Big Brother Canada > Big Brother Canada Discussion

BBCAN12: Anthony Douglas



Anthony Douglas

Age: 36

Pronouns: He/Him

Zodiac: Cancer

Hometown: Richmond Hill, Ont.

Occupation: Energy Compliance Supervisor

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN12?
I think I was selected because of my complete dominance on Season 7. I think the leader behind the ‘pretty boys’ alliance needs to be seen again.

What is your strategy going into the house?
Align with powerful players and likeminded people, gather the numbers, and control the game from start to finish.

What aspect of your personality do you think will shine the most?
My ability to adapt. Navigating the game on a minute-by-minute basis will help me move my chess pieces to the end.

What strengths do you bring that will help you in POV/HOH challenges?
Brute strength.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience are you most excited for?
Learning more about myself and pushing myself to the limit.

What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?
No naps and being away from my friends and family during this difficult time in my life.

What’s the first thing you would buy with the grand prize winnings?
A house, car, and camera equipment.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind after your time on BBCAN12?
I want to be considered the greatest of all time!

Houseguests beware – a pretty boy is in the building! Hailing from #BBCAN7, Anthony is a strong leader who will align with powerful players and use his brute strength to dominate competitions from start to finish. This all-star is back with vengeance and will stop at nothing to win Season 12.


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