Author Topic: **REQUIRED READING** before Posting re Racers!  (Read 2116 times)

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Offline georgiapeach

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**REQUIRED READING** before Posting re Racers!
« on: February 07, 2024, 10:05:04 AM »

:welcome3: to the TAR 36 (once named 35) Racer threads!
**First of all, and most importantly: NO SPOILERS IN THESE THREADS please!**
** Just a reminder that RFF prides itself on our friendships and relationships with current and past racers and their families, who DO read what is being said here.
While it is perfectly fine to explain why you think a racer or a team did not do well in a task, or behaved badly, or just isn't your favorite, it is NOT okay to be rude or impolite in doing so. We don't allow personal attacks on each other or on our racer friends. Comments on how they raced are fair, personal attacks are not.
** Nothing (no photos, no comments, no anything) should be posted from a racer's PRIVATE Facebook after the official reveal without their written approval. We try to respect the little privacy they have. Info from their FB FAN pages and from Twitter and Instagram is generally acceptable.
**Please stay on topic, let's keep the discussion relevant to the contestants or their team.

**Please do NOT use the RACER threads for your own predications. It is really not necessary to put a comment or <3 in every single thread with "I like them/I don't like them".
Appropriate comments about why you like/don't like a team are always welcome, using the threads to advertise your own predictions is not.

If you EVER feel that a comment about a racer may have stepped over the bounds, please either use the report to moderator button, or PM or email me, rather than using the racer's thread to continue the discussion.
And if you ARE a racer, an especial  :bigwelcome to you!

Please feel free to come say hi when you are allowed!  And later you are more than welcome to use your thread as a place to keep your fans updated about what is going on in your life. Share a pic, post an event, whatever you like!
Thanks everyone! Have fun!! :hrt:
RFF's Golden Rule:
Have RESPECT for each other, regardless of opinion. This of course includes no flaming/insulting other users and/or their posts.