Author Topic: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion  (Read 77513 times)

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Offline Maanca

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Re: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #225 on: December 08, 2020, 02:45:17 PM »
There's something low-key awesome about a freak thunderstorm rolling through during the big stunt task, but it made that flag thing look miserable to do.

Offline Maanca

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Re: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #226 on: December 08, 2020, 03:42:08 PM »
Congratulations to

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Yael & Yosiel, my winner pick! :D

That was a hell of a finale, though the 2 year timeskip in the last 5 minutes made it hilarious to see the final 3 suddenly in masks, due to this version's way of taping the finish after the fact.

I do feel bad for the boys. The helmet cam was on his face when he passed out on the tightrope, that would be a sucky way to lose the race.

Omer and Neta were never my favourite, but the fact she had to wouldn't run to the finish and stopped to cry once she saw another there comes off as a bit of bad sportsmanship. They probably had their reasons that I can't understand in Hebrew.

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Re: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #227 on: December 08, 2020, 04:00:50 PM »
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An exciting finale, glad I could watch during lecture :funny:
Very glad to see Yael & Yosiel win!
What happened with Neta & Assaf on the tightrope? I missed 30 min and when I came back Neta was on a stretcher
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Offline redskevin88

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Re: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #228 on: December 08, 2020, 05:50:08 PM »
Q&A with producers.

  • Finish line segment has not yet been filmed.

...What? So is this season not going to have an end until Covid is over and they can go back? What are they airing on Tuesday? :P

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Re: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #229 on: December 09, 2020, 02:19:54 PM »
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Congratulations to Yael & Yosiel.  :conf:  :conf:

For all of the talk about 32's winners having to wait two years for their check. Yael & Yosiel had to wait two years to finish the race and then find out they won.

Can't recall another instance of a team paying people to order an Uber.

That tightrope task was brutal considering the person on top lags behind meaning that the person on the bottom was pulling their weight.

When Neta's eyes rolled back and he went limp. 😮

Omer & Neta walking in with Neta & Assaf on the mat. 😮

Offline G.B.

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Re: HaMerotz LaMillion 8 (TAR ISRAEL 8) Ongoing SHOW Discussion
« Reply #230 on: December 11, 2020, 12:21:21 AM »
So, after completing the swimsuit task in Jockey Chacara Municipal Park, they have to take a Jockey Chacara Municipal Park?

The park is only like a few blocks large. wtf?

Were there no prizes this season for winning a leg?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 01:47:27 AM by G.B. »
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