have tried harder.
RNO: Did you suspect that Gary was lying to the tribe when he denied Danni’s claim that he used to be an NFL quarterback?
Brianna: I did not suspect that he was lying at all. When Brian had brought that up, I think that it just went over everyone’s head. It didn’t even cross my mind twice that he was lying.
RNO: You mentioned that Lydia wouldn’t look you in the eye or talk to you – what did you do to try to engage her?
Brianna: Just casual cordial conversation. Just normal conversation is something that you try to do out of respect and she just didn’t even do that. She had no desire to talk to me and would just have short answers even when we were alone. Being from the same state, living an hour away from each other, I thought that she would be someone I could talk to but I was wrong.
RNO: How did you feel about having previous players in the game?
Brianna: I was so happy when Stephenie joined our tribe. I looked at it as a blessing because we could use her as a resource. She’s played the game before and knew what to expect. I never looked at her like she was someone I should have been worried about, but I was blindsided. I think I was overwhelmed a little bit.
RNO: Is there anything else you’d like to tell our readers about your time in the game?
Brianna: The day before the basketball challenge, I was SO sick and though you didn’t see that, I was sleeping at camp the entire day before. Also, every meal that the tribe had, I cooked. (except for the fish) so I was a hard worker at camp.
RNO: Thanks again, Brianna!