Big Brother Canada > Big Brother Canada Discussion
BBCAN12: Matthew Wong
Matthew Wong
Age: 27
Pronouns: He/Him
Zodiac: Cancer
Hometown: Surrey, B.C.
Occupation: Kinesiologist
Relationship Status: Single
Why do you think you were selected to be on BBCAN12?
I’m a character and I’m well-rounded, diverse, and unique. I’m one-of-a-kind.
What is your strategy going into the house?
My strategy going into the house is to stay true to my character and morals to the best of my ability. I want to remember that it is a game with money on the line and I’ll do whatever I have to do to win.
What aspect of your personality do you think will shine the most?
My positivity, competitive nature, and loudness.
What strengths do you bring that will help you in POV/HOH challenges?
I am physically, intellectually, and mentally strong. I am more than what meets the eye.
What part of the Big Brother Canada experience are you most excited for?
I am blessed with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will make me grow as a person. This is going to be an experience outside of my comfort zone, but I am excited because that’s where real growth will occur.
What part of the Big Brother Canada experience do you think will be the hardest for you?
Not being able to talk to my family and being away from them for a long time.
What’s the first thing you would buy with the grand prize winnings?
My sister would say I’m getting her Taylor Swift tickets, but most likely my first purchase will be AYCE sushi and something special for my mom.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind after your time on BBCAN12?
For Canada to know the last name Wong. My Tukai (grandpa) sailed on a cargo ship from Fiji to New Westminster, B.C. with next to nothing and went back to bring over many members of our family so that we could have a better life. It’s my time to carry the torch, to make a better life for my family and to make them proud. #WONGStrong.
Matthew is a well-rounded competitor who plans to bring his A-game to #BBCAN12. With a mix of physical prowess, strategic thinking and social charm, Matthew is determined to be the Season 12 champion!
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