Big Brother Canada > Big Brother Canada Discussion
Big Brother Canada on hiatus again (6/27 update - officially dead)
--- Quote ---Troy Reeb, executive vice-president of broadcast networks at Corus Entertainment confirmed over a zoom call Wednesday that Big Brother Canada is not currently on the schedule.
“No final decision has been made as yet,” said Reeb as to the ultimate fate of the series, which is hosted by Arisa Cox and produced by Insight Productions. Reeb says he expects to hear outrage from fans of the series, but ratings were down in Season 12 and at this point there just isn’t room for it on the schedule. The Canadian series was dropped by streaming platforms in the United States in 2023.
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I'm not surprised tbh. Don't know what they were thinking getting rid of the live feeds two seasons ago. That's like... the main point of Big Brother.
Disappointing non the less, but not surprising to be totally honest - the last few seasons have been atrocious
Now officially dead.
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