After 20 years, the CBS Original groundbreaking reality television show continues to evolve when these 18 new players face one of the most intense versions of SURVIVOR ever. This season continues to define a bold new era of the series with the return of risky beware advantages, game-changing twists, and a relentless pace that will push these castaways to their limits. Values will be tested and the players’ motivations highlighted when the fierce competition unfolds on the beautiful islands of Fiji. The unpredictable situations will test even the strongest competitor, as food is scarce, rewards and supplies are minimal, and the mental and physical challenges force players to make impossible decisions and adjust their strategies, while still navigating the complex social game. The individuals competing are from diverse backgrounds and bring a fresh perspective to this new era of the game; but the goal remains the same: to outwit, outplay and outlast, and in the end, only one will remain to claim the title of Sole Survivor and win the $1 million prize. The show is hosted by Emmy Award winner Jeff Probst.
The 42nd edition premieres Wednesday, March 9 (8:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on the CBS app and Paramount+.