Author Topic: TAR Australia 6: Sam & Stu (The Mullets)  (Read 728 times)

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Offline BourkieBoy

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TAR Australia 6: Sam & Stu (The Mullets)
« on: August 21, 2022, 08:05:05 PM »

Sam & Stu
The Mullets, WA

Sam and Stu are lifelong friends who have known one another since kindergarten. Sam was born with Achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. An inspiration to many, he is an easy-going guy, who will give anything a crack. He works for Nudge Foundation charity that helps young people get into jobs. Stu is also pretty relaxed. He is an incredibly loyal friend and has a mean retro mullet. They both love spending time outdoors, travelling, camping and hiking.

No stranger to competition, Sam has competed at the World Dwarf Games in Canada and the US. Stu also drag races in Perth. Driven to succeed and both goal oriented, the pair are competitive and passionate about what they do. They want to inspire people with disabilities and prove that anything is possible.

What do you hope to accomplish on The Race?
First things first, I hope to win it with my best mate Stu, but at the same time to enjoy the entire experience. Not often are you travelling the world while competing in a race under stressful situations. I hope once I have finished The Race and I am back home, I can look back and be proud of what I have achieved.

What do you think will be your biggest advantage or strength in The Race?
Our will to win and never give up attitude.

Tell us a bit about your life and upbringing?
Is there anything unique that stands out? My family is unreal, we are such a tight-knit family and get along so well. My twin sister has just had a son Darcy. Having Darcy in the family has definitely brought us all even closer, watching him learn and grow is really rewarding.

What would you do with the prize money?
Sam and I have been joking and laughing about getting a boat for the last four years, but no one has bit the bullet yet. If we win the prize money, we won’t have an excuse and will get one. Also, as young blokes it will set our lives up perfectly and could be used towards buying a house.