The Amazing Race > Amazing Race 34

Post-Season Questionnaire


1. Rate the finale.
2. Best part?
3. Worst part?
4. Rate the season.
5. Best leg?
6. Worst leg?
7. Are you happy for the winners?
8. If it wasn't them, then who would you have want to win?
9. Thoughts on the rule and format changes?
10. What do you want to see in S35 and beyond?

1. Rate the finale. 10/10
2. Best part?The memory task was unique and challenging.
3. Worst part? Nada.
4. Rate the season. 8/10
5. Best leg? Iceland.
6. Worst leg? Austria.
7. Are you happy for the winners? Yes. They deserved it.
8. If it wasn't them, then who would you have wanted to win? I was rooting for Luis & Michelle and the twins. But Team BB was better than I feared.
9. Thoughts on the rule and format changes? I still dislike the staggered departures. Gives the back teams too much of an advantage. And I miss Non-Elimination Legs.
10. What do you want to see in S35 and beyond? It won't happen. But multiple continents would be good. Return of the Non-elimination legs.


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