The Amazing Race International Versions > TAR Australia

TAR Australia 8 (Celebrity Edition 2) Ongoing SHOW Discussion

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After last year’s celebrity season turned out really well, I was excited for this season, and this was a good start that showed off a few classics from Buenos Aires. This seems like a fun group of teams though I can see why Cyrell has now been on multiple reality shows. It was surprising to see a team take a penalty in the first episode. Also, why I’ve accepted the shorter penalties since Covid for this version, 30 minutes for a Detour does seem low.

That was a weird mess. Which is odd, cause I did call a lot of the early part of the most recent Canadian season also a bit of strange, the additional time also made it a little slow.
Starting line in the middle of the city. A bit surprised we didn't get more sigthings from it, at least expected more than those few got.
Those look like some huge backpacks, are AU standarizing them?
Beau's failed attempt at his stint on Dancing with the Stars still weird, which is a show I did not expect to mention this season, as we don't think we share cast members this year.
Cooking side of the detour did look more straightforward. But dancing was definitely more fun watch for the non-co-ed teams.
A team taking a penalty on leg 1  :groan: :groan:
Loved seeing the girls playing some footie at the pit stop.
Not surprised by the team that was eliminated. Sad to see them go, there are some unlikable teams among those bottom teams.
Wow another one by less than 5 minutes, but unlike in Canada, last team arrived within those 5 minutes before the penaly expired.

Leg 2 is airing tomorrow (technically today, considering AU hours).

Episode 1 Thoughts

This premiere was… interesting to say the least! The cast is quite fantastic so far (with my favourites being Billy & Oscar and Cyrell & Eden), and it was good to see Show contentLuke & Julie go home after taking the penalty  :groan:. I have an issue with penalties on this version being extremely weak compared to the US & Canada versions - it almost encourages teams to take penalties
Now, onto the tasks! I’m still a little unsure about actually starting a season outside of Australia, but I just need to get over it  :funny: I didn’t find the dog counting task particularly exciting, but it was quite funny to see a few teams struggling with counting (mind you, the task was harder than it looked)! The Detour was quite traditional (the sandwich making task would have been so much easier than the tango task) and that La Boca soccer chant would have been so hard! (I instantly would have been chanting AFL chants  :funny:). I was so disappointed not to see Alen as one of the La Boca supporters, it would of been the perfect challenge for him to participate in!

All in all, quite a good premiere, but I didn’t rate it as good as last year’s (maybe because Argentina has no standing compared to India as a location  :lol:)

I’ve been crazy busy with work this past few months and didn’t get a chance to catch Episode 2 live… but I have recorded it and will hopefully watch it later tonight (the cow head eating task looks disgusting!)

Loved that we left the large cities, and this caused a lot travelling confusion, language is even much more of a challenge.
I am doomed with TAR7 flashbacks, with another meat eating challenge in Argentina, with teams choosing to take penalty over it. The limited spot per detour side, was almost cruel. Choosing to take the penalty early feels almost strategic, like how Rob and Amber were playing the game back in the day.
Considering that the Detour is followed by ban intersection, then the pit stop is there.
Beau's small talk with the greeter still such a weird part of the current Australian iteratioin of the show.


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