Author Topic: TARCAN 9 Episode 6 (August 15, 2023) LIVE SHOW UPDATES and DISCUSSION THREAD!  (Read 1768 times)

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Offline Leafsfan.

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If you are unable to watch LIVE yourself, please be aware that this thread WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS, so proceed at your own risk.

This thread will contain OUTCOME Spoilers as seen on the SHOW.
Canadians, PLEASE help update as the show unfolds!

If you can help, then PLEASE DO!!!
Many of us will be counting on you until we can watch later. We hope everyone will join in the fun!!
Also,  if you are watching anything but the CTV feed, it is your responsibility to be sure you are not ahead of us if you want to post/update in this thread.  If you are in the easternmost Canadian provinces you could be ahead of us watching on EST.
SO PLEASE ** NO  OUTCOMES ** to be posted before the show is done airing East Coast time!  And NO FUTURE LEG SPOILERS either!
Otherwise, come watch with us for the best weekly viewing party in town!! :party:
And you can entertain yourself with our spoiler threads as well while you wait!
Have FUN everyone and THANK YOU for joining us!!


LIVE Streams for members in the Usual Place (if there are any). If you are not a member please register and then ask me or any of the mods for help. Keep in mind it can take up to 12 hours to get registered.

Offline stunami

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I'm here tonight!!!

6 teams starts the leg in Tofino!
All express pass and the assist are expiring this leg :O
Travel to Niagara Region, Ontario

Tyler and kayleen leave a 8h57
Ty and kat leave at 9h57
Derpal leave at 10h18
Deven and Amanda at 10h32
Ben and Anwar at 10h48
Jermaine and Justin at 11h03

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 09:19:10 PM by stunami »

Offline stunami

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Alliance talk between Derpal and Ben and Anwar, but B&A they are not really into it.

All teams fly in the same plane to Toronto

Teams drive themselves to St-Catherine, ON to the Salem Chapel, for a Harriet Tubman monument.
It's dark when teams leave Pearson (or super early in the morning?) and we don't see the order in which they arrive and the order that teams leave the chapel. They get a Roadblock clue: St.Catherine Propulsion Plant, from GM. It's a 10 min drive.

They need to assemble some parts of a car (an engine head in less than 2 minutes). They leave the roadblock in the following order:
Every teams misread their clues: you need to assemble and dissemble the engine head)

1- Ben and Anwar (Arrived last but used their Express pass) I don't even know who was selected to do the roadblock here
2- Tyler and Kayleen (Used their express pass)  Kayleen tried several times but didn't do the dissemble part
3- Ty and Kat
4- Deven and Amanda
5- Derek and Jaspal
6- Jermain and Justin

Around the time Tyler& Kayleen used their express pass, Ty and Deven realized their mistake, and it seems like the last 2 teams also got the mistake.

Then it's a detour clue: Here or There (it's a blind detour)

Here:Task in Pelham, ON.

There: Task in Welland, ON.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 09:21:08 PM by stunami »

Offline stunami

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Blind Detour:

Here: Flower task, teams must search the warehouse to find marked shelf to create 3 different bouquets.

There: Teams must race in a 2-person boat in a rowing challenge, they need to beat the clock on a course.

Here: Ben and Anwar
Here: Tyler and Kayleen
There: Ty and Kat
Here: Deven and Amanda
There:Derek and Jaspal
Here: Jermain and Justin

Tyler and Kayleen work with Ben and Anwar. Ty and Kat gets super lost (they go half an hour in the wrong direction)

Here seems easier than there for sure lol
If teams fell in the water it takes about 20 mins for the boat to un-fil from all the water

Offline stunami

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Teams finish the detour in the following order:

1- Ty and Kat (Use their express pass) (There)
2- Tyler and Kayleen (Here)
3- Ben and Anwar (Here)
4- Derek and Jaspal (There)
5- Jermaine and Justin(Here)
6- Derek and Amanda (Here)


Teams go to Chateau Des Charmes, outside of Niagara-on-the-lake
The person who didn't do the roadblock must fill with water a grape-harvester and drive it across the chateau to fill two tank.

Teams can use the assist. (only fill 1 tank)

Order of teams completing the roadblock: The last 5 teams are all there at the same time

1- Ty and Kat (Use assist pass) Leaves before any other team arrive
2- Ben and Anwar (Use their assist)  Guess Ben did the first one (before doing the express pass)
3- Tyler and Kayleen
4- Derek and Jaspal (Use their assist)
5- Deven and Amanda (Use their assist)
6- Justin and Jermaine

Offline stunami

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Route Info: Teams must go to Niagara-on-the-Lake and they have to smell wine to match 6 wine with their aromas

Team complete the challenge in the following order:

1- Ty and Kat (before any teams get there)
2- Ben and Anwar (While team #3 is there)
3- Tyler and Kayleen (Before the other 3 teams gets there)
4- Deven and Amanda (While the last 2 teams are there)

The last 3 teams are there at the same time
Make your way on foot to Fort Mississauga to the pitstop (It looks like it's not that far, like 500-700m)

Teams check in:

1- Ty and Kat
2- Ben and Anwar


I think it's fair to think that Tyler and Kayleen are team #3 (they left before any of the other 3 teams arrived)
Deven and Amanda probably team #4 unless they get lost.
I feel like Derek and Jaspal have the most chance to catch up if they finish last, in the running part vs. the drag queens

« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 09:24:18 PM by stunami »

Offline stunami

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Route Info: Teams must go to Niagara-on-the-Lake and they have to smell wine to match 6 wine with their aromas

Team complete the challenge in the following order:

1- Ty and Kat (before any teams get there)
2- Ben and Anwar (While team #3 is there)
3- Tyler and Kayleen (Before the other 3 teams gets there)
4- Deven and Amanda (While the last 2 teams are there)

The last 3 teams are there at the same time
Make your way on foot to Fort Mississauga to the pitstop

Teams check in:

1- Ty and Kat
2- Ben and Anwar


This was another great leg with lots of tasks but I hate when they cut it like that at the end...

Offline NumfarPTB

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Yes, very weird that only one two teams got to check-in before the end of the episode, with not outcome for the other teams.

Oddly I find myself a bit annoyed with myself for really liking and probably rooting for Ty & Kat at this point, as they are in some ways a very traditional, kinda balnd but mostly very compentent co-ed team.

The departure times were really interesting. Leg 5 was such Tyler and Kayleen leg that they were at least 1-hour ahead of all the other teams. The last departing team was a bit over 2-hours behind. Do make me wonder how far behind were the girls.

Loved that this leg was packed full of challengers, and it did require a lot of navigation and self-driving, with people getting lost and teams getting stuck behind real roadblocks. Wonder how the placements would have been if this was not the deadline for both EPs and APs. Two of the EPs usage were related to teams with traffic issues, and using it to jump ahead, while the other was really annoying, with the non-active racer on RB basically making an executive decision. Tyler should've definitely tried to call Kayleen over and discussed it before just pulling the EP, the result might not have changed, but really bothered me as, Kayleen mostly carried the team the previous leg that they just won.
The AP was curious thing introduced in this season of TAR Canada. It is another brand placement opportunity, but not sure about its effectiveness in the game design, as this pass can only be used in one specific task per leg. It does seem more fair that all teams had access to it.
So now, all game powers are gone, it will be fun if there are detours or more double-passes in upcoming legs, without teams having those as safety clutches.

First ARI - Glad they included this one, with teams visiting the museum / monument.
1st RB - Very simple, still amazed by basically all teams that perfomed it, got stuck by not realing their clue properly the first attempt.
Blind Detour - Locations were far apart, so it does discourage switching, meaning you really have to commit to the chosen side. Not sure what I prefer, especially in a Blind Detour, closer together, which might allow for switching, or more in this style, where switching is very risky. Nobody switched, and both tasks were quite feasable, but the 20 minute reset time for the rowing challenge was definitely a hassle. Ty and Kat were really lucky with their EP.
No drinks ad placement this leg, but Samsung is back in one of the sides of detours. Still surprised how many ways they try to fit them in tasks.
2nd RB- Nobody was able to complete the challenge in one go that was cool.
Final ARI  - wonder if there were actually 6 available stations, we never had more than 3 teams at the challenge at the same time, but considering the final Route info was a travel by foot one, it would've been very exciting if had all teams at this spot at the same time.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2023, 04:28:31 PM by NumfarPTB »

Offline Xoruz

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With this leg and the last leg, they are really packing in as many tasks as possible. Learned a bit about the Niagara region without having to see the falls (though that could host a full leg). The inclusion of disassembling the engine was nice since that's not something commonly done on these tasks. Led to a team burning an Express Pass that should have been saved for the Detour considering teams only needed a couple of attempts before figuring it out. Very much a Detour that had to be blind since sculling is not easy. The second Roadblock feels like it had a set time and was more so a reward for teams that held the Assist. Also, now that the Assist is done, I thought that it was fine. Derek & Jaspal's antics have really caught up with them. Going to be a bit of an island without Gracie & Lily.